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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1903)
THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE, FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1903. BE IT REMEMBERED. Mr. Realties says congress has power to control the trii&t-'. He should have explained thai it was reserved for a republican presi dent to insist in unequivocal terms that congress exercise that power. For years the democratic party has demanded that trusts and corporations should be controlled. When it had control oi both the legislative and executive branches of government it made no real attempt to institute any measure of control. When such meam s attempted by the republi can party they were opposed by dtmocrats as an u usurpation of power belonging only to the sev eral states. The wicked trusts . and corporations had been brought into existence through the operation of state laws. Their rights, privileges and pow ers were defined and protected by the charter granted to them by state Jaws, and the federal government could not touch them unless the national constitution were first amended. The demo cratic party, always the party of ultra state -rights, invoked the ghost of the dead doctrine and sent it jabbering through the halls of congress. The party press repeated the fearful mutter- iags with many a dark innuendo and really succeeded in frighten ing not a few well meaning men into accepting federal control of trusts as an assault upon state rights. .The Sherman anti-trust law was by this means, made inade ouate to exercise control before it was "permitted to be enacted It was given out that congress had exhausted its constitutional power and could do nothing fur ther. In spite of the weakness and possible treachery of a few republicans, the great republican party has ever been honest in its purpose to control harmful trust?. Its accredited leaders and hun- 4 dreds of i's rank and file believ ed efficient control without con stitutional amendment lay in th power of congress. A president confirmed in thfe . view by the opinion of ris attor ns v-seneral. called for amended legislation. He is now execut ing the laws. It is no longer an open question. Congress has power to control the trusts. Kven'so tenacious a stales rights democrat as Mr. Reames now ad mits this and would fain pass it off as a democratic discovery. It will not be accepted. The democratic party wedded to the corpse of state rights and insti gated by a spirit of unreasoning opposition to republican measures has long and persistently stood in the way of federal control o the mighty corporations we des ignate as trusts. All those measures and poli cies which so-certainly have ad- ; vanced our national greatness, have given us amazing material and industrial development and brought us unexampled prosper ity were sulienly and persistently opposed by the democratic party. This is history. Many of the most beneficient of those meas' ures and policies would be re " versed, set aside, destroyed were that party again in power. This would be history repeating itself. Yet Mr. Reames, a democrat, a good democrat in perfect accord with his parly, saturated with its spirit of negation, obstruction and blind partisanship would have us believe he is better fitted far usefulness in congress than Mr. Hermann is, notwithstand ing the latter's most valuable ex perience and approved fitness Republicans, and we believe not a lew democrats, will refuse to take Mr. Reames at his own self estimate. . WHERE MR. JONGUE STOOD. Since the democratic candidate for congress from this district is quoting from the tariff speeches ot the late Congressman Tongue, it is due the dead representative, who in life was ever a staunch and ardent supporter of the poli cies espoused by the republican party, to recall his utterances in a speech made" in congress just one year ago today. In conclud ing that address, pronounced by the press of the country to be one of the ablest delivered during the last session of congress, Mr. Tongue said in part: "In a few weeks there is to be an elec tion in the state of Oregon, a state whose entire business welfare is interwoven with and dependent npon the prosperity" of the agricultural and live-stock- iuter terests The contest is between the re publican and democratic parties What ' 8 it yon ask of the voter who contain - plates voting the democratic ticket and supporting the democratic policies? You are not content with asking him to ioia with you in an effort to tear down the flag where it has been ercted upon American territory by the courage of American soldiers. 'Rut you also aek the voters of that state to deliberately deal a deadly blow to their own business interrsts and to tttand by a id support that political party which openly threatens to despoil thetn of I heir share oi that prosperity which, under republican laws, administered by repub lican administrations, is now enjoyed by all classes of the people in all sections of our coimnan country, ' "Against this threatened democratic attacK upon the business Interests and prosperity of the most numerous and in duelrlous class ot our cltfecns, (the farmers) th republican party stands for the equal and fair protection of every WUimatd American industry and the business prosperity of all classes of the Amcrtcau people. , - - -'Vcr the vindication of these princi ples, faithfully embodied into laws, pass ed by republican congress, and adminis tered by republican presidents, I submit for the consideration and judgment of the American people, with their own memoiics and observations as witnesses, the widespread and universal prosperity of 1902 against the equally widespread and universal calamity of 18g5. These conditions, not theories, have been wit nessed, experienced, suffered, and are known, by all ef us. Lord, God of hosts, be with ns yet, Lest we forget, lest we forget."" Will be No Walk-Over. Lovers of athletic sports are promised an exciting program of events when the teams from Pacific university and O A C meeteu agricultural field this af ternoon. The visitors defeated the farmers in the meet held here last year, and a comparison of the records made by the athletes in each- team this season shows that they are very evenly matched. P. U. is strong in every event. In the contests against McMinn ville and Dallas the local team has had no opposition in the weights, and virtually had a handicap of 24 points, but it will be different this afternoon. Bar net, Pacific's weightvman, threw the hammer 105 feet, the discus 95 fe t, and put the 5 hot 35 feet 9 inches in the meet with McMinnville last week. . And Moores and Williams will have to hurry if they finish ia iront of Peterson in the sprints. ; The p.ames begin proiup'ly at 3 o'clock p.'iri. The cadet band will furnish music for the occa sion. 04r ClMbbiBSf List. Suoacribet-g to the CMIVALMS UAKiiTTK can obtain the f Uowiiijr awr in cuu.liiutti.n sub scriptions with the UAZK'ITK, at the very lo prices m:ikhi ueloH ; c-asli 1:1 unce aiways u ao con panv the order. Those wUhino- two or more publications named with the OAZKTTE, will please correspond with this ollieo and we will quote you trie price, wecan save you money on ueariy au publications you uesire. The abbreviations below are exDlained as follows: W. 01 weekly; S W for semi-weekly; T W, for tri- wecKiy; m, lor montnty; s M, lor semi uonthly. The first price represents the subscription rate of the publication alone, and the second the rate for the publication offered in conjunction with the semi-weekly QAZKTTK. Oregon Agriculturist and Rural Northwest, Port- lanu, w., b.w., do cents; l.iju. Oregonian, Portland, Or., W., J1.60; 2.56. Rural Spirit, Portland, Or., Contains a live-stock mantes report, w., 2.W; 2.55. Pacific Christian -Advocate Por land. Or., W. $2.00. 3.05. The Thrice-a-Wcck $1.00; 2.20. World, New Toik, T. W., Homestead, Des Moines, Iowa, A thorough Btock aiui laru journal, yv., fi.uu; z.30. The Republic, St. Louis, Mo S. W., $1.00; 2.05. The American Farmer, Indianapolis. Ind., Live block, iarm anu poultry journal,. M., 50 cents; l.Uo. Boston Cooking School Magazine, Bi-M., 50 cents; .w. . . Young People's Weekly, Chicago, 111., W., 60 cents Cincinnati Inquirer, Cincinnati, W., $1.C0; 2 05. The Fruit Growers' Journal, Cotden , I1L, JL, ov rents; (a. 43. t Farm, Field end Fireside, Chieago, 111., W., $1.00; St. Louis Globe-Democrat, St. Louis, his no riva as great modern newspaper, T. W , $1.00; 2.15. The Weekly Inter-Ocean, Chicago, Vi., $1.00; 1.90. The Cosmopolitan Magazine, New York. M.. and Atlas of the World, bound in cloth, 60 pages of uuesfc maps; 9 i z.50. The Outing .Magazine, New York, M., $3,00; 3.80. Pacific Homestead, Salem, Or. W..J1.00; 2.30. 1 Table Talk, Philadelphia, M., $1.00; 2.15. American Homes. Knoxville. Tenn.. M.. 81.00: Z.8U. MeClure's Magazine, New York, M., $1.00; 2.40. -Twice-a-Week Courier Journal, Louisville, Ky., one of the best papers from the great South. T. W.. 551.. w; 2.u "Dairy Fortunes," a neat, well written book of ZU4 pases on all Questions concert. lne- dKirvinir. feeds and feeding, the constituent properties of all kinds of feed; 39 combinations forming well balanced ratious for dairv cows. Everv dairyman should have-it. Price with the Corvallis Gazcttk one year, $2.50. . Farm and Fireside. Springfield. Ohio. S. W. 60 cents; 1.75. Women Home Comi anion SnriiiL'nlil filiin Lippincott's Msgazine, Philadelphia, Pa., M., $2.50; 3.25. Evv Month fMusic. Kono- and TKnwY NV Vnrlr M.,$1.00; $2.15. " The Century Magazine, New York, II., $1.00; 6.05. Hoard s Dairvman. Fort Atkinson Wia Th ucoi, maw up-waatc aairy journal in tne world, W., A.W, 2.0U. ' Oregon PouItr Journal. Salem Or . M. so cents; 1.80. ...... . ; The Desiamer. New York. Standard Fashion. Xf .. $L00; 2.35. . Pocket Atlas of the World. 381 liaces. containini, Colored mans of all the Mr tfa an.l territorina in t.ho United States, the province of the dominion of Canada, and of every country and civil division on the face of the elobe. Also valuable statistical In formation about . each state and connty, giving the population of every large city in the wor f asides other valuable information. A handy rciercnce work for every person: with Corvallis G ktt one year, 2.00. We sell the erea'est cf Mond nnrtfiprn Acker's Blood JEhxer, under a positive guarantee. It will cure all chronic and other blood poisons. If you have erup tions or sores on your body, or are pale, weak or run down, it is just wliat vou need, .We refund money if von am nt satisfied. 50 cents and $1. A leu & Woodward, druggists. to cure a Cold in one day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druff- fci-os refuul the money if it faiU to cure box. 2.j J. W. Oroves signature is on each For Sale. Full bred Jersey heifers calf;, also one and two end G months old heifers. Also bulls tired by Grand Coin, an imported Jersey bull. Address, M. fc5. Woodcock. -' - Corvallis, Or. eltlf of I'olico. I hereby announce vself as a candi date for the office o chief of police "of Oorvallis at the election . " be held May 18, i903, .V. G. Lase. Oorvallis, 14, 1&03 G!n Wasted l?OP gPncial housework i Mns Si 0. K.UTiKcii. Cot. 4th and ilatrison. Go to A. Hodes for Natuie's Health Restorer. . The best Rheu matic and Blood Purifier in the world. M. Ii. Adamf, agent THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD. The greatest farm paper of the Northwest. Published weekly at Salem, Oregon. Edited by the farmers of the North west. Twenty pages, illustrated. A western paper for western neonle. 62 papers for $1.00. Publi cation began March 1, 1900. Now has 0,200 sub scribers. Phenoniinal growth is due to its being the best farm paper published.- You should read it. We will send Vou the homestead and corvallis gazette for 1 year, to one subscriber, for $2.25. . Notice to Creditors. Having ben duly appointed adminis trator of tbe estate of JoBeph Park, de ceased, who died in Benton County, Oregon, I hereby notify any and all per sons having claims against said estate to present the same to me with the proper vouchers, as required by nw, at my resi dence one mile east of Philomath, within six months from the. date of this notice. Joseph A.Park, Administrator. Dated Apiil 3, I9O3. For Chief of Police. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of chief of police of Corvallis at the election to be held May 18, J903. -Sam King Corvallis, April 1, 1903. ;: rhe First National Bank OF CORVALLIS, OREGON. ESTABLISHED 1890. OFFICERS & DIRECTORS M. S. WOODCOCK, President.. C. E. MOOR, Vice-President. WALTER T. WILES, Cashier. GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier. E. F, WILES, Corvallis, Oregon. Loans Made On all kinds of approved security, and especially to encourage and build up tbe legitimate bus). pess enterprises and industries of this country. : : Deposits T Received subject to check payable on demand . oreiga Exchange- - Sight exchang-tf and transfers sold available in the principal cities of England, Ireland, Switzer- laua, France, Belgium. Holland, Norway, sweet en, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Geo maay, Austria. ' Letters of Credit . Issued available in the principal cities or tke unuea btaies. . . PnctoLl Correspondents Upon Whom Wt Sell bight Exchange . J rw commercial National Bank of Chicago. The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon. The Bank of California, San Francisco, Calif. Anglo-Californian Bank, San Francisco, Caiif. The National City Bank New York. The Bank of New York National Banking Ass'n Importers &Trader's NatioalBank, New York Shoo and Leather National Bank of Boston, Mass Philadelohia National Baukot f niladelpkia. Fa lACKBRAUGflT Constl'nat.inTl ia TlAftiinr, mravl , i than a cfoesriiior of the howels and nothinfflesa than vital atatr- nation or death if not relieved. It every constipated sufferer could realize that he is allowing poisonous filth to remain in his system, he would soon get relief. Constipation invites all kind, of contagion. Headaches, bilious ness, colds and many other ail ments disappear when consti pated boweis are relieved. Thed tord's Black-Draught thoroughly cleans but the bowels in an easy ' and natural manner without the purging of calomel or other vio lent cathartics. Be sure that you get the origi nal Thedford'a BlapKDranfrKt made by The Chattanooga Jledi cine Co. Sold by all druggists in 25 cent and $1.00 packages. Morgan, Ark., Jfay 25, 11)01. I cannct recommend Titedford's Black Draaght too highly. 1 keep it In mr house . -all the time and have used It for the last 1 never arava mr rMlilm ny other laxaUre. 1 think I could nerer ue auto lo worK Without It oa account of being troubled with constipation. Tour medicine Is all that keeps me np. C B. McFABLAJO. WmBU For Police Judge. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of polica judge of the city of Corvallis at the election to be held May 18, 1903. E. P. Gbeffo.z For Treasurer." . I hereby announce myself a candidate for tha office of treasurer of the city of Corvallis at the election to be held May S, i03. VViluam McLaqan. ta ten years. 1 ... fe p loneer Fresh bread daily. A complete nuts kept caustantly ou hand. , Smokers supplier " a specialty. : Jr Cohfectionery H. W. HALL, Proprietor. THAT "RED OX" ARRIVED We have placed in our clothing window a Red Box ' which contains THIRTY DOLLARS. We will ; give a key to this box free with every $2 00 cash pur chase. . Only two keys will unlock the, hox. Yours may be one of them. When keys have all been given out you may try your keys. The first key to unlock - the box takes $20.00. . Tbe second key to unlock the box takes $10.00. Don't lose the tag, as no key will be tried unless the tag is attached. 'We do not know which kev opens'the box. " Come and examine our V NEW SPRING STOCK of HIGH GRADE MER CHANDISE, make your purchases and get your keys. We will sell GOOD GOODS as low as any house in Oregon. - glLI..)W8MBMawSMWiPim r-rrr. . i - TT ii - n h.....-, . -..,i-. -r. rn-ri i i i ur no Gk tc -ifl Bigi Shows WILL EXHIBIT T1JDEK THEIR ENORMOUS WATERPROOF TENTS, WHICH WILT, - '.' BE LOCATED OPPOSITE DEPOT, CORVALLIS, ' SATURDAY, MAY 16th. : Perforttiances at 2 and 8 p. m. - ...Monster New Spectacular Street Parade... 1 At 10s30 a. m.. . 500 Performing Atiiiiials 500 Cot sisting of Tr.une3 "Elephants, Buffaloes, Camels, Llamas, Lions, Pumap', Seals, Zebus, riea LionB,. -Monkeys, Ponies, Goats, Dogs, Etc. LILLIPUTIAN ROMAN HIPPODROME MILLION DOLLAR ZOOLOGICAL ANNEX 20-FUNNY CLOWNS 20 . Royal Matsuda Troupe of Japanese Performers. SENSATIONAL CYCLE WHIRL - and BICYCLE EXPERTS. Hazardous Wild Animal , Features. Marve'ous Acrobats, i r Aerialists. Tumblers. ' ' Contortionists. See tbe -Paby Camel 5 weeks old the , only one ever born on the coast. - nn in iiiii itTf mr. - v THE rN MAHCRSt.' Positively tlie Greatest Aggregation of Genuine Novelties in the World. PRICES? Adults 50cV Tdke Laxative Bromo Oinnme Tn&iSs Seven MSfflon boxej sold in past 12 Bakery I -ttoclc of candies, fnir I I i owes -Children' 25c To Core a Gold in One 0oy . J392 0 months. TtllS SXg&aturGy Notice of Election. electioo oi the tity ot orvaius wm oe held on Monday the i8th day of May. 1903, for the purpose of electing a mayor, chief of ' police, police judge, treasurer, two (2) counilmen from the first ward, two (2) councilmen from the second uard and one (1) councilman from the third ward. . The t'outirii t.auit-pr in lUc City Hall 11 ilit Bomliiuai -nriit r ot F-urtli wd Madiron sirre's l a len iieeignated as the pla e for .-hoMin -8id election. The polls llt ojh-u t 9 o'ffock a. m. and re main open until 6 oVkx'k u. m. of paid dav wuhoiit tlofintf The followin judtct-a and Heik wee appointed to con. duct laid elei t iont Judire'Calcli DhVIS. Joseph, jates and W. H. Curtia. ClerksW. B. Lacy and V. M. Smith. Given under my hard and Beal thta 14th day of April, 1903. E. P. Gbeffoz, Police Judge. Suffered Eleht Moftths. I ran heartily recommend Acker's Tab lets for dyspepsia and stomach troubles. I have been suffering for eight months and tried many remedies without anv re lief, until I got Acker's Dyspepsia Tab lets, wlucti 1 useil dIv a short time and am now perfectly well. Thanking vou for tbe ppeedy recovery. I am gratefully yours, Francis I. Gannor, Vancouver, VVasn. bend to VV. H. Hooker & Uo Buffalo, N. Y., for a free trial package (Nothing like them.) For Chief of Police. I hereby announce myself as a cand!. date for the office of chief of police of the city of Coryallis, subject to the will of the people at the city election, May 13, 1903. M. Gleason. Corvallis, April 16, 1903. Chief of Police. I hereby announce in) self as a candi date for the office of chief of police atthe city election to be held May 18, 19u3. J.M.Howabd. Coivallis, Oregon, April 14, 1903. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Orkoos City, Orbook, April 24, 1903. Notice U hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act ot Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lauds in the States of California, Oreiroj, Nevad. and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4,1892, PHILIP H. JOHNSON, of Monmouth.county of Polk, State of Oregon, has this dJiy filed in this office his sworn statement No. 6122, lor the purchase of the of S W 1-4, Of suction No. IS. in township No. 13 8, Kange No G Wet, and will offer p oof to show that the land sought is more valuub'e for its timber or stone than for agricultural puqKuex. and to establish his claim to taid land before the luniuty clerk of Bcutcn county, Oregon, at "orvaHit, Orecou, on Friday, the 21th day of July. 11103. . Ho names sti nitnesses: Chaj. Newnnn, Ina rale. rr'ii, Hinuu .Newman. Frcil Uubieruuri Frank Fisher, all of il.imiiouh, Oregon Any n.l all persons claiming adversely the above dcsciihoil lauds are requested to file the r i laiiniri this office in or before said 24tli da of Ju'y 1! J3. - LO iiKNoX S DKESSF.R, . . - -, Register. . .notice for Publication. . United States Land Office, ' Oiejfn tltv, Orejfon. I. :,n - Feb. 27. Iy3. j . N - .-n.hy jr -n "t! at in oofii,,uitnce itn tin- i i.r. vi- ( tl k :iia'of rXiiisrreeaoi 'June s, 1878; Vn. i.ti. ti An iu:t ior tt.e Kaie nf timber lands in the Nt.i'ti CaJifo- iiia, " itt n, Nevada, and WashinK S"Mr"lerriuirv." extended U: alt the I'ul.Hu u.ini Suites by aut f AiiTust 4. Cel. a M IHimis,! of Eugene, county of -Lane, Stale uf Oregon, hag this day filed in thisttt:ce her sworn statement No. 6035, for the purchase of tu Lots t. $, and of Section No. lit in Township No. 13 S, Range No. 6 W, and will oiler proof to 8lio.v that tbe uuiu aouirl is more valuable for its timber or Btoue than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this omce at Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday, the Zoth day of May, 1SW3. Sh6 names as witnesses: C. E. Loomis, of Eugene, Or. : J. R. Wiistauley, of saiem, ur ; naries isrumiieiu, oi rniiomatn, ur. neniamin . Ireland. Of ern. ur. ' Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe at-ove- aescrioea lanus are requested to nie their elanns iu tnis omce on or Defore baid zatn day of Alay, 1U03. . C1IA3. 11. AIuOKES, Register. IT'SJUST A COUGH that gets pour lungs eore and weak and paves ine n ay lor preumonia ana con- fiinnnt.inn - eir ltrttli - -Aplrpr'a. Rnuliial Remedv will stop (tie couh in a day and neai vour lunjjs. it win enre uonsump tion. Asihma. Broncliitis, and all throat and lung troubles. Positively guaran teed, anil money refunded it jou are not satienea. write to ns tor iree sample W. H. Hooker & Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby iven that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of uregon for the County of bentou adniuustraior ot the estate of Kusan II. Berry, deceased, and all perxons navn:g claims against aaia estate are Hereby required to present the san.e properly verilied as by law required, at the office of V. U. Herrv. at Peoria. Linn County, Oregon, r at the office of Yates & Kates, uo vauis, un-gon, witniu six uioutbs from tne aate nereoi. . - , lted this 4th day of May, 1903. U. G BERRY, Administrator of the estate of Susan M. Berry, deceased. Notice, for Publication. United States Land Office, : Oregon City, Oregon, March 3. I81U. Notice is hereby given that in comiiiance with the provisions of the a t of Ct njfrewi of June it, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the btates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Publ.v Land Btates by act f Auifuat 4, ' w, IDA A. SKINNEE. of McMinnville, county ot Hauitnu, state of Oregon, Has tnis aay meet 111 tins omce ner sworn stateniei.t KO. 6073, for the purchase of tne . JS. of Sec. No. 10. T. 11. S. K. 6 W.. and will offer proof to sh w that the laud sought is more valuable for its tiuitar or stone than for agricultural purjmses, and to es tablish her claim to said iaiti Deiore victor r M sea. clerk of Benton Co., Oregon, on Friday, the 26th day of June. 1903. She names as witnesses: Jay E Winegar. Clitrles W. Hoclire and Joun Aicute. br , 01 Corvallis, Ore gon. Andrew Ll'oiter of Korton. Any and ah persons claiming adversely the above- aescriDcu lands are requested to nie uieir claims in this omce on r before said Mh day of June, 1903. AJ11AS. 15. 41I"KKH. Begtster. Notice ot Filial Settlement. Notice is hereby given . that the undersigrued ad minitrator of the estate of William K. Elliott, de ceased, has filed his final account in taid estate in tn-i county t'onrt (t tne state 01 wesson, lor lien ton County, sitting in probate and Saturday, June 6, 1903, at 10 o'clock iu the forenoon in tbe Count) Court room in the Court House in Corvallis, Bentoi; County, Oregon, is the time and place fixed by tin Court for hearing objections, if any, to said final account ann tne settlement tnereoi. Dated this 6th day of Way. 1903. - GbOKGE E. IJIjLY, - Administrator, Cures Crip En Two Days. on every box. 25c B A. CATHEY, M. D Physician Surgeon Booms i4in Bank Building. Office Hours P,0.12 m . J & to 4 p.m. Residence: Corner 5th and Adams 8te. Telephone at office and residence. f . 1" W. T. B0SJI8B, jn. D. (HomasaaaihM . Physician, Surgeon, Occulist Omc-Boome 1 and 2 In Bank Bid, ota street, between Monroe and Jackson. Residence tele OfpIcb Houbs 10 to 12 a. m. ; 2 to 4 p. m. . 1W CORVALLIS, OREGON. C. H. NEWTH Physician $ Surgeon Examining surgeon TJ. S.Pension Bureau PHILOMATH, OREGON. DR. W. H. HOLT DR. MAUD B. HOLT Osteopathic 'Physicians Office on South Min St. Consultation . and examination tree. Office hours : 8 :30-ll :45 a. m; 1-5 :45 p.m. Telephone 235. Corvallis, Oregon. DR. JAS. A. HARPER DENTIST Offlca ia VTbitehara Blork Corvallis, Oregon E.' II. Bryson ATTORNEY AT - LAW Corvallis, Oregon. Office In I oetofEce Bnlldlajr. Vrr.AKv vni4. JOS. H. WILSON. AT rORNKY-AT-LAW. Practice in ill State and Federal Court. Onwe in Burnett Building. . if"'; T;t,- . ; Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Supplies Ccrvallfs, Oregon Established,: - Incorporated J1898 WHOLESALE & RETAIL. The most complete linofl of 'Pnre Drugs aa4 Chemicals in Corralli. Books and Stationery, Commercial pa pers. Fine Perfumery, Toilet Artlcla, Comba, Bruaheaaiid Minora. mr. aafl jnrs. w. G. Emem oPHOTO ARTlSTS-o Have purchxsnd the Photo Gallr-ry of Mr. Philips, on Main ttreet, ami will be pleased te. meet .Ki frin.du and new ones- t their "S udio. Ull Ufcrk Strictly Jr$t&u$. fancy Portraiture and Genie Work a Specialty " Developing and Finishing for the Ttac'e Watch Confidence Makes traveling a pleasure, when cvrrevt time is always a necessity Youis may be a capable timekeeper, but thrr-ngb incom petent repairing you have lost faith in it vrrcVed watch, and I wlff An I. tcMual- cally. Alter t J. Metzocr Occidental Bailding. . cot ali:, On Notice for Publleatleii. United States Lind CfEce, Oregon City, tregon. Anril 14, 103. Notice is hereby iriven that in eoniDlianca with tha provim ns of the act of Congress of Jin 8. 1878. en titled "An act for the SKle t.1 timber lands in the Btates of California, Oregon, etatta. and Waabins ton Territory" extei ded to ali the Public land States by act of August 4, lisins. - ' SILAS N. LILLY. of Corval:is, county of Benton, S'nte f Ongon, ha. this d y filea iv this oUice his .worn sUttaeut No. 6o85, for the purchase of the N. W. of Sac. 82. T. 13 S . K. W., and will offer TOOf f show that the land sought is more valuable aor it timber or stone than for agrienltiml purpoees. ant? to estab lish his claim to said land before ktor P., -County Clerk, at Corvallis, Oregon, on W dnesday, the 8th day of July, 1903. Be uaues as witnesses, Robert L. Glass, ot Cor vallis. Oretron, Wm. M. Anderson and Nellie Ander son, of Bellfountain. Thomas M. Coon, of Inavala. Any and all persona claiming' .derely the above described lands are requeued to file their claim In (Lis office on or before aa:d 8th day of July. 1103. kegujter. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING When yon take 0 rove's Tasteless Chill Tottlc necause tne formula u plainly printed on every bottle ahowingr that It is aimDlv Iron and Oil . nine in a tateless f rm. No Cure, No Pay. SO