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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1904)
Get Rid of Scrofula Bunches, eruptions. Inflammations, sore ness of the eyelids and ears, diseases of the bones, rickets, dyspepsia, catarrh, wasting, are only some of the troubles It causes. It Is a rery active evil, making havoc of the whole system. Hood'sSarsaparilla Eradicates it. cores all Its manifestations, and builds up the whole system. Accept no substitute. "Wanted to bo in Time. Friend There is a new cure for your disease discovered by a noted European scientist. All the papers are talking about it. , Patient My gracious! Get me some at once. Don't lose a day; don't lose an hour; don't lose a moment! "Certainly. But, my dear friend, your disease is not dangerous. Why so much hurry?" "There Is not an instant to waste. These new cures always stop curing after they have been tried a few weeks." The Hero's Plea. "Brave youth!" exclaimed the father of the girl who had been rescued from a watery grave, "how can I repay you? How can I show my gratitude?" "Oh. If yon only will please let me off," replied the young man. "Let you off? How do you mean?" "Don't insist upon the usual conse quences; I'm engaged to another girL" Arriving at a Verdict. Kushequa, Pa., Aug. 1. (Special) In this section oi Pennsylvania there is a growing belief that for such Kid ney Diseases as Rheumatism and Lame Back there is only one euie cure and that is Dodd's Kidney Pills. This be lief grows from such cases as that of Mrs. M. L. Davison of this place. She tells the story herself as follows: "I have suffered from Rheumatism for thirty years and find that Dodd's Kidney Pills have done me more good thn any medicine I have ever taken. I waa also tothered with Lame Back and I can only say that my back hasn't bothered me since I took Doud's Kid ney Pills." Considering that Mrs. Davison only took two boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills, the result would be considered wonder ful were it not that others are reporting similar results -daily. Kushequa is fast arriving at a verdict that "Dodd's Kid ney Pills are the one sure cure for Rheumatism." Information Wanted. Bachelor Brother Is that baby in the fowl or animal class? Young Mother1 What do you mean? Bachelor Why, he crows one minute and bellows the next. Chicago News. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. V. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him nArfantlv honorable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any ob ligations made by their nrm. Wsst & Tboax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O, Wiuimq, Kinnam & Marvin, V holesale Drug- t. Tnliuln ft Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the Diooa ana mucous sur faces of the svBtem. Price 75c. per bottle. Bold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hairs Family Pills are the best. The Hon. Andrew D. White's enter taining recollections of his life as t member of the American legation at St. Petersburg during the Crimean war will be continued in the August Cen tury, the Afidsummer Holiday Number These chapters will include, besides much other matter, of timely interest, personal memoirs of Nicholas I and Alexander II of Russia. Later foreign eervices of Mr. White include his work as a United States commissioner to Santo Domingo and to the Paris expo sition; as United States minister to Germany, 1879-81, and to Rusisa again in 1892-94; as a member of the Vene zuelan commission and of the Hague reace commission, and as abmassador to Germany in 1897. IwKeelev LIPUOR-MORPHINE-TOBACCO I lVrrX HINT PERMANENTLY CURED W C FOR FULL PARTICULARS MsiittnLtYINSTITUl Incontestable Proof. Insurance Agent What are the proofs of vour husbands death, madam? The Widow Well, he has been home for the last three nights. Smart Set. WANTED 200 MEN. Wages 12.25 per day. Board 4.S0 per week. 60 teams J2. 00 per day. Exten sive irrigation construction. Perma nent employment for good men and teams. Deschutes Irrigation and Power worn party BEND, OREGON BUY PROM YOUR DEAmR CBSES HtlE ALL ELSE f AILS. Couch Syrup. Tastes Good. TJsa la time. Boia rrr oranim o fm " "I've tried this physical culture busi ness and there's nothing in it," assert ed the man with the prominent cheek bones. "I played It according to a system. It was guaranteed to restore the roseate bloom of youth, fill out all hollow places. Impart a feeling of en ergy to brain and body, induce re freshing sleep and a fine appetite. 'I arose at 6 in the morning, as per instructions from the waist up. That Is, by means of the dorsal muscles I elevated myself to a sitting posture In bed. Then I lowered myself in the game way, without any assistance from the hands, you understand. I did that eight or ten times. Then I got up entirely, opened the window a little wider and took in long drafts of pure, fresh morning air. "Then I proceeded to the bathroom and took a cold plunge and rubbed my self briskly with a harsh towel. That done, I bent over and touched my toes without bending my knees a few times, then stood upright, and, with my heels close together, twisted my body to the right until I had a clear and uninterrupted view of my left side and then reversed the process. This was repeated until I could nearly make the circuit of myself on my own axis. Still erect, . I next raised my hands above my head, brought them down extended with a backward tendency to One passenger is killed for every 2.000,000 carried. The modern locomotive costs from $15,000 to $18,000. There are seven miles of railroads for each 100 of area. The daily mileage of the trains of thi3 country is 2,750.000. Freight trains carry 1,250,000,000 tons of freight per year. This country's traffic makes use of 37,000 passenger cars and 1,000,000 for freight. Uncle Sam's passenger rolling stock would make a soim tram uw miles long. Twenty -three miles of American rail roads in 1830 expanded to over 200,000 miles in 1904. It would require the work of 25,000.- 000 teams to do the work now done by the railroads. Four hundred and sixty-four trains enter and leave the New York Central station every day. In 1902 there were 8,583 persons killed in this country by the railroads and 64,662 injured. During recent years the most active center of railroad work has been the Southern gulf States. The country's locomotives number 41,000, of which 10,000 are equipped for passenger service. A thousand million miles are covered by the various trains of this country in the course of a year. The life of the locomotive is becom ing shorter because of the heavier work which it is required to do. The freight engines and cars en gaged in the traffic of this country would make a string 9,000 miles long. It is thought that the Boise-Payette project will add 42 per cent to the value of farm property and 37 per cent to the gross income from the farms of Idaho. The Irrigation development of the Snake river valley, Idaho, has received a set-back by the proposed construc tion of a power plant, which will in terfere with the Irrigation develop ment. The total distance from St Peters burg to Port Arthur by the Russian Trans-Siberian Railway ana xne Rus sian lines in Manchuria is 5,913 miles. or practically twice the distance from New York to San Francisco. The German toy industry has shown a steadily rising tendency for som time. Reliable statistics of exports were not kept prior to 1S96, but since that date exports have risen from 282,000 to $13,566,000 per annum. The sweetheart of a man at Col mar, Prussia, died some time ago. He was accepted subsequently by her sis ter, who died, however, two days be fore the wedding day. In a few weeks he will wed the mother of his two for mer sweethearts. Citizens of Montana residing in the valley of Milk river are gravely con cerned over the proposed extensive dl version of the waters of that stream in Canada, and are importuning the gov ernment to intervene in order that their prior rights to the water may be protected. Most Americans have an idea that rubber is a product like wheat or corn. to be obtained from a given tree. The Idea is quite erroneous. It has been estimated that 1,000 different species contain rubber, though commercial quantities have been obtained from only forty or fifty. The amount of money annually re ceived In Greece from Greek emigrants to the United States Is assuming pro Dortioa that have attracted ths at a level with my shoulders, closed my fists and tightened my muscles until they vibrated. I did this a few times and then got down on all. fours' and raised and lowered my trunk I don't mean the receptacle for my clothes, but the upper part of my body. I aid uiis for three or four minutes." The final performance was to approach a sit ting posture without actually touching the floor and then straighten up. I did that eight or ten times. Then I dressed and went down to breakfast "For breakfast I had tablets of uri cooked wheat and a cup of cereal cof fee. "At noon I 'had some more un cooked wheat and muscular vibrations, and I took muscular vibrations, un cooked wheat and fresh air at night. "Well, "it didn't work, that's all. The exercises didn't make me feel ener getic. They made me feel as if I needed rest. The drafts of fresh air were too drafty, and I got pleurisy mixed up with the oxygen in my lungs. I couldn't notice any bloom of youth on my cheek. I got blue all over after the cold bath, and as for sleep well, I was too-blamed tired to sleep. My ap petite also, was poor." "How long did you keep it up?" in quired his confidant. "Three days," replied the physical exerciser. "That was a-plenty for me." Chicago Daily News. tention of the Greek government, bank ers and Dubllc. Greek officials esti- mnta thnt over $1,930,501.93 thus reached Greece during 1903. During the last year the New York street railroads and elevated took in a billion 5-cent fares. This, according to the New York World, is the first time that the billion mark has been reached. That means the payment of $50,000, 000 by the people of New York for the services rendered by the local trans portation companies. HIS NAME IS FORGOTTEN. Man Who Started Apple Culture in the West Waa Something of a Vagabond. The history of the apple in the United States is almost contempora neous with the settlement bf the coun try. It is definitely known that the first apple trees planted in America were imported by the Dutch settle ment at New York in 1614. Apple trees were also known to have been growing at Jamestown, Va., as early as 1622. Until within the last half century apples were grown almost solely for elder-making, as is the case to-day in France. As hard cider will Droduce drunkenness and a horrible katzenjammer, William Penn advised his colonists in Pennsylvania to culti vate indigenous fruits alone, as apples were then used almost exclusively for making cider or applejack. Many of the orchards of the pioneers of the middle west were grown from seeds obtained in a peculiar way. Some man whose name has been forgotten, and who is remembered only by the appellation of "Apple-Seed Johnny," traveled through the west and scatter ed among the settlers untold quantities of apple seeds. He gave them away free of charge and he was given a hearty welcome at every cabin door. The -last decade or two has shown wonderful development of the large commercial apple orchards in the west and the industry has now assumed vast proportions. Apples, for instance, are exported to England and many foreign countries. Apple cores from the big drying establishments are pur chased by eastern buyers and shipped to France to be used in the adultera tion of wines and champagne. A large part of this champagne and wine is shipped back to America In wine casks made at Poplar Bluff, Mo., In the largest barrel factory In the world. Developing an Old Land. In the Holy Land the Sublime Porte has purchased all the railway conces sions of foreigners except the French concession of the Beirut-Damascus lines, which is under negotiation. His majesty has method in his prog ress. Me win gridiron an tne ioiy Land with railways for his defenses, but he will make the foreigners, the tourists, pay the cost by inducing travel in his domain. So, too, American agricultural ma chines, steam plows and threshers, mo tor mills, etc., are allowed to enter and crush out the last vestige of the methods of Father Abraham, in order that immense crops may enrich the royal revenues. Tourists who do not hasten will see mighty little of the Holy Land as described in the books, A Turkish sultan is in power who be lieves in great guns, great railways. exeat labor-saving machines, vast crops and grand revenues for the royal treasury. Four-Track News. The Freeh Office Boy. Bookkeeper Anything new at the office to-day? I thought I heard a row when I came in. Private secretary That was . only the boss firing the new office boy. He sprung a new suit and he heard the kid ask: me if I thought he got a ball and bat with It Indianapolis News. There Is a saying. Get Busy. It ap plies to Idle, shiftless men. But there should also be a saying, Get Lazy. It would apply with force to some men who work too much. Doctor Holmes, being asked by a young physician what sign to put on bis door, replied: "The smallest fev ers gratefully received." Mrs. Smith My husband has been enjoying very poor health of late. Mrs. Brown How fortunate that he can enjoy itl Very few people do. A juryman being asked by the judge if he ever read the papers, re plied: "Yes, your honor; but if you'll let me go this time, I'll never do so any more." . Patience See how yellow her hair is; and it. used to be brown. Patrice Yes; she's been using one of those yellow journals to make curl papers. Yonkers Statesman. He had a play produced by an amateur company the other night I believe. Who was the hero of it do you know?" "I was one. I sat through it" Philadelphia Ledger. A little Maine girl came to her mother one morning and said: "Mam ma, I don't feel very well." "Well, that's too bad," said mamma; "where do you feel the worst?" "In school," was the prompt reply. "An elephant must be a pretty ex pensive animal." "Yes, I wish I had enough money to buy one." "What do you want with an elephant?" , "I don't I merely expressed a wish for the money." Philadelphia Press. She (angrily) Sir, I understand you said I had a face that would stop a clock. He (calmly) So I did. Any well-regulated clock would pause and hold up its hands in admiration at sight of your lovely face. St Louis Star. . Husband (who had been out West on business, and left his wife some blank checks) Mary, I find you have considerably overdrawn at the bank. Mary Nonsense, John, how can that be? I've two of those blank checks left yet Mrs. Jenks Are you perfectly sat isfied with your new dress? Mrs. Speitz Yes, indeed. The man I love best thinks it's beautiful, and the woman I love least has pretended to turn up her nose at it. Philadelphia Ledger. A cowardly fellow, having kicked a newsboy for pestering him to buy an evening newspaper, the lad waited till another boy accosted the "gentleman," and then shouted In the hearing bf the bystanders: "It's no use to try him, Jim, he can't read." "Sometimes," said the poet, "I am almost afraid that I take myself too seriously," "Oh, well, never mind," replied his kind-hearted friend. "there's no harm done if you do. Everybody else regards you as a joke." Chicago Record-Herald. Here is a peculiar advertisement which recently appeared in a Brisbane paper: "Permanent. Wanted, a man to look after one horse and a tew cows and pigs. One who can impart the rudiments of French, singing and the piano to children preferred." "I'd like to have your check- for that little midnight supper 1 served at your house last monm, sam uie caterer. "You'll have to wait until l get the doctor's bill for curing me of indi creation." replied the victim. "That comes off your bill." Philadelphia Press. 'I know what you've come here for." said little Willie; "you're going to ask my sister to be your wife, "Oh! Whv do vou think so?" "'Cause I heard her tellin' ma she was goin' to git you in a corner to-night and make vou say it" Chicago Record- Herald. Moose Meadow Sheriff Yes, that's Spike Moran, alias Big Eddy, alias Jim Thornton, alias Kid McDuff. He's a burglar. Stranger But why do you let him live here? Sheriff Jest to fat rm the census. We put him in the "f - directory under each name, you see. Judge. "Don't be too quick to strike an other, my boy," said the kindly old man. who had interrupted the fight; "always count ten before you do it, and then " "Yeh," replied the boy, contemptuously, "an' den it'll be dfi referee darll be countin' ten on you." Philadelphia Press.. Jennie's mother was expecting com pany but just before train time t tplperam arrived which read: "Missed train. Will start at same time to morrow." Jennie rushed home from school expecting to see the guest but tnctoari was shown the message. Aft er reading it laboriously and careffll- ly through, she exclaimed: "Why mamma, if she starts at the same time to-morrow, she will miss the train again." Stage Fright and. Self-Consciousness Stage fright Is an intense form of self-consciousness, but the man who is incapable of stage fright lacks the sen sitive temperament to achieve great power as an artist. The man who overcomes stage fright by getting out of his own way, and by letting the character he Is playing, or the music be is interpreting work through him as a clear, . unselfish channel, receives new power for his work in the pro portion that he shuns his own interfere ing selfishness. Leslie s Monthly. Learning to Listen. Learn how to listen and you will profit even from tnose who talk badly, Plutarch. Don't try cheap cough medi cines. Get the bestjAyer's Cherry Pectoral, what a record it has, sixty years of Cherry Pectoral cures! Ask your doctor if he doesn't use it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. ' " I have fonnd that Avert Chnrry Pectoral is the best medicine I can prescribe for bron chitis, influenza, couirhs. and hard colds." M. LODKMAN, M.I.. Ithaca. N. T. 2Sc.,S0e.,fl.00. All druggists. J. O. ATIR CO., for l,owcII, Mass, Bronchitis Correct any tendency to constipa tion with small doses of Ayer's Pills. Thoughtful Husband. "You asked me to bring you some pin money this morning, my dear," said the young husband. - "Yes," she replied," with an air of ex pectancy. "Well," he continued, "I thought I might as well save you a trip down town, so I brought you a paper of pins in stead." , K'A Permanently unrea. wo nts or nervousness; O after firstday'snseofDr.Kllne'BGreatNerve torer. Send for Free S2 trialbottleand treatise. Dr. B. H. Kline. Ltd.. 8 Arch St. Philadelphia. Pfc Does it pay to make the most of all the powers that God has given you by bringing superb health and vitality to your aid in developing them? Piso's Cure fs a remedy for coughs, colds and consumption. Try it. Price 25 cents, at druggists. What Man Wanta. A club woman is all right in a club. but what the ordinary man wants is a housekeeper in a house Mothers will find Mrs. Winslows's Soothing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children curing the teething penou.. After repeated failures by the United States government to erect a lighthouse and fog signal on Outer Diamond shoals, off Cape Hatteras, Capt. A. P. Eells of Boston will make the attempt, assuming all expenses. The Kind You Have Alwavs ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-g'ood" are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A ,Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend, The Kind You Have Always Bought Sears the In Use For v9 r f imssTsTTsiii SIX -y&ZZZ-- THC CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAV STHCCT. NEW YORK CITV. PIS Mil ii ilSISSSSSMSaSSSWSBBSlSSSSSBSSi MeSssBBsHBBi .a ..MMfnuM ISS1 Hb I Ulkslw It, but making a wise investment. Use Uie Prussian Lice Powder to keep the fowls tree from vermin, and teed PRUSSIAN POULTRY FOOD and too will be surprised at tbe great return you will receive In the form of eggs, or whatever else yon are raising; poultry for; and the cost is very little per hen after all not a tithe of the returns yon get. It is meat and medicine to your fowls. i-l .. 25c and 60c Get it from y.-r dealer, or write to us. Book on poultry and stock feeding free. PRUSSIAN REMEDY CO., ST. PAUL, MINN. FOBILAND 8KKD CO.. RUSSELL ENGINES o BOILERS Us High Grade stackers Machinery Write for Catalogue and Prices The A. H. Averill Machinery Go. PS Efj SouthwicR Actual capacity not claimed, 12 to 18 tons No spring used' Gong indicator, steel linings, bridge. J-'our-foot stroke. - Adapted for work at barn banks. . Stands np to its work, hence no digging holes 'or th wheels J Not necessary for the tier to get down on his knees in dust, muu or snow. Largest eed Opening oi any Double Stroke Press made. Light of Draft. It is safe for both men and horses. Puts full weight into ordinary box cars. Hundreds of these" presses in use in Oregon Washington and Idaho. WE guarantee it the best on the market. HMUohmU, Lmwlm A Stmrmr Co. Seattle $5 For a Name $5 Bend us ten or more names of yoULg people with means to secure a Business Education and for the first one that enroll purchasing from us a scholarship, we will remit you V in cash. Address, Betwell Business College, Tacoma, Wash. YOU CAR EARN $25.00 PER DAT dotting Water, OH or Cod with AUSTIN WELL, DRILLS Made in all sizes and styles. Write for Cata logues and list of users in the W est. Bead & Co. SIS Commer cial Block. PORTLAND. ORB. THE NEW ECONOMICAL IRRIGATOR No Cost of Operation Phillips Hydraulic Write today for free illustrated book. COLUMBIA ENGINEERING WORKS Tenth and Johnson Streets PORTLAKD OREGOI ; i P. N. U. No. 321904. w BEN writing: to advertisers pleats I mention tun paper. Bousrht has borne the sierna- Signature of Over 30 Years. mmm Even if it does cost roa a little III bUUSi money . you are not squandering; Portland, Or.. Coast Agents DssM?ilKE Hay Press. per day. Positive, automatic plunger draw. cnan grate, ana a sate, roomy ieea taDie. Low and Spokane, Wash., Portland, Ore., Boise, Idab AL W CD - i t I