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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1905)
CUSS1FIEB HDYUMUEXTS : CLAISIH1D ADVBRTISBMBNTS : Fifteen word or lees, 25 cts for three Buccewtive insertions, or 50 eta per month; for all up to and including ten additional wor la. cent a word for each insertion. ) For all advertisements over 25 words, 1 at per word for the first insertion, and J ct per word for each additional inser , tion. Nothing inserted for less than 25 cents. Lodge, society and . church notices, other than strictly news matter, will be cbareed for. . FOR SALE ONE WOODSAW AND JACK," $25; two good farm wagons, $25., two good covered hacks, $35 and $50 ; new bug gy and new harness, $65. Every kind - farm implements on hand. It don't matter what yon want come to the Employment Office and save money. H. M. Stowk. 44-52 FOR SALE 400 COEDS MAPLE AND ash wood, $3 and $3.60 per cord, de livered latter part of August. Leave orders at Abbott's feed barn. Norwood Trading Co., Bruce, Or. . 42-68 CORD WOOD FOR 8ALF. CALL DP No 1 phone, P. A. Kline lice. P. A KLINB. 42tf. "STORIES OF OLD OREGON," BY G. A. Waggoner, will be found on sale at J. F. Allen's, Corvallis, Or. 4ltf. CAMERAS. KODAKS, KODAK Sup plies, a good dark room in the store, at Graham Wells. 40tf PAINTS. OILS. VARNISHES, GLASS, Brushes, full stock of all painters' Sup- plies, at Graham & Wei's. 40ti NEW TIRES PUT ON BABY BUG . gies and go-carts, at Dilley& Arnold's ALL LATE POPULAR SHEET MU sic. Guitars. Mandolins. Violins,- Ac- cordeons. Harmonicas, Musical Goods, coirect pricpo. Call aD1 see them at Graham & Wells, Corvallis, Or. 40tf ATTORNEYS W.E.Yates. Bert YateF. YATES & YATES,; Law, Abstracting and Insurance. Both Phones. Corvallis, Oregon E. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Post Office Building, Corval lis, Oregon. J. F. YATES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office First National Bank Buildine. Only set of abstracts in Bentou County JOSEPH H. WILSON, ATTORNEY-at-Law. Notary, Titles, Conveyanc ing. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Office in Burnett Building. MEDICAL PURE FRESH DRUGS AND MEDI cinee, some bought direct from the fac tory ; Perfumery, Rubber Good?, . Combs, Brushes, Stationery, Books, ' School Supplies. Druggists' Sundries', everything found in a first-clues drug store, at Graham & Wells, Corvallis, Oregon. 4QU AUCTIONEER P A , KLINE, LIVE STOCK AUCTION eer, Corvallis, Or. P. A. Kline Line, Phone No. 1. P. O. address. Box 11. Pays highest prices for' all kinds of live stock. Twenty yearn' expenenc. Satisfaction guaranteed. ; BANKING. THE FIRST RATIONAL BANK OF CorvalliB, Oregon, does a eeneral, co servative banking business. It guarded safely its customers' banking business through the panics of the last two decades, which merits proper consider ation. It affords banking privileges at . homo nrd n'vv r f '- '5?, rt rr i-elltnl by any institution in the United I 1 States. The meicbers of the Board of Directors were born and raised in Ber- ton County, except one, and that mem ber hrs resided in the county forty-six years. The business history of each is as an open book before the people of v the county. Loans to customers solicit - ed, properly secured. , 40tf LAND AGENTS. WHEN IT COMES TO BUYING laBds, new-comers in this county will - make ne mistake in consulting James Lewis. Mr. Lewis bas been In Benton . for 30 vears and not only knows the county but the entire valley. He hap been actively engaged in selling and buying live stock and real estate all ot this time and naturally his jadg- ment is sound. He knows soils -end values. His knowledge is worth money to anybody desiring corre .t and sincere information.. .25-77 H. M. STONE, REAL ESTATE AND Intelligence office After 42 years in ' Benton and Linn counties, I feel iusti fied in coming before the home-ssekers of Oregon, and feel that I am com . petent to locate all such as wish to , buy homes here, with judgment and competency. For 27 years'! was a . bndee builder in Benton, .Lane, folk, Yamhill and Linn counties. I have property in the above named counties to sell, and am thoroughly conversant with the same. " . I ask no exclusive right of sale and unless property is sold by me I ask no pay. Parties wishing to employ help or . if looking for a position, will nnd it a convert- . ience to phone or call at the office. Kindness and courtesy extended to all. - Office. South Main street. Corvallis. Oregon. -Office phone; 378, res. phone WANTED TO RENT 6-EOO M HOUSH. WITH bath, attractive yard, small barn. In quire this office. 61 tf. WAffTEO fioO SUBSCRIBERS TO THE Gazette and Weekly Oregon ian at $2.55 per year. DENTISTS E. H. TAYLOR, DENTIST. PAIN less extraction. In Zierolf building Opj. Post Offi.-e. (JorvaUw. Oregon. oTAGE LINE. PHILOMATH AND ALSEA STAGE Stage leaves Alsea 6:30 a.m.; arrives t Philemath at 12 m ; leaves Pbilo .math 1 p.m., arrives at Alsea 6:30 p. m. All persons wishing to go or return from Alsea and points west can . be accomodated at any time. Fare to Alsea $1.0.i Round trip same day $2.00. - M. S. RlCKABD. WOODSAWING. NEW GASOLINE WOODSAW ALL orders given prompt attention; short notice orders solicited. Good work, as cheap as anybody. W. R. Han sell, Ind. phone 835. 44tf WOOD SAWING ALL CALLS Dromptlv and satisfactorily attended. Living prices and good work. Gaso lene engine. See W. E. Boddy, Ind. phone 351 37tf PHYSICIANS B. A. OATHEY. M. D.. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build ing. Office Honrs : 10 to 12 a. m , Z to ' lp.m. Residence: cor. 5th and Ad ams St. Telephone at office and res- tdence. - uorvailis. Oregon C3. H. KEWTH, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Office an. Residence, on Main street. Philomath, Oregon'. R. D. BURGESS. M. D. Office Over Blackledge Furniture Store. Office hours i 10 to 12 and 3 to 5. ELASTIC PULP PLASTER. NO SAND. NO LIME. Fire Proof! Water Proof WILL J NOT 4 FALL OFF CRACK CRUMBLE Just the Thing for Hop-Driers. Write for Catalogue. Pacific Pulp Plaster Co. PHONE MAIN 2362, 517-521, Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON. R. M. WADE & CO., Agts., Corvallis. Notice to Property Owners of Pro - posed Street Improvement. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council f the City of Corvallis will by virtue of a resolution passed on the 12th day of June, 1905, improve the following parte of the following-named streets, as follows, by placing as near the center as practicable a layer of gravel as follows, one cubic yard to each five and one-half lineal feet, said gravel to be spread six feet in width. And that the cost of making said improvement including the street squares shall be paid for by the property ad jacent to and benefitted by snid improvement Van Buren street from the west side of 12th street westerly to the east side of county road leading past the West side of Wilkins Addition to the City of Corvallis. .. , Harrison streetjfrom the west side of 4th street westerly to the east side of railroad track on 9th street - 1 , Madison street from' west side of 8th street westerly to the east side of railroad track on 9th street. South street from the renter pf 9th street or road known as the county read leading - tit.h" i'.'I. iHnmv Mat- . ly to the east Bide of county road leading past the weft side of Jobs Addition to the City of Corvallis. Oak street from the center of Jefferson street southerly to the north side of railroad iraca n-aaing trom u-Tvauts to rouomain. Oak street from the south side of railroad track leadiug from Corvallis to Philomath southerlv to the nnrth st1e of couuty road leading from Corvallis to Philomath. To the owners of the nrODertv adjacent to and subject to assessment for the improve ment of the above-named parts of the above named streets, you are reouired if von have any objection to the proposed improvements to file said objections in writing with the police judge within twenty days from the 27th day ot June, I'Joo, sata aace oemg tne nnai puDiica tiou of this notice. Given under mi hard and seal of the city of Corvallis this 16to day of June, 1905. ,. is. r. liKJsrruz, - Police Judge of the City of Corvallis- - ' ; .Huge Ta tt. It was a hn f tack, to undertake the cuie of finch a bad case of kidnev dis ease, as -that of C. E. 'ollir, nf Chero kee, Iowa, but Elect lie Bitters :id it. He writes: 'My kidneys were so far gone, I could not t-it on a chair without a cushion; and suffered from dreadful backache, headache, an 1 depression. In Eiet trie Bitters, however, 1 found a cure, and bv them was restored to per fect health. I 'recommend- this great tonic' niedictne to all with . weak kid neys, liver or stomach. Guaranteed by Allen Woodward, druggist; price 50c. - Cheap Sunday Rates Between Portland and Willamette Valley Points. Low round trip rates have been placed n effect between -Portland and Willam ette Valley points, in either direction. Tickets will be sold; y ' I BATTJBDAYS AND SUNDAYS. and limited to return, on or before the following Monday. ; l - , Rats to on Fbox Corvallis, $3.00. Call on Southern Pacific Co'i Agents SAVAGE COUNTRIES ALLIED Somor That Aztecs and Africans -Were Joined by Treaty 'Given " &ise by Discovery. - j Were the men who built the prehistoric structures at Zimbab we in Africa of the same race as the Aztecs and other native races that have left pyramids and mon uments of various kind3 through out Central and South America? This speculation takes its rise from the uncovering at Umtali in Africa of an "arrastre" stone. An arrastre is a rude apparatus nsed in Mexico and in some parts of the United States for grinding, and, at the same time amalgamating ores containing free gold and sil ver. It consists of a vertical axis with horizontal arms attached. To these arms huge masses of rock are fastened by chains and "dragged over the ore, which is placed on a bed of stones within a circular inclosure usually about 12 feet in diameter. The arrastre stone at Umtali was discovered by mining engineers in the regidn of the prehistoric gold mines. It is believed that the people who built the old temples and courts at Zimbabwe must have been the same as those who ground and amalgamated the , metallic ores with those crude implements. "A marvelous field of specu lative archaeology is opened up," says a writer. "It has been dem onstrated by Herodotus that the Phoenicians, who went very near ly everywhere, paid a visit to South Africa in the year 600 B. C, The ancient ruins of Ehodesia have been ascribed by more than one authority to these hardy, en terprising people of the old world; It has been contended, also, that the natives of South Africa, other than those of Spanish stock, de rived their origin from a Phoenician'- immigration. The word 'Phoenician,' in Greek, means 'a red man.' The builders of Tyre were a mixed race, Semitic and Mongolian. Doej not the Amer ican 'red man' possess facial char acteristics peculiar to those two cations? "A well-known mining engi neer says : 'I have -been much struck with the great similarity between these ancient ruins and 1 hose of the Aztec Indians in Colorado and New Mexico.' It would be a strange coincidence if, with the aid of the arrastre stone, a relationship were traced be- V tween the early gold diggers in South Africa and those pre-Columbian miners of South Amer ica." : '' BOOKWORMS NOT WORMS. Some Haunt Books to Prey Upon Other Mites Which Inhabit Same Places. The, name bookworm is made to cover an army of little creatures of various sizes, shapes and kinds w hich can be found in books, says the New York Herald. Eeally', no one of them is a worm, thougl: perhaps the "fish moth" or "sil ver lish" comes nearer to it than anj- of the others. There are the book scorpions and mites, which are not insects, ' - sro. .pc-iThn'ily cnn'"""oiis. Th' ir presence m books may be due 1: the fact that they find there an imal as well as vegetable food. This is certainly true of the scor pions, which feed on mites, book- lice and other small insects. The book lice, cockroaches, sil ver lish" and ."fish moth" can have no reason, for infesting books, ex cept their liking for farinaceous substances such as are nsed in and about the labels and bindings of books. The damage done by them is largely confined to the exterior or interior of the bindings them selves. . . . " . . ".. . Tne "white ants" ieed princi pally on wood, and in and about Looks there is more or less wood fiber, which is to the liking of these voracious feeders. , The moths and beetles are the borers and burrowers. They seek retired places to lay their eggs. Avhers the larvae will have plenty f food at hand when hatched, They will sometimes tunnel from one cover to the other. - t; Professional Criticism.. ' ' Pennibs Scribbles showed me the plot of his new play this morn Inkerton So? What is it like? "It looks to ne like a plot to swindle' the public." Chicago Daily News. ' Contributed.' ( The follow! be life of the : s dedicated to e Win. Starucs: TV.cre'i a beauty of t-,e'.pring fime : : VViib its fresh i-msis nd its flowers, sVith the song hirdsm the branches, . And the children's I appy hours. But (here is no lea of beauty .When the leaven torn gold ail bronn, i a the short'mnK days of aotunin, And far Scuth the birds have flown. The rough hand of the tempest Tears away the liesh young leaves; Over youthful vigor wasted. Who can wonder if one grieves ? But when off the autumn branches Drop the brown lraves, one by one; Seeing it then as fair and fitting - As the netting of 1 Here the old man by the fireside, , Bai kard looks through: tender tears, Apd.he says, "With ifo and children, Trod I long and happy years." As lie sitteth by the window Looking o'er the city ways, I "Whispers he. "Success and honor 'v' i: . ays." I have seen the world's fair beauty, I have tasted all its sweel; Now, beyond my nine and three score, Life for me is all complete. And, O friends 1 Who'd dare to keep him ? Let us sound no funeral knell, But say of his life. " T was blessed ;" . , And say of his death, "'T is well." LARGEST MILL IN WORLD. .Big Device Located Near San Fran cisco Pumps 200,000 Gallons of Water Every 24 Hours. The largest windmill in the United States, if, indeed, not the largest in the whole world, has re cently been constructed near San Francisco, savs the American In ventor. This gigantic mill is lo cated directly on the ocean beach, near the famous Seal Bocks. It is used for pumping water up into Golden Gate park. The huge, strong wooden tower supporting the wind arms rises 150 feet. It is 40 feet square at the base, very securely anchored and gradually tapers upward, as suming a rorfnd shape. There are four immense wooden arms or Vanes. Each arm measures 80 feet from the center or hub thus mak ing a diameter of lbO feet in tne describing circle. The wind vanes are six feet wide and extend near ly the entire length of the huge arm, thus affording the greatest possible amount of wing space for catching the air. The windmill is located npon a prominent elevation, so that it may catch every available wind arising in that section.' This colossal windmill is capa ble of developing about 50-horse-po.wer its maximum " capacity. Its pumping capacity is 200,000 gallons of water every 24 hours. The water is taken from the wells and forced through a large iron main, 16 inches in diameter for nearly four miles up into an im mense reservoir ' several hundred feet higher than the ocean beach. From this reservoir the water is distributed in all directions through the park. During the dry, hot season the arms 01 this giant wtnamni are kept whirling day and night to supply the thirsty demand. As the mill stands on the wide, open beach, there is rarely, if ever, any lack of wind; in fact, the wind oc casionallv blows with such vio lence that the mill is compelled to be shut down, as it would be risky to attempt to run it during a fierce gale. ; Stoical Mikado. Mutsohito, the emperor of Jap an, is about as stoical and impas sive as an American Indian. When Prof. Milne, the greatest living seismologist, was studying earth , quakes in the far east he spent some years in the Tokio univer sity. In that island empire earth quakes occur two or three times a day sometimes. The professor's researches and experiments at tracted the attention of the mi kado, for whose pleasure a sham earthquake was arranged.. On a waste piece of ground the profes sor caused to be erected some ibuildings, beneath w-hich vere quantities of powerful explosives. -The emperor pressed the button iand the mines exploded with ter rific force. His majesty remained calm and imperturbable. He had neither started nor blinked. : Mo tionless and impassive, he watched the scene. Then, just on one word "Really!" ": -.. ' -- fcrnaffiSMiii 1(1 I 1 (Ci 1(11 itHHiiHit'uhtliuiiiiiiiiMiiMiiiiiiinuMmuuuimiiiiiiititiiiilllItliiiilitti AVcgetable Preparationfor As similating the Food andRegula ting theStoutachs andBowels of Promotes Digcshon.Cheerfur' nessandRestContains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. , jiKvetfoua-stMOELPiTaaa Mx.Smiut HinpSemd.- A perfect Remedy forConsBpa flon. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions Jevensh ness and Loss of Sleep. ' Facsimile Signature of NEW "YORK. Ulk .Mill' 5BT (mi EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER, 4HHPHI ARR1VALAKD DEPARTURE OF MAILS. MAIL ARRIVES. 8:30 a. m. Mail arrives by stage for Portland and all points North and East, also for Californiaand points on S.P. 10 a. m.J From Monroe by stage. 11:15 a. m. From Philomath and points West on C. & E. 12 m. From Portland and all points on the West Side. 1:30 p. mv From Albany and all points North on the S. P. Corvallis Rates to OveKSouthern Pacific Railroads. Individual Tickets. "ATE One and one-third fare for the round trip. ) A SALE DATES.. Dailv from Mav 29th to Oct. 15th. 1905. V S3.fSl LIMIT ....... . Thirty ds. but not r lParties ot Ten or More. For parties of ten or more from one point, (must travel together- on one ticket both ways), party PATE.. One fare for the round trip. ) SALE DATES.. Daily from May 29th to Oct. 15th, 1905. $2.60 LIMIT. Ten days. V Organized Parties of 100 or More. For organized patties of one hundred or more moving on one day from one place, individual tickets will be sold as follows: . RATE. . .... .One fare for the round trip! gUis SALE DATES. .Daily from May 29th to Oct. 15th, 1905 S2.oO UMIT........ Ten Days. (.. Stopovers. No stopovers will be allowed on any of the above tickets; they must be used for continuous passage in each direction. .For further information call on J. E. FARMER, W. E. COMAIM, Agent, Corvallis Gen'IPas. Agt., Portlgnd. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the under-j: n-tl has leeO" atiiMrintert executor with tli will &utexd of the et.t or t.huda Taylo-, deeeuseJ. A.l per sons uaviifir claims against said estate are hereby requireu u. present the same duJy verified :is by law leituirtit. to the underniyne! at Uorvallis, ort gon. witliin six months from ini. ilate. . WALTER l. lATliOR, CXtsCIl nr Dated this Sin da$ ui Mav. 'It- 5. . Pneumonia follows La Grlpp but novar followa tha use ot FOLEY'S Honey and Tar Itrtop tha Cough and heala thalnnf Ffaraato Faoamonla and Coniomptloa. Ha a Tabob. at in Owood BtK it "Uw wlfa aaft Ugripy uaAMtoAhm ombb aa sa tmm arjal raf wmt aahaJar P 1 riv2iniy u xj Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signs In Use For Over Thirty Years TNI CENTAUR OMMNY. Dm YORK CITY. MAIL DEPARTS. 6 a. m. For Albany and points East on the C. & E., and for points North of Albany on the S. P. 10:30 a. m. For Albany and all points North and South on the S. P. 12:30 p. m. For West Side points, Portland, and points North and East, also for points . West on the C. & E. 2 p. m. For Monroe, Or. 6rl5 p. m. For Portland, Cali fornia, and points North, East and South. Lewis and Clark Fair later than Oct. 31, 1905. tickets will be sold as follows: Registration of Land Title. iture AU n In the Circnit Court of the Sate of Oregon for Benton rfeM In the matter of the AiMlitatitm of E. M. Houell and T. C. Howell. AniJionts and Pi:n'-tifij4, t re.tfi.-tr th tiii.: t. the east hull of the tajt half of section 6; the north half, and the southeast quarter of section 15; th outh ha'f. urd tle-oH'h blt the , norlhwes' ( 'f scti't .7; tho north-eat-t quarter an4 the eani half of the north west quarter, ami the nrthwet quarter of the tiorthweat quarter"'' ber.ion il; all in township 11 south, range 1 west of the Wil lamette Meridian in Benton county, Oregon, and contai'-inl 1317 ac-es, - - vs. - ; C- M. Giddings, Defendant. To all whom it mar concern.- Take notice: That on the 14tn day of June, A. D., 19S, an ap plication wns filed by Bsirl E. M. Howell and T. C Howell, in the Circuit Court of Benton county, Ore gon, for initial registration of the title of th land above described. . . Now unless yon appear on or before the 19th day of July, A. D., 1905, and show cause why such application shall not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed, and a decree will be entered ac cording to 'the prayer of the application, and you will be forever barred from disputing the same. Witness my hand and thfr seal of said Circuit Court of Benton coupty, Oregon, hereunto affiled this 14th day of Jane, A. B.,1905. ' smALl VICTOR P. MOSES, County Clerk and Sx-Ofncto Clsrk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Benton county.. " 66. - - ; tor particulars.