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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1901)
CORVAL WEEKLY. UNION Hatb. Jnly, 1897. GAZETTE Eatab. Sec- 1862.' Consolidated Feb. 1899. COEVALIilS, BENTON COUNTY, OBEGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, ia01. VOIi. XXXVIII. NO. 51. i EVENTS OF THE DAY FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE WORLD. A Comprehensive Review of the Important . Happenings of the Past Week Presented in a Condensed Form Which Is Most Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many Readers. Prince Tuan is planning a rebellion in Mongolia. - Every roailroad entering Salt Lake has joined in a rate war. The date of King Edward's coro nation is fixed at June 26, 1902. Yukon miners are unknowingly throwing away thousands of dollars' worth of platinum. A French aeronaut, who has already crossed the Mediterranean, will try to cross the Atlantic. The Scranton, Pa., labor conven tion was unanimous for Chinese ex clusion, but not for Japanse exclusion. Speaker Henderson has announced the new house committees. This is not usually done until after the holi day recess. Wayne, W. Va , was almost wiped out by fire. Eight business build ings and three dwellings were de stroyed; loss $40,000. The Texas Kailway commission and the railroad are at outs. The com mission is trying to compel all, trains to "be run on si liedule time. A member of the English parlia ment, in the coure of a speech, de clared that the Irish would never have a better opportunityjto strike a blow for liberty than at present time. Frye introduced a new ship subsidy bill in congress. : England ". will improve sanitary condition of concentration camps. Republicans in the senate are deter mined to have a tariff on Philippine products. Tillman challenged McLaurin to resign with him from the senate, but the latter would not. A St. Louis negro who had several stitches'taken in his heart is well, on the road to recovery. The entire , business portion of Gobies, Mich., was destroyed by fire. Loss, about $100,000. - The Wabash Screen. Door Com pany's plant at " Bhinelander, Wis., was burned; loss $200,000. Manager 'Johnson, of the Postal Telegraph Company, his son and a negro driver were killed near Newton, Miss., by a falling tree. The Newton" county safe, ' at Deca tur, Miss., . was' robbed of $4,000 in pension warrants, a large quantity of school teachers' warrants, $2,250 in checks, a number -of postoffice money orders and- a quantity of stamps, and over $900 in cash. Famine conditions in Bussia. are worse than the government reports. reported that 3,000 Boers in tend to establish a colony in Chile. The National Starch Works, Des Moines, Ia.,.burned. Loss, $400,000. NatjveJ scouts killed Fagin, the American negro' deserter in the Philip pines. In a fire at Bayou des Allemandes, La., two persons- were burned to death. ... " Bobbers stole $2,000 from the Arch ibald Banking Company, of Archi bald, 0. Fire destroyed a wholesale dry goods store at Wilkesbarre, . Pa. Loss, $135,000. ".' . . '. ' Another ship has ventured too close to the Washington shore and-' is on the rocks. A reciprocity feature may be incor porated in the forthcoming Philippine tariff bill. ' ' Befugees in South African concen tration camps will be sent to the set " tied district. ".- The Douglasville, Ga., bank was robbed of $2,500. The" robbers .escaped . on a handcar. ' France's Chinese loan of 265,000,000 francs, at 3 per cent, will be issued December 21. Two . more of the convicts who escaped from the Leavenworth, Kaa., prison have been captured. The St. Louis Oil Company sold ; 5,000,000 barrels of Beaumont oil to St. Louis men at 20 cents a barrel at the wells. Sixty-five persons were poisoned at a wedding feast at West Point, Wis., by poison in the coffee. All will probably recover. " A heavy snow storm covers the en tire eastern half of Kansas. Ex-Congressman I. N. Evans, of Philadelphia, is dead, aged 64. Dr. David McDill, surgeon at Fort Leavenworth, died from apoplexy. Foreign papers generally comment . favorably on tne president s message. George Ehret, an old man of New York, worth $35,000,000, owns no less than 800 saloons in that city. The fish commission sent from Washington to Honolulu has already discovered about dO new varities, many of which are good for food. Dr. von Holleben, German ambas sador, iust returned from Europe, emphatically denies stories that his country is trying to secure a foothold in South America. INDIAN WAR VETERAN BILL. Pension Measure Which Has Been Introduced by Senator Mitchell. Washington, Dec. 12. Senator Mitchell's Indian war ' veteran bill, recently introduced, reads as follows: "That the provisions, . limitations and benefits of an act entitled 'An act granting pensions to the surviv ors of the Indian wars of 1832 and 1842, inclusive, known as the Black Hawk war, Creek war, Cherokee dis turbances, and the Seminole war,' approved July 27, 1892, be and the same are hereby extended, from the date of the passage of this act, to the surviving officers and enlisted men, including marines, and also the volunteers of the military and naval service of the United States who served for 30 days in the Florida and Georgia Seminole Indian war of 1817 to 1818 ; the Fevre river Indian war, of Illinois, of 1827; the Sac and Fox Indian war of 1831 ; the Sabine Indian disturbances of 1836 and 1837; the Cayuse Indian war of 1847 and 1848 on the Pacific coast; the Florida wars with the Seminole Indians from 1842 to 1858, inclusive; the Texas and New Mexico Indian war of 1849 to 1856; the California Indian disturb ances of 1851 and 1852; the Utah In dian disturbances of 1850 to 1853, inclusive, and the Oregon and Wash ington territory Indian wars of 1851 to 1856, inclusive; and also to in clude the surviving widows of such officers and enlisted men, provided, that such widows have not remarried, and provided furtner, that where there is no record of enlistment or muster into the service, in any of the wars mentioned in this act, the re cord of pay by the United States shall be accepted as full and satisfactory proof of such enlistment and service. " STILL HAVE RATE TROUBLES. Violent Disturbance in the Rocky Mountain Region All Lines Concerned. Salt Lake, Utah, Dec. 12. Every railroad doing business in Utah, ac cording to the Herald, is engaged in a rate war, the slashing being prin cipally on west bound traffic, for which there is a wild scramble, re gardless of rates. The Bio Grande road and the Missouri Pacific, com prising the western part of the Gould system, ' are said to have been active in starting the fight. The Oregon Short Line and the Union Pacific, says the Herald, . held well aloof on Chicago - and Missouri river .west bound business until yesterday, when shippers over that system were in formed that they would be' "taken care of," no matter what might come up. , . -" . ' With the Union Pacific in the fray,, all the roads are now mixed up in it, and westbound business from the At lantic seaboard is being moved in many' instances at 50 per, cent of the regular tariff rates. .Business from Chicago and Missouri river was taken yesterday at 30 to 85 per cent reduc tion on the regular tariff. . The trouble originated, according to the Herald, about a month ago, when the Mallory and Morgan steam ship lines became engaged in active competition on shipments from New York via New Orleans and Galveston to points in the Bocky muontain ter ritory, v-i T '.i s '-, DOLE DENIES REPORT. Hawaiian Governor Has No Thought of Re ' signing Foreign Physicians Excluded. Honolulu, Dec. 3, via" San Fran ciscaVDec. 12. -Governor Dole has. given another' statement in 'an; ihtef-v view that he had no thought of re signing. - . .. . ' The board of health has adopted rule requiring that all examinations of physicians who apply for licenses to practice here shall be in the Eng lish language hereafter. .. The; rule may exclude many Japanese . and other foreign physicians. ' lhe steamer lampico, of tu new line between Honolulu and Seattle, arrived here today from the Sound port, after a stormy trip.' She was 16 days coveringthe distance, owing to the ieariui storms encountered. During one of the gales her forecastle rail was carried away. The transport Bosecrans -arrived here on November 27 from Portland, en route to Manila. . . she took on coal and left December 3, continuing on her journey. lhe battleship Wisconsin is in port here, having arrived from Fago Pago on December 1. She will take 1,000 tons of coal and leave in about a week for Acapulco, Mexico. Molten Metal Exploded. Sharon, Par, Dec.;- 12. An explo sion that shook fhe--earth for miles around, shattered windows . in hun'f dreds of houses at South Sharon. moved adjacent buildings from their foundations, and caused the injury of nine men. two perhaps fatally, oc curred at the Sharon Steel Company's plant today. The explosion occurred in the casting department of the pig mill. The metal was "being poured from the ladle into the casting ma chine when it came in contact with some water, causing the explosion. Kitchener's Weekly Report . 1 London, Dec. 12. Lord Kitchener, in a uispatch from Pretoria, reports that the result of last week's work is 31 Boers killed, 17 wounded, 352 made prisoners, 33 surrendered and quantities of supplies, captured. By advancing the line of blockhouses in the eastern part of the Transvaal, Lord Kitchener is now able, for the first time, to carry out systematic and continuous patrol of that section. NEWS OF THE STATE TEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OF OREGON. Commercial and Financial Happenings of Im portance A Brief Review of the Growth and Improvements of the Many Industries Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth Latest Market Report A new bank is to be opened in Grants Pass in the near future. One hundred thousand bushels of wheat sold in Pendleton the other day for 50 cents per bushel. The first heavy frost of the season visited The Dalles the latter part of last week. As yet there has been no snow fall. The first regular oil drilling outfit to be put in operation in Eastern Ore gon will be set up near Vale within a few days. The Listen Lake Gold Mining Com' pany, with headquarters at Sumpter, has been incorporated with $500,000 capital stock. - The firt consignment of coal from the mineif the Nehalem Coal Min ing Company, at Nehalem, was ship ped to Astoria and proves to be very good fuel. The Lowell copper mine, of Waldo, adjoining the celebrated Waldo, Strong and Cass copper properties. Southern Oregon, has been sold to San Francesco capitalists for $30,000. The property will be opened and developed on a large scale. There is one case of smallpox, at Weston. The O. B. & N. is erecting a new depot at Hot Lake. ' There are at present 1,232 inmates in the state insane asylum at Salem. The Japanese section house at Union was burglarized but the theives were caught. At La Grande the other day 4,000 bushels of wheat was purchased for the retail trade. A number of farmers around Salem have received as high as 48 cents for their wheat. An organization has been effected in Baker " City for the - purpose of maintaining a free public library. The drill and machinery for the oil well to be drilled at Springfield has arrived and work will be- commenced at once. Nearly all the Polk county prune crop has been shipped. Most of the fruit went to the East. Good ad vances were made. A painter of The Dalles was bound and gagged by robbers who secured $50. The robbery took place in the man's shop in the business portion of town. - Union county lost the case against Baker county, in which the former contested the annexation to the latter of a strip of land known aa the Pan handle. Portland Markets.. Wheat Walla Walla, 5960; Muestem, 6061c; Valley, 59 c. Flour Best grades, $2.653.20 per barrel; graham, $2.50. Oats Nominal 95 $1.00 pr cental. Barley Feed, $1616.50; brewing, $16 16,50 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $16.50 17; mid dling, $20; shorts, $17; chop, $16.50. Hay Timothy. $1112; clover, $77.50; Oregon wild hay, $56 per ton. - v . - . Butter. Fancy creamery, 22 325c; dairy, 1820c; store, 12)14c per pound. - ,Eggs Storage, 2022; fresh, 27 28c, Eastern 2225c. . Cheese Fuji cream twins, 13 VAc; Young America, 14 15c. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.50 3.50; hens, $4.00; dressed, 9 10c per pound ; springs, $2.50 ' 3.00, per dozen; ducks, $3 for old; $4.50 5.50 for young ; geese, $66.50 pr doz en ; "turkeys, live, " ll12c ; dressed, 1215c per pound. :' Mutton Lambs, 3 6 c gross ; dressed 6c per pound; sheep, $3.253.50 gross; dressed, bbc per pound, Hogs Gross, heavy, $5.12; light, $4.755; dressed, b7c per pound. Veal Smalf, 88Kc ; large,77 &c per pound. Beef Gross top steers, $3J04.00 cows and heifers, Sd.ou; dressed beef, 37c per pound. Hops 810c per, pound. Wool Valley, 11 14c per pound Eastern Oregon, 8 12 Jc; mohair, 2121c per pound. - , Potatoes 85 95 per sack. Prof. Bitchey, of the Yerkes obser vatory at Williams Bay, Wis., has made a. momentous discovery astronomy, proving the nebular theo ry and furnishing photographic evi dence of evolution among planetary bodies. ' , ; Sweden is to establish . a- .wireless telegraphy system all along ; her coast. , A new process of extracting gold from low grade ores showed satisfac tory tests at Colorado mines. Judge Eli P. Evans, of Columbus, O., has served as judge of the com mon pleas court for 25 consecutive years. ' Vast nickel deposits, the largest the world, have been located in South ern Oregon. PNEUMATIC DYNAMITE GUN. Satisfactory Test of a New Weapon at Hil. ton Head S. C Savanah, Ga., Dec. 11. The test of the new pneumatic gun at Hilton Head, 8. C, yesterday, under the auspices of a board of army officers, is believed to have been satisfactory. Major Ira McNutt, of the ordnance department, was chief officer of the board. The gun is at the entrance to Port Boyal harbor, which it ' com mands. It was shown that the gun has a range of 6,000 yards. Eight projectiles loaded with explosive gelatine were fired. Six of them ex ploded upon impact and threw vol umes of water into the air. . Two were fixed with time fuses. If they exploded, it was at such a depth un der water that no disturbance was discernible. The. explosive charges ranged from - 50 to 200 pounds of ni- trogelatine. Five dummiesiere fired to test the speed. The government required that they should -be. dis charged in 20 minutes. The time taken to fare them was 10 fn mutes. Forty dummies of 1,180 pounds each were then fired as an endurance test. There was no hitch. . FORGED JAPANESE BONDS. Charge Against a Traveler Arrested in Min- neapolis Will Contest the Case.' Minneapolis,. Dec. 11. Acting on telegraphic instructions , sent from Washington by Attorney - General Knox, United States Marshal Grim- shaw today arrested Francis C. May er, charged with having committed forgery in Japan. The arrest was made upon the Great Northern over land tram as it pulled into Minneap olis union station. Mayer was ac companied by his wife, his two child ren and a Japanese servant. Mayer said that he had been in the news paper business at Yokohama for a number of yean. The charge against lm is that he forged signatures on debenture bonds, but the exact nature of the crime or the amount of money involved is not known. He quitted Yokohama November 19, sailing upon the Japanese Shinano Maru. Ever since then the authorities have been on the lookout for him. In some manner he managed to evade the omcers at Seattle. MINERS ON A STRIKE. Disagreement Between the .Management and Vancouver, B. ' C, Dec. 11. A special from Nanaimo says that the mines at Alexandra, owned by the Dunsmuirs, were closed down today because of a disagreement between the management and the men. The unions of mineworkers at Nanaimo, Alexandra and Extension formed a general federaion on Saturday. These mines are not all owned by the same company, and it was stated that, while tne Dunsmuir interests were willing that all' the men in their mines should federate, consent was lacking to an association between Dunsmuir miners and those employed by other companies. It is announced that negotiations are now in progress between the management and the men looking to the reopening of the Alexandra mines. The lockout at Alexandra affects 600 men. The Extension mines, under the same ownership, employ a larger number. MISS STONE HEARD FROM. American Officers. Will Dispatch Agents to Deal With the Bandits. Sofia, Dec. 11. According to infor mation received from Salonica, Miss Ellen M. Stone and Mme Tsilka, her companion, are concealed in tne. vi cinity of Bilo, about five miles south of Dubmtza, ,in .Bulgarian territory. The news was brought by a Mace donian, who left there December 1, and who furnished precise informa tion regardiing the hiding place, and th names of the agents supplying food for the brigands and their cap tives. It is understood ; that the informa tion is considered reliable enough to iustifv the American officers in Tur key to dispatch agents to treat with the bandits, and application has al ready been made to the Turkish gov ernment for the free passage of the emissaries across the Turkish fron tier, which is vigorously guarded by troops at every hundred yards. Officers Fight With Robbers. Lead, S. D., Dec. 11. The store of Edward Wood, at Galena, S. D., was robbed of some merchandise and $40 in money last night, and Sheriff Doten, of Dead wood, and Deputy Pat rick Paterson, of this city, pursued the robbers, came up to them and a fight ensued. One of the robbers was killed, and the driver, who escaped, was wounded. The third was captured. Neither of the omcers was hurt. Kearsarge Joins the Squadron. New York, Dec. 11. The United States first class battleship Kearsarge laft. nf. fnilav f lditl . f "Nnrf.h Atlantic souadron. It is thought . uvi i. wun y v? iv. " - that she will proceed directly to Ha vana. where the other vessels of the squadron are due to arrive on the ,1. .. ,.. . r. i nth At the request of General Wood, the squadron -will remain in Havana for Christmas. EXECUTIVE SESSION SENATE BEGINS CONSIDERATION OF THE CANAL TREATY. Lodge Explained the Difference Between the Old Canal Treaty and the New One A Chang of - Wording' Gives the United States the Right to Fottify and Control the Canal In Time ot War. Washington, Dec, II. The open session of the senate yesterday was devoted to routine business, such as the presentation of bills, petitions and memorials. The senate then went into executive session on motion of Lodge, who has charge of the Hay- irauncetote treaty, and adiourned at 1:55 o'clock. After going into ex ecutive session. Senator Hoar present ed the - report of the committee on judiciary, recommending the con firmation of Attorney General Knox. The senate then, before taking up the Isthmian .canal treaty, ""proceeded to pass upon 'other nominations, of which there,; are an .exceptionally large number before the seriate. - s . After . a riumber of nominations had been confirmed -Senator Lodge called up tb$ canal treaty and made a brief statement regarding" that con vention'. The senate then adjourned in order to give the Democratic mem bers of: the Committee an opportunity to hold a meeting. ". " " Lodge contended, that the new treaty does away with all the objec tionable features of the last conven tion, and enumerated the particulars in which the revised agreement con forms to the action of the senate in the last congress, when the old treaty was before it. He analyzed the new treaty from beginning to end, show ing that in specific terms it abrogates the Clayton Bulwer treaty .of 1850, which, he said, had stood constantly in the way of the construction of an isthmian canal. The abrogation of this treaty, he contended, was a most important achievement, and he did not believe that the United States should or would lose an opportunity to make secure that concession. - Senator Lodge also called attention to the omission in paragraph 1 of article 3 of the words "in time of war as in time of peace." , He said that in the old treaty the paragraph read "that the canal shall be free and open - in time of war as in time of peace, to the.-vessels of commerce and of war of all nations on terms of entire equality, " etc. He urged'that the omission of this phrase had the effect practically of leaving . the United States to do with the canal in time of war according to its own pleasure. He also referred to the fact that rule 7 in the treaty of the powers regulating the control of the Suez canal, which ' had been em bodied in the original Hay-Pauncefote treaty, had been omitted from the re vised draft. He quoted from this rulewhich provided that "no fortifications shall be erected commanding the canal or the waters adjacent," etc. . "This, he said, was a material . concession to the United States, and . was. quite sufficient to meet the objections made against . the agreement, that ' the United States would have no power to protect its property. -..'It .practical ly left the United States free to fort ify the canal in case it should be con sidered desirable to do so, and was in line, with the omission of the restric tion keeping-the canal Topen in, time or war. THE BRITISH COAL TRADE. Falling Off of Exports Causes a Good Deal of Apprehension. . .. . . ; New York, Dec. II. The situation in the British coal trade is causing a great deal of. apprehension on the part of .the owners and merchants, and there Is 'a resumption of the foutcry against the - export tax .which tormed so prominent a ieature ot sir Michael Hicks-Beach's last budget, says the London correspondent of the Tribune; .Coal, exports have de. creased . by. 158,000 tons during the first JO months., of the present year, and . the average number of days Worked by the colliers has generally fallen off, while in most of the prin cipal districts the supply is in excess of the demand. ' The iron industry, which usually accounts for 35,000, 000 to 40,Q00,000 tons , a year, has greatly ' redueed its -consumption, owing to the reduction in the num ber of furnaces in blasU " Cruiser May Co to Panama. -San Francisco, Dec Jl2. The Upit-f ed States cruiser Philadelphia has come down : frpm' the- Mare Island navy yard,-where she has been under going repairs, and is now awaiting Orders. . It is expected that she will go to Panama. The army transport Hancock is scheduled to sail . for Manila on the 16th, with " 1,100 sol diers of the Twenty-seventh infantry. ine ssnenoan will be in readiness to sail at the same time. She is to carry 1,700 soldiers and passengers. ' Arid Land Bill. v ), , ' -Washington, Dec., j2. A confer ence of the senators and rerresenta- irrigation of arid - lands' has deter- - ! mined to make the - Hanborough Newland bill the basis of action, and ' thi. taesure ' is being perfected for united support. ' - It provides that the proceeds of the sale of public ands 8nall aside as a fund for arid lands reclamation and irrigation. INTO OPEN SWITCH. Southern Pacific Tra!.t Is Wrecked at Salem Engineer and Fireman Killed. Sabm, Or., Dec. 8. The north' bound California express No. 12, due here at 4:34 and in Portland at 7 P. M., was derailed at the trestle 200 yards south of the Salem station on its schedule time yesterday afternoon. The engine and the mail and baggage cars, smoker, and one day coach left the rails. ' Fireman Fish received in juries from which he died soon after being taken to the hospital. Engi neer , W imam tl. White was badly scalded, and it was thought he would recover, but he died at 5 10 this morning. None of the passengers or other members of the train crew re ceived any injuries. An open switch 20 yards south of the trestle caused the accident. The scene of the wreck is within the yard limits. The train was on time and was entering the station yard at a moderate rate of speed. The train consisted of eight coaches, including the special car of Superintendent Fields, who was promptly on the scene and personally directed the operations in extricating the fireman and engineer and clearing the tracks. The engine, mail and baggage coaches, smoker and one day coach took the switch track, the other cars remaining on the main track. The engine and the mail coach left the switch upon entering the trestle and plunged into the creek about 12 feet below. ' Fireman Fish jumped and was caught beneath the trucks of the ggage car, which was then directly across the tracks. His body was fearfully mangled -and he lived only 15 minutes after reaching Florence sanitarium. Two day coaches left the rails but remained on the embank ment. The passengers were badly shaken up but none were injured. Engineer White remained at his post and his left leg was caught be tween the engine and tender. Two hours of hard labor was required to extricate him and the limb for its en tire length was severely scalded by steam that came from the firebox. Although in great pain not a murmur escaped his lips, nor did he lose con sciousness, and when finally released his first inquiry was for his fireman. The cause of the accident was un questionably an open switch. The blame, therefore, has not been defi nitely fixed. The switch is supposed to have been left insecurely closed by the crew of the freight train which left the station yard less than an hour before the arrival of the passenger train. - The lock to -the switch is missing and has not been found. The section foreman, who passed over the main track subsequent to the de parture of the freight train, says the switch "was properly adjusted, but the absence of the switch lock cannot be explained. It is not considered prob able that in broad day light and within 200 yards of the depot the switch was tampered with 30 minutes before the arrival of the train. . En gineer White said the switch was half open He had slowed down and was running 20 miles -an hour. The en gine took the switch and the tender took the main track. WONDERFUL MONTANA CAVE. Believed to Be One of .the Largest and Most Valuable to Science in the World. Butte, Mont., Dec. 10. A new and wonderful natural cave believed to be one of the largest known, has just been discovered in the cany.on of the Jefferson, on the line of, the Northern Paoific railway,, about 50 miles east of Butte: ' An exploration party from Butte spent several days in the cave, going over an are of 10 miles, arid to a depth of nearly 1,000 feet. ' A large river, with a cataract of about 100 feet was explored for a distance of several - miles, without discovering its source ' or outlet. . A few articles of stone and copper utensils and some bones, believed to be' human, were also found- in one of tne large apart ments of the cave. There were other evidences that at some time in a prehistoric period the cave was in habited. Water More Valuable Than Oil. E4 Paso, Tex., Dec. 10. A dispatch from Las Cruces announces that the oil borers at Engle, N. M., have struck an artseian well at a depth of 200 feet, which swept 1,000 gallons per hour through a two inch hole Engle is situated in tne hear t of the famous Journey of Death - desert, which is one ot tne most arid regions known, and the strike of water will prove far more valuable than an oil gusher. During the Mexican war, out of a column of 165 soldiers who started across the desert, 151 perished, ; Heavy Grain Movement to Mexico. " El Paso, Tex., Dec. 10. The Atch ison, Topeka & Santa Fe road has an nounced it would accept no more, wheat for Mexico for the ' present. The Santa Fo'yards;here are crowded with" cars-loaded' with: wheat con signed to Mexican ports. It is-stated that President Diaz, in order to undo the grain combine in Mexico, will issue an order extending the time un til next August for wheat and corn to enter Mexico free of duty. A CARNEGIE OFFER WILL GIVE SI 0,000,000 FOR A NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. President Roosevelt Will Send His Letter to Congress in a Special Message Does Not Ask the Goverment to Appropriate a Dollar Leading Educators of the Country Endorse the Plan. Washington, Dec. 11. President Boosevelt has received a letter from Andrew Carnegie in which the latter offers to make a donation of $10,000, 000 to the United States. The letter will be referred to congress by the president in a special message. Mr. Carnegie's gift is for the pur pose of establishing in Washington a university for higher education. As far as his idea has been developed, it proposed a gift after the manner of the bequest of James Smithson, the Englishman, who gave $1,000,000 for . the establishment and mainte nance of what is now known as the Smithsonian institute. Smithson desired the institute founded by him to be a factor in the diffusion of sci entific knowledge. Mr. Carnegie pro posed that the university which he is to endow shall be the greatest insti tution in the world for the develop ment of higher education. He has consulted President Gilman, of Johns Hopkins University ; President Had ley, of Yale; President Eliot, of Har vard ; ex-President White of Cornell, and all the leading educators in the country. They heartily endorse, his plans. The proposed university will not interfere in the least with the educa tional institutions already established, but will supplement them, for, ac cording to the present plan, its doors will be open only to those who desire to take up a post graduate course. Mr. Carnegie also wants the new uni versity to take the lead in original researches, so fhat the United States can eventually stand side by side with Germany, if not excel that nation. in scientific development. Mr. Carnegie s plan does not pro pose a national university in the sense that an appropriation will'be asked or needed. The government is'simply -to be the trustee of the magnificent en dowment, just as it administers the fund bequeathed by Smithson. It is probable that a board of regents will be appointed, as in the case of the Smithsonian institution, it may be that the governmeni will be repre sented upon the board of directors, which, it is contemplatetd, shall con sist of men of national reputation. Mr. Carnegie has kept the proposed endowment a secret until he could definitely arrange the plan and scope of the new university. Even yet, all these details have not been arranged, so that little more than the outline of the gift can be published. It is known, however, that he does not propose to ask from Congress a single foot of land. JUMPED A SWITCH. Wrecking of a Passenger Train on the Cen tral of Georgia. Macon, Ga., Dec. 11. The Central Georgia passenger train from Savanah, after crossing the river entering Macon at about 4 o'clock this morning with 100 passengers jumped a switch on a big embankment. The engine and tender parted from the train. The baggage and express cars were thrown into a culvert and burned. The second class coach was thrown on its side and burned. The first class passenger coach fell over the embank ment. The Atlanta sleeper, filled with passengers, eaught fire and was -destroyed." were saved. FREIGHT TRAINS COLLIDED. Accident Happened on a Trestle at Salem Nobody Was Injured. Salem, Or., Dec. 10. A head-on collision between the southbound extra .fieight train and the regular northbound freight, No. 226, oc curred at 4:25 o'clock yesterday after noon, within 200 yards of the passen ger depot in this city. The engine of thextra freight was badly dis abled. . None of either train crew was injured. The scene of the accident was on ther trestle across a branch of Mill creek, about 400 yards distant from Saturday's fatal wreck. The trestle is on a curve, bordered by a high board fence, where an ap proaching train is net visible 100 yards ahead. Strong Appeal for Death List . New York, Dec. 11. Liberal news papers are appealing to Mr. Broderick to publish the October figures of the mortality in the concentration camps in South Africa, says the London correspondent of the Tribune. There has never been such delay in an nouncing the previous monthly re ports, and it is feared that owing to the heavy rainfalls which have been reported, the death rate among children cannot have decreased to any appreciable exztent. , Canal Route Leased. Managua, Dec. 11. Dr. Ferdinand Sanipez, Nicaraguan minister of for eign affairs, and William L. Merry, United States minister to Nicaragua, signed a treaty today by which Nic aragua agrees to lease a section of Nicaraguan territory six miles wide, which includes the route of the Nica ragua canal, to the United States perpetually.