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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1908)
VOL XLV. NO. 89. CORVALtIS, BENTON ,0QpTtg A NB1 SALT AIR SANATARIUM Will Be Established at Waldport. THE PLANS ARE ELABORATE Twenty Nw Cottars, a New Wharf 400 Feet Long and Other Improvements. Waldport, the charming little village that nestles snugly on the south Bide of the Alsea river near its confluence with the blue waters of the mighty Pacific and sheltered by fir-clad hills from the harsh breezes of the North west trades, is coming rapidly to the front in prominence and im-. portance. Not only for its hunt ing, fishing and dairying indus tries but also as a health resort. The latest development in the latter respect is. being brought about by Dr. Olmstead, of Port land. For a considerable length of time past Dr. Olmstead has been investigating different points along the coast with. a view to establishing a "Salt Air Sanitarium" at some location where he could secure a maxi mum of sunshine with a mini mum of fog. His investigation finally concluded with the selec tion of Waldport and there he has decided to build his Sani tarium. The plans for the building are quite elaborate. - The design, of the architecture is unique and logs will be used for building material. The main building will be 56x44, on the south will be a room 56x25 in which will be placed a salt water acquarium 18x10 feet and 5 feet deep with a running stream of salt water passing through it. In this acquarium will be placed "various species of salt water fish and other marine cu rios. The southeast and west sides of this room will be almost entirely of glass, where patients land visitors may occupy large easy chairs and enjoy the bright warm .sunshine that pours in through the large windows. Another room of the building will be 39x22 feet in which will be placed the Doctor's splendid museum, at present containing ten thousand specimens from all over the world and which will be added to from time to time by donations. This room will also contain the library which will be an exceedingly attractive fea ture. Hot and cold baths will be in the main building. Twenty neat cottages will be erected on grounds adjoining the Sanitarium for the occupan cy of patients. Dr. Olmstead be lieving that better results are thus obtained than when all are housed in the same building. These cottages will each contain two rooms and a canvass sleep ing addition. Surgical cases and contagious diseases will not be treated. This institution is intended for the treatment of overworked men and women from the offices, banks and other callings in the cities and those con valescing from acute troubles. A large wharf, 400 feet long, is being built on the water front which will be used for the con venience of launches and pleas ure craft and will also be a free boat landing. When arrange ments are completed construc tion work will be rushed. This will put Waldport in the front rank as a coast health resort. Newport News. Hear Fulton TONIGHT. WILL BE A BIG GAME Nov. 21,0. A. C. ts. U. of 0. at Portland. The time is drawing near for the champion game of football between OAC and U. of O. at Portland on Nov. 21st. This will be a hard scrap for the ioys and every citizen of the town should make it a point to get up early in the morning, march around the block, nil his lungs with good pure air and yell the college yells so as to get their throats in proper shape to root for the boys on that big day.- We used to play baseball and we re member how that kind of busi ness fired our souls with delight at critical periods. .There ought to be 2000 tickets sold at Corval lis on that day and the Southern Pacific railroad company com pelled to put on an .extra engine to carry the enthusiasm. So arrange your business affairs that Portland will think some foreign nation has invaded the country when the train pulls in at the Union depot. Don't get scared on account of tickets, for if necessary the Gazette will run the job presses all night for "a solid week to supply the demand. FOOT BALL MACHINE Portland Papers See Strong Aggregation at 0. A. C. The Portland papers of Sun day footballs as follows : With seven old players as a nucleus and with a wealth. of good mate rial at his command, Coach Nor cross is building up a most for midable football machine at Cor vallis. The strength of the Ore gon" Agricultural College bunch is as yet uaknown, but the wise ones say that it. will be stronger than "last selasoriVleert'As ti punter and place-kicker, Wolff is always a dangerous man, and in these departments of . the game the Agricultural College men should out-class Washing ton. Tr.e writer takes no stock in the hard luck stories that have come down from Corvallis. He predicts a hard, close game at beattle, but is inclined to the belief that OAC will win. By a vote of 4 to 2, the North west Conference Colleges have applied a strict construction to the four-year rule and have made the regulation retroactive. This includes Roder, the Pullman halfback, and Edmunson, the Idaho runner, besides a number of Whitman's best men. It will include Jamison, the OAC giant: Huston, the Oregon sprinter; Small, Idaho's famous quarter back, and several others at the end of this vear. The writer has discussed the injustice of this ruling until his own patience and the patience of nis readers has become exhausted, so no ad ditional comment will be made. Newport's Future. Newport is happy. Her ardu ous summer toil is over. Rocked in the hammock of contentment and lulled by the patter of the rain and the cooing melodies of the autumn leaves as they play on the vibrating cords of far and spruce boughs, she dreams an entrancing dream of delight and sees visions of her future great ness. In her visions and dreams she sees great ships lying at her wharves. She sees a great city stretching from the harbor bar to the heights in the northern limits. Wholesale business blocks line the water front and five hundred thousand dollar hotels command views of the bay and ocean. Electric cars flash their colored lights in the night time and &ive rapid transit from the southern boundary to the light house. When Newport awakens from this pleasant dream she will put on her bloomers and go to work to make it a reality. Newport J.1CYV3. THE LUMBERMEN'S! STUBBLE FIELDS Clearing of Stumps Too "Expensive. IMPROVED METHOD NEEDED - iN. - r Whereby This Vast Afresge Can Be Cleared at Expense Less Than Vaine of Land. - A problem of considerable Im portance in western Washington and Oregon has to . do with" what ble field" tracts from which the timber has been cut and which, though desirable for agriculture, can be cleared of stumps only at a cost greater than the yalUe of the land for agricultural "pur poses. ' Since the lumbermen harvested their wood crop those lands nave remained unproduc tive, for fires have prevented, for est reproduction. It has been suggested that a saving can' be made in the cost of pulling stumps if the stumps of Douglas fir are used by dis tillation for the production of turpentine, tar, charcoal, and other products. lnere , ino question that the fir stumps can be used in this way, but the sav ing effected, according to the rough estimates which, are alone possibieunder the circumstances, would hardlv -exceed from one tenWtooTSefthbt-th clearing at present, wtiichv ranges from $150 to $225 per acre. In a few cases, where the land was not so heavily timbered, the ex pense of clearing is a little less. It looks as if the lumbermen's stubble field can be brought economically under the plow only by the contrivance-of some improved method for handling the stumps, which are too large for the regulation stump-puller and are now removed by dyna mite and the donkey engines. "IN DIXIE LAND." Beantifal Southern Play Com ing Soon Next Friday and Saturday, October 30 and 31st, the Alcazar Stock Company will play a re turn engagement at the opera house, producing the well known Southern play, "In Dixie Land." The play is a picturesque story of life in the Sunny south, bub bling with laughter and melting to tears; it has plenty of heart inteiest and intense climaxes, and will be one of the best offer ings of the season. Since last appearing here the Alcazar Com pany has played in all of the larger towns from Eugene to The Dalles and everywhere they have met with splendid success and the press and public are loud in praise of the artistic work of the company. They are giving high class productions of standard plays, and at popular prices, which you cannot afford to miss. Come and spend a night in Dixie Land with the company that belongs to you. Albany Apple Fair. Albany, Ore. Nov. 10th to 12th inc.,-iy08. For the above occa sion the I Corvallis & Eastern Railroad Company will sell round trip tickets on November 10, 11 and 12th, good to return up to and including .Nov. loth, for 50 cents for the round trip. - Chil dren half fare of the above. .R. C. Linviixe, Agent. ALB NY APPLE FAIR Tnesday. Jfoi. 10 --General - Information The entries are coming in merrily for the .Albany Apple Fair,-which Openssin Albanv on Tuesday, .November 10th, and continues Wednesday and Thursr day, thus giving three entire days and evenings 'to this grand exhibition of Linn county's prize products. . Growers throughout this and neighboring counties are saving their best specimens for the Albany.' contest, and a splendid' list i exhibits is as sured, notnly from Linn coun ty, but from half a dozen other counties. All - fruit entered for prizes must be correctly labeled and must be in the hands of the com mittee- by 5 o'clock p. in. of the opening day. Applications for space must be addressed to Owen Beam, Secretary of the Apple FairCommittee, Albany, Oteton. Prospective visitors should bear in mind the need of making reservations at once in order to -insure good locations. -Space will be assigned in the OTder that applications are received. The committee requests that applica tions be made at once in order that they may know how much floor space to arrange for. The management of the Al bany Apple Fair is in receipt of many inquiries as to the cost of space for exhibits. On behalf of the management it is desired expressly to state tnat no charge is made either for entry in any of the contests or for space, . A splendid list of premiums , . . - . ' have been prepared, consisting oi suver cups, silver iuivfs auu forks, and other valuable articles for the best displays of various varieties, and in addition there are- special - prizes for. -best-dis- pkys of chrysanthemums, house plants ana ior wie uesi uorui uis play. Especial interest attaches, to . t il 1 a 1 Tl ' J 1 r Ha A I hd r vr A nit I a Hoif this -wia r r"iuTtV.:ir'T;!in keeping with the advance- .wuui.u W1" attendance vastly greater mau i that of any other previous ex hibition because on the second day of the apple fair, November 11th, it is planned to open and dedicate the new Albany depot of the Southern Pacific Company which has been in process of erection for some months, with appropriate ceremonies and a grand demonstration in celebra tion of the event. Special trains will be run from all the sur rounding country. In honor of this event special excursion rates will be in effect from all points. The business men of Portland will visit Albany in a body and at' the conclusion of , the cere monies of the dedication, the visiting bodies will be escorted to the apple fair. Elaborate preparations are being made by the Albany Commercial Club to entertain the visiting thousands from Portland and other points There will be no admission fee charged visitors to the Al bany Apple Fair. A Booster or a Liar. An Ontario farmer, writing to a friend back east was trying to give some idea of the produc tiveness of the soil here. He said they had to mow the grass in the front yard every day to find the baby. One family near them had twin babies, wit only one cradle, and the kid that had to slfeep on the floor grew twice as fast as the other. Where the soil is richest a man dare not -stand on one leg any length of time lest that leg becomes long- r and bothers iu walking. On tario Argus. Voters of Benton county are earnestly requested to be present an 1 hear Senator Fulton speak at the court house tomorrow tve NEW CHURCH WILL BE ERECTED SOON By Presbyterians at Present Location. WILL COST OVER $20,C30 New Improvements Are Being Made to Keep Pace With the Rapid Growth of Corvalli?. At the meeting of the officers and members of the Presbyterian church held on Thursday night, tbo8e nt thaUhe fame now come when" a new church must be erected on the pr.esent beautiful site to accommodate their people. In the rapid growth -of the town the Presbyterians have been, greatly blessed with a lib eral proportion of the new citi zens and now find themselves greatly handicapped with the crowded condition of the audi ence room. At nearly every ser vice the house is filled to over flowing and on special occasions the aisles and pulpit space must be filled with chairs to accom modate the people. In the Sun day School work the classes are tXlk UUIVUCU 111 LI. . noige &nd all crowded in the one room and confusion it is impossible for a teacher to make lasting impressions on the minds of the children. For 52 years the present struc "ture nas stood as a landmark to Qe faithfulnesg of Christian men and women, but like the builder, it must pass away to make room 1U1 C A s VT O.XXU 1UVUC1 XX Kr IXXX VX X XX LL i ... o ment of moral and educational ideas. . The general expression of this people'is to build a beautiful edi- Lfice to cost not less than $20,000 to serve them for many years to come, and we feel justified in saving the citizens of Corvallis will render every assistance pos sible in aiding this commend able enterprise. A meeting was called; for lliursday evening. Nov. 12th, to take further action in regard to the matter and it is the earnest desire that every member of the church and con gregation as well as all citizens who mav feel an interest in see ing a fine church-may be present and give expression to their views. It has been decreed by Rev Bell that the masculine persua sion shall furnish the refresh ments on this occasion and when the meek and lowly brethren sized up the preacher they said "so mote it be," hence the ladies will be expected to eat sand wiches with the "fillin" an inch thick. For once the gentlemen will be monarchs of all they sur vey and lovely women will have to take their medicine. It affords us great pleasure to say that never in the history of the denomination has there been such unity of action, oneness cf spirit, loyalty to the principles they profess and deep convic tions of duty to the community as at present, and when Chris tian people lay aside petty jeal ousies, having in view the one fundamental principle of -the spiritualization of their fellowT men, great good is sure to follow. Wliiie the new building will e a credit to the Presbyterians as a denomination, it should also be the pride of every citizen who has the welfare of the town at heart, for with fine churches, good schools and the best college Jon the Pacific Coast it practically TO BENEFIT -PObLH' Lycnm Conre Not a M ny Maker An Educator The people of Corvallis are to be congratulated . over the pros pect of another series of splendid lecture courses and Prof. Cordley and others are to be commended for their noble efforts to educate ' the people along higher lines of education il development. As a college town we- owe it to the parents of the young men and women coming from all parts of the state to see that instead of the cheap entertainments of a questionable character we sur lound their lives with entertain ments of the highest order. In attending this lyceutn course they will come in touch with the brightest minds, peculiarly fitted to make lasting impressions in character building. Great pains have been taken and much mon ey expended along these lines and it can be truthfully said that it has not, nor will not, be made a question of money making but simply an earnest effort by Chris- , tian gentlemen to benefit the public. Give them your hearty support. FOOT BALL ENTHUSIASM How the Bovs Have Innocent Fun The football rally Friday night by the college students was a daisy and calculated to inspire the feelings of happy childhood in the heart of every citizen ot fMTollia "Wo- Kaliovo in t Vi A principle that whatever is worthy of attention should be done with an eye single to procuring the ' best results, hence if a football -team is beneficial, OAC should Pnnifin Coast to keen in touch- with the reputation of the school OAC has been greatly honored by the young men and women who have left the school room to take advanced positions in near ly every sphere of usefulness, and the graduate has gained marked distinction when handed a sheepskin from that institu tion.' She teaches thoroughness in classics and loyalty to the school and it does our very soul good to hear the boys shout Zip! Boom! Bee! Zip! Boom! Bee! OA, OA, OAC! .Headed by the college band they formed at the college and marched down through town with a side line of ladies to lend enchantment to the scene, then back to the athletic field.. It was a pretty sight to look at them and while we were not permitted to form in line our feet would in sist on keeping time to the music. A match was then applied to the huge bonfire prepared for the occasion, speeches made, yells given and various other things done to impress upon the mind that. f)AP. will have a full hand in the foot ball games this year. OAC-U of O Football Game: Portland, Nov. 21, 1908. For the above occasion the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad Company wiii sell ryuiiu nip lickcis 10 Portland for $2 good on special train only, leaving Corvallis -about 6:45 a. m., Nov. 21st, and returning leave Portland about 7 p. m " The sale of tickets will commence November 16tb. R. C. Linville, Agent. LETTER LIST The following letters remain uncalled for in the Corvallis postoffice for the week ending Oct. 24, '08: Miss Lottie Cummings, Har vey Knisken, Miss Neva Kizer, Mrs. Jane McChee. , B. W. Johnson, P. M. solves" the question of growth and prosperity. future