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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1908)
lOCAl AND PERSONAL Miss Lura Flett came in from Newport on Saturday. . Mrs. Huk'e is confined to her. bed with nervous prostration. Tomatoes at 7 cent a pound . would seem like quite an expen sive luxury. Caleb Davis jr. and family came in from the Big Elk coun try on Saturday. Tite Ilenney, of Summit was looking after business inter ests in. the city Saturday. A. C. Miller, of Kings Valley, was looking after business mat ters in Corvallis on Saturday. Win. Beckwith and family came in from Newport on Thurs day. They report a fine trip. Mr. Ruthyn Turney of Che- mawa, was visiting old friends in Corvallis Friday and Saturday. Jim Lewis has just sold the R. C Nichols lots numbered 1-2-3, on Peanut street, to William Baker. - . J. C. Lowe, of Albany, is look ing after business interests in connection with the Electric Light plant. The Robertson Cate Company sold one lot on 16th and Wash ington street for M. C. Miller to W.S.Gardner. Scott Hart, of Albany was in Corvallis on Saturday looking j for a place to board during the coining school year. ( The Robertson Cate company report the sale of , the Robert M. Hunter lots, 16th and Washing ton streets, to M. M. Long. Wm. Bryan, a former resident of Benton county, but now liv ing near Lebanon,' was a Cor vallis visitor on Saturday. We notice quite a number of nice fields of sweet corn in the gardens about town, and roast ing ears are on the market. C. I. Starr was in from the country Saturday. Since mov ing to the country he has added a fresh coat of paint to his nose. Mr. C. Schoel has sold his 1 es idence and two lots on 14th and VanBuren. streets to Samuel "Whiteside through Robertson-Cate. W. I. 'Leonard has" sold 5 1-2 acres adjoining city limits, wen Old pape rs slae at this omce. bundles, fori f Again we would appeal -to the- A ' J parents to have their children I improved property, to Mr. E. A.q j Engle has iulifreceivei, J readJr to participated firthe;ild Nichols, of Wenatche, Washing' throu h E A: Miller, the Cor- j n's parade at the All-Ben ton ton. This is a fine piece of vaii; ,rot fnr th Reaver Stite Fair-- li ; will ""not: only ; add piece property and shows evidence of his faith in Corvallis real estate. Deal was made through Robinson-Cate. Tommy Whitehorn and fam ily and Heury Gerhard came in from Belknap springs Friday. Mrs. Sam Wyatt, a member of the party, will remain a little while longer. They have been in camp about six weeks and re port a fane" time. 1 hey report vallis agent for the Beaver State Merchants7. Mutual Jure-lnsur-ance Company, a check ! for $3500 to cover the loss in the I recent fire at the ice factory".' It always affords us pleasure to find an insurance company that shows its interest in the welfare of its patrons by the prompt adjustment of losses, instead of sweating a man by six months haggling ever technicalities. We also congratulate Mr. Miller about 120 campers at the springs, on handling business for such an The Southern Pacific railroad f insurance company. " is planning to build a new depot! For Rext. Com pletely fur at Independence. We congrat- . nished house of 6 rooms, near ulate our west side neighbors oh j business: piano included. No this new improvement. . With ; children. . Address P.O. Box 343. the little link soon finished on the south you can also rejoice in the fact of being on the main line instead of the side track. We are glad to see so manj good citizens coming in from the surrounding country and buy- i ine homes. Many of these peo- . Mr. Ueorge JV1. bmitft, ol AI-j ple have been successful farmers hflnv. has Ixillfht. of Marshall ' a nA havo Tnirl hv a rmrAt.Anrv Miller, one lot on 16th and Wash-I for old age and are now willing ington streets ana win. Duna at to turn over the cares ai,a per once. The sale was made 'by plexities of the farm to others the Robertson Cate company, realizing that, the filthy lucre Mr. Smith is a painter and - pa- ( cannot be transported beyond pey hanger and our people put the narrow confines of the tomb, him to work before ne got his 'Sensible conclusion, gentlemen, coat off. - j and you have landed in the best Homer . Lilley was shaking town on earth. With pure air, hands with old friends on the good schools and fine mountain ftreets of Corvallis Saturday. Ha water it will give you a foretaste reports business good and salary ' of the comforts and blessings of . . T T f J 1 .1 J very satisiactory. ,ms inenas . me great oeyouu. will be pleased near or nis For sale House and two lots. prosperity, McAlinvilie is a 342 Tenth street, corner Adams. FossiL Ore. 57tf greatly to the success of; the Fair, but will impress upon, the child, the importance of taking an active interest in everything pertaining to the public welfare. It will be a great feature of the parade to see the children. - V Six acre tract, 2 bearing orchard, a reasonable figures. Cate Realty & In v. acres young fine tract at Robinson- Co. 72-4 Caught in the Act. good town and how to hold the business down in good shape. Mrs. u race rvgll, wno nas so long been connected with this paper as local editor and collec-! tor, has retired for the present from active newspaper work. 1 She is a good writer, earnest and attentive to every branch of the business entrusted to her care and keeping. She has the good will and best wishes of all hands ! connected with the office. ! i The new freight and by Tyler &. Groves is rapidly nearing completion. In about a month she will sail sweetly on Horace knows Address G H Carlj being constructed ' Active operations will begin at the Corvallis Cannery Monday. They will commence work 'on the , pear - crop which is now ready. ' The crop is abundant and quality very fine. When this is finished, other fruits will follow. The big red tomato will also demand attention very soon. The late rains have been very beneficial to the fruits and veg etables and it will keep the plant running until late in the winter to clean, up the surplus stuff. It will furnish work for about fifty people and will be of great ben efit to the laboring classes as Mr. W. E. Dunham and wife came in from California on Sat urday on business. They were formerly residents of Corvallis, leaving here about a year ago. Mrs. Elbert Ilollister, who has been visiting during the past week with- her husband's moth er, Mrs. E. R. Ilollister, returned to her home in Portland Satur day. Mrs. Whitby of southern Ben ton, was in town Saturday mak ing arrangements for the All Benton Fair. Mrs. Whitby is a worker and is looking after the interests of the grange. We would suggest that mem bers of the city council be pro vided with little bells to carry in their pockets to avoid possible danger from careless bicvele riders on the sidewalks. the beautiful Willamette and well as distributing lots of lnon- carry freight and passengers. It ey among the farmers. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, son Lester and daughter Eleanor of Corvallis, are at Xye Beach. They are located in the Killeany cottage for the balance of the season. And now comes the news that Ralph Pruitt is the father of a nice little girl that came to their home on the 19th. Mrs. Pruitt was formerly Miss Josie Ed wards, of south Benton. Grand pa Joseph sounds very good to Mr. Edwards. The following citizens of Cor vallis were Albany visitors Fri day and were' taken in by the circus: Prof. G. A. Coville and son, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tom, Mr.and Mrs. Newton, Ivan Kerr, Mrs. Fudge McFadden, Mr. and Mrs. Handy and two daughters. David Bullis has sold to H. II. Bugbee, of Meppner, Oregon, his residence and three lots on 15th and Tyler streets. Mr. Bugbee is a contractor and builder and when he looked over Corvallis and seen the vast amount'of work being done he very naturally wanted a finger will be gladly welcomed by our people who have long felt the need of a boat of this kind for transcient service. We are sorry. to hear that Mrs. M. H. Baiier is in the North Pa cific Hospital and that an opera tion has been deemed necessary for appendicitis which was to take place Monday. Mrs. Bauer has many- warm friends in Cor vallis who will anxiously await the result of the operation. We also sympatnize wine Mr. muer idea 0f cutting a watermelon, as We Consider thlS One OI the.nrl,l nrr, fl.n thniKrht , g Always get my prices on poul try, dressed pork and veal before you sell. j. A. Dawson, 'phone 209. 68-71 . The ladies of Ellsworth Relief Corps had a delightful session at their regular meeting in Grand Army Hall Friday evening last. There are times when every body seems happy and ready for fun. After the routine business of the Corps "was disposed of, one of the ladies conceived the happiest homes in Corvallis, A, C. White and wife and Miss upon brought forth a fine .' pecimen of the fruit and set it before them. rry ; -i . i . - r 70(0 TnUsnn ,amQ in fi-rviv. J. o aaa totne enioyment ivirs. Yahaatz Friday where they have Farmer and Mrs. Peterson sang been .enjoving an outing for the a duet that was strongly lmpreg past ten days. Mr. White was nated Wlth watermelon tendeh on the streets Saturday telling ' cies after which they carved fish stories and the wonderful I that meloa to the core- Ifc things he beheld along the banks !not necessary to remark that it of the old ocean. Among other I an enjoyable occasion. -things he reported two sea lions The Academy of Our Lady oj but he was scared so bad he did j Perpetual Help, Albany. Oregon. Last baturday night ; a man who acted in a rather suspicious manner, was noticed by one of our citizens standing near the corner of the Benton County Bank. He seemed especially desirous of avoiding observa tion, and stood for sometime peering cautiously around the corner down Madison street to wards the river. It was near midnight and' the streets were nearly deserted. Finally the fellow, in ; a steathly manner, proceeded down the walk to ward the postofficc, and turned, into the alley. , The observer, who had been watching these maneuvers -from the shadows of the Occidental, across the way, now. followed into the alley and saw his man slip quietly into the recess which opens into the rear ot the postothce. he fol lowed quickly and in a moment was face to face with the intru der. The latter, with a mut tered oath, drew something from his pocket that glittered wicked ly in the rays from the electric; light, there was a gurgling sound, and a moment later the two walked but of the alley to gether, wiping their . mouths. '.'Gee! that was good stuff," re marked the one who had done the pursuing, "Where'd ye get it?" . ; For Sale. One hundred acres of choice Fruit . Land,, in walking distance of the College, particularly well -located to cut into,' Small Tracts, for which there are daily calls. Onlv $75 per acre easy terms. y ; Robinson-Cate Realty & In vestment Co. - 73-4 OREGON 99 UILDERS A re Ton.dpinK what yon can to populate your State ? 0RKGOX N KKD.H PiOOf LE Sftttkr. hrniost Farm8, Mecbn-''-. Mr').i:Ms, r i-ns, P-Kti brains, Mron hand and a The Southern Pacific Go,, .(Lines in Oregon) ; IS sei.iiv, gtoris.o (wj.t'U oC bnNli;g,Oiv,tti , l: U eratme lo the East for diotrihntinn Awv. -Will you not hlt the (rood work i' ing ui- the game and HridrpspeS f t.i he ialerffted in this State? We ' he i'll ti. h t r, -xr"isi of sending them comDlete inform- r!irtn at-ont ,OK-E;t(N ui its opportunities. " ' . 0tONT TIC K KTS' V il f b ton cale'during SEPTEMBER and OCTOEK Tr m-"hc' Eai' '-o all points in Orn. The taree from a fe p infioal cis. From Denver . $30.00 Omaha '. 30.00 ..Kansas City 30.00 " St. Louis . 35.50 . " . Chicago . 38.00 From Louisville . " " Cincinnati " Cleveland'; " New York . f41.70 .42.20 "44.75 55.00 Ticket Can be Prepaid If vnn Kittiltnlmiura trifm) or relative to Orpgon, Henosjf the proper amount .v'h xny'of onr aenU. The ticket will then be furnished tv te.l ernuh, , , - - ' ... . - , , R. C. LINVLLE, Local Agent, Coryallia, Oregon.' WM. MuM IIR RAY! Gen. Paaienger Aurent, Portland, Or. LETTER LIST not measure them up to see how large they were. rSays they had plenty to eat but the drinking was mighty scarce. It beats the world what a wo man can do when she tries. Last week we gave our , readers a little touch as to the handy manner in which Mrs fixed up the furniture the house to suit her conveni ence - and now Linn county comes, in and goes us one better. Mrs. Ed. Caldwell and daughter conceived the idea that they wanted a new porch and suiting the action to the word they sim under the direction of the Bene dictine Sisters, -will re-open to commence its regular school work September 14, 1908. The new addition in course of erec tion, which will contain all the modern improvements, will be completed at on early date. For f i 1 r i i . jj0(jes j lurtner lniormation apply to around i eneaictine Bisters, Aioany, ure. We are glad to note that our Albany neighbors have at last waked up to the importance of the extension of the Corvallis &i Eastern railroad and have ap pointed a committee to wait up- The following t letters remain uncalled for in the Corvallis postoffice for the week ending August 22, '08: Mrs. Rena Hauser, Wesley Johnson, E. J. Neill, Mrs. Mary Quivey, Mrs. Mary Tabor, Miss Edith Woodbiirv. B. W. Johnson, P.M. FALL MILLINERY. Advance styles in Gage Hats, ready to wear;' Children's Hats and" Caps, Merry Widow Veils and Pins; the latest in Fall and Winter Flowers and Foliage; Plumes, Wings and all kinds of Fancy Feathers. Miss F. Twom- bly, a competent and artistic milliner, is in charge of the work room. I can assure my customers of courteous treat ment, whether their order is' small or large. Hats remodeled i at nominal and uniform price. Agent for the WadeCorsets. Call and see them. Mrs. H. E. Wetherla, Next to P. O. . Corvallis, 73-7-1 ' Oregon. Ladies' Tailor Made Suits, and Cloaks, Skirts and Waists, are a Specialty With Uf. F. L. Miller J UJMIl-L MM MB MMllllilllULlUITM HCTWfe i - Jersey Bull For Sale. Defended from Grand Coin and Gold, en Glow . imported row tpstinsr 18 11 8 nntier fat in 7 davs with 3.--jt "plf.. Ad dress, 1, S. Woodcock. Cr.ic .ilis Ore-on. work . ance to the entire ply ordered the lumber and went on the powers that be and give at it. Marie you, they never j them a poke in the short ribs stopped for any old man to .lay This is a matter of vital import- tne irame or square the but just kept pegging away un til the last nail" was driven, lay ing the floor, setting the beauti ful turned posts, putting on the roof and all, and we are informed by a competent judge that it would make many vallej' and we earnestly hope our people will take the matter up and appoint a committee to act in conjunc tion with our Albany neighbors. It is only neccessary to call the attention of the Commercial J Club to the Importance of it and a man claim ing to a be' carpenter ashamed of j they will start the ball to rolling. himself. Oh, woman! trulv thou j The boys are hustlers and when art a blessing and if you will just they get on the track the coon in the pie and hence decided to keep on evolutin a few year Ion- might as well ; come down out of f move in. lhe deaL was made ger we men can live in luxury the tree. Let the dogs loose dj xiouertson-iate. and ease.. So mote it be. -jboys and he's our meat. Examination for Carriers. The United States Civil Ser vice Commission announces that an initial clerk-carrier exami nation for the Corvallis, Oregon, postoffice, will be held at Cor vallis, Oregon, on September 19, 1908; for the purpose of es tablishing an eligible register from - which selection may be made to fill three vacancies in the position of carrier and one vacancy in the position of sub stitute carrier in the Corvallis, Oregon, Postoffice. The appointments will be ef fective November 15, 1908, as the Postoffics Department ex pects to establish city free deliv ery on that date. Applicants should at once ap ply to the Postmaster, Corvallis, Oregon, or to the Local Secre tary, Board of Civil Service Ex aminers, Albany, Oregon, for application blanks and other in formation. V " '- " ' For Fine Job Printing goto the Corvallis Gazette. - "The Moat Comfortable in the House." Place aoc y7lldor PORCH SHADES Bargain Sale OF WE HAVE REFRIGERATORS OF ALL KINDS O. J. BLACK LEDGE Admittiatrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the tmdereurned h been duly appointed by tbe County Court of. the State of Oregon for the County of Benton as admin istrator of the estate of H Nichols, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such administrator. All persons bavin claims against said decedent are hereby notified to present them, duly verified, to meat my residence in Corvallis, in benton County, Oretron, within six months of tbe date of this notice. Dated at Corral lis, Oregsn, this 9th day of ApriL I9O8 - . , ' R. J. Nichols. , Administrator of the estate of EL B.Nichol,de ceased. .. , ' . Dress Goods AND AT Shoes HENKLE & DAVIS' Own YourHomo THE first - National - Bank of Corvallis has some ' . , to wm LOTSl Near the State Agricultural College which you can buy on the INSTALL MfiNT PLAN or for cash. Save Ton op Twenty Dollar per month and pay the same on a town lot. Thereafter BUILD YOUR HOME on the lot and continue to make these small monthly payments on the home and you will soon have it paid for and have no more rent to pay. For information address " W. H. SAVAGE ' - Corvallis. Or