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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1901)
CORVA GAZ1 WEEKLY. SSSSUP&ST&a I Consolidated Feb. 1899. COBVALLIS, BENTON; COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, lSOl. VOL. XXX VIII. NO. 321 EVENTS OF THE DAY FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE WORLD. A Comprehensive Review of the Important Happenings of the" Past Week Presented in a Condensed Form Which Is Most Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many Readers. Empress Frederick is quite ill. Oklahoma land lottery has opened and 1,000 claims have been drawn. The governor of Panay has asked for aid in consequence of ravages of locusts. A new truss will have to be placed in the Brooklyn bridge to replace the broken one. Four miners in Alaska were at tacked by native Indians and three shot to death. China will be allowed three years ' to make the first payment on the war indemnity. The yachts Columbia and Consti tution raced for the Astoria cup, the former winning. The anniversary of the death of King Humbert was celebrated througbut Italy. s - Anarchists of Paterson, N. J., cele brated the anniversary of the murder of King Humbert. The Quinalt reservation, in Wash ington, is to lie surveyed and thrown open for settlement. Salmon are unsalable at Puget sound fisheries, having been offered as low as 1 cent each. King Edward has conferred the de gree of the royal red cross upon an American missionary in China. - The Draymen's Association," of San Francisco, claims to .be making headway against their striking team sters. A large number of horses in Chi cago are suffering from the grip, and the disease threatens to become epi demic. German 'flag was insulted by Co lombian authorities, who held a ship while they searched her for a German subject. Drawing of Oklahoma land has be gun. The Kansas drought is effectually broken. , ... Negotiations in Pekin will be closed in two weeks. General Wood has left Havana for the United States. Shamrock II has sailed from Eng land for Hew York. The battleship Maine was launched at Cramp s shipyards. It is reported in London that Km ger has asked Choate to end the Boer war. Teamsters from interior are taking the places of strikers in San Fran cisco. Transport Meade arrived at San Francisco with soldiers from the Philippines. The run of fish on the lower Colum bia is larger than has been known for several years. Formal negotiations for a settle ment of the great steel strike have been opened. The Cuban government offers a re ward of $1,000 for the capture of Bandid Lima, dead or alive. The feeling is growing stronger in England that that government should not oppose the Nicaraguan canal treaty. The steel trust will carry the strike into the courts. The sugar trust will add $ 15,000,- OOO to its capital stock. . The Constitution beat Columbia four minutes in a 28 mile race. There are rumors in London of peace negotiations to end the Boer war. Dr. Koch says .bovine tuberculosis is not transmissible to the human system. A lone highwayman held up the Cazadero stage near Mendocino, Cal but got nothing. . The teamsters' strike in San Fran Cisco is becoming serious. Both sides are standing firm. A nre in a reduction plant near Florence, Col.,, destroyed $250,000 worth of property. Petroleum on board an American ship at Stockholm, Sweden, exploded. burning la persons and the ship. Rear Admiral Schley will demand an investigation of Maclay's charges. and will sue the author for libel. . An excursion boat on the Saginaw river sank near Saginaw, Mich., with 30 passengers on board. All were saved. . The Boerg have given up all hope of intervention and realize that they must fight the war out on their own account. President Palmer, of the Rio Grande & Western, has sold his in terests in the road to the Gould inter ests for $6,000,000. ' Prince Bonaparte's philolgical libra ry Of 15,000 volumes, the finest the world." has been secured for the Newberry library, Chicago.- ' , In selling its interest in the Sioux City & Pacific railroad the govern ment has recovered all the principal and about ?&uu,uuu in addition. INSURGENT8 SURRENDER. A Band of 500 Is the First to Give Up In Island of Samar. - - Manila, July 29 General Hughes cables the news of the first surrender of Insurgents In the Island of Samar, 500 men, with two field guns, 30 rifles and 70 balos, giving themselves up to the United States authorities. The opinion prevails among the United States officers that it will take years to accomplish the economic plan of General Corbin. The civil and edu cational authorities hold that a contin uance of the protection of minor posts is necessary, aside from that afforded by the constabulay. It is generally expected that the concentration will be more gradual than is anticipated in Washington. - ' - The first -meeting of the Legislative Chamber ' held today was largely at tended. Commissioner Wright, speak ing of the charter of Manila, said the same reasons that controlled in mak ing Washington the federal city ob tained in Manila, and Washington, he declared, was the best governed city in the world. Representatives of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce vehe mently opposed the charter, asserting that it was inconsistent with the prin ciples of the freest government on earth to deny the right of suffrage to the residents of the metropolis, while granting it to those of other localities. They also declared that the proposed system of government for Manila was far less liberal than that offered by the United States authorities, who proposed to make the representatives of the district in Manila elective by the peop' - .. E-Tajor Shields, of the Thirty-third Infantry, U. S. V., has been appointed purchasing agent, vice Lieutenant Mas- sey, deceased. HEAVY EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS. Experienced Over a Large Section of the Ne vada Desert " Salt Lake City, July 29. A section 75 miles wide, through the Nevada Desert from Deeth as far west as Car- lin experienced a series of heavy earthquake shocks about 2:30 this af ternoon. The vibrations generally were . from North . ; to South, and at one or two points lasted for fully five seconds. So far as learned no serious damage was done though the force of the shock was great enough to shake dishes from the shelves. The extent of the earth quake north and south is not known. At Elko, Nev., the shock was unusu ally severe. The high school - build ing, a new brick edifice, was badly cracked by the violence of the vibra. tion, and other buildings were slight ly damaged. The earthquake was pre ceded and followed by rather remark able meteorological phenomena. For some time preceding the shock the air was perfectly still, while the heat was extremely oppressive. A few minutes after the shock, however, a violent wind- and rain storm, accompanied by heavy thunder and lightning, burst over the city, the rain continuing for several hours. At Deeth, Nev., goods were -shaken from the shelves in the stores. The shock was not felt 50 miles north of Elko. AFTER AIRSHIP PRIZE. Paris Inventor Awaiting. An Opportunity to Make Another Trial. Paris, July 29. Keen Interest is still taken in the steerable balloon of the Brazilian aeronaut, M. Santos Dumont. Each day he visits the grounds of the Aero Club at St. Cloud, where the balloon is kept filled in readiness seize the first opportunity -to renew the attempt for the Deutsch prize, the sum of 100,000 francs offered for a dirigible balloon. Tne motor is working satis factorily and producing a higher speed than at the last trial, but wind and rain have thus far prevented a thorough test. So confident is he of winning the prize that he offers, with the accumu lated interest thereon, another prize of 4000 francs to the first .member of the Aero Club performing the round trip from St. Cloud to the Eiffel Tower prior to October 31. Much Fruit and Produce Ordered. Philadelphia. July 29. Large orders lor iruit and produce have been re ceived by the local dealers from the sections of the Middle - West which have been stricken with drouth. This demand has been larger duringthepast two weeks, veterans in the produce market say, than ever before in the history of the business in Philadel phia, s Fireman and Engineer Killed. V Memphis, Tenn., July 29. Freight train No. 9 on the Choctaw, Oklaho ma & Gulf road, was wrecked near Palestine, Ark., this morning early by running into an open switch. The engineer and fireman were killed and a brakeman injured. . It is believed the switch was thrown by men intending to wreck and rob the passenger which was due there 30 minutes later.- Garment Workers' Strike Ended. New York. July 29. General Secre tary White, of the United Garment Workers of America, announced today mat tne strike of his fellow craftsmen was officially ended. The strike fected about 70,000 workers. af- Strike Makes Tinplate Dearer. Philadelphia, July 26. The strike 'of steelworkers has raised the price of tinplate in this city from 20 to 30 per cent Before the strike tinplate sold at ?4 per box at the mill,- and $4.17 In Philadelphia. . Prices today average ?5 and J5.25. - Mysterious Explosion, London, July 29. "A curious Inci dent took place here," says a dispatch to the Daily Mail from Perth, Western Australia, "during the open-air recep tion to the Duke and Duchess of Corn wall. Every- one was starlted by loud: report close tor. the Duke, who jumped ' and clutched his chair, saying, nervously: 'Someone must be shooting.' The police are In stituting a vigorous search. - It seems that the explosion was purely accident al. NEWS OF THE STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OF OREGON. Commercial and Financial Happenings of Im portance A Brief Review of the Growth and Improvements of the Many Industries Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth Latest Market Report The summer school at Newport is xloing excellent work. ' Sage hens are said to be very nu merous in Baker county. The' postoffice at Emery, Crook county has been discontinued. ' The Nehalem Coal Companv has filed articles of incorporation. Capi tal, $150,000. The postoffice at Ophir, Curry county, has been discontinued, mail going to Wedderburn. Dry weather and horn flies are hav ing an unfavorable effect on the dairy business in Curry county. Volunteer wheat is said to be yield ing 15 to 20 bushels to the acre in some parts of Wasco county. The first shipment of - Marion county peach plums was recently sent from balem to Puget sound points. S. H. Haggard, one of the best known attorneys in Southern Oregon, died suddenly at his home in Marsh- held, aged 62 years. Destructive wheat field fires are reported from near Pendleton. About 210 acres were burned and the losses will aggregate $2,000 or more. The Bonanza mine, in the Sumpter district, Eastern Oregon, will make improvements which will double the present output of $30,000 per month. The run of salmon in the Rogue river has been large this year and numbers have been caught- in nets by fishermen. Spearing - is also a popular .sport. A number of prominent Eastern and Southern mining men who had been in attendance at the Boise min ing congress, inspected the mines in the districts surrounding Baker City. Wallowa county spent $772 for coy ote scalps last month. Brome grass five feet high flourishes on the arid lands near Bly. - Large quantities of match wood are being shipped to Portland from Coos bay. : . ' Athena has paved its- streets and is now working for an electric lighting system. . Thomas Sherwood has ' been ap pointed stock inspector for Union county. . . The Salem Flouring Mill Com pany's new buildings are rapidly near- mg completion. A large hay crop in the Willamette valley has made that staple cheap, selling from $d to $5 per ton. Piles for Mare Island, Cal., are be I ine cut on the Santiam. The sticks are from 42 to 80 feet long and several thousand will be shipped, v A promising coal prospect has been found at Eice Hill, Douglas county, by the steam shovel crew who are ex cavating there. The find will be developed. -, U Portland Markets. Wheat Walla Walla, export value. 5556c per bushel : bluestem, 57c valley, nominal. , Flour best grades, $2.0d.40 per barrel; graham, $2.b0. Oats Whtte, si.3Z6i.30: gray, $1.301.32M per cental. - Barley Feed, $16. 50 17; brewing, S17 17.50 per ton. Millstufts Bran, $17 per ton ; mid dlings, $21.50: shorts, $20: chop,' $16, Hay Timothy, $12.oO14; clover, $79.50; Oregon wild hay, $67 per ton; . ... " "". ; .. ' --- - - Butter Fancy creamery,17J19c dairy, . 1415c; store, -11 lzc per pound. - .. - - ' ,. . Eggs 17 18c per dozen. Cheese Full cream, twins, 11 llc; Young America, 1212)c per pound. - , - - 1 Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.2d 4.00: hens, $4.005.00; dressed. 10 11c per pound; springs, $2.504.i0 per dozen ; ducks, $3 for old; $2.50 3.00 for young;, geese, $4 per dozen ; turkeys, live, 810c ; dressed, 1012c per pound. - Mutton Lambs, Ahic. gross dressed, I 67c per . pound ; sheep, $3.25, gross ; dressed, - 66K5 ner lb, Hogs Gross, heavy, $5.7oB light, $4.7oo; dressed, bic per pound. Veal Small, 78c; large, b$ 7Jc per pound. Beef Gross top steers, $4.004.25 cows and heifers, $3.253.50; dressed beef, 6 7c per pound. Hops 1214c per pound. Wool Valley, 11 13c; Eastern Oregon,' oi 2c; mohair, 2021c per pound. Potatoes $1.001.25 per saok;new potatoes, 1J4C per pound. Holland has 10,100 windmills, each of which drains on an average of 310 acres of land. . . : Capt. A. F. Lucas, the discoverer of oil in Beaumont, Tex., who is said to be worth $40,000,000, was practical ly penniless a year ago. . It is reported in . the Jacksonville, Fla., papers that a company at St Cloud, that state, has succeeded making . excellent paper from the leaves of the palmetto MAINE LAUNCHED. New Battle-Ship Given to the Waves at Cramp's Yards. Philadelphia, July 30. The battle ship Maine, designed ; to be larger, stronger and faster than her name sake, whose shapeless mass still lies in the harbor of Havana, has been suc cessfully launched from the yards of the Cramp Ship & Engine Building Company. . One of the largest crowds that has ever seen a ship leave the ways at Cramp's yards was on hand, and "patriotism ran high as the ship left her cradle. Kensington, where the shipyard - is located, took a holi day, and attended the launching. Thousands of persons from other parts of the city were on band, and as the yard was thrown open to the public, every vantage point in the confines of the place swarmed with humanity. The weather was beautiful. The state of Maine was officially represented by Governor Hill and members of his staff. ; From Wash ington came a large number of naval officers and others. . - The Maine is 56 per cent finished. Her keel was laid in April, 1899, and the ship will be ready for transfer to the government in 18 months or two years time. . . . THI8 IS MACLAY Who Started the Latest Rumpus About Rear Admiral Schley. HISTORIAN EDGAR STANTON MACLAY. Edgar t Stanton Maclay, the third volume .... of whose "History of the American Navy" characterizes Rear Admiral Schley as a Micawber admi ral and a coward in connection with the battle of Santiago, is a son of Rev. Robert Maclay, who was the pioneer Methodist missionary in the far East He was born in - Foochow, China, 38 years ago, and was grad uated from Syracuse university in 1885. . For the next 10 years he was connected with the reportorial and editorial staffs of the New York Times and Sun. In 1896 he was appointed lighthouse keeper at Old Field Point, Setaiiket, N., Y and during the past five years he devoted much of bis time to historical work. He is now con nected with the Brooklyn navy yard, a position to which he was appointed recently by becretary Long. ; BURNED TO DEATH. Two Men Who Made Effort to Rescue Ptopl From Burning Building. Louisville, Ky., July 30. In a fire which destroyed the property of the Bagley-Graham Photographic Supply Co., two men, one a policeman, were burned to death in an effort to rescue women and cniidren wno occupied rooms above the store. .. Shortly be fore midnight a , terrific explosion awakened everybody in the neighbor hood, and among the first to reach the front of the building on Jefferson street was Max .. Belovitch, a cigar maker living across the street. Hard ly had the hrst explosion died away before he had dashed up the stairs in answer to a woman's-screams. About the time he reached the second floor he must have fallen, for . when picked up only a lew mimes aiterwara ins right side was burned to a crisp. Po lice Officer James Purden was found on t the third floor, suffocated, and seven firemen were taken from the ruins. ; Some of them will probably die. - ' - It is reported that several persons who lived in the building lost their lives, but ; tihs cannot be veri ned, Several are missing and may be in the ruins. V. The fire spread with such rapidity that even the fire fighters were non-pulssed, When the first crash came . there was nothing but smoke, but in a moment later the place was a veritable furnace from floor to roof. - The loss is about $50, 000. . Four Deaths at Chicago. Chicago, July 30. Ninety-five de grees marked the official maximum temperature in Chicago today, while the humidity registered 48 percent, which . ; intensified the sufferings, Similar conditions are expected prevail tomorrow, : according to the predictions of the weather bureau. Four persons died as a result of the heat, and an equal number were pre trated. Thermometers on the streets showed 98 to 102 in the shade and from 108 to 1121n the sun. , Train Jumped the Track. " : Dayton, O.,' July 30. A gravel train, used by the Chase Constructjo: Company, wnich is superintending the construction, of the traction line between this city and Troy for the Dayton '& . Northern r Traction Co. jumped the track today eight miles north of this, city while going down a steep grade,; resulting in two deahts and serious injury to four persons. ASKS FOR INQUIRY SCHLEY'S REQUEST IS GRANTED BY THE SECRETARY. Naval Court Will Be Ordered to Investigate the Admiral's Conduct During the Santi ago Naval Campaign Sessions of the Cvwt Will Be Open Schl.-y Will Be AI. lowed to Call Witnesses. Washington, July 25. Secretary Long, m accordance with a request from Admiral Schley, yesterday ad- vised that officer that he.would order court of inquiry to examine into the enure maiier ot Admiral Schley's course in tne Santiago naval cam- paign. i,ater, the secretary an-j pounced that, owing to the extremely . . - hot weather, the court would not meet until September and that he wouia lurn over nis reception room to tne court, itie secretary said : M. 1 It is toe hot now and I do not be lieve it would be very comfortable for officers to sit in their heavy, full dress uniforms during August. I issued an oraer some time ago dispensing Wim me Wearing Ot lull dreSS Uni- forms during a court martial, but this" Case Will - be SO important that every .iiiui uiumsm uiguny win ne on- served, even to the guard of marines at the door." Will the sessions of the court be open?" was asked. Unquestionably," was the em phatio reply. "I propose to make that fact very plain. It would be a great mistake to have a secret court. The country has the right to know all that transpires in the way of testi mony offered. Personally, I should be very glad to have a court composed of a larger number of officers, but the naval regulations restrict me- to the selection of three. ' I hone to an nounce the personnel of the court to morrow and this will eive the mdsre advocate and the recorder ample time to prepare a list ot witnesses who are to be summoned. I do not believe that the session of the court will be prolonged, because after all, a great deal oi the talk - ov er the Santiago j campaign is like the genii's vapor, which can be condensed in. a small bottle." Will - Admiral Schley be allowed to name witnesses?" "Admiral Schley." was the reply, will bo afforded every opportunity for the appearance of all witnesses he may-' desire. - :He is also entitled, un der the naval regulations, to be repre sented by counsel." While feecretary Long was not asked whether the court of inquiry would be asked to form and submit an opin ion upon the facts disclosed by the investigation, it is considered quite probable that this course will be pur sued. Unless the order convening the court expressly requires this opin ion to be expressed, its report must be confined to stating the facts found. Although no positive declaration has been given on the personnel of the court, it is assumed about the navy department that Admiral Dewey will be president of the court. There is an' impression that the two .other members of the court will be retired naval officers, or at least officers who had no connection with the Santiago campaign. The selection of retired officers will have a double advantage Not only will they be free from any prejudice growing out of their active connection with the department, but they will have no fear of future con sequences arising from their course while members oi the board MINES AT NOME PROSPERING. Nome City Brings News of Large Clean-Ups - and Rich Strikes. - Port Townsend, July 26. The steamer Nome City arrived last night from JNome, bnnging2d passengers. The passengers report marvelously rich strikes in the Fairhaven district, 90 miles north of Nome, and that a stampede had occurred. ' The Blue- stone district is still frozen, and it will be some weeks before miners will be able to commence sluicing. The Kougarok district - is also backward, and 1,500 men are in Teller City . , . , r i j are some few claims heme worked. Sunset Onlc.h aemss the hnrhnr prospects well. A strike is reported on Drase creek, and a stampede is on. Over $500,000 has been sluiced from winter dumps - near Nome, and the prospects for the future of that coun try were never better than at present. . Cleared of Insurgents. Manila, July 26. Colonel Zurbano, with 29 offiecrs, 518 men. 243 rifles and 100 bolos, has surrendered to Lieutenant Hickman, of the First cavalry,- in Tayabas province. The ex-insurgents have taken the oath of allegiance to the United States, and a-.L.: their surrender clears that of the revolutionary element. Torpeodo-boat Adder Launched, New York July 25. The United States torpedo boat Adder was launch ed at the Crescent ship yards, at Lliz abethport, N. J., today. The launch ing was private. - To Relieve Strained Relations, New York, July 26, A dispatch to the Herald from St. Petersburg says: The sojourn of Count Osten-Sacken, the Russian ambassador to the Ger man -court, in the Russian capital has been prolonged. There is good authority for. saying that this is due to Germany's desire . to relieve the strained relations between the two empires arising from Russia's strong disapproval of Germany s '. policy in the far East. " CHINESE. INDEMNITY. Rockhill Gives Some of the Details of the Financial Arrangement Washington, July 31. Cable dis patches from Mr. Rockhill, the United States special commissioner at Pekin, . set out some of the de tails of the financial arrangement re garding the indemnity, not hereto fore disclosed. He reports that the interest on the indemnity began to run July l of this year, and the pay ments will become due semi-annually, the first to be met January 1 next. count of the nrincinal of the indam. nity. The moneys, both on account of the principal and interest, will be received hv a financial i-nmmittM In. cated at Shanghai, to be known as tha "fWimUton VIVIIIUIIVVVU VU AiUVinOUUIClllId . This will be composed of the heads of foreign banks at Shanehai. selected by the governments interested in the payments. The committee is to dis- trihuto tfco f., t,, - wl V UUU0 VU AV in by tne Chinese government among the var ious powers in proportion to the in terest payments due them. The diplomatic court at Pekin favors the immediate application of the new tariff, the effect of which wi he tn nhnHah tha fi- Hat. criwnt as to cereals. Mr. Rncthill has Keen instructed hv the state department, tn urge the exemption Irom the new rates of cargoes now afloat. - He is also to try to secure a postponement of the application of the tariff until importers have had an opportunity to complete contracts. PORTO RICAN TAX LAW. Events Have Already Proven That It Will Provide Ample Means San Juan, Porto Rico, July 31. Events have already proved that the tax law, drawn up by the legislators of this island, will provide ample means for the island's requirements. This indicates that Porto Kico is more prosperous than it was a couple of years ago. Steady improvement has been made since the day General Miles landed in Ouanica, three years ao-n. The nennle-are in hette.r -rihvsi- cai COIMiiiton, and work with more spirit. jrianiaiions mat went un worked for a long time are beginning to show signs of prosperity. There is more shipping in the harbor, and the signs generally indicate better condi tions. Nevertheless, scarcely an in stance can be sited where any consid' erable amount of American capital has been invested in Porto Rican en terprises. Numerous promoters and capitalists, who have visited the island, have declared that this or that investment would bring good returns, and then gone away never to be heard from again. FOR NEW INAUGURAL DAY. Systematic Agitation to Be Begun to Change It From March 4- New York, July 30. Official steps, looking to a systematic agitation for a change of the date for the holding of the presidential inauguration, have been taken, says a special from Wash ington. Resolutions adopted at the last inaugural committee meeting were laid before the district commis sioners with a request for appropriate action. It is understood the com missioners are in favor of a date later than March 4, and will bring the matter to - the attention of congress and the governors of the states and territories, 15 additional citizens of the country at large and a represen tation of foremost residents of Wash ington. This committee is to select the date and procure, by congressional enact ment, the change desired. Chinese Throne Gives Instructions. Pekin, July 31. Li Hung Chang, Prince Chine and Kun Yang, resident members of the regency board, have received from the throne a long com munication laying down general in junctions as to reform, honesty of administration and the desirability of imitating all meritorous features of the institutions ot Japan and Western nations. ." ? I American Postal Service in China. I Washington, July 61. Ihe post- I master general has issued an order formally placing the American postal service in China n the same basis as before the outbreak. The practical operation of the military postal ser vice ceased some time ago, and the postal attaches have either returned here or to other posts. ; Heavy Rain and Wind Storm. Fargo, N. D., July 31. A heavy rain and wind storm prevailed this afternoon over a good part of the state. Great damage is reported Teppen, west of Fargo. Wires were down lor some Hours, ana crops in the path of the storm, which was several miles wide, were destroyed, In the Red liver valley, rain fell from the national boundary line all the way down the state line. Around Fargo and over in Minnesota,. crops were damaged. Rear-Admiral John Irwin Dead, Washington, July 31. Rear Ad miral John Irwin, retired, died at his residence here - late last night, after an" illness of several months. He was 69 : years old. - He entered the naval academy in 1847, and had good war record. ' - He left a widow and a daughter and a son, John Irwin, paymaster on the Essex, now stationed at Newport. . . " INSULTED THE FLAG COLOMBIAN AUTHORITIES 8TOP GERMAN STEAMER. Searched the Ship Against the Protest of the .Captain and Arrested an Alleged Rebel He Wrapped Himself in German Colors fcr Protection, but They Were Torn From Him and Dubbed "Dirty Rag." New York, July 31. The Hamburg-American line steamer Alle gheny, which arrived here today, re ported that she was held in the har bor of Savanilla, Colombia, for 12 hours. Passengers on the Allegheny report that Abel Murrillo was arrested on the ship at Cart agenia and taken ashore by the Colombian authorities. Murrillo protested against his arrest, alleging that be was entitled to the protection of the German flag. When the vessel arrived at Carta- genia she was ordered detained by the authorities there. The captain pro tested that he was sailing under the German flag, and no official of Colom bia had a right to stop the vessel for any purpose whatever. This protest was unheeded, however, and search was made for Murrillo, who was found on deck. He declared he would not be arrested, and running to one of the ship's masts, he seized the German flag which was lying there and wrapped it about him. Then he stood forward and cried out : "I am under the protection of the German flag, and you have no right to arrest me. ' According to the passengers on the Allegheny, the Colombian officers, notwithstanding the protest, seized the man and dragged him from the vessel. According to a signed state ment made by three of the Alle gheny's passengers, Murrillo left the United States about four months ago on a passport signed by the Colom bian minister at Washington. On his arrival at Savanilla he was arrest ed-and taken to Bogota, where he was released on the understanding that he would sail on the first vessel for the United States. This Murrillo did, boarding the Allegheny at Savanilla. He expressed fears that he would be arrested at Cartagenia, and when the vessel arrived at that port he refused to go ashore when word was brought that the governor wanted to see him. His arrest followed. The statement made by the passen gers then says tnat uaptam JLowe, ot the Allegheny, protested against the arrest, saying it was against interna tional law. The ship's clearance pa pers were refused, and the statement made that they would not be furnish ed until Murrillo was surrendered. More officers came on board the ves sel and went up to Murrillo, and, tearing from him the "dirty rag," as they called the flag of Kaiser Wil helm, took the prisoner from the ship. Neither the officers of -the Alle gheny nor officials of the line would make any statement concerning the arrest of Murrillo. HAS NO LEGAL COURTHOUSE. Thurston County Court Fails to So Desig nate Temporary Quarters. Olympia, Wash., July 81. Con sequent to the removal of the county seat of government from what waa the courthouse to the McKenny building, a knotty legal question has arisen. When the removal was made during the past -week, the commis sioners neglected to name the Mc Kenny building as the temporary courthouse, and now from a legal standpoint the county is without a courthouse. Shreiff Mills, the other day, attempted to make a sale of prop erty on a judgment, and, in making the sale, offered it to the highest bid der from the main entrance of the old courthouse, now the capitol. The at torney for the judgment debtor was present and at once objected to the sale proceeding, on the ground that it was not being made from the court house, as was announced in the print ed notice. In order to be on the safe side, the sheriff not only made the sale from the old courthouse, but im mediately afterwards repeated it from the main entrance of the McKenny building. An attorney who has a similar sale to be made in the near future, has gone to the extreme of not only naming the McKenny building in the notice, but also describes it by metes and bounds. Boxers Are Active Again.' Shanghai, July 31. The North China Daily News announces that there has been a recrudescence of the outbreaks by the Boxers in the pro vince of Shan Tung, in consequence of the success of the allied villagers in Chi Li province against the troops of Li Hung Chang: The notorious Lung Lu, who was imperial treasurer and later generalissimo of the north ern army, has been appointed to the lucrative post of controller general of the revenue board. Demand Increase and Contract .. Minneapolis, Jury 31. The 535 mailers and packers in the 22 flour milla nf Minneanolis have nresented to their employers a demand for an increase of wages. They also demand a contract for five years. The em ployers have agreed to raise the wages but will enter into no contract. The men met today and decided upon a demand for only a one year contract.