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About The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1884)
TOSEXGN TELEGRAPHIC NEWI. The exodus from Toulon is increasing. Weathar in England at present is un settled. London, England, has 3,000,000 of work ing people. Two cases of cholera have developed at feaiuzzo, jNortn Italy. It is rumored that cholera has appeared in Alexandria, Egypt. Bellins is the name of the new Presi dent of San Domingo. Subscriptions for a $50,080 theater have been secured in Victoria, Twenty-five hundred troops will Paris for Tonquin in August. leave Advices from Tein-Tsin state that China has rejected France's ultimatum. The English newspapers heartily rejoice over the rescue of tne ureeiy expedition. Advices from Havana, Cuba, state that a financial panic is reigning at bantiagode, Cuba. Over six hundred deaths from cholera have taken Dlace in Marseilles since the disease first made its appearance there. Several larce houses in Mexico are clos ing up and their proprietors will return to .Europe. Havana has instituted a strict quaran tine against vessels sailing from Mediter ranean ports. The New Brunswick cotton mills, of St. Johns. N. B.. have suspended work. Lia bilities, ?2J5,080. The three sons of United States Consul Piatt were drowned last week while bath ing at Queenstown. The Chinese government is preparing for the safetv of its merchant vessels in case of a war with France. Tho funeral of the late Prince of Orange took olace at The Haffue. Holland, last week with great pomp. DiDlomatic circles in Berlin are still worried over the insult given the German flag at Paris on the 14th ult. The enthusiasm in London over the movement for the abolishment of the House of Lords is at high pressure. ' The police at Vienna have been ordered . to arrest all Mormon missionaries de tected while endeavoring to secure con verts. The apology of Prime Minister Ferry to the German government tor the recent in suit to the Prussian flag at Paris, has been accepted. The Cuban insurgents under the leader shiD of Ausruero recently repulsed the government trooDS in a pitched battle near Jamacia. The municipal council of Dover, Eng land, is preparing for anti-cholera meas ures. Vessels will be examined before en tering the harbor. The Duke de Chartres has arrived at Toulon from Paris with the gift of 2,500, donated by the Compte de Paris family t sufferers Irom cholera. The Encash House of Lords has pre Rented an address to the Queen asking for an autumn session of parliament to con sider the franchise bill. The trial at Pesth, Hungary, of 420 peasants for complicity in the anti-Magyer escuicneou nois ui oepieiuuer iiiai ic suited in convicting 290. Labouchere, of the London Truth, savs that Moody, the American revivalist, is one of the most famous and effective pul pit orators in the world. The printers who were on a strike at Toronto. Can., have returned to their cases, having succeeded in their efforts, and old rates are restored. It is currently reported in London that the eldest daughter of Matthew Arnold is engaged to be married to Frederick White- ndge, a JNew xorK lawyer. The Prince of Wales has presented Cap tain James JJ. .rJads, the well Known Am erican engineer, with the Albert medal of the Society of Arts for 1884. The latest scare in Berlin is the rumor of a conspiracy to blow up the German monument at Neiderwold, as well as to kill the Emperor, the Crown Prince and ttismarck. It is rumored in Montreal that negotia tions are progressing favorably between the Canadian Pacific and the Boston and Lowell, for through traffic between Boston and the VV est. The Inter-Oceaftic Railroad Company, which is building a line from Vera Cruz, via Mexico, Irolo and Morleos to Acapul- co, receives all its rails and rolling stock from Germany. Michael Muldeweny, ex-constable of Sligo, Ireland, has been sentenced to death for assisting to murder Dohertv, a farmer, in 1884, who was guarding the residence of Thomas Henry. Health officers of London are organizing a servioe m case the cholera make its ap pearance. Hospitals for cholera patients have been established at Cheasso, Switzer land, and Luina, Italy. The charge against the commissary of Paris police, alleged to have thrown a Prussian flag to the mob during the re cent disturbance created by the Asatian societies, has been dismissed. Holland and England have agreed to iointly demand of the Rajah of Tenom, under pain of punishment, the surrender . e j.i : I- or. tne crew oi uie iieru, wmcu wuo wrecked on the coast of Sumatra. Unofficial advices from Marseilles state that the situation there is becoming more crave. The heat is unbearable and no wind stirring. The epidemic is spreading and the mortality daily increasing. The colonizing fever has spread to Aus tria, and the imperial government at Vi enna is planning for the establishment of colonies tor Austro-llunganan workmen, modeled upon those proposed by Germany. A movement is on foot in Germany for the erection of a monument in memory of Weber, the composer, at his birthplace, to be unveiled in December, in ISoo, which will be the one hundredth anniversary of his birth. The Academy of Medicine has unani mously decided that a land quarantine in France is impracticable: that the disin-: fecting process is inefficacious and il lusory, and urges the establishment of cholera hospitals at large at the railway stations. A Paris cablegram savs: The Gazette de France savs Admiral Courbet has been instructed to follow ud his naval demon strations with the bombardment of Shang hai. La Temps prints a report that a large French squadron has been seen making for Fow Chow. The visit of a number of Canadians up on him at Wimbledon, England, recently, impelled the Marquis of Lome, late Gov ernor ueneral of. Canada, to say tnat in case of emergency 20,000 citizens in Cana da would spring to arms to assist the mother country. The department of agriculture at Otta wa, tan., has issued instructions to all quarantine stations of the dominion, also to customs collectors, calling attention to the necessity or extra vigilance and care ful inspection of. vessels arriving from Toulon and Marseilles. Labouchere has retained Charles Rus sell, M. P. for Dundalk, as his counsel in the civil suit for libel brought against the London Iruth by Irving Bishop, the American mind reader. Labouchere says that he had intended to conduct his own case, but concluded that Bishop was be- neatn ma u&nuuug. A. Legris, Joseph Pillon and J. B. Ellis were convicted at loronto, Ont., of having paid money for the votes of various elect ors at the Soulanges election in October, 1882. Justice Mathien condemned them severally to nay a fine of 8400 and costs, and disqualified them from voting or tak ing part in any election and from holding any omce unaer ine crown ior eignt years. DOMESTIC TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Leadville, Col., had a $20,000 fire last week. j Washington city is taking precautions against cholera. Lawrence Barrett, the tragedian, is com ing to the Pacific coast. Sheep and cattle herds in western Texas are sunering from drouth. Recent frosts have destroyed nearly all the crops in Ivew .England. A slight shock of earthauake was felt in San Francisco last week. Milwaukee is the last city heard from as i an applicant for a crematory. Vicksburg harbor was never so good, so say united btates inspectors. The sum of 8408.000 has been paid for a postofnee site in Brooklyn, r. i. A nackacre of opium worth $5,000 was seized in San Francisco recently. The thicklv populated tenement houses' of JNew xork are being aisiniecteu. Ehe wine production of California this year will be about io,uuu,uuu gallons. Riu-ht families of assisted immigrants arrived in New York a few days ago. The National Educational Association convened at Madison, Wis., last week. The Denver and Rio Grande Railroad will pay its employees their back salaries. The firm of Benneson, Liebmann & Co., of Oakland, Cal., has failed, with liabilities at?8G,000. An enthusiastic welcome was given to Governor Murray of Utah on his return to bait .Lake. A Chinaman was baptised into the Methodist Church at White Plains, N. Y., last Sunday. Four men were killed and eight wounded by a boiler explosion near Bloommgton, 111., recently. The Sunday open air concerts at the Central Park in New York are attracting large crowds. Anthony Fricke, a well known sporting man of Reading, Pa., is dead. His estate is valued at 8100,000. Fifteen thousand bushels of No. 2 corn in boats in New York was found recently and posted as musty. Secretary Lincoln savs Green county, Texas, belongs to Indian Territory. Troops are driving oil settlers. The executive committee of the Union Pacific has decided to close the New York office except for transfers. The Treasury Department issued war rants last week for the payment of 000,000 in account of pensions. The first through train on the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad for six weeks left Salt Lake City last Tuesday. The Pacific Coast Bloed Horse Associa tion will hold races in San Francisco on November 8th, Hth, 13th and 15th. Bedford Karl, of New York, attempted suicide with a large navy revolver, because his wife refused to go for a pitcher of beer. The track of the Denver and Rio Grande Railway near Grand Junction, Col., re centlv torn up by Love.ioy. has been re laid. John Kent, a farmer of Shelby county. Ky.. died suddenly, last week from lock- .law. caused by a needle penetrating nis knee joint. Army worms, rose bugs and caterpillars are making lively work for the farmers oi Long Island, N. Y., whose crops have al ready suffered by them. The Chinese Consul General at New York advises his countrymen to obey the laws and abstain from opium smoking, gambling and other vices. Ihe Uell lelephone Company is prepar ing to build a line of thirty copper wires between New York and Philadelphia, to be used as private telephone wires. The New York Fresh Air Society, organ ized for the purpose of sending tenement house children to the country for two weeks, has begun its summer work. W. J. Lucas, jailor of the Owensboro, Ky., jail, was shot and killed last week while defending a negro prisoner named Richard May from the hands of a mob. The coroner of New York city states that Charles Mitchell, a seaman, died of violent cholera morbus, not from an at tack of Asiatic cholera, as was supposed. The Commissioner of Indian Affairs at Washington, offers a reward of $600 to the capture of the murderer of the Kash- iway chief of the Sac and Fox Indians in Kansas. The Contract. Trade and Labor Union of Boston has elected President C. H. Harrington as a delegate to the conven tion of Federal Trades at Chicago, Octo ber 17th. The i strikes of journeymen plasterers and Knapp tic Co. s shoe hands at Phila delphia, have ended. The plasterers got the advances asked, and the shoemakers compromised. Schedules in assignment of Pearce & Hall, New York hat manufacturers, who failed ! last week, show liabilities to be 8170,000: nominal assets, 8124,000: actual assets, 881,000. The board appointed to represent the United States government at the New Or leans Exposition will alsa ;take charge of the government exhibits at the Louisville and Cincinnati exhibitions. The Henry Bill Publishing Company of Norwich, Conn., have applied to the United States Court for an injunction against Kobert Clarke & Co., of Cincinnati, to re strain them from selling Blaine's "Twenty i ears in Congress. Thomas Austin, of the Panhandle Rail road snops at JtJloomington, 111., is in re ceipt of official information from Italy that Adolphus Scipio, an Italian laborer employed on his farm in White county, has been bequeathed a fortune in Italy amounting to 7(JS,UUU francs. A Brooklyn, N. Y., dispatch says while a number of men were excavating for the base of the Williamsburg Gas Company's tank tne earth gave way and buried sev eral men. Michael McDonough and Pat- lick Quinbar were killed. Two other bodies have not been recovered. Secretary of State Frelinghuysen has instructed, by cable, consular olficers at London, Liverpool, Marseilles, Havre, Bordeaux, Bremen and Hamburg at once to appoint competent physicians to in spect all vessels and passengers departing lor the United btates from the ports men tioned. B. D. Buford & Co., a corporation owing the Kock island .Flow Works, situated at Rock Island, 111., made an assignment last week. No figures were given on the schedules, but as near as can be ascer tained the liabilities are about 8500,000, half of which are secured by mortgages on real estate. JVl. Laraivre, oi tne x rencn legation in New York, states that he has received from Jules Ferry a dispatch that Charles Renould, president of the French benevo lent society of isew xork, nas been aecor- ated with the cross of the legion of honor for efforts in behalf of his countrymen in the United btates. A table compiled from special dispatches to the Boston Post, from managers of twenty-six of the leading clearing nouses of the United States, gives clearings for the week ending tha 12th, witk the per centage of increase and decrease, com pared with the corresponding week a year ago. : Total, 8703,776,315; decrease, 14.01. Fire Marshal John L. Durke has nre- sented his annual report to the New York board of lire underwriters, lor the year ending June 30, 1884. There were 353 fires during the year, at a loss of 8564.000. on which there was an insurance of 8358,500. For the same period last year the same an- tnority gives 323 fires, at a loss of 88UU,- uuu, and insurance of 80oo,5OO. PORTLAND MARKET REPORT, if LOUR Fancy extra, bbL 84.75: country, f 4.0040: superfine. $3.003.2o. WHEAT Good to choice. -V 1U0 Ids., 81.30 1.35, good valley; Walla Walla and Eastern Oregon, ?l.zul.&. CWWU k'Tf frOT mae IIII Tha ' Vr 3.00: buckwheat, $o.50; oat meal, $4.00 4.25; cracked wheat, 83.25(3.50; bran, f ton !4jlo; shorts. is'm; middlings, fine. 822.5025.00; hay, baled, 810.0012.00; chop, 822.5025.0U; oil cake meal, 835.00. OATb Choice milling, nominal: good feed. 4850c; ordinary feed. 4748c JiAKL-EX .Brewing, iuu ids., ki.iu 1.25; feed, 81.10; ground. 825.00. CORN No demand. RYE Nominal, 100 lbs.; 81.502.00 SUGARS Golden C, inbWs., lb., 8c, in hi bbls., etc; renned. u, bbis., . ni bbls., ; dry granulated, bbls., 9e, hi bbls.. 10c: crushed, bbls., 92c: fine crushed, bbls., , hf bbls., 9sc; cube, bbls. 10c. hf bbls, 10ic; islands, No. 1, kgs, l&mc. bgs.. 6?7c, SYKU PS California refinery s, gal., bbls., 40c, kgs., 45c, cs., gal. tins, 65c; Eastern, bbls., v gal., doc, kgs, 50c, cs.. 65c. ' strained in 5 gal., 11c $ ft.; 1-gal. tins, ftOZ, 914.UUCall5.UU. hait-gai., J&7.5U. VEGETABLES Potatoes, V bu., 50 75c, according to variety, new, ft, 2Jc; cabbage, lb,. 22e; turnips, sck., $1.50; carrots, igl.tu; beets, $l.U; onions, & id., red, lc, silver, lc; parsnips, Uc. BUTTER Fancy, Iresh roll, & 15., 253 27Jc; inferior, grade, 1820c; pickled, 18 20c. CHEESE California, 13c: Oregon large choice, loco! c small, ltHg lbc. EGGS w doz., 30c. GREEN FRUITS-Apples, new, bx.. $2.00; lemons, California. 83.754.50,Sicily, 81.502.00; limes, $ 100, 81.25; apricots, bx, ?l.2o(o;1.5U; peaches, $1.2ol.50; plums, l.7o: currants, p in, oc. DltUSD jfK U ITS Apples, machine- cured, lb., 1516c, sun-cured, 1012c; peaches, machine-cured, in boxes, 1518c; prunes, German, in boxes, $ lb., 8lCc; plums, sun-cured, pitless, I4l5c, ma chine-cured, 1516c; pears, machine-cured, 1618c, sun-cured, none; figs, California. 25-ib. bx.. ec; bmyrns- lbmak'. WOOL Valley, 1215e; Eastern Ore- gon, I2(ffli7c MllJias AINU ijaus Hides, dry, over its lb., v lb., 10loc; Murrain hides, one-third off: hides, wet salted, over 55 lbs., & ft., 5 7c (one-third less for light weights, dam aged, cut grubby or dry salted); pelts, shearling. 12j75c; deer skins, winter, lo20c Eastern Uregon, 22c, summer, E ., 2027ic valley, 2528c; burlaps, 40 in., bc, to in., 03c, uu iu., twine, nour, ootg 40c, wheat, doc, neece, I2(ai3c; gunnies. lofeloc, wneat sacks, ttfu. c; 'UlJi.lJttx--cnickens. & doz., spring, 82.503.00. old. 855.50; ducks. 87(a8: geese, S8(ay; turkeys, p lb.. 12i15c. id., zowmc: PROVISIONS-Bacon. ll12ic: hams, country, v "., ioioc, butcher, scarce; shoulders, lOfellc. LARD Kegs, & ft., 1213c; Eastern, pans, ufteizic uregon, tins, l2l3Ac. .dsn iixtra i'acihe codflsh. whole, in c, 7c, boneless, in bxs., 8c w lb.; domestic salmon, hf bbls., 86.007.00, bbls., 811.00, 1-Ib. cans, if doz., $1.4o; mackerel, No. 1, f kit, 81.752.00, No. 2, 81.50aU.75. No. 1. hf bbls., $iu.uu, No. z, 88.50; herrings. sal tea. ni oois., . ariea, lu-re. bxs., oc RICE-Sandwich Islands. No. 1, & ft, 5Jc; China mixed, 45c; China No. 1, none: Rangoon, 5c. FRUITS Prunes, Hungarian, $1.. 12i(2 15c; raisins (new), $ bx., 82.502.75, hi bxs., 82.753.00, qr bxs., 83.25(3.35, 8th bxs., S3.253.50; currants. Zante, ft. in bxs., 10c: citron, $ ft. in drums, 22c; almonds, .Marseilles, w lb., 182Uc, Lane, 20c; walnuts, Chili, ll12c, California, 1213c. TEAS, skeus, ltc lieans, W lb., pea, 4c, s. w., 3iic, lg. w., 4Ac, bayou, 4Ac, pink. oc, limas,,4c; peas, field, 243c, sweet, lo20c; timothy seed, 104fel2c, red clover. 2225c, white clover, 40a;50c, alfalfa, 16(a 20c, hungarian grass, 810c, millet, 810c, orchard grass, lta;2Uc, rye grass, 20&&c, red top, Io17c, blue grass, 1828c. Mtes- quite grass, 1012ic. BAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. RECEIPTS Wheat, 1.300 ctls.: flcur, 13.500 or. sks.; oats, 1,100 jjtls.; potatoes. 650 sks.: eggs, 1U,00U doz. FLOUR ban Francisco extra, best, at 85.005.30; medium, 83.504.50; shipping supernne, xa.wmi.zo. WHEAT foreign markets do not offer any inducements to snippers, and local trade is almost stagnant. Samples of new crop have become numerous enough to lose all novelty. The exhibits so far show pretty fair quality, while the prospects of a large yield are more than favorable. Prices are more or less nominal, owing to the absence of any positive movement. though $1,374 w ctl is the recognized figure for parcels tnat would grade as No. 1 qual ity, bales were as touows: liuyer 1SS4, city 1UU tons, 81.31). Buyer 1884, after August 1st 300 tons. S1.3U. Seller 18S4 400 tons, $1.35i; 200, 81.35; 100, 81.342; 100, 81.434; 400, !gl.3ii P tl. Closing prices were: Bayer season, city 300'tons, $1.44 j. Buyer 1884100 tons, $1.33. Buyer 1884, city 100 tons, 81-38. Seller 1884, city 300 tons, $1.34 ctl. BAGS AND BAGGING Wheat bags are said to be meeting with very active demand. Under the influence of a strong consumptive demand, which mav be said to have fairly set in, importing holders are generally unwilling to sell at present rates, and are looking for higher prices to prevail before long, lhe importations for this season so far have been several millions less than last year. We quote best quality Calcutta wheat bags, standard size and weight, at 7i7.30c for spot lots and 7i7ic for future deliv ery; San Quen'tin factory make, 7; Califor nia Jute Mill make, 7jc: potato gunnies, Il2l2c; wool bags, 3ofeo0c apiece. It Alt Li li.1 mere is a pretty fair con sumptive demand, and a moderately good trade is in progress. The market is free of excitement or speculation, and business is entirely of a. legitimate character. For several days the situation has shown con siderable strength, but this is to be at tributed more to light receipts than to pressure from buyers. Most parcels of Feed that are of No. 1 standard change hands at 85c, though occasionally 82ic is accepted in order to close out an invoice. From 77ic to 80c $ ctl is the range for a less choice article. The sales were as fol lows: Buyer season 800 tons, 92$c; 100, 92c fc? ctl. Buyer 1884200 tons. 883c: 300. 88c: 180. 87C. Seller 1884 100 tons, 8c0; W ctl. SEEDS Brown mustard, 82.25 2.75; yellow, $2.002.2o; canary, 55c; hemp, 3i3?c; rape, 2Sc; timothy, 542;6c, al falfa, 748c lb.; flax, $2.G02.75 v ctl. W OOL - Mendocino. 1821c. tf lb.: Humboldt, 1821c; San Joaquin, 1015c; ! eastern uregon, lowivc. TALLOW Grease, 6p; crude, 6i7c; renned, 88jc W lb. EGGS W doz.. 3233c. BRAN The spot market is quotable at lo.oO(5io..,iU per ton. LARD California, 10-lb. tins, 10llc: Eastern, -1212ic for tierees.and 1212ic V Id for pails. CHEESE California, 9llc. ONIONS-Quotable at SONS 55c for red, oyteooc r ctl for silverskins. BEANS We quote as follows: Bayos, $4.(i0(a;4.C5; butter, $3.50; pinks, $4.60 4.65; red, 85.00; Kmas, 82.602.65; small white, 82.752.80; pea, $2.202.85 ctl. HA Y Alfalfa, $7.00 11.00; wheat, 812.00 16.00; oat, 812.0016.00; barley, $0.00 12.00: mixed. $11.0014.00 V ton. BUTTER Good to choice roll. & lb. 2122c: fair,J1418c; firkin, 2122$c: east ern, l4ioc. UXE AN OLD CBEAXY WINDOW SHUTTER That is the way a man's rheumatic joints sometimes are. Hinges old, rusty, and worn, and badly need oiling. The trouble is in the blood. A man who is of any account is worth reparing. The re pairing can be done by means of Brown's Iron Bitters. That enriches and purifies the blood, drives out the pains, ana works complete restoration, ihousands testify to it from happy experience. Mr. C. H. Huntley. 918 North Sixteenth street, St. Louis, gays, "I used Brown's Iron Bitters for rheumatism, general debility and prostration, with the best results." IS CONSUMPTION CURABLE! An annual death-rate of nearly 100,000 by Consumption in the United States gives, so far as the meaicai proiession is con cerned, a most emphatic and dishearten ing negative to this question. But under ,. ,TI1.1! A . 4- Tta tne new vitalizing ixeauuciiu ui wis. Starkey & Palen, of 1109 Girard street, Philadelphia, quite as emphatic an affirm ative can be declared. This treatment has inaugurated, a new era in the healing art. We are' epaking within the limits of facts when we say that during the past thirteen years in thousands of cases the nmoTftKs of Consumption has seen ar rested by its use. and hundreds of lives saved. In many instances where it seemed that the patient could not survive for more than a few davs or a few weeks. tka vital forces have rallied, and there has been & slow, but sure, return to a better and more comfortable health. If you wish to know all about this remarkable treat ment write to Drs. Starkey & Palen, and thev will send vou such documentary evi dence as will enable you to judge of its real value. All orders for the Compound Oxygen Home Treatment directed to u, Math ews. euo Montgomery atreet. can r ran Cisco, will be filled on the same terms as if sent directly to us in i'hiiadeipnia. Eastern belles now use an invisible lip ointment flavored with honey. For a cold in the head there is nothing so good as Piso's Remedy for Catarrh. A DRUGGISTS STORY. Mr. Isaac C. Chapman, Druggist, Newburg, N, Y., writes us: "I have for the past ten years sold several gross of DR. WILLIAM HALL'S BAL SAM FOR THE LUNGS. I can say of it what I cannot say of any other medicine. I have never heard a customer speak of it but to praise its virtues in the highest manner, I have rec ommended it in a great many cases of Whoop ing Coutrh with the happiest effects. I have used it in my own family for many years; in fact,al ways have a bottle in the medicine closet. "Rough on Corns." 15c. Ask for it. Complete cure, hard or soft corns, warts, bunions. . ; Coughs Brown's Bronchial Troches are used with advantage to alleviate Coughs, Sore 1 hroat and Uronchial j Attections Sold only in boxes. I A CARD.-To all who are suffering from er rors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak ness, early decay, loss ef manhood, etc., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FKLB OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send self- addressPrt envelope to kev. Joseph t. inman. Station D, New l ork. "Bucurj-PAiBA." Quick, complete cure, all annoying kidney and urinary dis eases. 81 Free Music Chanced week! v. Send two- cent stamp for any one of the following pieces of large sheet music: j Coronation March, by Meyerbeer; W hen I Behold Thee," song, from " Mascotte," by Andrau; ' Emblem of Constancy," recitative and duett, by Turney; ' Pretty aa a Butter fly,'' song and dance, by Bully Neioeombe; " Turkish Patrol March." by Michael: " Bet ter Luck To-morrow," song, by Frank Martyn; " Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep," soncr, by J. P. Knight. Address Weinstock & Lubin, Sacramento, CiJ. ! --4 I CATARRH A New Treatment whereby a permanent cure is effected in from one to three applications, particulars and trea tise free on receipt of stamp. A. H. Dixon e bON, 3Uo Jvmg street west, Toronto, Uan, Dr. Ilenlers Celery. Beef and Iron is the best Nerve Tonic ever discovered. Veni, Vidi, Vici I came, I saw, I con quered Is adaptable to Allen's Bilious Physic. It quickly relieves Constipation Piles, Sick Headache, etc., 25 cents. At all Druggists. Redington, Woodard & Co., Portland, Oregon. "Rough on Coughs. 15c, 25c, 50c, at Druggists. Complete cure Coughs, Hoarse ness, bore 1 hroat. j Inordinate itching of the skin or inflam mation is relieved at once by Papillon Skin Cure. i THE GREAT mEOi MAM RE CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Swell i njr, Spralna, BraUes, Iturns. Wealds, f rost Illtea, AND ALL OTHER BODILY rAIXS A3D ACHES. Sold bj Druggist nd Dealer! everywhere; Fifty CenU a bottle. THE CII.VK1.KM A. VOGELEIt ro. 'fucceuora to A. YiXiF.LKR C0 Baltimore. Jld., l". 8. A. r To the needs of the tourist, commercia traveler and new set tler, Hoa tetter' 8 torn ach Bitters ia pecul iarly adapted, since it strengthens the di gestivn organs, and braces tha nhyaical en ergies to unheal thful influences. It removes and prevents malarial sr- fTer. constipation. dyspepsia, neaiiniuuy stimulates the kidneys ana bladder, and en riches as well as puri fies the blood. When overcome by fatigu whether mental or physical the weary and debilitated find it a reliable source of re newed strength and comfort. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. To the SMOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham Smok ing Tobacco. The genuine has BULL on every picture of package. For particulars see our next announcement. OACOJIS iff IN CASH COUSUMFTION OF THE LTOGS-A CASE OF RAPID DEVELOPMENT ACCOMPAN IED BY SEVERE HEMORRHAGE. The following testimonial to the prompt action of Compound Oxygen in a case of rapidly developing Consumption of the lungs, is given by the writer in order, as he says, that by means of its publication, some araicted one may be induced to try your very simple and beneficial remedy. "Fountain City. Indiana, ) April 17th, 1882. f "Drs. Starkey & Palen: hear Sir My lungs have been affected forvears. lt being hereditary with me, my mother hav ing aiea oi consumption. One year ago this last winter I took a severe cold which settled on my lungs and finally resulted in a severe hemorrhage. I had a hard, hack ing cough all spring; in fact, all through the summer, at times. Last fall, as the coia weather came on, my cough increased and I was having night sweats every night and had one or two severe hemorrhages. i was very much reduced in flesh. The color had left mv lios and I Vas exBctor- ating thick, yellow matter, often mixed witn Diooa. iiad to ne propped on pillows at night. J had about made up my mind mat a jew more months would end my earthly career, and my friends have told me since I began to improve that some of mem naa only given me until next Mav to live, but if I die before that time now I will have to go in some other way than Con sumption. J have not had a single night sweat since I first beaan vour Treatment. My cough, has almost disappeared and 1 am rapidly improving. "Very gratefully yours, "J. Lindon Parker." Our "Treatise on Comvound Ckcvaen." containing a history of the discovery amd mode of action of this remarkable cura tive agent, and a large record of surprising cures in Consumption. Catarrh. Neuralgia. .Bronchitis, Asthma, etc., and a wide range of chronic aiseases, will be sent free. Ad dress Drs. Starkey & Palen. 1109 and 1111 Girard street. Philadelphia. All orders for the Compound Oxygen Home Treatment directed to H. E. Ma thews, 606 Montgomery street, San Fran cisco, will be filled on the same terms as if sent directly to us in Philadelphia. C ft m a rH nvofnra ow afTM-nrl-ir in fnvrvr of the early closing movement. No remedy for Catarrh has met with such success as Papillon Catarrh Cure; it never fails and does it duty thoroughly not by relieving temporarily but by cur ing permanently. It does not smart or ir ritate. BEST TONIC. This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cures Dynpepaia, Indigestion, WenknfM. Impure Blood, 3IaIaria,ChiliN and Fevers and Neuralgia. Itis an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Kidneys and I.iver. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. It docs not injure the teeth, cause headache.or produce constipation other Iron medicines do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength ens the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of Energy, &c., it has no equal. S The genuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. HwU oiiljbr BKOWN IHKMK AL CO., BALT1BOKK, UD. -3 H o & M 5 g n in 3 ft o" C 9 tr1 CO ft M 3 3 CO n p 3 3 T CD f3- 5- 5 s 3o O 1 E3 C & SO 3 3 ? d a S3 W cn te era CO o o 3. 3 P 9 : W oO re & 2 0 W n era 5s: .3 li. 8 m co ft p S.3 3 !CJ J ftx3 fcrd m a o -i 3 a 3 2 I C. li Sp 3 c2 C m KP S a p i S3 M CO K ft) H o m -4 p 2 K 2 5' w S. i rj OS, ' P 9 a C3 o CO (1 n I A P H A N An tiil flsh of rich delicious B 7f?r.T , flttVOr- Superior to the finest ini OR CANDLE FISH ported 3ardines. Ask for them. TORPID DOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From these sources arise three-fourths of the diseases of the human race. Theeo eymptoms indicate their existence : To ot Appetite, Bowels costive, Sick Ilsad ache, fullness after cattng, aversion to exertion of body or mind Eructation of food Irritability of temper, XOW spirits, A feeling of having neglectef some dntr; Ilzzlness(Flatterlng at the Heart, Rots before the eyes, highly col ored IJrine, CONSTIPATION; and de mand the use of a remedy that acts directly on the Liver. As aLi ver medicine TUTT'S PILtliS have no equal. Their action on tha Kidneys and 8kln is also prompt ; removing all impurities through these three? scar emgers of the system, producing ffppe. tite, sound digestion, regular stools,a clear Bkin and a vigorous body. CCUTT'S PIIiLJS cause no nausea or griping nor Interfere vrith,daily work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Bold everywhere, 25e. Office. Murray 8t.,N.Y. TUTTS HAIR DYE.te Geat Haib ob Whiskebs changed in Btantly to a Gtxsst Black by a single ap. plication of this DTK. Sold by Druggista, or sent by express on receipt f fl. Office, 44 Murray Street, New York. T5 ITS MASUAl OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FEEL NOIX THE BEST DESICCATED C0C0AIIUT In the World Ask your Grocer for it DE- COCO t-wn ii si w n POLLS J fROYALIS&'.'lf J XI $M ft jj-a '4 Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomenesa. More economical thnn the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competi tion with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only hi cans. Royal Bakiso Powder Co., 106 Wall, street, N. Y. XX o. e XO" o DEI cjl xx ci 1 ! Strongest, Purest, Best and Most Econom ical in the Market. Never Varies in Qua ty Keuommendcd to CONSUMERS by leading: Physi. cians, Chemists and members of the baa Francisco Board of Health. PREPARED BT THE B0TK1N MANUFACTURING COMPANY, San Francisco and Sacramento. The Science of Life, Only $1. BY MAIL POST-PAID. KHOW THYSELF.Zi- A Great Medical Wort en Hantooi. pTiLiiti1 Vttnlltv. Xenons and Physical Debility Premature Decline in man, Errars of Youth, and the un told miseries resulting from indiscretions or excesses. A book for every man, young middle-aged and old. It cod tains 125 prescriptions for all acute and ehronic diseases, each one of which is invaluable. Bo fouud by the authoi whose experience for 23 years is such as probably neve before fell to the lot of any physician. 300 pages, bound In beautiful French muslin, embossed covers, full gilt guaranteed to be a finer work in every sense mechanisal literary and profes sional than any other work sold In thh country for $2.50, or the money will de refunded in ever) Instance. Price only $1 00 by mail, post-paid. Illustra tive sample b cents. Bend now. Gold medal awardeo the author by tha National Medical Association, to th officers of which be refers. The Science of Life should be read by the young foi Instruction, and by the afflicted for relief. It will bene Stall.- London Lancet. There is no member of society to whom the Science of Life will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, instructor or alergyman. Tribune. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W. H. Parker, No. 4 Bullfinch seet, Boston, Mass., who ma be eousulted on all diseases requiring skill and experi enoe. Chionie and obstinate diseases ET A I tna1 have baffled the skill of all other physi- KM 1-ciani a specialty. Such treated success- TUVCP IP fully without an instance of failure. 1 1 N, B. Bend money by Registered Letter or P. O. Or der. Books can be sent to any address on the Pacini Coast as safely as at home. Concealed In substantia wrappers bearing only the applicant's address. Iodide of Potassium is one of the strongest of the minerals use in medicii.e, and has produced much suf fering in the world, Taken for a long time and in large doses. It dries up the gastric juices, impairs digestion, the stomach refuses food, " and the patient declines in health and weight Persons with Blood or Skin Dis eases should be careful how tbey take these c ineral poisons, as in most Instances the effect of them Is to al most permanently impair the constitution. To take the place of these poisons we offer you a safe, sure, prompt and permanent relief from your troubles. Swift's Spe cific is entirely a vegetable preparation, and it is easy to convince you of its merit I have cured permanently Blood Taint in the thiid generation by the use of Swift's Specific, after I had most signally failed with Mercury and Potash. F. A. Toomcr. M. D., Perry, Ga. A young man requests me to thank you for his cure of Bloed Poison by the use of your Specific after all other treatment bad failed. Jos. Jacobs, Druggists, Athens, Ga Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed fre to applicants. Vl THE SWIKT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga N. Y. Office; 153 YT. 23d St.. bet 6th and 7th Avenues. THOMAS H. BROWN & SON, NOVELTY CARRIAGE WORKS, CHICAGO. ILL mesa tsuisies are made from 48 to 68 pounds, and to fl any horse, and are used by all the best trainers and drivers in the country. Also by Ex. Gov. Iceland Stanford and other of California. (S of th scrotum. Ifjtcn the uut,iupectni eautxtf SnremrBWiilioiitoiwiiln Ctreu!r un.l consultation rnM. .u uuunr nt.dUH - - CIVULS EMESIAI. A3SSCY. 165 raltea St., He ICS. T fcava GOOD HEALTH tbe tTVER rat h krvt ! Mrr DR. SAN FORD' 8 LIVER INVICORATpR Just what Its name Implies; Vepeta bleL iter Medicine.and fordiseasea resulting from a deranged or torpid condition of theLiver; such asBihousneM, Costiveness. Jaundice, Dyspepsia. Malaria, Sick HeadacherKheamatism, etc. An invaluable "ra lly Medicine. For full information send your ad dress on a postal card for 100 TO bk Liver and its Diseases,' to DR. SAOKD, i VStkT mU.U. TOP ITS REPUTATION onickly cured by theaVlAjyi '"VtrrSin (be HOSPITALS OF FRANCE. Prompt return of V)a. DR. PIERCE'S FAeirimMmcmm1ttx Hl1 is the onlv complete Bodv-bat- terv in tne "world. Onlv one generating continuous Electko-M ag natic Cl'rkkmt. without Acids. Cures disease like maeic. For male or female. Hundreds cured ! Pamphlet, &C, free. ; MAGNETIC ELASTIC TSUSS COMPANY,. 704 Sacramento Street, San Francisco. POTASH I f : NOVELTY if BULKY, I Price, $125. OO. I I j Boxing, 80 extra, y mmmmm J HU ilf IVlEOtiiiYUR SARSAPARILLA YELLOW DOCK IODIDE OP POTASS. . The Best Blood Purifier and Tonic Alterative in use. Itpuickly cures all diseases originating from a disordered state of the blood or liver. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Boils, Blotches, Pim ples. Scrofula. Gout, Dropsy, Tumors, SaU Rheum and Mercurial Pains readily yield to its purifying properties. It leaves the blood pure, the liver and kidneys healthy, the com-, plexion bright and clear. For sale by all drug gists. J.B.GATE8 4CO, - - Proprietors, dAJT FRANCISCO. CAL. : - PIANOS. CTCIUUIAV KRAXICJf & BACH. O I LI II If A Y .Gaoler, Roenish Pianos; Burdett Organs, band instruments. Largest stock f Shezl Music and Book a Bands supplied at Eastern trice II. GRAY, 206 Post Street, San Francuco. PIANOS 5,000 Kew and Becond-bond Piano si half price. Pianos $15 and up. Anti sell Piano Factory. 24 St 26 Ellis St. 8. N. P. N. U. No. 33. S. JT. N. U. No. 110. rPISCfS rErViEDY FOa CATAfH Mi Easy to use. A certain cure. Not expensive. Three months' treatment in one package. Hood for C'olfc In the Head, Headache, Dizziness, Hay Fever, fec Fifty cents. By all DruKKi" ts, or by mail. k. T. KAZELTLNE, Warren, Pa. i "WHAT HON. J. C. BUEE0WS SATS." For more than five years past a member of my family has been afflicted with Hay Fever, cul minating late in the fall with a hacking cough, which would increase in severity until the re turn of warm weather. Every remedy proved futile, and relief was only found in a change of climate. There was a recurrence of the dirli culty last fall, attended with the usual cough and violent protracted sneezing. Not half a bottle of Papillon Catarrh Cure had been used . before the cough entirely disappeared, and gen eral relief followed. It is simply wonderful! Don't fail to try it. J. C. Burrows. lEx-Memh. Congress, 4th Llist., Mich.) Kalamazoo, Mich., March 12th, 1SSI. 'A BEUGGIST'S TESTIMONY." On the loth of March I sold Manson Goins, (barber in Martindale's Block), one bottle Papil lon Cough Cure, and a week later he told me that it had not only relieved his child, but hud almost entirely cured it of Whooping Cough. Julius A. Haag, Denison House Drug Store, Indianapolis, Ind. Revolvers, KltlOS, txo. Orcxt VT"irtm QanWork.i.PltubujrBli.i' nAl ICMAKUC Stands unrivalled as tht BEST CHEWING TO BACCO i thk WORLD. DEACH I TOP, PLUG One plug: in every box TOBACCO T. "" M 25- The Greatest Nervine known. (Liebiff's Extract), the "Wonderful Nutritive and Invigorator. IPyrophosphate), Tonic for the Blood, and Food for the Brain. sold in Portland, Oregon, has been extensively used m that locality, and performed many astouishing cures. As a Xcrvlne and Tonic it Is unsurpassed, lhe combination of clcry. Beef and Iron, has shown to posseKS wonderful power to build up broken-down constitutions, ana restore vigur w V It Upji efficient remedy in caws of ;enral Debility, - v.hnGt I am taliiiiliauiiiiiH. fiirili- ela, Dyjeiwa. Loss .f I'hjslcnl nnl Menta Power,! rinary muicuira.uu uiiimaw -men! of Health, where an emcieut and agieeabl Tonic and Nervine is required. PREPARED ASD SOLD BY TUTHILL, COX & CO., 537 Clay Street, - - San. Francisco. 5. SiMtiHFfif 1 BEST PAIN KILLER ii AND "ir Healing' Remedy TN THE WORLD. 1 NOWLBDGB FOR MEN! How to remedy the indiscretions of youth and manhood and to detect them ' in tthera. Send for the medical work of DR. MARTINE and cure thyself. Sent to any address of receipt of fifty cents. I)R. aiAKTIXE. 10 Geary street, San FranciBCo, Cal. WEAK, UNDEVELOPED PARTS OP THK HUMAH BODY ENLARGED, DEVELOPED, STRENGTHENED, Etc., jt n 0tTPtiiig adrwrTsemfnt iopg run in our paper. Inrgply toipfaHiTeyniy that therMSoTdenfujinbcibonMij gmyjret ifmled Hrcu)r jrivintllpnicolr,bT MdicjlCo.. Baff.lo, N. Y. Talxlo K.rplnc HrJ 30 DAYS' TRIAL (BroiiJ.t (AFTKK.) T? LECTr.O-VOLT AK! BELT and other Elctrio li AfTLiAcrs are sent on 80 Days' Trial TO KN ONLY, YOUNO OR OLD, who are Buffer. liyr from Nervous Debeutt. Lost Vitaltit, VVAsnsa Xr.AKrmxB. and all those diseases o' rizpse.VAL Natcbe, resultlnir from a-csCsks t ji Other Causes. Speedy relief and enmp'ete rtoration to TtEALTn. Viooa and Masbd SnaRASTSEn. Bend at once tor LUusuited Pamphlet Ire. Address Voltaio Belt Co., Marshall, Mich. - I SfWFR WATro iun 5uj . A LINCOLN PLACER CO.C6L.1L t - ' mi r EUPTUKB Aksolutely eorrd In 30 to 9t dirs. br Dr. Pierce's Patnit KacneUo Elastio Truss. Warranted theonlvElectrloTruM la the world. Entirely different fvm all others. Perfect Beniner, and is wora with ease and comfort night and day. v ureo. 'th nwwANl Dr J. liimma of New York. 'and hnndredi of others. New tlluatrated Dam MAGNETIC t LAST ifc TRUSS COMfANy. SOiliicraffiantoBw. cor. baa JT raactsoo, Cal. IRON -