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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1901)
M con unmL Fill PAY, AUGUST 2, ICOi. NEXT COUNTY CONVENTION. It is yet a number of : s until the county convention meet, but it is none too early to speak of soma of the work it must do. Of this, not the least im-j portantby any means is the se-1 lection of candidates for the legis - bture asenatorandateprescnta- tive Rinpp if is the first instance ! since Lincoln county was erected stepped out to attaclr the dupli that Benton county has been per- "s to the baggage. On find- mitted to have the entire voice as to who shall serve her in tbe legis lature, increased interest wi'.l at tach, not only to the p:rso;inel of the convention, bar also to the results of its labors. It h ti be hoped that an unusually able, earnest and decidedly republican body of men will be assembled, and that its action shall be so ac ceptable to the body of republi cans throughout the county that the succeeding election will be merely a formality. Of its nominations especial care must be given to the selection of men whose fitness and quahnca tions shall appeal not only to the support of republicans, but also to that of good citizens, regard less of party. Particular attention should be given the selection of candidates for tha legislature. They must not be, nor have been, identified with any clique or factioa, nor rest under the least suspicion that they will become the pliant toois of any person or influence. They should be mea of sound, practical sense, intelligent enough to know what the state as well as the county needs in the way of legis lation, industrious and influential enough to compass the most good for their constituency. The of fice should seek the men, rather than the men the office. . We should be warned by the course of Multnomah's hybrid delegation in the last legislature that we cannot be too insistent that only high-minded and trustworthy men be placed m nomination, The man who is profuse of prom ises and pledges before election usually disappoints, often humlli ates his friends afterward, and not infrequently becomes a clog. if nothing worse, to -necessary TrtiMip mraciire The election of an U. S. Sena tor win devolve upon tne next legislature. Benton's delegation should be men who do not regard this as the chief legislative func tion, but rather as an incident which should not, and so far as they are soncerned, shall not ob Struct legislation nor give it any sort of bias or direction inimical to the public good. This may require men with well-developed vertebra, so we shall make no mistake by selecting such. Let the delegates bear in mind they are a convention of republi cans in the interests of the whole party, and that the nomination of good men is of greater importance and a surer augury of victory than any set of resolutions or Statement of purposes they can give t the public. A Resourceful Woman. "A female elocutionist travel ing under name f Miss Tillet son gave a brief entertainment at this place last Thursday even iflg," says the N&rth Yamhill Record. "This woman first ap peared in North Yamhill some time in May, and secured an en gagement for this place based upon an ironclad contract made with two local ladies. This con tract provided that forfeiture of $70 should be paid by the ladies in case they failed to strictly carry out the terms of the same, by properly advertising llet date, furnishing her enter tainment while in town, etc. 1 I,ater she forwarded to fhein by express five badly soiled pictures to be hung in show windows to advertise her coming. The ladies had to pay 25 cents ex press charges on the pictures, afid besides that she charged ttem 10 Gents fer the use of eacS picture thns used to adver tise her own entertainment, and 10 cents for the use of 100 tickets f aflmissien. When -she ap-1 peared on the date of the enter-j taiflment she was possessed oi , two large trunks, and ordered oae of the ladies to the contract to secure an express wagon and fcare them hauled for her. At tlis poiat Miss Tiilotson learned la tmdstakable terms that the lady was nobody's servant. S& gave her entertainment, which was a disappointment to thesfl w&o Baa tile matter ia cfcarge, On arriving at the depot to de-1 oart lroui tiie town, tne exoress-1 man who hauled her trunks about for her informed her that the charges would have to be paid br-fore he would give up the '. trunks. That uitunii.Jiti.ii not a' pear 4t aiinoy h- r. did without paying .the bill sLraist:Lvvny iiUo s!-c the walked depot purchased a ticket for Carlton and informed ilie asjer.t ;lhat she had two trunks to be cnecKeu. ine ajent pomciy handed li?r two cuecks and iug the trunks were held for charges, she referred back to Miss Tillot'soi), who replied: 'I have checks calling: for two trunks delivered at Cail'.ou, and I shall expect to find them there when I call for thetu.' The mat ter wa3 patched up somehow be tween the agent and the express man, the trunks being forwarded without the charges paid. The ( ladies who had her engagement ' in charge say they cannot rccom-' mend her to the public, and de ' sire that her actions here be made i public." Miss Tiilotson appeared in an , entertainment in Corvallis last j week.' Th6se ' who . heard her will appreciate the Record's ar tide. Out at the College. The work on the heating plant extension to the Armory is progressing rapidly toward completion. This will be great ly appreciated next winter at i the entertainments given in that building:. J. R. Smith & Co. are driv ing their pluming contract along at a fast rate, and will saon have it completed. The Gollege printing office is now engaged in priatiup; the annual report of the expenditures of that institution. Durin? the past year the office turned out five bulletins of 5,500 each, and the annual catalogue of 150 pages, giving all needed informa tion about the college and its workings, the edition numbering 4,000 copies. The above are the heavy items of work in the office during the past year. The qnesliou that is calling for the most attention at the col lege now is, where will the new building be located. ' Some favor a location south of the adminis tration building, while others are looking at a location easS of the Mechanical Hall, lacing to the south. Pres. Gatch and family left for the coast yesterday to occupy their new cottage by the deep sounding sea. D. W. Prichard and family left yesterday for his thirty day vacation. They first go to the Welch settlement ia Clackamas county back of Oregon City, then they will join Dr. Thomas and family aud have an outing on the head waters of the Clack amas river. . Tile college fruit dryer for ex perimental work is under con struction under the immediate direction of Dr. Withycombe. . No. 4301. Of The Condition Report Of the First National Bank of Corvallis, at Corvallis, in the. State of Oregon, at the close of business, July 15, 1901. . KESOUECES. Loans and Discounts. $ 93,041 68 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured-. GO 83 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 150,000 00 Stocks, securities, etc 37,218 53 Banking-house, furniture and fixtures 21,45.) 55 uiner real estate owned 3,137 44 Due irom National Banks not reserve agents ; Due from Stat Banks and Bankers., Due from approved reserve agents 18,276 03 23,927 98 78,31)9 91 300 00 880 02 1,575 00 73 68 miernai-Kevenue stamps:. Checks and- other caeb. items . Notes of other National Banks Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents . L.AWFUL MONEY ItES. IN BANK, VIZ: Specie tmna 70 ti r,7i r,n Legal-tender notes 6S2 00 f 082 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer 5 per cent, of Circulation . 2,500 00 -3C4,118 35 LIABILITIES. -; Capital stock paid in $50,000 00 Surplus fund ; s,750 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid ; 958 40 Notional Bank notes outstanding 44,830 00 Due to other National Banks 41 67 Dividends unpaid ; 50 00 Individual deposits subject to check 202,268 08 Dmand ceertiticates of deposit 55,038 42 Certified checks 949 53 Liabilities other than those above stated (and other Liabilities) 3,132 19 Total- .-$364,118 35 State of Oregon, County of Benton ssi I, Walter T. Wiles, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Waiter T. Wiles, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st day of July, 1901. - W. E, Yates, Notary Public for Oregon. Correct Attest; O. K. Moon, M. S. Woodcock, ; Geo. E. Lilly, Directors. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys end bladder right . A. yUUUNuuuH, Importer of Highgrado Pianos, Organs and Small Instruments of all description. MANUFACTUbEKB AGKXT Foil X i fi' 43 The Celebrated Needham Pianos and Organs Which have become famous for their , beauty of tone, superior action and great durability. AVe invite comparison of our prices, quality considered, with those of other firms, Call and examine our goods or t write for catalogue. , ! Office and residence one block weet of Court House. . Additional Local. The Black Cat. ! i Big special 25 per cent off on j all summer goods at Kline's. ! Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothes j for dressy men, at 3. L- J lae s. ! Given away a pair vi Queei. Qaalitv bIiocs on Atiaust 8th. Call at store for particulars at Kline'?. Dr. Ramsey, the Osteopath, will be at the residence of Mr. Wm Cfeese, this afternoon. If you wish to know more of this method, call on lbe factor, OREGON- SALEM, SEPTEMBER 23-28;'! GREAT AGRICULTURAL AND 'INDUSTRIAL FAIR Good Racing in Afternoons. the Latest Attractions in New Au ditorium Building Every Ev ening, with Good Music. i Beautiful Camp Grounds Free, Special Rates on Campers' Tickets. Come and Bring Your Families. Reduced Rates on all Railroads. For further particulars address M. D. WISDOM, Sec, Portland Government Land. Parlies wishing to locate on govern ment land will do well to consult IT. Kijeckbb, " . Aliea, Or. Adtalfllstr ator's Notice. Notice is hereby 'given to all ptrsons interested th&t the undersigued has been duly appointed ad ministrator et the estate of Walter 8. Hobbs, de ceased, by the county court of Benton county, Ore gon, and has duly qualified as such administrator, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present tbe same to the under signed at the office of the Corvallis Gazettk, in Cor vallis, Bentoa county, Oregon, with the proper vouchers within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 27th day of July, A. D., 1901. . GALE S. HILL, Adninlstrator. PERCY . KELLY, Attorney for the Administrator. Government Land. Parties desirous oi locating on govern ment land should see J. W. Webber, Angora, Or. Call for Warrants. Notice is hereby given that there in money on hand at the county treasurer's office to pay all orders endorsed and marked not paid for want of funds op to and including those of June 5th, 1901, Interest will be stopped on same from this date, Corvallis, July 29. 1901. - ' W. A. Buchanan, Treasurer oi Benton Co., Or. If you are sick all over, and don't know just what ails you, it's ten to one your kidneys arenut of order. Foley's Kidney Cure will bring yon health and energy. Graham & Wortham. 15 per Gent off on all our men's Nothing to make room for ou. large fall order At Kline's. . Onr Clubbing List. Sahscribun to the CORVALLIS GAZETTE can obtain the following papers in combination sub scriptions with tbe GAZETTE, at the very low prices stated below; cash in advance always to ac-cott-pany tbe orderr Those wishing two or more publications named with the GAZETTE, will please correspond with this ofHce and we will quote yon the combination price. We can save yon money en nearly all putilicatious yon desire. -N , The abbreviations b'eiow are explained as follows: W. foi weekly; S W for semi-weekly; T W; for tri weekly; M, ft,r monthly; S M, for semi n onthly. The first price represents the subscription rate cf tile publication alone, and flhe second the rate for tie publication offered 111 conjunction with tie emi-weekU GAZETTE. Foley's Honey and Tar for ctiildren,safe,sure. No opiates. 3fi r L i Tlie greatest skin specialist in America ! originated the formula for Banner balve. For all skin diseases, til cuts or snres. ami for piles, it's the most healing medi cine, .beware of substitutes. Graham & Wcrtbain. Mr. W. J. Baxter, c,f Kenli Biook, N-C. avshe suffered with riitfc Uir 15 jCiMs. He tried many remciies with no results uti I ii he ucU DeW ill's Wiuii Hazel Salve anil that quickly ' cured him. Graham AWells. Those famous little pills, DelVitt's Lit tle ISariy ltisers compel your liver and bowels to do their duty, thus giving yon p'ire, rich blood to recuperate your body. Are easy to take. Never gripe. Gra ham & Wells. Mrs. S. II. JUlport, Johnstown, Pa., says: "Our little girl almost strangled to death with croup. The doctors sid she couldn't live but she was instantly relieved by One Minute Cough Cure. Graham & Wells. In cases of cough or croup give the lit tle one One Minute Cough Cure. Then rest easy and have no fear. The child will be all right in a little while. It never fails. Pleasant to lake, always safe, sure and almost instantaneous in effect. Graham & Wells. Question Answered. Yes, Aueust Flower still has the largest sale ef any medicine in the civilized world. Your mother and grandmothers never thought of using anything elso for indigestion or biliousness. Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of appen dicitis, nervous prostration or heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to cleanse out the system and stop fermentation of undi gested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate tne nervous and organic action i the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. Yon only need a few doss of Green's August Flower, its liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. Get Green's Prize Alma nac. Graham & Wortbatn. Eruptions, cuts, burns, scalds and sores of all kinds quickly healed by DeWitl's Witch Hazel Salye, Certain cure for piles. Beware of counterfeits. Be sure you get the original DaWitt's. Gra ham & Well's. "I had a running sere on my tireast for over a year," pays Henry II. Richards, of Willseyvil!e, N. Y., '-'and tried a great many remedies, but got no relief until I used Banner Salve. After using one-half box, I was perfectly cured. I cannot re commend it too highly." Graham & Wortham. . O. O. Buck, Beirne, Ark., says: "I was troubled with constipation until I bought DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Since then I have been entirely cured of my old complaint. I recommend them. Graham & Welle. Notice for Pablicaticn. United States Land Officii, Oregon City, Oregon. July, 26, 1991. Notice Is hereby eriven that in compliance with the provisiens of the act f -Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An cet for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Kevada, and Wash ington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1595. FRANK L. OWINN, of Garfield, county of Whitman, State of Washing ton, has this day tiled in this office his sworn state ment No. 5476, for the purchase of K j4 ot SW i, SE J of NW i and Lot 4 of Section No 30 in Town ship No 13 South, Kang-e No 6 West, and will offer proof to show that the land eought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Regrister and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, tbe 18th day of October, 1901. He namei as witnesses: B. F. Totten, of Inavale, OrefronrVbe Coon, of Inavale, Oregon. Thos. Coon, of tuavale, Oregon,. Martin Butler, of Fern. Any ar.d all persons claiming adversely the cbove described lands are requested to file their claim in this office en or before said IStb day of October, 1901. CUAS. II. HOORttS, Register Administrator's Sale of Real Esteto. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ad ministrator of the estate of William H. Pugb, de caased, pursuant to an order of the County Court oi the state or urcgon tor Liinn county, maue on the fifth day of July, 1901, duly entered In Probate Journal Number 10 of said court, will from and af ter the 10th day of August, 1091 , proceed to sull for cash in hand, at private sale, all the interest which the said estate of of William H. Pugk, deceased, has in and to the following: described real property, to wit: The west lot the N. K. K i tots 9 and 10, in ia Section SO, T. 12, S. R 4 W , also besrinclng at tbe N. W. corner of the N. E i of Sec, 30, T, 12, S. R. 4 W., of the Willamette Meridian, and running : thence north 2,00 chains, thence north 2S degrees, E. 1G.50 chains, thence north 43 degfeos, K, 6.00 chains, thence 8. Gi degrees, E. 3 30 chains, thence S. Z5 decrees, E. 13,77 chains, thence S. 1 3-4 degrees, W. 8.04 chains, thence west 22.S0 chains to tiie pi ace of beginning, eave and except the follow ing described tract, to-wit: Begiiininf at a noirit 34 03 chains B. of the N. W. corner of the N. E. 14 of Sec. 30, T. 12, S. U. 4 W of the Willamette Mer idian, thence W. 7 00 chains, thence S. 8.0:) chains, thenc ft, 1.00 chain, thence S. 30 0 chains, thence EL 6.00 chains, thence down the rivsr with tht me anders to the place of beginning, containing 27.66 acres and a tiact 40 00" rods East and Westerly, 80.0 rods North and South, in tbe S. W. corner ef the W. 1-2 of the N. E. 1-4 of Sec, 30 T. 12, B. R 4 W., said premises being situated in Benton County, State of Oregon, belonging to said estate, subject to the annroval and confirmation of the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, to pay charges, and ex penses of administration and claims aguimt said ei tate, and for distribution ef proceeds thereof, after imvment of nucn charges, expenses ana cuuns as Dy law required. Dated this 12th day of July, A. D., X0J1. JOHX W. PUGH, - Administrator of Uie estate of -WiLiiiu II. rugh, deceased. Notice to Creditors'. Notice is hcrebv eiven that the undersi&rned has been appointed administrator of the estate of J. K. A. Kobiuson, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Benton county. A!l persons naving Claims against saia esuu are nereny re quired to present the same to tbe undersigned propei lv verlfted as by law required at the office of C. W. Davi?, in Philomnth, Dragon, within- six ntonths from the date hereof. Dated July 2, 1951. , I. E. Fridlet, Administrator ' of th? estate cf J. E. A. Robin son, deceased. ,j ... r Mr. E. D. Arnold, Arnold, Ia., .write! : He was troubled with kidney disease about three vears. HsH to et up eevcr- 1 times during the night but three bot tles of Foley's Kidney Cure effected a complete cure, he feels better than he ever did and recommend! it to his friends Graham A Wortham. P. T. Tho.uas, Siimnterville, Ala . "I was fiuBeiin from dyspepsia when I commenced taking tCo-Joi Dyspepsia Cure. I took several bottles and ran di eeet anything." Kidol DyspepsU Cure is the only preparation contaiuins all the natural digestive fluids. It jrivaa weak stomachs entire re.-t. voK't-riii their natural eondilifi ( l'a;i;iiii ,rc Wells. The Great Scourge Of modern limes is coiiKiiinption. Many cores and di?roverirs from lime to lime are published bnt Foley's Honey and Tr does truthfully claim to cure all caees in the early stages and alwayc silords com fort and relief in the very worst cases. Take 110 substitutes. Graham & Wor tham. Don't he satisfied with temporary relief from indigestion, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure permanently and completely emoves this complaint. It relieves permanently because it allows the tired stomach per fect rest. Dieting won't rest the stom ach. Nature receives suppliei from the food we cat. The sensible way to help the stomach is to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which digests what you eat and can't help but do you good. Graham & Wells. Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Supplies -CorvDUis, Oregon Established, Incorporated, 1E58 WHOLESALE & RETAIL. The most complete line of Pure Drugs and Chemicals in Ccrvallis. . Books and Statioxiexy, Commercial Pa pers, Fine Perfumery; Toilet Articls, Combs, Brushes and Mirrors. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Fine Cutlery CIGARS Manager cf Ferscription Department, T. A. JONES, Registered, Special Ccursc in Piarrcccy fit Tcrduc Universi ty, Indiana Digests what yoa eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests r.ll kiruls ot food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to oat all ' the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics hnvo hoc a cured after everything else failzcl. It is unequalled for all stomach troubles. Et can't help Esait da jroa gessi Prepared only by E. O. DeWitt & Co., Chicago The 61. bottle contains times tho 50c. size. Graham & Wells. TO HOMESEEKERS. No. 101 io acres, 35 in cultivation, good buildings, fine fruit and water, good bottom land; price, f650. 4'j miles from Philomath. No. 131 80 acres, 25 iu cultivation, nice young orchard; fair buildings, 2 cows and calves, team; wagon and har ness, plow, cultivator, tools, etc.; also furniture. This is a good hill ranch and is cheap at $700. G miles from town. 74 160 acres; 30 in cultivation ; small house; good barn and water ; 1 iniies from town; cheap at $1,500; on main county read ; good pasture and timber. 113 A good 7-rooui house with one half acre lot; fruit, good water, chicken houses and sheds, price $600; well ar ranged for poultry raising; this is a cheap little home, 10 ininutts walk from Corvallis postofiice. . HENRY AH13I.ER, Real Estate Ageut, Box 59, Philomath,.Beuton Ccuuty, Oregon. rhe first National Book OF CORVALLIS, OREGON. ESTABLISHED 1 COO. OFFICERS & DIRECTORS M. S WOODCOCK, President. MOOR. Vice-President. C. E. WALTER T. WILES, Cashier. GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier. JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon. Loaas Made Oa all kinds of approved security, and especially to encourage and bnild up the legitimate busi ness enterprises and industries of this country. Deposits ' Received subject to check payable on demand. Foreign Exchange Sight exchange and tnrasters sold available In the principal cities ef England, Ireland, Switzer land, France, Belgium. Holland, Norway, Swed en, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Ger masy, Austria. Letters of Credit Issued available in the principal cities ot the United States. Principal Correspondents Upon hom Ve Sell Sight Exchange The Commercial National Bank ot Chicago. The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon. The Bank of California, San Francisco, Calif. -Anglo-Cahjbrnian Bask, San Francisco, Calif. The National City Bank New York. The Bank of New York National Banking Ass'n. Importers & Trader's National Bank, New York Shoe and Leather National Bank of Boston. Maso, Philadelphia National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa lANNIR SALVE the most healing salve In the) world. Dvsoeosia C 0 b . a prfg) Qoiuifr Portland-Astoria Route. STR. "TAHOMA." Iai!y Kfnd Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland Leave Astoria , 7 A. M. 7 P. M. Tie Baiies-Poitiai Rants Str. "BA5LEY GATZERT" DAILY ROUND TRIP EXCEPT MONDAY. Vancouver. Cascade Locks, St. Martin's Springs, Hood Riyer, White Salmon, Lyle, The Dalles. TIME CARD. Leave Portland 7 -A. M.. Arrive The Dalles 3 '; M. Leave " Arrive Portland MEALS THE VERY EEST. jSWSunday Trips a Leading Feature. 3-rbis Route has the Grandest Scenic Attrac tions on fearin. Landing and Office: Foot of Alder Street, J3otu 'Hones main 351. " Portland, Or. U. -w. CSICHTOS, Agt Pertland. JOES M. FIUOOH, Agrt. TJie Dalles. A. J. TAYiOB, Agrt. Astoria. Ethel McGinn, Agt. Vancouver, Pratlier & Barnes, Asts, Hood River. DENTIST. Dtntistrv nf evtrv dCscriotitm djone In first clKSs manner, and ta'tislaction guar anteed. caawa hm bridge wm istmni Office oS'et y.erolf ' proiServ ftt(Wfe, opros:t j the ost (rfiice, Corvallis. Oregon. B. A. GAT HEY, M. D. Physician Surgeon Retains 14 in Bank Building. T, . ) 10 to 12 a. m. Office Hours 2 to 4p. m. Residence : Corset College and 8th Stb. Telephone at ofliee and residence. Corva'lis, - - Oregon. L G. ALTMAN, M. D. ... Office Corner 3rd and Monroe streets Hours 9 to J2; 2 to 5; 7 lo 8; Sun day S to 10. Eesidkkce Corner 3rd andllanison streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Telephone 315, at residence. TlTU.8. CoSVErANCWG . JOS. H. WILSON. ATTGRNEY-AT-I.AW. Practice in ;.all Ktale ami Federal Court Office." iEFirfetj-Kctionol Bank BaHdinK.' Brijsorb g- Woodson ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW Corvallis, Ore-'on. Office in Pcetcfilce Building. DR.JAS. A. HARPER DENTIST Office in Wbiteliorn Blork Corvallis, Oregon Miss Mamie Smith, Middlel oro, Ky., writes; ' "Mv little Eister the croup very bad. I gave bcr several doses of Foley's Honey and lar, and &he was in stantly relieved. Itirsvedherlife. Gra ham & Wortham. If the action of your bowe's is not easv and regular serious complications must be tha Cnal result . DeWitt's Little Early Risers will remove this danger. Safe, pleasant and eSctive. Graham & Wells. For Rent. Will rent 200 acres of land west of Monroe and take . part payment of rent in work aEdiniprovements cn the place. Address - M. S. Woodcock, iUhiiiiiif-Dator, Coivallis, Oregon. Call for Warrants. Notice is hereby given that there is money iD the treasury to pay city war rant number 879 for general fund, en dorsed November 14, 1899. Also all city street warrants endorsed prior to Julv 10th, 1901. Interest will stop on the same from this date. Wm. McLaoan, City Treasurer. Dated Corvallis, Oregon, July 30, 1901. Native Herbs. Anyone desiring this great blood puri fier, may secure tho same by palling on or addressing ; F. Kleckek, Philomath, Or. Price $1 jier box. James White, Bryantsville, Ind,, says DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve healed run ning sores on both legs. H had suffer ed six years. Doctors failed to help him. Get DeWitt's. Accept no imitations. Graham & Wells. " Geo. C. Hit kock, Curtiss, Wis., says: "Foley's Kidney Cure lias been tested and found to be all yon claim for it. I have given it to my father and it is the only thing tbat ever helped him." Gra- ' ham & Wortham lo Siibjjr Mine AND TIKE SCHEDULES Depart FOR Chn ao Portland Special 0 a. m. via Hun tington. Arkive rr.OM irom Portland SaltLske, Denver, l t Worth, Umaha Kansas City. St. 4 :30 p.m. Louis. Ch i e a k and East. AtlHlTtlC Express 9 p. m. via Hn 11 tington. Salt Lake, Denver, t Worth, Umalia, Kan ens Citv. St 3:10 a.m. Louis, Chicago and East. St. Paul Walla W alla. Lew Fast Mail isloD, 8 po k a he, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Dulnth, Mil waukee, Chicago, and East. 6:00 p.m via 7:00 am. S po kar.ej Through Pullman and Tourist S'eepr. 72 HOURS PORTLAND to CHICAGO No change of cars. Tickets East via all rail, or via boat and rail, via Portland Ocean and Kiver Schedule, FROM PORTLAND. All sailing elates subject lo change. 8 p. oi, For Ban FranciMO, 4 p. m. Sail every five day from April ia. Dailv Ex. Bun. 8. p. m. Columbia River Steamer. to Astoria & way landing. 4 p. iu. Except Saad&v Satorday, 10 p. m. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISIOr Steamer Rut b leaves Corvallis for Al bany, Salem, Portland and Way Land ings. Monday, Wednesday ana triaay 6 :00 a. m. : returning, arrives Corvallis aboun Midniyht, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. A. L CBAIG, Gen. Pass. Aeent, J. P. TAPSCOTT, Agent, . Corvallis, Oregon. Corvallis & Eastern BaM TIME CARD. 2 Fur Yaquiua: Train leaves Albany 12:50 p. ru. " Corvaliis 1:40 p.m. " arrivfP Yaquiua 5:55 p. if. 1 Reluming: Luven Yaquiua .... 7:C0 a. oi. Leaves Co-vallia. . . . 11:23 A. ru. Arrives Albany .... 12:13 p. m. 3 For Detroit: Leavts Corvallis 12:00 p m. ' Leaves Albany 1:30 p. ru. . Arriyte Detroit 6:20 p. m. i Returning: Leaves Detroit ":S0 a. na. Leaves Albany 10:30 a. to. Arrives Corvallis,. . . Il:t5 p. ca. Traius 3 and 4 between Albany tttd Corvallis, Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sat urdays only. All other trsins daily ex cept Siindav. Trains 1 and 4 arrive in Albany la time to connect with the S. P. south bound train, as well r.8 Kiviua two or three hours in Albany befoie departure of S. P. north bound train for Portland. Train No. 2 connects with the S. P. west side train at Corvallis Crossing for Independence, McMinnville and all points north to Portland. Edwin Stone, H. H. Qbonise, Manager. A:ent, Corvallis. SOUTH and EAST VIA Sou the: n Pacific Gcropanv. the shasta ROtrra Trains leave Coi vallis for Portland fid w itatk ns at ISO p. m. Lv (Yrth-nd 8:3 a m Lv Albany 12') p m Ar Ashland 12:33 a in Ar Pac'ramento 6.00 p m Ar Pan Francisco. 7:45 p m S :80 p bi J0:59 p m 11:80 a m 4 :3S a ra 9.30 a M Ar Ofrden 5:45 p m Ar Denver 9:00 a m Ar Kocsas City -7:26 a m Ar Chicago 7 :55 a m 11 :45 a m 9:80am 7:2SBa 9:30ft m 7:00 tn 0:30 Itb 88 8 4:60 an 6t53ptt 6:42 am 12:43 p m Ai Los Angeles 1 :20 pm Ar El Paso 60 p m Ar Fort Worth 6:80 a m A i City of Mexico 9:65 a ru Ar Honston 4 :00 a m Ar.Kew Orleans 6 :25 a m Ar Washington 6:42 a in Ar New York 12 :43 p in PULLMAN AND TOUEIST CABS tm both trains. Chair cars Sacramf ntd to Ogdon and El Paso, snd Tourist car tp Chicago, St Louis, New Orleans . add Washington. e i eral sleamship lifces for Honolulu China, Philippines-, Central flfia America. See F. E. FAHMER, sgent a CorvalMa station, or address C. II. MARKHAM, G. P. A., -. Portland, Or, C. H. NEWT El Phynician Burgeon I HILOM ATH, C 1 : EG ( . Foley's Money and Tsr cares colds, prevents pneumonia. 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