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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1908)
v,.? 'County Clerk X ' VOL. ALV. .... .. ... .. 'r p'. f;a sii(;-.,'P-.n'g.r- jiiIitl-MM,MM,,,M t-jr r-i fri vs. .V - ' ' : -J-rrr : ..-.-.. - - - n,,Tv vl 11 111111 ,in 1 ,,r"yim"T CLEAN 5Ylttr Takes First Premihm on General Products cuMirau ADTiriiiiw: Fifteen word or less, 26 eta for thre successive insertions, or 60 eU p' month; for all ,op to, wd ...including ter additional wor J. cent a word for eaor Insertion. For all advertisements over 8 word. 1 ct per word for toe first . insertion, nc u ct ner word for each additional ineer tion NotbiaK inserted for less than 2f OREGON STATE FAIR cents. Lodge, sodetr and church notices, other than strictly news matter, will b charged .tor. ' . HONORED House Decorating. ' ,i , , i ... t rrr- ' ITim PAFNTTNG AND PAPERINGSEfc W R. Paul. Ind. 488 4lU tane 'and tSMxl I "Counties Take tie Second and TMrd Premiums 'Reipectiyely. Rousinsr Receiitioh Returnihg Victors -.4 i Illuminated made,nl Demonstration at Home ol inlomahCinn. ATTORrfEYS J. F. YATK8, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW OtBcenp stafrs.ia Zierolf Building uniy set oi aostrsuiB in dbuiuii.uuuiu) " a. ft. BRYBON ATT0K5EY AT LAW. Office in Post Office Building, Corval lis, Oregon. WANTED WANTED 600 SUBSCRIBERS TO TH GazbttK and Weekly Oregonian at PHYSICIANS B. A. CAT HEY, M. D.. PHYSICIAN ttiiaorjieon. Rooms i4, Ban Build ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m., 2 U 4 p. m. .Residence : cor. 6th and Ad am tits. Telephone at office, and res Idence Oorvaliis. Oregen W.T. KOWLUY, M. ismt l-aYSlCIAW andSurgeon. Special attention given to the Eye. Nose and Throat. .Office in Johnson ttmg. Ind. 'pbone at of fice and lesidence. - ,or and. Licensed v Emb-Jioer. iigucj. cess5f . to Bo-veaA Bauer Corvfilljs, Oregon. Iiid. Phone 45. Bell fhe 241. " " . ' .. . 89tf r-t.'', ui i: h Is l-'?t' HEKJCLE A- BL ACKLEmifiUKJDER Tt affords us verv creat pleas ure to announce the fact that Benton county cleaned up, the first crize in the GeneralExhibit of the products of the county at the State p air ai oaiem yes: ter day. It is all the more grati fying to know that never before was the competion so Keen, mus showing that we have the soil the fruits, the vegeiaDies, ine farmers, and the men who know how to put it on display. The j. premium was $300 in good, old solid coin, and we can conceive the happiness in, the hearts 01 proves auu oavago when they are presented with the check. Jane and. Yamhillv were very close competitors receiving 5d and third premiums in the order named. ,. ,. .. Too much , credit, cannot be given to Messrs. Groves, Savage a.! others ' who conspired to4 gether to bring about this most gratifying result, .Ciedit is also do to the :ksnfjSiSmfJ 998 in,' the mnd8 "of the Dfionle ;tha importance, aL choice productions if.. they ekpect to succeed: -v ftS!i&f oregonIirt. Main Bi.. , uorvama, vrf ; A r .- BANKING. I ? . , i ' ' t iv'mi' :!" ' TUE PIH .1 . NATIONAL BANK .ill- Coryalljs, vrejton, trtinsacta. general conservative banking bosineas. Loanf money on approved security. Draft bought and (sold ani money transferred to tne: prindpul cities of the. Unitec - Htates, Europe and foreiitn countries. HOMES FOR SALE- WE HAVE pEVEBAL. . PARTIES' who are looking for homestad locations or relinquishments, also . some good timber claims. If you know of any good homesteads or timber claims it will pay you to write us. Address -ETNA REALTY. COMPANY,, , 225 Failing Building, Portland. Oregon. WILL SELL LOTS IN CORVALLIsl Oregon, en instalment plan and as sist purchasers to build homea on then, if uesired. Address First Nations Bank. Corvallia.Or. "z--it. aeevevevv HEADQUARTERS FOK Live and Dressed Poultry,' Bone, Grit and Oyster Shells, Prussian Stock and Poultry Tonic, Lice Killer, etc. Pay higheot . cash market price In Poultry, Eggs, VeaLasd Hon. 312 Second Street. ' Showing; Jlojy Willargte Valley Kcauastate rays. emmtv some seven vears ago ana bQught a, farm, .pa .Soap.,Creek, and, like many others from the East, sold his possessions for al most double the' purchase price, and went back east. Two years fx ha came back to Oregon and bought a farm five miles east of Corvallisrpaying $35 an acre for it.. A few davs. aero he sold out again, at $58, thus realizing $23 per acre as a net prom in , tne increase of value as well as the profits , from the farm. These are the facts as given us bjr'Ivirl Robinson, who auctioned off Ruiter's personal property. . This case snows ine possuiii ties open to every man of nap and energy throughout the Vil At.tA Vallev and particularly in Corvallis and Benton county. Every investment in reai esii, Vnm1 on reason, and common sense, will sure pay a handsome proht. . Hotel Changes. . NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATIOS. TWiurtnMnt of tha Ialrrior. - TJ. 8. Land Office atRoeeburg, Orenon, . , . May 12,1908. Notice is hereby given tbet Adolph v r( Mnnrrwi. Orpffnn " mho on July 8. 1908, made Homestead Entry, No. 12B90, tor.lwota u It, is aaa i. iw i IWiuhi. i4 &. iRasse 7 W.. Willamette Meridian,, baa filed notice of intention to make Final five year proof, . to establish claim to the land above !e ' -:v4 kolnrs thA Onnntv Clerk of Ben ton County, at Corvallis. Oregon, cn the J6h day ol sentemoer, laws. ... ri.i..f n.mM u aitMuiM! Georpe Tomnkineof Monroe, Oregon,. R. F.D. n nravaa nf Mnarm. Oreaon. R. F D. i: J. E. Williams of Monroe, Ore gon, K, r V. i; Cinsries unman oi mon- roo, uregoa. ft. r. u. i. .- a . 06-76 - BjUAiu L. Eddt, Register. Wa understand , a centleman from California has leased the Occidental Hotel, Heihg Hall, the. Elmore, and the Corvallis rooming house and expects to do a land othce business in me care of students as well as cater ing to the wants of the travel ing public. " - - ... Invoicing of the gooas as Heilig Hall was to commence yesterday, dispossession of the other three will soon be given. VVr hon the gentleman will conduct the places i mentioned to the satisfaction. of his patrons and wish him success in a finan cial sense. The latest news , from. Mrs. Mike Bauer is yery encouraging to her manv friends and from present indications she will soon be able to come home. . Portlar.d's sport-loving popu lation turned out en, -masse laft Un'nd rv nie-ht td exeet the three returning ? heros ; SmithsGrt fiilhert and Kellv.., Therowd was wildly f nth usiasti5, land ttfjfej ime 01 muiuu . eua u . o w Morrison street-to ; the : Multn- mnh t nn nresenteu an uiuium- ation such - as 4s seldom see. ThA narade was over half a mile long, and red and '.green.., lights burned brightly along ,us pasij. Roman candles, shot their glories out. in 11 directions and the marching throngs yelled , ther. admiration of the world's chanif- pious... ;i - -f;! There was little delay starting the" pageant from the Commer cial Club building-The streets lined throuerhout. the line multitudes to Muiinqman x imu, whicli was ' illuminated ' wititi strings of Japanese lanterns arid i. v. rr Kvri roo' that nnrTiflfi rnu . V.on At-Tcif oa TaoiiTiAfl X lit; unco auuivvvu WY Portland at SViS.VafteE .ineir trir uinphal tour . across -the conu nen.t. ..Tlje . general coiniriittee mnt."t.hAm nt the station and con- d ncted them to the " - Commercial Club, where they wererguests until the ceremonies ot the ever nine began. Tt looked like a great army croinor into bivouac when the nortoore woimd its wav ddwn the serpentine driveway qritor,Muit-pom.ah-Field. The soldier boy of th Third Reeim ent. under command of Qolonel McDonnell foUoweq. ..the platoon oi ..police down the hill and took position .flontirior the field on all sides. TTalf a dozen autoniobiles bear ing the general commixxee .; ano Thn.ftveral hundred .Multno mah C.Uih hiermbers marched in and after c.oursipg .arpund the tr-air formed a sinffle column and lock-stepped into the grand stand. The hand struck up the "Star Spangled Banner," the audience mqa with linr.overea - neaas ana the conauerihe heroes were ush ered upon the scene. They were in a horseless carriage drawn by tuny J-My ooys, wuy wBjiwug the front of the grand-stand and at the south end of the track turned into the center of the field and brought the carriage to a stand-still in front of the re' viewing stands i tr.;. , The three young men: dis mounted and were escorted .to the seats' of oiipi :bewel- comed home and presentea wun loving cups by the admiring citizens of their birth place. - Col. JnmeA Jar.kson. reoresenting me Governor.' paid a glowing tribute to: tne champions who had brq't Oregon before the world. Mayor Lane welcomed them iq behalf of tne people of Portland, v and then the trophies were presented'. Each of the young .men received a cup from the citizens of Port land and a life . membership in the Multnomah Club, which was voted them at the last meeting of -the board of directors. . Forrest Sinithso.; , who went to London as, the s-r jcial repre sentative of ihe Club, was pie- TKo ?oricinrt has iust- been rendered by Judge Harris in the contest case for AJounty uierK oi Benton county between Victor Mosep and;T. Tn. yincent. : 'The decision here follows:,, ;, 'M,, T. T. Vincent, Plaintiff and Con testant, vs. Victor P. - Moses, .Defendant and CJohtistep.; -Based upon the findings of fact and' conclusions of law.made : - ' J-. - " - . -s a ' " and hied, herein ana nerewiin, it is . considered, ordered, and adjudged that the election con test 'preeding Jnstit'uted? by plaina. ana contestant . dhuu the sanie i is herebv dismissedH The defendant ., and contestee be and he is hereby declared -duly elected the Uounty uierK oi uen tbh County for the term pftwQ years, from and after the 'first Monday Jyily , 19Q8- ,4ja4 xsl en-' titled, to . certihcate pt . sucn . eiec tibnjthatdefen.dantand contestee have and recover .off and from plaintiff arid cdntestaht the costs ceedihg to be' tdxed, . ... f,.;. XTr Harris, Judge. Datedgept. 16, 1908 The ' decision' gives Vincent '-t 6,4.-; 2-J' ' 8 votes and Mo loses 1008. New Undertaking Parlors.- TTenkie- fe Blackiedee. :have moved their undertaking parlors from the rooms up stairs over tiio fiVirnitiirA store to the ''first floor one door south of 'Blackt edge's store. ' 6AC Cadet Uniforms. T4;AAt.ofore thef students in at tendance at the AC! have .teen normit.ted t Re ect . trxeir. own if -.- ' . - - . 1 pfeferfe in nnrcnasim? men uuuui uw. ihns dividinsr the trade. This vear the' contract was submitte4 to the business men ioe mus, nnrl F K., Miller , will furnish them for $12.75, thus having the exclusive sale. - , . The Cry for Rojms. 'The h'iarher cost of living. this year is being severely., felt by-' a large per cent pi tne siuaents, who must :yeitner forego tlais year s .attepaance .or resort w h'o-ht. hmisekeefjihe'. ,. .Tli ere are Also a large number writing for : unfurnished rooms, a aemanp. that cannot be hlled. l here is likewise urgent need for the erec tion. pf ji large jflat, ., well, lpcfited "and arranged especially for itu- dent needs. . vvitn a caretaker in hftro-e and dailv supervision of the property; such a building will be in ready demand by nrort hV and' nTOPTeSSlVe StUUentS and-return excellent yearly div idends to the builder. . - . A that withiri f V t7 UUUVuw" M- " ' thpast 'few ays a' gentleman from Califprpia has been looking over the situation with this en terprise in view. . , ' - A V.enaus of boarding and Todm'n'fr hoUses for students'was taken some ten days ago, but still the collegp.;,neeas places ior several hundred. : Many- who were out of town at that time have sent in their applications for students. These are needed this week, and a postal sent to the YMCA, giving location nd prices wilL save, the searching out .of so many places. - " - . - ' fZ 7Hb Boy's School Suits Yon will find here . tUe lar gest Stock in town of "Boys' School Suits Modest Prices $2.50 to $5.00 Boys' Steel'Shbd ScHbbl Sitoes STAND THE HARD WEAR J.M.Nblaii&Soii Quality Store Occidental LumDer KjO. Successora to doiMlis Lumber . --. . - 4 '"' - ;,We are thereto supply your needs in the Lumber line. jM"e taUonT B IRVING for-information and prices." And-take " noto :if we have notY got exactly what you want we wUl get it for you. .. . - , ' ri iWi i'J.1'' " G. O. B ASSET r, Local wer. lento niuhty Manufacturers of all kinds of I r Miter, WcuKlEffs, Cedar kosis, Sawed aiid Split; Ceiar Shakes Dealers in boors, Windows, time, Brick, Ceiiiciit, Shthg1e8,tc. Why Naval Uniforms Are Blue. . vnvnl. iinlforms.aU the world oyer pretty, wel are, nayy. blue.;, The Brit ish fashion in tnis matter nas uecu mo rule with maritime people la general. That blue was ever, selected tar the king's naval service, was.a fortuitous happening. When In 1747. the ques tion of uniform -was being considered the. color selected--had, very Uke ;.to have been French .gray, Jaced. with sil ror whllf the kihe ' was still ; not quite-decided he saw the Duchess, of Bedford In- a. r riding naDit oi mue faced .with .white and .enlivened with gold face. It was a revelation. Here thtt klner declared, was. the uniform for his sea service officers, and no more wna hmird- of French gray- -The navy took to blue, And every other navy has taken to It since. fail aaaii uaxeius. sented with another cup by, club members. . and Alfred Gitbert was given the citizens of Salem, bi9 birth-place, uaniei Kelly had been given a trappy by similar- admirers at Baker City Monday night, so the boys lave two apiece to commemor-; ite the occasion-. , , . .;, The people united in singing 'America," and then repaired to The Multnomah Club, where the im- held the center of the bis rymriasium a -couple of hours md bhook hands witn ine peo pie who were presented. ' "a Reasonable translation. : Thi . tar her was tellmg the class In fourth grade geography about thareat m1s of the different states, using the pictures In the- dictionary as the basis of.tbe, lesson. Pointing to tne seal oi Virginia, she asked:. - '-' , - Si-. fXow,'. irJio-;' can. : tell . me. from this plcturej ; what , should . ,be the meaning of, these. Latin words: 'Sic semper tyrannisr" , - . . Bobbys hand went np.' ' ' "AIE richt Bobby : you may tell us. : yrake yonr, foot off my neck,'" was Bobby's reply, Judge. -. , ; ' '."' Tit For Tat The Japanese do not like to be called Jans. A noted diplomat was traveling f'.-om ,Tekyo .to ; Yokohama ..when an American In the car leaned across and said. . ''Say., what ese are you. Chinese or Japanese?" ' ;' . Onick'as a flash came In excellent nii.h f. i 4ni-mitw what Iter' are .tAfltl MM. t '1 - - yo'C-Yankee or monkey?" Philadel-1 SELF EVIDENT. What tha Mar. Wanted When He Got In the Barber's Chair. . rn. v.nifihMilp1 man with four days OTrtwth of beard on bis chin entered the barbers, sbpp;and sat down In one-. of. the. operating cnalrs. "Shave, sirr "iWoi' ferowled the man in the chalr: "I want to be measured for a suit of clothes." ' "This isn't a tailor shop, Bir. .'What is it?" , - "It's a barber shop.", i "What work do you do in this shop?" "Shave men-and cut -their hair;, sir." "Bn vou think a man; with no hair on his head would come here to have his -hair cut?" . ;'JNo, slr' '-. "Than, .nresiiiialrie be a sane ' man, but baidheaded, what would you naturally suppose I came ror" For a shave."-- f Thea, whyy, did : you ask me if I wanted a. shave when I took a. seat In your chair?. Why didn'fyou go to -work at once?-- If some of you-barbers wpuld ,ceiltivate; a- habit- of. inferring from easUy -ascertained .data, instead of developing such wonderful conver sational powers, it would be of mate rial .aid ,fn ; advancing ;you ;in . .your chosen vocation and .of . .expanding your profits. Do you comprehend?" ' "Yes, sir," replied the man as he be gan to lather the customer's face In a dazed sort of way, And he.neyer even asked him if, he .wanted brilliantine on when the operation was performed. iaite the case of tne me next block. You have always consid ered him uppish. He has considered i nnnish. One day you are intro- dnced. and then each, of you discover the other to ba a pretty gooa son. ou Paul Ploneer-Preaa. ......