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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1904)
CLASSIFIED ADVtRHSLMENTS Five liies. or less, 25 cents for three insertions, or 50 t ents pr month. WANTED OAK LOGS AND CEDAR POLES BY rbe Corvallis Sawmill Compauy. North Main street HIGHEST i ASH PRICE PAID FOR all kinds of Poultry aluo dieneed Pork. Smith & Bonlden. Coivallis, Oregon, next to Gazette office. FOR SALE REGISTFRED POLAND CHINA PIGS for sale. Grade Poland China Pitrs let out on the shares or for Fal. M. S. Voodeo k. or ero.uiref T. J. Thorp on the farm, Corvallin, Oregon. GOOD JERSEY COW FOR SALE five years old, Dr. Allnian. INVALID'S CHAIR, LIGHT BUILT and Light RnnninK Child can handle it. A bargaiu at $7 50 Call and see it at the Gazette office.. FOUND A LADY'S PURSE. OWNER CAN bave same by calling t this office, de scribing property and paying for this advertisement. STAGE LINE. ALSEA STAGE. MY STAGE MAKES connection with all trains on the C. & E. R. R at Philomath All persons wishing to go or return from Alseaand points west can be accomodated at any time. Fare to Alsea$l,5) Round trip eame dav $2.00 M. S. Rickabd. LIVESTOCK P. A. KLINE, LIVE STOCK AUC TIONEER, Corvallis. Oregon, Office at Huston's hardware store. P. O. ad dress Box 11. Pay 8 highest prices for all kinds of livestock. Twenty year's experience. Satisfaction guaranteed PHYSICIANS L. G. ALTMAN, M. D.. HOMEOPA thist. Office corner of Third and Mon roe streets. Residence Corner Third and Harrison streets. Hours 10 to 12 a. m. 2 to 4 'and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays 9 to 10 a. m. Phone res'dence 315. B. A. OATHEY, M. D.. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build ing. Offic Hours : 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p.m. Residence: cor. 5th and Ad ams Sta. Telephone at office and res idence. OorvaUis. Oregon C. H. NEWTH, M. D., PHYSICIAN - and Surgeon, Office and Residence, on Main street, Philomath, Oregon. DRS. V. H. A MAUD B. HOLT, Osteopathic Physicians. Residence 2nd door north of electric light plant. Phone 653. ATTORNEYS E. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Post Office Building, Corval lis, Oregon. JOSEPH H. WILSON. ATTORNEY-at-Law. Notary, Titles, Conveyanc ing. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Office in Burnett Building. LODGE DIRECTO RY MASONIC CORVALLIS LODGE, No. 14, A. F. & A. M. Stated communication first and third Wednesdays of each month., at Masonic Hall, Second 8t. Jas. A. Harper, W. M. "W. P. Lafferty, Secretary. FERGUSON CHAPTER. No. 5. R. A. M. Regular convocation 2nd Wednes day of each month at Masonic Hall. Jesse Irvine, H. P. J. B. Horner, Secretary. OREGON COUNCIL, No. 2.R.& S. M. Stated assembly fourth Wednesday f each month, at Masonic Hall. S. Chipman, T. I. M. E. B. Horning, Recorder. ST MARY'S CHAPTER, No. 9. O. E. S., meets Tuesday preceding the full moon, at Masonic Hall. Lillie Groves, W. M. Bertha Davis. Secretary. MARYS PEAK CAMP. No. 126. W. O. W.. meets second and Fourth Fridays, in Woodmen Hall. , G. W. Fuller, C. C. J. L. Underwood, Clerk. ODD FELLOWS BARNUM LODGE. No. 7, L O. O. F. meets every Tuesday evening at I. O. O. F. Hall. .;. Dolph Norton, N. G. W. P. Lafferty, Secretary. QUI VIVE ENCAMPMENT. No. 26, I. O. O. F., meets first and third Fri days in I. O. O. F. Hall. E. L. Strange, C. P. W. E. Yates, Scribe. ALPHA, No. 34. REBEKAH LODGE, meets the tecond and fourth Mondays in I. O. O. F. Hall. Mrs. H. S. Pernot, N. a Miss Sadie Dixon, Secretary. 3 The Kind Tod Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- -, sonal supervision since its infancy Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good' are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. 16 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Jiarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of - The regular program w carried out with three exception!. Although Beve ai whose na uh : wrH on h- program weio atwnt. Th- wn wer present, a.leuoeU s. taitiifu iv were so. deep'y in.r-nei m ih work, that tny took up ths tuvj-wtB with a vigor and made them uoth interesting and profitable. Special mention t-hoiiid he made of.l E. R'chardfHWJ, of Albany. The following officers wre e ected: President, W. C. Sanni vice president, J. H. Edwards secretary Fnmary Dept Mrs. He ke, Home Dept. Mrs." Edwards. rl tie follow ing persons were plee d aa dsle- gites to the Sta'e Co vention to be iield in Fort land:, Mr a. Henkle. Prof. Sneak, Mrs. Parsona and ' Mrs. Ella Heron. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years- THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. Musical Recital. The most successful musical recital of the season occurred in college chapel last Saturday even ing. A large and very . attentive audience was present to greet the various pupils. It is a fare thing indeed tor students to present so difficult a program as was given on this occasion, many of the pieces calling for such skill as is usually found in virtuosi. The O. A. C. orchestra began the entertainment by playing in a highly spirited manner "My Native Hills," a splendid. over ture. The students then perform ed in turn, many playing from memory long and difficult bravura selections. Miss Ranney and Miss Spoat exhibited good technic aud expression at the piano, while Mr. Harry Kerker and Master Max Miller both proved them selves equal to the technical re quirements of their numbers. Mr. Kerker' s high notes and harmo nics on the violin were fine, while Master Miller's number brought forth so much applause that he responded with a highly effective bow. Miss Verna Kerker, a very promising violinist, played a Gip sy Dance by Mr. Turney. The composition speaks for itself. The performance of it showed abandon and interpretation not often found in violinists, whilst at the same time the execution was flawless. Miss Agness Love gave the emotional and severly classic pianoforte, "Scherzo" by Brahms, and it is a matter of no small compliment to the audience that a number requiring so much culture can be given in a town of this size, and received as it was, so heartily. This recital was oi more than ordinary interests since it was the graduating exercises of the music department, Mr. Frank A. White being the first to receive a diploma from the O. A. C. School of Music. That he de served it no one in the audience doubted after hearing him play the Star Spangled Banner in such a masterly manner. The last number on the pro gram was the very difficult and brilliant "Valse Caprice" by Ru binstein, a piece seldom played on account of the extraordinary development of the arms, hands arid fingers that it requires. His playing of the composition would rank him as a most excellent pianist before any critical audi ence. He responded to a stormy encore with the Beethoven Ada gio. Op 13, bringing out the mel ody with so much feeling and with such a beautiful singing tone. Mx. White is a pupil of Mordaunt A..Goodnough in piano, harmony and musical history and of Ruthyn Turney in theory. ' " Gopher Exterminator. Corvallis Wins From Eugene. - . In the field meet last Saturday at Eugene between U. of O. and O. A. C. there was nothing to it but Corvallis. For the first time in many years the local team ap plied a drubbing to Mr. Hay ward's lads that will long be re remembered. Of course, the U. of O. men were out of form. Most teams are when they meet deteat. Of- the thirteen events O. A. C. captured eleven first and eight second places while the little bunch or first handed to Eugene numbered two, with five second places to their credit. Perkins of Eugene, was ex pected to win the half-mile with ease, bat Greenhaw of O. A. C. finished first with Perkins second. As . expected, Williams and Smithson had everything their own way ' in the dashes, and easily won both first and second places in the events in which they were both entered. Wil liams added new laurels to his string by running the ioo-yard dash in io-flat. This is only the second year of this sprinter and in every meet he lowers some of his previous records. It will be a good long time .before any college or university in the state can put out such a runner as Williams. Smithson, who is only a freshmen, is already num bered as one of the best sprinters in Oregon, and next year some fine work on the track will be done by him. E. R. Thompson, ot Carson Cit, Nevada, was in Corvallis Friday. Mr. Thompson is known ' in the state in which he lives as the man who . exterminated the alfalfa gopher. These little pests became so troublesome a fewj years ago that the United States took up. the matter and spent a i large sum employing scientists j to investigate and provide aj means of protecting the farmers I against their ravages. , i Mr. Thompson, a farmer, was'! experimenting with one thing and another when he finally hit upon phosphoric acid. It worked so pertectly that where the prep aration was placed the ground was literallv coveied with ueal gophers. Wheat was thorough soaked aud a very small quantity mixed therewith. It was neces sary to do this at night as the rays of the sun would set it on fire, also it had to be mixed very quickly as the affinity ot this acid for water would also cause it to bum. .' The mixed wheat i was scattered about the ground at night and the next morning the result was as aforesaid. Mr. Thompson said that although he offered men $20 a day to assist him in his factory he had to do the work all alone. The farmers were so afraid to handle the prep aration that on one occasion a farmer who was taking some home biought two wagons fas tened together about 50 feet apart. He rode in the front one and placed the poison in the one be hind. He also said that a sure preventive for phosphoric burns was gold dust. Mr. Thompson said that the same scheme applied to this state would effectually rid it of ground squirrels. Baptism Ceremony. The Seventh Day Adventista wound up their ten days camp meeting with a baptism service in the cold waters of the Willamette river, on Sundav afternoon. The ceremony took place near the saw mill, ine weather was cold, with the prospect of rain at the time. Some 200 people gathered at the river, and cloaelv watched th nrn- ceedinss. The names and residences cj I of the candidates are as follows: J. A. Adams. Mnnt.ftvilln. Or. jas. E. Durham, Corvallis, Geo. E. ilnapp, Uorvalhs, O. L. Nash, Laurel. Ore . . RalDh Rodeera. Trout- dale, Clifford Swope, Portland, E. j. Umtwood, Unitwood, Ore., Mrs. Daisy Hansen, Sighere, Ore., Miss Carrie Dav. Toledo. Ore. 'Arthur Hitchman, Manitas, .Mies Annie Davole, Oakland, Ore., Miss Ethel Beal. Siehers. Ore.. Miss Edith Earl, Dayton, Miss Ethel Rodgers, xroutaaie, Mrs. Liiiiian Culver, Cor vallis, Mrs. Sadie Smith, Albany. Sunday School Convention. The Sunday School Convention for Benton county was held in the First Congregational church in Cor vallis, June 2, 3 and 4. The convention opened Thursday at 2.30 p. m. with devotional ser vices led by the vice president, H. A. Deck, followed by an address of welcome by Miss Etta Fuller, of Corvallis, and a response by Prof. Sheak, of Philomath. REDUCED EXCURSION RATES. From S. P. and C. & E. Points to the Seaside and Mountain Re sorts for the Summer. On and after Jane 1, 1904, the South ern Pacific in connection with the Corval lis & Eastern railroad, 'will have on pale round trip tickets from points along their line to Newport, Yaquina and Detroit at greatlv reduced rates, pood for return un til October 10, 1904. Three-day tickets to Newport and Ya quina, good going Saturday and return ing Mondays are also on sale from all East Side points, Portland to Eugene in clusive, and from all West Side points, enabling people to visit their families and spend Sunday at the Seaside. Season tickets from all East Side points, Portland to Eugene inclusive, and from all West Side points, are also on sale to Detroit at very low rates, with stop-over privileges at Mill City or any point East, enabling tourists to visit the Santiam and Braitenbush hot springs in the Cas cade mountains which can be reached in one day. Season tickets will be good for return from all points until October 10. Three day tickets will be good going on Satur. days and returning Mondays only. Tickets from Portland and vicinity will be good for return via the East or West Side at option of passenger. Tickets from Eu gene and vicinity will be good going via the Lebanon-Springfield branch if desir ed. Baggage on Newport tickets checked through to Newport; on Yaquina tickets to Yaquina only. Southern Pacific trains connect with the C. & E. at Albany and Corvallis for Yaquina and Newport. Trains on the C. & E. for Detroit will leave Albany at 7 a. m., enabling tourists to the hot springs to reach there the same day. Full information as to rates with beau tifully illustrated booklet of Yaquina bay and vicinity, timetables, etc., can be ob tained on application to Edwin Stone, nanager O. & E. railroad, Albany ; W. E." Coman, G. P. A., Southern Pacific company, Portland, or any S. P. or C. & E agent. "Bate from Corvallis to Newport $3.75. Rate from Corvallis to Yaquina $3.25. Bate from Corvallis to Detroit $3.25. Three-day rate from Corvallis to New port $2.50. . GENERAL BLACKSMITHS, WAGON and HACKMAUERS. One floor North Far mens Hotel J. E. MILLINERY, MERCILVXDISE, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, . PRODUCE BOUGHT anu SOIJ. Philomath, Or. FURNITURE Musical instruments Bedroom Suites Springs Mattresses Tables Chairs Bamboo Furniture BLACKLEDGE Sewing Machines Sideboards Go Carts Wall Paper Rockers Shades Poles South Main St., Corvallis MUSIC STORE TA I hereby extend to my old friends and customers a cordial invitation to call and see me in my new stand. A new and attractive line of fine woolens just received. Pressing and repairing neatly done. Prices to suit. Give us a call. R. C. GRAVEN, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. FREE BUS FREE SAMPLE ROOM OCCIDENTAL HOTEL H. M. BRUNK, Prop. X A Leading hotel in Corvallis. Newly furnished with modern convenien ces. Rates $1, $1.25"and $2 per day. Q D Q Q Q Q ALSEA CHEESE is known everywhere for purity, flavor and richness. A trial will convince vou . J. H. DORSEY- Algea Dairy Co, HATHAWAY BROS., OPPOSITE R. M. WADE'S. SOUTH MAIN ST., CORVALLIS. Carriage Building Hacks for sale Horseshoeing General Blacksmithing Benton County Cumber Company, MANUFACTURERS OE JAll kinds of Fir Lumber X Dealers in Shingles, Mouldings, Doors and Windows. Special at tention given bills in car-load lots. Philomath $ : : Oregon. Bring your Job Work to the Gazette Office. We want the work you particular about.