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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1904)
m CORVALLIS GAZETTE TCESDAVS AITD FRIDAYS, Far President THEODORE ROOSEVELT of New York. For Vice President CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS, of Indiana. evidential Electors for Oregon JT. N. HART, of Polk. .1 AS. A. FEE, of Umatilla. GRANT DIMMICK, of Clactamae. A.-C. HOUGH, of Joeephime. LEditorial Comment. SSpeafcer Canon says the Re--jwolican motto is, "We move 3rjc and he might have added dSe Democratic motto is, "We J .Democratic orators are insist ing that Seaator Lodge wrote the la-epubhcan platform. The Re publican platform was written 111 ue records of eight years of glorious party achievement. jt. jt j. To relieve the strain between ctfbe ecclesiastical and civic au thorities in Portland, why not l&ave some good Bishop dedicate ambling house after the New "Vork idea where a poor man o-ilH listen to the doxology while opening a jack pot? Portland iS&ould keep up with the times to tsastain her prestige. J J japan must possess herself of 3?ort Arthur. Apart from con federations founded upon the aiainest maxims of war there are dflier and more cogent reasons -wfoy she must reduce this strong Ikiold. So long as it is held by R ussia, or for that matter by any sgressive power, Manchuria and Sorea will be territory hostile to Jytjpan, serving as a base from ' Which hei peace and prosperity ifilf1 he continually menaced Zand her national existence ulti-1 tacately destroyed. The Japanese si understand this and regard 'Sficcsontest as involving, not sim ply their political independence, i&at -Sheir very existence as a na tion. With Port Arthur in her -Xraspppan may secure these for csil time. She can say to Eng Xtand, Germany, and France; "m .fiilae .interests of the world's com saraesce guarantee the absolute aneictrality of this section of Man -r3rjria and I will give up mili tary -hold of it." The Japanese Clave bten quick to learn the arts of diplomacy. Theie is no doubt i i heir statesmen and diplomats .aee ihat the possession of Port .Arthur will enable them to -icfaieve and to secure through di iplomacy everything they regard las necessary to their peace and -security. These considerations explain the fierce and persistent assaults -i.made by the Japanese troops v upon the Russian positions. Al :ceady these assualts have cost . rlieai quite 30,000 men, and may yet cost as many more. This scmghty sacrifice of human life is fseroicly made and must stand ; testified in view of the issues at retake. Assaults on a fortified and re ; solute enemy are always bloody .affairs for the assailants and are not always successful. Our own civil war presents numerous ex .amples of bloody and fruitless as isaults on fortified positions. Barnside's repeated assaults on tfee stone-wall protected confed . erates at Fredricksburg in Dec, :xS6z cost him 13,000 men and -defeat. Grant's assaults on Vicks &urg were bloodily repulsed. Xfoa sacrificed the flower of his jtrmy in a fruitless assault on 3teade's position which had but rf-5se -scant protection of hastily formed and slight breasworks. Orant lost 10,000 men in twenty intimites by assualt on the confed erate works at Cold Harbor. JPersisteut and quickly repeated issstmlts by vastly superior num bers ultimately succeed. It is 6y this means the Japanese seek o take Port Arthur and they will doubtless succeed. Lm Douglas $3.00 and fT gp Men's Flno Shoos. Best JOa- world Zf or tbo gwice. & Oallanan ufntriaum COR R ESPO KDEtlTS' COntJER. Philomath. Mrs. W. C. McCoy, of Oakeeda'e, Wash., is visiting at the home of her parents, Air. and Mrs. Jacob Henkle". J, E. Henkle and daughter. Miss Beu lah, went to Newport, Saturday, return ing Monday. Rev. T. M. Nash, wife and daughter, Mrs. Thomas Young, spent the latter part of last , week at Newport. Mrs. Young has been visiting in Oregon some time and returned to her home at Crook ston, Minn., Tuesday. W. T. Wyatt, formerly president of College of Philomath, departed Wednes day for Stanford University where he will spend the year in special study. Thos. Crail arrived Friday from Low ell, Lane county, to look after business interests here. Columbus Weed and daughter. Sadie, came in from their ranch south of town Saturday. broke out in the residence occu pied by John Pugh Wednesday evening of last week and but for the prompt wont of neighbors and the efficient aid of a fire extinguisher in the hands of the uitv marshal, the property would nave probably been destroyed. This is the third time within a month that tnis same building has been on fire. A de fective flue in each instance was the cause. Tuesday last J. A. Archibald and family returned from a stay on the Alsea. They report a most enjoyable time and much game bagged. Mr. Ar chibald, in lompany with Mr. Denman and Mr. Cameron killed two fine deer, one having been shot from the camp. The B. C. L. Co. are having trouble enoueh of late. Monday morning span of the flume across Rock Creek went out. and Tuesday the pump at the Dlaner broke down. Both mishaps caused considerable delay. R. E. and J. I. Pugh were excursion ists to the seaside Sunday. Chas. White aud Jess Bond, students of last year, were in town the latter part of the week. Miss.Vera Zimmerman, who formerly with her parents resided here, but now a resident of Portland, was visiting friends and renewing acquaintances in this city last week. At present she holds a oosition. as stenographer with the firm of A. G. Lng & Co.. dealers in fire apparatus. Peek-a-Boo. Bellfountain. The funeral of Verlin, the four-year old child of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Woed cock, occured Sunday afternoon at Bell fountain cemetery. E. L. Tozier and family expect to move to Coos Co. this week. Two children of John Buckingham have diphtheria in light form. One dav last week Ellis Hammer kil led a cougar, and Arthur Hawley killed a 200-lb. bear. The famirv of Ed. N. Starr expect to move to Corvallis about the middle of next month. Last week Frank Dingries bought of A. W. Hawley about SO fat cows and snipped them to Portland. E. H. Bellknap has a car load of beef steers for sale. There is considerable sickness here among small children. Oak Grove. Marion Bailev and family started Saturday for Tillamook Bay to spend a few weeks rusticating. S. P. Laureasen has rented the Kro- ehel farm and will try his hand at rais ing grain. Geo. Anthony went Bay ward Sunday. XVm. Rvals. of Crabtree. was over Tuesday looking after his Benton county farm. Richard Mavberry, who resides at Pendleton, is taking his summer vaca imn anH visiting his relatives here. He expects to spend a few days at Newport before returning home. Mrs. J. B. Cougall and Mrs. Emma Newport returned from the Bay Thurs day where they spent three weeks at the seaside. Lewis Berry, one of Albany's leading butchers, was transacting business in the Wells neighborhood Friday. Some of the hop pickers are beginning to move toward their field of labor. Yesterday several wagons, well packed, passed down the line bound for Inde pendence. Your fire extinguisher io all right. The work it did for us was something wonderful. No household ought to be without it. Leiter & Dunlap, Proprie tors, Hotel Antlers, Nevada City, Calif. ' I take great pleasure in saying that your Drypowder Fire Extinguisher is the most complete, practical and simple I ever saw. I heartily recommend it to one and all. T. W. Golding, Chief En gineer F. D. Grass Valley, Calif. When "Dutchess" isn't there, the quality isn't there XXX X X Look on the buttons for the name, and don't ao cept any substitute for 10 CENTS A BUTTONj The new styles are now on our counters, X X NOLAN AND CALLAHAN'S Business Locals. The best ice cream soda at Smalls. Trv Small's for cool drinksTduring the hot weather. For low prices on saddles and harness see J. M. Cameron. J. M. Cameron manufacturer and deal er in harness and saddles. . Red Cedar Star Shingles at the saw mill at S1.60 per M. a. w. strong. smnlrorn nnnnliea. lanrest Stock in the citv at bmali S bon's. For harness and saddles see J. M. Cameron. Wah. paper at Black ledges new tur- niture store. Tha lanrAct. atnclr rf whina. saddles and robes in the Willa-nette valley is lound at J. M. Cameron's. lrinost l!n nf hnmmnckn in the citv at J. M. Cameron's call quick and see him Look at the price! $1.25 per gallonfor ice cream. Parties supplied, small Son. . 44th ANNUAL Stflte Fair Good Attractions, Splendid Racing, Best of Band Music, $10,000 in Premiums, Mag nificent Stock Show. A fine Camp Ground with room for all, fresh water piped into the ground, plenty of shade, good street car service and lots of entertainment and education for everybody. Sept. 12 to 17, 1904 FOR THE SEASIDE. Sunday Excursion to Ya quina and Newport. The C. & E. R. B. Co. will run regular AvMirninn traino toNewDort and Yaquina, leaving Corvallis at 7:30 sharp. Boat leaves Newport at 5:30, train leaves Ya quina at 6:10. Fare for round trip from Corvallis or Philomath, $1.50. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, nnumnnitv Or -I til V 30 1Q(V!. -vt; ia imrnhv cvan that in comnliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled" An act for the sale of timber lands in tne aUW. l jlnii iiiw, v.wgw.., " 1 o to a Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act oi August , jauz, GEORGE W. BlfiHAM, r w rStt. nnnntviif fltu'lf amna atntAnf Orwrtn ha th'i. Hv tilnl in t'his ottipfl his swnrn statement No 6468, for the purchase of the SJ SWJ and 8 SE1 m rvH?. rso. iu. in iu. xu. as o. iw ou. ui will offer proof to show that the land sought is tr-r 1a timW or atniiA than fevr agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to s&ia lauu oeiore me rvejriHbcr auu jvcvcivcr ui tuis ... -v ji:-. o A. TP-ZA 4Ka Olof omce at vregun iyt vrjuii, uu riiuj ia He names as witnesses: George W Cramer, of Citv, Or., Lester A. January, Peek P.O., Or., Al bert Kuapp, of Oregon City, Or. A.L1V UU au pciSVUB vwuuiug auiuv a described lauds are requestea to file their claims in u: A KaIau maiA Olof Aav rt fr. IQtid. ITulbC uu VI wav ocas atov J v --- a w nt?n vtmi is TDrooi?D Reeister. Notice for Pnblicatloxt. PUBLIC LAND SALE (ISOLATED TRACT). Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of i - . w tr ;.... A sif Via General Land Office, under authority vested in by Act of Congress approved February 26, 1895, we will proceed to offer at public sale on the next, at this .office the following tract of land, SE of SE X of Sec. 6, Tp 12 S, K 6 W. Any and all persons claiming; adversely the claims in this office on or before the day above designated for the commencement, of sale, Ouierwisvtneir ngsn win w mnciww. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. GEO. W. RILEU, Receiver. Oregon City, July 23, 130. R. E. PUGH "Dealer in Farming Tools, Paints and Oils, Stoves and Tinware, Buggies and Hacks, Farm Wagons, Hay Rakes, Plows and Harrows, Wire Fencing, Wire Netting, Guns and Ammunition, Carpenters' Tools, Lubricating Oils, Bicycles, Etc. j Agricultural Implemenst, etc., etc. PHILOMATH, ORE. Ice cream $1.25 per gallon at Small & Son's. Candies and fruits, fresh and tasty, at Small's. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tablets. All drug gists refund the money u it talis to cure G W. Grove's signature is on each box. Election Notice. At the next regular meeting of the Corvallis Fire Department will occur the election of officers for the ensuing year. All members requested to be present. Per order. Low Rates to California. The Triennial Conclave Knights Temp lar will be held at San Francisco, Sept. 5th to 9th aud the Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. will be held at same ooint SeDt. 15 to 25. For these occa eions the Southern Pacific Company will place in effect the extremely low rate oi one and one-third fare for the round triD. not to exceed $25. the rate from Portland. Thoce who are planning a trip to California should take note of these rates. Special to Ringler Bros. Great Circus in Albany, Sept 1st. C. & E. will run a special train from Yaauina to Albany passing through Cor vallis about 8:56 a. m. Tickets from Philomath and Corvallis 50 cents for the round trip, good on special or regular trains, September 1, 1904, only. YOU KNOW WHAT. YOU ARE TAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every . . i i : . i. . ; f ;a mmnlv Imn and Dill nine put in tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. 50 Cheap Sunday Rates Between Portland and Willamette Valley Points, Low round trip rates have been placed n .ff,t hstwuin KnrTjana auu tviiium' nttA Vftllev Domts. in either direction Tickets will De soia SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS, and limited to return on or before the following Monday. d . i-n eva From Corvallis. So.UO. Jk n X MM V v ' Call on Southern Pacific Co's Agents for particulars. t .w 41-ar .-ith ivirr 2n cents mjlii . . w. J worth of la and. y woik done at the Steam Laundry yoo s t avow on hAantifnl U S silk tlae, ia Nolan & Cal lahan's window full rvjj R j H W J?5 C p R E ' ! 1 E j J S i hcsfilood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales r'r.Tkv .at-s- i-j maaaI tr xmn 9 iruiitr t Ti.w I . HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW ERA $ THE j WASHINGTON TlifbT MOST LIBERAL Further information cheerfully furnished H. 17. .is known everywhere And richness. A trial J. H. DORSEY- Benton County Lumber Company, MANUFACTURERS OF All kinds of Fir Lumber Dealers in Shingles, Mouldings, Doors and Windows. Special at tention given bills in car-load lots. Philomath : : Oregon. Philomath Meat Market All kinds of Fresh Meats, Ham, Lard, etc., always on hand. S. W. Gibbon, Philomath. Drypowder Fire Extinguisher It is a tin tube containing 3 lbB. of a dry powder, like sand. Throw a small handful on a fire, and it puts it out in wo seconds. It is the cheapest thing in the way of T?ir Insurance ever invented. Call and see one at the Corvallis Gazbttb office, vi x. iwVW. nxiam of Oove arinnn TNii LABEL GUARANTEED ' POLICIES OF IN EXISTENCE. by LOCKE, Agent. CHEESES for purity, flavor will convince vou Alsea Dairy Co. Wouldn't you be glad if you could get a responsible Fire Insurance Company to insure your buildings for $3.00 per year? That is just what you do when you buy one of those handy fire fighters, adopted by the U. S. Governmentjand Standard Oil Co., and known as IF overhead flHalft No Cere. No Pay U5 Uadk JLoc&Uvcr Fias.