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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1885)
4T ROSEBURG REVIEW. &XTU11DAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1885 The Legislature- The legislature hs more than passed !t3 meridian, and judging from .what it Las already accomplished and the meas ures, now pending before it,- it would c much better for thj State if it never had met. The proceeding legislatures have been bad enough. Two years ago their time was occupied in. electing a United States Senator which no doubt vrevf-nted much vicious legislation. The present session is blessed v'th many new ni en. hers eome of them voiinr and ambitious, and in their de sire to 'distinguish themselves are liable to do mischief which it will take years 'to rectify,' judging from some of th propositions which are now pen ling be fore that august assembly. It is sur prising to note the numerous proposi tions to dispose of the public moneys and pavo the way for future burthens 'upon our over taxed people. It 13 with fear that we note thn proposition 'to establish Normal Schools tho bul warks of our civilization are sadly neg lected. It does seem that there is a job in each of these propositions. Un less these Normal Schools are- genjral and uniform throughout the rtate, so that all tue children ot the common wealth may share equally in their ad vantages there is no reason why the (public revenues should be charged with 'their maintenance and support. Let the money which it is proposed to waste on these institutions be properly 'expended on our public schools and the State will make much more rapid ad- vancement. we note many proposi tions, to chaDge the Statute. Some change and modification is no doubt aeeded, but the great danger is thai mine of these changes may create worse confusion in our procedure than they -.are intended to remedy. The law of corporation will in the f near future be tha great question to Ije : salved. The combinations of capita into large sums and used for one object is the spirit of this age. That money so used can be the means of extortion from the people is the foundation for law demanding that capital so combined is the servant and not the master o the people. This is the simple justice i thepiople demand and the time is fast . approaching when the corporations wil discover that their iuterests and the in interests of the people are the same. The traditional, ideal statesman is a man who woars no beard. Webster did not wear any, neither did Clay, noi Benton, nor J eft'erson, norJIamilton, nor Buchanan, nd Bon Wade nor Bob Toombs, nor Alexander Stephens, nor John B. Floyd, nor Stephen A. Doug las, nor a dozen others that miirht . be mentioned. In fact there was never a Democratic President who wore a beard. And even Mr. Cleveland, who has been elected after a quarter of at century break, has nothing but a mustache. Mr. Cleveland is reported as saying to a Massachusetts mugwump, who vent ured to express the hope that ex-Governor Gaston might be invited to take 8. -.. .. , t a seat in the next cabinet; "Why, he's; 72 years old, isn't hel" Then Mr. Cleve land went on' to say that his would be: a business administration, and young, active men would conduct it. The mugwump understood that the President-elect was inclined to look to - the young Democracy rather than to the party sages for suggestion and support. A Washington Territory paper men tions the trial of a faro dealer which terminated in a wedding. In that Ter ritory women serve on juries. In the tcase in question, six. men and six ladies were selected to try the case. James Mitchell and Susie Thompson met for .the first time in the jury box. There 'was a proposal and an acceptance. The only unhappy person in the case was the prisoner, who was convicted. Ex-Gov. Moses, one of the Repub lican jewel carpet-baggers of South Car olina of the days when a negro legisla ture used to appropriate money out of the State Treasury to bet on horse races, is again under arrest for swind ling.' "The ex-Governor" ha3 been in nil of the leading jails of the cou-utrv from New York to Chicago. I The Mormons are prospecting1 in Mexico with a view to settlement in that ..... - ....,,..(..: country- If they meet with proper in couragemeut they propose to transfer their plant in Utah to the State of So nora. It would be a merited rebuke to the United States if her sister republic refused to admit the practice of j poly gamy within its borders. The work of the Pennsylvania! legis hi tu re is thus summed up: "After four weekfc of painful session, it passed one bill, which was sent to the governor, and : ke promptly vetoed it" Such is life jia lawmaking circles. Lditoriai Correspondence. The following was received from our chief to late for publication last week. The danger in the Legislature sesms o be too many bills introduced to give to each one anything like the attention it ought to have previous to tha third eadiiig. A bill passed the house to-day which is likely to vitiate the mortgage tax law to a considerable etent. It may not pass the senate. To-day W. D. Hare of Washington county made quite"a speech, and quite to o:u liking too, on the bill pending in the senate to appropriate $30,000 to the State University for buildings. His proposi tion was, that as a rule, capital is not taxed, and that the middle classes alone ire the tax-producing element in our commonwealth, and that they are gen erally unable to avail .themselves of hese higher state schools, and hence the poor are taxed to educate the rich. He avers the principle is wrong and in consistent v.ith the genius of our Amer ican polity, and insists that these slawe appropriations be abated.- Senatorial honors have not yet wreathed the brow,' of any one of the many, who aspire, to relieve the Hon. Mr. Slater of respon sibilities at Washington. Mr. Hirsch is holding his own his friends think, but the to-day's vole was hard to inter pret, yet many interpietations have been given. The issue we think, will b3 apparent next week. We go to Portland in the morning, for - it is quite certanfthat our business at pres ent is so pressing, looking after the interests of the "Revie.v" that it would be out of the question for us to jaccept the additional responsibilities of United States Senator. A W ashington special says: fcome idea of tha pension building, wliare the biggest inaugural ball ever given will be held on March 4th, may be g t from the fact that St. Peter's at Rqme only holds about 54,000 persons, while the pension building will hold 59,000. The New York contractors have insured the decorations for $50,000. The balconies will be hung with dark red velvet spna gled with gold.' Eaeh of Ihe 144 pillais will be hung with silk flags, while be neath the balconies will be hung a shield embroidered with the coats of arms of the different states and terri tories hung with silk flags. The Presi dent will enter by a door "draped in crimson silk curtains. The entrances aie 'really-carriege ways bo their size may be imagined. President Cleve land will return to the custom of Wash ington and Je ffer3on, and stand oivadais during ihe ball ceremonies. The Ilev. J. 11. N. Bell ha so far "secularized" as to purchase a paper in Roseburg, Oregon and will call it the Review under his contiol. Bro. Bell is a good paragrapher if judgment can be formed by his way of talking in pub lic. We wish him unbounded success in his "secular" tangent. Tho above is from the "Washington Independent, published by our old Vir ginia 'friend and school-mate F. W. D. Mays, Pomeroy W. T. I seo the oint my Bro. but did yon never read "A prudent man fore-seeth the danger, and hideth himself." -Thanks -for kind wishes. One of the grandest projects is the illumination of the Atlantic by means of electric lights-to actually make "a path of silver .light" across the water from the Vaults of Newfoundland to the shores of Ireland. ;Ten vessels are to be anchored at a distance of 200 miles from each other in a straight line each riding at "a mushroom anchor which permits the vessel swinging round with the tide without fouling her anchor." These lightships arc also' to be connected together and to the shore by an electric cable, and bVable to send mdisage3 to any apart of the word. It is both undignified and foolish to scream about America. If O'Donovan Rossa were hanged to-morrow, and the collection of monev for the skirmishing fund made a criminal offence, it would fail to stop the outrages. We must keep cool heads, strengthen the police force, sharpen the wits of the detective and punish . heavily the assassin and those who aid them. We must dis criminate between social and political reform by legal agitation. London Telegoaplr Eves Congressmen are apparently at last beginning to understand that "the Jeff. Davis business" is out of date. The tdiscussion in .the senate which started off in much the usual style on Monday, came to an exceed ingly tame conclusion yesterday. It is evident that the sectional debaU in Congress has had its day, and a very good sign it is for, the future of the country. Oliver Wesdell Holmes, in the February Atlantic, very aptly defines wealth as "a steep hill which the father climbs slowly and which tha son often tumbles down precipitately." The Living Policy. To the student of Political Economy it is apparent that the work of a great and necesary reform must commence uuder the administration of President Cleveland. Beyond the mere matter of retrenchniKift in expenses, lies tho deep question of Revenue reform. That our present tariff laws arepatch-vork with out system or justice has become evi dent to all, Counting the enormous expense of the Government, including interest on the national debt' a greate.1 revenue is collected by nearly $100. 000,000 annually than is neces sauy Under .President-'- G rover Cleveland we hope and expect that a large num ber of useless offices will bs abolished, expenses variously reduced, and the science of government reduced to "a commonsense business plan. Our present-high protective tariff must go. Rev enue must be collected simply for the purpose of carrying on the government. The shipping interest of the country must be fostered by the good old fash ioned Democratic laws which gave greater advantage to our own ships than to those of foreign powers. Then trade with ' the whole world must be made as free and unrestricted as possi ble. America would blossom like the ross and become the groat workshop of the world. Our gold, silver, iron and other mines would be developed and opened; our manufactories could lind relief f torn over stocked market?, our ships would sail on every sea, our ag ricultural interest would thrive, every thing would be lovely, the east would be coyered with factories, the west rich in its open plains, the Pacific Coast great in its mines, agriculture and stock Rosuburg would boom, the Review would become a daily. Hurrah for Cleveland and Refom. The Death of Gordon. Colonels Wilson and Wortley, with the expedition to Khartoum, arrived here to-day. They made the journey from Gubat in four days, and bring news of Gordon's death. One of the pashas among General Gordon's ferces marched the garrison to the sido of the town nearest Oradnrnian, saying a re bel Rttack was expected at that point. Meantime another traitorous pasha opened the gates at the other end and allowed El Mahdi's troops to enter, and they easily captured the town. General Gordon , was stabbed while leaving the government house. At day-break ' on : the day of 'capture, variously stated at the 26h and 27h of .'January, General Gordon's attention was attracted by a tremendous ''tumult in the &, He left his headquar tersto ascertain the caiua of the dis turbance, and just as he reached the street was stabbed in tho backud fell dead. The tumult was caused by El Mahd's troops, who vere soon in com plete possession of tho place, including the citadel. A fearful massacre of the- garrison followed. Tha: sc-rues of slaughter are described sis surpassing the Bulgarian atrocities and rivalling the worst horror : of Sepoy. Panic stricken Egyptians were captured in flight and put to death With the most fiendish tortures. Some were tran fixed with spears and left to bleed to death. Eyes wergougd out, noses slit, and tongues torn out bv the roots. ' In many cases mutilated .parts 'of victims' bodies were thrust into their months while they ware still Hying. The mas sacre including many non-coaibatints. More than 100 women and young girls were give over to El Mahdi's followers, to be ussd as slaves. Tii3 nest night was spent In a saturnalia of blood and debauchery. Since the capture of Khartoum, El Mahdi has repaired the fortifications and made tho place well nigh impregnable. This is High License. The state of Georgia is tli only State in the Uu ion which has anything ap proaching high liceng?. In several counties tho price of license has been fixed at $3,000, in others $2,000,and in two or three cases at $10,000; and uow comes barnesville with a charge of 100,000 for a license. ;'' It is a farce to talk of $250 or $500 in the State of New York as hi"h li cense. Wideawake Druggists- Dr. S. Hamilton is always alive to his business, Hnd spares no pains to se cure the best ot every article in his line. He has secured the agency for thef ce'ebrated Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. The only certain cure known foi' Consumption Colds, lloarsness, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitas, , or any affection of . the Throat and Luniks. Sold on a positive guarantee. Trial Bottles' free. Reg ular size $1.00. There is one recommendation in send ing millionaires to the Senate. So far none of them have been able to make leng speeches. Look out for valentines. Mr. Vanderbilt very recklessly de- j nies the sto.y that he carries life insur ance to the anount of 620,000, and, in fact, says he has none at all. In some things William is shrewd, but we j must say he has acted very foolishly in this matter. Every life insurance agent in New York will be after him now, and he will have to insure or die. Eow He C-ct a Position- "I applied for a position in a Lank- ins housu in Wall street six months ,- and although 1 proved my com- o - - - petencv, they would not take me. , I had been down on my luck and looked old and shabby. An idea struck me, I got up a new growth of hair with Parker,s Hair Balsam, raised a decent suit of clothe?, applied again, and they took me in a minute." So writes a clerk with $2,000 salary. The moral is plain. Parker's Hair Balsam gives a person a new fco Ladies Medical Adviser. A Complete Medical Work for Women, -handsomely Abound in cloth and illustrated. Tells how to prevent and cure all, diseases of the sex by a treatment, at home. Worrh its weight in gold to every lady suffering from any of these Jis-ases. Over 10,000 sold ahead v. . ...Postpatd onlv 50ct. Pos- - t tal note or 2 cc. ' stamps. Address NUN DA. .PUBLISHING CO Nnnda, N. Y. Nov..Ut :-m Bucklen's Arnica Salvo The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. 4 Price 25 cents pet box. For sale by H. Hamilton. THE REV. GEO. II. l'UAYEB, of Bour- bou. Ind.. says "'Both mvself and vife owe our lives to SIIILOll'S CONSUMP TION CUPiE." VVUl WILli 1UU congh wlicti Vhiiou s Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts. 53 ct3. aud SI CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured by Shlloh'a Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. HACKS! ETACK, a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 23 aud 50 cents. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bron chitis immediately relieved by Sluloh's Cure. . SHILOH'S CURE will immediately re- lieve Croup, Whooping conh aud Brouchiti- " A NASAL INJECTOR free -with eaeh bot tle f Shiloh'a Catarrh -JJemedy. Pri' 50 cents. 1 Forlanie Baclt. Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. P.i.-e 25 cents. Dr. A. iiiX'OKI, ' SPECIALIST. Cur s all Chronic Oiseasej". Catarr'i, Asthma, Cousiuipuo:!, NeuralyiA RheumaUsin, Paralysis, BrighU Dis ease. Dropsy, White JS Weill ug, Siif joims, etc. This treatment thoroughly purifies the blood, driving all imouiities an 1 corrupt mjnter f.oui the wli h- sj'ttero and brimrs ac nud every nerve autl muscle to A healthy fctate aud ii3 natural work. : All who are suflei lug from Chron c Diseasea are requesied to call. There will be ho charge lor consulting with the patient;. Terms in all eas&s reason able. : A. Secokd. Cosmopo'itan llctel. liosebur g. Oregon. EhVjratlo Mineral Water. CHFJI1CAL. ANALYSIS. Chemical mIabortorv, Assay OrricK, Bi-lliox Koom.-s AN Oris Rooms, GZl Sacramento utreet, San Fianeisco, N-jv. 23,l!Ji3. Messrs. iiolbrook. Merrill and Stitson. Gentlemen II have submitted to qualitative analysis the fami of Eldorado waier hauued me tor examination and Hnd it to cmsgt of the followmj suUstaucas; Cnjo rine, lixlinc, Carbonic Aeid, iron, Alumina Lijne Marn esia, Ssoda and oriramc matter. ' - . . XliOMAS PRICj.. Julian Joseph, of tho well ki own firm of Uoffman mid JosejOf Albany, . bears the following testi uionv: . - " ' ALEAK V, OGN., December 20, 1883. Geo. W. JoSfKS.' . Dear fair: 1 wiiubi iii-r aiate to you that a year ajjo 1 sufiered untuiu n;o:ni on ae- cnuntot rites (bnnu) ana went to rot tiiuui to s re lief from docU'rs there. I met Air. A?riio el How- bur if. who advised lue before seeing ihe l.-.-tor to trv vour Eldorado Mi ncral Water. 1 did to and h;;d one dozen bottles sent to me by A. li.' Chanuanc I used one-half dozen bottles, taking rijf ht teiore ev ery meal, oue small glass tun. l not ouiy was re liAVfd. butl am eertainly cured by what 1 used, aud thanKful for it, beeause 1 Buffeted more thn J tan express. 1 would advise any one suffering from this disease to- try your Mineral Water, fehoold you have any occasion to use this statement do . Sou are at liberty on my account. I think this is tha least 1 can Uo lor yov, as 4 was -vureu oy - - spoctfully yours, JULIAS JOSEPH. IIOSEBURG. Dec. S. 18S3. GEO. W. JOSES: Dear Sir. From sheer curiosit I m induced to try Eldorado Water and wrs not t Iv surprised buthiarhly rati tie J with the result. 1 have for many years neeu a sufferer' from dyspepsia and have tried every kind of oepsin known to pharmacy and without result. The eoutrary was my ftvrwtrif-nue trom the use of your mineral water. Ta ken according to directions it produced immediate relief aud in a short time, if routinued, would secure permanent cure. To any wlo M ill avoid irritating stimulants, 1 ant satisfied 11 will prove of Valuable comfort and benefit. As a general resrulator I found it-most excellent. L. LANE. Ma. Gso. W. Joses Dear Sir: I have been troubled with neuralgic pains in my head and cheek bones, for several years, and had give up all hopes of ever getting cured. I went to your medical springs with my son James aud got some of the water, and drank it freely and found that it was a mil d physic. 1 used it three ' tnics a day for a little more than two months, aud the pain-, lett me aud I have not felt them suwe. aud that has been 17 months ago. II. CO AS, SR. Roseburg, Jan. 25, 1SS 4 DALLAS, Dec. 2, 18S3. From Mr. M. W parsons, last August,-1 received one bottle of the Jones' Eldoraio water, from l)r. ilaiuilhut i-f Roebui. Used half a bottle for. ca tarrh and can fully reooinniend it for that dreaded disease, as I have not bceu troubled with the com plaint since. D. T. SEARS. - I have also used the Eldorado spring waler from Jones sprinjr, u.'las county, Oregon, nd am fully satisfied with tbe ult, as 1 was botheted with o totrb. W. C. BROWS, Kercfcant , Itrictly Oi& Paee; I I .Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Satin s, 6 H N h 0 clotiiiKg, Boots t .Shoes, Hats Cap?, Trunks and Valises. Evcrytliing in the line of EE2ML MERCHANDISE will be sold from this date on, at SO per ccsit above cost. Give us a call and cozivincc yourself of our GREAT BARGAINS at the SRICTLY' ONE PRICE STORE. (0) Would Respectfully-As scusce to Tin Ever Before to Iurnisxi . 4 1 T AVIXG lately aJ.led a Xew J. A. Fay Moulding aid 11. Uiho-VJ 'Ell Y BZiiT ffPloiirinff and FINE STOCK OF MOULDINGS AND SUGAR niXE CEDAR RI-STIC. CHAIN' SAWED PLOORIXO FTONISHEI) ON SHORT NOTICE. BARS h "KUMKiilland FlCSClN'U faniighed at HARD Tliia i'RlCtlS. Uood sound ChDR PobTo, UAluo, WCKKTS, Jtc, tor flSH FJSTCLSU a specialty. FOR Reference ce Residence of Cy. S.nith, 4 miles abwe town or Dr. narailt01 bound to make the beit Lumber and to give catuiiacuon. Oivc us a trnll. i ii orden left with Tbos. Shcnuan win oe prompii .. .... 2V. alter May 1st. All orders ilioulu be Auuresoa - m . , ABEAHA1, vlTH HITCH UP Befbre 4 1 j W. a. WOOBWAED AnN tsa & AND BUY A One of the biggest and best stock of nothing but tho best :VERYTITOG Bout -Fail W. & W Rse"bt7 'gf, Or. SHERIDAN BROTHERS, ROSEBURG, OR'GN. They would announce that they "have just received aud now have on hand one of th e . Largest Stocks of Gozierar Harazaro Evpr brought to Donilft", cml when adM tf their STOVES OF ALL VaT TKltXSand KEADY MaDETINWAUK, thtfHre prepared to declare tlit-y havn'thf lf Buj ply in their'-' line of a.iy Uass in ;Sou,heru Qtvgon, which thoy propest SASSi can purchase elsewhere.' , In he shape of building; materials i. the ay t loefcs, butta, etc, we an offoi saserior inducements to purchasers. Ti us. We .an uiva you barfrains in the io. .iwinjf brands of stores, not eqHalled else where Buck's, Bonanza. Farmer Utility. Dexter, Pacific, A lie Went. Clarmd" Occidei Iron Kinsr, Empire. City, and other stevt-s nd ranges. The Lest of workmen arc constantly employed in the nianuiacture iur ii&war and buyers should learn our prices. We have also taragins to offer in guns, such ks inchester, fcharp and thrli i es, p. well as in Shot-pan and Pinto's W i also Agents-for th White Peerles and New Home Sewing Macl a we sell at lowest rates and warrant as coin nle te u every respecv ' H'e can also supply . Avcrill and Hubbcr Paints, J he best Iti th nihrket, at. t, lowest rates. ... .. Ore us a call, inspect ur stock, inquire as t? onr pricii, and we pro mlae to lata' ; ij one cau, ' " i I 0 0 o p (3 n 4 Silks, Velvets Cloaks, " JeHevs . the Public that They aue Better llatchm aiacuuie we win uer4 au iuhcuw Hustic on Hand-S" ! WELL' SEASONED CEDAR PINE LUMBER! Hon's. Roseburff. We are .i i .it T n.l . a.. A.J'htai'lA nr uSrtrt. tiAf.lrrA - nuiw, iuw uuiui v... w . - "Voltaire Grumpy. LOOKING GLASS, ORhuON. "Yon d Tiaa4. (1 H n li; - u u N 13 W SET OF si mc-aan )i V. .w w I goods cvpr brought to town, leather and have got I use INTHIS-LIRSE to See Mo! - : AHT 0XH3 HARNESS, SADDLES, WHIPS; INFACT 'Everytliiiig iii tliat Lluo; AND MUSr BE Sold Glioap for Gasli; Call and Sea me Beford ALSO AGENT FOR DEEKIH& SELF DIIIDEfi AND 'llOWtiRS; 0"JLX)S' "7AGGN STEEL-WHEEL HAY RAKES? - V'-"."'" i JAKE3 ARIIITG.' OAKLAND, OREGON. "" '" ' ' " "' -' ! ; ; j R.S.&J: C. SHERIDAN (Sues&o to The. P. Sheridan) DEALE hS IN nABDWAKE, TlXWARE, STOTM JA'S, W l'LtUV, AN D TIN N'KS "L'K- - MSiilAO UOOiJS. ; " ? TIN STORE, ROSEBURG, Or. Harm? secnrei the aoovo busmeM, we art fared to keei up it former good uxiue for work an rriis. 1 V have-the bent i material and alriyi. full stock of gwd$ on han.t and it" i -oar aim to fur nish customers wttli tirt-ciaM ar.iciea at uva ana 1st ive prices. A lull BtocH ot Iron smri Stool For Slo. Dealers from abrjvi will r.v-oiva prompt att THE CENTRAL HOTEL Corxior of Cak and Rosa Straat KosfcTiars, Oregon. Board $1 nsr Day ; SinIj Meals, 25 Mats. SWTh'n houae ha,t lately cljMijetl haad anil is thoronUly renuvati ami rturuis3i The-traveling, ijabliu will Ua4 tlie bs acooiinn jJattuiis, NO CHINAMEN EMPLOYED. Free" 'Sis' ta an ii IVam Vaq Train. - ii a:3i m a at 3 a Ilavfaj bvj 23 years' ex W5rie?9 aj watchmaker 1 Oreo;i,"l fuei comioent f trivm,; satuo.(oa in a. I wo.'k eiiirusuj.i to tue. I have a Ure st-k ( Wut.-bes, clo K and Jowclery waicli will be sol4 very rvably. : . v 1 have tiiii v;o'int.7 p.itj-ii ri.'itf r tin silo of Ci creto (Jj.ujji i'.vj fji" jj.isyi.i tfiiii'ti any pUoa desn-ed. L. . IS&uit.j. L. F. Lang. Jons Lxxn. ATTOlCKYsi at LAV.' . Ofjick. On Main Street, orpos:U Co .roopoIUan Hotel, . - LOUIS LAXurliNItE.iil, Manufacturer and Uea!cr in Mjmxb as! oaa. Keops on hand a well sc:ecteJ sUck of Genu', La diei' and Childre i's boats, &boct a: 1 S'.i.vJ -s; ali Masioal Instrument'', Sheet ilu-sic. Notions, EtJ AsTliepjdriu?, notlv done -Na- br.ok stora. PHYSICIAN an STUGl?ON. OFFICE: Cf. Alain hi WashiastooJSSi. "eijbbaed.. ",....' CLAUK & .BAKSi; PROPS. HA V1SO. PURCHASED. THK A&0VE NAME ini!l. of K.'&tenhuus and Co., we are. nw pra pared to furniili any anmant of the best qualitr ever offered to the imbitc in Doug-1. county. We Will furniili at the niiil at ilia Mioning nriom: So. J rou-h lumber........ ii2per M No. 1 flairiny;, nch.A'....i.. ...... ..-.f2 per 14 No. 1 n.HjrUii, 4-such fid per M . No. 1 fiiii-.iiinif lumber. t. $2' per VI No. t fim-.uii' lumber dressed on 2 sides.. per M No. 1 ftaiti:iu tunincr dressed oa 4 tds..$id per M CLAltHE 3s BAKE II. :.LOUIS X513rJ,I7, .JU Wishes to inform thxpublic that ha has a r.ber sewjng macbiues tor vale at hi store at redac4 riccs. , v Tha Eldridge, SpringSeli mi Singer, THE LATEST MACH S Call ayiseeat Liui-B jlfll Wv.cAmiking Sure a god b.iraiu to ever one wisiiia to buj hewiEff iiacliiuas.. Who have Spring Water to intrsduce into thslr Vt ra and hd ases, f jr lainily me or irriyatiion, should ata THs C3:T C3m3S'JS PIPE- Having the County Right I can sell to fners CUtAf, wit.1 anriunme to do th work. - Wnl lar the same by contractor by the foot, at imy te ds--sired. Warranted to do goxl work or no py. Thoust.nds of feet have boea Inid la Oalifornia and is worU'n g satidfaetoritly. It id su('rifr to n pip, Sxjd t r ycar, don't rust, and katis the water clet? aud pure Cjll mi sa WILL YOU SUFFER with PycpepsU and liver Complaiot! Shiloh's Vitalizsr ii uar tatced to eure you.