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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1905)
Does Your Heart Beat Yes. 100,000 times each day. send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad blood Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. One frequent cause of bad blood Is a slupglth liver. This produces constipation. Poisonous substances are then absorbed into the blood, instead of bei K removed from the body daily as nature intended. Keen the bowels open with Ayer's Pills, liver pills. All vegetable. Made by J. O. Ayer Co., Iiowell. Mass. aih manuiaoturera ox HAIR VIGCR. AGUE CURB. yers CHERRY PECTORAL. Paste Jewels, Bookworms spin gold for publishers. Advertising makes authors. An unprejudiced critic never reads a book until after he reviews It Most -of the rose-colored dreams of romance are yellow-backed. The only effective place for a heroine to faint is in a hero's arms. In novels, as in real life, there's many a slip between the engagement and the wedding trip. . Many a spring poem has been punc tured with a blue pencil. It is better to have your hero born great than to thrust greatness on him In the last chapter. , A good press agent Is rather to be chosen than a great plot. New Or leans Picayune. Points of View. "A man," said the young widow, "usually marries a woman because he loves her." "And a woman," rejoined the old bachelor, "usually marries a man be cause he asks her." A Strenuous Test. He (angrily) I actually believe you would marry the first fool that asks you. She (calmly) Just ask me to merry you and prove the fallacy of your be lief. Heard at the Tab'e. "I pity, the poor sailor," said the sentimental boarder. ; "His is a dog's life." ., "Yes," rejoined the cheerful idiot, "he goes from one bark to another, as tt were." Modern Enterprise Smith Hill, the real estate man, certainly an enterprising chap. " Jones What's the answer? Smith He is offering a hand-painted house with each lot as a special induce ment to purchasers. Supply vs. Demand. Mrs. De Smythe I wonder why old china is so rare and valuable? Mrs. lie jones is it possible you ion't know after keeping a servant girl all these years I He Was Skeptical. i can ten the character of any woman by her hair," said the wise man. "Nonsense!" rejoined the skeptical person. "Many a true woman has hair that Is false." " No Inngrhine Matter. Waggs Did you ever hear the joke about the two moons? jaggs Tnar s no joke. I ve seen em many a time. : Capt Benton, an English sailor, 82 years old, who has saved 49 persons from drowning, is to have a street organ bought for him so that he can earn living. English newspaper correspondents are complaining of thedisgustingly unclean treatment of bread on its way from the baker to the consumer. Let the ligh't come to your eyes from one side or from above, not from front . Whenever an eye is injured, call in an experienced oculist at ones. As you value your juack eye doctors. sight, avoid all MALLEABLE IRON STUMP PULLERS Fastest, lightest and strongest Stump 'Puller on the market. 119 Horse power on the sweep with two horses. Write for descriptive catalog and prices. REIERSON MACHINERY CO. Foot of Morrison Street Portland, Oreyo: WET1EATHER COMFORT "I have UMd your FISH BRAND Slickerfor five year and can truth- fuhy uy that I never have had anything give ma to much coin- . fort and satisfaction. Enclosed find my order for another one." (HAIK AM ADDRESS OK MUOATWM) Yon can defy to hardest storm with Tower's Waterproof Oiled Clothing and Hats. Highest Award World's Fair, 4904. OUR GUARANTEE IS BACK OF THIS SIGN OF THE FISH A. J. TOWER CO. OWE3?3 Boston, U.8. A. 10WEH CANADIAN CO. g-3"i P. N. U No. 191905 BEN writing- to advertisers plea mention this paper. tSlr-il'lJ,il.-C.S3 Beit Cooffb Syrup Tastes Good, htm in time, poiq oy arnfrgist. A A utiY "Doctor, Isn't there anything I can do for this seasickness?" "Why, yes. Try farming." Life. Johnny Paw, , what's the rest 'of that quotation beginning "Truth is mighty?" Father "Scarce," I reckon. Pittsburg Post He I go to bed at night with gloves on to keep my hands soft She And do you wear your hat, too? Hartford Courant Medium Do you wish to see your departed husband's, spirit? Mrs. Whif- 1 J -VJT. T J. A V, 1 ,.H lcLit-c yyj, x want, lu see ms guuu Josh never had no spirit! Puck.. "So the specialist said you'd have to give up smoking for a while, eh ?" Yes, and he also said I'd have to give up $15 for good." Collier's Weekly. Suitor I'm poor but honest sir. Old Rocksy I don't doubt it at all, my boy; and unless you change your prin ciples you'll never get rich. Town Topics. Nell How in the world did you dis- cover her age? Belle I asked her at what age she thought a girl should marry, and she promptly - said 27. hiladelphia Ledger. 1 What Is the chief product of the United States?", asked the teacher in European school. And without hesi tation the bright pupil replied, "Mon ey." Washington Star. "A New York man advocates the drowning of all idiots." "Why, the cruel .brute! I shall raise my voice in protest! I er oh, well, it doesn't matter to me." Houston Post What is the secret of your suc cess?" asked the very young man.. "In buying," said the old horse dealer, "I look sharp, and in selling r look just as ignorant as I can." Chicago Daily News. It's 7 o'clock, Fritz! We must run home." "No, if I go home now I shall be whipped for being so late. I'm go ing to stay till 9 and then I'll get bon bons and kisses because I'm not drowned." Lustige Blaetter. Did you spend money to get into public office?" "No," answered Sena tor Sorghum; "I didn't spend It I gave it away, and then depended on a decent sense of gratitude in the ben eficiaries." Washington Star. Fair Devotee I don't see any way to raise our church debt except to have a lottery. Minister (shocked) That will never have my sanction, madam, never, unless you call it by some other name. New York Weekly. Old Party Boy, you'll catch cold if you get your feet wet in that puddle, Small Boy Dat's what I'm after. I'm a-goin to speak "Spartacus to de Gladiators" at school on Friday, an" I wants to git me voice hoarse. Chicago News. Their pay is shockingly small for some of our public officials," said the broad-minded man. "Yes," answered the cynic; "but it averages up. Some of the public officials are shockingly small for their pay." Washington Star. Finnegan Oh, yis, OI can under stand how tihi'm astronomers can cal- kilate th' distance av a shtarr, its weight, and dinsity and eolor, and all that but th' thing tfrot gets me is, how th' divvle do they know it's name. puc' - She-What is the use of searching for the North Pole, anyway? He Why, it would result in a great saving of money if found. She-How's that? He It wouldn't be necessary to send any more expeditions to look after it . . . , T , -Philadelphia Inquirer. Constituent Now. Mr. Wunnout I wish you'd do your best to get my boy a gooa government joo. ixmgressuutii Well, what can your son do? Con stituent What can he do? Great Scott, man! if he could do anything I wouldn't be bothering you! Cleveland Plain Dealer. Mrs. McCall I do wish I could get a gooa maia.. Airs, vanaine xou might Interview mine, I think she'd be delighted to go to you. Mrs. Mc- great elemental force of nature, to im Call But why don't you keep her? peril true faith or render dead a belief Mrs. Vandine Oh, she won't stay. She says she wants a place where she ; won't have so many gowns and hats' to take care of. Philadelphia Press. Miss Smythe (organizing a subscrip- many respects, diametrically opposed tion dance) I'm in despair about our to the theories of the materialists. I dance, Mr. Brown. So many. people am a sincere believer in a higher pow have failed me.. You'll come, won't er than that of man. AH my Investi you? Mr. Brown (extremely stout) gatlons have led me away from the Belly, Miss Smythe; I'm not a dancing idea of a dead, material jmlverse, man. I don't dance at all! Miss tossed about by various forces, to that Smythe Oh, that don't matter in the of a universe which is absolutely all least You'd help to, fill up, you know! force, life bouI, thought or whatever Mr. Brown Ah yes with pleasure, name we may choose to call It Every I will look in about supper time. atom, molecule, plant animal, or plan Punch. : ' . et is only an aggregation of organized Odessa. Odessa is one of the finest cities in city were made in 794, and it is built r ' upon territory ceded to Kussia Dy Tur key in 1792. It has a population of 600,000, nearly a quarter of whom are real ihe Americans of Russia, enter- o r.n T.,f,,i , lirismg, iivfef-""' Would Certiinlj Scare f 1 m. It is safe to say that the man who had the first case of good old-fashioned Jumping toothache thought he was a goner. Detroit Tribune. "This is a gross case," said a Man chester magistrate to a prisoner, who was making his 144th appearance be fore him for drunkenness. A COMEDY OF JINGOISM.- Ona Illustration of the Utter InefB- ; ciency of fcnssiau Kule. . A particular example of the Czar be- lng used by one department" against another occurred last year, when the seizure of the British mail steamer Ma- lacca by the ships of the Russian vol unteer fleet caused the relations be- tween the two countries to become del- initely strained. The whole matter lay at the doors of the admiralty, says a writer in McClure's. Their man had done the thing, and whether at the in stigation or suggestion of fcis superiors or not, the Grand Duke Alexander Mlchaelovitch . and Admiral Avellan made no secret of their entire approval of his adventure. The admiralty, having a direct pro- fessional concern in the matter, was the department most consistently hos- tile to Eneland. and there was a pros- pect that they would support their sub- ordinate at anv cost. Their relations with the foreign office were already in- j amicable, for Count Lamsdorff, with that steady Gothic prudence which conroensates him for lack of genius, ; had been assiduous In his endeavors ! to refrain at least from purposeless ex asperation of Britain, and the depart ment had shown their teeth to one an other over the question of the passage of the Dardanelles. So now, when the ; prompt British note of protest -was persented, Lamsdorff was eager to ren- der satisfaction, while the admiralty, high in favor at court, was determined to meet all demands with a truculent defiance. : It is Impossible to render the situa tion by a . Western analogy.' It was more than half a personal matter, and since Count Laaasdorff had at the mo ment no grand duke in hand, he had to walk with caution in opposing Al exander Michaelovitch. There were some of the elements of comedy, too, for it was Iiamsdorff, and not the ad miralty fire-eaters, who must receive the British ambassador, Sir Charles Hardinge; and things might have been funny had not the delay in accounting for the seizure of the ship evoked from Britain a further and final communi cation, which contained an unequivocal demand for the release of the Malacca forthwith. "It was, In short, an ultimatum In all but form, and it lacked nothing of brief force and clearness. With it : came news from the south or the ac tivity of the Mediterranean fleet, and all the government knew .that Russia was now facing a bleak alternative of surrender or war with Britain.' And even then the admiralty was triumph ant, florid with power, blindly exultant over the mess it had made in the af airs of the empire. Alexander Mlchael ovitch went daily to the Czar and was the man of the moment. Lamsdorff saw the Emperor only at his weekly audience. All his plans, his long dispo-j sitions of policy, were crumbling; It was only at the last moment, with the'ed an attorney especially to represent ultimatum to answer, that he lapsed the dignity of his office in his politi- cal need and went to Work m orthodox Russian style. He got himself a grand duke, in the person of Constantin Con- stantinovltch. the Czar's uncle, a big. pleasant man who writes-verses and occasionally acts Hamlet. ' "For ordinary purposes of interde partmental politics the Grand .Duke Constantin Would be inaccessible; as it was, Lamsdorff s appeal to him was an Inspiration. He has weight because he is disinterested and as a rule unin terested in state affairs.- He appeared now as an altruist engaged on behalf of the safety of Russia, and together suugni uiai veueu source oi pow- , er me uowager impress. was to Tsarsko Selo they went 'uSn flis majesty was at Peterhof. ' ' f " , " j"? JSS, I rZr::,.! "VC" Z 11 . li . . . . . Malacca was to be released. ,,mf mM ; ..TihnlnR nt fr hi Ph-m-ir. H(J wM praying aU rdghf Next morning the embassy was sat isfied and the admiralty was singular ly rude to the special correspondent who dropped in for a chat A Universe All Alive. I asked Mr. Burbank this question: ."Has anything developed ; in Vour life-work, and in your study of the In God or the immortality of the soul?" He answered: "My theory of the laws and under- lying principles of plant creation' is, in unit forces held In place by stronger force8 folding them for a time aWf 4 A on our net ls; t man lr trior Ml thn nntpr frlnoo rt so to speak, just on the outer fringe of this infinite ocean of force. The uni verse is not half dead, but all alive." William S Harwood's "A Won- der-Worker of Science," to the Cen- tury. Transatiantio Trips. . Across the ocean with great zest How many men have fared! ' Some go to Europe for a rest And some because they're scared. Washington Star. - : When a married man "laughs In his Bleep ills wiic uwgiucs ue ta uiRuiuut that he la a bachelor. THE COST OF LIVING. Pnrchaalnsr Tower of a Dollar To-day ml from 1890 to lOOO. -All important food articles except sugar and coffee are higher at the present time than the average for the 10-year period from 1S90 to 1900, says a writer in Pearson's. In looking back upon the course of prices since 1890 It 18 interesting to discover (from flg- l'res compiled by the- government) that in that year $1 would buy seven and four-fifths pounds of fresh beef, while to-day it will purchase only six and four-fifths pounds. That amount of money in 1890 would buy ten pounds of salt beef; to-day nine pounds. Of salt pork In 1890 it would buy nine and a half pounds; to-day a little over seven pounds. One dollar In 1890 wiuio purcnase seven ana a quarter pouDds of chickens; to-day less than 8lx ana quarter pounds. It would buy ten pounds of fresh fish in 1890; ro - oay nine ana a tmra pounas. In 1590 lt would pay for five dozen and fotlr eggs; to-day for only four dozen and three. One dollar in 1890 would buy nearly IT quarts of milk; to-day less tnan 18 quarts. It would purchase in lbUO lour and a quarter pounds of butter; to-day only three and three quarter pounds. One dollar in 1890 was a fair equivalent for six and a third pounds of cheese; to-day it will purchase half a pound less. To-day $1 will buy less than eight and a half pounds of lard; in 1890 it would pay for nearly 11 pounds. Of cornmeal to-day you can purchase for that sum 38 pounds; in 1890 yon could get 46 pounds. When it is con sidered that the average American family whose income does not exceed $1,200 spends nearly 45 per cent of Its entire income on food, it is easily seen how great a difference is made by a rise in prices of 10 to 25 cents on every dollar's worth of edible supplies, cover ing meats, vegetables and practically all other eatables. ' As compared with the average prices governing during ihe period from lt90 to 1900 it is reck oned by the United States Bureau of Labor that hams and salt beef have gone up 12 per cent, salt pork and bacon, 32 per cent, lard 35 per cent, fresh vegetables 13 per cent, cornmeal 1 per cent, crackers 19 per cent, New Orleans molasses 20 per cent, beans 31 per cent, herrings 31 per cent, salt 21 per. cent, pepper 72 per cent and currants 121 per cent. Protesting' Against Fate Reduction. Atlanta, Ga. The recent proposition of J. Pope Brown, chairman of the Georgia Railroad commission, to re duce the passenger rate in Georgia from three to two cents per mile was protest ed againet by the Botherhood of Loco motive Engineers, the Order of Rail way Conductors, and unions of the blacksmiths, machinists and telegra phers, boiler makers, railway train men, carpenters and joiners, clerks and i car men. These organizations employ- j them, who urged that such a reduction would work against the prosperity of i the state and lead to a reduction in the number of railroad employes as well as of their wages. The Travelers' Pro tective association also protested that a redaction as proposed would result in fewer trains and poorer service. Her Transformation. She drank quantities of water, ate a lot of starchy foods, Abstained from exercising every day; She assimilated,; lactic and a case of ' malted goods, Bat it seemed her fate to have to fade away. She so mourned attenuation, with a vis age like an owl's, That a smile upon her face was never seen; While below her mouth were wrinkles, and above her eyes were scowls, And her nose was like a hatchet in be tween. . But one day she fell to laughing in a strange, hysteric way. Just in thinking how ridiculous it proved; ' And it mellowed to a cackle that was . sane enough, they say, Till at last she giggled every time she moved. - Why, she chuckled out her wrinkles, and she snickered off her frowns, And then took to all the things she shouldn't do; Now she's grown as fat as butter, and has outgrown all her, gowns; 1 But she laughs away at that disaster, too. x Woman's Home Companion. . Brasher Is Well Paid. ? " ' A woman who appealed to a charit able society for help one day last week said her son was able to assist her if he would.' "He is the brusher, and has charge, of the bootblack chair in a hotel. He makes between $30 and $40 a week." An agent was sent out to investi gate and found the son employed In one of the big hotels of the city, where he has been for six years. This young man told the agent that the position of brusher in a large ho tel was worth at least $30 a week, al though there is no salary attached to it if a young man attended to his j business. Hotel Datrons are liberal j tippers. The brusher is expected to find seats for customers if the bar ber's chairs are filled, and to hand around the morning and illustrated pa pers. Chicago Tribune. Asked and Answered. The Maid What is love? , The Bachelor Love is the prelude to matrimony. ' , , The Maid And what is matrimony? The Bachelor The prelude to ali mony. ',' PU T N A loiut mure (uwii urixnier ana taster colors Kuaranustni i iv iwitu rauiij. kUrh mmA mitt rnlnr. UflNBliF riDllf? A JUDGE'S W5FE mrs. minnie McAllister Mrs. Carrie King, Darlington, Mo., writes: . . ' "I have suffered for years with bil iousness, and kidney and liver trouble. "If I caught a Ettle cold, the pains were increased and backache and headache were of frequent occurence. "However, Peruna cured me twelve bottles made me e healthy woman." As Others See Us. - Room for Improvement. "Yes," said the young man, "I am "I have here," said the agent, "an about to get a political Job, where I alarm clock that will kindle the fire will have nothing to do butit around in the 'kitchen range and start the cof and look wiser j fee boiling. Can I sell you one?" "Well," rejoined his fair companion "No," yawned the lazy man, "but in the parlor Bcene. "I'm sure you when you find one that will pour the will be able to fill the first half of the coffee out and bring it upstaira, I will requirements all right enough." ; be pleased to consider its purchase." Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole sys tem iruen entering it through the mucous surf sees. Such articles Should never be used exeepton prescriptions from reputable pny- siaan3,asthedsmag8they will do is tenfold to tue good yon can possioly derivef rom them. Han s t;atarrn jure, manuiacturea uy r . J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.,containsnomercary, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the. system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testi monials free. 1 Bold by Druggists, price 75c per bottle. Ball's Family .Pills are the best. Merely a Mint. De Boreiu (time 11:30 p. m.) Are you interested in baseball, Miss Cutting? Miss Cutting (suppressing a yawn) Yes, to a certain extent. 1 dearly love to see a man make a home run occa sionally. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Trials of the Fair Sex. He if a girl declines an offer of mar riage and becomes a spinster, She is apt to regret it. 1 She Yes; if she marries she is apt to regret it so what can a poor girl do? Skaters average from nine to ten yards a second, while runners on skis have1 made as much as twenty-one yards in the same time, and the jumper on skis has developed almost forty yards velocity in a second. The man who made this record jumped 120 feet It is as impossible to conquer the king of diseases Contagious Blood Poison with Mer cury and Potash as it would be to conquer the king of the forest in a hand-to-hand encounter, as thousands who have had 'their health ruined and lives blighted through the use of these min erals will testify. They took the treatment faith fully, only to find when it was left off, the dis ease returned with more power, combined with the awful effects of these minerals, such as mercurial rheumatism, necrosis of the bones, salivation, inflammation of the stomach and bowels, etc. When the virus of Contagious Blood Poison enters the blood it quickly con taminates every drop of that vital fluid, and every muscle, nerve, tissue and bone becomes affected, and soon the foul symptoms of sore mouth and throat, copper-colored blotches, falling hair and eyebrows, swollen glands, sores, etc., make their appearance. Mercury and Potash can only cover up these evidences for awhile; they cannot cure the disease. S. S. S. has for many years been recognized as a specific for Contagions Blood Poison a perfect antidote for the deadly virus that is so far-reaching in its effects on the sys tem. S. S. S. does not hide or mask the disease, but so thoroughly and kind. Treatise with instructions for home treatment and any advice wished, Withouttharge. THE SWSFTSPZGiFiQ CQ., ATLANTA, GAm FV A D E Lv E man any ocner aye. une luc package colors aeaier, or we win seno post oom w iuc a m I lniw;il. : PAIN IN THE BACK AND S!DE Quickly Cured by a Short Course of Pe-ru-na. MRS. MINNIE E. McALLISTER, wife of Judge McAllister; writes from 1217 West 33rd street, Minneapolis, Minn., as follows: "I suffered for years wi"h a pain in the ymall of my back and right side. It inter fered often with my domestic and social duties and I never supposed that I would be cured, as the doctor's medicine did not seem ts help me any. "Fortunately a member of our Order advised me to try Peruna and gave it such high praise that I decided to tryv it. Although I started in with little faith, I felt so much better in a week that I felt encouraged. "I took it faithfully for seven weeks and am happy indeed to be able to say that I am entirely cured. "Words fail to express my gratitude. Perfect health once mere is the bet thing I could wish f or, and thanks to Pfcuna, I enjoy that now." Pain in the back, or on the right side. How often a physician hears this complaint! Over and' over we hear women say; "I have a pain in the small of my back. , I have a pain in my right side, just be low the ribs. These symptoms indicate pelvic or abdominal catarrh. They indicate that the bowels are not acting properly that the liver is out of order that the pelvic organs are congested. Pelvic catarrh that is the name for it. Peruna cures pelvic catarrh, w' en all of ' these symptoms disappear. The catarrh may be ' all in the ab dominal organs, when it would be prop erly called abdominal catarrh. At any rate, it is one of those eases of internal catarrh which can be reached only by a course of treatment with Peruna. We have on file thousands of testi monials similar to the above. It is impossible here to give our readers more than one or two specimens of the number of grateful and comrre idatory letters Dr. Hartman is constauty re ceiving in behalf of his famous catarrh remedy, Pernna. riTQ Permanently Cured. No fits or nervansness I 1 1 v after first day'suse of Dr-Kline'sGreatiervs Restorer. Send for Free $3 trial bottle and treatise. Sr. K. H. Kline, Ltd., 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. i Knew Whereof She Spoke. j i dearly l0Ye to go shopping" said the giddy maid of 33 summers more or less "especially when there is a bargain sale." "Huh!" growled the old bachelor. "I fail to see any particular pleasure in get- -ting in a crowd and being almost squeez ed 'to death." "That is just what I enjoy most" re plied the coy maiden, as she hid her glowing face behind her fan. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Boo thing Byrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. An Insinuation. Tom has been a benedict for almost two'week8.' ' - "Yon have no idea what you miss by noj: being married," he said to his menu jacK. j "No, I suppose not," rejoined the lat-. I ter. "Do you count your money every night and morning?" Piso'S Cure fs a remedy forcongbs, colds and consumption. Try it. Price 25 cents, at druggists. Essay About the Pigr. One boy gives the following Inform nation ibout the pig: "A pig when living has four legs, but when you kill it the butcher says it only has two, because he calls the front legsx shoul ders and the back legs are called hams. Ham tastes nice, and they boil it to eat at a wedding. The missus sprinkles little bits of toast on it tu make it look pretty." c completely cures it tnat no signs are ever seen again. S.- S. S. while eradicating the poison of the disease will drive out any effects of harmful mineral treat ment A reward of $i,oco.oo is offered for proof that St S. S. contains a mineral Jno-rfvliVnt of anv SiS D :Y E S SHk, wool and cotton equally well and M package. Writa for free booklet now to