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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1905)
CQEVAI Vol.. XL.II. CORVALLI, f 5KNTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, J ANU AR V VJJti NEW COMPANY TO BE FORMED Local Parties Present Water Proposition for Corvallis. Intend to Incorporate if Accepted. An entirely new proposition to bring mountain water to Cor vallis was presented last Monday night by entirely new water com pany. The new firm is com posed ot Corvallis men and others and wants a franchise for fifty years to supplv this city with the best' water to be obtained at the foot of Marys Peak. The council now has two different propositions before it for consideration, the present offer and the Corvallis Water Com pany's offer, which Was presented last week. Both propositions are now in the hands of the water committee, l fle last otter is as follows: TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COMMON -COUNCIL OF THE CITY OE CORVALLIS. We, the undersigned, on behalf f .i i . oi ouiscivcsauu oiucis piujjusmg to incorporate under the name of Corvallis Mountain Water Com pany;" offer to install a moun tain water system to supply the City . of Corvallis and its in habitants with water for fire pro tection and domestic and othtr uses upon the following terms and conditions: nrst, mat tne city grant us, or our assigns, a franchise for tliej period of fifty years to lay a cir culating system of main pipes through the streets and alleys of the city of Corvallis and its future extentions, and to sell, water to its inhabitants at minimum rates U 1 ' Second, that the city enter in to contract with us, or our assigns, for its water supply for the period of twenty years trom the date of . the installation of our proposed . svstftn. whtrh rontrarf shall nrn vide that we or our .assigns shall furnish the city v through such circulating system,- water for adequate fire protection through . out the city, sewer flushing, j . sprinkling ail street squares and street fronting on city property, and for use in city buildings and fire department,- in return for which the citv is to pav us on i the day such service is furnished j through such proposed system, the sum of Siq 600.00 in ad-; vance, or the sum of $17,000,00 in advance for fifteen years of said term, or the sum of $13,' 300.00 in 'advance for ten years of said term, and in the event of a partial payment only being made, then for the balance of said contract period at the rate ot $2000 per year payable quarter annually. This contract shall also provide that if for any reason the city is unable to make the advanced payment provided for therein at the time specified therefor, ihen the city shall pay for the services contracted for, at the rate of two thousand dollars per year payable quarter-annually In case this franchise and con tract is granted us, we expect, subjected to the conditions here inafter expressed, to install with all possible speed a first-class, up-to-date system, of sufficient capacitv and pressure '' to supply the present and prospective needs of the city, and as soon as possible to supply the same with a stream of mountain water from Rock Creek at the base of Marys Peak, conducting the same through a durable conduit to a reservoir near the city and thence to the city system. ' This ' system will cover practically the entire tity as at present bounded and will alo incl udd 1 main pipes to the principal sections and more thickly settled portions of the proposed extentions of, the city limits. In this respect it is our desire and intention to fully meet the wishes of yqur honor able body. '' . This offer is conditional upon the city agreeing to assist us in any , proper manner, by lending us the use of its name, by cou- id.Muitation proceedings, it.e do-, njtton of any necessary rights cr! powers or oinerwise, but at our expense, in procuring necessary right-of-ways and water rights, or if necessary' and requested, to procure the same for us at our ex pense. In case of. delay in ac quiring sucn ngnt-oi-ways and: water rights we agree to supply said system immediately with water from the Willamette river bv means of a pumping station of like sufficient pressure and capacity, until such rights can be secured. ' This contract is contingent up on a satisfactory contract being made with the Board of Regents of the Oregon Agricultural Col lege to . furnish water to that institution. We further agree that notwith standing any grants ot a franchise to us or any agreement or con tract with the city ' for its water supply, we will at any time witb, in sixty oays from the date hereof relinquish all claim and right under such franchise or contract in esse the city shall decide to put in its own water system, up on the city's re-imbursing us for such reasonable expense as we may time. have incurred up to that A. J Johnson, ' E R Bryson, ', Gordon V. Skelton. Actor James Keane in Trouble. James Keane, who a short time ago played such an ex cellent three-nights engagement in this city, putting on "What Happened to Jones, Sherlock Hoimes" and "Dr. Jckyl and Mr. Hyde" is soon to fill an en gagement in Justice Reid's court in Portland in a different "role. Keane will come before the bar of justice as defendant in a suit instituted against him by Her bert iAjtp iiidTgay; West and wife, former members of the Keane Dramatic Com pany, to recover " $180 salary alleged to be due them and fares to Siti Francisco, which was tbe place where they signed to play with the actor manager. There is an o!d theatrical say- me 'it is very cold in winter and the walking's good in June" Tbe winter season is now on and whiie the plaintiffs in this ,suit may be able to ride on the train to San Francisco at their own tx- ; pense, they propose to see Keaae purchase the. . railroad . tickets. The trouble is all on account of the "dismissal by Keane of Messrs Ashton, West and their wives. Keane concluded to reorganize the company and put . on only 4 'Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde, ' ' Consequently a fortnight before Christmas he - gave Ash ton and wife and Tony . West and his better half the customary two weeks' notice. It is a rule in theatrical circles that the week before Christmas which is called Christmas week, a manager is entitled to lay his company off and pay the members nothing, and if he plays the company only half salaries are paid. The reason of this is that the week is a great ene lor shopping and light business is expected at the theaters. The same rule applies during holy week. Keane invoked this rule against his discharged ' players. They objected claiming that where they had received a final dis charge on two weeks' notice they were entitled to full pay for the final week of their engagement whether it was Christmas week or any old week; They also demanded fares to San Francisco where they signed alleging that thev are entitled to transportation back to the starting point. Keane declined to pay even in stage money, and the result was that John F. Logan was employed to collect the bill, and has started things going in that direction. .Patronize bjuie industry Cor vallis Steam Laundry. - (MLtUE JOTTINGS. Items of Interest In and Around the O. A. C. Mr. Shepard gave a short talk in chapel Tuesday morning on the propostd new building for. the students. He distributed neat little booklets among the students which contain information about the Y. M. C. A. and the propos ed new building. : ' Rev. Humbert, of the Eueent Divinity School, was a visitor at chapel Wednesday morning and lead devotional extrcises. The football boys had a call meeting Tuesday to consider somtthings of importance. The basket ball girls areget ting in good torm tor the game which occurs with Albany in the near future. Myrtie Harrington who has had a sprained wrist and Edua Smith, who has been un able to practice for some time on account of a sprained ankle. were both on the field for prac tice Wednesday evening. The Feromans and. the Phila delphiaris are to. have a joint meeting of their societies Satur day evening. Two OAC students were unit ed in marriage last Saturday They were J. C. Wright and Miss Mae Harris. They have the best wishes of all their student friends. Ada Finley, an '03 graduate came in from her country home Monday and will spend the rest of the winter in Corvallis. She has iust completed a successful term of school in her home dis trict. -' fatudepts were glad to see Coach McFadden of the '03 foot ball team in town. . , He expects to retire from football coaching and devote .all of his time t the Dractice of la w. "" K. of P. Will Break Record. Five thousand candidates will be initiated into the mysteries of the Knights of Pythias at one lime on Monday night, Feb. 20. For the occasion the big Jn Alai building on De Baliviere Avenue, near the World's Fair Grounds, will be converted into an immense lodge room, and the ig-eatest lfiitiatio-in tne nistory 01 all stcret societies will take place in . bt. Louis. P ihians not alone from St. Louis, but from all over Missouri and from distant states will be present to participate in the" uu- paralelled initiation. - . v ' It is anticipated that more than 15,000 Knights : will participate in tne ceremonies. St. L,ouis with its 34 lodges and more' than 5,000 members will be the hosts and among the guests will be 1,000 Knights from Kansas City, who have already signified their intention of attending the Pythian tsig JNight as tne occasion is re ferred to. Pythians are awakening un usual interest everywhere and Missouri is determined to out-do all other states. It was at first prooosed to confer the initiator degree upon a class of 2,500 but so many responded that it was decided to double the number. County Court Notes, In the matter of the donation of county funds for the improve ment 01 county roads, .it was ordered by the court that the or der made in said matter, July 7, 1002,' be rescinded. : In the matter of the application of T C Baker and others, for county road, it appearing that the board of road viewers having not filed their amended report in said matter, it was' ordered that it beconunued for the term. It was otdered that the supe visors be directed to collect th road and poll tax of tx in cash for the year 1905. F. Big Advance Sale of Wcrr n's and Ch- MUSLIN UN T R Wr r Lot 4 5Se Ttat Hctim Qn W i Mm F. L. Miller Corvallis, Oregon No Peruna in Corvallis. The fi st of tbe wetk D putv Dist. A !y Kdvm ii. Id d c fi- cu-i at hix-fftcr. M -wh-ch A: C.- vallis drnggis s w: ie j-r eui " L WaS for ll!t LUtrl'M- f ir-iOing and explainiiit; ie" pn ' 1 option law, so tb ir, tot-re would be no misund. i-.tii duiy m lfg1d to it, and also to info mi the rinij -gists -that acc.nd'ng in hi-, ver sion of the law, Peruna ad cer tain other pate t im-dicinps co - taming alf o' ol. cmr uniicr iht head of .-j. ..riixou licjuois, . riid that it w u d . Ws du ' prosecute an ise com i.y iob s notice, whric Peruna v!a . -1 whether to habitual drunker '.-, of to an invalid who wanted it only por medicine. As Peruna con tains less than 20 per cent aleoho and is also one of their besi sellers".1 the local druggists feei that the recent ruling is a little severe, as it will hurt their busi ness to a gr at extent, ' and they have a numiaer ot customers who purchased Peruna regularly be fore prohibi'iori went into effect. These customers will now be forced to- send away for their medicine. Truly the drinking man of Ben ton county is 'uf; against 11" as the druggists al intend to b y the law if it run them out o u-iness, too. Gr. y in Demand. - Nothing medicine menta t Hiich as They are stomai-h AtAHei 1 guarantee I Hi ilrnnurl . iban II it njfx - : n ltqu-ie : Ih'HII I'Jt-a se t: 1 i.- Pint-- 11 i to t mi "Miuliles ' Trj- thfm. 1 11 ' drug Hiore, 25c. L. Mi t ttt trot nnet mtrti Van nfe. gum Ute tth - lmaaylom rtapq. If y M l mwfr mretf m rm ww't ttt iMthtr cttact. Mt i Unr tBt tbn lat, :v-9i" -virit iff, -Ji m&' m mmw mw&? 1 mtftn UfaHfT. Tite g mat tumaa h Mmnrtant iMa. eraw tht jwrw. Only wt t . enact, CO 5 ! . i a . O " l . IP v 2-3 U I.. MOTEL CORVALLIS . A m n mm m met HEADQUARTERS FOR HOME SEEKERS - lmi M 1 11 mmwhm 1 ! on: also snowiug yon ivcr tue wum; M1BLER & WATTERS, REAL ESTATE, LOANS. INSURANCE WIROIL C. WAITERS, CORVALLIS. HENR AMBIER, FHUOH.1H. Bring your Job Work to the Gazette Office. m Mmi ttnt. Tale yvat dak mim r-m Leading hotei in Corvallis. Newl-Z furnished with modern conveni ences. Rates $1 $1.25- $2. ter day. . . . . . . . COMMERCIAL MEN. Ii vou are looking for some real good Barenins in Stock, Grain, Fruit and Ponltiy Ranches, wrfte forourjpecial list, or c me and see us. We will tub pleasure in givinc you rellaole infonna-