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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1885)
T H E Aja E IT -I E W 13 ISSUED FRIDAY MORNINGS : BT J R. N. BELL, - - Proprietor. On Tear - - - - - - $2 50 Six Months - - - - - 150 Three Months - - , - - - l 00 These are the terms of those paying in sdrance The Rctiew offers an inducements to advertise nt. Terms resaonabM. THE; HAS TEE FIN ESTJOB OFFICE IN DOUGLAS COUNTY. our CARDS, BILL HEADS.; LEGAL BLANIS, i - "... .- , And other Printing, including ' Large ak Heary Posters aM llm HaM-Bills, Neatly sad expeditiooalj ei seated ' AT PORTLAND P3XCES. , VOL. IX. ROSEBUEG, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1885. NO. 48. tt n irtose if J. JASKULEK, ' " PRACTICAL Watchmaker, Jeweler anl Optician, ALL WORK WARRANTED. Dealer In Watches. Clocks. Jewelry, Spectacles and Eyeglasses. 4D A FULL LIKC OF Cigaia, Tobacco & Fancy Goods. Th or.Ijr reUabla Optomer in town for the proper adjust ment of Spectacle ; always on hand. Depot f tfc Genuina Braiilian FebbU Spec tacles and Xyeglassea. Office First Door Soutli of Postoffice, ' ItOSBBURU. ORECiOX. Boot and Shoe Store ROsEBURG, ORF.CiOX, Oa Jackson Street, Oppofita th,.Jfast tZo, Keeps on haihl thi largest sudbert assortment at Eastern and San Francisco Boots and Shoes. alters. Slippers, And ererything In the Boot and Shoe line, and SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boots and Shoes Made to Order, nd Perfect Fit Guaranteed. I use the Best of Leather and Warran all my work. Repairing Neatly Bone, on Short Notice. I keep always on hand TOYS AND NOTIONS. Musical Instruments and Violin Strings a specialty. IiOUIS LAXGEXBERG. CREEK MILLS CLARK & BAKER, Props. . Having purchased the above named mills of E. Stephens & Co., we are now prepared to far- -TiiaH ,nv ninmint th. twist : mmlitp tt ever offered to the public in Douglas county. We will furnish at the mill at the following prices: . No. 1 rough lumber .....f 12M No. 1 flooring. 6 inch ... .$24 M No. 1 flooring, 4 inch C2& M No. 1 flnsihing lumber. -..20 V M No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 2 sides 24 $ M No. 1 fl nishing lumber dressed on 1 sides J3 V M CLARK & BAKER. L. F. LANE. JOHN LANE. LANE 4. LANE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office on Main street, oooosite Cosmopolitan Hotel. CHARLEY HADLEY'S BARBER SHOJ? Next Door Live Oak Saloon. Shaving and Hair Cutting in a Workmanlike Manner. - ROSEBURG, OREGON. JOHN TEASER, Home Made Furniture, WILBUR, OREGON, UPHOLSTERY, SPRING MATTRESSES, ETC., Constantly on hand. FURNITURE I have the Best STOCK OF FURNITUREi South ef Portland. 1 And all of my own manufacture. Ko Two Prices to Customers. ItesMetiU of Douglas County are requested to give me a ore purchasing elsewhere. ALL WORK WARRANTED. DEPOT HOTEL, Oakland, Oregon. RICHARD THOMAS, Proprietor. This Hotel has been established for a num ber of years, and has become very pop ular with the traveling public. FIRST-CLASS SLEEPING ACCOMMODATIONS AND THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel at the Depot of the Railroad. H. C. STANTON, DEALER IN ' Staple IDry Goods, Keeps constantly on hand a general assortment of Extra Fine Groceries, WOOD, WILLOW AND GLASSWARE, . ALSO CROCKERY AND CORDAGE, A full' stock of SCHOOL BOOKS, Such as required by the Public County Schools. All kinds of . Stationery, Toys and Fancy Articles, TO SUIT BOTH TOUNO AND OLD. Buys and Sells Legal Tenders, furnishes Cheeks on Portland, and procures Drafts on San Francisco. SEEDS ! SEEDS ! SEEDS! ALL KINDS OF THE BEST QUALITY. ALL ORDERS Promptly attended to and goods shipped with care. Address, llACUEXir BEKO, Portland, Oregon. THE GHOULS BELL. O'er the tombs of pious people. In a quaint and ancient steeple, Hangs a bell A haunted belli .. ii. And ghouls do the knelling; '. And people tell, ' When the winter blast is swelling - -Around each bumble dwelling, Or the summer sun is fchlninjr O'er the tender vines entwining, ' How spirits dwell And claim the ancient steeple as their own; And they tremble when the tone Of the bell ! Like the anury wind doth moan, Like a grieving soul doth groan, . . Thro' the dell! And they cross themselves, the people. When they gaze upon the steeple And the bell, i Tue haunted bell! And at midnight when it's swaying ' The pcoj.le tell Their beads, and keep on praying, A plea for mercy sayinjr; - . . And they hear the ghoulish laughter Hinging from each dusky rafter i And tn each hollow knell! They hear the Krl-ktug mutter. And his maledictions utter, ' And they sweil J j On the dusky folds of night, . . fc. With the speed of elfish might, Thro' the dell 1 v And the simple village people, And the quaint and ancient steeple. And the bell, ' The haunted bell! That ghouls are ringing, Still do dwell, Where the flowery vine is swinging, Where the tender buds are springing. Where beauty is in hiding. . 'Neath the Gtrnvm skies a biding. And the knell Echoes o'er an azure river Where the golden sunbeams quiver. And the smell Where the violet pale reposes ' ' Near the open-hearted roses Fills the dell I Alfred Ensign. A TERRIBLE HABIT. rhe Confession of a Drinker of " Hydrate of Chloral. An lusiduous Drug More Fearful and More Injurious in Its Effects Thau Opium The Horrors of Chloral Mania. After an apparent forgetf ulness of the once famous anesthetic hydrate- of chloral, recent fatal cases seem to hare awakened public interest in this effective drug. I need not describe the dangerous drug further than to say it is a salt of burning pungent taste, having a great affinity for water; its basis is chloroform, into which it is supposed to be changed into the blood. In small doses it is stimulant and antispasmodic, in larger narcotic, while an overdose produces death as instantaneously as a flash of lightning. Like opium, the dose must be constantly increased to keep up the sameettects. The stimula tion, however, is not like that caused by opium or alcohol; it is not exhilarating. and does not incite to action either mentally or bodily. But the subject of the influence rises for a time above all his cares' or sorrows or fatigue, and seems to look on life through the me dium of a rose-tinted glass. But while care and sorrow are forgotton and a strange, dreamy sense of perfect ease, comtort and happiness takes . their place, all aflecuon and love are likewise banished. ,He is apathetic and cares for nothing save his own sense of com fort. In this state the confirmed chloral taker would stand by the death-bed of his nearest and dearest a passive spec tator, if not actually smiling, and for the same reason he would stand quietly on the scaffold until executed. If the same dose is repeated without the chlor- alist lying down speech becomes indis tinct, the eyelids drop, and the gait in walking is auected just as in drunken ness from alcohol. The chloralist drunk in the first degree, is by no means an unpleasant companion. A stranger could mark nothing unusual about him; he is genial, and although rather, languid and by no means bright in conversation, he is at all events a good listener, and is eas ily pleased, although his smiles often partake of the hysterical order, and. too, he is at times easily aroused into an outbreak of furious ppssion, which dies away iust as suddenly as it came, leaving no trace behind. But, of course, every one will not be affected precisely alike, as much depends on the idiosyncrasy or innate peculiarities of the chloralist. In my own early stage of chloral taking 1 used to take a small pick-me-up dose when starting on a journey by rail. The effect was rath er remarkable. All sense of bodily fa tigue and even of unpleasant motion was banished. I seemed lifted out of myself a spirit traveling by rail and the ever-varying scenery went gliding past me like an enchanted diorama. The difference in the effects of chloral and opium under the same circum stances would te this: Opium is moral and imaginative, and paints things as they really 'do not ex:st throws an artil.c al halo around them, as it were; chloral merely increases the power of enjoying the real. I he picture on the brain of the chloralist is, so to speak, photographic compared to that on' the bra n of the opium-eater, which might be called phantasmagorical. "I know from experience," said a neighbor to me the other evening, "the work that chloral does. For many months, every night on my return from business, J found my poor wife drunk and my dear children, who used to be so merry, silent and unhappy. But there was no smell of intoxicating liquor in the room, or even about her breath, and all my efforts to unravel the dreadful mystery were unavailing. But one evening after tea she dropped from her chair wh le trying to speak to me dropped like a log on the floor, and earned her to bed. tier face was red and swollen, her lips blue; her arms and legs were marble cold, even hard; she had no pulse at the wrist, but breathed as quietly as an infant. 1 sat beside her all that' Ions: night Towards morning the sleep was broken by moans and deep catching sijchs, and arhen she at length awoke it was dread ful pvpti in Inok Jirson h.r suflorinorj ml agony. From the doctor's lips I first heard the name of chloral. She is now a nervous Tphfc le, anl must. I fear. soon succumb to her infirmities. Yes, chloral is set moving in society, and thousands annually fall beneath its wheels. Let any reader of the Eagle ask any wholesale chemist, and he wil be told that tons on tons of this danger ous drug are annually imported (from Germanv and other nartsl which are not prescribed by medical men, but taken as stimulants by the people them seves. Hydrate of chloral in every shape unless administered by the hand of a skilful practitioner is an insidious and fatal poison. It is more tempting than alcohol, more- insinuat ing than opium, and more ! terrible in its effects than either. An opium eater, baneful though the practice is, has been known to live to a goodly old age; no chloralist ever lasted over three years. ' " A friend . of mine an intelligent young man and myself both com menced the practice of chloral-eating at the same time. We became chloral ists in December, 1878. My friend suc cumbed in the folldwing July. Unfor tunately, he did not find out till a week or two of the end that it was the new drug that was doing him to death, and then I believe It would have been too ate could he by any possibili ty lave friven it ud. But he did not and could not, and what is still more sad, I fear he. took ,'oue last . biggish dose." as he said he would, "to anticipate the nevitable. 1 -had been for some months assistant to a railroad engineer in Pennsylvania. Hewas one of those men who work their assistants as they would a tired horse, so I was kept at it very hard and close all day, only 1 had the nights to myself. I sustained about this time a loss which caused me a good deal of grief, and this, combined with the irksomeness of my duties, be gan to tell upon me - so far that I suf fered sleeplessness, so that at times I could get no rest till far into the morn ing hours, and being deprived of suf ficient sleep, I was naturally in poor trim for the labors of the succeeding day. It would have been well for me if I had now at once thrown up my em ployment. But one line morning, in reading a medical journal, I came across the letter of a practitioner who was loud in his praises of hydrate of chloral. How well I remember the words: Produces sleep almost instan taneouslythe sleep is pleasant and dreamless patient awakes in the morn ins: fresh and clear-brained, with no headache, and merely a little whitening of the tongue; no after effects. 'Eureka! I cried; "this very night 1 shall - be lapped in Elysium. I was lapped accordingly. I took ' twenty grains of chloral and slept like a stone till morning, . Overjoyed with the suc cess of my experiment, I repeated the dose next night, and every night for a week, after which I tried one night without, but found I was entirely un able to sleep, and so had recourse to Tory draught about three in the morning. Six weeks went past, and although as yet I had felt no ulness from the chloral, still I had my misgivings, and resolved that I would give it up some of these days. One thing, however, which I observed was, that on awaken ing in the morning I felt as if actually no space of time had intervened since L lay down, My life seemed a continuous, ever-endins day. had no ' " satisfaction ' from my sleep, and felt dispirited in conse; quence. If 1 had only taken warn ing then? But I did not, for this same peevishness is the earliest symp tom ol that coming irritability of chronic congestion of the brain, which the continuous use of chloral never fails to produce. . About two months after 1 had begun taking .chloral I first became sensible of a strange heat on the top of my head, together with a sense of fullness in the head. My nerves, too, began to be shaken, I could do things slowly, but any hurry or ex citement at "once confused me. In justice to myself I ought to say that I had no suspicion it was the hy drate of chloral that was doing me all the mischief. I was treating my self for brain congestion. I noticed now that I was losing flesh. Day after day I observed this in the glass; crows' feet began to appear about my eyes, and wrinkles ..where never wrinkles were before. My pulse, too. got more and more thready. Even at this early stage I had very little hope of ever get ting well, and so, day after day, I marked in the glass my thin, worn face, and the gathering wrinkles, and waited and waited for death. Had I d'ed now, or at any time dur ing my illness, 1 should have died with my finger on my pulse counting even the last beat. My sufferings were now increased by periodic attacks of tic doloureux of a very distressing character, and my remedy was more chloral. , A strange thing was that I could never bear any allusion to my illness. Although I felt sure I was dy ing, I kept the secret secure in my own breast, and made every effort to seem well in the street by walking quicker than my strength would permit, and refusing even the aid of my cane. I had friends and relations who would gladly have come to see me, but I never even told them that I was alive; I pre ferred death among strangers.. It is the end -of June the air is beau tiful but hot. I crawl down to the sea side and lie for hours sheltered from the sun by a bush. This is the only time in the day I have the slightest freedom from pain and misery. Ex cepting; this solitary walk, it is months since I have been able to go out or keep any company. 1 am "constantly reading or thinking, trying, as the Germans say, to "solve the infinite." My constant prayers had been that I mi-rVit: oifVifii. tYft. alnwlr wuU ap c-kinrl il t die. Hope deferred maketh sick the soul, and all faith m prayer has eone, and all belief in religion and revela tion. Sometimes I even doubt the ex istence of a Supreme Being Himself. Mv bodily sufferings are very great, and my mind is a mere chaos. My face is so thin and white ar.d worn that I start at my own image in the glass. My eyes are constantly dilated, and the least excitement runs my pulse from sixty to one hundred. Toward evening my head feels as if frozen, and I sit in a benumbed stupor until bed-time. U n dressing I feel is one of the labors of Hercules, and ha to be done by de grees. I do not take my chloral three, enough to kill as many men until I am in bed and the house per fectly still, for the slightest noise would necessitate a double dose. When all is quiet, a drink and Threfl months more have nasscd away. After my friend's death, I made strenuous efforts to reduce my dose of chloral, and continued the same for more than a month. What nights of sleepless asony, what days of restless pain! i am now taking tnree drams and a half at bed-ti ma, and one more a t early morning. I have often started from my sleep at midnight with a strange dread of impending death which I can not describe, and found my hand cold and no pulse at the wrist. I can now barely Walk a hundred yards without s'tting or lying down. The irritability of the bra"n is charged with 'a- feeling of indescribable agony if I attempt to get up an incline or stair. ' Super added to this is a horrible sensat'on of strangulation, which is nearly always present when I assume the upright position, - v Nc' '''. Another three months have gone; it now the bleak December. The end is must be very nigh. In the beginning of November I was prevailed upo l to see a Philadelphia physician a special ist. His specialism was heart disease. I did not tell him how much chloral I was taking. I don't know that I had very much hope of life when I went to see this man, but if I had any I left it alt at hiauhouse, and-ferougEt way with me despair, He examined no part of the body but the region of the heart, and treated the head symptoms as onlv secondary. Shall I ever forget how deftly his little white fingers glided over other parts of my chest and set tled on the region of the heart! "Here is where your trouble is," he said; a little enlargement of the right side nothing to signify." I heard his in struct onsand received his prescription, kindly tendered, like one in a dream. All doubt was now at an end, every rav of lope banished- I was literally con demned to death. "I take an interest in your case," he said, "and will watch it. I thanked him for formality's sake, although his words brought me about as much comfort as they would have done spoken by a hangman to the wretch he would : soon have to operate on officially. It was as though he had said: "Go home and die, my boy; I'll have much pleasure in watching the symptoms and duly re cording them for the benefit of the pro fession." I dragged myself wearily back to the railroad depot, but I felt nc longer, the slightest interest in any thing that was happening around me. I was in the world, but no longer of the world. Not until I had reached home and retired for the night did I begin to feel the whole horror of my situation. Now it was the awful uncertainty oi the kind of death I should, die that hurt me most. I knew I should d'e linger ingly and in the full possession of my senses, feeling the ebbing of my heart'g pulse and counting my latest breath. As to any future state, I had no hope at all. I had lost all belief in the exist ence of a beneficent Creator. I be lieved in the doctrine of chance, and looked upon the existence of soul as mere poetry and romance. I felt quite convinced that nothing could exist in dependent of matter; that height and depth, and up and down, the points oi the compass, weight, sight and sound, thought itself, and every principle or so-called fundamental truth, had no existence in the abstract, or "beyond an earth." I believed in the after ex istence for the merely material part ol my body, but that would be sublunary. Matter can not die, I reasoned, and 1 shall live again live again in the sun ny air, in the dew that distils from the clouds live again in trees, in flowers, and, perhaps, in some other form of animal life, and here, amid all my rrlnnni v snftmilntinns. f.nm th rulim!. j r- lous thought: "I shouldn't like to be a centipede, 'though, nor a beetle, nor anything creepy. Jbor what was life but change? What was change but motion the result of force, force heat in another form? And what was heat? So I soared away, and got lost in the realms of the abstruse. But it will be thus seen that there was no 'aberration of intellect, no wandering of hallucina tion. The brain was clear, though in a high state of exaltation, and my rea son was similar to and the conclusions arrived at the same as those of many schools of philosophy notably those of Germany. And now there began -to dawn in my mind a feeling from which I at first recoiled with horror. I con stantly saw in the distance the dread necessity of suicide, for the time I knew would soon come when I could bear no more. As a further source of comfort to me my medical adviser had given me a little book, of which he was the author a book on disease of the right side of the heart, and which de scribed very minutely the different modes of exit from this world specially prepared for the poor wretches so at- flicted. lhis book was bible to me for manv davs. The easiest stvle seemed to be to five all your life with contin ual congestive headache, and expire some fine mornins: in a fit. Then the.e was sudden death by heart cramp or paralysis. Oh, it was a merry volume! For the first fortnight in December never less than five drams of the hy drate of chloral was my nightly dose From the time I arose -in the morning my sufferings were extreme. I had now lost all power of reading, writing or speaking aloud, any attempt to do either was excruciating brain agony, and if persevered in fainting followed. I could hardly move my head from the pillows or sit erect, while my eyes seemed starting from their sockets it 1 attempted to walk. But toward night well, if all of mental, all of bodily suffering I ever have endured in my lie could be compressed into one hour, it would not exceed the torment I then underwent. Every vein in my body seemed swollen to double the size and. inflamed along the whole length, while the restlessness was so distressing that I could not lie for five minutes in any one position. Add to this that time seemed indefinitely long minutes as hours and hours as days and you will have some faint notion of my experience of the "grand remedy for sleepiefcsness that had no after effects." Then came a day when my landlady took fright and went of her own accord for a medical man to come and see me. 1 wa3 worse that day than ever I had been. This gentleman hardly stoppe I a minute with me, and as he went out 1 beard him say to the landlady: "You Might to have sent for : me before weeks ago. He cant last many hours now." So, then, it had come at last I was almost face to face with the grim (neray. I went quietly to bed and took my chloral. The doctor was to ; come at ten in the morning and I was anx iously awaiting bis arrival. He came al last- The hrst thing he did was to glance up at the winnows to see u iuc Winds Were down, and I think he was disappointed that they were not I did not like this man, and lay perfectly still, with closed eyes, when he came in. He felt my pulse gently enough, and then stood looking at me for a few moments with his hands in his pockets. "Wondering what vou will put in my death certificate, en, doctor?" said I, opening my eyes." "I am," he re plied, bluntly. ""Then," said 1; "here is the verdict felo de se. Now, good bye; I can't bear talking." He went away accordingly, thinking, no doubt, I was slightly distracted. Hardly bad the sound of this v man's carriage-wheels died away in the dis tance when a hale, hearty, bluff, old gentleman stepped into my room. He was a medical man I had often heard of; he had a good deal of business about him, but hid a kind heart behind a rj&jgb'j. exterior. He soon elicited from me -the whole I history of ib chloral. T.ien he stood at my bedside and offered to bet me five to ene that if I followed his instructions to the letter I would be a different man and in good health in five months. He examined my heart; said it was weakened by the )Oison imbibed, but nothing more. Though his words seemed to me only a cruel mockery, 1 promised faithfully to obey him in every particular. Then he destroyed all my chloral, and asked mo if had any hidden store. I had no chloral that night, and such a night I never passed before, and 1 trust 1 never shall again. Sleep, of course, was lm- fossible; but I tossed about all the ong, long hours in a bath of perspira tion, yawning, stretching and sneezing. The most pa nful feeling was a sensa tion of rending at my heart, as if some monstrous crab were gnawing out my vitals. I never slept a wink for over a week, and then sleep came in fitful snatches. I - was, of course, too much prostrated to leave my bed. On the second night I was delirious, and so on lirium, too, took af first a strange form. Some presence seemed to be ever with me asking me question after question in rapid succession, which I was im pelled to answer in rhyme. vVords or meter never once failed me, and in one night I am certain I composed suf ficient verses to set a dozen poets up m life; in fact, " I had been suddenly transformed into a living, breathing, rhyming dictionary; but the distress this form of delirium caused me ean hardly be imagined. On the third night there was an entire change in the performance-; the rhyming power left me, my ey no more rolled in fine frenzy, and die delirium was changed to a dioramic entertainment to-wit, m my travels and voyages around the world, I. had gazed on many a beautiful coast scene from my cabin; these scenes were framed, as it were, by the round porthole, and very pretty pictures they often made, each one varied as the weather or climate varied, but always "laving the sea in the foreground, weather caim and serene, or- ruffled and angry; the sky above, whether blue with flocks of snowy cloudlets or dark and lowering; with the cominsr storm, and the landscape in the middle. Now back from the realms of memory came those circulating pictures, one by one, and by the hundreds gliding be- fore my half-closed eyes like dioramic scenes of enchantment. My recovery was a long one, but hope had renewed in my heart, and in three months I could walk as many miles. Sleep, too. returned to bless me, and 1 felt indeed a new man. lilessinsrs on the rough kindness of that good and clever doc tor. Cor. Brooklyn Eagle. VOLCANIC RELICS. Curious Natural Formations to He Seen In Northwestern New Mexico. During the past summer Captain C. E. Dutton, of the geological survey, has been studying some remarkable relics of ancient volcanic action in the north western portion of New Mexico'. They consist of a multitude of needle-like peaks rising out of the broad valley bottoms to altitudes varying from 1,000 to 2,200 feet. They are called chim neys by the residents. They are com posed of black basaltic lava, having a beautiful columnar structure like the basalt of the Giant's causeway. They are remnants of lava which once rose up out of the earth through the strata and congealed in the volcanic pipes or vents. In later periods the strata which inclosed them have been dissolved away and removed by the general erosion of the country, leaving these basaltic cores projecting many hundreds of feet m the air, as casts of the volcanic pipes or pas sages through wThich the ancient towers rose to the surface. The proof of this origin is conclusive. Around the val leys in which they stand rise lofty ta bles or plateaus known in the west as mesas. Ihese are capped With heavy sheets of basalt,- and beneath them are the stratified sandstones and shales of the western coal fields. In the walls and upon the slopes of these mesas may be seen many of those chimneys in every stage of partial disinterment, some nearly excavated, some half dis entombed, and some just beginning to appear, as the mesa walls still have remnants of the old cinder cones upon their summits, while from those which are wholly or in the greatest part exca vated all traces of the cinder cones have disappeared. Thus the veritable roots of the ancient volcanoes are un earthed and laid open to the inspection of the geologist. ; The locality where these volcanic "necks" (for this is the technical name given them by geol ogists) are seen lies along the eastern flank of Mount Taylor, one of the great extinct volcanoes of the west. It is about sixty miles west of Rio Grande, and seventy miles northwest of Albu querque. Boston Transcript, A curious question of jurisdiction has risen in the case of the sunken Brit ish frigate Hussar, which, is said to have fone down somewhere about 1780 in ong Island Sound with $5,000,000 of gold on board. Recently the Secretary of the Treasury transferred th contract of raising the wreck from a .New York man to a Providence firm, the Govern ment to receive all relics and ten per cent, of the money recovered, and now it is claimed than the State of New York owns the alleged sunken treasure and that the National Government has no rurht to meddle with it N. T. Mail " HEALTHY SLEEP. i.'ftuclitlont Which Aaiur tJ Best Result to the Subject. . : I think we may safely say that evry one requires six hours' sleep in the twer.ty-four, and very many men and women, not to mention fools, require even more. Certainly, too much tl ep is harmful; but too little is vastly mors so. I would let each man regulate his hours of sleep by what he feels are his real requirements; always u-ginghim to avoid the suspicion "of laziness, to take into consideration the bed he lie upon, and to watch the effect on his health of any system of sleep he adopts. If you get up whoa you first wake, providing you have had six : hours of sound, refreshing sleep, you can scarcely get wrong. But make sure of your six hours'; minimum,! and be wonderfully suspicious of the ne cessity for further sleep, as it is apt to become, not necessity, but indul geacrWeiliagtiu could sleep-at any moment; Baron Bunsen could sleep for half an hour at any time in the midst of h's studies, awaking refreshed, and re suming his work with increased vi.or. A blessed gift this; such" a faculty, com bined with that of early rising, is as good as a fortune to a capable man, or, indeed, to almost any man. : Sleep is heaviest in the first few hours, gradually becoming lighter, and probably dis turbed by dreams, as time Wears o a, until a slight noise disturbs us, or our rested system resumes .full work of its own accord. . Everybody knows that in dreaming part of the brain is awake and at work, while tbse other part is asleep as much aa the brain can sleep; at all events, exercising lessened function. It is therefore obv ious that dreamless sleep is most useful, as dreams are evidence of work by some part of the brain, de tracting from a perfect rest A very important factor in securing healthy steep is the kind of bed we? lie upon. Feather beds I can not com mend; indeed, luxuries and thi3 is an undoubted one are not to be sought by him whose aim is perfect health and strength. A spring mattress is very ex cellent, and the harder your couch, to be comfortable, the more, likely are you to secure healthy, refreshing sleep, not unduly prolonged. It is a difficult mat ter to rise early from a feather bed, difficult to awake in a reasonable time, and more so to leave its warmth and coziness iff winter. But the luxury must be sacr.ficed to the more healthful influence of the mattress. The clothing should be light and warm; and; I can not but recommend the sheet of paper placed between two blankets as being very warm, for paper is a poor con ductor of heat Vou get warmth by this means without undue weight of clothing. Then your bedroom must be well-ventilated, for you require to take in an extra stock of oxygen during the night to help out the supply for the day. You will sleep too much if the air Is impure. :,u ' . If,' then, you have taken care, -that your bed is very warm and comfoi ta ble, without either being oppressed with clothing or too soft, and your room be fully ventilated, and you can t sleep, what must be done? Perhaps you ate too much supper, and must await its more perfect . digestion; or, being squeamish, you ate less than usual, and the cravings of the stomach must be satisfied before sleep is obtained. In this case a glass of new milk, kept handy for use, with a biscuit, will prob ably satisfy your requirements, and you fall asleep readily. A friend of mine who. -was hot and restless, and could not go to sleep on one occasion, pro cured due repose by going into the street and rolling in the snow. Another person describes the means he adopted for sleeplessness as consisting in watching the re flection from a light - he could not see, in a tumbler of water placed near him. A few turns up and down your room mav assist you if you fail to dis cover any chilliness, pain, or discom fort as causing insomnia. Jt or my sen, persistently think of nothing when I can not fall asleep. I work -until, quite weary, then, tumbling hastily into bed, I usually find sleep immediately. On those rare occasions wheu sleep evades me, I check my thoughts immediately they begin, and .concentrate my atten tion on a blank. This refusal of thought nearly always succeeds. If you can not sleep, and are worried to death with cares of the business and the family, ask your chemist lo give you ten or fif teen grains of the bromide of potassium in an ounce of water, and this repeated for a few nights vill allay the worry, and cause a return to yonr healthy con dition. Cor. Leeds (Eng.) Mercury. - RETIRED FROM POLITICS.. Why a Citizen of Wyoming Decided It Was Not Healthy to Discuss the Political Sit uation. - A politician and a quiet-looking per son sat at a table in the Griswold House dining-room, last night The politician turned to the unassuming stranger and asked: "What do you think of the political situation?" "I have retired from politics. I never discuss it any more. "Retired? May I ask when?" "You may. . I wa out in Wyoming a month ago, and a dozen cowboys and myself were attempting to discuss the merits of the National" candidates. I touched upon the brilliant war record of Logan, when a cow puncher six feet five interrupted me by saying that it was a lie; Logan never saw a battle; he was a horse-thief up in the Laramie country. "You denied it, of course." The modest gentleman laid down his knife and fork, took a long draught Of coffee, Wiped his mouth, and then gaz- ing long nau earnesuy at. me politician, replied: . "Stranger, if you should ever talk pol tics to a gentleman in Wyoming w:lh a very strong aroma of bovine about his person, and he should assert that Arthur and Jesse Jamesi played poker together, or that Bn'gham Young anl Henry Ward Deecher ran on a Presidential t'eket in 1860, just agree with h'm and turn the conversation in to other channels. Stranger, I am gp- n bavk to Wyoming. That's why I um out o: ro:i tics. -ZroM Journal. : Red hair is considered Ihe most beautiful in Turkey. BRAIN SURGERY. Tlie Leurai Taught by th Practice of Vivisection. An extraordinary surgical operation, marking almost a new era in physiolo gical knowledge as well as surgical per formance, is reported i in the London l imes. The success of the operation is important for two reasons: it demon strates the possibility of what had hitherto bsen considered impossible, and it illustrates the practical benefits to humanity of the experiments in vivi section of animals that have ; been so fiercely assa led as wanton cruelty. A patient had been admitted to one of the London hospitals who had for some time been afflicted with epilepsy and paralysis of the brain. ; His suffer ings had reduced him to the verge of exhaustion, and an examination " of his case showed that no medicines could save him or drugs do more , than' par- previous methods of 'treatment ? there was nothing before him but months of painful misery and an agonizing death. It was j evident that his was a case of tumor jof the brain and that no relief could possibly be obtained without re moval :of the tumor. The-existence of tumors cf the. brain has bepn proved by post-mortem exam inations, and their symptoms have been ascertained by ante-mortem bedside studies.. But while clinical and patho logical observations supplied the knowl edge which enabled the skilled practi tioner j to detect the existence of the tumoral they have not afforded any clue to the (situation of the morbid growths in the jbrain-mass. The vivisection ex periments of Prof. Ferrier on rabbits and monkeys, rendered unconscious of pain by anesthetics, demonstrated the localization of sensory and motor func tions in cerebral hemispheres, so that the position of any diseased process by which jthey might be invaded could be definitely determined. In many cases it is pdssible to map out the seat of cer tain pathological changes in these hemi spheres with so much niceity and cor-, tainty jas if the skull and its coverings and linings had become transparent, so that the surface of the brain was ex- Eosed to direct inspection. Dr. Hughes ennett, in charge of ; the epileptic patient,- had watched the experiments of Prof. Ferrier with close attention, and by means of their revelations was able to interpret the meaning of the convul sive twitchings of his patient's muscles and trace them to a certain point in his brain, j Here, Bennett concluded, was ,t a small tumorj ; located in the ascending frontal, convolution on the right side, which Was' silently and ; re lentlessly eating its way into surround ingtextures. Tile experiments of Prof. Ferrier had not only en abled the skilled diagnoser to locate the seat of the disturbance, but had also proved that an operation, if performed with nice" skill, would not necessarily be fatal. Dr. Bennett ex plained the situation to his patient He pointed out the impossibility of a cure by medicines, or even of retarding the Progress of the destroying growth, 'hen he offered him the chance of an operation of a foitnidabJe nature, one never before performed on a human be ing, under which he might, perhaps, sink and die, but from which he might, perhaps, obtain complete relief, lbe- man had faith in his doctor and eagerly chose the operation. On : the 25th of November, Mr. Godlee, surgeon to Uni versity College Hospital, in the midst of an earnest and anxious band of medica men' niade an opening in the scalp, skull, and brain membranes of the pa tient at the point where Dr. Bennett had placed his hnger. the point correspond ing with the convolution where ho declared the trouble was seated, and wherei it was actually discovered. In the substance of the brain, exactly where Dr, Bennett had predicted, a tu mor the size of a walnut was found and removed without difficulty. At the time the account was written, sixteen days after the operation, the man was conva lescent, having never had a bad symp tom, and was full of gratitude for the relief afforded him. He has been snatched from the grave and from much suffering, and there is a good prospect that he will be restored to a life of com fort and usefulness. The importance of this case can not be over-estimated. Hitherto cases of epilepsy and paralysis caused by abnor mal growths in -the brain have been deemed absolutely incurable. Now, thanks to the experiments of Professor Ferrier, this dreadful affliction can be conquered by surgical skill. Without those experiments on chloroformed rab bits and monkeys it would have been impossible to localize the malady or at tempt its, removal. The successful oper ation here recorded opens up new and far-reaching vistas of hopefulness in brain surgery. Noonewho has watched for months and years the progress of the dreadful malady, witnessed the tor tures of the sufferer, and realized the utter helplessness of iamily, friends and medical skill to stay the progress ot the dise: ie or mitigate its tortures, but will recognize the magnitude of the blessing to humanity that has resulted from the experiments in vivisection. Cleveland Herald. V "Old Isaacs." "Old Isaacs" is a well-known disor derly character of New . York, who spends most of his time in prison. The other day he received a ten day's sen tence, and the next one called was a pretty and well-dressed girl of about eighteen. "Drunk" was the charge against her. The girl's tears failed to soften the judge, and the customary sentence of $5 was awarded- Neither she nor her companion had the money, and the court officers were leading her away sobbing as if her heart wonld break when "Old Isaacs" shambled up to the clerk's desk, and diving into h;s inner vest pocket, drew forth a dirt-begrimed wallet, from wlv'ch he took a carefully folded bill, laid it down on V e desk, and said m a naif wlrsper, "There's the fine for her,'1, jerking his thumb ; toward the girl. : "She's too pretty to go to jail, and I l ad a daugh ter like her once." Then, shambling back, he took his place in the liue again. N. Y. Time.. The barnyard is- the fif-ld for winter work. Manure saved is manure mude.