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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1904)
41 S Woodcock ft CORVA JLIS ETTJ H A Coryallis, Benton County, Oregon, Tuesday, June lO, 1904. Vol. XLI. 0 FFICIAL BALLOT FOR BEN ION COUNTY IN MONDAY'S CONTEST G. W. Denman Pulls the Largest Majority in the Race for Superintendent TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES POLLED WAS 1984 PORTLAND'S VOTE. Republicans Win in Multnomah County by Large Majority. NAME OF CANDIDATE For Congress Bintrer Hermann, Republican R. M. Veateh, Democratic H. Gould. Prohibition B F. ltamp, Socialist For Justice of Supreme Court. Frank A Moore, Rep Thomas 'fav, Dem C J Bright. Pro C C Mikkelsen. Soc , For Oregon Dairy & Food Commissioner J W Kailey, Ken S M Douglas", Hem.. Ira W Berry, Pro N Rasmussen, Soc For Circuit Jutiue 2nd Judicial Disi E O Potter. Kep J W Hamiiton, Dom For Pros Atty - 2ml Judicial Dit Geo M Brown, Rep For State Senator W K Yates, Hep P Avery, Dem Edward F Green, Pro For Representative V A Carter, Rep B E Kmerick, Pro For Sheriff J M Cameron, Rep. M P Burnett, Dem Samuel H Moore, Pro For County Clerk Rieliurd Scott, Rep Victor P Moses, !em Ernest F Bryant. Pro For Recorder of Conveyances T T Vincent. Rep Horace W Locko. Dem Henry C Horton, Pro For Treasurer W P Laffirty, Rep V A Buchanan, Dem , Geo Bennett, Pro For Assessor Geo VV Cooper, Rep T H Davis, Dem Elmer H'ertzhaugher, Pro For School Suerintendent Geo W Denman, Kep S I Pratt, Independent-Pern For Surveyor T L Read, Rep T A Jones, Dem Stanley O Wat-kins, Pro For Coroner S N Wilkms Rep O J Blackledge, Dem For 'tnmisirmer L H Hawlev. Rep Peter Rickard, Dem A W Herbert, Pro For Justice Peace E.Holgate, Dem-Rep For Constable V A Vidito, Rep For Local Option Liquor Law Yea No For Direct Primary Horn Elections Law Yes No Office of State Printer Amendment Yes No 2 x a s. i' o o o I- to w I 113 SMS $18 70 30 46 41 55 53 20 122 24 84 26 65 945 200 62 m 65 53 37 66 72 42 51 17 8 20 46 13 32 745 17 14 12 9 1 2 5 3 .. 62 1 6 1 1 138 11 8 7 5 8 5 1 2 4 1 10 12 1 .. 11 76 .... 122 99 91 70 33 49 33 55 49 20 127 24 91 26 67 938 257 56 65 47 36 60 72 42 48 15 87 21 43 15 31 701 14 17 15 . 8 4 5 6 5 1 58 1 1 4 139 .... 10 6 .... 7 6 3 .... 2 8 1 9 1 1 .. 9 72 105 92 89 66 33 43 37 44 46 18 116 20 85 26 62 882 285 48 51 5ti 38 31 51 67 37 45 9 77 13 37 9 28 597 12 8 .. . 4 " .. 2 9 5 1 60 1 4 125 8 7 .... 6 5 3 2 2 3 2 8 3 1 .. 9 69 107 91 87 64 30 74 ' 36 53 52 1J 131 24 87 23 59 899 92 91 91 76 45 42 81 5a 56 23 138 20 53 17 45 oO 51 91 106 112 81 49 71 61 59 59 22 130 20 87 14 76 1076 1076 99 !)2 82 65 28 39 37 53 53 13 91 23 83 28 52 838 91 77 85 65 47 52 7tS 51 48 21 131 24 51 12 56 897 59 H 16 8 2 7 2 5 5 3 70 2 4 1 8 156 130 130 85 96 63 74 49 63 63 22 134 37 r,8 34 96 1238 32 82 25 6 39 25 18 23 .. 115 3 12 4 12 374 74 7 77 50 21 40 35 55 S5 20 105 17. 81 27 64 779 lift 118 99 8'J 55 78 83 48 7u 18 141 30 56 14. 47 1048 269 9 6 .... 3 1 .... 2 3 .. 52 1 1 .. 2- 86 99 105 92 79 -8 5 34 52 36 15 113 14 94 32 63 921 H!) 77 85 57 50 0D 84 51 72 22 143 33 44 10 47 929 8 5 14 5 1 2 2 1 1 42 1 5 7J .... 121 110 99 85 32 60 48 69 CO 24 145 23 oq 25 76 1070 337 77 67 68 51 in . 54 65 32 47 14 lo4 22 45 j5 32 733 6 9 .... 4 1 3 2 2 .. 47 I 1 5 81 82 83 76 58 30 30 27 47 71 14 90 29 77 23 61 760 110 97 90 79 47 3 85 52 37 20 141 19 59 15 47 1030 270. u . 7 .... 4 1 2 2 6 4 1 59 1 2 .. 6 100 99 7! 74 56 28 39 36 50 4S 17 106 38 83 "6 65 814 79 9ft 87 70 44 6 ' 76 46 53 18 134 28 51 12 39 898 .... 10 9 .... 4 -- 4 -- 4 4 .. 53 1 7 109 .... 1"4 121 117 76 53 59 59 69 73 7 125 32 w0 33 91 1158 551 55 53 55 53 18 49 47 28 23 9 159 U 28 4 16 608 92 74 69 50 29 40 31 51 35 17 117 IS j,8 24 61 796 89 89 91 76 42 79 47 6L 18 107 27 45 14 42 86 90 8 10 .... & 1 2 1 6 4 1 e5 1 1 .. 6 123 97 91 99 60 34 47 41 54 52 21 156 22 g, g 68 930 108 83 80 45 69 85 60 68 44 47 22 110 22 63 10 3j 822 89 84 79 70 27 29 29 46 44 26 123 2? 80 " 26 61 85 .... 78 81 84 57 42 2 80 48 55 22 112 24 63 12 43 870 45 2 1 2 .... 3 1 58 1 124 ..... .. 536 .. 434 118 113 103 74 41 61 60 39 75 10 20ft 15 78 9 50 1055 381 69 67 72 53 21 42 44 29 20 e7 . 45 25 55 675 104 93 99 75 37 j 53 43 52 9 jfi0 . 28 47 15 C6 932 426 41 59 45 30 14 38 34 19 35 i8 70 5 52 18 2S 506 114 103 192 55 34 53 51 43 $2 13 180 . 28 44 19 57 1010 709 J5 - 31 104 21 13 20 20 19 4 12 29 5 2 10 I 17 784 , The vote in Multnomah coun ty on Monday was on the unex pected order, and was almost un precedented on the si ate and congressional tickets, while the county ticket, as well asthe leg islative were won by exceedingly large majorities. . The principal fight and the one that commanded the most atten tion in the city was the contest for sheriff, for which there was one Democratic and three Republi can candidates. Most people had become so disgusted with the tac tics of Storey, the bolter and Bird, the perpetual candidates that they united on Tom Word, ' a Demo crat, but in all other resptcts a mighty good fellow. Tom was dol ol the commercial travlers we have traveled some rough and rugged roads with him ourselves and won by a good majority. . In addition to this, two others of the Republican, candidates were de feated, the balance winning from 5000 to 10,000 majority. The Hue inwardness ot the fight that won for Wood and Dist. Atty. Manning mtist be written later. The Oregonian sums it up as fol lows: "The church people, the min isterial association and the- strict Sabbath keepers voted for Wood and Manning, because they thought they would shut up the gambling houses and saloons, while the gambling element, liquor dealers, dive , keepers and toughs voted for them because they knew they would not. These reformers are "easy" marks. . Miners Blown to Death. Cripple Creek, Colo., June 6. A concealed assasin, by mere ly pulling a wire, exploded an in 'fernal machine, thereby instantly killing 12 miuers and severely wounding 1 1 others, one of whom has since died, at Independence today. All the killed and in jured, with the exception of two men fiotn the Dead wood mine, were nonunion miners employed on the night shift of the Findley mine. The men had quit work at 2 a. m., and were waiting to board the suburban train ou the Flor ence & Cripple Creek Railroad aud return to their homes in Cripple Creek and Victor. Just after the engineer of the ap proaching train blew his whistle as a signal to miners, according to custom, a terrific explosion occurred underneath the platform on and near which 26 men were gathered. The platform was blown to splinters, the depot was wrecked, and a hole 20 feet in, and about as many feet in depth, was torn in the ground. Fragments of bodies were hurl ed through space for several hun dred feet, and later were picked up still quivering. Some ot the bodies dropped into the Dit made by the explosion, but heads, hands, ears, legs, arms and trunks were strewn about ou all sides. Pieces of flesh were found on buildings 500 feet away, and blood stained everything for a radius of 50 feet. The infernal machine with which the diabolical work was done consisted of a quantity of dynamite estimated at 150 to 300 pounds; a loaded revolver and a long trigger. steel wire attached to the The revolver was fast ened so that the pulling of the trigger would not draw it away. The wire ran from under the de pot to the cribbing of the Del lnonico property, about 400 feet away, where its end was fastened to the rung of a chair. The dy namite was placed close to the muzzle of the revolver which was discharged by pulling the wire when the engineer blew the whis tle. The ball from the revolver exploded the dynamite. Oregonian. Change in Pension Ratings. rulings a long beginning to perform manual labor. This order shall take effect April 13, IQ04, and shall not be deemed retractive. The former rules of the office fixing the min imum and maximum at 65 and 75 years respectively are hereby modified as above. Horse Racing at State Fair. The attention of old soldiers of the Rebellion is called to the fol lowing change in the pension rat ings, which will place many who have never before made applica tion on the pension roils. Commissioner of Pensions Ware with the approval ot Secretary Hitchcock has promulgated the most important pension that has been issued in time. It directs that April 13U1 next, 11 tnere is 110 contrary evidence and all other! legal requirements have been met, j claimants tor pensions under tne general act of June 27, 1S90, who are over 62 years of age, shall be considered as disabled one-half in ability to perform manual labor and shall be entitled to $6 a month; over 65 years to $S, over 6S to $10; and over 70 years to $12; the usual allowance at higher rates continuing for dis abilities other than age. "Allowance at a higher rate, not exceeding $12 per month, will continue to be made, as hereto fore, where disabilites other than age show a condition of inability Preparations are going forward for the next State Fair to be held iri Salem September 12 to 19th. One of the striking features of the exposition this year will be racing. Not in the history of the association have such large purses been offered for the saddle and harness events as will be given away this season. Between $12, 000 and $15,000 will be given away for the racing events alone. A purse of $2,000 has been offer ed for the 2:15 pace, while the same amount has been offered for the 2:17 trot. In the first event there have been 31 entries, and in the latter 18. As usual, the appropriation of $10,000 from the state will be dis tributed in prizes for the agricul tural department. The feature of this department will be the competition for the best displhy from the various counties. For this prize $1, 300 has been offered. - State Ticket. The -Republicans won in the state and congressional contest by an average - majority of about 20,000. Hermann, n this dis trict going back to congress by over 7,000, while Williams on the first received over 12,000 ma jority. Frank A. Moore for supreme court justice, wins out by a majority of over 6000, while Food and Dairy Commissioner J. W. Bailey will get as many votes, if not a few more. Up to the present writing the question of local . option is unde cided, with the chances in its favor. The votes in the country are generally in favor of the measure, while the cities vote against it. AH the Way by Land. A company has been formed, all the details of the plan have been worked out for the building ot a tunnel under the Bnglish Channel from Eagland to France, and in a very short time actual work on this unique tunnel will be strated,to be finished, it is hoped, in two years. A French company will furnish the capital, and per form the labor. One of the most cowardly des- spicable boycotts that has ever been our lot to hear of is that placed on the handiwork ot the blind broom-makers of Oakland, California by the Labor Unions of that state. This cruel, heart less act should bring the blush of shame to the cheek of every union man. When organized la bor finds it necessary to hurl its immense strength and influence against the product of a few blind artisans, whose only hope is to keep themselves out of the alms house, then, indeed, have affairs come to a prettv pass in this great country. We re-echo the blind people's appeal that hu manity should take cognizance of of their helplessness, and patron ize their wares. At the election in June, 1903, Congressman Hermann was elect ed by a plurality of 2271. In 1904, after a malevolent and un justifiable campaign of vitupera tion and abuse by the combined Democratic press, his plurality reached 8,000. Truly the Demo cratic newspaper is a power in the land. The principal contest in ' the national Democratic camp now is as to who shall be the corpse. Hearst poses as the "livliest" while Parker claims the cake on the plea of being the "dearest." Williain Jennings Bryau is already practicing on the funeral sermon. i Spring Announcement WASH GOODS New Percales and Calicos New Ginghams and Chambrays ' New Challies and Cotton Suitings New White Waistings newDre$$$Kirt$and$ftirmai$t$ WOOL DRESS GOODS New Mixed Suitings New Scotch Weaves New Etamine and Voiles New Mohairs, Plain and Figured v New Black Dress Goods. NOVELTIES New Buttons New Waist Sets New Trimmings New Ornaments New Stock Collars A New Laces New Ribbons newBosferyanUnderwear DOMESTICS New Table Linen and Napkins , . iew ivtusims ana sneetmgs New Towels and Towling New Curtains and Scrims i I L miller. Hie want ; your prcaucc; Q FURNITURE! IRON BEDS Lizi WINDOW SHADES SCREENS, 'STOVES, TINWARE, ETC. CORVALLIS, OREGON. WE FURNISH YOUR HOUSE FROM CELLAR TO GARRET. MATTING WALL PAPER 9r a o ST I 1 i I J1: Will deliver ice every day from 7 to 11 o'clock. Sm all orders must fce in by 8 o'cteck Grape, Berry and all Kinds of Fruit Shipping BOXES Dressed and Finishing Lumber, Doors, Windows, Mouldings! AT LOWEST PRICES GORVALLIS SAWMILL CO, E W, STRONG, Pres,, Corvallis, Ore, ADAMS BROS., aSSI Will furnish estimates on anything in the building line. All kinds of picket and woven fence to order. South Main St., Corvallis.