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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1905)
'HE COHYMUS GAZETTE Published Tuesdays and Fridays by Gazette Publishing Company. Tbe subscription price of the Gazette lor several years has been, and remains, $2 per annum, or 25 per cent discount if paid in advance.' . - " WERE FOREDOOMED. It is difficult to accurately sum battle just fought in the Corean!?ePle's b home Wwr, thfl fnrMR of ln a case of this kind. The mat- Japan and Russia in detail. There are still contrary reports. How ever, experience has taught that when reports touching on the same subject have been sent out simultaneously from both Japan and Russia it have been wise to j credit the reports of the former j power and disregard those of the latter. Taking Japanese accounts for a basis, or on this point that of Russian, there has been one of the most utter and humiliating defeats just administered the Baltic fleet that was ever suffer, ered by any nation. Upward of twenty of Russia's fighting ves sels have been sunk or captured; more than 3,000 prisoners taken, among whom are Rojestvensky and Nebogatoff , almost entire and complete annihilation. Rus sia can never recover from the effects of this war during the period of an average life. As usual the Japanese show no spirit of boastfulness on the part of her leaders as a result of this great victory. There is on every nand an evidence of- calmness " and assurance that demands the respect and begets the confidence of the world. What will Russia now do ? Her impotency has ieen proved to the satisfaction f all world powers, -but whether the czar is astute ' enough to know when his forces have been defeated enough times is still a doubtful matter. Rus sia for years has-maintained an exalted op'nion of her powers, and so certain has she always been of her supremacy in all things that she treated Japan and all the demands of the lat ter with contempt. In conse quence of her stuck-up ideas of her own greatness her humilia tion is the greater in the present hour. , At a single bound Japan enters the first ranks as a naval power. Togo, the Japanese god among all her admirals, and the efficiency of those under his command may not take off their hats- to any power. Add to the Japanese navy the vessels just captured from Russia, and man the latter with sailor boys and gunners from the "Flowery Kingdom" and the Mikado has a navy that begets respect. Will Russia cry enough ? It is hard to say. However, it is pos sible that some of the powers maylintervene shouldjthe czar not come to a realization of the true situation when the real status of , affairs have had time- to "soak . in" a bit. The wisdom of inter vention is a doubtful quantity. While it may seem an awful thing to suggest, in view of the thousands of lives that may be sacrificed, it might prove a sav ing of life in the long run to - let Japan continue until Russia of her own volition calls quit. So long as Russia does hot know she is whipped there is little to be gained in the long run by in tervention. ' A NATIONAL POLICY. At present the great papers throughout the East are devot ing much space to. discussion of the proposed purchase of sup plies for Panama canal building in foreign markets. .It is doubtful if any congress will ever foster or encourage the policy of the United States going abroad to purchase supplies for use in- any national undertaking. ' It Is just and proper that in purchasing supplies for building the Panama canal that the na tion's money should be returned as largely as possible to the indus tries of such nation. There is no desire to wholly ignore foreign manufacturers, . but throughout the length' nd breadth of the land it is sincerely hoped that (enough of the charity-begins-at- home feeling exists to compell a looKOut tor the welltare 01 our people and our people's industries. It is beyond doubt a right of the people to demand that the jterf tarif cut .no figure-it is we feel were we to spend from $100,000,000 to $150,000,000 on J the canal and have, say three 'fouiths of it go to foreign na tions? Such a condition of af fairs would make a man with his country's welfare at heart, curse. A New Service. A change of train service has been adopted on the C. & E. in order to make proper connection with trains running to and from ortland. .This new service, is between Corvalhs and Albany and is now in effect. As the service- is at present, trains leave Corvalhs for Albany at 6:30 a. m., 11:30 a. m., and p. m. Trains over C. & E. from Albany arrive in Corvallis at 1:33 p. mM 3:20 p. m., and 9:55 p. m. Heretofore we have had ttwo trains going and com ing irom Aioany and we now have three. The train for Ya quina continues on its regular schedule. -. The train arriving at 9:55 is the one canning evening mail from Portland, but this mail is not distributed until morning on account of its late arrival. No fault can be found with Post master Johnson on this score, as such an undertaking would string his hours out too long. If he at tempted , to distribute this mail after arrival at such an hour (still ater at the office) it would be about midnight before he 'would get through. Of Local Interest. An article that came like a clap of thunder appeared in the Portland Tele' gram of May 2ov It was not a dispatch aud must have come from Portland authority. W bat inspired the artic'e many of our citizens are guessing. The article is as follows : Dissatisfaction with President Thomas Gatch, of the Oregon Agricultural Col lege, exists among the board of regents,. and the time is believed not far distant when the present bead of that institu tion, will be asked to resign, if be does , not voluntarily take such action. The dissatisfaction is said to be due altogether to the age of the president, which, it is said renders it difficult for bim to direct tbe affairs of the school as should be. No word is heard against Mr. Gatch of a personal character or in any way reflecting on his good inten tions as head of the school. It is rather that his extreme age, for the president is an octogenarian, is claimed to render it extremely bard for nim to fill the role of an active and up-to-date- executor of affairs at the , head; of : an : institution where between 600 and 700 students are enrolled. ;. : . ' ; Just how soon the climax will come is uncertain. For a Ion?; time there has been dissatisfaction with President Gatch's work, but out of consideration for the personal feelings of a man who has spent his life in the cause of educa tion, the board of regents has been Joaih to take olBcial action against hira. And even now, it is difficult to say when an order- will relieve the ajred president from further duties When it does, the present incumbent of the presidential chair will probably be given a tutorship in the college, where le6S effort will be required and where he may spend his remaining days of usefulness in a line of work that will be lees taxing cn his energies. . - '"' ' 7 President Gatch is everywhere recog nized as an educator of more than ordi nary merit. As a teacher he is believed to have few equals in the state, but as a pre ident who rcuEt needs be an execu tor as well as an instructor, the argu ment obtains with many that Mr. Gatcb has seen h:s best days. v Thus far the matter has not developed to a point where any particular success- or is talked of. o Secret About It. It is no secret, that for cuts, burns, ulcers, fever sores, sore eyes, boils, etc., nothing was so effective .. as Bucklen's Arnica Salve. "It didn't take long to cure a bad sore I had, and it is all O. K. for sore eyes," writes D. L. 'Gregory, of Hope,' Texas. 25c at Allen .Wood ward's drug store. N Memorial Services. The services in the -M.-.E. church, Tuesday evening, were a fitting close for Memorial Day. All of the exercises were of high, order, tbe address by Rev. Bush being especially fine. The OAC band was present and added not a little to the interest of the bc cas'on. The church was beauti fully decorated for t'e occasion and was crowded t . in. ntmost cipacity. The program was as follows: Mnsic... , 6.X. C. Band Prayer........ Rev. E eves Music "For the Boys Who Worn the Blue" ....Choir Address '. Rev. Bush Music ........'..O. A. C. Band Solo -'A Hero SleepB Here".:....:.... Janet Blackledge Reritaiin, "The I.ot r-nv".-........ ....'...U1T1 Hubler ReciiHiion 'Fjr Gran.liia'a S.i" . .. Ollie Laui!erson AutiiKO. ' Honor the Trueand the . Brave" ;.Chbir Recitation "Memorial Dav"..... ..Josie Holmes Duet "TenunR in the Sunsbine"..., Mrs Farmer and Mrs. Peterson America , By the Audience (Accompanied by O. A. C. Band) Notice. Kotice is hereby (riven that under and by virtue of a warrant and order ol sale issued by the Police Judge of the City of Corvallis. tOreson. and bear ing the corporate seal of said City of Corvallis, which was duly entered in tbe docket of City liens Deannir aate tne n aay 01 April, laub. upon a lien 01 saia mcy 01 uorvaius on zatn aav 01 Septem ber, 1004, upon the property hereinafter described under and in compliance with Ordinance No. 147, passed by the Common Conncil of said City of Corvallis, Oregon, in favor of said City and against Gilbert Smith, the owner of the .real propertv hereinafter described, which warrant was issued upon an order of the City Council of Corvallis, Oregon, duly made at a regular meeting thereof, which hen is for the sum of $45.18 together with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from the 24th day of September, 1904, until paia, Desiaes roe costs ci suca sale, oy wmcri said warrant I am ordered and required to sell in the manner prescribed by law as upon real property for sale under execution, the following described real property to-wit: Lot Number Five (5) Block Number (5), Old Town of MarysviUe (now City of Corvallis) Oregon; 'Also ioi jNumDer six (O) biock number rive (8) uu Town of MarysviUe (now City of Corvallis) Oregon, to satisfy the said lien, and that under and bv virtue of said warrant ana order . of sale issued as -aforesaid to me directed, I have levied upon the saia real property, ana win on tne sist aay oi May, 1906, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said da at the front door of the Court House in Corvallis, Oregon, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand the real nronertv described herein, and all the interest, right, title aud estate of the said Gilbert Smith therein to satisfv the amount due on said lien, warrant and order of sale and all . costs that have accrued thereunder together with the costs and charges of making such sale. Dated this 2 dav of May, 1905, i w G Lane, Chief of Police of the City of Corvmlia, Or. Citation. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for tne county oi isentoa . In the matter of the estate) of- ! William Kriens, deceased To Annie Carnetrie and Carl Kriens. heirs at law of William Kriens. deceased, GREETING: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON. yoH are hereby cited and required to appeal iu the Couutv Court of the State of Oregon for the coun ty of Benton at the Court Room thereof at Cor vallis, uregon, in tne county oi isenton on rues day the 6th day of Jane A. D. 1905, at 19 o'clock in the forenoon of said day then and there to show cause if any exist why au order of sale should not be made as prayed for in the petition of W. K. Yates- administrator of said estate of William Kriens, deceased, of the following described real property to-wit: The north half of the tract of land described as follows: Beginning at the S. . corner of D. L. J. of CP. Blair, Claim No. 57, Sections 25, 26, 35 and 36 T. 12 S. K. 6 West, WS1. Mer thence run North 43 chains to the N. E. corner of said claim, thence West along North bound ary line of said claim ltt.60 chains, thence South 43.00 chains to Southern boundary of said claim, thence East 18.60 chains to place of beginning, containing 40.00 acres. All of the above described property being in Benton County, Oregon. . You are farther notified that this citation is served upon yoH and each of you by publica tion thereof in the "Corvallis Gazette" news paper for four weeks tinder and order made by the Hon. Virgil E. Watters, judge of the said court bearing date April 14th. 1905. Witness, the' Hon. Virgil E Watters, Judge of the County Court ol the State of Oreson for the County of Benton, with the seal ol the saia county affixed this 14th day of April, A. D, 1905. Attest: . . " J. Victor P. Moses, '. . . Clerk 38-12 ' ; ' - " MBS. CECELIA STOWE, Orator, Entre Nous Club. 176 Warren Avenue, ' Chicago, III., Oct. 22, 1902. . For nearly four years 1 suffered from ovarian troubles. The doc tor insisted on an operation as 'the only way to get well. 1, however, strongly objected to an operation. My husband felt disheartened es well as I, for home with a sick woman is a disconsolate place at best. A friendly druggist advised him to get a bottle of Wine of Cardui for me to try, and he did so. I began to improve in a few days and my recovery was very rapid. With in eighteen weeks I was another being.' ; . , Mrs. Stowe's letter shows every woman how a home is saddened by female weaknes and how completely Wine of Cardui cures that sick ness and brings health and happi ness again. Do not go on suffer ing. .Go to your' druggist today and secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of (Janiui. WwtV A Great Clubbing Price! The . Gazette has made a special arrangement with the publishers ofa number of the leading magazines . and newspapersof the Unit ed States, whereby we are offered cut rates! on these publications. Now we could charge you the full price for these and re serve the difference between the regular price and their special price to us, as our commission, but as the GA zette is a home paper for home people, it will Sbe sat isfied by receiving you as a new subscriber, , or, if fyou are now a subscriber, then by receiving your renewal for a year in advance. This "special rate may not last ong, so take advantage of it NOW while . the chance is yours. A Great Woman's Offer: Woman's Home Companion Frank" Leslie's Monthly (Modern Prlsclllafand Corvallis, Gazette Ait five 03. SB one year Will Interest the en: Weekly Oregonlan San Francisco Examiner Corvallis Gazette All three one year $3. 55 Yet Another Offer: Cosmopolitan Magazine or Leslies, Housekeeper oKMcCall'p, - Corvallis Gazette Any three O BO Address Gazette Pub Co Corvsfiis, Ore, You Want Your Boy to Look His Best this Soring X 'x! : His appearance depends upon exercise in the selection of his clothes. If -you are careless or negligent it reflects back upon you your good taste and your pride in your family. With the Best Boys' Clothes Within Your Means, Why Prices Range From $2,50 to $5.00, Ipoop Clothes forBoys -v 1 . N&& $ . -7 ji ll HARNESS FACTORY. J. E. WIIMEGAR, Proprietor Harness, - Saddles, - Bridles, Robes, Dusters, Whips, Etc. Everything found in any shop is in our Factcry at prices to suit all purses. ; FCE IJDVE of HAMMOCKS. All kinds of repair work done on up-to-the-hour style and prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Opposite Mil ler's store, Corvallis, Or. Ind. Phone No. 128. Jot) Printing When you pay. out good money for printing, be sure and get good print ing for the money I Good Work costs you no more than the bad. Bring your Job Work to the Gazette Office. the care and thought you Not Have Them ? Do not send out printed mat ter to your customers that is a disgrace to your business a disgrace to'your town and a disgrace to the printer vrho puts it out. Good printing is correct in spelling correct in gram mar correct in punctuation on good stock printed with good ink and some thing that it is a pleasure to look at. 3 V1