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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1905)
Vol. XLII. Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Tuesday, May 30, 1905. No. 4 TWO DAYS MORE. effort to go for naught, because of the unconscionable hoggish ness of individuals, the greater number of whom have no interest nor anything at stake, in either Oregon or Portland? Under the most ingenious de visement, the evil manifestation of this sort of greed is difficult to control. The best, that may be done, without a doubt, lies in the awakening of public senti ment that will combat the high- price hoe. Relvine upon ' the public spirit that has been mani fested thus far by Portland people, in all matters; pertaising to this Exposition enterpr: se, there should be no doubt as to the force of this, sentiment and The Lewis and Clark Centennial Will Open. Day after tomorrow, Thurs day, June ist, 1905, will beyond doubt be known for years to corne as the greatest in Western 1 ' - t ii m-i: j , History, in an iikciiuuuu du person alive today will see an other such centennial on this coast, as there are no events so important and ' worthy of com memoration as the arrival ot Lewis and Clark on the shores ;of the Pacific. u. i r r- a the entire Pacific coast this fix position is of inestimable value. i- n 1 1 . 1 1 - c j - 1 : . 11 win oeane urawing th goda f will accomplish thousands of erood. solid, stable . . f ..:.:. i Says truly, the event is now ttUU 1UUUMUUU3 WUU Will ..- . rr. ..::-. 1 . jt Dracttcallv in the hands of Porl- i,-,? Hand people. ;. They must, in A lt 111V1V -x u iu...-w luuujauud V I , - - . i ,. o-.c .F lonH oHH.ri Ihnnoanrtc I 1QKV- -m.c-.i-, -i-,--, r w ior ixs eooa iesuiis, or ine iaci- 01 Thp rh tiff to do, if we . OTOllIrt --" vi uitir mt -- tx -.-fi: k v.- AU,f.,; f., ing more, v mreaiemng . ro iis en- ed. is to deal iustlv with all 1 lreV cces? than this of over . " . I nh - 4-. 4-U-, iTifA.' "hat. ip t :...: . i 1 luuikc iu iuc viilui. , - j. miw - n - ; f;. i-Jtothing that: will redound in 4. 1 . . U .. . 1. ; . ! 1 l ttXLt l UCCICC IU LUC I.1CU1V Ul tw ni nnT.r, ,rr, tn the city than the avoidance ol locate permanently with us. . the evil.". The possibilities of the " M V VI 1 ! the Telegram contains more than consiaeraiion oy every one wno - - . ... I rn r-i I o ir M01 m f-y-i fll 1-1 -one 1 n in le grain ot truth and we "1 lw r T tne citv or state. &o iar as sucn auvthiner to Solo a single grain personal moment. . To be Observed. Tpnrtnr if with thf hnnp that a a ma K TOn iam. citizenship is worth r.f .ft i,. -um J state or city, this matter will be 1, .;n j- come in large, measure, one. of uug mix s YTUL 1 UUllUg the Exposition, to the detriment of Portland and the ; State of Oregon, is a question of interest to the Exposition management ana the public generally. All aloDg the hue, since the great enterprise was once fully under GRAND VOCAL CONCERT. and Choruses Assisted by Orchestra. Next Thursday is a legal holi day in this state, the great Lewis . - - auu iai rail ij lv vuv.u auu way, ttiere nas been repeated f , ; ff warning as to the evil that will k- r Qf-j result in overcharge ior accomo- nAf , n on , n an , r' dations to visitors. The Fair L, , cr.t-.-j.. j .1 managers are again sounding the who ma desire ; to k track of their movements we print the following: - Headquarters Mil. Dept., , O A C Cadets, May 29, 05. same note, and we are told there id within contemplation some practical step to lay a check up on regardless and harmful greed Just what the plan ot the Ex position authorities may be does not appear; but if in any degree! Memorandum: it may result in curtailing .the 1 Cadets will assemble at the Selfishness of a Certain ClaSS Of A rtnnr Thnrdstv Tun? Tst at , j..wj, rrrJ,.j ., people, wno see aosomteiy notn-y5 a. mM and be at the depot read v ing in the. Fair save ,the petty U iw t:'--,o 'NTn mHtQ mill advantage of making a few extra De allowed to go' With the regi- uu,";"'i ..v. unw vamaui,. ment wno are not completely uni service 10 Dom city ana state. formed uniforms clean, clean In all the preparatory steps white stand-uri collar, and cl:an wnicn we are assurea will lead wnite cloves. The ploves will to the opening of the Fair on not he worn until thev leave the juneist, fortland has wod an train at Yamhill St. Statijn. Port- 7 xx . mi 1 enviaDie reputation., , i ne enter- ian pnaw wu yKu ,?iUJKuuuiu, .uua iMo cadet win De allowed to eo ior a cuy. ukc iroruana 10 stana on train as, a member of the regi sponsor: for in the matter of direct ment unless ' tie is equipped as supervision, x ne amies assum- above stated ed nave,'. however, been marvel- The military escort will ; leave! UU31J. wl uu-uaigcu. aucic tne Portland Jtiotei at 10 o'cioci. have been enthusiasm and Lnrt. Th rpoinipnt w?11 maroh The preparations, which have been going on for some weeks for the concert which is to be given for the benefit ot the Y. M. C. A. building fund, are about com pleted. ; The event is to come off Friday night, June 2nd, at the Opera . House and a full house is assured. The foliowing is the program : '"' t;. "With Sheathed Swords"......... .Costa Triumphal march for soprano and chorus from the oratorio ;: . "Naamaa" . . .. ; 2 : "The King of the Winds" David 1 Tenor solo, Otto F. Herse 3;; "ThelWreck of the Heeperos" ?,' v: ...Anderton Cantata for soli and chorus. " : Soloists: Mrs. Lake,' Messrs. John Fulton and John Allen i "Oh That We Two were May-' - ing"..V.... ..l;.i:.....V.....-...;.3punod ' Soprano solo, Miss Lulu Spangler. r n 5 "Hallelujah" Haendel Chorus from -the oratorio "The Messiah" .-" . CHORUS OF SIXTY VOICES ASSISTED BY AS ORCHESTKA, , GEHARB TAILLANDIER, DIBKCTOK. The chorus consists of: SOl'BAKI 1 : Mesdames E. R. Lake, Thos."jooes, 0. J. Blackledge, C. E, Pererson,. C. Cum mings, F. L. Miller, J. H. Simpson, G. Taillandier. Misses Alice Jones, Julia Fuller, M. R. Scroggin, Lulu Price, M. .B. Fowels, L. Newhouse, Edna Gillette, Juliet Cooper, A. Bromvidt, L. E. Ler- wil!, Florence Adams. . ALT I Mesdames Helen Borst, Will Wicks, M. : L. Bush. Misses Lulu Spangler, Helen Holgate, Libb'e Price, Georgia Herbert, Agnes von ler Hellen, L. Wood, Agnes Wilson, Edna Truitt. Una StewarC Bertha Williams, " Lena Tartar. , TEXOftI John Fulton, OUo lierse, J. C. Kuapp, H. Wilkins, E. R Hughes, fcT. P. Hard ing, Will Wicks, B. Hawks, C. A. Har lanj 0. E. . Davison, Harry Auld, A. VanCleve, Y. E. Neiderer, C. Cum mings. " ." BASSI ' . V. John Allen, B. W, Johnson, C. M. McKellips, George Coote, F. L. Kent, J. R. Pruitt, C. Ingle. W. P. Webber, P. Clark, 0. J. Blackledge, Rasa Adams, C. Stebinger, R. R: Selleck, Milton Straton, E. Pratt. -. - ' The above grand chorus will be assist ed by: ' " -' :- " '-.. '- ' Louise Smith Glanville. ..Pianist Fred Overlander .....Viol'n K p. Wetmore ....Cornet Jos. Henkle -Trombone John Spangier Clarinet Rutbyn Turney..... 1 -Bass G Taillandier. ....Director will be.tak-n by the command ing officers ot organizations to see that no extra blank ammuni tion is in the hands of- the cadets other than the cadets in the firing platoon. The firing platoon will not have more than three rounds of ammunition , in their possession, it they have failed to fire ail of these cartridges in the vollevs they will turn- the surplus sover ta,i:the;t;;cpmpany com inander " before le kvi rig' - the cemetery.; 'VV;":'.'AJ ' v'";?" V'' All cadets . will remain at parade rest during the entire ser- Vices..;- . - J V;, ; .: " .--' ;-;; - ;-,': All' ' persons are cautioned against assembling:" ' or. - tying animals opposite the south end of square formed : by the cadets, in other words inr the direction the volley is to be fired!" ;': ?' Oh Kturning the cadets will trarchat rout step until about thiree hundred yards north of Mary's river bridge.' The or ganizations will be -.considered dismissed on their arrival at the G. A..R. hall in Corvallis. ; Lieut. T. A. Garrow Reg. OAC cadets will report to tie Grand Marshall as aid. 1 Dennis P. Quinlan, 1st L,ieut. 5th Cavalry, Grand Marshall. Warning. You cannot have good health unless your kidneys are.aound, for the kidneys filter the blood of impurities which other wise act as irritating poisons and break down the delicate organs of the body and cause serious trouble. If you have kid ney or bladder trouble and do not use Foley's Kidney Core, yon will have only yourself to blame f r results, us it posi tively cures all forms of kidney and blad der diseases. For sale bv Graham & Wortham. Saved by Dynamite. Sometimes a naming city is saved- bv dynamiting a spa-e that the tire can't cross. Sometimes a congh hangs on so long you feel as if nothing but dynamite would cure it. Z. T. Gray, of Calhoun, Ga., writes: "My wife had a very ae.ra vated cough, which kept her awake nights. Two physicians could not hlp her; so she too Dr. King'R New; Dis covery for Consumption. Concha and Colds, which eased her cotiiih. gave her 1 -i .j 11- i . . . . .. , oit-j;, -uu iiu-ii-. cuiea ner.- oinctiy I scientific cure for bronchitis nd La ; Grippe. At All. . Woodwar tl-i. A V "kwVilBtor8"Pri''50uai iijtjg'narantc.l. Trial 0. C. T. STEAMERS i bottle ' Steamer Oregona, leaves Cor vallis, ; Mondays,' Wednesdays and Fridays, for Portland and all way points at 6 a. m. For rates, etc., call on 7 .'.- ; v A. J. SHIRLEY, Agent. Order of Parade. tin columns' of platoonsi ' It', will 1 . - ' arrive at the Fair, grounds about 11:30. lixercises will commence I at 12 o'clock, noon. Cadets will come hreriared -to f1 hurchase their masterful mannerna7n inrVi. The rlipanpsr this 1 - r entire attair hasloafi f rnriirpr1 is fnr cni pts at 1 , --r- . j earnestness from the first that have given ample proof of a high ly developed public spirit. From all sections of the courftry there has come the word of commen dation for the in which the been nandled, and consequent tne American Inn on the Fair to this, there is the promise ot gr0unds. Arrangements will be an attendance much larger than ma(je Qn train to ascertain the was at first contemplated The number that will require lunch better purpose of all this effort, at that place and the result will that has been - heartily sounded be telegraphed the American Inn inrougnouc tne staie, ana in iacc, urom Whiteson -throughout the Pacifac Northwest, Atter the termination of the had to do with the advancement exercises, arms will be stacked in ot public interest. There lies a secure place and cadets will be about us a magnificent country, aliOWed to go where they please with all the facilities to become until 5 p. m., when the regiment as rich, if not richer, in material wm ieave the Fair grounds for production, as highly developed, the Union Depot. The train will according to the civilized stand- heave for Corvallis : at 6 p. m. ard 01 tne time, as any otner sarp, section 01 country on tne con- All cadets having flags, ban- tment. There are multitudes ot n-rB 9r,rl olor& that can be used people in the, older sections look- for decorating train will try to get mg tor iuc;c-iauiibnicni or a them to the depot before 5 a. m i :,.. ..,v. - .- :. . .. . y. uu-uc iu juow suw a ic.i.uiy . jUne isL The . regimental non We expect -them id come : here commissioned staff in charge of dnnngthe Exposition.., 'We do captain commissary and two bat- 1 . 1 - - A "Fair" Impression. not issue the invitation that we may put our hands deep in their pockets and relieve them of what ever ready money they may have in theirTossessibn. . y V. dL The question ariswialj this talion quartermasters will have charge and see that train is decor ated properly before 5.30 a. m. J-'By order- - ts v.: ;v : rT ' '.' Lieut.-. Quinlan, Commandant. In response to a request made to Lieut. Quinlan, grand marshal! of the ; day, for information re lative to marching orders for to day, he has kindly handed us the lollowmg: 'v ' ' .; order. The following is published for the information &nd guidance of an concerned and will govern the exercises to be held on May 30th (Decoration Day.) The local post of the G. A. R. will assemble at their hall in time to march promptly at 2:30 p. m. The military escort composed of the regiment OAC" cadets commanded by Col. H. C. Darby will assemble at their armory . at such time that will insure their arrival at the G: A. R. hall "in Corvallis at 2:20 p. m. The march will be in column of squads; the rout step to be taken up at Mary's river bridge and continue until the entranc. to the cemetery is reached. Or ganizations will be brought to attention in sufficient time to have the entire organization en ter the ; cemetery m-rching in that manner. On entering tne cemetery the, escort will form enmass in hollow square, tiu south side being left blank. Arrangements will be , made by Col. Darby to see that the firing platoon of pot more than twentv meujs .itfcv thjai yfrojtit .xank.ofvtTir company forming the north side o the square. Extra precautions 7 -..:' V.: . - -it . Hon. B. F. Jones, of Toledo, recently made a trip to Portland and the result of a visit made by that gentleman out to the Lewis and Clark Fair grounds while there has been the source of con siderable mirth. Various ex changes contain the following: 'He has the confidence ol the clam-diggers down on the Ya- quina beaches, but his opportuni ties For learning the intricacies of hiea art have been very limited. He blushed as red as a Hood River strawberry when he ap proached a group of females reach ing their plaster-of-paris arms to ward the top or the mountains, and suggested that they at -least have a few bedsheets pinned about their .legs. Jones also objected to . the big bull who stood 1 in rather a rampant position in front of the government building. ' He said that that bull would not be permit.ed to run at large in Lin coln county. He did not believe his constituents . :from the SiVetz reservation would jstand for .n is oppropriating money for any Mich exhibit as that. . He didn't see but what a decent-looking cow was; a ' more fit animal to: put where everybody had - to look at it." : ''v: Terrific Race With Death. "."Dfath was fast approaching,'' writes Ralph F.; Fernanda.; of Tampa, Fla., describing his fearful race with: death, "as a result of liver trouble and heart disease, which had robbed me of sleep and of U interest in life; T had tried .rQtitiydiffeient doctors and severaLinied icines, but got nd benefit, until I hegan to use Electric Bitters. So wonderful was their effect that in three days I felt line a new man, and today I am cured of all my troubles ": Guaranteed at Allen & Woodward's drug store; price 50c. Cheap Sunday Rates Between --Portland and Willamette Valley Points. Low round trip rates have been nlaced n effect between Portland and Willam ette Valley points, in either direction. Tickets will be sold SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS, and limited to return on or before the following Monday. . Rate to or From Corvallis. $3.00. Call on Southern Paifie Co;s Agents tor particulars. Juggling With Dynamite. . Is no more dangerous than to reelect kidnev disorders. Foley's Kidney Cure orrect8 irregularities and has :uied many severe caes after other treatment has failed.. It builds up the worn out tissues and restores health and vieor. "I was troubled with kidney complaint for about two years," writes A. H. Davis, of Mt. Sterling, Iowa1, '"but two bottles of Foley' Kidney Cure effected a perma nent cure " For sale by Graham & Wortham. Lewis and Clark Exposition. Dnrine the Litt and Cl srk Exposi tion the Souther Phi ific Comnsny will sell round trip lick eta lo Portland, limit thirty days, at one and one-tliiid fair for round trip. For panies often or more traveling on one ticket, . one fare for the round trip.! For Organised parties of one hundred or mo-e, individual tickets at one fare for round tiip. ' Stopovers of ten dayt- vrill ba given at Portland on all one way, tickets reading through that point duri '13 the exposition. Tickets must tie depciited 'with Joint A)?ent at Portland and charsa -ofS&y cen ts will be made for the extention of time. 41-45 Plumbing and Heating ! Cornice, Roofing, Guttering, and all kinds of iSheet Metal Work. F. A. Hencye In connection with J. H. SIMPSON'S HARDWARE STORE. Gazette Independent phone No 483 : Pneumonia follows La Grlpp but never follows the use of FOLEY'S Honey Tar It stops the Cough and heals the lung, Prevent! Pneumonia and Conacmptlon. Ka. O. Vohkv et OT Osf ood 8W, ChteMa wxltasi "Hi wltm had la gripp and it Utt ba with v-rr'bad mmMh 'am hum tuak HOME SEEKERS Ii von are looking lor some real good Bargaiug in Stock, Grxin. Pruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our special list, or cme nd see ns. ' We will pleasure in giving yon reiiaole informa- 1 -, m , II1!! . ihu an uwm g jrui, uvur iuc uuuuij a:vibuer & wAtters, ; " REAL ESTATE, LOANS INSURANCE VIRGIL C. WATTE HS.ICOIIVHi.IS ' -..,.!-"- HENRY AMBLER. PHILOMATH. Walter Welle, who ho ds a pui tion in the drug establishment of W.' S. Love, Etft Portland, visited Corvallic, hijf.home town, a few days ago;- IA Tor In&nts and CHidrenu ' . The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of t- !....- ;.' LI yuiu wattu suuwa any uicgur- g larity or. gives other evidence '.that I something is wrong with it, .better .- have it examined . by a . competent S watchmaker. You won't nnd any more skillful or ' more experienced Anywhere than right here. We clean and repair' all sorts of watches thoroughly and quickly and guarantee all our" work- as iwell as our prices to be right. If your. watch chain, is beginning to show signs of -wear, or if. you'd like a new chain for any rea son, we are prepared to supply you with the best gold-filled one rnade, at a moderate price. We carry the Simmons make, the best known and most strongly guaranteed chains' ever -sold. E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician. ZZ7 PJSHn Rd3 Gdant Yi ext week. During the long vacation yeu will want something for recreation and amusement. Nothing is better than a fine Croquet Set. We have a large line of them. They are four, six and eight-ball sets. Prices are from 90 cents to $2.00.' HammbclzGl Hammocks T We have a very swell line of! these goods. All styles and prices. Children's Ham mocksj Fancy Hammocks, . nd Canvas Hammocks. . : , New line of Carpets, Mati 'ngs and Rugs. Tents and Camp Goods always on hand. I-.-. r-eJV yw ww - mKMA(i-'r ..,'-".i. . -e m'.4. . a, .w.u . r- .--iM-i---. -wM-,..k- r-m f "1""' -s y ... - . t I