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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1905)
COMlilS GUIEITt Published Tuesdays and Fridays by Gazette Publishing Company. The subscription price of the Gazettb lor several years has beeu, and remains, $2 per annum, or i!5 per cent discount if paid in advance WHAT IS I HE PROOF? "Proof of the . pudding is in the eating," so. have often been told. If . there, is; no other proof a certain' game warden may have trouble to , make his. charges good, against a couple.of Linn county hunters. A' few days ago a couple of hunters and trappers, were brought from their winter quarters in the. Cascade mountains to. Albany and . fined. $40 on the charge of killing deer and. having venison in their pos session out of season. The hunters protested, but to no avail. Now we hear that the case will be appealed on. the 1.1 . 1 1 i J! J i. ground tnau tne nuncers aia not have in their possession venison, but that the meat supposed to be venison was in reality bear meat. This claim will likely be based on the supposed ignorance of the game warden making the arrest. We near that the warden did not eat any of the meat in question and using the logic employed in the assertion that. . " all coons look alike," we would ask if all meat "looks alike" to the average deputy game warden? If it does not look alike, how is he to establish proof of, the differ ence in this case without having in court samples, of deer and bear meat? It will. 'be,; unlaw ful for the warden to kill a deer and the chances are that he could not locate a bear before the next term of court. It may be remarked that the warden started to civilization with what he claims was venison as well as the men supposed to have killed it. The meat was stolen from the warden while the party were en route from the mountains. This will be a point in favor of the . warden, as the suspicion will be that the men may have , been instrumental, in the disappearance of the meat, , bear or venison, whichever it was. Exploring Expedition. Tuesday morning Mrs.- W. H. Dilley, who resides in the southern portion of this city, phoned Chief Lane that a couple of strange boys were hanging out alon the banks of Marys river just above t.he bridge. The chief repaired ti the premises, accompanied by. another gentlemen, and after something of a search, located ti-.e camp of the boys. Two lads, 10 or li yrars of age were discovered. They had a very small fire going in a sort of cave under the roots of a tree that was. overhanging the bank and everything indicated that they had gOHe into winter quarters. That they were romantic youths goes without say ing. They were supplied with a couple of cheap rifles, had a hatchet.Ja bad look ing knife, a steeltrap and a' few other tnings that, we are informed by "Nick Carter" are necessary to complete th. outfit of boys who g- Into the wilderness to win fame and fcne. They were truthfol in answer to all q-ieetions put them hr Chief Lane. They had been in camp there for some two or three days and their homes are in or near .Vlbiny. - They bad some money and ha 1 purchased cookies a-d the like at ou'if our bakeries. It ii repor ed that they had shot a yellowhammor, Which up lw Haiti of tfieir cautnre had furnished an abundance of fresh meat for camp. Unlike mot boj s "Xick drier" tells of, tin se Jads entered captivity without a struggle on ihu advent of the chief arid camp was soon deserted. Right here it may - flr.iing to rejoice in the fact that tho boys had not wandered far from civilization- they were barely " without the city limits. Cmef Line hrongli.t tliem down town ' and phoned parties in Albany, receiving word to hold ihe youngsters pending the arrival of somebody to take charge of them. Mr. Lane took them home with Mm for a noon-day luncheon. He says that the manner in which the young trail blazers" ate indicated that they had not degenerated during their camp life in the wilds of lli-ys river to. such an extent: that real 'h.vme ookiog did appeal to them. In eh'rt, they both seemed hearty eaters, l.i the midst of the meal there camo a rap at the door and a kindly looking old gentleman ap peared, stating that he v as looking for a couple of boys and desired information of their whereabout, if such wer? known. By ay of answer Mr Lane showed him the boyp. , . Tableau! There was a most affecting reconciliation. The old gentleman was almost overcome by his emotions, while the boys cried in, their jay. It was dei ligi.tful to gaze npnn a familiar face after so long an hermitage. Finallv between tears and laughter, tiie lads finished their meal, and were ready to depart tor h-mie. . William Morgan, the eentleman who came from Albany tr the boys, was a nic appearing person: He stated that while the escapade of the lads, had. caused 'great anxiety, the little fellows were not bad boys. The things they bad with them they came by honestly, even, to the iart, peny in their posses sion, They djHi no.harro; while camped along the limits of this city. The trip from Albany to Corvallis was made on foot. 1 Well, well the youngsters are. "now home. That -they may grpw np to be useful and, respectable men, we. sincerely hope, hut that they win ever uve long enough to forget the time they went into the wilds of Marvs river in quest of the pelts of beasts and scalps of the redskin is a matter of grave doubt. PROPOSED FRANCHISE. (Con tin ued from First page) or other conductors so as to allow the free and unobstructed passage of such building or structure, and upon failure of such person or corporation to raise or remove any such wires or other con ductors the.said; Street Committee may raise or remove' the same and recover from the person or corporation enjoying: this fran chise double the amount thereof. Sec. 7. On or before the first day of May, 1906, the said A. Welch, his heirs, executors, ad mtnistrators or assigns enjoying t lis franchise shall bring electric power to said City of Corvallis and. install and operation the necessary, apparatus for dis tribution of power in said City of Corvallis and shall hereafter dur ing the life of this franchise maintain sufficient power to sup ply "the demand of all persons or corporations, public or private, for power for manufacturing or Other purposes within said reasonable rates, which shall be uniform forJike amount ot power under Use circumstances, and without ..discrimination against any person or corporation. Sec. 8. Failure on 'the part of the said A. Welch, his heirs, executors, ad mi nistrators, . or as signs, enjoying-, this franchise, fully to comply with the pro visions and requirements ot the foregoing section .shall work 3 foileiture of this . franchise and render void all rights, privileges and franchises granted" bv this ord inane. - ; " ' Sec. 9. On the 28th day of November, 1908, and. at the end of each consecutive period of five years thereafter the ; said city shall have the right and option to purchase, under proper legislative power either now held by said city or hereafter: to. be granted upon one year's written notice to the said A. Welch, his heirs, ex ecutors, adniimstratois, or as signs, the said electric light plant, including all fixtures, wires, lamps, structures, build ings and land connected with or necessary to the operation of said electric ligtit plant at a valuation to be fixed and determined by appraisement of ; such plant by three arbitrators to be selected one by the said City of Corvallis, one by said A. Welch, his heirs, executors, administrators or as signs, and the third to be chosen by the two so selectedj whose de cision as to the valuation of such electric light plant this franchise and the good will of such busi ness shall not be deemed a part thereof or of value. When the value of such plant shall be found and determined by such apprais ers the amount so determined shall be paid by said City ofCor villis to the said A. Welch, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns enjoying this franchise and thereupon said electric light plsfnt shall be by said A. Welch, his heirs, executors, administra tors or assigns, sold afld convey ed to said city clear of all incum brance and the possession thereof delivered to said city. (However nothing in this section shall be construed as giving to said city the right or option to purchase or acquire said power plant or any apparatus used in or ' about the same or necessary for its full en joyment, including the right and franchise tor the use ot the streets, alleys, avenues, boule vards and thoroughfares of said city tor said power purposes). Sec. 10. In case the said city shii at anv time notify the per son or corporation enjoying this franchise of its election to exer cise the option provided for in the foregoing section, failure on part ot suca person or corpora tion enjoying this franchise to do and, perform all acts and things necessary and proper by . him or t to be done and performed to consummate such - sale within a reasonable' time after such notice thjs franchise and all rights and privileges Hereby granted so far as the same.relates to the estab- lshment or maintenance of such electric plant or grants ' any priv- lege' to sell electric light to any person, or corporation within said city" shall cease and become, null and void.' From and after the ' purchase of such electric light plant of the Corval'is Electric Lieht and Power Company, or in the event of such purchase, under authority or power so to do contained ' in an, "ordinance of said city and contract with said company dated 1903, or otherwise; this con tract so tar as it gives or grants any right or privilege to' sell elec trie light to any person of corpor ation in the City of Corvallis or to maintain a plant for such pur pose in said city, shall become null and void. Sec 11. In consideration of the rights herein granted the City ot Corvallis shall have the right to suspend upon the poles or other fixtures placed bv the person or corporation enjoying this franchise any arid all wires which may be required for fire alarm, or police telephone ser- vice. Sec. 12. The rights ' privi leges and franchises herein, grant ed shall continue apd be in force for the penod of thirty years from the date of the passage of this ordinance and its ' approval by the Mayor of said City. Sec. 13. Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding the said A. Welch, his heirs, execu tors, administrators or assigns, shall not have or be di emed to have the right, franchise of priv ilege under or by virtue ot ibis ordinance or any of its provisions of-selling r" otherwise disposi g ot or iurnisnmg electric light to the inhabitants of, or any person or corporation within, : said" City of Corvallis, or ot m I'ntaining in -said city a plant for' ''thit pur pose, prior to'- the-'. 28th ' dy of November, 1913.'' Sec. 14. ' Notice " of any as-' signment of this franchise giving the correct name of the person or corporation to '' whom the same may, be assigned-shall b . given in writing to the Police Judge of said City of Corvallis before such assignee shall take or have any rights hereunder or under such assignment, and any notice pro vided lor herein to be 1 given to the person or corporation enjoy ing this franchise shall he suffi cient 11 given 10 me person or corporation appearing ,from the records of said city to be the person holding or enjoying this franchise, or to th j person in charge ot such plant. . Sec. 15. Within thirty days after this ordinance is approved Dy saia Mayor 01 .saia,jity or otherwise goes into effect, the said A. Welch shall file with the Police Judge of said city written notice of his or its acceptance thereof, and unless ' such written acceptance is filed no rights or privileges shall be taken or deem ed to be granted hereunder. Transfers recently made by Am bler & Witters: Wm Hutchine to J. T. Sloan, of Washington, 40 Hcres 4 miles south of , Philomath; ccnsidprati'inv $1300; S. II. Moore to. V. E.; Waiters.-, 1 0i CorvIlie: consideration $1; U, S. G eason to (j. W. troyp, tf Washington, Gleas on Saw Mill properly 9 .miles S of Philomath consideration $?,500; W. A. Welia to'M.'Buniap, house, 2 lots in Corvallis; consideration $1,500; M. Schpiern to Jones, of Ivatisae, t acres Z miles S of Philo math; consideration $2,700; M. SitS to M. Unman Tfesfii n ra n t proper, Corvalli.; ' consideration $400; M. Burnap to: M. Seite, house and lot in Fredericksburg consider ation $500; M. Burnap to W. Law, of Kansas,' Restaurant property, Corval'is; consideration $400; W. E. Yates to Prof. Cord ley, house, 6 lots in Corvallis; consideration $2,200. A HARD ROW And a long pull .describes the pathway of a "woman afflicted with female weak ness" unless she is under the care of a doctor who has had successful experience in the treatment ot such cases or else nas found the rieht remedy which can bo safely used independently of the doctor. - r orty years ago, vr.n. y.rierce lonnu that women were being grossly mal treated mainly through ignorance and carelessness, and he determined to devote found the real cause of their suffering and a proper remedy for it.'- He found it, and dug from Nature's Laboratory, the , earth, A ature's remedies for woman's -weaknesses 'and ailments. He found in Lady's Slipper root. Black Cohosh root. Unicorn root, Blue Cohosh root and Golden Seal root, the required' ingredients. s The remedial virtues of these he ex tracted, combined and preserved by his own peculiar non-alcoholic, glyceric processes,- and the compound fs now! known the world oyer, as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription,.' "The wearing of corsets too tight seemed to hare brought on an abdomlnal pressure, weakening the ligaments and resulting in displacement, which troubled me nn til 1 was not fit to walk, and at times could hardly stand," writes Mrs. Beverly Sitgreaves, of 124 Fulton St., San Francisco. Cal. "A neighbor advised me to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription. Before the first bottle was used I felt much better. - Improvement went steadily on, and. within four months I was like a new ' and well woman once more. I am now perfectly well and strong, and ex tremely grateful to you for your blessed remedy a boon to sick women." A Great Doctor Book Free. Send 21 one cent stamps to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y., to cover mailing and he will send you a free copy of his 1008-page Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper -covered. Cloth-covered. 31 stamps. - 7 Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the best and safest laxative for the use of delicate women. ' ; ' Big Game This Afternoon. . . Out on the college field, the last, and what promises to Ije the b-"st ttame of football pla'. t h h will occur this afternoon. It wiM be a game between two strong elevens, each striving to prove their superiorty to the Oregon team by defeating the other. : : No doubt, the Salem team will come confident of .-winning the contest, Tlie splendid showing, they made against, Eugene, their triumph over the old M, A. A. C. which, combined with their strong report for the. season, signifies that they will be able to produce the real article when they face the OAC bunch on the gridiron. Coach Bishop has seen the Corvallis boys in action acd of, course is fai-1 liar with their style of play. , The farmer boys, too, haye beeu figur ing in the t'ame. t;.. - S k. has been giving bis men a touch of the "strr-nuoiis" life every evei ing. The boys have been playing f t r ball and doing.better work at practice than at any previous time this season. The shifting of Walker from center to tackle has giea Iy improved the lineup. ' The big fellow will undoubtedly be a good ground in tvrunj a game xvjiau, i-u c uuicr tackle, will be able to manage things oh Ibis side of the line. His star perform ances at the previous games will proba bly be duplicated when 4, old '.'Fuzzy Wuzzy" faces the big Ws, ' Whatever be the ontcoms.of, the.. gamp, it a good exhibition of the popu lar spurt. OAC will hamper the line. with her piledriving backs. She will smash through with her big tackles and in the end it is quite possible that the score will show that thet-e players n cury tiie bail down the held. The de fence will be better than at Oregon. Willamette's famous line backs will be met bv a tower of deiensive strentitl The game will tell the story : no score will be perdicted, but a warm reception to the-Methodist bovs will be a certain ty. "' . "I Thank the Lord." Cried Hannah Plant, W Uttle Bock, Ark., "for the relief I got, trpoi Bucklin's Arnica Salve. It cuied my fearful run ning sores, which nothing eUe would heal, and from which I tuffered for five years." It is a marvellous healer for "utp, burns and wounds. Guaranteed at Allen & Woodward drug store. 25c S .ciety invitation? and, wpddinp announcements ;are .constantly changing in styles tit tvpe faces and form. Have them printed neatly and up-to-date at the Gazette office. . SOif Son Lost Mother, "Consumption runs in our family, and through it I lost my Mother," wriw E.; B. Reid, of Harmonyi Me. "For the past five years, however, on the slight est sign ot a uongn or uold. 1 haye taken Dr. King's Kew Discovery fur Consump tion, which has Paved me from serious luog trouble." His mother's death was a sad loss for Mr. Reid, but he learned that lung trouble must not he neglected, and how to cure it. Quickest relief and cure for conghs and "colds - Price 60c and $1.00; guaranteed at Allen & Wood ward drug store. Trial bottle free. CASTOR ! A i Tot Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of S Qui-Fifth Friday Economy Sale November 24th Dress Goods, Silks The Biggest Bargains in Gpryallis or any other place for that matter Dm Om H lost and. v, Chaa. BlakemUo. V CORVALLIS STEAM LAUNDRY. 1 Patronlzo Home Industry. : Outaldo Order Sollcliod. . All Work Guarantoad. iHBIOESTlOSSt "I was troubled 'with stom oh tronbla. Tbedford's Black Draught did mo mora good in one week than aU the doe tor's medicine I took in year." MRS. SARAH B. 8HIBFIELD, EUettsville, Ind. m Thedford's Black Draught, cmickly invigorates the ac . tion of the stomach and cures evea chronic cases of indigestion. If you will take a small: dose of. Thed--ford's Black Draught occa sionally you will keep youir. stomach and liver in per-' feet condition- - m More sickness is caused by constipation than ' by any -other disease. Thedford's Black-Draught not only re lieves constipation but cures diarrhoea and dysentery and " keeps the bowels regular. . All druggists sen 25-cent packages. "Thedford's Black Draught is the best medi cine to regulate the bowels I have ever used." MRS. A. M. GRANT, Sneada Ferry,;N. C. . J .. m m TELEGRAPH ERS NEEDED! Annually, to nil the new positions created by Railroad and Telegraph CQmpanies. We want YOUNG MEN and LADIES ot good habits, to LEkm TELEGRAPHY And Railroad Accounting. We furnish 75 ter cent, of the Operate. Vd Station Agents in America. Our six schools j the iRIgest exclusive Telegraph Schools IN TM WORLD. Established 20 years and endorsed by all leading Railway Officials. We execute a $250 Bond to every student to furnish him or her a position paying from S40 to S60 a month in states east of the Roeky Moun tains, or from $75 to $100 a month in states west of the Rockies, immniiately upon graduation. Students can enter at any time. No vaca tions, For full particulars regarding- any of our School.- write direct to our executive office at Cincinnati, O. Catalogue froe. ' ' ' Tha Morse School of Telegraphy, Cincinnati Ohio. Buffalo N. Y Atlanta Ga. LaCrosse Wis I Texarkana-Tex. San Francisco. Cal I - 58-93 i - Man's Unreasonableness. Is often as great as a woman's. Bat Thos. Bj Austin, Mgr.. of the "Repabli canr"of Leavens worth. Ind.. was not, unreasonable w hen ho refused to allow the doctors to operate ' upon his wife, for female trouble,. "Instead." lie ' says, "we concluded to try Electric Bitters. My wife was then so week,- she 'could, hardly lave her bed and five (5) physi cians bad failed to relieve her- After taking Eiactric Bittei 8, she wss perfect ly cured and can now perform all her household dpties.'' Guaranteed by Allen & Woodward. druggists. Price 50c. 1 1000 CORVALUS, OREGON. IVe Fit Glasses PROPERLYi ACCURATELY, and SpiENJIFICALtY To all Defects cf Sight MATTHEWS, The Optician - Room 12, Bank Building. Plumbing . s ; i and . Heatting ! hII kiiifu cf Mien Sit lal Work. ' F. A. Hencye In connection with J. H. SIMPSON S HARDWARK STORE. . A SO YEARS' Jf-T,- EXPERIENCE Trade Marks . Designs Copyrights &c ' ' Anyone sending a sketch and description may .quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention, is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. . Patents taken throutrh Munn & Co. receive special notice without charge, in the - laentiiK: 'American.. : A hahdsomely illustrated weekly. r.arfrest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year f our montUa. $L Sold by all newsdealers. f 'sshinBtcn. D. C. A Disastrous Calamity. It is a disastrous calamity, when you lose your health, because iiiiiiiiesilon anrl constipation have' ppppf-d it awv ' f rotiipt. relief can be Imd in Dr. ' KingV Kew Life Pills. They , bniln np the di aewtiye oreanp, and Tcnre rieadac'ie. dizzi ness, colic, coii'-ripHtion, etc. Gnaran teed at Allen & Woodward's drua store. 25c ' CEDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. I":, . ill C V'Q CURE Is U LC I; a 6aarasti8d Beastly or money refunded.' Contains; nrrf nfivc?f"ianc ac nf (rr Kidney and Bladder troubles. . PRICE 50c. and flJXL.