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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1905)
H Vol. XLII. Corvalxis, Benton County, Oregon, Friday, ; April 21, 1905. IVO, 34 EASTER SERVICES. Some Programs Handed Sacred in Character. Us Greeks to see Jesus." An Easter sermon, services ana music appropriate to the day. Sunday School at io o'clock. Presbyterian church Rev. M. S. Bush, pastor. Bible School, ro a. m. The school will have a special Easter program. Wor ship ii a. m subject, "Christ, Sovereign in the Resurrection." Special Easter music by the choir. Union meeting of the Young People's Societies at 6 p. m. Evening service at 7:30, a cantata by the choir, subject, "The Easter King." Easter services will be held at the Episcopal church on Sunday next at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by the Rev. J: T. Simpson, of Vancouver, Washington. Special Easter music. A cordial invita tion to all to attend these services. OF SPECIAL INTEREST. The Parents' Meeting Held Southern Benton Last Saturday. in PROGRAM, i Chorus ''The King's Entry.",. King Contralto Solo and Chorus "The iu the Teuiple" . Tenor Solo and Quartet "The King in Darkness."..... Duet, Quartet and Chorus "The King's Trial.".... Choral Hymn "The King Crowned With Thorns." ..... Soprano Solo "The King's Sacrifice. First Congregational Church Corvallis, Oregon, program for the Easter services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.. Edward F. Green, Pastor. Mobning Service. Organ Voluntary. ..Mrs. Edward P. Green Doxology and Invocation.. Anthem, VAllelujab, Christ is Risen,"-... J -Choir (Mrs. Berchtold and Miss Allen.) Responsive Reading Congregation Hymn - Congregation Prayer. , Solo, "The Holy City," Tenor Solo and Chorus "The Kings Mies Agnes von der Hellen. Victory.' Scrioture Lesson Quartet "The King's Command." Anthem, "Unto Him Who Loved Us, Tenor Solo and double Chorus "The Choir King's Ascension." ... I (Duet, Mrs. Peterson and .Mr. Pernor.) Bass Solo, Female Trio and Chorus I Notices and Offerings. An interesting piogram. was rendered at Belltountain last Sat urday at the Parents' Meeting. The Grange united with -the schools, which did much' to in crease the interest and attendance. The large grange hall was filled at the appointed hour to begin. It was noticeable that patrons of the schools from all over the southern part of the county at tended. The educational exhibit sent to ' St Lonis was examined with much interest by a large CURIOUS EFFECT OF TUNNEL number of parents. - Mrs. J. H. Edwards arranged ruai inward a. Oar Washington will participate. The above mentioned states are what may be termed the Pacific Coast jurisdiction, as there are some thing like six districts in the United States represented in the' national league, v .'.. The winners of. the inter-state contest next fall will . receive a cash prize of $100, and will also have the honor of representing this jurisdiction at the next, na tional contest on oratorical-prohibition lines. The Jast mention ed contest is to take place in Ne braska, but it may be a year hence for ought we know. Wool Pool. Those wishing to pool their wool with me can do so by reporting the number of fleeces to me. I will handle yonr wool and sell to the highest bidder and give you what there iB in it. . Sacks, fleece and twine for , sale by me at Kings Valley. " ' F.J. Chambers. - 33-50 some special musical numbers. Besides general singing,' Mrs. J. H. Edwards rendered a solo, as did Wilbur Starr and E. H. Bel knap; there was a duet by Hazel rtA ii --vl 1 TT'A trro tAc : Tktt roi - tations deserving special mention certainea8omeseconas before it ia eomiag Train Entra Long Subway. v- . It is a most curious fact, though it may have escaped general at tention, that the approach of a " Will Interest Many. Every person should know that good health is impossible if kidneys are de ranged. Foley's Kidney Cure will cure kidney and bladder disease in every form; and will build up and strenghten these organs so they will perform their fuctions properly. No danger ofBright's disease nor diabetes if Foley's Kidney Cure is taken in time. Sold by Graham & Wortham. Cheap Sunday Rates Between Portland and Willamette Valley Points. were by Thelma and Cecil Graves, visible to those traveling towards and Hattie Hamser, and dialogues it .Q an bppojtte. Qirection. The by pupils of District 23 "The King's Final Glory. Easter Day will be. observed at the Christian church as follows. Sunrise prayermeeting at 6 a., m., conducted by the Y. P. S. C. E. Sunday school at 10 a. m. De cision day will be observed, and a special sermon will be preached to the children at 11 a. mj, sub ject, "Christ the Good Shepherd" A special Easter sermon will be preached at 8 p. m., subject, "The Great Truth and the Great Lie.'r Special Easter music will be rendered by the choir at both these services. The choir is now under the direction of Mr. Hughes, of the Agricultural College, who is an experienced chorus leader and by whose help thev are doing splendid work. May we not expect a full house at these services? " " Frank E. Jones. The 'Methodist Episcopal church is noted for its yearly celebration of Easter Day. Special services are announced for next Sunday and the church is also to be beautifully decorated for the occasion In the morning three special musical numbers are to be render ed by the choir. Solo by Dr, Cathey, "He Rose From the Dead;' 'Ladies Quartet; "He is Risen," by the choir. The pastor's subject for the sermon will be, "In the Garden of Lilies." In the evening a sacred con cert will be given consisting of an Easter exercise, "Cross and Crown," by Prof. Chas. H, Gabriel, of Chicago, one of the most noted religious song writers -of the day. It consists of the following numbers: -'The Stone is Rolled Away" "Rise Glorious Conqueror", "Jesus Lives". Duet, "The Hill of Calvary,"....;.. . Miss Edna Allen and Mr. J. C. Knapp Sermon Hymn Celebration of the Lord's Supper............ Reception of Members ..... Hymn : ......Congregation Benediction . Evening Service Easter Concert. Organ Prelude........ Invocation... . Gloria -Male Quartet Children's Bxercises. - Solo, "Softly Now The Light of Day.".... Miss Hettie Lilly Responsive Reading- ...Congregation Solo, "Upheld," -Mrs. F. Berchtold Male Quartet, "Low In The Grave He Lay" Messrs. Knap, Ingle, Shtlleck, Hill Solo, "Sun of My Soul," .Miss E. Allen Prayer. Solo'Resurreetion ". . . ....Mrs. Peterson Anthem, "Let Mount Zion Rejoice,". Choir Solo...; ...Mr. Knapp Solo, "'The Plains of Peace," -Miss Von der Hellen Hymn.........'........... ....Congregation Benediction ... Postlude....... Choir. Mrs. F. Berchtold, Mrs. Peterson, Misses Allen, Lilly) Huff, Hill, von der Heller, Fowells, Richards. Adams, Messrs. Per- not, Knapp. Wall, Nichols, Kent, HU1, Ingle, Selleck, Wyatt. v length of a tunnel is no obstacle to rs T 1 4.1 pupt lAumdn uegan me morn- reaiizatiorj of this curious r,h. ing's wore wim a lauc on ;vtiow nomGnon. and comrjres8ed air is. to Get There " J, H. Edwards the medium which produces thiB followed with an interesting and peculiar under-water sensa pleasant talk on "Farm Life Vs tion With0ut any warning the City Life-'V In an interesting nf Thp pap ia nmstfica manner he presented some good , reasons why farm life was more pressed inwards the moment the adapted to produce better citizen- locomotive of the other train en- ship. ters the tunnel (which for all "Choosing a Vocation," was practical purposes is only a large ably presented by E. H. Bel- tube), owing to the now limited knap. Mr. Belknap is one of the air space. Many persons must best public speakers in the coun- have noticed this peculiar feeling ty, and in an eloquent way he in the ears without giving the handled his subject, giving ex- matter a second thought. cellent advice to the young. M- M. Waltz, in his talk on "Char acter as an Element of Success," Low round trip rates have been placed n effect between Portland and Willam ette Valley points, id either direction. Tickets will be sold . SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS, and limited to return on or before the following Monday. Rate to or From Corvallis, $3.00. Call on Southern Paeific Go's Agents tor particulars. 0. C. & T. STEAMERS Steamer- Pomona, leaves Cor vallis, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, for Portland and all way points. For rates, etc, call on A. J. SHIRLEY, Agent. . Boats leave for Portland and way stations at6 a. m. ; The Corvallis 1 Gazette All the local news all ef the time, with a large amount of miscellaneous matter. Semi-Weekly Trawling Fleet Mission Ship. ' The British trawling fleet in the To Plant Eastern Oysters. Some time ago Dr. M. M.. Davis, of this city, ordered a carload of young Eastern oysters with the intention of transplant ing them in the Yaquina bay oyster beds. A day or two ago, "doc" received a telegram in forming him that his carload of little bivalves had passed Den ver, Colorado. ' - They may be expected now at any time, and on their arrival in this city Dr. Davis will proceed to Yaquina with the car and jcbuo jjivm - 1 . - , , . , Hosanna"......... superintend the sowing or plant- "Christ Died for Me" ........................... gi ot tne oysters. "Tne Shadows Lay Deep"-................... It is understood that Eastern Truth" , ............ oysters were tried in these waters "He Lives Again"..-..- once before, nut for some reason "Easter Morning," did not do well. Dr.. Davis says Some of the little folks and that he has discovered spat of young people or tne Caunday Eastern oysters that were form School are to intersperse the erly planted in the Yaquina beds musical program with appropriate and this is what gives him the recitations. The exercises begin greatest encouragement """" '"yv" 5"" jsortn sea mignt De liKenea to a character. His remarks were full flnatino- tn Tt nnswiikps ail iin of inspiration and advice to the creature comforts and , spiritual young. "Keeping up Enthusi- guidance is not neglected. With asm in the SchooP' could not the fleet is a mission vessel upon have been presented in a stronger wnich religious services are held, manner than was done by Mrs. On the wheel of the mission ship is Eda Belknap. Being a teacher inscribed: "Jesus said: 'Follow of large experience, and especial- me and I will make you fishers of ly being one of Benton's best and men.' This boat is said to be most successful teachers, she knew- unique among fishermen. Chica what to say and how to say 4L 'go Chronicle. The dinner needs special men-. tion. We presume our good cooks! ut...i c-j cn-,, Southern Benton read our write-1 . up of the good work done by the! ?Z7o SV; rnuomam me rarenis Meeting held there last month, and tried to surpass them. Judg ing the two spreads, it would be hard to tell which was the better. We will, not try to solve such a difficult problem until further ex perience has been undergone. Arrangements are being made for a rousing time in Alsea on the last Saturday in Mav bv Supt.i Denman. He has already secur ed some excellent help. - Hon. E. H. Belknap, Dr James Withy combe, and T. T.Vincent will be on the program. ' -Such excellent speakers insures one of the best meetings ever . held in Alsea. With the parents' meeting m Al sea, will close the'parents' meet ings for this year. . Inall.Supt. Denman has held five. He is the only superintendent holding such meetings. Experience has proven these meetings to be just the promptly at 7:30. Rev. Hurd, the new pastor of the United Evangelical church, will deliver his first sermon in this city next Sabbath morning, also in the evening at 8 o'clock. The Young People's Societies of the various churches of the city will hold union services at the Presbvtenan church, next Sunday evening at 6:30. Rev. Hard, of the United Evangelical church, will be the leader in the exercises. The subject , at the M. E. church, South, Sunday morning will be .The Petition of Certain SJne can suggest no good rea son why these oysters from the East should not do well here if properly planted. . ; Surely it is hoped that they may do excel lently, for it will prove a great industry in a few years. We understand that in planting these little lellows a boat is rowed over the beds selected and the oysters sowed on the water as one would sow grain. Sue cess to "doc" and his Eastern oysters. " Y? . : ; The car is expected to ' arrive in Portland today. It contains about 170 barrels arid there are from 10,000 to 15,000 oysters in a barrel. Now, how many oysters will "doc" have? son. of IjUIh, Miss., took Dr. King's New Life Pills, "with the result," lie wnun). "that I was enre." All stomacli and bowl disorders give vrav to their tonic, lxxaiive properties 25c at Allen ft Woodward's druugUts. A Daredevil Ride often ends in a ssd accident. . To heal accidental injuiies use Bucklea's Arnica Salve. "A deep wound in my foo , from an accident," writes Theodore Schuele, of Columbup, O., "Caused me great pain. Phyricims were helpless, but Jbuckleu's Arnica halve quickly healed ir." Soothes and heals burns like magic. 25c at Allen & Woodward, druggists. A twice-a-week newspaper containing 72 columa each week of the current news of Benton County. Plumbing . and Heating! ! Splendid Serials Cornice, Roofing, (guttering, and all kinds of Sheet Metal Work. F. A. Hencye In connection with J. H. SIMPSON'S HARDWARE STORE. FOIEYSSBMYUE ak Kldnevs and Gladde- Riohl An interesting serial story running every week in the Gazette. thing to interest parents, and arouse greater enthusiasm and in terest in the schools of the coun ty. In the place of parents' meetings, Supt. Denman is ar ranging to hold a number ot school picnics this spring. ' From O. A. C. As . a result . of her success in the-recent state prohibition con test at McMinnville, Miss Alice Wicklund, of O AC, will have the honor of being one of two from this state to enter the inter-state contest at the Exposition this fall . Chester P. Gates, ot Dal las, will be her state mate in the contest --.V ;. ... This contest will likelv ocur some time in September and two representatives from each of the states of Oregon. California and A Good Idea is that It Hollenberg & Cady for all General House Furnishing Goods, Carpets, Mattings, Etc. . Always something new at this store. A New Extension Woven Wire Spring Is one of the latest attractions. Do you need a Bed Lounge or Couch? We have some nice ones in valour and we guarantee the quality and price. Some new patterns of Linoleum, Rugs and Art Squares, just re ceived. Te-i.j Hammocks, and Camp Goods always on hand. 1