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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1904)
) I No Appetite Means loss of vitality, vigor or tone, and is often' a pre cursor of prostrating sick ness. This is why it is serious. The best thing you can do is to take the great alterative and tonic Hood'sSarsaparilla Which has cored thousands. An American factory at Hanover sup plies pneumatic brakes for the -whole Prussian railway system. Mother will find Mrs. WInslows'a Soothing Bynxp the best remedy to use lot their children daring tb teething period.. ' - l A Hebe. Sister You have told me her name, yet I know no more than I did before. I she beautiful? Brother Beautiful? Why, she could. make even the present zasnions iook ar tistic. E Q Permanently curea. tto nts or nervousness ; 0 after nrstdaysaeofIr.Kllne'sUreatNerr j torer. Rend for Ptm St trial bottle and treatise ! fir. K. H. mine. 8U Philadelphia, fa Good inteutions are very mortal and perishable things; like very mellow and choice fruit they are very difficult to keep. Simmons, $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment t Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of tne aisease, ana giving me j tian t strength bv bill Id in ir UD the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. , , Address. F. J. CHJfiJNJSY s uu., xoieao, v. Bold by druggists, 76c. Hall's family Fills are the best. The age of the Sierra Nevada moun tains, the youngest of the American ranges, is estimated at 3,000,000 years by Prof. Lawson, of the University of California. CHAMPION MOWERS Draw Cut, no push. Added Power, cuts where others won't. Prices right. When you buy. Buy the Best. Buy the Champion Mowers, Rakes, and Binders. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER COMPANY First and Taylor Sts. PORTLAND, ORE KMG BLOOD PURIFIERS No remedv ever vet discovered popular favor as S. S. S. The people and there are few homes where & not known and used. It is superior in many ways to the ordi nary blood medicines. In the first place S. S. S. is a guaranteed curelv vegetable compound, made exclusively of medicinal roots selected for their wonderful purifying and tonic properties that act' upon the blood, purging it of impurities and restoring it to a healthy, natural condition. At the same time, tinder its tonic effects the gen eral system improves, the sluggish organs are toned up, and renewed strength and vigor and better health is the result. No bad after-effects follow the use of S. S. S., as so often happens with blood medicines containing strong minerals, which derange the stomach and digestion and in other ways damage the system. For diseases of the blood, such as Chronic Sores, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Boils and Pim- ALWATB KEEPS S. S7 8. ON HAH? PC " C.Z e m Je"er. MoxttloeUo,Ark.,My81.1903. ?loo.d Poison-, and other Gentlemen:-For about twelve year. I have troubles due to impure or been using- your S. S. S. as a household remedy, bad condition of the blood, Z have taken it as a tonio and appetiser, and be- no remedy acts so promptly , lieve there is none better. I haven-ed it for my d thoroughly as S g S Children at various times for little skin eruption, i j , boils and pol.on. caused by playing- with weeds. " reaches deep-seated, 8. S. S. is my standard, never mind what is the long-standing cases, upon matter. If I use a bottle ot B. S. S. it tones up the which the ordinary potash system, cleanse the blood d makes xne well and sarsaparilla compounds a train. As an all-round family medicine I consider , L r S. 8. B. the best remedy of the kind that have I nave no etiect. liven where overused, and generally keep it on hand aaaf am- there is an hereditary Uy remedy. MKS. V. O. WHITTINOTON. predisposition to diseas(f S. S. S will search out and remove from the blood the fixed poison and build up the health ; it enriches and purines weak, thin blood and stim ulates the circulation. Pure blood is essential to health. You can exist without good blood, but can never be robust and strong ; for every organ, tissue and nerve in the body looks to the blood for nourishment, and unless this vital fluid is kept in a pure, healthy state, the rest of the body suffers and the system soon breaks down. Nature has pro vided in S. S. S. a remedy for diseases of the blood which long experience and a thorough test have proven superior to all others, and the acknowledged King of Blood Purifiers." OUR MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, in charge of graduated physicians, is an important part of our business, maintained for the benefit of those who need advice or special information in regard to their case. Write tu, and our physicians will advise you without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. CAm DO YOUR JAWS ACHE? Perhaps It's Plat Trouble. Plate trouble is a common thing, and there are various kinds of it. Many plates never were right. Others are properly made, but the mouth la not put in proper condition tor wearing the plate. It your plates are in any way unsatisfactory we will M glad to make an examination and tell you the cause of trouble. We extract teeth wholly without pain and all work is at lower than reasonable rates. Extracting free when plates Or Bridges are ' W IM ' ordered, . . . WISE BROS., Dentists 20"u M-TLSS&fc Opes evening till Sundays from to 12 Oregon, Mam Mtt "Why Fruit Tree Fail. Country Life 'In America points out that the dropping off t young fruit la not due to insect pests, as it is popu larly supposed. More often It Is be cause of the fact that many varieties of fruits are self-sterile and the blos soms require the contact of the pollen of other varieties before they will ma ture fruit. Not getting this pollen, many fruit trees do not bear at all or very much. The same trees treated by the methods of grafting and planting will often bear large fruit and plenty of it Where the Cost Comes. Philosbpher The only thing that can make any man, rich or poor, perfectly happy is love, and love costs not a pen ny. Practical Man Irue, but keeping the loved one in clothes costs like the Old Nick. lie who merely steals a purse steals trash, but the fellow that gets the con tents of one is usually in luck, particu larly if the buttons match his coat. The Preacher's Evidence. : Koland, 111., June 27. Diabetes has eo long been looked upon as an uncur able form of Kidney Disease that a sure cure for it must rank as one of the most valuable medical discoveries of the age. And every day, brings forth fresh evidence that Dodd's Kidney Pills will cuie Diabetes. Important evidence in their favor is given by Rev. ThoB. B. Norman, the well known Bap tist minister here. Mr. Norman says: "I had all the symptoms of a bad case of Diabetes and received so much benefit from the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills that I cheerfully recommend them to anyone suffering from that dread disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure the worst form of Diabetes." Dodd's Kidney Pills always pure Dia betes, one of the final stages of Kidney Diseaee. All the earlier stages from Backache to Rheumatism are naturally much more easily cured by the same remedy. Talked Too Much. Tess She told me she was going to bleach her hair. Jess How indiscreet. She really ought to keep it dark. Philadelphia Press. ' Plso's Cure fs a remedy for coughs, colds and consumption. Try it. Price 25 cents, at druggists. After Venus had answered the pray ers of the young girl and had sent her a husband she nest worshiped Hymen. This god was adored only on the day of the marriage ceremony, never before nor after. To Break In New Shoes. Always shake in Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures hot, sweating, aching, swollen feet. Cures corns. Ingrowing nails and bunions. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Don't accept any substitute. Sample mailed FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Heroic Treatment. Mrs. Ebony Doctah, my husban' he got the paralersis in the . laigs, so he carn't move his feet. Doctor Dark Is dat so, Mrs. Ebony? Well, I'll call right away. Mrs. Ebony Yes, doctah, an' be suah to brung youh banjo erlong. If dat doan start his laigs goin', nuthin' will. has . met with such everywhere indorse it, SI tor the blood is . , , , . j j-.ii h- -1. il 51 f Isabel (to her mother) Oh! I was awfully scared to-day. John and I were out taking a walk, and we met the min ister, and John asked him to join us. Skinflint If anything should happen to me, dearest, you will be all right I've Just Insured my life.; "But sup pose nothing does happen to you ?" Life. - . . First Boarder What's - that loud thumping noise in the kitchen? Second Boarder If a the landlady hammering the steak and wishing it was the beef trust. Mrs. Casey The docthor says ye hov appendikitis, Tim. Mr. Casey Och, Norah, Norah! whoy wor ye so foolish as to show Mm yure bank-book? Judge. Jemima Why 'does dat Paderoosky McGlnnls wear bis hair so long? Mi nerva Why, don't yer know dat he's de champeen mouth-organ player of de block? Chicago Daily News. ' , "The' reason I can't get along with my wife Is that she wants to submit all our differences to arbitration." "To arbitration?" "Yes. She always wants to refer disputes to her mother." "Great guns!" exclaimed the absent minded man; "I just stuck the lighted end of this cigar in my mouth." "How fortunate, you were in discovering it at once, dear," rejoined his good wife. "Woman is naturally of a clinging nature," observed he. "Yes," rejoined his wife, "but she isn't to be compared with a man when It comes to holding on to a five-dollar bill." New Yorker Grinnand Barrett What cured Gawlboy of his desire to be a trage dian? Irving Henry The open-air treatment He walked home from Fon-du-Lac with the thermometer at zero. Ex. Mr. Meddergrass Who yer sendin the sheep to, Bill? Mr. Ragweed Why, my son Zeb's up to college tryin fur a sheepskin, he Rays, and I'm goin' ter surprise him with a hull critter. Chicago Post Dr. Ketchum By Jove! These cab companies certainly know how to charge. His Wife Never mind, dear. It's lucky that the president of the company is a patient of yours. Brooklyn Life. Mrs. Cobwlgger So your husband thinks his position in society is now secure? Mrs. Newrich Yes. He Is so sure about it that he has stopped hir ing a dress suit, and is having one made to order. Judge. Amateur This is my latest attempt at a landscape. May I ask what you think of the perspective? Artist The perspective is its strong poiut. The further away you stand the better it looks. Chicago Tribune. Mr. Chic My automobile nerve3 didn't cut any dash st all at the sana torium. Mrs. Chic Why not? Mr. Chic Oh. the doctors were all wildly enthusiastic over a man who has flying-machine nerves. Puck. The importunate lover had just pro posed. "Let your answer be a vowel, with a consonant on either side of it." he gently begged her. The charming girl smiled. "Very well," she said. "Git!" Cleveland Plain Dealer. A child thrust: "You never saw my hands as dirty as that" said a mother, reproachfully, to her little 8-year-old girl. "'Cause I never saw you when you were a little girl." was the prompt answer. Glasgow Evening Times. "In India barbers rank high. Social ly they are the equals of the priests." "Say, where do poets come in over there?" "Same place they do here." "Where's that?" "Among the illustri ous dead." Chicago Record-Herald. Teacher In the sentence, -"Mary milks the cow," what Is the word cow? Johnny Cow is a noun, feminine gen der, and stands for Mary. Teacher What nonsense! Why does cow stand for Mary? Johnny So Mary can tend to the milking. Van Dauber So old Gotrox fell in love at first sight with that impossible Jones girl. Why, she is a perfect freak! Friend Just so. Do you know, old chap. It wouldn't be a bad idea to get the old boy around to look at your pictures. Puck. Noozy Then you don't believe in a man marrying his deceased wife's sis ter? Henpeck Well, I certainly be lieve that a man who would rush into a thing like that doesn't deserve to have lost his first wife at all. Phila delphia Ledger. "Good-morning!" said the old gentle man. "I'd like to look over some of your spectacles." "Yes, sir," replied the clerk, absent-mindedly, "that's what most of our customers do. It's just as good as looking through them." Philadelphia Ledger. As a sergeant was bawling out his orders in a barracks in Dublin and watching the line of feet as the new recruits endeavored to obey the word of command, he found, to his astonish ment that one pair of feet more notice able on account of their extra large size, never turned. Without taking his eyes off those feet the sergeant bawled out a second order: "About face." He could see that all the feet except those he watched turned In obedience. Rush ing up to the owner, a little fellow, he seized him by the shoulders, shouting: "Why didn't you turn with the rest?" I did!" replied the trembling recruit 'You did, eh? WelL I watched your feet and they never moved." "It's the boots they gave me. sir!" said the poor fellow. They're so large that when I turn, my feet turn inside of them." London Answers. TRUMPET CALL8. Seas' Eora Sounds Warning; Mot : to tit Unredeemed. E do not judge our friends ' by their failures. ' An inspiration is mightier than an argument There is no science without the supernatu ral. A purse is the most common poultice for the conscience. "a.- Have no thoughts you dare not put in deeds. You must be of His family to sit at His feast It is love for men that lifts a man above men! Delays are sever dangerous when we are angry. Outward plenty is a mockery with out Inward piety. Children bring the cheer as well as the tears of a home. The more a man knows himself the less he says about it Every man has his price: but God only knows what it is. He who would be friendly to .all must be foe to himself. The rich are not always godly; but the godly are always rich. . The power that comes down is the only one that will lift up. A NATURAL ROMAN CANDLE. Something: of the New Metal Radinm and Its Wonderful Properties. The new metal, radium, which has been so much talked and written about during the last few months, turns out to be a sort of natural Roman candle, since, in addition to giving light, It also shoots off bodies of two different sizes. The light itself from this mys terious substance is not like ordinary light Even a small fragment sealed up In a glass tube shines with a weird glow like a firefly, but bright enough to read by. Moreover, if these rays fall on certain other substances, as, for example, diamonds, it causes them also to glow with a similar unearth ly radiance; and like the "X-rays. which enable one to see his own bones. they will go through a plank or a dic tionary. We never use metallic radi um, because it hasTiever been entire ly separated from other material. We haven't it to use. We are therefore compelled to be content with some salt (a mixture) of the metal. One experimenter consequently placed the least pinch of radium bromide in a glass tube, and screwed It tightly in side of a rubber thermometer case. This he put in an Iron box, with a sil ver soup tureen and four sheets of cop per above it yet In some way the rays got out After all, I don't know that It is any more difficult to understand why this light goes through Iron than why the light of a candle goes through glass. But a piece of radium, in addition to giving off these peculiar rays, sends out such a shower of little particles that it is like a sort of exploding bat tery of tiny rapid-fire guns. These, as I said at the beginning, are of two sizes. The smallest are the smallest particles known to science. Indeed, as they travel some two hundred times faster than a bullet from a rifle, they must needs be pretty small not to wipe out everything within range. The others are much larger, perhaps by a thousand times-, and they do not travel so fast But even these are so small that after millions upon millions of them have been shot off, the most care ful weighing with a balance for which a hair Is a heavy weight cannot de tect any loss. Now these smaller bodies are the mysterious "electrons which as they stream against the walls of a Crookes tube, produce the X-rays. So they seem quite like old friends. The- larger ones come still nearer home. They are like the mi nute particles of vapor which are al ways being sent off by any substance, such as water, or alcohol, or cam phor, or ice, which is drying up or wasting away. But the remarkable thing about radium is that, while the gas which goes off into the air from these familiar substances Is still wa ter or alcohol or what not the gas from radium is not radium at all, but helium. St Nicholas. The Magnolia. The magnolia, so called from Pierre MagnoL professor of botany at Mont pelier La the seventeenth century, is a genus embracing fourteen species of remarkably handsome shrubs deli clously scented and far more hardy than is commonly supposed. They are very widely distributed in China, Japan and the Himalayas and in Mex ico and the United States. The old world species seem to have been the earliest cultivated, the Chi nese preserving the buds as well as using them medicinally and to season their rice. The purple flowered Jap-' anese plant was discovered by Koemp- fer in 1680 and introduced into Eng land in 1709. The Himalayas possess three varieties, among them the most magnificent of all, Magnolia Camp- belli, a conspicuous object in the scen ery of Darjeeling, eighty feet high. twelve feet in girth, with flowers ten Inches across. North America has given many dis tinct varieties, among them the cucum ber or umbrella tree, the beaver tree and the favorite Magnolia grandiflora. Explained. She But he has such a wild horse laugh. He WelL yon see. he has always lived an unbridled life. Yale Record. lM HOT 17UH1ED LIES 17QI.1 IIERVQUS. BlancfteGrey. A Well Known Canadian Lady Sends Letter of Endorsement to Pe-ru-na. Miss Mary Burns, 28 Spring Garden Road, Halifax, N. S., writes: "Hav ing used Peruna for indigestion and stomach trouble and to build up a broken down system with the very best results, I am pleased to state my exper ience with this excellent medicine. 1 had been troubled with stomach trouble and poor digestion for some years, and although I tried many rem edies and dieting, nothing seemed to restore my health until I used Peruna. In three months I had entirely recov ered my health and strength." Mary Burns. Very Hard. t "Of course, a horseshoe always means luck." "Oh, yes, and if the horse pasees it up tOv you behind your back it means hard luck." Philadelphia Press. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Pac-Slmlle Wrapper Below. Very aoiall amd as easy to take as sugar. FOR HEADACHE. CARTERS FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION CllTTLE lflVER 1 1 PILLS. tTtSnti I Prrely Vegetable., CURE SICK HEADACHE. RUSSELL HIGH GRADE MACHINERY v ENGINES fl & THRESHERS I rftTl BOILERS SAW MILLS The A He Avcrill Machinery Ccu, A IN IMPORTANT STEP IN PLACINO YOUR ORDER FOR A THRESHING OUTFIT ADVANCE Thoroughly reliable and most durable construction. Satisfactory in operation. attachments. Prop us a postal and our ADVANCE THRESHER CO. Branch Houie. Plough's Warehouse, near O. K. A N. Freiirht Denot. finnVan fun n-i mont Street, Portland, Ore. Suggestions by Dr. Hartraan. How to Combat the Nervous Depression Incident to Warm Weather. Nervousness is very common among women. This condition is due to anae mic nerve centers. The nerve centers are the reservoir for nerve vitality. These centers become bloodless for the "" want of proper nutrition. This condition is especially notice able during the warm season. Every duced ae a direct result of weak nerv ous systems. - This could be easily overcome by the use of Peruna. Peruna strikes at the root of the trouble by correcting the digestion. Perfpnt rliroatirtn fnraiahaa' increased nutrition for the nerve cent ers. Perfectly digested food gives these reservoirs of life a vitality which cre ates strong, steady nerves, and in this manner fortifies and nourishes life. xuibs .Biancne urey, a prominent u.;.!. t M-L.t- J- UU1I(J BVUQ 1TVJJHUI Vt JIIQUlUlliB, Tenn , in a lecent letter from 174 Ala bama street, writes: "To a society woman whose nervous force is often taxed-to the utmost from lack of rest and irregular meals, I know of nothing which is of so much benefit as Peruna. I took it a few months ago when I felt my strength giving way, and it soon made Itself manifest in giving me new strength and health." Miss Blanche Grey. Pe-ru-na (Contains no Narcotics. One reason why Peruna has found permanent use in so many nomes is that it contains no -, narcotic of any kind. Peruna is perfectly harmless. It can be used any length of time with out acquiring a drug habit. Peruna does not ' produce temporary results. It is permanent in its effect. It has no bad effect upon the system, and gradually eliminates catarrh by re moving the cause of catarrh. There are a multitude of homes where Peru na has been used off and on for twenty years. Such a thing could not be pos sible if Peruna contained any drugs of a narcotic nature. At this Beason of the year we are pe culiarly liable to inflammations of the stomach and bowels. It is the part of wisdom to learn how to cut them short and in the easiest and quickest manner. Peruna does this by its peculiar power over all forms of catarrhal troubles. BUY FROM YOUR DEVL,r3R Dr. C. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT This wonderful Chi nese doctor Is callad great because be cunt & uaiiI. .Itknnl mum- tion that are given up lo die. He cores with those wonderful Chi nese herbs, room, buds, barks and vegetables that are entirely un known to medical sci ence In this country. Through tbe use of tbose harmless remedies this famous doctor knows tbe action of over 600 different rem edies, which he successfully uses In different diseases. He guarantees to core cattarh, asth ma, lung, throat, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver, kidneys, etc.; has hundreds of testimonials. Charges moderate. Call and see him. Patients out of the city write for blanks and circulars. Send stamp. CONUUlr TATION fRKK. AUDKUiStt The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 253 Alder St.. PwUuiJ, Oregon. JWMemio- paper. P. N. U. No. 271904. HEN writing to ad vertisers please I IUVUUUH liUIBi STACKERS Write for Catalogue and Prices PORTLAND OREGON Investigate the Advance line of thresh ers and engines. They cost less to op erate, require fewer repairs and do more and better work in all kinds of grain than any other make. Straw or wood and coal burning engines. Also a full line of single and double Portable Saw : Mills. THRESHERS 2R E1NGI1NES- machinery in the market. Honest in Self feeders, Stackers, Baggers and all traveling man will call.