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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1904)
CLASSlFit D ADVIR1ISLMENTS Five line-, or lts, 2d cent for three insertions', or 50 rente per month. WANTED AT ONCE AN EXPERIENCED WOM an cook to tfo t Eastern Oregon. Good wages. Ecquiie at this onice. OAK LOGS AND CEDAR POLES. BY the Corvallis Sawmill Compauy. North Main street. Real Estate Transfers. Philomath Bear Story, " HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR all kinds of Poultry alBO dreesed Pork. Smith & Boulden. CoTvallis, Oregon, next to Gazette office. A POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER BY an experienced lady with twochildren. A farm preferred. Good references. Inqnire at this office FOR SALE FOR SALE' OR WILL EXCHANGE for choice Corvallis property or small tract near city, 100 acre farm in Linn coumy., (i0 aTes in cultivation, good house 'snd barn and stream living water . runs through place. See A. J. Johnson. ONE SPAN OF DRAFT HORSES FOR sale.. Er.qnrre at this office, or of M. Robinson, first house East of College barn, College Hill. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. SMALL tract of good land, well improved, adjoining Corvallis. .Enquire at this office. A 32x52 ADVANCE SEPARATOR witk wind stacker. Stacker beea run one season. Good as new. Also 10 Horse Caee traction engine. Both a bargain. Call or write, L. B. Luper. Tangent, Or. REGISTFRED POLAND CHINA PIGS for sale. Grade Poland China Pigs let out on the shares or for sale. M. S. Woodcock, or enquire of T. J. Thorp on the farm, Corvallis, Oregon. GOOD JERSEY OOW FOR SALE five years old, Dr. Altaian. FRESH JERSEY MILCH COWS FOR ' sale. Inquire of Clyde Beach, one mile east of Corvallis, or at this ottice. FOR RENT. FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET IF taken at once, light party can secure furnished six-room residence in Cor vallis, convenient to business center. Apply at. this office. LOST. A point-luce handkerchief, at the O. A. O. aluranal banquet Jane 15. Fin ler will please return to this office and re ceive reward. CALL AND SETTLE. HAVING DISPOSED OF MY INTER est in the Pioneer Bakery to C. Read, all parties owing me are requested to make immediate settlement to O. Read, who is authorized to receipt for same. IL.W.aiall. STAGE LINE. ALSEA STAGE. MY STAGE MAKES connection -with all trains on the C. & E. R. R. at Philomath. All persons wishing to go or return from Alsea and points west can be accomodated at any time. Fare to Alsea $1,0 Round trip same day $2.0Q M. S. Rickard. LIVESTOCK P. A. KLINE, LIVE STOCK AUC TIONEER, Corvallis, Oregon, Office at Huston's hardware store. P. O. ad dress Box 11. Pays highest prices for all kinds of livestock. Twenty year's experience. Satisfaction guaranteed PHYSICIANS L. G. ALTMAN, M. D.. HOMEOPA thist. Office corner of Third and Mon roe streets. Residence Corner Third and Harrison streets. Hours 10 to 12 a. m. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays 9 to 10 a. m. Phone residence 315. Jane Den man to G W Ddumaii, 2 lot", blocfc 4, ChbSeV A ii ; $ 1. Jane Deinii;iii i Am a. AT DHrnnun- 2 lot. lilot:k 4, Cbase'd Ad ; t." I JFMillei, trustee, to Ei.zi Suyder, i Eliz. Sniicr, lots ui N 11 A .? Avery's: Add; $1. J I Miller, trustee, to E E Wilson, lots in Avery & Well Add; $2w)r . J F Miller, trustee to Peck & Bodiue, lota in Avery & Well' Add ; $17 J). Coast Lund and Livestock Co to Dunn & Buun, 76 J acres, Hoskinu; $950 J A Devil t and wife to Chap Hofmier, 100 acres near Philomath ; $12oO E Britnner ai.d E E Brimner, small tract in Monroe; $5txi. P Avery to E A Norton, lot 5, block 4, N B & P Avery's Add; .0, S Mi-Bbo et h1 to T W B Smith, 1-10 ! in teres t434 acres south of Corvailis. $592. I R Van Winkle to I L Wood, lot 172, block 43. Brown's Add Philo; $400. Ida B Callahan and husband to Eliz J 2 lots block 6, Co Add; $1200. A L Miner and wife to G M Simpson, 3 lots block 6, Job's Add ; $750. E B Boweu and wife to E B Follett, 160. acres, Alsea; $1200. John Rickard and wife to J B Irvine block 2, 'Avery & Well's Add; $900. Agnes M Gilson and husband to W H Averhoff, 150 acres near Albany; 13751 . John Smith and wife to Lulu S Wilson, 445 acres south of Corvallis; $1. Lulu S Wilson and husband to John Smith, 445 acres smith of Corvallis; $1. W E Yaren and wife to Jessie Flint, part lot 1, block 18, Corvallis ; $400. N B Ayery and wife to Sadie E Horn ing, block 10 Avery & Wells' Add; $800. Sadie E Horning and husband to G F Rice, block 10, Avery & Wells' Add; $1000. H T French and wife to J P Andrews; 5 acres near the College; $1000. E E Wilson to J J Cady, block 10, Wells & McElroy's Add ; $10. J J Cady and wife to C Stimpsoo, block 10 and part of 9, Wells and Mc Elroy's Add; $1400. A D Limbocker to A W Fischer Exec, 2 acres near Corvallis; $95. Ijtst Tneuay Gay Friuk, while -out on Woods Creek west of Philomath, came upon a huge bear track. lie followed the track for some distance, but hav ing no dogs returutd to Pailotnaih Word was sent over lo Jess Browu, of Inavale who has t-everal line hunting hounds. Wednesday morning, about 3 o'clock, Jess and about a doz n citizens oi Philomath began tae chise. The jfrack was lound, but was found to be so cold the dogs could uoc follow it. Fhe bear evidently had wandered over to this side of the Prak in sraroh of food. After tracitng him for several hours, itwa found tie had gone wet-tward with probably two days sia-t and the chase wt? given up. Th- buu ers w;re greatly cliagrined ni returned home deeply disappointed ami verv tired. r - Doctor Did you follow my advice i and count until you Jell asleep? Patient I counted up to 18,000. i Doctor And then you fell asleep? , - Patient No; then it was time to get up. Baltimore World. : The Lut of 'Rta. " "Upon the roost be saw the bird. And straightway tried to pluck him; The spring-sun went off aa he stirred. Aad he nerer knew -what struck him. . - Judge. WILUK WAS WI8B. Broke Hia Circuit. The shades of the goose and the turkey were discussing the circum stances which had attended their re spective takings off. - "Did you offer any objection when first the cruel farmer laid hands on you?" sympathetically inquired the gobbler.' "Yes," replied his gooseship; "I cried out: 'Hello, what's this?"' "What did you say next?" inquired the now thoroughly interested fowl. - "Oh," the goose replied, "I did not say anything more; just then I was wrung off." Michigan Lyne. Approval. "It seems to me that there is a great literary awakening in this coun try." "Yes," answered th matter-of-fact citizen. . "I observe it with great approval." "Then you are fond of books." "No. I am in the stationery busi ness. I sell pens, ink and paper." Washington Star. GEtiERAL BLACKSMITHS, WAGON and HA GHT.7AIZERS. One doon Month farm J. E. HENKLE, KUIXINERY, MEKCHAXDISE, DUY GOODS, GROCERIES, fKODUCE BOUGHT am SOU). I Philomath, Or. FURNITURE Caller Your sicter expects me to stay to supper, doesn't she, Willie? Willie Sure; and she said if you stayed as long as you did last night, she thought she would ask you to stay to breakfast. Louisville Courier-Journal. Both Hpteke4. "So they were divorced. What was the cause?" "He was infatuated with gardening and she insisted on keeping chickens." Judge. Qualified for the Homor. Mr. Woodby Is he a society man? Miss Freshly I guess so; I never heard of hi doing anything. Town Topics. Seeking for the Riht Term. "A Massachusetts woman has eloped with a man half her age." "I thought they called that abduo tion." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Quite at Question. "Contentment is better than riches." "But how is a fellow going' to be con tented unless lie is rich?" Brooklyn Life. Musical instruments Bedroom Suites Springs Mattresses Tables Chairs Bamboo Furniture BLACKLEDGE Sewinq Machines Sideboards Go-Carts Wall Paper Rockers Shades Poles South Main St, Corvallis Ml I.CUP. .QTHRF B. A. OAT.HEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Snraeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build ing. Oiiice Hours : 10 to 12 a. m.. 2 to 4 p. ni . Residence : cor. 5th and Ad ams Sts. Telephone at office and res idence. Corvallis, Oregon. C. H. NEWTH, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Office and Residence, on Main street, Philomath, Oregon. DRS. W. H. & MAUD B. HOLT, Osteopathic Physicians. Residence 2nd door north ol electric light plant. Phone 53 ATTORNEYS E. R- BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Post Office Building, Corval lis, Oregon. JOSEPH H. AVILSON. ATTORNEY at-La. Noary. Titles, Conveyanc ing. Pract're in all State and Federal Courts. Office in Burnett Building. w. o. w. TIHIIFaEE : DAYS B 1 Gum TI0M AILQB, . I hereby extend to my old friends and customers a cordial invitation to call and see me in my new stand. A new and attractive line of line w oolers just received. Pressing and repairing neatly done. Prices to suit. Give us a call. CORVALLIS, SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY JULY 2, A SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY Shooting Tournament Baseball Horse Racing Foot Racing Dancing Band Music And many other attractions. JP A. Kline, Grand Marshal m - E. R. Bryson, Geo. Brown , Aides. J. B. Irvine, President of the Day. Hon. L T. Harris, of Eugene, Orator. Geo. L Paul, Reader. sJPRO GRAM. SATURDAY, JULY 2 Shooting. 9 a. m. Shooting tournament on Av eay's fiat. Open to all. There will be some good purses offered and some of the crack shooters f the Northwest will be there. f Racing MARYS PEAK CAMT. No. 126, W. O. W.. mw ts Kwrd Hnd Fourth Fridays, - in 'Worn; inf n Hull. i V. Fu'ler, C.C.I J. L. Undei wood, Cieik. j 1 p.' m. Horse racing on race t'ack 1 mile south of Corvallis. The best pro ducts of Oregon will be entered and there will be racing in all classes, such as trot ting, running and pacing. These races are open to all. $250 in purses. There will be 'good purses up for each attrac tion and the committee on arrangements have donated $100 to be need in this way. SUNDAY, JULY 3 Base Ball. 2:30 p. m. Base Ball Game on Avery's Flat, between two professional teams. Also, Grand Band Concert. MONDAY, JULY 4 Salute at sunrise. Plenty of good, stirring music by two brass bands. Bushels of fire-crackers. Thonsands of flags and barrels of fun. The parade will Btart at 10 a. m. sharp and will be obo ' of the most brilliant affairs ever witness- COME AND JOIN WITH US. ed in Corvallis, consisting of the Corval lis Fire Department and all their appa ratus, Liberty Car with several hundred children, the Goddess of Liberty, Pease and Plenty; original floats representing all the fraternal orders in the city, two brass bands, automobiles, cycles, horse back riding, flower floats, mayor, city council and speakers in carriages, be sides many citizens. The parade will move promptly at 10 a. m. over the prin cipal streets, thence to the court house square, w here the usual address will be delivered. There will be a gorgeous bas- -ket dinner at the court house yard at noon hour. EVENTS ON MAIN STBEET JULY 4. 1:30 p. m. 100-yard dash, prize $7.50. 440-yard run, prize $10. 100-yard dash (boys under 15), prize $3. 220 yard run (free for all,) prize $7.50. 2:30 p. m. Hose race, 1st prize, $60; 2nd prize, $20. Run 100 yards, carry 300 feet hose, lay 150 feet and get water. 4 p. m, Wheelbarrow race, 50 yards, prize, $5.00. . Sack race, 50 yards, prize $5.00. Ladies' race, 50 yards, prize $5.00. Girls' race. 50 yards, (under 15 years), prize 3.00. 50-yard dash (for men over 60 years of age) prize $500. 50-yard dash (for men weighing over 200 pounds), prize $5.00. 5 :30 p. m. Tog of war (limited to 10 men on a side), prize $10.00. E, C. CRAVEN OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. FREE BUS FREE SAMPLE ROOM OCCIDENTAL HOTEL H. M. BRUNK, Prop. Leading hotel in Corvallis. Newly furnished with modern convenien ces. Rates $1, $1.25!and $2 per day. Q E2 Q 3 D D ALSEA CHEESE is known everywhere for purity, flavor and richness. A trial will convince vou J. H. DORSEY- Alsea Dairy Co. HATHAWAY BROS., OPPOSITE R. M. WADE'S. SOUTH MAIN ST., CORVALLISk. Carriage Building Hacks for safe Horseshoeing General Blacksmithing Benton County Cumber Company, MANUFACTURERS OF kinds of Fir Lumber Dealers in Shingles, Mouldings, Doors and Windows. Special at tention given bills in car-load lots. Philomath v : : Oregon. NORMAL SCHOOL, 'EUGENE, OREGON This school will open June 27 and continue for a term of six weeks to August 5. The obbject of the school is to furnish teachers and those preparing to teach an opportunity to study methods and to raise their grade of scholarship; Mr. Dixon has devoted many years to the study of the needs of the grades. He has conducted three summer schools in Wisconsin and is well prepared to help teachers in just what they need in their daily work. Mr. Haroun is president of the Eugene Bus iness College. His work there during the past year has been highly successful. Two other men have been employed to help in the work. Write to F. S. Maroun, Eugene, or .W. W Dix on, Albany, Or,', for a circular. Board and tuition reasonable.