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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1903)
WEEKLY. .S&2.r&.I Consolidated Feb., 1899. COBVAX.LlS,BENTO COUNTY, OREGON, FEIDAY, APRIL, 17, 1903. VOL,. XXXX. NO. 17. EVENTS OF THE DAY GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OP THE " TWO HEMISPHERES. Comprehensive Review of the Import ant Happenings of the Past Week, Presented In Condensed Form, Mos Likely to Prove Interesting to Our Many Readers. Kansas bank deposits now amount to $30,000,000, or -over $60 for every man, woman and child in the state. The Methodists propose to merge the Methodist Book Concern of New York and the Western Methodist Book Con cern of Cincinnati and Chicago. Nearly $300 was found in searching a hovel occupied by Patrick Flynn, near Belvidere, N. J. He was 82 years old and a hermit. He was found dead. Fire which started in the Capital Hotel at West End, a summer resort near New Orleans, La., destroyed that building and a number of business .houses. The loss is $75,000. Rocks from a blast at a cutting in a Bronx, New York City, street, broke :many windows, wrecked a house, in jured a baby and scared a woman near ly to death. Two Hungarians were killed and two injured at Pittsburg in a belated ex plosion of dynamite at the New Mount "Washington tunnel of the West Lib erty Traction Company. The Washington theater at Rome, N. T.f was destroyed by fire. The loss is "between $125,000 and $150,000, about "half - covered by insurance.- A score of people were injured when the walls of the theater fell. An anonymous letter, threatening to "burn the town"by fire and dynamite," -imiAM 200 is left at a designated place, has caused great excitement at "Montgomery, Ind. There have been rseveral incendiary fires there lately. -Four structures in the business part of Wilmington, Mass., were burned, ontalllng a loss of $20,000. The body of Rear-Admiral George . "F. Balknap was buried with military Ihonors at Arlington cemetery. Brigadier-General Frank D. Baldwin "has taken charge of the Department of the Colorado, succeeding General Frederick Funston. Governor Peabody of Colorado, has ordered the members of the Denver IFire and Police Board to answer charges of malfeasance and misfeas ance in office in permitting gambling. The trial of Dr. Joseph Alexander, of Indianapolis, on the. charge of .grave-robbing has been indefinitely -"postponed, because the. . Negroes un--der indictment have refused to testi fy against him. , . A tornado in the vicinity of Bloc--ton, Ala., wrecked several houses and -did considerable damage to- farming property. The towns of Coleanor and 3arhey also suffered. No fatalities -were reported. John Sherman, a guard on the Chi ' -cago Elevated railway, was probably iatally hurt and many passengers -were shaken up and badly frightened -when the second car of a west-bound train jumped the track. . The Mexican Ambassador has in- -tnrmpft the State DeDartment that -tickets are being sold in this country -fnr a lntterv said to be located in San Luis, Mex., where the Ambassa dor says mere is no lonery. .r. John H. Wisker, the engineer on the New York Central Railroad, whose train caused the fatal acci dent in the Park-Avenue tunnel, New VnrV in PVhrnarv. 1902. will be tried lor manslaughter. His "lawyers will try to show that the directors should liave been indicted. ; a jrrnin flvator in Chicago, owned "by the Lake Shore & Michigan South ern Railway, and. used by" Churchill & Co.. -gram merchants, Durnea. io- tal loss, $200,000. Fifteen men were employed in the structure, but all es caped. The elevator contained near ly 150,000 bushels of grain. ThA democrats of the First Oregon district have nominated A. E. Reams lor congress. A colored porter on an Erie Pull- man was found to have the smallpox. The car was quarantined. Sight new veins "of coal Have been discovered just south of Wllkesbarre, "Pa. With 12 veins underneath now "being worked, this makes 150 feet of ynal Tt la estimated there are iw. 000,000 tons in this tract, which is owned by the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western and benign & w lines Darr to Coal Company. Mandhlakie Dube, son of a Natal, South Africa. Zulu chief, has been called from his studies in this country to assume the chieftaincy. His fath er s health is failing. Immigration authorities at Winni-nee- Manitoba, have annealed to . the military for tents to house new set tlers. Ten skeletons in receptacles of flat atones, uncovered on a farm east of Hopkinsville, Ky., are pronounced by "Professor Morehead. of Phillips Acad emy, those of a race of - prehistoric mound-builders. A nonv eneine collided with' the rear end of a passenger train on the Lake Shore branch line at AsniaDuia, O. Fireman Bogue, of the pony"Bn cinp was tilled three trainmen were injured and several passengers more or less hurt. Tho falsewnrk of the Panhandle bridge, near Pittsburgt which is be ing rebuilt, caught fire and was part ly destroyed. Whittaker Wright claims to be a citizen of the United' States, and says that the Commissioner who heard his case is without jurisdiction. Bruce Marcum, a Jackson,- Ky., young man of good family, has, under the vagrancy law, been sold into ser vitude for six months. Marcum is so averse to work that the highest bid was $6.50. ' - RAINS CHECK FARM WORK. Winter Wheat Looks Well Frost Nips Fruit in California. Washington. April 16. The Weather Bureau issued the following weekly i summary of crop conditions: In the districts east of the Rocky Mountains during the week ending April 13, the temperature has been highly favorable for growing .vegeta tion, but farm work was very general ly retarded by rains in the Lake re gion, central valleys and Atlantic coast districts, while complaints of lack of moisture are received from portions of the Central and West Gulf ..states. In the Central and Northern Rocky Mountain districts and on the North ern Pacific coast the season is very backward, and Washington and Oregon have suffered from cold, wet weather. In California the conditions have been generally favorable, with the exception of some damage by frosts. The condition- of winter wheat is generally excellent, and it has made splendid progress since the first of the months In the Upper Ohio Valley, however, the freeze of the 4th and 5th caused some injury. On the whole the conditions of the crop in the winter J wheat belt east of the Rockies is more promising than for years. In Califor nia the outlook is also promising, but in Oregon and Washington the condi tions of the crop are less favorable, especially in the. last named state, where about one-third of the acreage will be resown. - Spring wheat seeding is nearly com pleted in Iowa and Nebraska, and is progressing well in South Dakota; i none has yet been sown in North Da kota and in Northern Minnesota, but in Southern Minnesota some has been sown on rolling lands. By the close of ! March, which was a very mild month, all fruits wereAinusually far'advanced. The reports now indicate that many varieties of fruit have suffered severe-1 ly for the month, particulary the pG&cLi. In California, while some damage has been done by frost, the outlook Is favorable: on the North Pacific Coast the season is so backward that fruit has not been exposed to -injury. TWO KILLED BY TORNADO. Storm Sweeps Over Remote Part of Ala- bama With Deadly Effect. Birmingham, Ala., April 16. A spe cial to the Age-Herald from Evergreen, Ala., says: - News has just reacnea nere vy icio nhnne confirming rumors of heavy loss of life and property in the neighbor hood of Peterman and .Burnt corn, wrought by the tornado which passed near there yesterday. Ten persons are known to have been killed, numerous barns and residences and outnouses were swept away, entailing a loss which will reach high in the thousands. On account of the bad condition of the wires communication - is difficult. H. P. Salter and' his motner ana child were riding along a road and were opposite a clump of trees when the storm overtook them. a. neavy tree that was uprooted by the wind fell across the wagon, crushing all of the occupants to death. Several residenc es were demolished, the timber falling on the occupants, killing or injuring all within the buildings. - It will probably-be several days De- fore a correct list of the casualties can be obtained, aa there Is neither J HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON . II I COAL LEDGE FOUND. Specimens From Near Wllholt Springs of Excellent Quality. According to a report brought from the vicinity of Wilholt Springs, 25 miles east of Oregon City, in the foot hills of the Cascade Mountains, and in Clackamas county, that portion of the county is likely in the near future to prove one of the greatest wealth-producing sections of the county. F. C. Barstow, of that place, has a sample of coal which he says has been taken from a ledge just unearthed on his claim, which he claims to have been looking for for the past 12 months. The sample that he showed was al most pure carbon, and was as fine a specimen of the "black diamond"' as can be found, anywhere between the two oceans. According to his story the vein is from six to ten feet thick and bhows every indication of being per manent. It has long been known -that there are fine prospects for coal in that sec tion, and many samples of coal picked up from the hillsides have been exhib ited, but it is said that this is the nrst find of any consequence, and it is now believed that claims that have not been filed on in that vicinity will soon be taken up. As the new electric railroad, for which C. D. Latourette recently se cured a franchise, is supposed to run to the vicinity of Wilhoit Springs, it is believed that this find will be an in centive to hurry up the building of the road..- Settlers for Wallowa County. A party of immigrants, numbering 60 men. women and children, arrived a few days ago from Hinton, W. ,Va., and will locate. Many will go to El gin, and perhaps to Wallowa county, where already many from their state are already located. They are all in search of Government land that can be homesteaded. Treat for Music Lovers. The students and citizens of Eu gene are anticipating a great musical treat when the State Oratorio Society renders its programme in Villard Hall, May 12, 13 and 14. Financial Condition Good. The semi-annual financial report of Columbia county officers for the six months ending March 31, has been completed and it shows a total in all of the funds of nearly $40,000. The total resources of the county are $43, 203.97, while the total liabilities are $1328.06,' the latter consisting of - war rants on the general and road funds that have not been presented for pay ment. There is no such a procedure in that county of indorsing warrants "not paid for want of funds." Examined'Salem Bar. David B. Ogden of Portland, an en gineer, of "the Government River and Tjni. Department, was in Salem and made soundings in the Willamette River near Salem to ascertain what hanges have taken place in the chan lei. He also made such investigations Is will be of use to his office in case t should be necessary to build a re- etment in order to keep the river in ts channel. Had Good Run. - The four-stamp mill recently install- d at the new Kremer & Palmer mine, bn Mount Reuben, has been completed d given its trial run, with excellent esults. 'The Kremer & Palmer is one if the richest and, most promising bines of Southern Oregon, and is an- fither of the properties of this mineral one that has arisen from a mere pros ect to a paying mine within the ourse of a few months. Snow Scares Grant Stockmen. Three inches of snow fell over most f Grant county last - week, causing onsiderable alarm to the scores of tockmen who had just turned out on pe range. Skits of February have been Wried into April this season, numer- us scant falls of snow being inter-. tingled with chill weather, the com- Enation proving rather trying on lock. Ranchers now are very - anx- us for things to moderate. Fears for Clackamas County Fruit. The heavy hail storm of last , week id considerable damage to fruit in afferent sections of Clackamas coun r, many or tne iruit - trees Demg . ... ..... ...... h full bloom, and the entireblossom eing knocked off the trees.' The reather of . the whole week has been Immoderately cold, and it is believed hat the fruit crop is baaly damaged, not entirely killed.-- L Wife Jlurderer Suicides. John de Falcd," the Italian convict who .was serving a life sentence at the enitentiary for killing his wife in ortland on February 26 through jeal- usy, ended his existence at the prison y cutting his throat and severing his i indpipe , with an instrument . known s a cell knife, with a blade about one- hch long. ' - May Make 100,000 Idle. Chicago, April 16. On the result of meeting to be held tomorrow depends he question of a strike which may in- plve 100,000 workmen on the Great akes. An ultimatum on wages is to te presented dv tne pacuage ireignt jandlers at. Chicago to. the managers i the lake lines and labor contractors ho supply men for dock work along he Chicago river. The demand is acked by the ." International Long- horemen's, Marine and Transport workers' Association. CHINESE RAIDED BY ROBBERS. Mormon Basin Celestials Were Not the . Victims of Mob Violence. ' United States District Attorney . H. Hall, of Portland, has been in Baker City several days making in quiry about an alleged outrage per petrated on a lot of Chinamen engaged in mining near Mormon Basin last summer. It will be remembered that lot of toughs made a raid on the Chinese placer mines over there and robbed them of all their gold dust and money. Three of the Chinamen were badly ' injured and several, houses burned. It was not a mob but a raid of a lot of thieves and robbers, who, the better. to intimidate their victims, burned their homes and assaulted " the in mates. The Chinese government it is un derstood, has made a claim against Uncle Sam for $100,000 damages and it is for the purpose of looking up the lacis in tne case that Mr. Hall has been sent there. TON OF SALMON FOUND. Was Caught Out of Season and All Packed In Ice. Water Bailiffs Smith and Jones and Deputy Warden Webster were looking for poachers near the mouth of the Clackamas when they ran into as fine a lot of salmon packed in ice as their eyes had seen for many a long day. More than 2200 pounds were taken from the pack and shipped to Port land, where they were placed in cold storage. After leaving this big find of. sal mon, the men proceeded -up the river to look for a location 'for a flshway. On -their way they, broke their, oars and were forced to beat ashore, and almost under their eyes they discov ered 20 fine steelheads, which they ap propriated. . . It has long been known that salmon- fishing out of season was being indul ged in in the Clackamas, but that it was Demg carried on on such a large scale was not dreamed of. and strenu ous stepB will be taken to stop it. Takes Place in. The Dalles "Land Office. Miss Frances N. Osborn. of Wash ington,. D. C, who for the past six years has ,been a clerk in the General Land Office, has arrived at The Dalles J to assume his position in the local land office. Lumber Dropped Into Eay. ParT of the dock of the Truckee Lumber Company's sawmill, at Hob- sonviile, on Tillamook Bay. collapsed and 60,600 feet of dressed lumber went into the bay with it, A gang of men were put to work and saved the lum ber. . - r. . - . . Orouse Mountain Mine Resumes. The Grouse Mountain Gold Mining & Milling Company will resume oper ations at once. " The . superintendent has gone to Bohemia with a force of men. This company owns valuable property on Grouse Mountain which adjoins the Noonday, and Knott mines, Heing an extension of the Champion. They will work a double shift further to improve the property as originally mapped out. This company is held as a close corporation and backed by some men of money and influence. Bond Proposals Carried. At a special election held in Baker -City to vote on a proposition to issue bonds for the purpose of constructing a sewer system and erecting a City Hall, the City Hall bonds carried, by a vote of four to one, and the sewer bonds five to one. Both improvements will be started at once. TORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 7072c; blue stem, 76c; valley, 7576c. - : Barley-Feed, $21.50 per ton; f brew ing, $23. " ' - floor Best grade, $3.P54.25 ; grah am, I3.4&3.5. Millstuffa Bran, $19 per ton; middlings, $24; shorts, $19.5020, chop, $18. ; Oats No. 1 white, $1.15 1.20; gray, $1.121.15 percental. Hay Timothy, $1313.50; clover, $10ll; cheat, $1112 per ton. rotatoes .cost unrDanks, ouc per sack; .. ordinary, - 2540c per cental, growers' prices; Merced sweets, $3 3.50 per cental. : . . Poultry Chickens, mixed, ll12c; young, 1314c;":. hens, 12c; turkeys, live, l617c; dressed, 2022c; ducks, $77.50 per dozen; geese, $66.50. ; Cheese Full cream, twins, 16 17c; Young America, 13 13c; factory prices, ll6c less. V xsutier fancy creamery, jszc per pound; extras, 21c; dairy, 2022c; store, iocs isc. . Eggs 1516c per dozen. Hops Choice, 1920c per pound. Wool Valley, 1215c; Eastern Oregon, 814c; mohair,- 35 36c. iieet uross, cows, 344c pet pound; steers, 45c; dressed, 7?fce, Veal 886c. " Mutton Gross, 77c per pound; dressed, 89c. -' - V Lambs . Gross, - 4c per pound dressed, 7Kc ; ' ".' : ; Hogs Gross,- 7?)c per : pound iresBed,88)c. CUT IN TWO BY STEAT1ER. Schooner Run Down on Gulf Two Chil dren and Sailor Drowned. St Louis, April 15. A special to the Republic from Galveston, Tex.. says: . . The schooner Margaret L. Ward was rammed and sunk by the South ern Pacific steamer El Rio, 25 miles east- of Galveston Bar, last night. Two children of Captain McKown, of the schooner, were lost and one sea man of the same vessel. According to Captain McKown, all his lights were burning brightly and every possible signal made to avert the collision, but the big steamer bore straight down upon- the doomed ves sel, cutting her in two and sending her to the bottom immediately. From accounts of the collision given by the engineer, Clark, and Chief Mate In galls, it was .about 30 seconds from the time of the collosion until the Ward sunk. - The captain had his family on board. They were asleep in the cab in. The mate saw the steamer and started to ring the bells. The whole crew turned out; all bells were ring ing, the whistles were blowing, all hands on deck were, shouting for dear life and both anchorage lights were showing when the El Rio struck the schooner carrying away her aft-gang way and wheel-bow and cutting into the cabin. . All hands took to the rigging. Cap tain McKown had his son in his arms, but was struck with something in get ting into the rigging and the little fel lew slipped into the sea. Mrs. Mc Kown gave the little girl to one of the sailors who was lost in trying to save her. RAISED FROM THE DEEP. One of the Spanish Ships Sunk by Dew. ey's Fleet at Manila. Manila, April 15. The warship Reina Christina, . the flagship of Ad miral Montejo, which 'was sunk by Admiral Dewey, was floated and beached yesterday. The skeletons of about 80 of her crew were found In the hulk. One skeleton was evidently that of an officer, for it had a sword by its side. There are fifteen shell holes in the hull of the' Reina Christina, one made by an eight-inch and others smaller. The main injection valve is missing, showing the ship was ' scut tled, when abandoned. The hull is in fair condition. Captain Albert R. Couden, com manding the naval station at Cavite, took charge of the remains of the sail ors, expressing a desire to give them an American naval funeral. The Spanish residents are anxious, how ever, to ship the skeletons to Spain, and it is suggested that the transport Sumner convey them to Spain by the way of the Suez Canal in June. A wrecking company is endeavoring to raise all the sunken Spanish war ships. "" """-"" - -- . .- PERUVIAN CIVILIZATION. Dr. Max Uhle Has Been' Able to Trace It Back 2,000 Years San Francisco, April 13. The ear liest American ) civilization, for ante dating the generally accepted limits of pre-Columbus culture,, has been traced in Peru by Dr. Max Uhle, di rector, of the anthrological excava tions and explorations of the Univer sity of California in that country. Where heretofore Inca traditions had led scientists to believe that Peruvian civilization extended back only a few centuries before the coming of the Spaniards, the archeological work of Dr. Uhle has established the ' fact that a great civilization flourished 2000 years earlier, at the least est! mate, and that a cultured race, of higher development than the Incas, was in existence before the Trojan war. - This remarkable discovery follows as a result of the studies made in the two expeditions which Dr. Uhle led in recent years at the expense of rs Phoebe Hearst and under the aus pices of the University of California. DAM BURSTS IN COLORADO. Irrigates Valley Too Suddenly and Drives Out .Residents. Delta, Colo., April 14. The dam of the-Bonney reservoir, near Olathe. 15 miles from this city, gave way early today, causing, damage estimated at from $50,000 to" $75,000.- The reser voir is owned by the Garnet Ditch & Reservoir Company and r furnishes water for irrigating the Garnet mesa. The company's house below the dam was demolished, and its occupants barely escaped with their lives, being forced to wade through several feet ta pi a of! a o id ta g: ft ra d r; si CANAL AT RAPIDS BOARDOF ENGINEERS TO MEET AT PORTLAND -MAY 11. Decision on Plans Will Then Be Reached May Modify Harts Plan to Keep Within Limit Will Also Examine Route Scheme for Continuous Canal From Big Eddy to Celilo. Washington, April 15. Representa tive Moody, before leaving Washing ton, had a final conference with the members of the Board of Engineers having under consideration the open ing of the Columbia River from The Dalles to Celilo, and was informed that the Board will meet in Portland May 11 to consider more fully all data that has recently been collected by Major Langfitt regarding the portion of the river to be improved. Mr. Moody says that, while it is im possible, to say what the Board will finally report, its conclusion will largely, depend upon calculations to be based on data that has been com piled by Major Langfitt, bearing on the several modifications or substi tution for the Harts' project. Mr. Moody also had under consider ation with the engineers the removal of one of the reefs at Ten-Mile Rap ids, with a view to facilitating steam boat navigation up to the lower end of the proposed state portage road. That proposition will be considered by the Board when it meets. The Board will proDably visit the obstruc tions in the river and will determine for itself the need of blasting on this reef. Having viewed the river dur ing the Summer, the Board at its coming meeting will have opportunity to see the stream at the high stage of the water and form a better idea of tne volume of water to be controlled. The Board will make an extraordi nary effprt to devise a practical plan that can be carried out at a cost not exceeding Captain Harts' estimate for his original scheme, and there is some hope that such a plan may eventually be found. In the light of data that has been collected by Ma jor Langfitt, the Board will be, able, closely to, estimate the cost of the several modifications of the Harts' project that have been proposed and will also be able to estimate the cost of other schemes that have bieen brought .forward by other engineers. Mr. Moody has urged that if the Harts' plan in an amended form is not agreed upon, the Board seriously consider the proposition of a contin uous canal from the Big Eddy to Ce lilo, and determine whether or not such a canal can be built by making use of natural channels through the rocks to the south of the river, at a cost, not greater than Harts' estimate. This suggestion will be investigated and, if it proves feasible at reason able cost, may be accepted, as the ad vantages of a continuous canal are recognized by many of the officers. ENGINES CRASH HEAD-ON. Four Are Killed and Two More Will Die Details Meager,, Halifax, N. "S., April 15. Four per sons killed, two fatally hurt, at least one missing, and several others slight ly injured is the record of a head-on collision on the Inter-Collonial Rail way which occurred just before mid night last night near Windsor Junc tion, 17 miles from Halifax. The poles and telegraph line along the roadside were wrecked, and this city was cut off from communication With the outside world for hours. The train's in collision were ,the Canadian Pacific Railway express from Montreal and Boston for Hali fax, and a fast freight from Halifax for Montreal. - The conductor and driver of the freight had orders to take the siding at Windsor Junction and let the express cross, but, for some unknown - reason, Driver Cope land, of the freight, ran past the Junction on the main line and met the express two miles beyond. It is thought that Copeland-may have lost control of his train, which was made up of 75 cars. The freight was running 25 miles an hour, and the express, which was two hours late, was traveling about 45 miles an hour.: Both trains were hauled by new and powerful locomotives, and they crashed together on a level piece of road skirting a lake.. - -v Proposed Treaty With Cuba. Havana, April 15. Minister Squires today outlines to President Palma and Foreign Secretairy Haldo the details pf the permanent treaty between Cuba and the United States in accordance ith the proposition prepared at Washington. The naval stations greement, the ratification of which now pending in the Senate, will not e reopened, but it is understood that wnership of the stations is covered h the treaty, in addition to the Isle Pines and the Piatt amendment atures. There is no doubt that ermanent treaty ' will be concluded Don. Slide nisses Passenger Train. Salt Lake, April 15. A special to be Herald from Evanston, Wyo., says hat a landslide occurred at the east pd of the Aspen tunnel late today. Jurying the Union Pacific tracks 18 r 20 feet for a distance of 200 or 300 feet and badly caving in the end of pe tunnel. ; It is thought the tracks annot be cleared for at least 24 ours. No one was killed in the slide p far as known. The east-bound pas- nger train had just passed through he tunnel when the slide came down pe mountain, just missing the train Coal Mine Explosion. . Kansas City, April 15. A special the JournaKfrom, South McAlister, T., says: -Five men were killed and kto aeverely burned today by a gas plosion in Mine 77 of the Kansas & exas Coal Company at Carbon, I. T. he - cause of 'the explosion is. un- piown. Seventy-five men were in the line, but all escaped injury : except he Feven .who were working inthe hamber where the explosion oo- arred.'.:-- . . " MAY GIVE UP ISLANDS. banish Commission Returns Much Dis couraged With Conditions. Washington, April "l4. Advices re ceived here are to the effect that the royal commission left St. Thomas a few days ago 'for Denmark in a pes simistic frame of mind. After., the treaty of cession 'had been laid aside the Danish government, to placate the residents of the Danish West In dies and the people at home who fa vored cession to the United States, sent' this commission to the islands to devise means for the improvement of the conditions of the islanders by the re-adjustment of ' salaries, the estab lishment of direct lines of steamships and changes in customs duties, which it was hoped might reconcile the is landers to their retention by pen mark. It now appears that the com mission was very much discouraged by what it saw and heard, so it is en tirely possible that - there will be a strong revival of the cession movement- in Denmark when they return. Technically the treaty, of cession ratified by the United States Sen-: ate - is pending before the " Dan ish Government, and if there is change in public feeling there may be ratified and the ces it sion completed, providing the Rigs dag is called in special . session before July, when the time allowed for exchange of, ratifications expires. NEW CRUISER TACOMA. Date for the Launching at San Francisco Soon to Be Fixed. Washington, April 14 The Navy Department expects to be advised within a short time of the date when the Union Iron Works, at San Fran cisco, will launch the cruiser Tacoma, building at Its yards. This date is always set by the shipbuilders, and approved by the Secretary of the Navy. AH : arrangements for the at tending ceremony in this instance will be concluded between the Union . Iron Works and the representative of Tacoma, probably the Mayor, who will also designate the-young woman who is to christen the new vessel as it starts on its first plunge into the briny deep. It is hardly probable that many rep resentatives of the Department from Washington will attend tne ceremony, because of the distance, although all bureau chiefs and the Secretary will be invited. " BLIND CHAPLAIN DEAD. Venerable Dr. Milburn Passes Away In His Eightieth Year. Washington, April 13. Rev. Wiliam Milburn, the venerable blind chaplain , of the United .States senate, died in Santa Barbara, Cal., today. Mr. Mil- burn, accompanied by his two nieces, the Misses Timley, left Washington for the Pacific coast about a year ago. The chaplain was in broken health. The change brought no great improvement in his condition, and ' when congress met in December he forwarded his res ignation to Washington,, but it was never acted upon. Mr. Milburn was twice elected chap lain of congress, the first time in 1845, when a little over 22 years of age. He was twice chaplain of the house of rep resentatives and lastly chaplain of the senate, to which office he was elected' in 1893. niSSIONARIES ARE TAKEN. Germans Arrest Graduates of 'American School in Carolines. Boston, April 14. News of the ar rest of a number of native graduates from a mission school at Ruk, one of, the Caroline Islands, by the Captain cf a German warship, who carried those in custody to Ponapa, the seat of the German government, 300 miles : away, was received today - by the American Board of Foreign Missions. The advices were from Rev. William L. Stinson. who said the arrest was made on the ground that the natives preach against the German govern ment. The natives were seized De cember 26. They were still held on February 16, the date of Mr. Stinson's letter. The officials of the American Board have informed the State Department of the arrests, requesting that steps toward redress be taken. Sultan Badly Scared. Constantinople, April 14. The news of the death of M St. .Cherbina, the Russian Consul at. Mitrovltza, European Turkey, who was shot by an Albanian sentinel recently at that place, has greatly alarmed the au thorities here, who anticipate com-, plications with Russia. Consular re ports from Masastir show that the anarchical conditions prevailing there are becoming more acute. Assassi nations of both Christians and Mus- selmans are increasing. . In the dis trict of Prilep . during the past' week no less tSan 50 Christians were killed by Musselmans. r For Shorter Workday. Philadelphia, April 14. Union tex tile workers of this city assembled In convention today for the purpose of formulating demands to be presented to the operators. The movement em braces every grade of textile work. It will affect directly about 50,000 oper ators and indirectly about 100,000 ad ditional hands. The convention ad journed to night after adopting a reso lution demanding a 55-hour week, leaving the wage question for future consideration. A strike will follow the -refusal of the manufacturers to accept the proposition. Two Fleets to Combine. Washington April 14. Orders were sent to Rear-Admiral Higginson, com manding the . North Atlantic . fleet at Pensacola, - to remain there several days pending the arrival of several, carloads of provisions. He will . be joined there early next week by Rear Admiral Coghlan with the Caribbean Sea division, and the fleet will ' pro ceed to Norfolk, where it will be re viewed by Admiral Dewey. Admiral Coghlan has already left Puerto Cor tes. -:- -- - fr