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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1908)
lOCAl AND PtRSCNAL w . it. liana or Albany was a Corvallis visitor Wednesday. J. C. Loomis, of Bellefountain, was a Corvallis visitor, Wednes da , Mrs. Edward Buxton has been quite seriously ill during this week A. I.. Snell of Alsea was a Cor vallis visitor, Wednesday, on business. D. D. Berman and Jack Cole drove to Lebanon Wednesday on a business trip. Lewis Billings, an OAC bov has gone to Portland to accept a position in a drug store. - Mrs. Ed Blake of Wells was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Herbert, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bell were the guests of their son, Roy, and wife, in -Albany, the first of the week. Misses Essie Adams and Fran ces Gellatly spent the Fourth in Salem and report a delightful time. Mrs. Etta Lee is to build a residence on lots recently pur chased on Ninth and Jefferson street. At Beulah church nextSunday S. S. at 2 p. m. and K. L. C. E. at 8 p. m. Mrs. Harry Wicks of Albany was the guest the first of the week of relatives" in this city. j Mrs. Etta "Fuller-Howard re . turned Monday evening from Portland, where she spent the Fourth with relatives. Miss. Florence Adams has gone to Santa Rosa, Calif., where she will spend the summer with her mother and brother. i Mrs. Lafe Stewart, who has been very ill with apnendicitis, the past two weeks, is slowly im proving.' Prof. Roy Heater and family have taken possession of their new bungalow, just east of the Taylor store in Jobs addition. Miss Margaret Snell has gone to California to visit a sister who is ill. v On her return to Oregon Miss Snell will engage in can vassing for a book. Miss Letha Berry of Portland, who is on an extended visit to Mrs. Tom Riley in this city, has been visiting friends in Mon mouth, this week. Mrs. Samuel Kerr and daugh ter, Miss Nita, returned home Wednesday, from a visit with t'jeir daughter and sister, Mrs. Frank Bowersox, in Salem. ; J. J. Cady has begun the erec tion of a 24x24 cottage on his lots immediately north of his other new residence in Jobs ad dition. It will be for rental pur poses. "Mrs. J. W. Howard started Tuesday on tfie long trip "over the mountains to her home near Prineville. She has been look ing after business in Corvallis for ten days. ; Del E. Matthews, the well known optician, is planning to start about the 23rd with his family for Chicago and other eastern points on a six weeks' visit with their relatives and old friends. Miss Florence Wicks, a trained J Concentrated Lemonade J nurse of Portland, has been .the j Is just what you want when go-1 guest the past week of her moth- j ing camping. - 1 oz. to one pint ' oi water makes a delicious lem onade. i For sale by Graham & I er in this citv. Cherries -You can pick 15c a gallon. Chas. Ede, on at L. L. JSrooks farm. 5S The Episcopal church services. bunday July 12th: 10 a day-bcnool: 11 a. m Wells. 58-66 Th.ere was a happy reunion of the Isaac Jackson family at the m. SUH- "ul"c in iiuus auuitiuu uu tue t ourth. Feasting and inerry- 9 Pure Food Department Phnr r,t a,ija,r mn-niluree aaugntero, Mrs. Maricus and evening. Morning subject, the last .of the series of sermons, "Significance of the First Pente cost". A general sermon in the evening. S. S. at 10. a. m. and K. L. C. E. at 7 p. m. Leader, Walter Wood. service and sermon: 5 n. m. Ves- i making was the order of the day per service. Seats free": All j ana" numerous pictures were tak welcome. J. W. Armstrong, rec- j en the happy family. Those tor. - ! present were Isaac Jafkson, wife Preaching at the Evangelical , f,uu sol "i, oi oryams, ana Gregg of Bellefountain; Mrs. Jim ! Blodgett of Wrenn, and Mrs. Bert Woods of Corvallis, all of whom were accompanied by their husbands and children. New line dishes in plain and f; ncy designs, at . . W: iteside '- & Cooper's nt "Mrs. Belknap and daughter, Miss Frances, Harry Belknap, Roy and Leo Hollenberg return ed home Monday from Mary's Peak, where they had been since Friday, having gone there to cel ebrate. They report a- delight fully cool, enjoyable time, , hav ing camped about a mile from the mountain water intake. Of the entire party, only Harry Belknap, the smallest member, ' had the temerity to attempt the New Fall Goods. Will arrive early in August. All our Sum mer Goods have fo move at any old price.' See 4th Page. J. MJ Nolan & Son. W. S. Linville is to start in about ten days for Baker City for an extended visit with . his daughter, Mrs. Mildred Patter son. He will take a vacation of several months and will probab ly locate in the "upper country." Mr. Linville has certainly earn- ea a rest, navine spent many Fresh Country Butter and Eggs Every - . ' - " .Day - i . . Every Egg ss tested' by our Electric Tester before we will accept them, thus insuring perfectly fresh eggs at - all times for our trade. Arm and Hammer Soda, - 4 for 22c Blue Ribbon Tomatoes - 3 for 2oc Diamond C Soap . . - - 8 for 25c Fresh Alsea Honey - - 15c comb Sole "Agents for Barrington Hall Coffee and Monople Canned Goods A full fresl line of Heinz's Bottled Goods for your table anj lunch basket. Call up Ind. Iviain 21 or BelllSl and your order will be promptly filled. - House for rent Will furnish 5-room , modern bungalow, piano included, for responsible parties. No children. Phone 377. 58-62 James Ted row is to begin the erection of a new bungalow for his own occupancy in the im mediate future. Clyde Hayes and Chas. Hout have both completed windmill towers with elevated tanks lor watering purposes. C L. Huggins has just com pleted the Francis bungalow, which is built on a part of the Cressy tract, west of town. Robert Berger, who purchased the R. It Huston residence some time ago, is having the interior of the house worked over and improved this week. W. P. Lafferty returned Wed nesday evening from a several months' business trip to Chicago. He is as handsome as ever and seems to be hale and hearty. Mrs. James Osburn has pur chased the A. E. Lewis lot, im mediately across the street east of the court house, and will build a residence tnereon in tne near future. The cosy bungalow that D. C. Rose has just had erecred on his lots in this city is to be com pleted this week by the contract or, Newton Adams. It is a very pretty structure. A Corvallis man who had oc casion to make a trip through Sand the work is being Benton county this week reports as much as possible. years at the desk, ?.nd his many ' ascent of Mary's Peak. He went A. L. Ramsey and wife have gone to Albany, where they will spend a three weeks' vacation with the latter's relatives. Dur ing the absence of Mr. Ramsey from the Hout meat market, "Doc" Jackson is acting as clerkr The Circle lodge had a very pleasant meeting, Tuesday eve ning, several visitors being pres ent. Officers were installed for the term and at the conclusion of the business session ice cream, cake and cherries were enjoyed. Contractor T. B. Davis return ed yesterday ffom Portland where he was called Wednesday on business. Eleven men are now employed on the new Y. M. C. A. building at the college, is being hurried tne crops looking nne, Avitn no indications of a shortage. Ow- J. R. Montgomery, who re cently came to Corvallis from ing to the late rains tlierej is an iowa an(j purchased the F. S. abundant hay crop. Farm help 'True residence, has just closed a is said to be scarce. jeai for the Jim Harlan dwell- 1 ii . j. Kidder-Coote and.inS in lne western pari, oi wmii. Yamhill Coun- Mrs. Alice little daughter, of tv. have been guests at the nome tins weeK. Mrs. t oote is an old Corvallis girl and an OAC graduate, and many old friends have been glad to welcome her once more to this city. O. B. Connor, for a number of years the R. F. D. carrier on rnntp 'n 1 nut. of Pnrvnllic line traded his property in this city I Corps, mid also five ban fed mutes with served and J. E. Cochran of Shedd station, and the latter is now in Corval lis, in charge of the place and the work. Rev. D. II. Leech and family go to Brownsville, Monday, fora long vacation visit. Mr. Leech and son John go on to the Cas cades, however, where they will slaughter deer, bear, and other big game enough to supply them selves and all their friends in Corvallis with venison and other choice steaks for the balance of the year maybe. W. A. Beal, who recently pur chased a 40-aere farm in the vi cinity of college hill, has four acres of vetch from which he states that he expects 25 tons of vetch ha-. He has been cutting the vetch this week and being a farmer of many years' experience his estimate is not' likely to be far wrong. This is -a pretty good .yield, even for Oregon. , .' " It will be tor rental purposes. Mr. Harlan and family are "tent- "ttr.,11 oTing on tneir otner lots until they can -erect another house, The pretty home of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Kline was the scene of a very pleasant social event last Saturday, when they enter tained 24 of the members of the Grand Army and Woman's Re- Refreshments were a very enjoyable eve ning spent by all, as Mr. and Mrs. Kline are very successful entertainers. Dr. B. A. Cathey and family, accompanied by Mrs. M. J. Mc--Call and Miss Ottie Greiner of Kirksville, Missouri, and Mrs. Mary Robinett and daughter of Ilalsey, are to start this morning for the Yachaats where they will go into camp for several weeks. The party goes today by private conveyance, save MrsI Cathey and Mrs. McCall, who. follow Monday by train. Born, Monday, in Portland, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fowells, a son. The parents are old Cor- va'hs residents, where both at- kA :a tenaea u,. rne m otner was formerly Miss Amber Humiston, a popular young lady of this city. Many friends in Corvallis extend congratulations. . See additional locals on the second page. . friends wish him a pleasant and profitable vacation. Graham & Wells carry a full line of paints, oils, glass, varn ishes, including the great china mel varnish. 59-67 Preaching at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning by the pastor, Rev. J. R. N. Bell. The topic "The Eucharist". Com munion and the reception of members at the morning service. The session meets at the manse Sunday morning at 10:30. All members of the church are earn estly requested to be -present at the y morning midsummer com munion. Everyone invited and made welcome. Miss Anna Quick returned the first of the week from Port land, where she had been the guest of friends. Stanley Ilammel, an old Cor vallis boy who practiced military tactics at OAC when a student here, has just been elected cap tain of Company Q., O. N. G., to succeed Captain C. B. Winn who has resigned to accept a position in the quartermaster's depart ment. Captain Hammel is the youngest captain in the National Guard of the state and is said to be one of the most proficient in military tactics. His old friends in Corvallis extend congratula tions. Buy your groceries of White side & Cooper. " lltf Last night, after the Gazette press hour, Dr. Dye and wife, : recently returned from Africa, ; were to lecture at the Christian church. Among the trophies j brought back from this distant i land by Dr. Dye is a long ,knife j with which the cannibals cut off i the heads of their victims in that ' heathen country which the hero- to the summit and made the round trip in four hours. FOR SALE: Dray and team. Inquire of City Transfer Com pany. , 53tf "Mid-Summer Night's Dream" Social. Will be given on the lawn at the Presbyterian manse on next Tuesday, 14th inst, from three o'clock in the afternoon to 10 p. m. in the evening. Ice cream and cake, sandwiches and coffee, pickels, etc. Fine program, mov ing pictures (living), Romeos and Juliets, Orlandis and Rosa linds, Mirandas and Ferdinands and the Merry Wives of Wind sor. Come everybody and patro nize home industry. Given un der the auspices of the ladies of the Presbyterian church. 59 A. W. Armstrong and family have arrived from White Salmon, Wash, and are now m full posses sion of the Metcalf home which they recently purchased, a mile south of this city. Mr. Metcalf was up from North Yamhill, his new home, the first of the week, returning Tuesday by- private conveyance, accompanied by his son Clyde. Their many friends in and around Corvallis wish Mr. Metcalf and family good luck in their new home, and the community welcomes Mr. Arm strong and family. Miss Rose Adams goes to Newport tomorrow to spend the summer at the coast. For Fine Job the Corvallis Gazette Printing go to Notice of Reduced Rates. The Corvallis & Eastern Rail road will sell, daily, between June 1 and September 30, 1908, round trip season tickets to De- ic missionaries are struggling to j troit, Ore., for $3.60. Between reclaim. The various churches .held their prayer meeting a half hour earlier last night, to give all an opportunity to hear these -excellent lectures. For sale House and two lots. 342 Tenth street, corner Adams. Address G. IT. Carl, Fossil, Ore. 57tf Twelve gold and 12 silver med als have been ordered, to be awarded as first and second prizes in the various athletic events that are to be a part of the All-Benton school fair schedule, next month. Any and all pupils of the county schools, including this year's graduates, are eligible to entry, and it is expected that the athletic tournament will be one of the most interesting fea tures of the fair. The baseball games will be between various teams of the county and the Cor vallis boys are preparing to par ticipate. One of the latest fea tures announced by the commit- a two mile bicycle race. which any pupil may enter. .Re ports received from all parts of the county point to a highly suc cessful fair, all the children be ing actively engaged in growing vegetables and making other preparations for the contest. Closing Out Sale ! COMMENCING MONDAY, JULY SIXTH f After considering the matter thoroughly, we have decided to discontinue the selling of . Groceries, and offer the public oar entire stock of fresh Gro ceries at Wholesale Prices. Closing Out Prices to prevail in all Departments. F. L. MILLER 142 Second St. Corvallis, Oregon. For sale First class oak wood, sawed and split. Also split oak posts 6 ft. 8 ins. D. S. Adams, 'phone 333. 55-60 June 1st and Oct. 15th, to New port, Ore., for $3.75; to Yaquina for $3.25. Return limit of these tickets October 31, 1908, On Saturdays and Sundays only, from June 6th to October 11th, round trip tickets to Newport at $2.50, return limit the Monday following date-of sale. Sundays only between June 7th and Sept. 27th, round trip tickets to New port for $1.50, return limit date of sale. No stopovers allowed on these tickets. 45tf R. C. Linville, Agent Bull for Sale. One registered Holstein bull, three y ears old Sept. 8, 1908. Price $75. L. A. Houck, Mon roe, Ore., R. F. D. 1. Phone Bellefountain. - 48tf Portland and Return, Only $3.50. The Southern Pacific OompaDy and Corvallis & Eastern Bail way are selling round trip tickets to Portland from Cor, valliB for $3.50, good going on any train Saturday or Sunday eitber via Albany or weet side and feood returning either via Albany or west side, Saturday, Sunday or Ikfonday. 16tf t . E. C. LwtiixK, AjrtrA 'Fresh vegetables ani traits always on band in their seasor. Whitesides & Cooper. ntf "The Most Comfortable in the House." Place VKAOt MARK Vudor PORCH SHADES Bargain .Sale OF Dress Goods AND AT Shoes HENKLE & DAVIS' - WE HAVE 1 . REFRIGERATORS OF AT L KINDS O. J. BLAQKLEDGE Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby tpven that tke under-stoned h j been duty appointed by the County Court of the Slate uf Oregon for the County of Benton as admin istrator of the estate of If 2. Nichols, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such adrainis-rator. All oersons having claims against said decedent are hereby notified to present them, duly verified, to me at my residence in Corvallis, in benton County, Oreiron. -within six months of the date of this notice. Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, this Dth day of April, I9O8 -.' K. J Nichols. Administrator of the estate of H. B. Nichols. de eased. . .. . WANTED Form or Business crroRMATiox will sell direct to ot parHcalar about location, ar from owner joplr who bnre price. buyer. description and state wbeo possession nao. juuxeee. can be 1 LUimOB, ies : IT. Own YourHome THE First National - Bank of Corvallis has some TO WMi IOTS Near the State Agricultural College which you can buy on the INSTALL. MENT PLAN or for cash. Save Ten or Twenty Dollars per month and pay the same on a town lot. Thereafter BUILD YOUR HOME on the lot and continue to make these small monthly payments on the home and you will soon have it paid for and have no more rent to pay. For information address W. H. SAVAGE , Corvallis, Or Jersey Bull For Sae. - , Descended from Grand Coin and Gold en Glow : imported cow testing 18 lbs ; DHtler fat in 7 days; with first calf. Ad j dress, M, S. Woodcock, Corvallis, Ore 'gon, 72 1