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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1903)
WEEKLY. xS:k-,L'..,ri7i.1..iCoiisoliiatei FeD., 1899. COBVAIililS, BENTOH COUNTY, OREGON, FBIDAX, MAY 15, 1903. VO!L. XXXX. NO. 21. EVENTS OF THE DAY GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE TWO HEMISPHERES. ... Comprehensive Review of the' Import- ant Happenings of the Past Week, , Presented in Condensed form, ' Mos Likely to Prove Interesting to Our Many Readers. Richard Henry Stoddard, the well known poet, is dead. F. W. Holla declines to act as umpire in the Venezuelan dispute. Armenians are again on the march and more- massacres are expected. The United Sttaes may reopen nego tiations to secure route. . the Nicaragua cana Forest fires in Pennsylvania are de Btroying thousands of dollars worth of fine timber. . The recent British victories add J 00,000 square miles of territory to King Edward's possessions. A committee from the Lick observa tory in California has selected a site for an observatory near Santiago de Chile. Work on "the new $20,000,000 term inal grounds of the New York Central will be begun June 12, and 100 ad jacent New York residences will be va cated by that time. The Cuban senate in considering a proposition for a government lottery as a substitute for the taxes levied on sugar, tobacco, etc., under the new 'soldiers pay" law. Union men in Omaha have secured a sweeping injunction over the business n"ien. They are prevented from declar ing boycotts, meeting to conspire against strikers or from discriminating against dealers selling them goods. The powers have warned Turkey not . to molest Bulgaria. ' . Employes of the Great Northern rail ' way have voted to strike. China has broken oS discussion with America of treaty opening Manchurian ports. Suit for $1,000,000 back taxes has been filed against the Southern Pacific . by the state of Kentucky. .Hcariet lever Has broken out among the 12,00 men on the receiving ship Columbia at the New York navy yard. Two p'ersongjtere killed and one ser iously injured at Hartford, Conn., by an explosion resulting from ' the boiling over of whale oil. The monitor Arkansas will be unable to proceed on her trip down the Missis sippi nntil next spring, unless there is an unexpected rise in the river. ' The secretary of agriculture has raised the stock quarantine, declared for frot and mouth disease, which has been in effect since November 27. St. Peter's Catholic church, at Lowell, Mass., 12 years in building, . has been dedicated. It ia oneof the . most magnificent churches in the state. The largest contract ever undertaken city watershed is now under way, and . consists of removing more than .10,000 - bodies from three cemeteries. The situation in the Ealkan states grows more serious. Admiral Cervera. of Spain, has been gazetted a life senator. ' I The Wisconsin assembly has passed r a bill to prohibit bucket shops in that state. ' A diplomatic rupture' between the -. United States and Turkey has been narrowly averted. . - Owing to the discovery of bubonic plague at Callao, the princiapl markets of Lima have been closed. Twenty-seven letters from William Penn's voluminous correspondence sold at auction brought $2,882.50. ; The yacht America, the first winner of the America's cup, is to be broken Dp because she is no longer seaworthy. She was built in 1851. The Western insurance company, -with headquarters at Louisville, Ken tucky, will go out of business on ac count of oppressive taxation. George Walls, a missing Pittsburg boy, is, now alleged to have been kid napped, and a reward-of $20,000 for in formation aoout him is offered.' ; The plant of thee Mill Creek valley distilling company at Cincinnati was damaged $75,000 by fire and an em ploye probably fatally injured. ; The theft of $10,000 in jewelry and , silver from August Belmont has been placed at the door of one of his serv ants, George Reynolds. The property was recovered. " The board of agriculture has pro hibited the importation into Great Britain of animals from Argentina and Uruguay on and after May 12, owing to the existence of foot and mouth dis ease in those republics. The new French airship has proven a great success. Japan is all ready for war with sia if necessity demands it. ' Bus- John Czolgosz, brother of the mur derer ok McKinley, was placed nnder arrest at Lcs Angeles and kept in jail while President Roosevelt remained in town, Estimates of the 1903 wheat crop place the output at 40,000,000 for Ore gon, Washington and Idaho. There is a large increase in the acreage of barley And oats. HALT IN RURAL DELIVERY. No More New Routes Will Be Established Until After July I. Washington, May 14. Postmaster General Payne today announced that there would be no more establishments of rural free delivery service until July 1, the beginning of the next fiscal year. This is one result of investigation of postoffice affairs, and the discovery that at the present rate of increase of routes there will be a deficit of $20, COO in the rural free delivery service . by the end of this fiscal year. Instructions have been given to Fourth Assistant Post master General Bristow to curtail ex penditures. It is not intended, how ever, that the investigation of proposed routes shall be suspended, and the field work therefore will continue. Mr Payne estimates that the total number of routes fairly entitled to be estab lished in the entire country would be 38,000, and at the present rate of in crease this would be feached two years hence. Mr. Payne said tonight that he had asked the civil service commission to have its representatives make an in vestigation of the Washington post- office, in addition to the investigation already made by postoffice inspectors He said this action was taken oil ac count of charges of violations of the civil service law in that office. The civil service men, he said, will make their report tomorrow. WILL DRAW PENSIONS. New York Firm's Practical Plan for Pen. sioning Employes. New York, May 14.-- The Gorham manufacturing company, the promi nent silversmiths of New York and Providence, R. I., has recently put into operation a plan for pensioning their 2,500 employes in factory and stores which has been most favorably commented upon by leading sociolo gists. . The plan provides that any employe whose record is the com pany may be placed upon a permanent pension roll, provided he has served the company for at least 25 years, and receive thereafter as Jong as he lives, a pension equal to 1 per cent of his wage at the time of retirement for each year of service. Thus a man who has been with .the Gorham company 40 years will receive an annual pension payable in monthly installments of 40 per cent of the amount he was being paid at the time he retired. Ample provision has been made by the company to create a permanent pension fund without taxing the em ployes for the purpose. This is one of at the same the most generous, and time practical, plans yet devised for profit sharing on an acceptable basis. TROLLEY CAR ON FIRE. Short Circuit Caused the Blaze Panic Among Passengers. New York, May 14. Through a short circuit under a rapidly running open car on the Third avenue line last night a blaze was started which spread rapid ly and quickly enveloped the car. The motor man, despite the cries of the 60 or more passengers to stop before they were burned to death, put on .full power, and those on board began to jump from the car. The conductor was one of the first to jump. After running the car at full speed for three-quarters of a mile the motorman apparently realized that his own life was threat ened by the fierce flames so be shut off his power, jammed down the brake and leaped off. among the indignant out cries of a large crowd which had gath ered. Nearly every one of the passen gers was more or. less seriously hurt. Boers Coming to Mexico. New York, May 14. General Benja min Viljeon, ex-assistant commandant general of the Burgher forces in the Boer war and member for Johannes burg in the Transvaal volksraad, and General W. D. Snyman, have complet ed arrangements with the Mexican gov ernment by which 83,000 acres of the beet land of that country has been se cured for a home for 'immigrants from South Africa. General vnyman will await here the arrival of his family and General Viljeon will sail for South Africa to conduct the first expedition. Quarantine Against Mange. Washington, May 14. The depart ment of agriculture has received un official advices indicating that the states of Colorado, Kansas and Wyom ing are contemplating quarantine measures to protect their livestock from mange. It is said at the department that the mange, or scabies, which is a contagious disease, caused by a para sitic mite, ptevails to a considerable extent in the range country between the Missouri and the rookie?. Many.Tons of Money Counted. New Yorx, May 14. Clerks from the treasury department, Washington, have completed the counting of many tons of money in the vaults of the United States subtreasury in Wall street. The cash was found to be cor rect. The amount for which Hamilton Fish, the new assistant treasurer, be comes responsible is $286,471,256, of which $200,774,007 is in gold. . HAPPENINGS FRUIT PROSPECTS IN LINN. Prunes Will Yield Big, but Peaches and Pears are Blighted. .fruit men report tnat the prune yield in Linn county this year will exceed that of any previous season The numerous large orchards around Albany have been covered with bios some, and now the fruit has set success fully. The weather has been just the kind needed, and nothing but a freeze could now destroy it. The young fruit is too far advanced to be injured by frosts, unless they were very heavy and continued for some time. There will be no peaches around here. Of the fruits' which may be consid ered a crop the yield in pears will prob ably ba the lightest. The pear trees seem to be blighted. Early in the season the trees were covered with blossoms, but just about. the time for the fruit to set the blossoms withered and died. It does not look like the work of frost, but is pronounced' blight by orchardists. Nothing but prolonged cold weather can prevent the largest fruit yield in the history of Linn county. HEADED TOWARDS BURNS. Surveyors for Electric Road Start Out from Baker City. A surveying party of 12 people nnder Chief Engineer Howe started from Baker city recently to survey a route for an electric railway from that place to the John Day valley and Prairie city. Major J. VV. Bonta is having the survey made in the interest of the Oregon Wonder mine. The promoters say that the road will eventually pene trate Harney county as far as Burns. - Automobile Line at Union. ' The preliminary work is being done at Union looking to the establishment of an automobile omnibus line between that city and the Hot Lake, a distance of about four miles. The patronage of the Hot Lake is being rapidly in creased, and as Uinon is a most de lightful place in summer for those king rest, recreation and health, it is believed the line would be well pat ronized, and be of mutual benefit to the two places. . '. i Farm Hands Wanted. - Farm bands in Eastern Oregon are scarce and farmers are applying to em ployment agencies at Portland for mer. There -will be Eteady employment throughout the wheat and fruit belt (or a great many more men than are there now, until after tne crops are gar nered. -.. ' Marion Crops Look WeH. A heavy shower of warm rain fell in Marion county last Saturday and great good will result to all growing crops. Farmers report crops generally in an excellent condition. " Smallpox Under Control. For some time past the board of health of the county of Crook and city of Prineville have been issuing bulle tins daily giving the facts in regard to tne persone anected witn smallpox in that city. Now all those having it are practica'ly well of the disease. It has been concluded by the board that no necessity exists for the further issuance of the bulletins. The board fully be lie vee that the town is now entirely free frcm the disease, having had no new cases since April 27, although there are now several cases in quarantine who were exposed prior to that time, and a few of them may yet be stricken down. Dredges for Oregon Rivers. The war department has awarded "to ! the Featherstone foundry and machine company, of Chicago, a contract for building two dredges for use in Oregon rivers.. They will build one dredge for the Upper Willamette and Yamhill rivers for $25,000, and another for the Upper Columbia and Snake to cost $22,500. Both dredges are to be ready for use within six months. Preparing for Log-Rolling. The Woodmen of the World are pre paring to have a big log rolling in La Grande May 18 -and 19. One hundred and twenty-five candidates will be in itiated into the order at that time. The program comprises - a parade of fraternal societies, competitive drill for a trophy, log chopping and sawing contest. Reduced rates have been se cured on the railroads. Brick Yard at Weston Rushed. -The Weston brickyard is working its full capacity, turning out 40,000 brick per day, with more orders than it oem fill this summer and fall. Lumber and. all kinds of building material is short in this section on account of the un- ! nsual number of new houses being built at Walla Walla, Pendleton and towns j in this section of Umatilla county. j Union Depot Exhibit. The board of trade of Dallas has taken steps to collect material for an exhibit to be forwarded to the Oregon information bureau at the Union depot in Portland. The board has contributed a good sum of money for the pnrpsoe, and the county court has contributed $50 for the purpose of acting in concert with the board of trade. Offers Fine Library Building. The ladies of the Grants Pass woman's club have succeeded in getting Mr. Carnegie to change the amount of his proposed donation for a library in that city from $5,000 to $10,000. The citizens felt that' they would rather erect a creditable building, even though the cost of maintaining the library is greater. .- HERE IN OREGON CROP PROSPECTS QOOO. Eastern Oregon Grain Growers and Fruit Raisers are Jubilant. So far the fruit and grain prospects for this season's crojj are exceedingly good in the eastern part of the state. The backward season has kept the fruit back, so that the late frosts have not done any serious damage. - Grain, es pecially wheat, is looking fine, save for the need of rain, i which would be greatly appreciated by the dry land farmers just now. Fruit growers have late frosts to fear always, in the immediate vicinity of Baker City, but in Pine and Eagle val leys the season is from two to four weeks ahead of the former neighbor hood and late frosts, owing to the lower altitude, are not so much to be feared. Farmers and . fruitgrowers, who are prepared to irrigate, are in clover this season, because there never was such an abundance of snow in the moun tains as there is this year. - LANE COUNTY'S ROADS. Much Labor and Money Has Made Them Finest in the State. The matter of improvement of roads has received 'more attention in Lane county than in any other county in the state, and the interest which is now manifest in other counties is to a large extent attributable to the results that have attended the-effoits in. Lane county for years past.! Observing vis itors have remarked repeatedly about the condition of the Lane county roads as compared with roads in other places, and these remarks", have resulted in others taking up with the work that has proven so successful. Clean-Up on Hydraulic Placers. Some $700 in gold duet and nuggets, the regular monthly clean-up of the St. Helens & Galicel hydraulic placer mine, of the Gallce district, was brought into ; Grants Pass a ' few days ago Ihese placers have enjoyed a fine run this Beacon, and (have yet several weeks of work ahead of them before their water gives out! f They are build ing a huge reservoir and enlarging their ditches, with the intention of deriving a water supply whereby their giants ran be operated the whole year through. r - Contestants -are Keen. The number of contests over the set tlement and proving np of pnblic lands at tne Oregon City land office multi plies as these government lands become more, scarce. Scarcely a day passes but the contest department of the local land office hears one or more contests. Per sons filing on lands now find that they must comply in the strictest sense with the provisions of the law. under which the filing is made, or they are sure to be involved in contest proceedings. Wood Supply is Short. There is a very serious shortage in the supply of firewood in Salem, and prices are certain to be high this sum mer and next winter. There is a possi bility of what may almost be a wood famine, for the amount of wood that has been cut is far short of the quan tity that will be needed for home use. As a consequence of this condition of affairs there will be good money in the wood business for farmers who have timber they can cut. Eastern Oregon Normal Graduates. The graduating class of the Weston state normal Bchool next month will consist of 12 young ladies and gentle men. Extensive preparations -are being made for the commencement ex ercises. The Weston college is one of the largest, most imposing and com plete school plants in the state. Pres ident 'French will spend his vacation campaigning for an increased scholar ship for next term. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla. 7071c: val ley, 75 76c. Barley Feed, $21.50 per ton; brew ing, $23. Flour Best grades, $3.954.25: gra ham, $3.453.85. ; Millstuffs Bran, $19 per ton: mid dlings, $24; shorts, $19.50 20; chop, $18. Oats No. 1 white, $1.511.20; gray, fll.2Jl. 15 per cental. Hay Timothy. 1313.50; clover. $1011 cheat, $1112 per ton. r-oiatoes .Best JJurDanxs, ouc per sack; ordinary, 2540c per cental, growers' prices; Merced sweets, $3 3.50 per cental. -Poultry Chickens, mixed, ll12c; young, 1314c; hens, 12c; turkeys, live, 16 17c; dressed, 2022c; ducks, $7.007.50 per dozen; geese, $66.50. Cheese Full cream, - twins, . 16 17cj Young America 1717c; fact ory prices, llc; leas. Butter Fancy creamery, 22c ' per pound; extras, 21c; dairy, 2022)c; store, 1618c. . ' - Eggs 16 17c per dozen. Hops Choice, 1820c per pound. Woll Valley 12J415; Eastern Ore gon, 8 14; mohair, 35 36c. Beef Gross, cows, 3K4c per pound; steers, 45e; dressed, 7c. Veal 88c. Mutton GroBS, 77Jc per pound; dressed, 89c. . Lambs Gross, 4c per pound ;'dressed, 7Kc. Hogs Gross, 7 7c per poundj dressed, 88K. -' , FldHT WITH FIRE. Ottawa, Canada, Sustains Heavy Loss Hundreds Lose Their Homes. Ottawa, May 13. A fire, suspected to be of incendiary origin, this after noon and evening destroyed hundreds of houses and millions of feet of lumber in this city. The fire originated within a stone's throw of where the great Hull fire of April 26, 1900, was checked The Hull fire started on the opposite side of the river and spread to the Ot tawa side, destroying millions of dol lars' worth of property. It burned out near where the Ottawa & Parry Sound railway enters the western part of the city, and it was in the lumber yards near the railroad that today's hre originated. An hour before the principal fire started two smaller blazes were dis covered and qnirkly extinguished in the lumber yards near the Canadian Pacific railway. It was 8 :30 when the third was discovered. When the brigade ar rived at the scene it was found that the water main had been damaged and no water could be obtained. When the brigade did get water the fire was utterly beyond its control. It swept along over the same ground that the former fire had gone, the only differ ence being that it was going in the op posite direction. The fire was on the flats below a large cliff which extends from the Ot- j tawa river into the corner of Margaret i and Preston streets. At two or three points it came very near gettinsover tne cnn, and nad it done so nothing would nave saved the city. Fifteen million feet of lumber, be longing principally to J. R. Booth, were destroyed, causing a loss of $300, uuu. ine ouiioings rjurned were principally dwellings and stores, most oi wnich were built since the last great fire, and were mostly of brick It is difficult to place the loss on these There are nearly 600 families home- lest). Mayor Cook eayB the city would oppese aid being asked from outside Canada. The loss on buildings is esti mated at $300,000, making a total loss of $600,000. ' MAY IGNORE FOREIGN BID. War Department Wants Americans to " Handle Alaskan Business. Washington, May 13". The war de partment is wrestling with the question whether a contract for transportation of troops and supplies can be awarded to a foreign company. Among the bids for Alaskan transportation for the com ing year was one from the White Pass Taiiroad, which operates in Alaska and the Yukon territory. A hearing was given today by Assistant Secretary Sanger to representatives of the North ern commercial company and the White PasB railroad, but no decision has been reached, v Judge Advocate General Davis, with out making a final recommendation, has called attention to the nndesirability ot transporting American troops over a foreign railroad and through foreign territory when the bid of an American carrier is but slightly higher than that of the foreign line, as in this instance, and the department is inclined to turn down the foreign bid. ,The entire set of Alaskan transportation contracts are awaiting a decision on the White Pass bid. ' LAYINQ OF NEW CABLE BEGUN. Germans Make Glad Over Duplicate Line to United States. Berlin, May 13. The laying- of a duplicate German-Atlantic cable was commenced today at Borkum, an island in the North sea, 25 miles from Em den. A large number of people attend ed the ceremony, and cheers were given for the German emperor and the presi dent of the United States. In the even ing there was a banquet, which was at tended by the principal representatives of the company and cable interests. Patriotic speeches were delivered, em phasizing the pleasant relationship be tween Germany and the United States, the speakers pointing out in the latter country millions of Germans who make their home among a kindred nation. Congratulatory telegrams were received from the emperor and many prominent citizens of Germany and the United States. - - - Secures Australian Mall Contract. , Vance over B. C, May 13. The United steamship company, ' of New Zealand, has just 'secured ;he govern ment subsidy for two years more for the transportation of the British mails to and from Australia. Had the Oceanic steamship company, of San Francisco, a competitor for the contracts, been successful, the Canadian route would probably have had to be abandoned. A new modern steamer will be .placed on the run between Vancouver and Sydney in place of the steamship Miowera. Try to Bribe Official. Honolulu, May 13. A committee representing the keepers of Chinese gambling nouses has been placed un der arrest, charged with attempting to bribe Deputy Attorney General Andrews to permit four games of paka pio to be run without .molestation. Andrews arranged a meeting with the gamblers and concealed witnesses heard the offer of $6,000 a month if Andrews would permit the conducting of gambling games. Trains Meet Head-On. Utica, N. Y., May 13. Three per sons ate dead and eight others are ser iously injured as the result of a head on collision between two passenger trains on the Mohawk division of the New York Central & Hudson railroad at Nelson lake, jn the Adirondacks, between McFeever and Fulton Chain, which occurred about 3 :15 this afternoon. REBELS SUBDUED PERSHING CHASTISES LAST OF THE HOSTILE MOROS. Ten Forts, Prisoners and Rifles Captured American Friendship is Freely Ex tended to All Who Deserve It Troops Behave Splendidly Congratulatory Order to Pershing's Soldiers. Washington, May 13. The war de partment has received the following dispatch concerning, operations in the Island of Mindanao: "Manila.May 11. Adjutant General, Washington : Captain John P. Per shing has completed a circuit of Lake Lanao, via the east coast, from Camp Vicars. There was sharp fighting at Taraca. Captured 10 forts, many pris oners, 36 lantacas and 60 rifles. All other dattos friendly. Liberated pris oners, destroyed hostile forts' and lan tacas. Our loss, two killed and four wounded. Every hostile Lanao datto has now been chastised. All Moros knowour friendship is valuable and is freely extended to all who deserve it. No property, save hostile forts, has been molested. Moro labor easrer for employment on the roads and shelter buildings; former about finished: the latter progressing rapidly. Troops have behaved splendidly, not only in con tending with a fanatical savage foe, but a dreaded disease, and besides had to construct many miles of road through tropical jungles. No more hostilities are anticipated beyond - occasional sniping. : "DAVIS." Rear Guard Attacked Manila, May 13. Straggling Moros attacked the rear guard of Captain Pershing's column, near Bacolod, Island of Mindanao, wounding Lieu tenant Rutegles and one soldier. The guard killed all the attackers. The latest reports place -,the number of Moros killed at the capture of Taraca at 300. - Brigadier General Sumner' command ing the department of Mindanao, has issued a congratulatory order to Cap tain Pershing's troops. WRANGEL MINERALS. District of Alaska Discussed in Qeolorl. cal Survey Papers. Washington, May 13. The United States geological survey has in press for early publication a Daoer on the mineral resources of the Mount Wran- gel district, Alaska, by Walter C. Men- denhall and Frank C. Schrader. The paper opens with a brief introduction in wnicn the history of this now well copper' district of ZZ fl0p?er . ?1B,trict..of .. Southern known Alaska is traced from th tim nf tfca stampede of 1898 to the present. The discussion of the mineral resources of the region is then taken up and the copper, gold, coal and other minerals that are known to exist or have been reported from time to-time, are treated in turn. The inforaiation presented is the latest that is available, havine been collected in great part in the course of geologic investigations made by the authors during the season of 1902. rhe copper resources of the reeion are first discussed. The copper deposits occur in two somewhat widely separ ated fields, lying along the southern and northern sloDes. resnentlvnlv. nf the Mount Wransel group of moun tains, a lofty volcanic chain, which di verges from the St. Eliaa range near the Alaska-Canadian boundary and ex tends 150 miles westward,, ending ab ruptly in -the Copper river valley. ine Dest known copper field lies within the southern area, and is Gen erally spoken of as the Chitina copper belt. The geologic history of this belt is briefly reviewed with special reference to the processes that have affected the greenstones and lime stones within which the copper deposits are iound. Alter this review, the var ious properties are described in detail, some of those that are best known being the Elliott Creek group, the Bo nanza claim, just east of Kennicott Glacier, and the Nicolai properties in the Nizina country. - Dam Gives Way. Carrollton, Wash., May 13. Accu mulated waters of the upper Coweman river, 30 miles above Carrollton, tore out an enormous dam, wrecking a saw mill, tearng out wagon bridges below on that stream, and casting adrift thousands of logs which were ready to be rafted to Portland rrills. The dam age is estimated at something between $20,000 and $30,000, and hundreds of men in the tributary camps along the Coweman and Bear creek are thrown out of employment until late next fall. Germany with Russia. Berlin, May 13. The newspapers nere treat Kussia's alleged Manchurian movements as being probably inaccur ately reported, or, if correct, as being of no concern to Germany. This is in line with the hints given out widely by tne government, both of domestic and ioreign correspondents. xne papers ridicule tne so-called "commotion in the United States and Great Britain" or treat those countries as being "arti ficially stimulated." Alleged Anarchist Arrested. Ban Jose, Cal., May 13. Clay Tav- lor, anas rroiessor nutte, was arrest-1 ed by Detective Pickeries this after noon for supposed designs upon the life of the president. He Las served three terms in prison. It is alleged he wrote to the president advising . him not to come here. He is also accused of re eent anarchistic utterances. CANAL TREATY W,LL W,N American Commission Talks of Its Visit to Isthmus Canal Site. Washington, May 12. The subcom mittee of the Isthmian canal commis sion, consisting of Rear Admiral Walker, General Haines and Professor Burr, which visited the . Isthmus of Panama to inspect the work and prop erty of the new canal company, has re turned to Washington. The mission of the committee was ac complished quicker than was anticipat ed. The commission found that while the canal company has employed on the work about 1,200 men, little in a definite or effective way is being accom plished. Just enough work is being done to keep the project alive. iwomDers or tne commission say the ratification of the canal treaty oy the rr. uniieo Estates senate was received thnsiastically by the people on isthmus. Property values have en the in- creased rapidly, and real estate along the route of the canal continues to rise. On arrival at the isthmus the mem bers of the commission let it be known that their mission was purely one of engineering, and that, individually or conectiveiy, they had nothing to do with the practical or diplomatic phases of the situation. Some valuable data was gathered, and these will be report ed to the full committee. Subsequently, upon the appointment of the commis sion which will supervise the construc tion ot the waterway, the information will be presented to it. Members of the commission are of the opinion that the treaty will eventu- " allv be ratified by the Colombian con gress. Admiral Walker had a long talk with Secretary Hay today upon condi tions on the isthmus in their special relation to the canal project. BOWEN TALKED STRAIGHT. Venezuela Called Down Hard for Insult to American Flag. Washington, May 12. An interest ing account of the action of Minuter tJowen, at Caracas, in demanding an apology from the Venezuelan govern ment for the improper use made of the American flag by the commander of the Venezuelan gunboat Restaurador, is given in the current volume of "for eign relations." Mr. Bo wen, without waiting for instructions from the United States,- called in person on the minister of foreign affairs1 and said to him : "Your captain dishonored the Amer ican flag, and he should be ordered to raise it and salute it, and your govern ment should apologize." The minister desired "several days in which to investigate the matter. "The facts that I have presented to yC are ind"Ptale" "id Mr. Boen, and j. can Kive r . 2Q . r . .. ? .r. -J "v """'" at the end of that time I must cable the facts to my govern- ment." On the following day regrets were ex pressed on behalf of Venezuela and the flag was raised and saluted with 21 guns. NEW RIFLE FOR THE ARMY. United States Will Have the Most Pow erful Weapon In the World. Washington, May 12. The army board, which has been for moaths past consider iHg the merits of the new serv ice rifle, or musket, has finally declared in favor of a weapon with a barrel only 24 inches in length, using a .30 ball. The new gun is a remarkable weapon, according to the ordnance officers, for while it is six inches bhorter ,than the Krag and only two inches longer than the carbine, it is more powerful than either, with a higher initial velocity and flatter trajectory. It can easily penetrate 24 one-inch planks. It is one pound lighter than the service rifle, wnicn is a consideration in the tropics. A new feature is the complete encase ment of the barrel in wood to prevent burning of the bands of the maiksman when the gun is rapidly discharged. The gun was evolved by the United States army officers, and is not patent ed. It ia said to be the most powerful musket in the world. Lee Tells of Corruption. St. Louis, May 12. Ex-Lieutenant Governor Lee's statement, detailing his knowledge of boodling in the state legislature, was presented to Circuit Attorney Folk today. Several start ling assertions are made in the paper, but throughout the greater part of it the ex-lieutenant governor adopts a moralizing tone, pointing out the causes and results of the condition that exists. In general way, he charges several men with being corruptionists. The statement contains about 2.000 words. It has not yet been given out in detail. . College Class Suspended. Syracuse, N. Y., May 12. Chancel lor Day, of Syracuse university, today suspended the entire freshman class for acts committed by some of its members last night, when tie class numerals were painted over college buildings. Dynamite was exploded throughout the night, sidewalks ripped up and other depredations to property - committed. The chancellor says the suspension is to continue nntil all traces of rowdyism is removed. Examinations for Harvard. Seattle, May 12. Announcement is made that the Harvard university ex aminations for admission will be held in Seattle at room 15 of the 'Central school during the week beginning June 22 and that detailed information can be obtained by addressing the- alumnus in charge, Joseph Shippen, New York block, Seattle,