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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1903)
THE CORVALUS BAIETTET TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1903. EXPERIENCED AND INllUENCIAL Hon. Utneer Hermann was nominated for. congress from the first Oregon district by the re publican congressional conven tion at Eugene, last Thursday, after one of the most stubborn contests ever waged in a nomina ting Convention; .in this district. Net until t& ?3rd ballet was the man tamed who will oecnpy Oie place in congress made vacant by the death "of Hr. Tengue. Yet there was no bitterness, ancl the unsuccessful candidates for the honor will lead In the campaign ix the election of Mr. Hermaun. The point urged in his favor which had ' mobt to do, perhaps, with his selection, was that Ore gon needs at this time, most of all, men of experience in her dele gation at Washington. Senator Fulton and Congressman Wil liamson, while possessed of rare ability and tact, are strangers in Washington; Seuator Mitchell is a power, but his health is said ta be impaired. Therefore," it is the part of- wisdom to take ad vantage of-the opportunity to re turn to Washincton a man who was considered one f the most influential "members of congress during the period he occupied a a seat in that body. WHAT MORE? Why -the managers of the Southern1 Pacific railroad com pany, or any . person of promin ence, should insist that uorvaiiis people do not want a train to run from Portend to Corvallis in the evening and "return in the morn ine. is difficult to understand It is said 4the assertion is made because Corvallis did not send a committee to interview .the Southern Paeific managers with the committees from Indepen dence and other towns. But the Southern Pacific man agrers knew that the people o: this citv desired the train. Two or ago, a petition nu merously signed by -Benton conn tv ceoole was" forwarded- to the Southern Pacific managers ask ing that the train running to In deoendence in the evenine. be extended to Corvallis and return in the morning. : Every few weeks since' that time the persons at. Corvallis. who , sent that peti tion have interviewed the South era Pacific 'officials and requested that the train be put on.' A few weeks Wo when Independehc and other towns, along "the line sent petitions asking for the sef vice, Mrvi 'Wilkins circulated a petition "-asking " for the service He sectrred a long list of signa tures. Several times since then citizens of Corvallisinterested in the movement haye seen the Southern Pacific officials, and urged that the night and morn ing trainbeput on. It is difficult to understand what more Corvallis people could do to obtain the service The-' only reference made to Bryan at the democratic cOngres sional convention at Albany, Sat urday,. .was ; when . the chairman announced that "wind-jammers are cut off." ' No Fault nt Commissioner. Editor Gazette: The oper ation 6t the. national land laws is to fisurg in the present first Ore gon congressional district, cam paign.;'-- Just : why ' this is so is not exactly 'clear. ' Neither Mr. Hermann nor Mr. Reames, nor even our own Mr. Iugalls can be in reason, blamed for those laws whichhaye done much for the West and . which also have given an opportunity for much fraud These frauds , have been accorh plished under the various admin istratio.ns : and will continue as long as th land laws remain as they are In the matter of the conduct of the local land officials, it will be remembered that the commis sioner of public lands has not the power to appoint or remove them, and the several Oregon local land commissioners who have .beeri recently summarily retired, were appointed by a fed eral j udge who - happens- to be a democrat." r No one - thinks of holding Judge Bellinger respon sible for their alleged official tnis conduct. , Mr. Hermann, when commissioner, - urged . congress constantly but vainly to so amend the laws that the frauds could not be practiced. ; . Among the other .realities that the opposition to Mr. Hermann will -nbtVlisctis3'iri' connection With .hlS -i.aaminiStratlon ;.Ol the, land office, is the fact that of the $12, ooo, boo" to $ r 5 poo, coo which was handled by theofiice. duricg bis incumbency, tiot one cent was lost , through defalcations or carelessness. . .. .. . To those familiar with "the situation it seems edd that the friendly lelations between the President and Mr. . Ilei should be Questioned, for wtre those relations other than very friendly,' Mr. Hermann would not have retained his office so long after Mr, Roosevelt's acces sion to the,, presidency, It is very unusual for;a bureau chief io remain longer thaa the de partment desires, xtnd Mr. Hitch cock has for seyeral years urged Mr. Hermann's retirement. Their difference Was not personal but was based upon several mat ters of policy in which Mr. Her mann had the support ot the West. Mr. Hermann did not care to yield his convictions even to retain his office. That those unprevcntable land frauds were not an issue is sufficiently shown by the fact that Mr. Hermaun' s assistant was made his. successor. Of really more importance to Oregon than a congressman's relations with the administration is his relationship with congress, and probably no Oregonian who reads and thinks will . deny that no man in the state, other than Senator' Mitchell, is closer to the influential members of congress han Binder Herman; ' Of espe cial importance to. Oregon at this time is the fact that . Mr. Her mann is on the most - pleasant ; terms with. SpeakerCaiinon. ' ,, : H. h. HOLGATE. Seattle, Wash., April 12, 1903 Real Estate Transfers W A Wells & wf to H W Grimshaw, deed 4 lots Bl 31 Job's add; $120. State of Oregon , to R I Glass deed, 40 a T 12 S, R 7. W; $.'jQ. G W Hehkle to Emma J Ross Q C D, lot 127, Bl 32, Philo math, $1. Eliz Mason to G A Scott deed, lot 114, 107, Bl Philomath; $282.50. G A lrwin to P S trilly Q C D, lot 1 BI 34, Avery1a3rd add; $10. V M Woodcock et 'al to J E Wiliiatna, tract in T 14 S, R 6 W;.$i,6oo. ...... ;t '-. : . "' . ' ., M C MjVej; & wf ; to -JjjL, A Cummins,, lot'- jm 8, -- blockiyCo.. Add; $650. ' " . - ' V T M Laskey & wf to J C Las- key,1 160 a near,. Blodgett; $700. AS Taveuner & wf to J j Cady & wfr:;iU, Wells & McEl roy's add, $650. - - ' - I Durbiu & wf to W J McEl wain, tract in Alsea; 875. - W A Wells & wf to S P Hunt, 4 lots, Bl 32, Jobs add ; $150. H W Grim?haw & wf to A E Carter, tract. in. Job's add; 1500. A E: Carter to Samuel Swan son, tract in Jobs add ; $u Samuel Swanson to Eliz E Bunker, tract in Jobs add ; $1. Samuel Swanson, to William Scarth, Q C D to Hotel Corval lis; J300. . Bellfouutain Parents' -Meeting. The Parents' Meeting with the Public School at Bellfountain, Saturday, April 10, iyud, in orange naJi, commencing at at 11 a. m., Bba'rp, promiues - to be one of the most saccessful meetings oi this character yet .held, Supt -Denmari has arranged an excellent, program.- Those assisting are ' capable ;pf handling their subjects ao as. t6result jn" benefit' and profit to the schools,,: The literary pro gram and the music tu be furnished will assist 'materially in making' the ; regnlar work interesting: ; Mrs. J. H, Edwards has harge of: the regular singing. by the institute. Mrs.-. Edwards has a good voice andv this part of the program will De-wen looked atter. The program ar ranged is as follows:- . . . : "Does the State Course of Study Meet the Present Conditions in the Country Schools?' Miss Nellie Foshay,' Supt G. "W. Denman. .. '"Danger Signals," Mr, J. Fred Yates! ' 'Should a Child be Encouraged to tell Stories -outi of -School?'1 Msj Julia: M. DuMullin, Miss Mary' Duhlap, Meesm L. N. Edwaids, II. T. Bristow. ' 'Our D uty, . "When Troubles A rise in the School," Messrs. -J. If.- Edwards, Earl Brown, Robt Kyle, Wilbur Starr. ; . "The Doty of the; Stale to .the Common Schaols," Messrs M. M. . Waltzrf E.. H. Belknap, Edward' Williams. ' "WJiat Should the School Endeavor to do for Our Girls," Mrs; E.: II. Belkapi Mrs. Silas C. Starr. "The .Grange as a Friend to' Educa tion, "Mr. M, V. Leeper. . . . The public school is the nucleus around which every, department of soci ety arid our nation should rally.- Let this be the motive ta prompt -your pres ence at the above meeting. No law or rule should Cause' you to attend.' In stead of. this, .'let interest and common sympathy for . the cause of education be the inapiratioa that will bring' together every school officer, teacher, . and a good ly nnmber ef ra'ronp. The grange lias alfovin Jnterf st in thisw.oik by closing their day's worir at 11a.m. andtyien uniting yitli' the schools to maRe tlis meeting profitable and bent final; hvery teacher is appointed a committee ef ' one to 6ee their patrons, urging.lhem to bripg their batkets of dinner, their families and Rome friend. Each school officer i ' expected to - have, their teai:her attend. - - 1 r . n f f 11 Thus lv a hiii led efloit ou the Dart of all our friiids f lhe pnb'1- tchool, we v ill havrt a large atter.dr' 1 1 lively interest, profitable discuffion and an entertain in program. School Apportlonmsnt, - StiperinMnJeei DerimD has. lYiade the! following Beliil annual apportionment outf the county fund to the Bihool ttia tiicts of Benton . county. The tot aj amount apportioned is $8,5C0: District No. 1 133.70 2. , 39, 70 2J8 00 1?.3 64 v 70 10 142 00 : 39 70 3........ ;;4..:..V.. 5 7 8 118 90T 9 10-... ........ .. 11 12.'.....- is....:.....:... 14.;... 15... .:. ' 1...'.... ;18v.... ; 19....V. ' 20 ' -21 !22.:..V:..w. ' 23.: .... 25..:.:...v;:.: -2o.:..:......., v2- .28. 29..: .... '- 31... .... ' 32..:..,...,;:; 36 ' 37.-. 1 41.,..,::...... ' 42...:..: ' 43........... 45....::......'. 4G.:......."... "48......,..:;. 49 "' 50... :' 51 "59..:........:. " 62:.....;..... " 66..:..:..:.:. '- 69..:.:;....;. "72..:.... " 74....".,:.;...' .79....:.:.,... ?' 81 ...... " 83 ....... 85 ...... " 93 " 94 ..... "95.. "93 " 97 " 5Joinf 2504 80 : 56 20 .. 105 60 128 80 155 20 -102' 42 ,76 00 '. 60, 60 765 70 .52 90 . 2C8 00 158 50 69 40 82 60 248 .60 "274 00 i72 40 128 80 . 7 65 .105 7 95 80 89 20 135 30 -.35, 70 115 60 ,140 36 : 24i 7 . 85 DO f - 8 .82 ,151 9O . 59 50 . J 76 Oo .r 69 49 .. 72 70 . 99 10 . - 79' 00 . 9 90 . 17 i'O ." 125 50 '. . 80 90 . " 55 6 . , 89 20 33 10 195 9& .92 50 "'.59 50 ; 99" 102 '40 34 . For' Salfe?:-':; - - Fall bred Jersey heifers! calf ; Siao one and. two and 6 moMths. old heifers." iAleo bulls sired by Grand Coinaa imported Jersey boll. Address.' - : M. K. . Woodcock, - r ' Gorvallisj Dri Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, - Oregon City... Oregon, -..-'. March 3 KK.1- Notice ia hereby if iveh that incompliance with the provisions of the art of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Orejron, Nevada, and Wtwhincr ton Territory," as extended: to air the Public Land states Dy act or August 4, 1S92, . ' IDA A. SKINNER. of McMinnville, county of Yamhill. State of Oresr-n has this day filed in this office her sworn statement No. 6073, for the purchase of the N. E. V ef See. ,SBr 10, T, 11, S, R. 6 W., tad will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes; and to es. tablish her claim to said iand before Victor P. Moses. clerk of Benton Co., Oregon, on Friday the 2Gth day of June, 1903. : ' She names as witnesses: Jay E Winegar, Charles v. jaoage ana jonn Aicuee, sr.-, of Corvallis, Ore gon, Andrew L. Porter of .Norton. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above- aescrioea lanas are requested to nietneir claims in tms omce on or before said - 26th day of June, 1903. . .. UUAS: V. MOOHKS, j Register, 'Ackei's Blood Elixir positively Cure3 Chronic lilood Poisoning and all Scrofu lous affections. At all timfs a matchless system tonic and puriher. Mowey. re funded if you are not satisfied. 50c and $1.00. Allen & Woodward, DruSgist: Notice for PubMcatioii. ' United States Land Office, Oregen City, Or., Jan. 24, 1963. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the tprov Bioffa of the act of CongTess of June 3, 1878, en titled "Au act for the sale qf timber lands in the States of California, Oregonj-Nevada,' and Washing on Territory," as extended te all the public Land States by act of August 4, 1802, . ' , ' JAY E. WIXEGAK, " of Corvallis, County of Benton, State of'Oregon, has iiii9 uuy ii ieu iu buis uiuue.-uiii swum tftateuieni rto 6018, for the purchase of the lot 3 and 4, S 1-2 of N W 1-4 of Section No. 2 in Township No. 11 South, Bange No. 6 W.jand iU offer proof, to show hat the land sought is more valuable for its timber or. stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab' lish his claim to said land before the Clerk of Ben tpc County, Oregon, at Corvallis, Oregon, on Wed nesday, the 22nd day of April, 1903. -. -: s .- He names as witnesses: , Charjes Hodge, of Cor. "vallis, Or., Andrew Porter, of Norton,- Or.," Michael Flynn and Samuel Ewing, both of PhilomathOr, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their. clains in this office on or before said 22nd day - of April, 1903. : : - - : "-" CSAS. B. MOORES, -."'", ' , Register. Notice for. Publication. ; , Lakd Officr at Oregon Citt.-Orkoos, . Jlarch 28, 1903 Notice is hereby given that the -following-named settlei has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aud ' that raid proof will be made before the County Clerk of Benton county, at Corvallis, Oregon, on May 12, 1903, viz.: Harison Davidson, H. li. No. 14137 tor the SE. 1-4 See. 8, T. 12 S.. K. 7 W. .-' - -. - : . He nuties the .following witnessei to prove his continuous residence upou and cultivation of said land, va.: George Cramer ar.d Perry H. Davidson, of Peak, Oregon, A. C. Tiinison and Fielding A. - v'cHASv-B. MOJDnES, Z : i . . " Register. BAN MER 3ALVE the most healing Bahrein the world. .?.j;V;''-v: SPIiB9eLOTH;ING ' ' , ''. , . : ' J.- , Don't let cheapncj-s suh'c . - yon. sow expc ct Sa.tisfaclioil When sure t0 follow. This Spring we - an assortment of Suits that lacks nothing of beisg perfect, Pexfe$t -"? 7olaxT "Wrfoi ' niia1ite -Pirforf 'in' itsT Tailor-made 1 Stylishness, vS 5?aqr :the of Corvallis; to call mid pass jiimwlW'-,. wr '-Sw.ejf -Wnc of New Spring Suit??. All the Ne'W Thiiigs 111 en Fufniehitifis. Shoes, Hats, Suit sCases, Sweaters, Etc. Big Line of Boy's aitd Chhdren,s Suits. Ciotliing IVlade to Order by High Art Tailors. 'Mm THE- P lotieef Fresh bred daily. ; AGoniplete stock ot candies, fruits an - nuts kept cnnstantly on band. Smokers supplies i ':.'; . a specuUj'. - . oonT H. W HALL Proprietor. Mrs. Laura. S. Webb, ' ;tVlce-Iresllcnt Woman's Demo---' craticCiabaof Sortberottliio. "I dreaded the change of life which wa fast approaching. 1 noticed Wine of Cardui, and decided to by a bot- tie. I experienced some relief the first month, so I kept on taking it for three months and now I menstruate witii jio pain and 1 shall take it off and on now until I have passed the climax!" Female weakness, "disordered menses, falling of the "fronib and ovarian troubles do not wear "off. They follow awoman to the change of life. Do not wait but take Wine . of CarduLnow" and avoid the trou ble. : Wine of Cardui never f ailg to benefit a suffering woman of any age. Wine of Cardui relieved Mrs. Webb vrhbn she was in dan- ; ger. When you come to the change of life Mrs. Webb's letter will . . mean - more to you; than it does now. But you may now avoid tb&" suffering she endured. , Druggists sell 1 bottles of Wine of Cardui.. Our Clubbitig List. Suoscribers tOrJtbe CORVALLIS 'GA(iTTE can obtain the following papers in commuation buu scriptions with ie GAZETTE at the very low prices st -tcd below; cash in -adance always ac company the order. Those wish'ng two or more publications named with the GAZETTE, will please Lorresnond with this office and , we will quote you the combinati m price. We can save "you money on nearly all publications you desire;' : . in.. ...irUVSAnd ViAlnmnrAr .vn1in(l-&fl follows! W. foi weekly; S W for semi-wqckly; T W, for tri-1 weesiyj ju, .ior maHiu;, a i, . ".vv The first price' represents the subscription rate of the publication alone, 'and the second the rate for the publication offered in conjunction with the semi-weekly GAZETTE.; ' . Oregon Agricuiturist and Rural Northwest, Port land, Or., S.W., 60 cents; $1.80. ' ' 6regonian;Tortland, Or.'i Yl.f 5LE"; 2.55." - RuraSpirit, Portland, Or.,' Contains a live-stock market report, W., S2.0; 3.55. - - . - -. , Pacinc Christian Advocate.. Por Jand,. Or., Wi 2.0v. 3.05. . . 1 ' - The Tnriee aVoek World, New York.- T. W-, $L00; 2.20. . ', . - Homestead, Des Moines, Iowa,. A thorough stock and farm journal, W.. $1.00; 2. SO. . - The llepublic, St: Louis, Mo,", SiW., ?1;00; 2.05. - The American Farmer, Inslicr.apolis'Ihd.,' Live stock, farm and poultry, journal, M.; 60 cents;. l.Co. Boswn Cooking School Jlagazine, Bi-M., 60 cente; 1.90." -. ... : -. ... Notice to Creditors .-Having been duly appointed aduiiQi trator of the estate' of Joseph Park, de ceased, who died in Benton " County, Oregon; I hereby notify any and all er bodb haying claims'.said estate to present the-sarrie to me with the proper vouchers, as required by law, at m-y resi dence one mile east of Philomath, witldn 8ix months from the date of this notice. : Josip.i A. Paek, . - Administrator. Dated April S, I9O3. V ' You must . coi ficjer Quai.-ITY if this - is mi.-sing clisHppvif.linent is haveVd'.hertd for our inspection m Bakery eGtionerv Cofyallis & Eastern Baifroad TIME CARD. , 2 For Yaquina: ; Train leaves Albany: 12:45 p. in. " , Corvali3 2:00 p. m. arrive? Yaquina 6:25 p. m. 1 Retuining: .. ' " Leaves Yaquina;! . . 6:45 a. in. Leaves Co'vallis. . . . 11:30 a. m. Arrives Albany . . . . -12:15 p. m. 3 For Detioit: ; Leaves Albany . . .:. 7:00 a. m. Arriyes Detioit .... 12:05 p. m. 4. Returning: - ' " Leaves Detroit , . -12:45 p. ra. Arrives Albany. . . . 5:35 p. m. Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect', with .the S. P. eoutb bound train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany befoie departure of S. P. north bound train for Portland. . Train No. 2 connects with the S.'K trains at Corvalli9 and Albany giving direct servit.-e to Newport "and adjacent beaches. Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 7:00 a. m . , reaching Detroit at noon, giving ample time to rcauh the Springs same day. For further information apply to o - .Edwin Stone,' H. II. Ckonise, , Manager. Agent, Corvallis. . Thos. Cockell, Agjnt "Albany. - i : 1 -- riie first NatioiialJank OF CORVALLIS, OREGON. - CSTABLISHCO 1B90. - J - OFFICERS SrDIRECTOES M. fi, WOODCOCK, President. C. U. MOOR, Vice-President. ; WALTER T. WILES, Cashier. SEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier. E. F. -WILES, Gorvallis, Oregon. Loans Made Oa all kinds of approved security, r.nd especially to encourage aha build up the legitimate bust tess euterprises and industries of this country - " Deposits ' . Received subject to check payable on demam! V- Foreign Exchange. - Sight exchange and transfers sold available in the principal cities of England, Ireland, Switzer land, France, Belgium. Holland, Norway, Swed en, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Ger many, Austria. . - - ...... Letters of Credit Issued available in the principal cities or the Onited States. ." Plncifc..i Correspondents Upon Whom Sell Sight Exchange' 1 n.c commerciHl National Bank of Chicago. ". The l-'irst National Bank of Portland, Oregon. The lJanUcof California, Saa Francisco, Calif.- . Angio-Cahforaian Bank, San Francisco, Caiif. The National City Bank New York. The Bank of New York National Banking Ass'n Impoiters & Trader's National Bank, New York Shoe and leather National Bank of Boston, Mass tiiiladtlohia National I;siii.ot Pniladelpkia. Pa ; Reduction ia Water J?ales. I .We are proposing to ' jeduce the rates on water and to arrange with all con sumers so that all may be treated the same. To do this we must insist on all hills bsing in advaner, as our rules and regulations rail for, and as "other cities require. We have no desire to have trouble with any cobeume-, but to treat all alike our rules aaust be enforced, If anything . 6ho.i'd hapt en that water is not used after being paid for the money will be refunded.' ' Very truly yours, v r : Cobvallis Water Co "ALL SIZES" CAN afe'r TRU PHOPEK THING IN CLOTHlNd, UNDERWEAR, HATS and SHOES f ROM IS AT A PRICE TO PLEASE. ' ' ' J.:H. HARRIS Notice for. Publication. -. - . - United States Iand Office, . ... . . . Oregon Citv, Oregon, Feb. 27, 1BJ8. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of tl-e act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled "An act, for the sale ct tiinber lauds in Ihe States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public JLand States by act of Aujrust 4, 1S92, Cclia M. lAomis, of Eugene, county .f Lane. State of Oregon, has this day filed iu this office her sworn statement No. 6035, for the purchase of the Lots 2, 3, and 4 of Section No. 18 in Township No. 13 S, Rane Ko. 6 W, and will offer proof to show that the land s ulit is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before, the Register and Reieiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday, t'-e 2oth day of JUay, 1903. She names as witnesses: 0. K. Loomis, of Eugene, Or.: J. B. Wh-stauley, of Salem, Or ; Charles UrumficlJ, of Philomath, Or.j Benjamin F. Ireland, of Fern, Or. Any and all persons claiming .adversely the above described lands are requested to file ttitir claims in this office on or before said 25th doy of iv, 1'JoS - OIIAS. B. MuOHES, Kcfeister Notice tot Publication. .. ---" Land Office at .Okkgon City, Orkgos, January 21st, 19C3. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congrets of June 3, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oreoj, Nevada, and Washing ton Ten itory," as extended to all the Public Land State by act of August 4,1802, . . ' ' JAMES BARKF.TT, of Philomath, county of Benton, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 6015, for the purchase of the E $ of N W 1-4, S of HE 1-4 of stction No. 12, in township No. 11 S, Range No. .6 W", and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establ sh his claim to raid land before Victor f. Moses, clerk of Lenton county, Oregon, at Corvaliia, t rceou. 'ou Tuesday, th e of April, 1903. He Raines as witnesses: A; L. tortr, of Norton, Or.; J. SL Johnson, of Wren Or ; M. O. Flynn aud AI Haggerty, both of Pbi.math, Or. . Any and all persons claiming . adversely the above descrihed lands are requested to Hie the. r claim-, in this office on or before said 21st da) of April, 1903, . , CUAS. B. MOORaS, ... Register. Moki Tea poselively Cun s Sick Head ache, Indigeetion and Constipation .. A delightfuL herb drink. Rtuiovet, all eruptions of the fckin, prodm inp a penet t complexion or money ie!ninied. 26c and LOc. Write to us lor free ean le. W.H. Iltoker & Co , Buflalo, N. Y. A i.i.KN & Woodward, Druggcsip. Notice for Publication. . United Statts.Land Office, : Oregon City, Or., Jan. 24, 1903. Notice is hinly given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled "An act lor the fcale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevaoa, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the t'uhiic Land States by act of August 4, 1892, CHARLES HODGE, of Corvallis, County ol Benton, btatc of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 0017, -for the purchase ot the lots 1 and 2, and S J of ,N E 1-4 of Section No. 2 in Township No. 11 South, Range No. C West, and will offer proof to thow that tke land Bought is n ore valuable for its timber or stone than for rgricuitural purposes and to estab lish his claim to said land Leroi e ihe County Olei k of Benton County, Oregon, at Corvallis, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 2: nd day of Aprii, 1903. He names as witnesses: Andrew Porter, of Nor ton, Or., J. E. Winegar, of Corvallis. Or., Michael Flynn-and Samuel Ewing both of Philomath, Or. Any and all persons claiming adverbely the ubove descrited lands are requested t-j file their claims in - this office on or befoie said 22-id c" ay of April, 103.- tHAS. B. MOOKES, Register. . Notice for Publication. .t'nltel States Land Office, 1 ' Oregon City; Ct., February 7, 1903. Notice is. hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1S78, entiled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, On yon, Nevada, and Washing tor, XeiriUi3'," as extended to all the Public band States l.y act of August 4, 1892, CHARLES J.. SKINNER, of McMinnville, county of Yamhill, State ot Oregon, hasthU day tiled in this officehis sworn statement No. 6025 for the purchase cf the southwest 1-4 of section No. 2 in township-No. II eouth, range No. 6 wet-t, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is mere valuable fcr its tiinber or ttone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Clerk of Benton County, Oregon, at Corwdiis, Or , on Wednesday, the 22nd-day of April, 19j3. lie names as witness: A. L. Porter, of Norton, Or ; Saninel G. Ewing, of Philomath, Or.; and Charles Hilge and J:iy Wine gar, both of Corvallis, Oregon. . Any and all persons claiming adversely the aboS e dt scribed lands are requested to CIo their claims in this omce on or before said 22nd dav of April, 1903. . CHAS. B. MOORKS, ... " . - Register. I I L:"5 SEE B. A. CATHEY, M. D Physician Surgeon Rooms 14 in Bank Bnildinjr. Office Hours t IU to 12 a. m. S z to 4 y.w. Residence: Cornei 5th and Adams Ste. Telephone at office and residence. Corva'lis, - - . Oregon. W.TJ JJ. (Homoeopathic) Physician, Surgeon, Occulist Opficb R.3oms 1 and 2 iu Bank Bldg. RESio'itKC n 3rd , street, between . Monroe and Jackson Residence tele- pnone iso. fill Orrve, 481. Offick Hours 10 to 12 a. m. ; 2 to 4 p. m. . CORVALLIS, OREGON. C. H. NEWTH Physician & Surgeon Examining Burgeon D. S.Pension Bureau I 'HI LC 'MATH, OFE'JOy. DR. W. H. HOLT DR. MAUD B. HOLT Osteopathic Physicians Ofiiiv on South Main St. Consultation and examination frte. Offjre hours: 8:30-11 :45a. m;l 5:45p m. Telephone 235. Corvallin, Oregon. DR. JAS. A. HARPER DENTIST Off) re In Wbltehorn Block Corvallis, Oregon E. 11. Bryson ATTORNEY - AT LAW Corvaliia, Ore'on, Office In rcstcfEce Zcildlcs. Notary Titles ( oam.tamuo. JOS. H- "WIISON. AT0RNEY-AT.LAW. Practice in all State and Federal Court. Office in Burnett Building. Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Supplies. Ccivsllls, Oregon " Established, " .; ' Iuc(i-j oratei898 WHOLESALE 6t RETAIL. The ' moat, complete lin of . Pure. Drugs and- - Chemicals in CorvoUi. . - . Books and Stationery, Cctntnercial Fa pera, Fine Perftitnery, Toilet Artlclg, Combs, Brt hes anij Mirrors. Dwiey