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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1904)
M3 Woodcock 8 ft CORVA Vol. XLI. Corvallis, Benton County, . Oregon, Tuesday, August 30, 1904. No. Tl Wilson-Hotchkiss A FLOURISHING BUSINESS. A very pretty wedding cere mony was performed Thursday evening at 8 o'clock uniting in marriage Ernest Wilson and Miss Pearl Hotchkiss. About twenty guests were present to witness the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. H. A. Deck. The bride looked very pretty in her wedding gown of tan alba tross with applique trimmings, and carxied a bouquet of pink La France roses. The groom wore the suit of conventional black. The bride and groom during the ceremony, were up attended. The usual hearty con gratulations were showered on the happy couple, after which all were invited to the dining room, where a dainty supper was served by Mrs. Hotchkiss. A charivari party of friends of the bride and groom were invited in and servad with ice cream and cake. Mr. Wilson is the enterprising son ot Albert Wilson, who lives two miles north of town and the bride is the amiable daughter of C. F. Hotchkiss. Mr. aud Mrs. Wilson will start in a week for Portland, where they will take up their res idence. O. J. Blackledge's New Furniture Store. For Vicious Horses. Something entirely new and out of the ordinary may be seen at the blacksmith shop of Hath away Bros. It is a machine for controlling vicious horses while being sho-' and demonstrations may be seen most any day as to its effectiveness in doing the work It consists of two strong horizon tal pieces closing against the sides of a horse ..and between which is a heavy canvass upon which the horse rests, while a series of levers swings him up to any desired height. Another movable fixture holds the foot to be shod in any position. The head is kept in a fixed position with ropes, allowing all necessary latitude for breathing. It is a great invention for both the blacksmith and the horse. The Electric Road., ..ZIEROLF.. Carries the newest, ;;best and most complete line of . . ZiEROLF . . One needs only to step inside the fine new furniture establish ment of O. J. Blackledge to be convinced that he sells more furniture and furnishes more houses than any other dealer in town. A casual glance into his place of business convinces you that his stock is not only very complete but is first class in every A. particular, supplying every de mand of the customer who wishes to furnish his home from cellar to earret. It is also substantial, not flimsy or shoddy article in it. and designed throughout to supply a living demand and to Dlease the taste oi who come. As you enter Mr. Blackledge's fine new cement store on soutn Main street, out before you on all sides stretches a panorama, a picture of a beautnul and happy home, where love and content ment reign iu undisputed sway. On one side as you enter are tne pictures, landscapes, portraits etc. fit to grace the best of homes and suited to every taste. On the other side are the portieres, moauettes. rugs and Brussels carpets, with gorgeous patterns of exauisitiv colored nowers Add to this also the beautiful couches, finely finished furniture, chairs, center tables, pianos etc and you 'have the foreground of a picture, the contemplation of which sends a thrilF of joy into the heart of every lover of a' beautiful and happy home. One of the requisites of a happy home is comfort, but this can not be obtained without pleasant sur roundings. How much the neat and well kept dining room adds to the family Jpeace. A lovely exten sion table of oak or ash, finely nolished and carved, or iust a plain table with sideboard, chairs bamboo bncabrac, good wool rarnets etc:, and a few pictures to touch up the scene, will make an angel of the crankiest man alive. Then again no woman can be sweet tempered with in adequate means for supplying the family d.emands. Give her a good cook stove, a kitchen cab inet and plenty of good granite ware cooking utensils to use in the kitchen. Most women are good cooks if they have : half "a hance. ,Thev! not only neea something Lto - cook but . proper utensils to prepare it. Po you want to lie down at night and sleep the sleep of peace? Blackledge can help you do it. His bedroom suits are re - ffiilar sleeD moducers. His iron bedsteads, -woven, wire springs, resilient mattresses, and downy pillows are calculated to put sleep into the most sleepless eyes. Do you want to paper your house? Blackledge has the widest variety of patterns in town and his prices are the lowest Do you want window shades, curtain poles or the things that make windows attractive? if so go to Blackledge. Will you want a piano or organ, cornet or violin soon? see Blackledge first. How about some pretty bamboo flower racks, screens, music racks etc. Blackledge has some beauties. Don't purchase your supply ot pictures until you have been to Blackledge. How about the babv? do vou have a cab or go cart? if not go right over to Blackledge's and get one. Camp ing outfits, hammocks, tinware, tubs, washing machines, and a limited amount of second hand goods can be found at Blackledge Shelves upon shelves are pack ed full and every nook and cor ner of his establishment is occu pied with house furnishings. Go and see Blackledge. Orders by mail for any article in the line of the house furnish ings will be promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed. Give him a chance to please you and It now 3evelooes that the chief objection of those living along the proposed route of the new , elec tric traction line is not that it will frighten the horses, but that the track - will be laid on the state road. All, or nearly all, now say that they want the road by all means but they do not want it on the state road. They want it by the side of the road ; and they want a right-of-way donated for that purpose. This objection is uot a good one at all. in tne first olace. the state or territorial road is eighty feet wide, plenty wide enough tor tne electric road and also the wagon road. The electric line will probably be not more than twenty feet wide which will still leave sixty feet for the wagon road; Thirty feet is wide enough for a wagon road, and the road now, even where tne larmers have encroached upon it, is sixty feet wide. It is perfect ly right and iust for all to make some kind of a sacrifice to get the road. . In the next place this donation business takes time. These men have promised to begin work with in ninety days, and they will not have ihe time to go around and have a palavar with each proper ty owner and perhaps not get the required donation in the end. The only course open to get this road is to put it right along the state road, with donated ground for switches. It will enhance the value of property 50 per cent. , make it more salable, and be a source of convenience to every citizen in Benton county. CORVALLIS BOOMING. A City of Fine Homes and Splen did Advantages Growing Fast. Temporarily Embarrassed. Saturday morning H. M. Brunk. lessee of the Occidental hotel made an assignment to his creditors. Great surprise was ex pressed when information leaked out that such action was to be taken and "on all sides expres sions of sympathy r were heard for the genial landlord who has always been held in the highest esteem. For a week or more it has been known that a crash was about to come and the assistance of capital was sought to avert the calamitv. but without avail. Mr. Brunk "had a fairly good trade and everybody thought he was doing well, but competition has been so keen between the differ ent hotels of Cory allis that all of them could not survive. Each sought to put up a better meal than the other and it got finally to be a losing proposition with some of them. The fact that the old arid established " Occidental hostelry was the one to close its doors has: caused a profound regret. ;- -; The crash -came at 10 o'clock Saturday morning when Sheriff Burnett appeared and nailed a notice upon the hotel door, W. E. Yates put temporarily in & . charge. The hotel furniture is worth about &3.000. against this there are claims amounting to about $2,000. During Mr. Brunk's seven years in Corvallis' in the hotel business his books show that he has paid out over $30,000 in bills. He has had several offers of financial . assistance but declined them, stating that the hotel was not in a paving condi tion. Bankruptcy papers are already maee out. The &xzo offered for informa tion that would lead to the arrest ot Holy Roller Crefield will not be called for. Crefield - was dis covered in hiding by a boy named Rov Hurt, whose familv was un- 4 0 m tortunately mixed up with the Crefield idiotcv. The bov is J - J entitled to the reward, but his lather very properly retuses to permit him to accent it. While x , x - the action of the elder Hurt is only as it ought to be, he is none the less entitled-to the general 1 a Corvallis is having ; a veritable omlding boom these days. Not that something unusual has trans pired to produce this condition of affairs, or nothing extraordinary has -occurred. This growth js natural but has been more rapid within the last six months tban in any other period of like dura tion in the .history of the city. The Citizens League has had something to do with it, the news papers also come in for a fair share of the glory, while the spirit of :progress , manifested by its citizeusogether with the un equalled advantages and Vast op portunities possessed in every way, more than all things else, has had to do with this progress. Signs of a general awakening from years of slumber are visible especially on north Main- street. where the once empty business houses are now all full. With the opening up of the J. D. Mann & Co.'s new furniture store, the Steam Laundry and the Turner grocery store, what once present ed dreary aspect, is now one ot the busiest parts of Main street. AH business houses are occupied, trade conditions are normal, work is plentiful and everybody is correspondingly contented and happy. Among the improvements al ready accomplished or progressing at present, on Main street atone, may be mentioned: the fine new cement building on south Main street, the new Henderson brick building, the Graham Wells andR. H. Huston building, A. Hodes' grocery, the O. K. Bar ber shop, the Independent Tele phone Company's offices, the Gazette building, Smalls' new store and barber shop, Hollen- benr & Cadv's. Hotel Corvallis, the Farmers' Hotel and the Steam Laundry. Most of the preceding have been repairs only, but of such a nature as to add ma terially to the appearance of the city. A large number of hand some residences have been erect ed and repairs amounting to re construction have , been added to many others, while improve ments in the way of additions, verandahs, barns, etc., have been practically without number. Amonor those deserving special mention is tne beautiful home of Mrs. Sarah Miller, the Woodcock house in Job's Addition, the jas. Moore property. Metzgars house. the Callahan .residence 'now in progress of construction and the Buxton residence, the foundation of which is constructed. All of these, together with others, both remodelled and built, Dear wlt" ness to the spirit of progress that has struck the city. The new electric light plant building at the college should not be leit un mentioned, while the old Metho dist church and the bid Evangel ical church will both soon be very presentable double dwellings. Miles ot old sidewalks have been repaired, and miles of new have been constructed. A number of new culverts and stree crossings have been put in while the city streets have been put in good shape with thousands upon thous ands ot yards ot good gravel. Great praise is due the city coun cil for ordering negligent proper ty owners to repair dilapidated fences, sidewalks, etc., and for enforcing the proper observance of the city ordinances, corval lis is todav the one city above all others in the Willamette Valley to give vouner men and women educational advantages., and at the same time vouchsafe to them the security of healthy conserva tism. e now -Tt it New Goods for the .season 1904-05 ai arriving. The stock when complete will in clude everything demanded by the best trade. We cordially invite inspsction of our New Goods, and comparison of prices. Taking quality for quality, we make it- a rule to meet all honorable competition. F. L MILLER CORVALLIS. OREGON. Top Price for Country Produce. We are here to Stay And will always be found ready and willing to show you our BIG stock of Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper, etc. Our stock for the fall trade is now arriving, to which we invite your careful inspection. In Wall Paper we have a large number of new patterns, just received; also something new in Canvas Hammocks. Courteous treatment and fair dealing is our motto. HOLLER CORVALLIS OREGON THE LEADING FURNITURE HOUSE. Will deliver ice every day from 7 to 11 o'clock Small orders . must be in by 8 o'clock": The late heavv rains, which j have been general all over Ore gon and Washington, has practic ally put an end to the forest fires, and the air is now clear 01 smoke. i There has been but very little damage done this season to green This space reserved for The Corvallis Saw Mill Go. Watch for an important announcement. J ADAMS BROS., .SEKSSE - - Will furnish estimates on anything in the building line. All kintfaof picket and weveH fence to order. South Main St., CorvalHa J. E. MTTT.TVFnV. MERCnAMJISE. DRTT GOODS, GROCERIES. PRODUCE BOUGnT a-m SOLD. PHILOMATH, OR. ' vou will be satisfied. 1 u rants rass uoserver. umber.