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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1905)
tBSSIFNIEBMMEITS 'r k Five lines, or less, $5 cent for three tnspntona. or 50 cents per month. Each additional line will be charged for at the rate of 10 cents per line per month A ANTED SOMKOuE TO HAUL 160 CORDS OF -wood . Anyone wanting the job, call on G. B. F"a. 34-37. Hit tHEST ASH PRICK PAID FOR all kinds of Poultry also dressed Perk. Smith & Boulden, Corvallis, Oregon, nxt to tf!BTTK office. WAiSTE 0 500 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE Gazette and Weekly . Oregonian at $2.56 per year. , . THE HOME SAVINGS BANK CAN hp obtained at the J) irst .National uann Corvallis. Its use encourages habits of economy and thrift. It is an orna ment to any household. Write for m-inted deportation. . 20tf . . W. M. STONE. REAL ESTATE AND Tntellitrence office After 42 VW! in 'Benton and Linn counties. I feel iusti fied in coming before the bome-sdekera of Oreeon. and feel that I am com' ratent to locate all such aa wish to buy homes here, with judgment and compefrenff. For 27 years 1 was t brides builder In Benton. Lane. Polk Yamhill and Linn counties. I have - property in the above amed rounties to sell, and am thoroughly conversant rit.n the nam . : I ask no . exclusive right of sa e and unless- property is sold by me I ask no pay. Parties wishing to employ help or if looking for a position, Will find it a conven ience to . phone or call , at the office, Kindness and courtesv extinded to all Office. South Main street, Corvallis, Oregon. Office phone 378, res. phone . 66. ;vvf 5.?Lv'-. ;.-"- r FOR SALE A TEW SETTINGS BRAHMA EGGS i for sale; 75c per 13,- Ivan Totten, Cor vallis, Or., R. F. D. No. 2. 35-37 -. '. ; - . ' THE "VAPOR BATH CABINET" FOR sale at Graham & Wells, with printed instructions for administering the bath at home,, to cure numerous ailments without use of medicine internally. Applications can be made at home without aid of experts. -' Try one, the price is small. NEW TIRES PUT ON BABY BUG gies and go-carts, at Dilley& Arnold's. SOFT-SHELLED ENGLISH WAL - nuts outy ield all other varieties. If you desire trees write for price and par ticulars to Bert Brooks, McMinnville, Or., R. F: D. No. 2. . SHORT ON on Prunes. boxes, $1.50. PERUNA BUT LONG Italian Prunes. 50 lb. Come quick. - F. L. Miller. ; FOR SALE TWELVE YOUNG SHORT horn milch cows, bred from milk strains on both sides; one short-horn bull ; one Jersey bull ; registered Poland China bogs, male and female. Address M. 8. Woodcock, Corvallis, Ore. 23tf MARBLE SHOPS. WM. STAIGER & F. VANHOOSEN. Third door north of Hotel Ciorvalhs. v V.;-: '.':- ; ; 32tf ATTORNEYS WE. YATES, - THE LAWYER, Both Phones. CORVALLIS, - - : OB. E. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offics in PoBt Office Building, Corval Us, Oregon. , ; , JOSEPH H. WILSON, ATTORNEY - at-Law. Notary Titles, Conveyanc ing. : Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Office in Burnett Building. MUSIC. PIANO INSTRUCTION OIVEN ; any grade of - advancement. . AIpo . pianos tuned and repaired in fust-class manner. Ind. phone No. 405. F. A. . White. hotels; OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, CORVALLIS. Oregon. Good, clean cookiDg; clean beds, and rooms well ventilated; first, class servit-e : splendid facilities to ac- commoaate trie public. street from First National Bank. 23tf PHYSICIANS B. A.' OATHEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN ; and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to 4 p. m. Residence; cor. Sth and Ad ams Stsf. Telephone at office and res idence. . ' Corvallis, Oregon. C. H. KEWTH, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Office and Residence, on Main street, Philomath, Oregon, i MISS DEETTA JONES, A GRADUATE nnree of Portland Sanitarium six years' experience. Private patients. Independent phone No. 334. Post of fice box 247. 12 tf rGUvm Bell phone No 341.' DENTISTS Bs H. TAYLOR, DENTIST. PAIK- leas extraction. lit Zierolf building 0pp. Post Offi ('Krvaiiia. Oregan. oTAGE IXINE? t , 4 PHILOMATH AND: aLSEA STAGEr- Diaue tcMves a'sea o :au a. m.ji arrive -. It. . i . t i : 1" i w r uiieiuutu i iz iu , leaves rimo inath 1 p. to.',' "arrives at' Alsea 6:30 p. m. " All pVrsons wishing to go or return from Alsea and points west can be accomodated at any time. Fare to Alsea $1 00 Round trip same da v $2.00. -' j ' M- S. Rickard.; AUCTIONEER P A KLINE LIVE HTOCK AUCTION- eer, Corvallis, Or " Office at Huston's hardware store. P. U. address Box 11. Pays highest prices for alL kinds, of live stork. Tt-nty years' experience." Satisfaction guaranteed. :-sk : LAND AGENTS; WHEN IT COMES TO H BUYING lands, new-comers in this county will make n mistake in consulting James Lewis.' Mr. Lewis has been In Benton for 30 rears and not, only, knows the county wit theentire valley. He bat been actively engaged in selling and buying live stock "and real estate all ot this time- and naturally his judg ment is sound..,- He knows soils and values. His knowledge is worth money to anybody desiiing correct and sincere information. 25-77 POULTRY. BARRED ROCK EGGS STANDARD mating?, $1.50 per 15; special exhibi tion matinee, $3 per 15.,. If you -want the heist.' call on or write W G'. Emery, ; Barred Rock Specialist, Corvallis, 23tf MISCELLANY; Gazette Independent phone No 433. Get your school books and school supplies at Graham & Wells. ,! w PRAISING FOLEY'S HONEY . AND TAR. " Foley .. & Co., . Chicago," originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy; an& on account of the -great merit and- popularity of, Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. , Ask tor jfoleys Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute offered as no other preparation will give the same satisfaction. It is mildly laxitive. It contains no opiates and is safest for child ren and delicate persons. Sold by Graham & wortaaui.,-- . . L - Green Peak. Geo. Shaw has finished putting in his spring grain. J. M. Gil man is out near Bellfountain superintending the construction of a barn for A. P. Starr. His son, Robert, is at home taking care of his 'goats and other stock, f - ' JohnTompkins and son, George, are sawing shingles. - VY. C. Graves and family attended the Parents' Meeting at Bellfountain last Sat urday.. . . -,' , . - J. M. Summers and family are prepar ing to go to Five Rivers to peel cascara bark. . - . Adolph Tronaheizlias been building a barn and otherwise improving his ranch David Hawley is nnch improved in health and may again be seen superin tending his ranch. New Partnership. Bert Yates and W. E. . Yates have formed a partnership under the firm name f f Yats V .Ya,v Thv expect to In n (':"' iMniir in-t- a i.' li.l.:rt tiiisi u"s. ,Ti- repreH-nt K"oi -li .lilp hi Biirame a an i -i r tiiriii-ii accurate, neat and complete ttttstracts of Bentou rauotv , pwpe lit. reasonable prices. Call on or wiitf to Vatea Yate, orva ", Oregon . GOLF ENLARGES, SHOULDER DTotoM, to the Game Are Compelled . to Wear Padded Coata to Sid Iftfonnit7; The right shoulders of tent golfers' coats have persis- to be nadded. for trnif Hovalnra 1. iBnoulaer 80 abnormally that, with out this padding, the young men would look .a. little deformed. In driving,, the player's right arm and shoulder only guide the ; ball'g course; it is the left arm t.i shoulder that do the work. Hence the ;. excessive left side ' develool ment, to counteract which it is sometimes necessary to put in the right shoulder of the coat padding an inch deep. Tailors can always tell a golfer by this peculiar devel opment .of ; his lefty shoulder.: Sometimes young - women . play enough to get uneven shoulders, too. ! The deformity, though, it rare' among young women, where M among young men it is common The Oregon bevelojpWnt League ' " yt Convene in Portland , - t. ' Tomorrow. v-;' j All over ; Qregon t there . is - a movement on foot for state de velopment and advancement.; The year 1965 is destined to become famous in Oregon's . history; the great Lewis and Clark Fair will be a leading feature, but on ac count of the many visitors to all sections of the state much concert ed : effort is necesssry to properly receive the guests. , Preparation must be made lor them, not alone in the way of extending the hand of good-fellowship,: but putting in, first-class condition every ; fea ture that we possess. The . Oregon Development League is now composed ot fifty two regularly organized commer cial and industrial bodies, and its second annual : convention ' will open in Portland tomorrow. We should be well represented there, and to give an idea of what is to occur,' we submit the following which has been provideq us: , WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26th. Convention called . to order at 9:30 a. m. delegates to arrive at nine u possible to register and receive badges. A local reception committee will be on hand to welcome delegates, v . : Address of Welcome, Hon George E. Chamberlain, govern or -of Oregon. . , - Response by E. u. Smith, president Oregon - Development League. . - Report of League's work, -lorn Richardson, secretary. Address by . Messrs H. . W. Goode, president of Lewis and Clark Exposition ; J. R. N. Bell, Baker City: Frank I. Vatters, Medford; B. A. Worthington, general manager S. P. & O. R. &- N. Co. v Portland; Cnarles V. Galloway, of McMinnville. (Sub jects named later.) v-;r ":; .;.'''. 5net discussion 01 papers, aq- journed at 12:30. In the afternoon the Conven tion wil meet in sections devot ed to the various industries of the state, enabling" delegates to dis cuss subiects in wnicn they are particularly interested. , . . . ; The Willamette Valley Agri cultural Section will occupy the Marquam Grand Theatre. Good Roads Section. Judge John H. Scott, Salem, chairman, Tower room , of Portland Com mercial Club. - Dairy Section J. W.- Bailey, Portland, chairman Ladies. Din ing Room Portland Commercial Club. . Fruit Section, Wilber K. New ell, Dilly, chairman, Chamber of Commerce Rooms. ' Mining Section, W- S. Newr berry. Sumpter, and C C' Beck man, Jacksonville, joint chair man, Black Room Commercial Club. - At these sectional conventions a condensed but comprehensive report will be made for presenta tion at the general session Tburs morning. ' . " : In the evening, reception in rooms of Portland Club from 8 to 11, for delegates, their-families "nd friends. . :-., , : THURSDAY, APRIL 27TH7, Convention called . to order P'O.nptly at 9 o'clock. ; Reports from sectioual con-t-ii lions in order named above. Reports: of vice-presidents , of the League. ' , Address by Hon. , Jefferson Myers, president Oregon State Commission of Lewis and Clark Exposition. . 1 . Reports from all delegations represented. . .. :p';.'All.delegates'will be the. juests of the Lewis and Clark v Expasi tion the afternoon of the 27 th, leaving for the grounds at exact-" ly two o'clock, as per announce ment to be made in the conven tion. - , . -The addresses on the program will none of them exceed fifteen minutes in. length, leaving time for the important - business to be considered a proper representa tion! of .the - various portions of me state through a league head quarters ; on the Exposition grounfl will ' receive attention. The sectional conventions will be intensely practical. Special rates made by - the railroads for this occasion insure the convention's success. . On the Oi R. - & N., La Grande and points te5 f 4 will - W . one far for the round trip i 'pointr between La Graude. an4 t'Portla,nJ, 'one and one-thud fare! 'Tickets' on the Southern Pacific will be sold for the oue . fare for ; the round trio ..from . Glendale and - points south' between Glendale , and Jfortiand, tare wiU, be one and one-third..' Rate on the Northern Pacific is one and one-third fare for round trip. These rates will apply on the 0. R. & N. and Southern Pacific for trains arnv-; ing in .Portland on Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning, April 25th and ,26th. . On the Northern Pacific delegates ' may arrive either Wednesday or Thursday morning, April 28th is limit of tickets. - Now as to delegates: Every member of the Oregon Develop ment League is entitled to name a delegation , to include any de sired number the section con ventions should be borne : in mind in appointing delegates so that men from the different in dustries are narned. . ; JiVerv editor , in tne state is a delegate at. large, because it is through , , the , newspapers ; that Oregon will get her ; publicity. Where there , is no organization holding membership in the league the appointment of ; representa tives devolves upon the Mayors of towns and County Commis sioners,' and it is especially de sired that several sections of the state not now affiliated with; the league should organize and. join us. , Every possible , permanent benefit should be secured as result of the enormous western travel that is now. a certainly. COUNTRY CORRESPONDENCE. Oak Grove. Mrs. A. A. Williamson and son Oscar, of -Wells, were Albany callers, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Burk' of Oak Creek Linn Oo.l were visitors at the Cady home, Sunday. .- : ' : " ' ' ' 7 Prof. .Goodnough, of Corvallis spent Wednetday night with Mr. Cady. - r : Willard Cauthorn, of Oak Creek, was over Monday, looking after his interests on his Soap Creek farm. ' ' . V Wiley Williamson, ' of Albany, moved out, Monday and will hereafter, make his home on the old homestead at Oak Grove. , . Hugo Karstein, who has been doing some work on his homestead in . Lincoln county, returned home, Friday. '. George Beamia is still improving; he was able to make a trip to Albany, Fri day. W. L. : Cau thorn, of Wells, left, Fri day, for Oak Creek, Linn County, to spend a few days visiting with his son, Willard. -' ? Grant Williamson has been "very - sick since last Saturday, but is getting some better at present. . ; .. . ' ; Ira Cady took bis usual boat ride, Sun day,' also lowered his hook and caught a few catfish in.' Dead River. , : ; V". Mrs.. Waldon, .while going about her work last Wednesday, morning, received a stroke of paralysis ot the entire .lei t side. Dr. Ellis, of Albany, was imme diately called and rendered medical aid. The patieat is well along in years and may not recover. N.: Hanson father and sister, new ar rivals from Nebraska, are . stopping a t present with his brother, 'John- Hanson. He was oat here two years ago and liked the.fwi'itry so that h coticlnd'l to return and make Oregon his permanent home. . ' -- ' - ... - ; : The basket gonial trirea at .' Oak; Grove school ho isd Saturday .evening,, proved Tory satisfactory in a financial. way. The program was , well .rendered,, and very much enjoyed by the' audience. The young ladies , had arranged . 25 baskets, which for neatness and ' workmanship, could not be excelled in any community. Sam. Laurenson was the auctioneer and proved himself to be equal to the occa sion.. The firgt basket sold brought $1 5U, and Mr. Claud Logsdon was .the lucky man.: "One thing noticeable: was that baskets, instead nf getting cheaper, were continually on the rise and the last one sold brought f 1.60. . . There was only one fake basket and it .was bought by a - Linn coii'-ty f man, who Jabored faithfully . to find his partner, but lot she, couldn't be found and he concluded to go it bingle haadei and opened up his basket to find it filled with raw potatoes each contain ing a tooth pick . The case was : preaeut ed to the' clerk, who returned the unfor tunate man the money. " The net receipts amounted to $30. 70, which proved very satisfactory to the base, ball . team, for whom the social was held. ,v ' ' -': -(. Letter List. ' Week ending April 15, 1905:- A.' P. Barney, Dan Evans; Mrs. Marchio- Hall, Oi P. Honegger, A. J. Johnson, O. F, Jentz. Mrs. Josie May, F. W. Miller, Willis Nelson, Eddie Starr, J. F. Snyder, M; I.; I; EhodeSi J. 'Wis Tedfordy MaT vin Wether. . - j- . . ; - -. - -. B. W. JoBNSojr, P. M c bism5 f nl 1 1 fry AkgetablePreparalion.for As similating theFoodandRegula ting theStoinachs andBowels of Promotes Digestion,Cheerfu ness and Res t.Con tains neither Opiumfoiplune nor Kilter aL Hot Narcotic. , JitajK arOUHrSAMUZZPUVmi Qarilnd Jutf Aperfect Remedy forConsBpa rion.SottfStouih.Diarrhoca Worms Xkinvulsions .Fcvensh rtess and Loss of SLEEP. ; .. ' Pac Simile Signature of N - NEW rYOHK. A Thousand Dollar's Worth ';. ;; ;; -1 of Good. , - v "I have been afflicted with kidney and "bladder trouble for years, passing gravel or stones with excruciating pain."- savs A. H. Thurns. a well known coal operator of Buffalo, O. "I got no relief from medi cine until I began taking Foley's Kidney Cure, then the result was surprisiug. A few doses started the brick-dust-like sub stanee and now I have no pain across my kidneys and I feel like a new man. It has done me iooo worth ef : good.'? Foley's Kidney Cure will cure every form of kidney or bladder disease. Sold by Graham & Wortlsar. - Citation. In the County Court of the State oi Oregon for the County of Benton In the matter of the estate 1 Of : I . .. William Kriens, xleccased To Annie Carneeie and Carl Kriens,heirs at law of William Kriens. deceased. GREETING: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, yoa are hereby cited and required to appeal in the County Court of the State of Oregot. for the coun ty of Benton at the Court Room thereof at Cor vallis, Oregon, in the County of Benton on Tues day thesth day of June A. D. 1905, at U o'clock in the forenoon of said day then and there to show cause if any exist why ail order of sale should not be made as prayed for in the petition of W. E. Yates administrator of said estate of William Kriens, deceased.. of the following described real property to-wit: The north half of the tract of land described " as follows: Beginning at the 8. E. corner of d: L. C of C. P. Blair, Claim No. 57,; Sections 25, 26, 35 and 36 T. 12 S. R. 6 West, Witl. Mer. thence run North 43 chains to the N. K7corner of said claim, thence West along N. rth bound ary line of said claim 18 60 chains, thence Sooth 43.00 chains to Southern. boundarV of said claim,, thence East 18.60 chains to plaoe'of Beginning, containing 40.00 acres. All -of the above . described property, being; in Benton County, Oregon. You are further notified that this citation is served upon yoa and each of you by publica tion thereof in the "Corvallis Gazette" mews paper for. fourfreeknnder arid order made bv the Hon. Virgil JbVWaUers, judgeof . the aiii court bearing date ApriLWHi, 1905i . v , . -; Witness, the Hon. Virgil E Watters, Jndge of the .County Court: of the State of Oregon for the County of Benton, with the seal of. the said, county affixed this 14th day of April, A. D. 190.'. Attest: Victor P. Moses. ' . Clerk. 33-42 - . .- - . " ' ; Men Past Sixty in Danger. More than half of mankind over sixtv years of age . suffer from kidney' ana . Dlaaaer aisoraers, r usually enlarge ment of; prostate . glands. This is. both ; painful -and dangerousj? and Foley's Kid- ny ,riT5 hfVii! ' e t-s.?;. if the f:vctr ' if -s ofdaiigcr, Corrtcfsirr gu!;u -.ittj. k: u has cured ' many old uxn ot t.t e viseasc. r Mr... Rodney Burnett.- K rt-j. J . s ilo-vv writes:"; "! suffered w:th .t ;,.d.ptos- i tate gland and tWilev trouble tbr vears i andafter ' taking; . ?fwci o1. y's ' K.laney cuie t i ..,11 ' . J it iv for twenty... yv.-irs. a.ti."2.i I : tr -o 91 years, old." .Sold ; by . Graham & Wortham.- us .1 f?3 1p it Mm,,? fwraaa m i y 1 -1 EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. M r-i-i-s ' i. A. -. .',.- .: - .. .-. - .' r..' ' There is a quality in Royal' Baking Powder which makes; the food more digestible andi wholesome. .This peculiarity of Rbyal Has been noted by physicians, and. they accord ingly endorse ! andv recom mend it; mOYAL AKIM For Infants and Children.- The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signs In Use For Over Thirty Years IK THB OIMTAUH MMHirr. HXW TOK OITT. i "-Oar Clubbing Us. Suoscribers to the CORVALLIS GAZETTE can obtain the following papers in combination sub- . scriptions with the GAZETTE, at the very lo . prices stated below; cash in ad ance always to ac con.pany the order. Those wishing two or more publications named with the GAZETTE, will pleasa correspond with this office and we will quote yon the combination price. We can save you money on r nearly all publications you desire . Hoard's Dairyman, Fort Atkinson. Wis. The best most up-toniate dairy journal in the worliiW.. 1.00; 2.30. , , Oregon Poultry Journal, cents; 1.80. . . . . Salem, Or., M 60 The Desictner, New"Tork, Standard Fashions, Ml $1.00; 2.35. . .... .. -,v 'Z;. Pocket Atlas of the World, 381 pages, containing-: colored maps of all the states and territories in the United States, the province of the dominion of Canada, and of every country and civil division on- - the face of the globe. Also valuable statistical in formation about each state and county , giving the-. population of every large city in the wor esides other valuable information. A handy reference l work for every person; with Corvallis G ktte one year, 2.00. . . - " - The abbreviations below are explained as follows ' W. foi weekly; S W for semi-weekly; (IW, for tri weekly; M, for monthly; S II, for semi-monthly. The first f r'icG represents the subscription rate of the publication alone, and the second the rate for the publication offered ' m conjunction with tile semi-weekly GAZETTE.. ' Oregon Agriculturist and Rural- Northwest. Port land, Or., S.W., 60 cents; $L80.. . . , Oret)nian, Portland, Or., W., 11.60; 2.65. ' - " : : Rural Spirit, Portland, Or,, Contains a five-stock: market report, W., $2.00; 2.55. ' . . . . : Pacific Christian Advocate . Per and. Or.. W.i ; . (2JM..8.06. - : v.- ; ,-. ' . . Women's Home Companion, Springfield, Ohio, . 31.00; 2.16. , . - f Lippiocott's Ifagaiine, Philadelphia, Pa"., JL, - $2.60; 3.25..- , . .. Evv Month (Music, Song and IKnce), New York; S2.15. .. . - . .The Century Vagazin e, Nt-w York.lii, t4;00; 6.0e- Young People's Weekly, rbicafco, ,111., W. , 50 cen 0 m in nati Inquirer. Cincinnati, W., tl.CO; 2.05. v ne fruit Growers' Journal, Cobden , I1L, X., 6u cents; SI 75. ;;....) Ji-:. C Homestead, Des Moines, Iowa, A thorough -atocfc and farm journal, W..J1.00; 2.80. The Republic, St. Louis, Mo S. W., LO0; 2.06; v The American Farmer, Indianapolis, Ind.; Live stock, farm and poultry journal, M., 50 cents; . Boston Cookiog School Uagazine, Bi-M., to eenta; 1.90. - . - .... ' Last Hope Vanished. - When leading phyaicians said that W. M. Smithart, of Pekin, la., had incurable consumption,' his last hope vanished; , but Dr. King's New Discovery for (ion--rrp'i'VT, Coughs and Colds, kept him - i;'ts hi giave He H-y.;,;TIiia g ci. J Bears the V Lture AA t-ci;ic r "npletely cuted me, and Hved uif l:fe.i-ice The', I have used it for vver to your, xnd conpidef ed u a marvel-- -or-i .libit nd lung cu'i" Sitictly i.'ientiftc cu e for coughs,- So-e .Th'Oat ,;--n e pre-ventive of Pneumoniae (,tiiiireed.. 50c and $1.00 botile at. Alle &. Woodward's diug ttoie. Tria . bo lie fee. . . . . .'" POWOC CO. MEW VORfV-