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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1905)
I HE CQRVALUS MHi Published Tuesdays and Fridays by Gazette Publishing Company. The subscription price of the Gazette t)r several years has been, aud remairp, I $2 per annum, or 25 per cent-diacoiihtal-jT" paia in ivani-e. .WILL BE OVERHAULED. -V,: The flower of ; '.'Uncle . Sam's',' navy, the battleship ., Oregon,; is likely to be overhauled soon and repairs ordered to an extent that will require the greater part of two yeafs: 1 'Regarding this mat ter a dispatch from Washington, D. C, under date of November 18, is as follows: , , . The Navy Department expects that the battleship Oregon willremain at the Pnaet Sound Navy yard the better part of two years undergoing a complete overh uling. Mauy parts of the ship are to be practically rebuilt. Tbe tur re s are to be equipped . with lectric ton tro ing apparatus and ft attires that have become obsolete and are to be replaced by the latest pattern known in naval construction. Work will be begun early in January, as soon as the Oregon ar rives from the Phillipines. From the dispatch we learn that the Oregon will be over hauled in the drydock of Puget Sound. . This sets one wonder? ing why Portland does not se cure something along this line. She has a . drydock that is sup posed to be in working order, but .for some . reason or other ships leave Portland and, goto the Sound for repairs and on completion of the repairs return to our home port for cargos. Surely something is amiss. What is it? : , ;- . - It would have ' been a pretty compliment to the State of Ore gon had the battleship, rendered so famous for her service during our war with Spain, been order ed docked at Portland. Of course there is a reason for the Oregon not being, for on the Sound, locat ed at Bremerton, there is a govern ment shipyard. But the incident forces' one to deal in "if s" and "might-have-beens " This does not affect the seriousness of - the fact that vessels leave Portland and go to the Sound for repairs later to return to Portland for a cargo. ' There certainly is in competence and mismanagement somewhere about the Portland drydock or else this would not be true. MAY BE SOLUTION.. ' The crimes of a certain class of colored people are horrifying to the great mass of our people. These atrocities ' are committed mainly in the south and the crimes and tne punishment meted out are shocking to humanity the world over. It may be that . there is a partial solution in sight. We fight fire with fire. and it is well known to science that one poison is an antidote for another. It seems from recent dispatches that Texas is the scene of a movement that may bring about , beneficial results. We hear that the better class of negroes of that state recently met in Hous ton in a body 200 strong for the purpose of arranging to assist the whites in fighting- the crimi nal class of the colored race. It may be that they will be reward ed with a little reduction of crime within the borders of Texas. Should the movement meet with success "we may look for the or ganization of similar co-operative bodies throughout the South ere long. S ciety invitations1 and .wedding announcements are constantly changing in styles of type faces and form. Have them printed neatly and up-to-date at the Gazette office. 80tf "I Thsfitv tfao Lord." Cried II in n ah I'l i.r, rr Little Eoek, Ark., "for the rein i .t !rom Bucklin's Arnica Salve. It cuti my fear.rul run ning sores, which nubing else would heal, and from which I - suffered for five years." It is a marvellous healer for puts, burns and wounds. Guaranteed at Allen s Woodward drug store. 25c j Address to the Members of the Portland Business Excursion From the Citizen's League, Corvallis November 17, 1905 . Gentlemen op the Portland Business Men's Excursion: Tom Richardson says you want to see the town, so we take' you for a -walk, and hand you this address instead ot occupying your time with a speech. -We are delighted to welcome you to our city, but regret that you have not ar ranged a longer stay with us.' .. -. ' The idea of this excursion is a most commendable one, and it must be apparent already to vou that it is proving successful, beyond your expectations The cemehtitig of the commercial and social ties, the past has been neglected, can but be mutually beneficial. Heretofore there has been more or less jealousy existing- throughout the valley toward Portland. We fear'that this condition has been due to your failure to reciprocate the visits made by ' the valley merchants. ' t-.,-4. ..,. H: ,t: : .... . : ' -1 Next to being- proud of the state of Oregon, we are proud of the city of Portland. We realize the commercial advantages of your city, and her im portance to the state, and particularly to this valley. ; We recognize the benefit that will accrue to the city of Portland and to the state by the improvement of the Columbia bar and river, and stand constantly ready to assist you in further ing such improvement, , ,,, . . ;' ; . .; ( ., : y The impression prevails that, considering their wealth and opportunities, the towns of the Willamette Valley have been forging ahead of the city of Portland.- Fully awakened to the possibilities of the state, a spirit of hustle and improvement has become epidemic and it is a matter of universal con gratulation that Portland, too, has caught the infection, and is rising from moss-backism to an appreciation of her real duty to the state audits citizens outside her own corporate limits. - It would be a source of great satisfaction to us for Portland to become the greatest city on the Pacific coast, and to that ende are ready to offer you our united strength. Believing that you are now about to become better acquainted with us we desire to tell you what we are and who'we are. We are the biggest town on the West Side and the best town in the Wil lamette valley. "Best" because it's -dry." No intoxicating liquors are sold in Bentou county. We have a population of. 2,500, with bank deposits of 5525,000. Corvallis has one of the largest andj best-equipped creameries in the northwest, and its output commands a good premium in the Portland market. We have two modern school buildings, with nearly 600 pupils- ve have an 85,000 court house, a $20,000 ;ity hall, and churches galore Our merchants, are substantial and their business shows a splendid increase dur ing the past year. . L " The city of Corvallis has a modern sewerage system, second to no town in the state. Seventy-five thousand dollars of her bonds recently sold to a Port land firm at a premium. This money is being spentin the construction of a modern gravity water system, whose source is a mountain tream, and when you next visit us we will serve you with water equal to your own "Bull Run"! Benton county has the distinction of Ibeingfrmt of debt and of having the ' lowest tax levy of any county in Oregon. -Sua hatheftest telephonejsystemS o . any county on ecoastvryother family in Benton county can be reached by telephone. Her grist .millsgrmd boo barrels of pour daily, herjsaw mills are busy, and she raises the best breeds of cattle,. sheep, horses, hoo-s ana poultry obtainable. Her roads are good and her people are prosperous and happy. Portland's position today is the result of assistance she hasreceived from the Willametre valley, and her welfare yet is largely dependent on the same source. Our intrests are identical. It is a fact that the advancement of a city depends on the surrounding country,: and Jthe improvement of that country must always be in advance of the improvement of a city. Looking" to her own good, Portland should bend her energies to the developments the state at large; The policy of discouraging the location of manufacturing enter prises in towns outside of Portland, can only result in retarding the growth of those towns, and while the securing of such contemplated plant by your own city, may add in one number, it will most certainly result in a negative detri ment. In addition to such detriment, this policy engenders a feeling of re sentment. Our interests are your interests, andwith; that end; in view, we wish to make some suggestions as to what will benefit us both. - ' . Instead of taking every excursion of Eastern peoplej up or down the Co lumbia river, why not occasionally show , them the JWillamette valley? In the valley we have something to look at besides rocks. ., Why has so much time and energy been spent in getting appropriations for locks at the Cascades and a canal at Celilo, withnever a thought of the Wil lamette? With a fraction of the money spent there, the locks at Oregon City could have been purchased and the Willamette made navigable to Corvallis the year round. While we do not take the position that our interests are para mount to those of the Inland Empire, we do insist that they are equally im portant. '.. Why cannot cascara bark, potatoes and other commodities, the products of the Willamette valley, be sold f. o. b. cars'iu Corvallis to Portland merchants for as good a price as Eastern buyers will pay ?. Why should the Portland wholesaler be jealous of the CorvaUis merchant because the latter does a little jobbing in his own local territory ? Complaint is made that Portland merchants Charge Corvallis merchants for "case and cartage," while Eastern firms will sell at a price in competition with Portland to eliminate this charge. Should the Corvallisjnerchant pay a premium for doing business in Portland? ; . The number of beef cattle raised on the farms of Willamette Valley is in significantly small when compared with the number marketed from a corres ponding area in Iowa or Nebraska. It is not because we bavenot the proper stock, nor because we cannot produce feed in abundance, thatimore cattle are not raised, nor is it because our people are not desirous of producing"""" Possibly the fact that there is no packing establishmentfinthe state sufficiently large to handle the output may offer some explanation, while some of the farmers think they should have more than 60 per cent of the price paid by the Portland consumer for his beef. May it not also be true that a large pack ing establishment in Portland would greatly: increase theproduction of pork, and eliminate the annual shipment of Eastern bacon. We feel that the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, which'controls the transportation throughout the valley, is not keeping abreast of the develop ment of this rapidly growing section. Not only here but all up and down the valley, there is a crying demand for more cars and better service. During much of the time for several years past, the company has been; unable or at least has failed, to promptly furnish cars to meet the demand". gWith'in the last eighteen months a citizen of this county undertook to develop an indus try here, which would have been of material benefit to the county. After" waiting for five'montiis for cars with which to shiphis output, and" failing to get them, he went into bankruptcy and paid only 47 cents on the dollar Corvallis has only tri-weskly freight service from Portland when she" should have a daily service. Portland business men can render no greater service to the citizens of the valley, than by impressing upon the Southern Pacific Company the need of more adequate equipment and better service. We saw hardwood lumber and ship it out of the state. Why isn't it manufactured in Oregon, into furniture and things ?...., While you are here we want to call your attention to thej Oregon Ao-tv cultural College, and its needs. While it is located; at Corvallis, it is just as much yours as ours. It is only recently that it has begun to be appreciated by Oregonians. It needs additional funds for buildings, equipment andimainten ance. It should have your assistance necessary to place it a.t least on a tar with the Agricultural College of Washington. We want you to send your boys and girls here to school, for the courses and equipment at the O A C are just as well suited , to the education of thVchildren of the business man as to those of the farmer. In this connection it will probably . be of "interest to you to know, that the college farm and buildings represent a yalue of $650,000; that it has $85,000 annually for maintenance, of which the state furnishes only $30,000. It has an enrollment of 760 students. Your attention has been called to these matters in a most kindly spirit We are pleased that you have' been prompted to make the exploration of Western Oregon during the last three days. During that time you have doubtless been impressed with the fact that there is a Willamette Valley in Oregon, that Corvallis is its-heart, 'and that it is'all tributary to Portland. Now, that you have found where we live, we hope your visits may be more frequent in the futureat which times you will always find , the latch string out We feel certain, gentlemen, and we hope that feeling is mutual, that your visit to our city will prove beneficial to us all. , . , , Yours for a greater Oregon and a greater Portland, ' Committee, Benton County Citizen's League. The farmer bjcaps -what he has pre viously sowed. The human body reaps likewise the natural crop of weakness, Eain and -death if. the seeds of disease ave been sown by bad habits of careless ness in eating, sleeping and exercising. Keep WK.p ir tou can and when you need a little' help in ' keeping' well use Nature't remedies, that do not roughly stimulate but gently quicken the action of Nature's f mictions In a natural way." Nature's laboratory furnishes the follow ing plants which enter into the'irianufac ture of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery: Golden' Seal root, Queen's root, Stone root, Black Cherrybark, Bloodroot and Mandrake root, , ' ; '-If- la doubt as to your trouble of heed ing, advice, you can consult, free of Charge, Dr. 'B. V;TPierce; chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute; Buffalo, N. Y. , All letters are considered confidential : and answers bearing correct medical advice returned io Securely sealed envelopes, : "I suffered Jor nearly eight years." writes Philip A. Fatcb. Esq., of Mobil , Ala.. Penuty Sheriff, "with malaria, which poisoned my entire system and deprived me of my vi tality. I was cured In three, months by using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. T know it was largely due to neglect and I paid little attention to my trouble until I became so run-down and weak that I knew I had to do something at once to regain my health. I began to feel better, within four days after I used the ' Golden Medical Dis covery.' and after using nine bottles I was restored to my usual health, feeling better than for years.' , . The most valuable book for both men ana women is Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad viser. A splendid 1008-page volume, with engravings and colored plates. A copy, IjEsSI papr-covered, will be sent jil to anyone sending 21 cents in one-cent stamps, to pay the cost of mailing only, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Cloth-bound, 31 stamps. . States are Organizing. - f 'Co-ODerationV'i is the. watch word bv which the Pacific Staies region will extend its influence and prestige. ,; The. movement to onng tne racinc estates, uregon, r tt - 'w 1 ' uainornia. wasninetc-n. ?iaauO: Nevada. Utab. arid the iterritorv ot Arizona., into harmonious and combined . effort; for - progress is meeting: with great favor and is being favorably commented upon by the press .and public of the Pacific States. The commercial bodies of those of the Pacffic States which are not alr ady or ganized into a state central bodv are taking steps to bring about tnis important result and when this ; is accomDlished which promises to be in the not distant future the state commercial bodies will all work together in one central association renresent ing , the whole Pacific States rep-ion. - : The central association will be built upon sound lines. It will renresent the hip-hest tvne of non , . o - A " , political. co-ODerative work for progress in the history of the West. The hundreds and even tbeusands of men who ; will b b-ought together in ideas or in association through this central body are the tr.en who sunoort the commercial organizations and are numbered among the men who have hope for the West. Their effort is unselfish for thev share results with the rest of the community. The state commer cial organizations in turn are re presentative ot tne spirit ot co operative effort in the several states. They mean that ail the commercial bodies in any one of the Jfacihc btates have "gotten together" and are workino- with united effort through an estab lished organization which pro vides fhe machinery tor effective work on a business-'ike basis. Even the moral siiDnort which one section of the state, or one city in a stafe, may receive from all the other oortions of that com monwealth has . a tremendous commercial value. A spirit of nelptulness in a state existing be tween the different rep-ions en- nances the opinion in which it is held throughout the world and 1 " t - . nas a value not measurable on a commercial basis. By orsanizi- tion this spirit finds a nroner outlet in vigorous and continued action. The different chambers of com merce and other commercial bodies are rapidly preparing for combined state effort and the whole Pacific States region will be in a better position than at anytime in its "historv to take advantage of the attention now c t . iocusea upon it. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of S7 Our Fifth Friday Economy Sal November 24th Dress Goods, Suits and Velvets " '- ' ' , The Biggest Barb-ains ( - in Coi any other ilace for tliat matter O. C. Hlemtand. -):- "v;-. ,r -; , Cham. Blakealea. GORVALUS STEAM LAUNDRY. t.te,J': ' - Patronize Home Industry . Cutaldo Orders Solicited. - All Work Guaranteed, i "t was trembled with stom ach trouble. Thedford's Black Draught did me more good la one week than all the doo tor'a medicine I took in a year." MBS. SAKAH B. SHIRFIELD, SUettariUe, Ind. Thedford 'a Black Draught quickly invigorates the act tion of the fctotnach and ' cores even chronic cases of indigestion. If you will take a stnall dose of Thed ford 's Black Draught occa sionally you -will keep your stomach and liver in per fect condition. K-DRAIM More sickness is caused by constipation than by. any other disease. Thedford's Black-Draught not only re lieves constipation but cures diarrhoea and dysentery and keeps the bowels regular. All druggists sell f 26-cent packages. "Thedford's Black Draught is the best medi cine to regulate the bowels I have ever used." MRS. A. M. GRANT, Sneadg Ferry, N. C. a TELEGRAPHERS mm NEEDED! Annually, to fill the new ttgitions created bv Railroad andTeieerRrth Comoanies. We want luunti ana UMJIE5 ot gooa naoits, to LEmn telesraphy And Railroad Accounting. We furnish 75 rer cent, of the Oterato. -' 'd Station Agents in America. Our six schools t( the largest exclusive Telegraph Schools IN Thl WORLD. Established 20 yeais and endorsed by all loading Railway Officials. We execute a S250 Bond lo everv student to furnish him or her a Dosition oavinsr from 40 to $60 a month in states east of the Roeky Moun tains, or from $75 to $100 a month in states west of tbe Rockies, immediately upon graduation. Students can enter at any time. No vaca tions. For full particulars reerardinc iinv of our Schools wiite direct to our executive office at-Cincinnati, O. Catalogue froe. . ' : . The Msrse School of Telegraphy, Cincinnati Ohio. ' Buffalo N. Y Atlanta Ga. LaCmuc u; Texarkana-Tex. San Francisco. Cal 58-93 - Man's Unreasonableness. ' wuu ua TtuuidU a. n l Thos. B. Austin, Mgr.. of the "Republi can, vi- ju-Hvenswonn, ma., was not. unreasonable when he refused to allow thp doctors to operate upon his wife, for female trouble, "Instead," he says, "we concluded to try Electric Bitters. My wife was then so week, she conld hardlv lmv her horl and fi cians had failed to relieve her. Alter tfllcintr Kiaplrip. TtiHma aha woq nn.rn.t Iv pnral anH nan tinm rtnrAn All x. houeehold duties." Guaranteed by Allen M .a CORVALLIS, OREGON. we Fit Glasses PROPERLY, ACCURATELY, snd scientifically; To ail Defects of Sight. MATTHEWS, The Optician Room 12, Bank Building. Plumbing: --- ; , and Heatinir I (Vrf)i r. i -Vf tii a. (-irinpring, oHil nil Uii;ib of M. i Metal '"- Work. F. A. Hencye , In connection with J. H. iii'virfuiN s ilAltUVVARE STORE. M44, 50 YEARS' ' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks rrff,l, Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK onPatenta sent free. Oldest agency for seennngpatents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the aentiric jussencatt :. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest clr cuiation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months. $1. Sold by all newsdealers. a -ashincton. D. C A Disastrous Calamity. It is a disastrous I'aleniity, when you lose yonr healih, bei ause indigestion and couBtipaiion have pspppd it awny. ProniDt relief nun h lioiH in n if ;...' New Life Pills. Thev built! n'n indi gestive organe, ar.a nre headacMe, dizzi ness, trolir. (.finstinnlirm oto i . . - ' " " ' i uuiiittlj- tPed at Allen & Woodward's dru store 25c KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. TM EV'Q KIDNEY CURE In or money refunded Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the Best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. a4 $1.00. o& vvuuuwuruuruggis's. rnceouc.