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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1908)
NO. 57. VOL XLV. CORVALLIS, BENTON COUXTY, OREGON," TUESDAY, JULY- 7. 1 90S. CLASSIFIED MBIMS CLABSirrau advektiwembnts : Fifteen worda or lees, 25 cts lor thr successive insertions, or 50 -ta po' month; for ell up to and including ter additional wor 1s. Yi cent a word for eai.l t ion. For all advertisements over 25 wordg; 1 ct per word for the fiist insertion, anc ct per word for each additional inser tion. Nothing inserted for less than lif cents. Lodge, society and church notices other than strictly news matter, will lx chirked for. Kouse Decorating. WANT OUB CHERRIES For hour Cents a Pound - Oregon Leads for Quality. Salem, Or., July 3. Unless arrangements can be made with the Mutual Canning Company of thi9 city, whereby the choice of the Royal Anne cherry crop of this section can be procured at 4 cents a pound, the a. Lyons & Raas Co., of San Fran cisco, threatens to abandon the Oregon field for 1908. The E. G. Lyons & Kaas Co. i the oldest established and big- Maraschino and FOR PAIMTISG AND PAPERING SEE W. . Paul, Ind. 438. HM ATTORNEYS J. F. VATES, ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW Ottice up stafrs in Zierolf Building Only set of abstracts in Bentoii County of administrative units and to arrange their boundaries in such a manner as to promote the most efficient and practical ad ministration of the forests. It will enable officers of the Forest Service to give prompt attention . to all forest business ana lurtner the interests and add to the con venience of stockmen, lumber men,, miners and all other users or settlers in the National Forests. Monroe News. was in crpst. firm of General pure food packers on the I'aciticCoast and the.intorma-jthe ,ar annual gessi(m tlon upon which, this statement ftwont:rt-n nt. Fno is founded is obtained from Ar thur C. Kaas, chief of the man Earl Hawley, from OAC, visiting relatives and friend this vicinity last wejek. Miss Golda Howard attended of teachers' convention at Eugene "I last Thursday, Friday, and Sat- ll 1 1 r I ICOOQ frilf-1 111 1,1 It-? IIIMI1-1 - -wr .1 -KIT 1 11T u,ul . i i v lurday. ller motner, Jirs. tr. v ulacturing ueparuueui auu ixu-; jjowa. WATCH-, OUT tor uur Circular If E. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Post Office Building, Coival tia, Oregon. WANTED WASTED 500 SUBSCRIBERS TO THI Gazbttk nd Weekly Oregonian at 2.50 per year. PHYSICIANS B. A. CATHEY, M. D., PHYSICIAP uuu.nrgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m., i tc 4 p. m . Residence : cor. 5th and Ad uib Bts. Telephone at office and res tdenc. OorvafliB. Oregon W.T. ROWLEY, M. D.. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Special attention given to the Eye. Nose and Throat. Office in Johnson Blag. Ind. 'phone at of fice and lesidence. Undertakers BOVEE & BAUER, FUNERAL DI rectors and Licensed Embalmers. Successors to S. N. Wilkins, Corvallis, Oregon. Iud. Phone 45. Bell Phone 241. 89U nrfltorv of the firm, who is in Salem to superintend the pack ing and shipping 01 tne com pany's fruit. Last, season this company pur chased and packed 650 barrels al Anne cherries, for maraschino Catholic church was a very ihich 7 cents a joyauie auair Howard went with her. They were guests of Mrs. Frank Ben nett. Charley Campbell is building a new barn. The social, Saturday evening, p-iven bv the ladies of Monroe eii- nnrnnsfiS. for w pound, the highest in history fnr nreservinff purposes, was naid. and this "year Mr. Raas Temperance exercises were ob served at Simpson. Chapel last q.,,101t mnrninfr Tbp. children paiu, aiiu 1,1110 jmi kjuiiiviu.j' mv.".6. came prepared to purchase and deserve credit for the way they ship 1000 barrels, but on ac- j responded in songs and recita- tions. xtev. xjryon aiso preacueu a temperance sermon that means better thinking and better liv ing for all who heard it. Miss Pearl Hammer returned to her home, last Sunday, from Huntsville, where she has been count of the edut in the pre served fruit market can afford to pay only 4 cents a pound. Last year the grower received 5 cents a pound for his Royal Ann cherries, but this year only 3 t.s is heinp- offered, and Mr. 0 - - , xxuiitavu Haas thinks this price is too how j attending school. and that the grower, in order to n e;a realize any profit on his product, Frank Neusbaum and two sis should be paid at least H cents, ters and Miss Cora Hawley from No contracts are being made at Corvalhs have been visiting rela- : x n r.a dnr rt tives and friends. . any urivc, uiuvcio aio u harvest alia deli ver their chei ries At ruling prices, and the quality of the fruit, owing to the ;ateness of the season, is not, up to its usual standard. HENKLE & BLACKLEDGE, UNDER takers and licensed embalmers, South ( Main bt... Corvallis, Or. BANKING. THE FIRSl NATIONAL BANK OF Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general conservative banking business. Loan? money on approved security. Draft bought and eoldani money transferred to tue principal cities of the UniteC States, Europe and foreign countries. ' Rip Van WinTde returned , from his long sleep looking fresh J as a daisv and made his way to '. A jj LtOUUl uvtuwui. 1 " j Mr. Raas says that for size and the village barber shop, not only i excellence, of flavor Oregon's because he needed a hair cut( ,,,-,f AV,nrr;oe a r, A rt tv rind shave, but also because he small fruits cannot be equalled! wished to catch up on the news. ... i . ur .11. t ;a 1- 4-V. V,o r- for quality, and ne proposes as L,eisstB, euiu nc i L-i-an experiment, to pack about 65;ber after he was safely tucked barrels of crushed strawberries, in the chair, "I've been asleep blackberries, raspberries and 10- twenty years, uaveu u x. 1 ep, repilcu tue musuiiaiiou. HOMES FOR SALE1 WILL SELL LOTS IN CORVALLIS, Oregon, on instalment plan and as m.Ht, nnrchasers to build homes on them li desired. Address First National Bank, Corvallis. Or. WILL SELL MY LOTS IN NEWPORT, iiients, and help parties to build homes thereon, it aesirea. aaures9 m. c Wood -ock, Corvallis, O.. Administrator's Notice. beon duly appoiutcvl by the County Couri ot ihc mitustratur of the estate ot Martha Nii-hols, de minilmtor. All persona having claims against said decedent are hereby notihcil to present the same. tuly verified, to me at my res deuce in Cor allis.'tn Heuum County, iregou, within six month) jf the late of this notice. Dated at Corvallis, tmrgon, this 9th day of Ap- Adininistraior otfthe estate of Martha Nichols deceased. 5ti GOATS Auy person wantiug to buy Or take cre of some fine goats while they eat up their brush mav 'Dbone or call udou Wm. H. SAvege, Corviillip. Oregon. 2Qii Notice for Publication. I'mtedSUUS Land Office. Kosebuiv, Oregon, April 3. 10S. JJtttice is bereby given that in compliance with liuii.-iui'o " -' - C j li7. entitled "An act for the sale of timber land i.. Miftc ill ColilArnfii Orirttti pvfliln anil Washinuton Territory," a extendi to all the Public Land SUteB by act of Auusii 4, IS9?, tart V. Hawley of Corvallis, couuy of Henton, totate of lrgron, did on February 19, lOS Lie in this mH.M hu sworn statement. No 944, lor the pur- h of Uie Stmtbwest ooarter of Section No. 10 ii Towtiship No. 14 Sutn, Kamre Ko. 7 West, and w ill Oder proof to show that the land sought is . . I .. V. I . t- ia timlu . atna than 4r more oiiwvk w -"- v ajrriculturai purposes, and to fstabli?h his chum to said land be ore the Comity Clerk of Bentoa at. Corvallis. Orerou. ou Wednesday, the jth day of August. IdOS. He names as witnesses: Sam Bowen of Alsea M UTn-flu.4 a llua iltuimil- I. H Hawley of Corvallis, Oregrcu; V iUiam Garfield of Alsea, Orearoo. Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are "equested to file their claims in this office on or before said 12th day ot August, 4CHitf - Bkxjamin L. Eddy, Agister. TRij) Van NVinkle. It's list of prices will be a surprise and will fully con vince you that we mean to clo se out many line s regard less of cost or value. Everything in the Store is on Sale 1. mm kM canberries this 3'ear. He is sat isfied that the venture will be successful, and if so his com pany will establish a permanent plant in Salem neyt season and wi nack Over 1UU0 barrels an nually of crushed fruit and pure ruit juices ior commercial pur poses, lie will also put up sev eral barrels of cherry juice for cordials and soda fountain pur noses this vear. He attriuutes the present glut in the cherry market, ana conse ouent low prices, to the ship ment of thousands oi barrels 01 Maraschino cherries into the U 8. from Franceasan experiment, t mi 1 11 last-year, ine duik 01 uiese aie still" stored in Chicago and New GAS SCHOONERS TO OPERATE Off Yaquina Bar A New Industry at the Cjast. "Have I mis se '. m tch? "Nope, we've bin standin' pat." "Has Congress done anything yet?" "Not a thing." "Jerome done anything?" "Nope." "Piatt resigned?" "Nope." 11 "Panama Canal built?" "Nope." "Bryan been elected?" "Nope." "Carnegie poor?" "Nope." "Well, say," Rip, rising up in the chair, "never mind shaving ih.a nther side of mv face. I'm Newport, June 30.-Announce-ment has just been made here of the formation of a new firm, Voeth & Hembree. which will ley and contracts have already been made for a catch of two tons a day. Experiment in Plowing. On a great many farms in the Willamette Valley a plow sole or artificial hard pan has been operate gas schooners to the. big ; formed as a result of plowing lmnks lvinp-iust off Yaauinabar. i for many years at the same j o il i The new firm has already pro cured a hull in Portland, which V.a fir.t.P! -nnt.V enfnnes of a i nhove this artificial hard pan late pattern and put in commis- ! Neither roots nor moisture pen- at the end of June and the land i -rigated. In 52 days after irri gition the clover on thesubsoiled land was 8(5 inches in height and dark green in color, and upon the other land, also irri gated, it was 10 inches high, 01 light green color, and sickly appearance. ! depth. The only soil which ! does t le farmer any good is that sun storeu in unicago aim back tQ gl again. ork dty. and are a drugon O the market. Orecon srown Mar aschino" cherries have gained a world-wide reputation for size and fiavor and command the highest prices in the market. OREGON FORESTS A New Hop Pest. Prof. A. B. Cordlev. of the sion out of Newport borne years ago the United States Fish Commission steam er Albatross spent some time in surveying the coa banss iymg just southwest ot laquma isay etrate it except very slowly The land is wetter after rains I and dryer in dry times because of it, says the Agriculturist. Last vear G. R. Basrlev. of Washington county preparatory Oregon Experiment Station, will lif in t.hft Past during the next three months. He has twice 1 been called to British Columbia The renortof the Fish Commis- to making: an irrigation experi- sion was that the banks were ex- ment under the supervision of tensive and that both cod and the U. S. Department of Agri halibut weretobe found on them culture, by deep plowing and in great quantities. This report I subsoiling, thoroughly broke up stirred up considerable specula- j this artificial hard pan on arJart tion but it came to little. The ' of the field to be irrigated, while fishing done so far has been by 1 cm the remainder of. the field small boat and has continued j the land was plowed to the usual during onlv a small part of the depth of eight inches. The summer. I land was seeded with vetch and The new enterprise is but one clover. The vetch crop was cut j UCtll j - i - t- 1. M.mM'ir. t.Vio rwist. fw weeks to studv a -of several now underway. It is Keuib'.rii-icu wiiiii&s i.i iii v.i r -- - - . a v,1v 10 10 rrr-oolir alavni- mi rl prt;r.rnii that, trie J. iu. xYiex- and Boundaries. uaU1og.v..; ino- the hop growers of thaf ander Company, of Aberdeen, is i tum in pnm.Urovince. On his last trip he expecting soon to pui one ui i i, A Ui- o cfnnpnt. fmm t.hA A rnf n I- more vessels into the business A courting room to encourage acquaintance, love and then marriage among the young peo ple attending the Christ Presby terian church of Chicago is an innovation which the Rev. J. E. Snyder, pastor of the church, I will establish in the hope that it will eventually make many happy homes. The courting room will be complete in every respect. ,It will have cozy corn ers, screens behind which blush ing couples may conceal them selves, a number of chaperones for those who need them and plenty of dim lights. When the pastor announced this plan to day there was much rejoicing among the young people. Ex Corvallis seems to have no need of such an apartment. prenensive pia.ii ui leuisun-uLg 0-- . the National Forests in the Uural College to the affected hop- out of this bay and at least two Western States has iust been made bv the President in sign ing executive orders which will chansre the names and bounda vards to make observations dur- other firms aie busily looking ing the summer, savs the Agri- - over the ground with a view to cutturist. Prof. Cordley says ' erecting large cold storage plants this season's experience with , for the handling of cod and hal- T IT 1 ' - ... 1 l-An . T It 1 1 WIJ (XT I MM I I IIIH.SII I 1)11111 .111- I DHL. ries oi ine r uresis m uicguu.iui uov, x , ,i.Tr i The onlv other state in whichlution as a summer spray shows j Voeth & Hembree expect to be these plans have been completed! that it "ill be necessary to test in active busimss withma. month is Idaho, but it is expected that! it quite thoroughly before any ; and promise to enlarge their ta xi . . i. niVnitii-a wnmrnanHat.inii can be filitie.s iust a. lar as possible. Uie WOIK Ul 1 euisiilit ling in wv..""."- , ,1 i X lit; U-pi ll''ll uUiai. uai io vi 12 feet jrfdeut low water and the tv, Vatinnnl Vnroat. ctntps will made as to its use asasubsti- be finished and the changes an-tute for Bordeaux mixture, nounced in a few davs. While some damage to foliage No addition to forest area is-has resulted the present season,; .r,x-r,U-prl in thft nlans for redist-! it is probable that a weaker sola-; ritirxr in nnv of the states of tion will prove effective as .v boat the Northwest. The object of fungicide and will not injure the work is to equalize the areas foliage. ' - . "v entrance, is now regarded as fe;si .e for s- aunch craft at any seasoa of tl e year. T e new will l e of light draitand heavy pow r. The market for fish is good throaghoutthe val- FOR CHICKEN LICE The Best Louse-killer on the' Market The following ingredients, properly combined, form the best known remedy for lice on chickens. It is applied by dusting cn the feathers, and also placing in a box where the fowls may dust themselves with it: Naphtha Sulphur Tobacco Dust Lime Bran or Shorts The above will be put up to order at Graham Drue Store. k Wells 55 tf