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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1904)
I TCESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Fur Prt-sittent THEODORE UOOEVELT, of Nf Yrk F.r V- P e-Ment CHAkLK W. FAIRBANKS, ' Presidential F.WWf f-r fWen J. N. H AliT '.f f'"ik GRANT I iVmICK, f Clai-kana. ! A C- HOUGH, "f J -"-i-'lun. Editorial Comment. Thenatimo Democratic n?a lAine will u-e S'-'h idari oil as a lubricant this' year. Dvid P. Hill os p rp-'rated 22s second irt joUe. H;s fir-t Has a na'ioaal re,nitfio.i: '! am a u mocr-i. ' HE CGRMIIS. d.i iTi puM, l,sv nk;. ,.,Img "f'Mr. and Mrs Sbafer of Philo to -rare in. in p.-itu.- 11Uiuber of pre- soon rank as tlie muder.1 JJ". ' f Vf.l!, If Caraway Divis fails of i el ciou ax Vice President, theie ! are otuer avemi s in which nr .an ; earn an hene-t living. His -peech yf owonianrp is a model in - - . - JicioH, ard an acquaint- : Wes.era Academy of Mu with ancient history certain- i:CUtion. OrAtorv and Dra- J o;-ses- d by no otn r m- in thr ronnuy. It we should create chair in our college I yammar with ancienj hi.or it jfaould K , tiered to Henry. The WasbinRton St ir reports ; vmd .while speaking on the. su- ecc of "Imperialism as follows: -Don't I pray on do as Csar jmd Pompeii done Don t let Ais country go as Rome done ISr. D.vis need not despur The . ?"leL! Lat.C4 .acvw i v Bw , Among those who were pre- erhap,. after he got to be a pro-, fecU.d to&the biic on tne ce nsor he might enlighten the nized Wdasto what Pompeii's old & dfinm Hercnlaneum also-done.' - ' Norwegian '2hat is one ot the unsolved , P. t Aamold; addles ol antiquity. : Mordaunt A. Gocdnough, pianist, Jt Ji land G Lester Paul, actor and A'fiend in human shape, who I dramatic reader. liid been m iking himself obuox- ; xhe vellow flag was taken iiins by treating his step-children idown fiom the Vidito home atfamefully, in a hop yard near j Tuesday. It was put up thiuk CJBegon City, resented the inter-; jng tnat the rash with which one tSrehce of another workman inj 0f tie children was breaking out tlie field by firiug two sho-s from ' n,ight be smallpox, but as a3S-calibre pistol at him. One noliiing iurther developed the afiot took effect, passing through nag was removed. , afeleft hand and lodging in the. afteulder. The wounds are not atrious. The would-be murderer aade his escape on a bicycle, and 3TaS CiptUred in WashoUgal, Washington. He had been guilty - . . . . . r i.1 -k inhuman treaimeni 01 iuc 4iildren. one a i wear-old girl Saving been severely beaten and another, a mere infant, having "ieeia tied to a hop pole and ex- een tied to a hop pole ana ex-1 Hsed to the sun until it became The name ot the man shot was MB Wollman, while the bnute irho shot him is the Rev. S. D. : XTartiu, a member of the Chris v2&n or Campbelhte church, who rasides at Vancouver. The name tos first repotted as Martini, and 3e was spoken of by the Oregon :1am as an Italian clergyman. He mshes to the newspapers and de aaands to be vindicated from the -iml charge: not that he was Jalsely reported as beating his i children, or shooting a man lor interfering with his pleasures, dat that his name was .spelled "Dago.M There are depths of iegradatiou to which eveu Rev. .tlartin refuses to sink. Must Connect. Sewer connections must now Jfe made where the property is 3sr-ed with laterals. This is the - jstion taken by the city council Ttfits last re.i'.ar session. An v.wdinauce is now in effect makr - ing the neglect or refusal to esake such connections an ofiense, Tnishable by a fine of $5 to 5o. This applies particularly thouse drains and water closets --crfcich the council in a special investigation found to be in a deblorable state of neglect. The cirV has gone to the expense of neitrly $16,000 putting in sewers aad it now insists that the people them. x Strong-Shafer Wedding. f A ! au'ifnl wedding c-rinony w-a - 1 nv izcd a ihe ie-'.i-nee ' f M - w ! E.-W. St of thts .' lue-oiy eveiuu- at. !S o'cl'k, ire .iccason jttse raa gr- f tlitrir on, F'-t c, itMrsJ S tafer, ot Ph h- ; m iih. Am m ? Hie AO or nine ! guests a-seil d to witness Rev. jFr.i-k L-Mooie tie tne nuptial jkn t wcie a laTge number of v- nnj; j.rot.!e of the Epworth iLtane.- The bride and room 'v; o 1. oked verv attractive in i.'ieir wtdding apparel, were CO- iTrt M.lated alter t!ic cerenio iy by tlvirniany friends, j The d coratiuns were beauti jfu, CLr:s..-ting of a Urge variety of fl vers ivinltd with fern. ' Refrsliin-ii's musi'sling of choice intit cake and ice creain were ! served to the assembled guests, I the lawn, mide beautiful with a ! large number of Ja-anese lan j terns, txing used for the occa sion. The groom is the enterprising f ir c r frh.e oih, ,irii.. - . r The best wishes ot a host ot friends fnllnw them as thev start on their journey of wedded life, They will leside in Coivallis. Corvallis Alen Honored. d fuf fetud Mon. 1 with a large en- Jolh'nentPin fal departments On M6nd .eninK September i2th, Fad masical .. w3S&given the uew mem- - by ; Addan and MJ Rasmus T aeudance was iarge and the f the ha ;est of the informal program, . manv Hch sFdections wasendered to the delight of all. REDUCED EXCURSION RATES. j i frota s p AuA c & e points to seaside d Mountain Resorts for the Summer. - l .....4 .(t. Tuna 1 1 Ofll tho Smith v,-u nuu era Pacific in connection with the Corval lis & Eastern railroad, will have on Eale round trip tickets from points along their line to Newport, Yaqmna and Detroit at tW reJuced rate3 cd for retorh uu i lil0ctober 0 1904. Three-dav tickets to Newport and Ya- quina, good going Saturday, and return ing Mondays are also" on sale from all East Side points, Portland to Eugene in clusive, and from ail West Side points, enabling people to visit their families and spend Sunday at the Seaside. Season tickets from all East Side points, Portland to Eugene inclusive, and lrom all West Side points, are also on sale to Detroit at very low rates, with stop-over privileges at Mill City or any point East, enabling tourists to visit the Santiam and Brsitenbush hot springs in the Cas cade mountains which can be reached in one day. Season tickets will be !good for return rom all points until October 10. Three -day tickets will be good going on Satur davs and returning Mondays only. Tickets from Portland and vicinity will be good for return via the East or West Side at option of passenger. Tickets from Eu- igene and vicinity will be good going via ' the Lebauon-Sprinyfield branch if dssir- ed. Baggage on Newport tickets checked through, to Newport ; on Yaquina tickets to Yaquina only. Southern Pacific trains connect with the C. & E. at Albany and Corvallis for Yaquina and Newport. Trains on the C. & E.. for Detroit will leave Albany at 7 a. m., enabling tourists to the hot springs to reach there the same day. Full information as to rates with beau tifully illustrated booklet of Yaquina bay and vicinity, timetables, etc., can be ob tained on application to Edwin Stone, nanagerC.& E, railroad, AlDany; . E. Coman. G. P. A., Southern Pacific company, Portland, or any S. P. or C. & E. agent. Kate from Corvallis to Newport $3.75. Kate from Corvallis to Yaqmna $3.25. Kate from Corvallis to Detroit $3.25-1 Three-day rate from Corvallis to New port $2.50. If "Dutchess' is stamped on the buttons, that's all you need know about trousers. No other make is so reliable as 10 Cents a Button. $1.00 a Rip. Warranty! X X X Sold by X X X i I I Elegant Picture of President Roosevelt FREE! Particulars in local columns. Our Clubbing List. Suoscribers to the CORVALLIS GAZETTE can obtain the following: papers in combination sub scriptions with the GAZETTE, at the very low prices stated below; cash in advance always to ac company the order. Those wishing: two or more publications named with the GAZETTE, will please correspond with this ofBce and we will quote yon the oombinatijn price. We can save you money on nearly au punucauons you ucsipb. The abbreviations below are explained as follows: W. foi weekly; S W for semi-weekly; T W, for tri weekly; M, lor monthly; S M, for semi-monthly. The first price represents the subscription rate of the publication alone, and the second the rate for She publication offered n conjunction with the semi-weekly GAZETTE. nrAotn a imVnifiiriaf nrl Rural Northwest. Port land, Or., S.W., 60 cents; L80. Oreijonian, Portland, Or., W., fl-BO; 2.55. Rimi fim'inf TWr.lanri Or.. Contains a live-stock market report, W., $2.60; 2.55. Pacific Christian Advocate Por and. Or., w.. $2.00. 8.05. . The Thrice-a-Week World. Kew York, T. W., $1.00; 2.20. Homestead, Des Moines, Iowa, A thorough stocic ana larm journal, ., i.uv, i.ou. The Republic, St. Louis, Mo S. W., l.w; z.uo. The American Farmer, Indianapolis, Ind., Live stock, farm and poultry iournal, M., 50 cents; 1.65. Boston CookinR School Magazine, Bi-M., 50 cents; L90. Young People's Weekly, Chicago, 111., W., 60 cen S1.90. C ncinnati Inauirer. Cincinnati. W., SLCO; 2.05. The Fruit Growers Journal, Cobden , I1L, M., SO cents: SI 75. Farm, Field snd Fireside, Chieago, 111., IW., $1.00; 2.1 Farm and Fireside, Springfield, Ohio, S. W.t Women's Home Companion, Springfield, Ohio, SI 00: 2.15. Lippincott's Magazine, Philadelphia, Pa., M., $2.60; 3.25. EtVv Month (Music, Song and DBce), Kew York U Sl.OO: $2.15. The Cemtury Magazine, New York, M., $4.00; 6.06 v. t: irvv AtlHnOTfi- Wis.. The best most up-to-date dairy journal in the world, w.. i.w; z-au. Oretron Poultry Journal, Salem, Or., M.,.50 eats; 180. FREE FREE FREE FREE! PHB1S! R. E. PUGH, Dealer in Farming Tools, Paints and Oils, Stoves and Tinware, Buggies and Hacks, , Farm Wagons,! Hay .Rakes, Plows and Harrows, Wire Fencing, Wire Netting, Guns and Ammunition, Carpenters' Tools, Lubricating Oils, Bicycles, Etc. Agricultural Implemenst, letc, etc., PHILOMATH, ORE. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing1 that it is simply Iron and Qui UlIlQ III UUHiClcBa XUttlX. XVf wuic, u Notice. All persons who areindebted toG. R, Farra by note or account and desire to settle will call on Thos, A. Jones who will receive and receipt for same. G. R. FARRA. Corvallis & Eastern Railroad TIME CARD. No. 2 For Yaquina: Leaves Albany 12:45 p. m. Leaves Corvallis 1;45 p. m. Arrives Yaquina 5 :40 p. m. No. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaquina 7:15 a. m. Leaves Corvallis 11:30 a. m. Arrives Albany 12:15 p. m. No. 3 For Detroit: Leaves Albany 1 :00 p. m. Arrives Detroit. 6:00 p.m. No. 4 From Detroit: Leaves Detroit .6 :30 a. m. Arrives Albany ....11:15a.m. Train No. . 1 arriyes in Albany in f'mo tn mnniwt. with t.hfl- S- P. BOnth bound train, as well aB giving two or three boors in AlDany Deiore uepariure e c -n t-l 1 A oi o. Jr. nunu uuuuu ... trains at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ervice to jNewpori ana aujawui Deacnes. Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbnsh ftnd other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 4 TV A M. A n 1:00 p. m. , reacmng i-eiron at o p. m. For further information apply to Edwin Stonx, H. H. Ckohisb, Manager A front (VkPVAllta. Thos. Cockrkll, Agent Albany. Oregon State Fair. The Oregon State Fair will be held at fair grounds, near Salem, Sept. 12th to 17th inclusive. The Southern Pacific company will sell tickets lrom all points on Oregon lines, at specially low rates for this occasion. The committee in charge have made strenuous efforts to provide special attractions, and it is ex pected that this will be the gieatest fair ever held in Oregon. Hem jiber tht vyith 3V3ry 25 cents worth of lamd.y wqifr done at the Steam Laundry yea a vote on the beautiful U S silk flag, ia Nolan & Cal lahan's winaow. Yftiir fire extinguisher is all right. The work it did for us was something wonderful.. No household ought to be without it. Leiter & Dunlapr Proprie- tors, Hotel Antlers, isevaaa cny, vaui fHtt 1 Vfi A' E D L ? ej rsj fcsshK the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales The young man of critical clothes mind will experience no difficulty whatever in finding garments which will both fit and please him in our splendid stock of guaranteed clothes for youngmen. BLACKSMITHING. WaVik shod. Hathaway Bros. SOUTH MAIN STREET. Drypowder Fire Extinguisher It is a tin tube containing 3 lbs. of a dry powder, like sand. Throw a small handful on a fire, and it puts it out in wo seconds. It is the cheapest thing in the way of Fire Insurance ever invented. Call and see one at the Corvallis Gazette office, Notice for Publication. United States Land Office,. Oregon City, Or., July 30, 1904. VntfoA in horebv riven that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled" An act ior tne saie oi umu. ... . States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to ail the Public Land States by act of August i, 1892, GEORGE W. BIGHAM, of Oregon City .county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, has this day niea in inis uwnuia Nn MBS,, for the purchase of the Si SWJ and Si SE1 of Sec. No. 10, in Tp. No. 12 S., K No. 7 W, and will offer proof to show tnat tne ianu wiugjitu. more valuable for Its timber or stone than for aericultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver., of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 21st day of October, 1904. m Be names as witnesses: George W Cramer, of Peek P. O., Oregon, George B. January, of Oregon, City, Or., Lester A. January, Peek P.O., Or., Al bert Knapp, of Oregon City, Or. . Any and all persons claiming adversely the abore described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 21st day of Oct, 1904. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice for Publication. PUBLIC LAND SAXE-ISOLATEI TRACT), Notice is hereby given that in purs nance of instructions from the Commissioner of the General Lana umce, uuuei uwi..j ' ,a him by section 2453 U. S, Rev. Stat., as amended we win pruvwu iu uuci , , , ' 6th day of September, WtMjf.- J - jt fl-rt- -rvuKiiA on trie next, at tms omce iuc ilhuvi"b to wit: SE of SE V of Sec. 6, Tp 12 S, R 6 W. 3 ..11 nlaiminff (1(1 V P T St3 1 V tlQ Ally turn an iiovuo v.. 0 . ---- . above-describea lands are advised to file their claims in tins omce on or oeiore ij designated for the commencement of sale, otherwise tneir rigms "I''y""--..,., GEO. W. BILEU, Receiver. Oregon City, July 23, 1904. The Gazette for Job Work, Wouldn't you be glad if you could get a responsible Fire Insurance Company to insure your buildings for $3.00 per year? That is just what you do when you buy one of those handy fire fighters, adopted by the TJ. S. Government; and Standard Oil Co., and known as 44th ANNUAL State Fair Good Attractions, Splendid Racing, Best of Band Music, $io,ooo in Premiums, Mag nificent Stock Show. A fine Camp Ground with room for all, fresh water piped into the ground, plenty of shade, good street car service and lots of entertainment and education for everybody. Sept. 1 2 to 1 7, 1904 CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of J? 2 Pay 50c!