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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1902)
THE COBVALLIS GAZETTE FRIDA'Y, SEPT. 19, 1902. FLAT SALARY HUMBUG. There is still some agitation for a special session of the legisla ture bv the little coterie of p-jli ticians who see pprsonal profit in :neh a rjroiect. r but the voice ol the people is so strongly agaiuvt it that there is little reason to doubt that pressure from the "special sessionlsti" will soon cease. " -. 'the principal reason urged for holding a special session, is the alleged saving to the state which would accrue from the enactment at that time of a flat salary law.. The Gazette has shown the fallacy of this argument In an interview published ii Tuesday's Oregoniai Senat jr Daly, of this .conntv. takes the position which the Gazette has held since the beginning- of this controversy. Senator Daly understands this matter and he does not mince terms in exoressine himself con cerning it. He savs: 4 4 You ask what is my opinion rptrardin? flat salaries for state officers. Well, I don't see any good place to build an opinion that isn't wobblv. The salaries provided for by the constitution all too small. If we make any change we must raise them, and every dollar we raise them cames out of the taxpayer, flat. A few vears aeo a howl was raised for flat salaries for county officers, because it was thought some of the sheriffs were making too much money in fees. Well, they got flak salaries for the Count officers, and the result is the doubling of the taxes in many of the smaller counties and the increasing of the taxes in all the counties, while litigation has become practically free for all, without money and without price. It is as safe an axiom as aay in Euclid that fees will be abolished when there is no one interested in keeping them up. "The State Printer is the officer most generally discussed unfav orably by the public. Let us see how much of it he deserves. The constitution provides that 'the rates to be paid to him for such printing shall be fixed by law.' They are practically so fixed. Thev are 'Union' rates, and no Legislature will ever vote to re duce those rates. The constitu tion also provides that 'he shall perform all the public printing for the state which may be pro . vided by law,' and here is the leak at the bughole in the State Printer's office. "Tons ot stuft are printed that is absolutely useless and, al though I have no data, I believe that a laree proportion of the printing is not 'provided bylaw.' The officer or officers who order it done follow custom, and not . law, and so the work increases a little every year. Then the printer is abused for demanding regular rates for work he has done." A Water Ordinance. At a meeting held Monday evenine. the special committee appointed by the council consid ered the following ordinance pre sented by the local water compa ny. A later proposition, which appears in another column of this paper, was submitted to trie committee at a meeting Wednes day night: Sec. i The privilege is hereby granted to G R Farra of Corvallis, Gfcegon, his successors and assign?, (hereinaiter known as the grantee) to maintain, extend, equip and op erate a system of water works in the city of Corvallis, Oregon, to supply the city and its citizens with water for public and private pur poses, for the period of thirty years (subject to right of purchase here inafter provided for.) Sec. 2 The water so to be sup plied and furnished the'eity and its inhabitants, shall be taken from the Willamette River at the place where the present suction pipe of the Corvallis Water Company, en trs said river, or at some other point in said river convenient to the said company's power house in said city, and all such water shall be filtered through a charcoal filter, not less than three feet in thick ness, on all sides, top and bottom of said filter, and the- same to be immersed under the surface of said river, at low water mark. And to be securely fastened in position by sufficient piling to hold it eecurely in place at nil times. Sec. 3. The said filtered water hall be pumped by the grantee in to mains and latt-raU placed in the streets and alleys and other public ways of said city, not less than 18 inches below the surface of the streets, alleys and' ways aforesaid. and said main shall consist of 8 inch piping from the said company's power house to Eighth street, along f, Adams street m said city." bai l S i inch pipe to connect with the mains as follows:- One six inch "main a - long Second street from Adams to Madison street, and a- four inch eors or assist., to the c-u y, 1 r in? nuia continuing along Second street !6uni agreed upon liy &i 1 arUira from Madison street to VanBaren j tors. If the city anler Ihis ptu n street A four inch main to con- f,( parch-a urcha-p tV.s- wa ned vitb the 8 inch main from Ad t.r wurk.-'ben thi- franbi e -lial ams street to VanBaTen street along Ffth street. A six -inch main to connect with 8 inch main from Ad- am street to Madison itree?,"alo g uot purchase mil tke iren ibn Eighth street, and continuing along fraoeui ehall ' rontinue and re Eigbth street from Madison street mailt in full fori and fleet for the to VanBaren- street a four inch ' eaid period of thirty yaia frttn th main - A six inch main to run a long Madison street from Second to Eighth connecting . with other mains on second, Fifth and Eighth streets. A four inch main to run along VanBaren street, from Second street, to Eighth street connecting with the mains on Sesond , Fifth aud Eighth streets. Other four inch mains to extend fr.m said sys tem, on the north, south and wet, to eerve f jr necessary fire . protec tion, anl supply the Stite Agricul tural college, and citizens and in habitants ot said city with water for domestic ue, and to be connect ed with smaller piping for all nec cessary domestic uses. The pur pose and talent of this ordinance being lo secure for the city, and it- inhabitants a sufficient supply of good and wholesome water for fire protection, sewer cleansing and do mestic use. The quality of sa d wa'er shall from time to time be tested by a v competent chemist nominated by the 'city, and the fil ter shall be kept, in condition to at all lime3 providd good, pure and wholesome wafer for such use. : Sec. 4 fn order to test the sup ply of water, and thepres nre upo . the dydrants the grantee shall, whenever required to do so by the city council, submit the watersys te'm to the fol.owing test. Four fire streams shall be thrown - from the nearest hydrants to the inter section of Second and Madiso streets, Corvallis, Oregon, -simultaneously through one' section of fire hose each, with nozzle, to a heighth of seventy feet, and this stream maintained for a period not to exceed three hours, at the dis cretion of the council, provided that whenever the council desires such tests, it give the granite sufficient notice to cut off the reservoir or tank outlets, and pump directly into the mains. Sec. 5 The city shall place upon the mains such necessary fire hy drants as it may desire, and keep the same in good repair and condi tion for instant use for lire?. The grantee shall furnish the city with water for filling all mains and the entire watjf;ry6tm, and at all times be ready to place upon and maintain upon all hydrants euffi ciert pressure to enable the teste provided for in section 4 to be suc cessfully carried out. He shall nUo 4keep all cietrn9 f the city filled with water, and tnjmih all wattr needed by the city in and about li e City Hall and jtil.and he diall al so furnish-all necet-tary water for flushing all tewtr withiu the city utitig one hydrant at a time, with hrvsn nnd nczz'ft that nurDO?P. And for all such water supplied the city, as in this section pioyided for, the grantee shall ' receive a rental ol fifty dollars per month, tj be charg ed for, and paid us other claims a- gainst the city are paid. Sec. 6 The grantee U hereby authorized to nx aud main am cm- form rates to private consumers for water for domestic uses, subject. however, at all times to the right of the common council to altir,cbange or fix rates for private coceumption upon such reasonabl basis as the necessities of the inhabitants of the city, and the income derived from such water supply t them, will justify. The rate hereby fixed, and estab lished shail be as follows: For family use for dwelling and family including hot wa'er tunk, per month, 75 cents. For one bath tub per month in a reeidence, 25 cents. For one water closet per mouth in a residence, 5o cents. For outside use For lawn and flowers for one lot for season of four month?, from June 1st to October I9t (or less than one lot) $3 For two lot, or less than twj or more than one, for eame season .of four months, $5. For three lots or less than three and more than two. for eame season of four month?, $6. To those who also use water of the grantee in their residences on said lot, or lots. For all other purposes for private consumption such reasonable ra te as shall ba established by the grant ee, as will be fair and in proportion to rates for similar services charged in the city of Portland, Oregon, and an eucn rates snail be approved by the council. Seo. 7. At the expiration of teu years from the granting of this franchise, and at any time thereaf ter, the city shall have the option to purchase the said water work?, taken as a whole, at' such valuation as shall be established by a compe tent bjard of arbitrators, or whom the city shall stlect one, and tbe grantee shall select one, and if they cannot agree on . the valuation i f tbe said water work?, then the sa'd arbitrators ehall stlect a third ar bitrator, and tbe decision of raid three arbitrators, or a majority of thain. shall b$ final and binding upjn both partiep, and the grantee htrrbv exoressiv agrees - to ronwy t god and pti?fact ry cuii v-j ance iali the property f paid wste'woik men owned ty gratuity dh ut-ef-- .vfa3e hm.i ucime voi-i, up.u iar- j merit i. fu 1 fur raid workf. by tin : city, hut in ur rven i e rity il- date of its and acoeiVanc?. S c. 8 The urabt e ! all nake fcucii. rules end rgn ati-'ns of wa'er supply to priva'e coiifmutr there of. Tuis ordinance thall beccme binding upoa the parties hereto, upon its pa -bage and acceptance, provid- d nothing in this ordinance sbah be construed to give an ex. lo- sive franchise for the purposes herein mentioned Selling Coe Land. S. F. Cook, vice-president of the Oregon-Pacific Colouization Co , was in Cor vallis. Wednesday. He was here with a party of Minnesota capitalists who ao companied Lim over to the vast tract of land recently purchased by the company. of which Mr. Cook is vice-president This land is known far and wide as the Coe lands, and at the j rice it is being marketed it is a rare bargain. For stock raising and fruit growing purposes it will be hard to find its equal in Oregon. This tract of land comprses about 60, 003 acres and isTsituated h Benton and Lincoln connties. It is thought that the recent forest Ores swept over a portion of it, bat this will likely prove more benefi cial than otherwise, especially for4hose who have recently Becnred a section or two of this traot, as it will enable them to bow gra'-s seed in the ashes at once and tbe first rains will cause, the seeds to spring into life. Mr. Cook reports that the company recently disposed of five sections of this land to some Minnesota gentlemen who intend stocking it with sheep. The following itam appeared in Wednesday's Oregonian: "S. F. Cook, of Minneapolis, isjn the city for a few days. Mr Cook is one of the three gentlemen who recently pur chased 60,000 acres of land a!ong the route of the Corvallis & Eastern Railway. They have already disposed of several sections to pa-ties who will go into the stockraising business." Additional Local. : A house to rent inquire at this office. A large quantity of first-class vetch seed for sale, at Zieroh's. Oil meal for sale t Graham & Wellp. Splt-ndid feed for dairy tock. - Wear the hand-tailored, leady tc wtar new suits of the Ilart, SchfcfT'i r & Marx famous make tor eale o-ily by S. L. Kline. To Let. Fifty good ewes. L. N . Edwakds, Duety, O'e. For Sale One good work horse, weight 1,200, price $60: one 6-year-old mare, bred to colt, price $100; one young cow, $25 Enquire of A. F. Hebshneb. A New Departure. I desire to announce to the public that I am prepared to do all light dray work, such as haulin trunks, bxea, baskets and baggage to and from all the trains and the different parts of the city. . Spec ial attention given all orders and prompt service is guaranteed. Residence on 4th and B streets. Have phone in the house Hoping for a liberal patronage, I am, Yours for business, John Lengek. In every town and village may be had, the reasG that makes your horses glad.. flZETTE Is Issued Semi-Weekly Subscription Price 1.50 per t ear It Miivi s to be fair, hcnetl ai.d fei r.rf B to give the news while.t ia news, and avoid the sensational. 1 r"rG Had UUOa. I THE NEW MERUlAND Silks, Yel vets and Sat ens Dress Roods . tlloaks and Jackets Tailor Made Suits Separate Dress Skirts : Rainy Day Skirts Outinjr Flannels Flannelettes Royal Worcester' Corsets Silk, Velvet and Wool Shirt Waists Footwear,' ladies and Misses Ladies Rain Garments House Furnishing Dry Goods Furs and Ruffs - : Boys ''Security" Shoes We are.sliowing an immense , stock this season of Ladies', Men's and Children's Cloaks, Jackets,1 Capes and Raglans, all this SEASON'S LATEST NEW YORK styles. .. J V 1 Ladies bear in mind our Fine Brcadhead Dress Goods are thoroughly shrunk and sponged. ., ', C " " Pioneer Bakery and ice Cream Fresh bread daily. A complete stock oi candie?, fruits and nuts kept canstantfy on ha nd.g! "Smokers supplies - a specialty. . H. W HALL Proprietor. PARK AND WASHINGTON, PORTLAND, OREGON The school where thorough work -is done; where the reason Is always given; where confidence is ' developed; where bookkeeping is taught exactly as books are kept in business ; where shorthand is , made easy ; where penmanship is at its best; where hundreds of bookkeepers and stenographers have been educated for success in life; where thousands more will be. Open all the year. Catalogue free. A. P. ARMSTRONG. LL. B.. PRINCIPAL H o me- If you are looking for some Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for my ppeciil Hs or come and see me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish also showing you over the country. "HENRY ..AMBLER, Z! -. Philomath, Bentoti County, Oregon THE SURE WAY to prevent Pneumonia and Consumption is to cure yeur cold when it first appears. Acker's English Remedy will stop-the cough in a night, and,drive the cold out df your system. . AlwayB a quick and sure cure for Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat aud lung troubles."" If it does not satisfy you the druggist will refund you money. Write to us for free sample. W. H. Hooker k Co., Buffalo, N. Y.' Sick-Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures Constipa tion and Indigestion, . makes yon eat, sleep, work and happy.. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 eta and 50 cts. Write to W. H. Hooker &Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for a free sample. Allen & Woodward. - INDIGESTION is the cause of more discomfort than any other ailment. If yon eat the things that yo 1 want, and that are good for you, you are distressed. Acker's Dyspepsia Tab lets will make your digestion perfect and prevent dyspepsia and its atteudaut dis agreeable symptoms. You can safely eat anything. at any time, if you take one ot these tablets afcerwar.i. Sld by all druggists on a positive guarantee. 25 ets. Money "refunded if yon are not satisfied. Send to us for a free sanapU W. H. Hooker & Co, Buffalo, N. Y. If you are troubled with impure blood, indicated . by sores, pimples, headache, etc., we would rec ommtnd Acker's Blood Elixir, which we seli under a positive guarantee. It will always euro scrofu lous or syphilitic poisons aud all blood diseases. 50 cts anil $i QO. Allen & Woodward. G;t your Job Work done he:e L iCJotliinjr. Men's and Boys i Furnish irto-s ' - v Footwear, Men's and Boys Single Pants and Vests Raglins and Overcoats - Sweaters and Hunting Coats Oil and Rubber Clothing Blankets and Comforts W. L. Donglas $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes Walk-Over Shoes, $3.50 and : $450 "ilawes" $3.00 Hats Fancy Socks and Glovfs New Golf Skirts , -S real gool bargains in Stock, Grain, Miss Ida. M. Snyder. Treasurer of tbe Brooklyn East End Art Club. " If women would pay more attention to their health we..wtuld have more happy wives, mothers and daughters, and. If they would observe results they would find that the doctors prescriptions do not perform the many cures they are given credit tor. - " In consulting with my druggist he ad. vised McElree's Wine of Cardui and Thed- ford's Black-Draught, and so I took it and have every reason to thank him for a new life opened up to me with restored health, and it only took three months to cure me." Wine of Cardui is a regulator of the menstrual functions and is a most as tonishing tonic for women. It cures scanty, supm-essed. toofreanent. irreg ular and painful menstruation, fallinc of the womb, whites and flooding. It is neiprai wnen approacning woman hood, during pregnancy, after child birth and m change of life. It fre quently brings a dear babv to homes that have been barren for years. All druggists have $1.00 bottles of Wine or Cardui. For Sale. One Jersjy bull calf. MbrgiD, Corvallis, Or. Li'iuiro of F. P. z Notice for Publication. '.United States Land Office, Oregon Ciy, Oregon, v -- Jane 28th, ig02. Notice is hereby alven that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Ten uot y, as extended to all the Puhliti Land States by art of August 4, i82, '-.v.-....; JAMES W. WORTHESGTON, of Philomath, County of Benton. State of Oregon, lias this dav filed in this office tus sworn etalement iNo. 81(4, tor me purchase of tbe W. of S. W. . S. K ot N W. H of Sec. No. 2S in TownBhip No. i2 S., Range No. 7 W., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es tablish his claim to said land, before tbe Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday, the i3th day of "September, 1902. He names as witnesses: Michael Flvnn, Ernest F. Snyder, Enoch A. Cone and Marshall Allen, ell of Philomath, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the abovedescribed lands are request ed to file their claims in this office on or before said I3th day of September, 1902.' CHAS. B. MOORES. . . Register. Notice for. Publication. ; Ucited States Land Offico, Oregon City, Oregon, " July 14th, 1002. Kotic ia hereby eiven that in compliance with tbe provisions of the act of Congress of June S, 1878, en titled "An act frr the sue of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washing ton Territory, as extenced to all tbe ruDBC uuia Stat, s by act ot August 4, iwz. MARY A. EGBERT, of Philomath. Conntv of Eenton. State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office her sworn statement xso. usz, lor ine iuronaso oi me o. j oi o. a of Section No. 34, in Township 12 South, Harare No. 7 We-t. and will offer proof to shew that the land sought i more valuable fcr its timber or stone than for aericultural vurpopes. and to estab lish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oreeon City. Oregon, on Saturday, the i7th day of Sept, 1902. She names as witnesses: John W. Hyde and Frank L. Esrbert. both of Philomath, Oregon, and Charles W. Wilkin son and Fred Suneral, both of Corvaliis, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming aoversely the above r! escribed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or beforj said 27th day of Sept., 1902. . WM. GOLLuWAV, -, Register, ' . United States Land Office, . Oregon CSty, Oregon, - Aug. 12, 1962. Notice is hereby eiven that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Cougress i f June 3, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, VIHOIL E. WAITERS, ot Corvallis, county ot Benton, State of Oreiron, has this dav filed iu tlii office his twnrn statement No. 5864, for the purchase of the N J N W J and NJSE of Section No 34 in Townt-hip No. 12 S, Range No. 7 W, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Victor P. Mores. Clerk of Benton Co., Corvallis, Or., on Saturday, the 1st day of No vember, 1902. .. lie names as witnesses: Michael J. Flynn, John Hyde, Frank M. Spencer, John P. Huffman, all of Philomath, Oreiron. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 1st day of Nov. , J9H2. CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. Notice of Final Settlement.1 Notice is hereby given that the under signed administratrix of thp estate of Samnel A. Hemphill, defeased, has filed her final account iu said rsta'e i the County Jourl ot the State r f Oregon for Benton county, sitting in prob' " him! Sttnrday, OcioV'-r n, 102, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon. t tbe Cotidty Court room, i the Court Honsp in Corvallis, Benton comity, Oregon, ii the tiu.e and place fixed for hearing ob jections, if any, to said final acconui anil the settlement tbereof. Dated Sept. 9, 1902, Corvallis, Or. Mary A. Hemphill, Administratrix. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed, by the County Couit of the State of Oreuon for the County of Benton, administrator ot the estate of Lana Gray, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, properly verified csby law required, to me, or to C. E.- Woodson, at Corvallis, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. J. H. ALM3RIGHT, Administrator of the estate of Lana Grav, deceased. Dated at Corvaliis, Or., Ang. 4, i902 Notice to Taxpayers. The I9OI session law provides that all taxes become delinquent the first Mon day in October, and besides the penal y of 10 per cent, interest at the rale of i2 percent per annum additional from the first Monday in April preceding shall be collected. The hi"V further provides that the sheriff shall immediately after the first Monday in October tura the tax roll over to the clerk, the clerk extends the delinquent taxes, tuns the roll over to the sheriff with a warrant thereto at tache J commanding said sheriff to pro ceed to advertise and sell all property on which the taxes are not paid in full: The law also provi les tl at tha sheriff shall on receipt of the roll from the clerk ad vertise and sell the property without fur ther notice or levy. The above has reference to all unpaid taxes, including half payments aud par tial payments. M. P, Bubxktt, Sheriff. . Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the under signed sdministi ator of the estate of Deborah Hughe?, deceased, has filed in the county couit of Benton county, State of Oiegon, his final account as such ad ministrator of Baid estate, and that Sat urday, the Ilth day of October. I902. at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m. of said day, has been tixtd by said court as tne time for hearing of objections to said account aud the settlement theieof. N S. D. Hughes, Administrator of the estate oT Deborah Hughes, deceased. Notice. ' oTana1 li u a hckfn unnnintitl MrlministrMtnv of the estate of Charles Herron, deceased. ana mat any person naviDg ciaims against said estate will present them to the administrator at biB office in Corval lis, Oregon, with proper vouchers, within six months from this date. Corvallis, Or., September 5, I9O2. W. E. Yates, Administrator. B. A. CATHEY, M. D " Physician Surgeon . Rooms 14 in Bank Building. n!w, I 10 to 12 a. n. . Office Hours f j to 4 p. m. Residence: Cornet 5th and Adanta St Telephone at office and residence, Corva'lia. - , - - Oregon. w. T. Bowleg, E D. v (Homoeopathic) Physician, Surgeon, Occulist Office Rooms 1 and 2 ia Bank Bldg. . Rebidenck On 3rd street, between Monroe and Jackson. Residence tele phone No. 311. Office Hocbs 10 to 12 a. m. ; 2 to 4 and 7 to 7:3op- m. 1 CORVALLIS, OREGON. V C. H. NEWTH Physician 8? Surgeon Examining surgeon U. STension Bureau - PHILOMATH, OREGOfi. DR. W. H. HOLT DR. MAUD B. HOLT - Osteopathic Physicians Office on South Main St. Consultation and examination fre. Office hours: 8:30-11:45 a. m; 1-5:45 p. m. Telephone 235. Corvallis, Oregon. DR. JAS. A. HARPER DENTIST Offlre la Wbltehara Work " Corvallis. . Oregon E. H. TAYLOR DENTIST. Dentistry of every description don in first class manner, and satisfaction, gawr anteed. GROWN AND BRIDGE WORK k SPECIALTY Office over Zierolf's grocery store, opposW ine post omce, uorvaius. ureun. E. R. Bryson ATTOMEY : AT - LAW Corvallis, Orcon. Office In Fostcff ce Bnllalng. Notry Trri.KS CoMtTM;lf8i JCS. H. 1V3LS0N. ATTORNKY-AT XAW. VrH ti-e in-all State and Federal Court. '!trVfiI;ij Burue't Building. " Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Sopplire ! Ccrvsllis, Oregon Established, Incorporatec-, 180J WHOLESALE & RETAIL. The most complete line I ot Pure Drugs and Chemicals in Corvaliis - - - Books and Stationery, Commercial Pa pers, Fine irerfnmery, Toilet Articla, . Combs, Etnenes ard Biixrors. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Fine Cutlery CIGARS Manngerfof Perscription Department, T.A. JONES. Registered, -pecial Course in rfcariracy at Perdue Tjnhre? si ty, Indiana Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon Citv, Ore., Aug. 30, I9O2. Notire is hereby eiven that the follow-iiiK-named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support, ot I er flxim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Benton Conniv. at Corvallis, Oregon, on October i3, 1902. viz: MARY KLECKER H. E. Nn n910 for the S. i-2. N. E. V. E 1 2 S. E 4, Sec, iO, Tp. i3S., R. 7 W. She names the following witnesses to prove her ontiniious residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John W. Hyde, Frank Kleckerand Richard Zahn, all of Alsea, Oregon, and James Webber, of Blodgett, Oregon. CHAS. B. MOURES, Register. Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. Notice is hereby given that the under pinned, as guardian of the pereons and estate of Elsi Mav Fisher and Leland W. Fisher.-will , on Saturdav, ihei8th day if Otoler, I9O2, at the hour of i0 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. at the Court House door in the Citv of Corvallis, Ben ton county. Ureuon, oner ior saie nun sell at publi! j'.untion to the hialieft bidder, for ash in ha"d, all the right, tit'a and . interest of EW Mav Fisher and Leland W. Fisher in and to the following de pcribed real property, towit : Au undi vided one thirty-second interest in and to Block Number Eleven, in County Ad dition to the City of Corvalli-, BeUon countv, Orgon Thin sale is made nnder and n pursu ance of a license and order of sale grant ed by the County Court of Benton coun tv, Oregon, on the 6th flay of September, 1902, in the matter of the guardianship of Elsi May Fisher and Leland W. Fish er, authorizing this guardian to sell said real property. Dated this 8th day of Sept.. 1902. Anxie B. Bryant. Guardian of the persons and estate of Elsi May Fisher and Leland W. Fisher,