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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1908)
- , .... CQRVALXJ VOL XLY. CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, 0EE0N, TUESDAY, AUGUST 25. 1908. K0. 71. CUSSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS CLASSIFIED ADVBKTISKMKNTS : Fifteen words or less, 25 cts (or thrn successive ineertioDS, or 60 ts pe' month; lor all up to and including tei additional words. cent a word for eac) Insertion. For all advertisements over 26 word, 1 ct per word for tbe first insertion, an J$ ut per word for each additional inser Hon. Nothing inserted for lees than eenta. Lodge, society and church notices other than strictly news matter, will br ciiarged tor. House Decorating. TUB PAINTING AMI FAPKKLNG HEfc VY. Kfaui, lad. 484. 1U ATTORNEYS J. F. YATES, AT10KNK Y-AT-L.AW Omce tap sialnt lu Zaeroil liuiuuug Omy net ol aOMirauis iu iJoutou ouuut.) &. K. BKYSON AilO!i.a.hY AT LAW. Office in Jf oi oiuie Joullulnn, ijoi vl us, Oregon. WANTED WANTED 600 SUBSURlBliRS iO Tilt liaSaUT auu Vteeaiy Oreg-uuiau at 2.oU per year. PHYSICIANS B. A. UATnliX, to. V., fUXblCLas wUvi.urouii. Auuuit it, laua Xkuiiu tag. omuo Hours : iu iu U a. in., a. be 4 i u IVeeiueuce ; cor. oiu auu (mum Xeiepuuue nb uUiuc wiaiw lueiiue. Our V feu no, viegou W.I. KOWLKV.M. l., PHYaiClAK t aud burgeon. Special atleuauii giveu to tbe iye. JNoee auu TliiOal. omve lu Juuiisuu Xiiug. luu. 'puoue at ui II Go aud ifcolUeuce. UNDERTAKERS BjVhE & BAUER, FUxNKKaL Dl rector!! aud licensed EuitmliiieiB. Successors to b. JN. Wilkina, CorvaiHu, Oregon, lud. ?uouu 45. .Bell flioue 241. 89 U HKiSKLK Si BLACKLElMiE, UNDER takers uU meliocM euiuaiuieia, Ouuiu iUiiiu Uorvailis, or. BANKING. THE Flu.Vx NATIONAL riA.K Ol v.orvauis, remi, transacts a general couaervaiive uauKiug OuoiueBB. Xmaut money on approved security. Uiaii bought, aud euid au 1 uiouey .1 antsierreu to Uie priucipal cities 01 tUe Liuiteu blatee, Europe aud loreitcu countries. HOMES FOR SALE WE HAVE SEVERAL PARTIES who are looking for houiestad locations or relinquishments, also some good timber claims. If you know ot any good homesteads or timber claims it will pay you to write us. Address jUTXA. REALTY COMPANY, 225 railing Building, Portland, Oregon, WILL SELL LOTS IN CORVALLIS, Oregon, 011 instalment plau and aa sistniarchaser 10 build homes ou them 11 uesired. Address First National Bank. Uorvailis. Or. will sell my lots in ne a poet. Or., tor spot cash, baiauce metal uieuts, and help parties to Ouild home theieou, 11 desired. Address M. fr v jcd ock. C "vailie, O Administrator's Notice. ICotlce U hereby given that the undersigned has Den amy apinnuiea oy tne i;ounl court ut Ine btateolurvgon tur the County of Benton as md minutrmtor of the estate of Martha Nichols, de oeawed. aud thai he has dulv qualihMl as such ad ministrator. All peraons having claims against aid decedent are hereby notihed to present the same, uuiy vcnneu, tu me at my resiaence in Corvallis. in Beniun County, Oregon, within six mouths ul the date ol this notice. Dated at Corvellis, Orcgou, this 9th day of Ap ril, ivoa. R. T. Nichols. Administrator oi'the estate of Murthichols, dvceased. B ' 33U NOTI0E FOR PUBLICATION. DDartnet of the Interior, I, U. S. Land Oihce at Kwetmra, Oregon, JUay 12, 1908. Notice is hereby giveu tbat Adolph Fromherx, cf Mouroe, Oregon, ho on July 8. 1903, made Homestead Entry, No. ll'8!K), for Lots 6, If, 13 and 14. Kec tirn l2. Township i4 S., Range 7 V AVillametie Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above de oribd. before the Oountv Clerk of Ben ton County, at Corvailis. Oregon, cn tbe 16'h day of Septemoer, 19u8. Claimant names aa witnesses : Georce Tompkins of Monroe, Oregon, R. F. D. I ; W. C. Grave of Monroe. Oregon, K. F. D. i; J. E. Williams of Monroe, Ore gon, R. F D. i; Charles Gilmao of Mon rdftfc Oregon, R. F. D.,1. (36-76 Bsjuamk L. Eddy, Register. OREGON STATE FAIR. Live Stock Exibits to be Record Breakers. To have a state fair wishout a live stock department would be like a circus without horses and bareback riders or clowns. The Oregon State Fair, to be held at Salem on September 14-19, next, will be a record breaker in the matter of livestock exhibits if one may judge from the letters of inquiry for space with the secretary, Frank A, Welch, is re ceiving daily at present. The usual large herds of former ex hibits will be on the ground and there will be new breeders num bered among those seeking hon or and the ribbons. Harry West, the Jersey breeder at Scappoose, Columbia county, is going to be out in full force with his string of heavy cream producers, of which ten have lately been pur chased by him in Indiana, the cost price being $4090. They are of rich blood, and Mr. West will give all other Jerseymen a lively rub for the premiums. W. C. Morrow and A, F. Domes, of the Willamette Valley, will be numbered among the Jersey br.eders who will be showing their cattle for the first time at the state fair ; and there are oth ers, too. D. H. Looney, of Jeff erson, is among the entries with his splendid Jerseys and Guern seys, The Atkinsons, of New berg, have made a requition for space for their Jerseys, which were not at the fair of 1907 ow-H ing to other matters which pre vented them making a display. The Holstein breeders will be right up in front, also, for P. A. Frakes, of Columbia county, and John L. Smith, oLnearSpokane Washington, are coming with their black and white animals who fill the milk pails to over flowing, and there will be other Holsteins which cannot be men tioned now owing to lack space. In the short horn class will be found the great big animals of Frank Brown, which were for merly owned tby Charles Ladd. Mr. Brown's reputation as a breeder of Shorthorns is known far and wide and he will have something rich for the judges to Occidental Lumber Co. Successors to Corvailis Lumber Co. We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will get it for you. FOR CHICKEN LICE The Best Louse-killer on the Market The following ingredients, properly combined, form the best known remedy for lice on chickens. It is applied by dusting on the feathers, and also placing in a box where the fowls may dust themselves with it: Naphtha . Sulphur . Tobacco Dust Lime Bran or Shorts - The above will be put up to-order at Graham & Wells Drug Store. 55 tfj n-Ji (DILRE (2 The School that Mace Country Love Feast. Far good, solid fun the old fashioned country wool-pulling and rag-sewing time indulged in ' by our mothers was hard to beat. A royal feast of this kind was indulged in at Mrs. John Whit aker's, 10 miles south of Corvai lis, last Thursday. About 50 of the neighbors, including wo men and children, gathered in and made the wool and rags fly until the dinner hour. AVhile this was going on the tables were being spread under the grape arbor by Mrs. Whitaker, assisted by the daughters, and to say there was something good to eat set before them would be putting it mildly for they know just how it's done. The spread was thor oughly enjoyed by all after which came the social . features which our good country friend approp riate so much. Robert Johnson informs us that the prune crop will be short this year. At the big orchard there will not be more than 1000 bushels when there should be 2500 for a full crop. Ex-sheriff Telt Burnett came in from Newport Thursday. ; Mrs. Victor Moses is spending a week or ten days with friends at Airlie. Our attention has been called to the fact that bicycle riding on the sidewalk on Madison street is forbidden by city ordinance. We'll never do it anymore. Cut down the weeds and re pair your sidewalks 'before the crowd comes for the Fair. GOATS Any person wanting to buy ur take c-re of some fine goatf while they eat up their brush may' 'phoDeor call udod Wm. H. Savage, For Fine Job Printing go t the Oorvalhs Gazette. consider this iime. Among the Aberdeen Anpus entries will be M. Porter & Son, of Benton county. J. C. Sabin, of Linn county, expects to" show his Galloways, among which will be several purchased in the East last fall. L. B. Geer & Son, of Benton county, are to show Shorthorns and Herefords. G. O. BASSET 1 Local Mgr. BUSINESS COLLEGE WASHINGTON AND TENTH STREETS PORTLAND. OREGON . WRITE FOR CATALOG You in a Good Potition.0 When the Leaves Begin Turn Nature is laldng oiTa new dress and all mankind is doing likewise. Fall Attire . is the topic o( the day . .. . THE COMING STYLES ARE THE TALK OF THE HOUR ' M I NEW ROAD PLANNED. Trolley Line From Albany To Brownsvslie. The Albany Herald says an electric line from Albany to Brownsville a distance of twenty two miles, is being projected by E. H. Rhodes, a local capitalist. He also plans to build a street railway system in the city,- and if franchises are secured, he will begin work immediately. Local capital is behind both enterpris es and other local men, whose names have not yet been made public, are associated in the project with Rnodes. "We have the money assured" said Rhodes Jtoday. -'Tbat part of the proposition is settled. The rood will be built if we can secure the necessary franchises and rights-of-way." Rhodes will " apply to the Al bany City Council at its next meeting Tuesday evening for a franchise to cover some local streets with a city railway sys tem. There are already two street' railway franchises cover ing local streets, but it is be- J heved Rhodes and his associates may be successful in gaining permission to use some streets in view of the fact that H. Hirsh berg, who owns one franchise, orerites a horsecar onlyf and that A. Welch, who secured a tra,.oiiise covei ingbeveral streets has done nothing butstring piles of tiles and u lew rails along a portion, of the proposed line. Notwithstanding he is uilder brnd ;o have the line in opera tion uy April 1909, Welch has not be u i acti- " work; Rhodes asserts there will not be a min- J ute a Aieiay if he secures a4ran-j And we can show you the Prettiest Styles from the greatest Designers in New Fall DRESS GOODS That eclipse any showing we have made At Prices 35c to $3 per Yard Also, we ard extremely enthusiastic about our HARt,SCHAPlli5S fr'itfUL CLOTpI.NG These suits, with some extreme nov elties, merit your visit of inspection for they reflect the brightest , ideas of the greatest designers, and the first full line, to be shown in Corvailis. satts sis to $30: chise. The only difficulty seen by Rhodes in projecting a rail way system is that the other franchises cover the vicinity of the Southern Pacific depot pret ty thoroughly. It will be dffficult to secure a right-of way. from Albany to Brownsville. In the event the Albany Brownsville road is built, it is said that Rhodes will secure the rights-of-way heretofore granted J. S. Talbot for a railroad up the Calapooia River from Browns ville to Crawfordsville. Talbot has secured deeds jor a right-of way for the line for a distance of 10 miles, the deeds being in es crow in the Bank of Brownsville to become the property of the company if the railroad is in op eration by Aug. 1, 1909. Talbot has begun a general -survey for the line and is planning to build it at once, but negotiations are said to be in prrgress for the purchase of the rights-of-way from Talbot by Rhodes and his associates, the consummation of the deal depending on the secur ing of a franchise in Albany and the building of the Albany- Brownsville electric line, Alpine News. Miss Nellie McCloskey went to E igene Friday for a visit of sev eral days with friends. Byron Wold ridge and family returned home from Yachaats an 1 Alsea. They report lots of fish and a good time. Fnnk Williams and Bennie Howard returned Friday from a ten days stay at Yachaats. On( the way home they met two Reo automobiles on Digger Moun- to I over that road to the coast. The boys think Yachaats a delight ful camping place and had a fine time. Preston Hammer has returned home from a trip to Sherman county. He thinks south Ben ton good enough for him. Mr. Rooper has returned from taking Mr. and Mrs. Walters to the Foley Springs where they will spend several weeks. Mrs. Tozier is visiting in the Robert Kyle home near har old time home. Miss Golda Howard went to Eugene Thursday by auto. She will visit a few days with friends then go to Brownsville by rail road to visit her brother Dr. Emil Howard before she returns home. The south bound passenger train on the S. P. ran into a bull near Eugene yesterday a. m. about 2 o'clock, and was thrown from the track, killing the en gineer, fireman and two hoboes. Several passengers were hurt. Barnnm & Bailey Circus. At Albany, August 28th. For this occasion - the Corvailis & Eastern Railroad will sell round trip tickets to Albany for 50 cts. These tickets good on any train on Aug. 28th, and good return ing not later than Aug. 29th. A special train will leave Philo math at 8:55 a. m., Corvailis 8:05 a. m., arriving at Albany at 9:45 a. m. Leaving Albany for re turn trip at 11:00 p. m. arrive Corvailis 11:40 p. in., Philomath at 11:55 p. m. f R. C. Linvillk, Agent. n, Q) tain; the first that have gone j