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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1901)
Eczema How it reddens the skin, itcbes, oozes, dries and scales 1 Some It tetter, milk crust or salt rheum. The suffering from it is sometimes in tense; local applications are resorted to they mitigate, but cannot cure. It proceeds from humors inherited or ac quired and persists until these have been removed. , Hood's Sarsaparilla positively removes them, has radically and permanently cured the worst cases, and is without an equal for all cutaneous eruptions. Hood's Ulls are tbe best cathartic. Price 25 cent. Emperor William's Soldierly Habits. Emperor William is a soldier even when he goes to bed, for he sleeps on a regulation camp bed, such as his officers use. The bed clothing is of the rough regiment. pattern. He re tires at 11 p. m. and is up and dressed soon after 5 a. m. The Hero. "Who is the hero of this, piece? asked the man who was coming out of the theater. And the manager thoughtfully re plied: 'The man who is putting up the money. Washington etar. Hamlin's Wizard Oil Co. send sonj? books free. Your druggist sells the Oil and it stops pain. A High Standard. They have a new way of testing the quality of whiskey west of here They inject three drops into a jack rabbit, and if he doesn't lick a bull dog in six seconds the goods are re jected. Crary, N. D., Courier. Woman Scores at Repartee. An Independence woman said that when she died she was going to ask Shakespeare if he really wrote all his plays. Her husband suggested that probably Willie would not be up there, when she quickly replied: "Then you ask him." Keodosha (Kas.) Kegister. EITC Permanently Cured. No fits or nervousness I I tf after first day's meof Dr. Kline's Great Nerrt Restorer. Send for FREE 9-00 trial bottle and treat ise. DB.B.H.Kz.iNB,Ltd..931 ArchSt..Philadelplua,P Prisoners in British India. No fewer than 587,884 prisoners were in the prisons of British India in 1899-1900, an increase of 92,064 over the number of 1891. Of this huge total only 24,555 were females, which is a smaller proporiton than in western countries. Piso's Cure is the best medicine we ever used for all affections of the throat and lungs. Wm. O. Ehdsley, Vanbureu, Iu.d., Feb. 10, 1900. Empress Eugenie's Home. The Empress Eugenie is now set tled down in her English home. It is reported that the empress is about to build a small convent in the beau tiful grounds at Farnborough hill to the memory of her husband and their Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. Money for tier. Mr. Gill. I dreamed the other night that I was going around in rags. Fortune Teller Ah, that means money. Mr. Gill Does it, really, madam? Fortune Teller Yes, indsed. One dollar, please. Philadelphia Press. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Cattarrh that can not be cured by HaU'f w t r' irii'Vi-'v nn t- -T-i .i We the undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney u. u" unai. X't , cms) rauu uciwve mill peneCt.y honorable in all business transactions ani fin. - anei ally able to carry out any obligations made vj Liieir ijrm. WIST & Trtjax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Waldinq Kiknan & Marvin, Wholesale TlnierriRTa TfiloHn r Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally .acting v mic i7iuim aim mucous suriaeesor the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all W'ueKlOlB. ICSVIUlUUIBlBlLCfi Hall's Family Pills are the best. English Fruit Culture. Fruit culture is often conducted on a large scale in England. A manu facturer of jam and jelly has a thous and acres at Histon, near Cambridge, employing at times 800 hands. The ! factory is in the center of the fruit ! farm. There is a certain disease that has come down to us through many cen-; i turies and is older than history itself, f yet very few outside of those who have learned from bitter ex perience know anything of its nature or tharacteristics. At first a little ulcer or ore appears, then glands of the neck or groins swell; pimples break out on the breast, back or some other part of the body and fill with yellow pustular matter ; the mouth and throat become sore and the tongue i3 at all times badly coated. Headaches are frequent, and muscles and joints throb and hurt, especially during damp, rainy weather. These are some of the symptoms of that most loathsome of ill diseases, Contagious Blood Poison. . This strange pois- 1OntaglOUS on does not affect Blood Poison SffcUSS eaten up with it within a short time after being inoculated, while others show but slight evidence of any taint for a long time after exposure, but its tendency in every case is to complete destruction of the physical system, sooner or later. S. S. S. is a safe and infallible cure for this bad disease the only antidots for this specific poison. It cures Contagious Blood Poison in every form and stage thoroughly and permanently. S. S. S. contains no Mercury, Potash or other harmful minerals, but is strictly and entirely a vegetable remedy, and we offer f 1 ,000.00 reward for proof that it is not. OUR. MEDICAL which was estab ntrpAn TMir ict lishod year aeo, is doing- a noble work In relieving- suffering. Give our physicians a short history of your case and gat their advioe. This will cost you nothing', and what yon Bay will be held in strictest confidence. With their help and a copy of our book on Oontaeioua Blood Poison yon can manaia yonr own case and cure your self at home. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. CUKtS WHfcRE ALL ELSE FAILS. I Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use Hi time. Hold by druggists. UseSj CHINA'S GRAND LB MAN., In U Hans Chang:' Death the Orient Loses Its Greatest Man. In tbe death of Li Hung Chang the ancient empire of China has lost its most powerful and greatest citizen and oriental civilization its most distin-' guished exponent Our own Gen. Grant ranked him with Bismarck and Glad stone, and in return for the compliment Li compared Grant to himself. The great Chinaman bad an unbounded ad miration for the hero of Appomattox, whom be entertained when the latter was making a tour of tbe world, and every year after Gen. Grant's death hi had a wreath placed on his grave. When Li visited this country on a tour of the world he planted a tree by Gen. Grant's tomb in Riverside Park, New York. Li Hung Chang was not a leader of his people by birth or hereditary rank. He was not even of the blood of the ruling caste, the Manchus. He was of old Chinese stock and was born in 1822 the same year as Gen. Grant. He first came into prominence during the awful Taeping rebellion, which deso lated China -for fourteen years, costing 20,000,000 lives and lucalculable finan cial loss. Li raised a regiment of mili tia and attacked the rebels on their march toward Pekin. He gained notice by this and was promoted. First with the aid of Gen. Ward, an American, and next with Gen. Gordon, who sub sequently met a tragic fate in the Sou dan, he organized and disciplined an army and ultimately crushed out the rebellion For this service he was pro moted to be governor or the metropoli tan province of Pe-chi-li, and here he ruled with autocratic sway for a quar ter of a century. He was the buffer between the Invading foreigners on one side and a reactionary court off the other, and It was his fate to be frown ed upon and smiled upon by the latter in turn. Through his contact with foreigners LI became impressed with the advan tages of western methods and these be introduced in his own province of Pe-chi-li. To do so he had to run counter to the rooted customs of centuries and often his work was retarded. As grand secretary of the empire, which he be came in 1875, he was the negotiator of treaties with foreign nations and thus his name became well known In all civilized countries having commer cial relations with China, Li's work was indefatigable. He introduced the telegraph and the railroad into China, founded a military and naval academy, created a navy, established arsenals, built forts and gave to the empire a wonderful Impetus. And then came the war with Japan, which proved the rottenness of Chi nese methods. The unwieldy giant was whipped, and navy, ow ing to the ignorance of the Chinese, being practically worthless. Li became the scapegoat of that war, which he neither counseled nor countenanced, and suffered degradation by an ignor ant and stupid court on account of it He negotiated the terms of peace, how ever, and gained the best possible. He was transferred to the obscure prov inces of Kwang-Sl and Kwang-Tung as viceroy, where he remained until called to Interpose his Influence and offices between the enraged Christian world and those responsible for the Boxer outrages. The subsequent nego tiations on behalf of the Imperial court were carried on by him. LI has been reckoned as one of the wealthiest men in the world, but this statement may be doubted. , In this country LI will be long remembered for his inqulsitlveness. He was an un tiring and at times Impertinent ques tioner. He was shreyd, cunning, sly, diplomatic In a word oriental. When In Germany the Kaiser asked him, "How do our women compare with those -In China?" "I really Cannot tell," said LI, slyly, fastening his eyes on the corsage of a lady who was present "We never see half as much of our women as you do of yours." Sharp answers such as this frequent ly fell from the lips of the wily orient al and these, together with his numer ous questions, will long perpetuate an interesting phase of his many-sided character. TRAPS FOR MEN OF SCIENCE. Bid for a Trip to Africa A Mexican Fortrery Bogus Relics. In order to keep out of trouble nowa days men of science have to be detec tives to some extent. Traps are con stantly being laid for them. Soon after Sir Harry Johnston an nounced the discovery of the okapi an animal having points of resemblance to ' t fill 1,1 HUNG CHANG. ; '.1 both the xebra and "tbe giraffe In -he Semllika forest region of Central Af rica, a letter was received at the Na tional museum In Washington from a man Id New England, who said that for many years be was stationed as a trader in the region named. He de clared that tbe okapi were exceedingly common. His knowledge of zoology was then very limited, and as a result, he had labored under tbe impression that the okapl was known to science. Tbe announcement of Sir Harry's dis covery was tbe first intimation of tbe scientific Importance of this animal. This much of tbe letter is all well enough, but be spoiled the whole by offering for a "modest consideration," to return to Africa and secure for the institution a dozen or more live speci mens of this animal. Side by side with the advance of an thropological science, the great relic In dustry has kept pace, and, as a result, a very large part of the time of the government anthropologists in tbe lab oratory as well as In the field Is occu pied by ferreting out frauds. At pres ent only seven or eight of the sacred books or codices of tbe Aztecs are known to exist, these being scattered about in the libraries of Rome, Paris, Madrid, Berlin and London. Archeol ogistt have long entertained hopes of finding a few more of these strange books bidden away In some obscure corner of Mexico, and the Joy of one of the leading archeologlsts of America may be imagined when two months ago he received information of a rather vague character that a work of this sort had turned up in a remote quarter of Mexico. He went Immediately to the region where, according to report, the codex was found, sought out tbe shrewd Mex- lean, who pretended to he the finder looked at the work, became satisfied that it was genuine, and nurchased for a large sum. But he had no more than secured the work when he began to grow susdIcIous. His suspicions increasing, he deelrlert to stop over. In Washington and sub mit nis una to Professor William FT Holmes, curator of the Department of Arcneology or the National museum This he did. Professor Holmes held the COdex UD to his nose, and remnrlrerl that it "smelled new." In short, the story was this: When a certain French archeologist was in Mexico he employed as a draughtsman the Mexican from whom the duped archeologist secured the codex, and durine his serviee rhl Mot. lean learned all about Aztec antiquar ies. When his employer left the draughtsman devoted himself to manu facturing bogue antiquities, his mas terpiece being the fraudulent codex, for even such It proved to be. Preferred thn Old Wan- Mrs. Bradbury was Instructing the new cook, who was not only new, but as green as her own Emerald Isle. One morning the mistress went into the kitchen and found Katie weeping over a pan of onions. "Oh, you're having a harder time than you need to have, Katie," said sne. "Always peel onions under water, "Indade. ma'am." said Katie. "I'm the last one to do that askln' yer par don. Me brother Mick was always div ln' and plckin' up stones from the bot tom. It's little he couldn't do under wather, if 'twas tyin' his shoes writln' a letther; but me. I'm that aisy in It I'd be gettin' me mouth full and drownln' entirely. So if ve nlnso ma'am, I'll pale thlm the same ould way I've always been accustomed tn and dhry me tears afterwards." Overawed. Mrs. Nurlch I don't know whatever I'm goln' to do with that father o' yours. Mr. Nurlch What's up now? Mrs. Nurlch He insists on smokin' In the parlor, an' he won't mind me. Mr. Nurich Just tell the butler to speak to him. He's scared o' him. Philadelphia Press. An Exact Fit. Cumso The band played a most ap propriate tune at tne horse show. Cawker What was It? "Listen to my tale of whoa," Phil adelphia North American.' Grain Fields in Norway. Less than 1 per cent of the land In Norway Is in use for grain fields. First Guide (treed by moose) Are are we all safe? Second Guide Safe? Well, hardly! That dude in the next tree still has his gun with him! ' A boy who doesn't like to work never has any trouble In convincing his moth er that he Is sick. The First. When their first son was born Adam is thought by some critics to have remarked, not without much acerbity : Bed hair! Wouldn't that jar you." "Well, I'm not presenting you with any gold headed Cains, if I know myself." retorted Eve, affecting in difference, albeit secretly mortified to death. Puck. Advertising Petitions for Pardons. TVio irfiiTurnd, "if 'Vrvrt.Vi C.iiTll 1 n A liaa nnfifiorl frtA nonnlfl nf rin Htflte that all petitions for the pardon of - . . f .1 - i l l i r convicts must nrsi oe auveruaeu iui soma Inno-t.h nf timA iti the newspa pers of the locality where the offender uvea or wnere tne crime was comnuir ed. Not Always Gold That Glitters. Mnr.ripr Whr frpnrrifi. I'm ashamed nf vnn. rubbine off the kiss that Margery gave you. ueorgie 1 am t ruDDin it on; a m rubbin' it in. Doubled Up. "We are twice as much advanced as our ancestors. "No doubt of it." "In ball games especially. The game of 'fives' was a favorite sport with them, and now tennis." Phila delphia Times. Temporary Escape. Editor (on new paper) There's one great pleasure in publishing a new paper. Owner What's that? Editor We escape all those long letters from Old Subscriber." Habit. Sniffles I cannot understand a word your friend says. What is he? A Russian? Biffles Whv no. He's a puard on the "L" road. Had to Keep Both Lighted. He looked down in her wonderful eyes. Light of my life! he faltered. "Nit!" she answered. "No tuin out the gas tonight. Pop's been kickin . un. He Understood. She I'm going over to South Bos ton to call on Mrs. Hopthorp. He Hasn t she seen that dress yet? of a laxative of known value and distinctive action is rapidly growing in public favor, along with the many other material improvements of the age. The many wIoPTW91 Irvf orftSTd must understand quite clearly, that in order to meet the above conditions a laxative should be wholly free from every objectionable quality or substance, with its component parts simple and wholesome and it should act pleasantly and gently without disturbing the natural functions in any way. The laxative which fulfils most perfectly the requirements, in the highest degree, is Syrup of gs The sale of millions of bottles annually for many years past, a,nd the universal satisfiction which it has given confirm the claim we make, that it possesses the qualities which commend it to public favor. EJfc-:; iJ i i I i Pi i ' 1 -iii Sty, Genuine Garter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Fac-Slmlle Wrapper Below. Verr small and as easy to take as sngarw FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BIUOUSKESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIM. FOR THE COMPLEXION oxmlllfl lluarMVCUQHATURC, D uiib I Purely Tegtalil CURE SICK HEADACHE. The Farmer The Gardener and The Housewife TheT cost a llttlft mora. Thpr ' I are worth a artat deal mora 1 than the orduiarv kind. Hold 1 F everywhere. lou2 annual ftee. ' D. M. FERRY CO. Detroit, Mich. CARTER'S OlTTLE, IflVER JliMLLS. ISJ I I OMENS OF ROYAL DEATHS. When Belle Bins Thirteen and Phan torn Chip Appear. A grewsome story came from London of the appearance of the "phantom barge of the Thames" for three succes sive nights preceding the death of the queen. This phantom barge of the Thames appears - when a member of the royal family Is about to die, just as the celebrated "white lady of the Hohenzollerns" gives warning of the death of a monarch of that family. And when this phantom barge appears glid ing through the low-lying shadows and night mists of the river the great clock of Westminster, Big Ben, gives thir teen strokes at midnight instead of his ordinary dozen. Just now any num ber of Thames watermen can be found who say they have seen the phantom barge and heard Big Ben strike his ominous number. There are well-authenticated In stances of Big Ben having struck thir teen at midnight Once a soldier on sentry duty at Windsor was charged with having slept on post and was sen tenced to be shot runs a story in the Portsmouth Times. It was charged that he was asleep there at midnight of a certain night His defense was that he was not asleep and that he had heard Big Ben in London strike thir teen at the moment he was charged with having been sleeping on duty. It was proved that on that night Big Ben had struck thirteen and had been heard In Windsor. The man was par doned. " This is a recorded case, but the record does not say that ary catas trophe happened to the royri; family the next day. It is said that the phantom barge ap peared on the Thames at midnight and Big Ben- struck thirteen on the night before the death of the prince consort and that the same things happened the night preceding the death of the Prin cess Alice and of the Duke of Clar ence. When the phantom barge ap peared on Jan. 13, 1892, the night be fore the death of the Duke of Clar ence, Another boat, pulled by four men, gave chase. The phantom boat glided swiftly toward the terrace of the House of Commons and vanished. The pursuing boat dashed against the stone embankment and was wrecked. A warning which applies to the death of sovereigns only is the fall of one of the stones at Stonehedge, the great Druid relic on Salisbury Plain. A stone certainly did fall there on the night of the death of the late queen. Fens. In 1820 pens began to be made by Gillott, who manufactured them of steel finely tempered. The pen was hand made throughout and, though very inferior to the machine made ar ticles of today, was still a great ad vance upon the iron barreled pens that had been previously made. At Breakfast. "Bridget, did you call the boys?" "Indade an' Oi called thim ivery thing OL cud think of, but they wudn't git up." Brooklyn Life. His Comment -Mrs. Scrappington (in the midst of her reading) Here is an item which says that in Patagonia a wife can be purchased for one dollar. - - Mr. Scrappington Well, there may be wives in Patagonia that are worth that much. Harper's Bazar. As Usual. Teacher Johnny, if cakes were 20 cents a dozen and I gave you 10 cents, how many would you get? Johnny None. I'd get candy. Boston Herald. ' Worse Than a Widow, ' Charitable Old Ladv Poor woman I And you are a widow? .Beggar Worse than a widow, ma'am. Me 'usban's livin', an' I have to support him.- Tit Bits. Didn't See 'Em. "What," asked the proud young mama, "do you think of the baby's features?" Her brother looked downat the precious little innocent a moment, and then asked : "What are theyT" The Savage Husband. "It has been my observation," said the Savage Bachelor, "that a man is due to feel his cheapest a short time after his wife begins the conversation by calling him 'dearest.'" Indian apolis Press. CHOOSING A CAPTAIN. Tne Rongb. and Tumble Custom of the ' Japanese Fishermen of Hawaii. Where several years ago the fishing for tbe supplying of tbe Honolulu mar ket was done almost exclusively by the natives In their canoes and a few Chinamen, now tbe bulk of the work is done by tbe Japanese, who are at it in great numbers. The boats which they use are built here after patterns used In Japan, and once in a while an Oriental steamer ar riving from the west brings an import ed fishing boat which tbe fishermen think is superior to those of local manu facture. The boats are of a peculiar shape and are of different sizes, some able to accommodate but three men. which is an ordinary crew, and others are large enough for seven or eight men. Up to tbe time that the vessel is launched there is no captain selected for tbe boat Tbe choosing of this im portant factor in every case is left un til the boat is in tbe water. It is known who the members of the crew are, and from them tbe captain Is selected. When the boat is In the water and moored securely, the members of the crew, who are generally the owners of the boat strip themselves and get into the boat Then the fun of making tbe selection of the commander begins There is no voting or drawing of lots to settle the matter. At a given signal from one of the crowd on shore, who are watching, the men in tbe boat be gin with all their might to try to throw each other out Into the water. Each man is against the other, and so the struggle, as a usual thing, lasts a long time and is remarkably exciting. All the time the play goes on the friends of the contestants yell words of cheer to the struggling men In the boat and throw buckets of water on them and Into the boat, seemingly with the idea of making the battleground more slip pery as well as refreshing to the men at work. As soon as a man is thrown out of the boat he must stay out, but may assist with water if he so desires. The man who stays in the boat longest or rather who is able to put all the ! others out of the boat, has by his prow ' ess shown himself competent to be cap tain, and so he is greeted with much applause and showered with congratu lations at the termination of the scuffle, i There Is no appeal from the selection so made, and the man so chosen con tinues to be captain1 until he voluntarily I retires or sells out his share in the boat is due to the originality and simplicity of the combination and also to the method of manu facture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and which ensures that per fect purity and uniformity of product essential to the ideal home laxative. In order to get Ijsjjervefici&l always buy the genuine and note the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package. In the process of manufacturing figs are used as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. Sarv Frarxciaco.CaJ. Louisvil !.Ky. ti tw York.RY for s&Ie by oil drutfiists Price fifty cents per bottle. ESTABLISHED 1870, G. P. RUM&1EUH & SONS. 123 Soccr.d St,, Hear Washington, Portland, Orogen. The Leading and Reliable Furriers of the Northwest Fur Coats, Capes, Collarettes, Boas, Fur Trimmings. Robes and fSP-Furs remodeled and repaired. Write us. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. St. Helen's Hssii PORTLAND, OREGON. A Boarding autl Dy School for Girls. Has a Normal Kindergarten Training tfepart-mt-nt, which will have a separate residence for kindergarten classes tliis Fall. The Boarding Department provides a cheerful and well ar ranged home for young ladies. For Catalogue or other information applv lo MISS ELEANOR TEBBETTS, Principal. BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY Portland, Oregon. Founded 1870. 1 Home Schcol for Boys. Military and Manual Training. Write for Illustrated Catalogue. ARTHUR C. NEWILL, Principal ...Columbia University... Academic and Collegiate Halls. COURSES Classical. Literary, Scientific and Commercial. For particulars apply to REV. E. P. MURPHY, President, University Park, Portland, Oregon. WEATHERWISE OTHERWISE! WHTPONTYCUWEAI? SLICKEB ftLACX Oft VCUiW Ain irrpa nnv AT fm f 7111 fX .1 MWWU mi&imm BEWARE M IMITATIONS. LOOK FOR AWVt TRADE MARL CATALOSUES FREE , Showlnofull Line of 6etrment3 and Hati A,W.T0WCaCO BOSTON, MA.u What eg Ovaritis? A dull, throbbine pain, accompanied by a sense of tenderness and heat low down in the side, with an occasional shooting pain, indicates inflammation. On examination it will be found that the region of pain shows some swell ing?. This is the first stage ot ovaritis, inflammation of the ovary. If the roof of your house leaks, my sister, yon have it fixed at once ; why not pay the same respect to your own body ? iou need not, you ought not to let yourself go, when one of your own sex Mas. A ?? A. Astob. - holds out the helping hand to yon, and will advise you without money and without price. Mrs. Pinkham's labora tory is at Lynn, Mass. Write a letter there telling all your symptoms and get the benefit of the greatest experi ence in treating female ills. " I was suffering to such an extent from ovarian trouble that my physi cian thought an operation would be necessary. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound having been recommended to me, I decided to try it. After using several bottles I found that I was cured. My entire system was toned up, and I suffered no more with my ovaries." Mbs. Anna AsTON,Troy. Mo. Ready t Experiment. "Did you know that you can take an ordinary bottle filled with old Bourbon and by holding it firmly and horizontally with the left hand and striking it sharply on the concave bottom with the other hand, force the cork out?" "No. Where can I get such a bot tle?" Cleveland Palin Dealer. INCORPORATED 1899. Etc., Made m all the Jasblonable furs. Rugs. Send for Catalogue. HOOSIER DRILLS Are best because Ihey are thoroughly well made of best material. Are stronger and heavier than otners, hence more durable. The feed'is absolutely accurate, reliable and positive, and will sow same quantitv, up or down hill or on side hill. Hoosier Drills are cheapest because BEST. We keep full stock of repairs at princi pal poirts in the Northwest. Catalogue free. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. First and Taylor Sts. foruana, uregon. JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, Toot of Morrison Strath Can give yon the best bargains to Bnggies. i'iowa, lioilera and Engines, Wiri'imilla and Pumps and General Machinery. See as before baying. Patents Send no Money i But a model or drawing with a description. ana we wuj aa vise yon. j. h. uume I-JIJl-JI-j & Co., (Dept. A) Washington, a C. rtCC Holiday Resolutions m Ifeeiey Cure sure relief bom liquor, opium and tobooe kablta, bend lor particulars to tesley Inetitnfs Moved to 4 JO Williams IIIMIIU1B, Ave.. Portland, Oregon N. P. N. V. Ko. BO 1801. w HEIT writing t advertisers pleat 5 (uviivi ju tun pm per