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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1904)
Economy Is a strong point with Hood's Sarsaparilla. A bottle lasts longer and does more good than any other. It is the only medicine of which can truly be said 1 00 DOSES ONE DOLLAR Ha Knew Tbej Would Fit. A Mississippi Congressman, sajs the New Orleans Picayune, once own ed a handsome pair of light gray trousers which were much admired by his colored neighbors. Unfortun ately they became spotted. "Here, Charlie," said the Congress man to a negro servant who had long coveted ' them, "take these trousers and clean them." Charlie took them home, and after two days of careful inactivity brought them back. 'Scuse me, boss." he said, "but 'claih to gracious, seem like Ah cain't git dat spot out bo way." "Did you brush it?" "Yasseh." "Scrub it?" "Yasseh." . ' "Scour it?" "Yasseh. 'Pear like Ah done ev'y thing, but Ah jes' cain't git it out no way." "Well, did you try ammonia?" "No, seh! No, seh!" exclaimed Char lie, ' with . a delighted snicker. "Ah didn't try 'em on me yit, seh, but Ab knows dey'd fit!" Still More Evidence. Bay City, 111., August 8 (Special.) Mr. K. F. Henley oi this city adds bis evidence to that published almost daily that a sure cure for Rheumatism is now before the American people and that that cure is Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mr. Henley had Acute Rheumatism. He has used Dodd's Kidney Pills. He eays of the result: "After suffering for sixteen years with Rheumatism and using numerous medicines for Rheumatism and more medicines prescribed by doctors, I at last tried Dodd's Kidney Pills with the result that I got more benefit fro.r them than all the others put together. "Dodd's Kidney Pills were the only thing to give me lelief, and I recom mend them to all suffering from Acute Rheumatism." Rheumatism is caused by Uric Acid in the blood. Healthy kidneys take all the Uric Acid out of the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills make healthy kidneys. Reproving the Apostate. In the early days of the British Royal Academy reverence for the "old masters" of painting amounted almost to -worship. When at a dinner Sir Martin Shee, one of the early presi dents, openly expressed doubts of their infinite superiority, bays M. A. P., his bearers were horrified. Sir Martin leaned across the dinner table and rapped upon it to empha size his points. "Now there's Raphael!" he thun dered. "What did Raphael do that we can't do better nowadays? Old mas ter? Why, gentlemen, I'd be sorry to think we had not a dozen men in the R. A. now who can draw better than Raphael." The bold declaration was too much for old Woodburn, a picture dealer, who sat opposite. "Sir Martin," he said, huskily, fairly pale with emotion, "I've often 'eard people say they didn't admire 'Omer. But this is the first time, sir, I've ever eard it 6aid that it was 'Omer's fault" KrKeelev liouor-morphine-tobacco riVfr HiRlTS, PERMANENTLY CURB) ! CS FOR FULL PARTICULARS Miwril TM KrCUVINSTlTUTE.- POWTLANP.OWC, Gentle Hint. They were playing tennis on the old lawn. "Dear me," remarked the young man, with a far-away look in his eyes, "we never hear of old-fashioned kiss ing games any more. They have gone out of style." "I don't agree with you," replied the pretty girl, "any game is a kissing game if you supply the kisses." riTQ Permanently ctiitl io nta or nervoasneaf I 1 1 U after first day'suse of Dr.Kltne'sUreat Nerve Raatorer. Send fur FreeSS trial bottle and treatise. Dr. H.H. Kiiue. Ltd.. S3? Arcb St.. Philadelphia, Pa, All In the Pen. She What is the term applied to one who signs another person's name to a check? He Five or ten years usually, I be lieve. Piso's Cure is a good courh medicine. It has cured coughs and colds for forty years. At druggists, 25 cents. The Fable of Four Men. "I got off a street car this morning," said a doctor to me, "and. being in no hurry, I began moralizing on the ac tions and probable character of three men who had alighted just ahead of me. The first one was even then half way down the block and was going on with such rapid strides that he bad already put a couple of hundred yards between himself and the next man. 'There, thought I, 'goes a hustler a man who's bound to succeed in life.' The second man was walking rather slower, and impressed me as one who would do fairly well, perhaps, in this world. But the last fellow was Just dawdling along In the most shiftless sort of way. I very quickly set him down for a loafer. "Just then another Idea came home to me. All three were ahead of meP Success. He She married Sparkles to reform him. She Indeed. He seems happy. He He is. She failed. Exchange. "You hold my future happiness," he told the girl. "Why don't you hold it yourself?" she asked, coyly. Chicago Post "Experience, you know, is a good teacher." "Yes, but I wish there were more vacations in that school." Chi cago Post. "Are your intentions toward the widow serious?" "Oh, very. I am go ing, if possible, to get out of marry ing her." lite. Tailor Do you want padded shoul ders, my little man? Willie Naw; pad de pants! Dat's where I need it most. Chicago News. "Did Jerrold get anything out of his rich uncle's estate?" "Well, rather he married the daughter of the-attorney for the estate." Ex. Boston Governess Yes, children, the eyes enable us to see. Now, Emer son, tell me what the nose is for. Little Emerson It's for holding eye glasses. Puck. Blobbs Have you ever had any ex perience with train robbers on your travels? Slobbs Well, I've stacked up against a good many Pullman car porters. Philadelphia Record. "I don't believe bachelors have any hearts,"- she said. "Why. we're just the men who do have them," he re plied. "Why is that?" she asked. "Because we haven't lost them." Willie Pa, can't I have some Pa See here! You've got a plateful of food before you. Willie Yes, sir; but Pa Well, keep your mouth shut and eat it. Philadelphia Public Ledger. A new order: "You don't mean to say you girls have started a secret so ciety?" "Yes, it's a society whose members pledge themselves to tell all the secrets they know." Philadelphia Ledger. " Cannibal King That missionary made an awful fuss, didn't he? Head Chief Terrible, sir. His struggles were frightful. Cannibal King Well, serve him as a piece de resistance. Town Topics. She But if you say you can't bear the girl, why ever did you propose? He Well, her people have always been awfully good to me, and if s the only way I could return their hospi tality. Punch. "How I envy that boy!" said Smith. "Yes," acquiesced his friend; "we all envy a sturdy youngster like that for his youth " "Oh, that's not it! He's the butcher's boy, and you should hear the way he talks to my wife!" "Come, now," said mamma, who had taken the children tor a walk through the Zoo, "let's go home and see papa." "Oh, nor' protested Elsie, "let's see these other monkeys first" Philadelphia Press. Of the New York kind: "Would you mind keeping that hat on ?" "Keep it on! Why, I was just about to take it off." "I: know it. But I don't want to see any more of this play than I can help." Life. Gothamite I hear you have a Vas sar graduate for a cook. Isn't it rath er expensive? Harlemite Not very. She works for her board and clothes. Gothamite Why, how does she come to do that? Harlemite She's my wife. Harlem Life. Chronic Shopper How much are your Baldwin apples? Fruit Vender Fifteen cents a quarter-peck. Chron ic Shopper Can't you sell me a quarter-peck for 12 cents? Fruit Vender Yes, but not so big a quarter-peck. Baltimore American. Their meeting: She (flushing ex pectantly) Fred Smithers, as 1 live! Poor fellow it saddens me to think how broken up he was over my re fusal. He (wrinkling forehead) Where in" thunder have I seen that woman before? Brooklyn Life. "Why does Mrs. Clubwoman look so sad?" "The world's injustice to woman has just struck her forcibly again." "How was that?" "She hap pened to think that Martha Washing ton isn't called the Mother of her Country." Cincinnati Times-Star. Applicant (for position as cook) How many afternoons out durin' the wake, mini? Mrs. Highmore Well, of course, you can have every Thurs day, and Applicant I'm askin ye. mim, how many afthernoons" out ye want yersilf. Chicago Tribune. Towne Hear what Sniffkins did when the collection plate came 'round to him in church last Sunday? Browne No. Dropped a button in, I sup pose. Towne Not even that He leaned over and whispered: "I paid the pastor's fare in the car yesterday morning. We'll call it square. Phil adelphia Press. "Mandy, d'e ree'lect how Henry Wiggins used to play marbles all the time when he was a little feller?" "Goodness, yes." "Well, he hain't got over his hankerin' after 'em yit; this piece in the paper 'bout millionaires' nouses says he has one of the finest ejections of Italian marbles in the hull world." Brooklyn Life. "Is it true," asked the interviewer, "that when you first came to this country you worked in your shirt sleeves for a living?" "It is not" re plied the successful public man, in dignantly. "Ah! No offense I hope "When I came here," con tinued the successful man, "I didn't 1 have a shirt" Cincinnati Times-Star. Avers Feed vour hair: nourish it: give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only flair Vigor hair food you can buy. For 60 years it has been doing just what we claim it.will do. It will not disappoint you. " My hair nsed to be very short. Bnt after using Ayer's Hnir Vipor a short time it began to crow, and now it is fourteen inches Ioiir. This seems a splendid result to me after being almost without, miy hair.. Mus. J. II. i'lrsa, Colorado Springs, Colo. Jl 00 a bottle. Ail drneeistR. 3. C. ATIR CO.. Lowell. Mass. for Short Hair A Fisherman. When all the world's fragrant with flow ers in bloom. And clothed in fresh raiment from Dame Nature's loom; When the hills and the valleys are velvety- green And the earth is reposing 'neath blue skies serene. Then away from the hot, dusty city I'll steal. For my only companions my rod and my reel, And there, by the side of some cool, lim pid stream, I'll sit with my line in the water and dream. Four-Track News. CASTOR I A for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Pride Interceded. "Why did she marry him ? He hasn't any money. "I know, but she has plenty." "But he hasn't any brains, either." "True, too. But people kept telling her how stunning they looked together till she just couldn't bear the idea of letting him get away." Detroit Free Press. How's This? ' We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO. Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any ob ligations made by their firm. West & Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Mabvim, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Bold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family fills are the best. Sorry He Spoke. Husband I'd like to know what n joyment you find in trotting around from store to store, looking at and pricing things you cannot purchase? Wife I know it looks silly, yet there is a sort of melancholy pleasure in knowing I could have bought them had I married Tom Coldcash when I had the chance, instead of throwing myself away on yon. You Can Oet Allen's Foot-Ease FREE. Write Allen S. Olmsted, Le Eoy.N. Y., for a free sample of Allen's Foot-Ease. It cures sweating-, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes new or tight shoes easy. A certain cure for corns, inerowingnails and bunions. All drug gists sell it. 25c Don't accept any substitute. A Precedent. Miggles I say, old .man, I'd like to have you put me up at your club. Wiggles I'd be only too glad, my boy, but er they are very particular who they admit. Miggles Tou don't say! How in the world did you manage to break in. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Fac-SImlle Wrapper Below. Very small sad mm easrr t take as sagaxw FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. . FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THEC0MPLEX10R MXtM MUST tUHW IjgMATVWK. regefaHav&$& CURE SICK HEADACHE. CUBES WHERE All CUE IAIIS. Bast ConsTb bjrrup. Tastes Good. . ui in tune, eoiq py grnggista. I CARTER'S I f IVER 3r AN UP-TO-DATE NAVAJO. Xhlm ThHj Woman Want a Go-Cart j v For Her Papoose. I .', . There is no prouder mother . among the Indian women at the World's Fair i Indian colony than Skyblue. a Navajo woman. Skyblue is not only proud of her little 3-months-old Chee, but she is also ambitious for her baby's rights. Skyblue believes 5 that Chee is now a World's Fair baby, and has a perfect right to the dignity of such a title, that she should, in keep ing with such dig nity, possess a mod ern baby carriage. bqtjaw and BABY. Skyblue attended the opening of the Model Playgrounds the other day. There she saw dainty little carriages, upholstered in . blue silk, with tiny white bankets and coun terpanes with lace edges. Skyblue took her own little Chee to the baby's party, strapped in the leather and bark papoose frame, to her back. Chee was content and very, happy. Her big bright, dark eyes took in the pretty scene with an apparently perfect un derstanding of 1 metropolitan social ways. But Skyblue did not have a happy moment after she saw the little go carts and was told to what use they were put. Sne resolved then and there that she would have one. She is a large, healthy woman, and the excuse that she was not strong enough to carry her papoose on her back she knew would not carry weight with, the Indian officials,- The only rea son she knew of that she should have a new sort of carriage was based on her theory that "nothing was too good for little Chee." She was given to understand that she would be permitted to purchase one, but that she would not be al lowed to use it while in St. Louis, for the officials argued that such an inno vation would spoil their exhibit. This question of imitation among the Indians is one of the most per sistent that the Indian officials have to contend with. Nearly every day one of the squaws, the young children and the chiefs suggest to Dr. McGow an, superintendent of the exhibit, that they would like to have some article of clothing, or some one thing, that they have seen and admired on their white sisters or' brothers. A Navajo woman, who recently ar rived at the Indian school, wants a modern baby carriage in which to car ry her papoose, Chee. If she cannot get a baby carriage she would accept a "roller chair." THE BIBLE AND OTHER BOOKS. Three Hundred Minion Copies of the Scriptures Circulated in a Century. On Wednesday, March 7, 1804, "a numerous and respectable meeting of persons of various denominations" wa3 held at the London Tavern, and a so ciety formed "to promote the circula tion of the Holy Scriptures in the prin cipal living languages." At that time the Bible, or portions of it, could be obtained in about forty living lan guages, spoken by two-tenths of the race. During the century since the meeting at the London Tavern ad journed, and very largely from the machinery then and there started, the Scriptures have been translated into 450 langauges and dialects, understood by seven-tenths of the race. By the London society alone 180,000,000 copies have been distributed, at an expense of $70,000,000. If we add to this total the 70,000,000 copies already distributed by the younger American Bible Society, and the unknown millions printed and sold by private enterprise, we find our selves inside a safe estimate if we hold that certainly 300,000,000 copies of the Scriptures, in whole or separate, books or portions, have gone into circulation during the last century. Amazement attends the study of the Bible, whatever the point of view or the course pursued. But nothing about the Bible is more amazing than its continuous, universal and utterly un paralleled popularity. In nearly every, if not every, country on earth where books are sold, more Bibles are sold than any other book. Last year the British and Foreign Bible Society alone distributed 5,943,775 copies, the ,majority by sale, in 370 languages, covering every part of the globe. And the issue by the American Society- for the year amounted to 1,993,558 Bibles and portions. Century. Going to Be Something. A colored man In Philadelphia re quested his employer to release him so that he could go South. "What do you want to go for, La fayette?" "'Cos I'se called to a church down dar." "Called to a church? What are you going to be?" "I'se goin' to be sumfin. I" dunno whedder I be de pasture, or de sex tant or de vestureman, but I'se goin to be snmfln.": Success. A Queer Way or Telling Time. In Malay the natives keep a record of time in the following way: . Floating In a bucket filled with wa ter they place a cocoanut shell hav ing a small perforation, through which by slow degrees the water finds its way inside. This opening is so pro portioned that it takes just one hour for the shell to fill and sink. Then a 'watchman calls out; the shell is emp tied, and the process is begun again. There is more humiliation about love than about anything else, for the reason that there is less naturalness about love than about anything else. I ': . :: . . . - - .......... ... " The idea that Rheumatism is strictly a winter disease, that comes from exposure or cold, is wrong; a spell of indigestion, torpidity of the liver, inactive state of the kidneys, or sudden cooling of the body when over-heated, being frequent causes of an attack. Rheumatism is due to an over-acid , condition of the blood and bad circulation. As it flows through the body the denosits an acrid, corrosive sediment in the joints arid v NO USE 1X53 CSTjtches. muscles, and the circulation ttfmflm grows sluggish because of completely prostrated. Having- heard S. S. S. ra the constant nrrnmnlatinn commended for Rheumatism, I decided to giva tne constant accumulation it a trial and x nad taken a few DOttiea of acid impurities, and I was able to hobble around on cratches, and, liable to come out. at any ytosucUu time, winter or summer. It e01 jj. St., IT.'W., Washington, D. c. is hastened and provoked by exposure to cold, damp air, sadden cooling of the body when over heated, a bad spell of indigestion, or anything that is calculated to fur ther derange and depress the system ; but these are only exciting and not the real cause of Rheumatism. It is in the blood, and when thia vital fluid becomes overcharged with the acid impurities and is running riot in the veins", an attack is sure to come, whether in summer time or the cold, bleak days of winter. You are a slave to pain as long as the blood is tainted with acid. Liniments and plasters are helpful and use ful, but it takes something more than rubbing and blistering to drive away this demon of pain. S. S. S. goes to the seat of the trouble. fcB sj aches vanish, and the longed-for relief comes to the nervous, pain tortured sufferers. S. S. S. contains no minerals, but is guaranteed purely vegetable. Write us if in need of medical advice, which is given without charge. Our book on Rheumatism, telling of the different forms and varieties of this pain-racking disease, is mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GAm A Trustless Trust. 'Lightly My landlady evidently be longs to a boarding house combine. Simson Why do you think so? Lightly She doesn't attempt to supply the wants of the customer. First Lieut. Rudolph E. Sniper, Four teenth cavalry, U. S. A., is the youngest officer in the army; Lieut. Ernest I. Peek is the tallest, being 6 feet 4 inches. A severe case of Ovarian Trouble and a terrible operation avoided. Mrs. Emmons tells how she was saved by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "Deab Mrs. Petkham: I am sc pleased with the results obtained from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound that I feel it a duty and a privilege to write you about it. " I suffered for more than five years with ovarian troubles, causing1 an unpleasant discharge, a great weak ness, and at times a faintness would come ove me which no amount oi medicine, diet, or exercise seemed to correct. Your Vegetable Compound found the weak spot, however, within a few weeks and saved me from an operation all my troubles had disappeared, and I found myself once more healthy and well. Words fail to describe the real, true, gTatef ul feeling that is in my heart, and I want to tell every sick and suffering sister. Don't dally with medicines you know noth ing about, but take Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, and take my word for it, you will be a dif ferent woman in a short time." Mas. Laura. Emmons, Walkerville, Ont. 95000 forfeit if original of above letter proving genuineness cannot be produced- Don't hesitate to write to Airs. Pinkham if there is anything about your sickness you do not understand. No woman ever regretted writing her and she has helped thousands. Address Lynn, Mass. "DID'INT HURT A BIT IS WHAT THEY SAY ' We can extract one or all your teeth with out hurting a bit, and put in new teeth the same day if you desire. Our system of crown and bridge work is simple, quick and painless. Established in Portland 17 years. The reason we advertise is to let you know where we are. Open evenings till 9 Sundays from 9 to 12 Phone Main 2029. DR. W Wis.- WISE. BROS., Dentists "CYCLONE" ENGINES .' A. Write for Catalogue and Prices THE A. H. AVERILL MACHINERY CO. PORTLAND, OREGON. blood enters the circulation, neutralizes ana ni ters out of the blood the acid poisons. It enriches and strengthens the weak, dis eased blood; the general health improves under its tonic effect, and when rich, pure blood begins to circulate through the 6tiff joints and sore, tender muscles, pains and Cause and Effect. Wife John, do you know that yoa swore in your sleep last night? Husband Did 1? It must have been when I had that horrid dream. Wife What did you dream? Husband I dreamt I was smoking one. of those cigars you gave me on my birth day. BEUTEL BUSINESS COLLEGE TACOMA, WASH. Gives written contracts to. secure positions for graduates. These contracts are guaran teed by a National Bank. 'Write for catalogue and plan today. PRICES THAT TALK. Threshermen and Sawmill Men Note! ISO ft. Endless Linen Stitched, Heavy Canvas, 4 ply, T inch Belting, 27.00. 160 ft- 8 Inch wide, same as above, 132.00. Tank Pumps complete, with 18 ft. 3 inch Suction Hose, 10 ft- Discbarge Hose, with nos zel and strainer, fl0.S0. Belting, Hose and Packing at wholesale prices. General agency for Parsons Hawkeye Self Feeder. I-ane shingle mill, run only 40 days, at a bargain. Write lor catalogs. KEIERSON MACHINERY CO. PORTLAND, OREGON. WANTE 200 MEN. Wages 2.25 per day. Board $4.50 per week. 60 teams $2.00 per day. Exten sive irrigation construction. Perma nent employment for good men and teams. Deschutes Irrigation and Power m pany BEND, OREGON BUY PROM YOUR DEALER p. n. u. No. 33-1904. w hN writing to advertisers please! mention tins paper, i i 99 ua. l. r. vuou 208-213 ln rtlan0on RUSSELL 99 THRESHERS Dl