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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1901)
'Rheumatism What Is the use of telling the rheumatla that he feels as If his Joints were being dis located T He knows that his sufferings are very much like the tortures of the rack. What he wanti to know is what will per manently cure his disease. That, according to thousands of grateful testimonials, is Hood's Sarsaparilla It promptly neutralizes the acid In thr blood on which the disease depends, com pletely eliminates it, and strengthens the system against Its return. Try Hood's, i Activity. ' First Tramp De dog chased you, did he? Second Tramp You bet ! For a few minutes I had to lead a purely strenuous life! Amateur, develop your own plates at home. K. G. powder developer, six packages 25 cents. For sale by all photo supply dealers, or Kirk, Geary & Co., 330 Sutter St., San Francisco. Not Very Ancient. "Is Miss Primrose a Daughter of the Kevolution?" . "Mercy, no; she wasn't born until after the war of 1812. " Stop th Cough and Work Off tha Cold. Laxative Bromo-Qulnf ne Tablets cure a cold In one day. No cure. No Pay. Price 26 cents. What a Wonder Bird Dealer What do you mean by returning that parrot after keeping him four months? What's the mat ter with him? Customer W-w-well, the b-b-b-blamed b-b-b-bird st-st-st-utters I Mama Kats a Cascaret. Baby gets the benefit. Nursing mothers make their milk mildly purgative with Casear ets. the only safe laxative for babies. Alldrug gista, 10c, 2oe, 50c. . Well Named. Cora Why is that artist called an impressionist? Merritt Because a picture of his looks as if he laid the canvas on a palatte full of colors and took an impression1. You Don't Own the Earth, But you feel like being king of the ocean when yoir get started to San Francisco on the O. R. & N. steamers leaving Portland every five days. The surroundings are perfect good meals, fine berths, quick time, and officers of the steamer are attentive and capable. Round trip tickets for the Epworth League convention cost only $20, including meals and berth. Good only on steamers leaving Port land July 11 and 16. Misery Loves Company. "And was every one of you seasick coming over?" "Oh, yes; we were all in the same boat." - " . - .;- I do not believe Piso's Cure for Con sumption has an equal for coughs and colds, John F. Botes, Trinity Springs, lnd., Feb. 15. 1900. Millions for Tulane University. Mrs. Newcomh, who died recently in New York, left $3,000,000 to Tu lane University. She had already given $750,000 to this university. Hoist's School. At Menlo Park, San Mateo County, Cal., with its beautiful, aurroiindings, perfect climate, careful suporv'sion, thorough instruction, complete laboratories, and gymnasium, easily ma'Dtains Its position in the front ranks of schools for boys on the Pacific Coast. Ira G. Hoitt, Ph. D Principal. Farms In Vermont - For Vermont the enumerators re port 33,109 farms; in 1880 there were 35,522 and in 1890 32,573. The num ber of farms in 1900 is 536 in excess of that of 1890, and 2,413 less than in 1880. The Best Prescription for Malaria Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless buui luuii;. . vt simpiy iron ana quinine in a tasteless form. No V . UIC, . No Pay. Price 500. A Natural Inference. Parkville Theres talk of getting np a milk trust. Rockaway 111 bet that would be watered. CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Smart Answer. "You fell into the creek with your new breeches on?" Yes, pa. iou see, l fell m so quick I hadri't time to take them off. "A smart answer, my son. So sup pose you take them off now. - The diseases most feared are those which are Inherited handed down from generation to gen eration, and family to family. By far the most destructive of these is Cancer, which finds the greatest number of its victims among the children and grand-children of those whose blood was tainted with this dreadful malady. You may carry this poison in the blood for years, but as the vital powers begin to wane a slight bruise or cut, wart or mole, sore or u 1 . rn juc oiuuiucriug puisuu is most ape io Dreaic into vancer, and Tumors become more progressive and ulcerate through the akin, the sharp, shoo tine pains causing the most intense snfferinr. -; - The Cancer patient naturally grows despondent as one after another the usual remedies fail, and the sore shows no eism of healinp-. The imnuriHe th been accumulating in the system, perhaps me puisoneu oioou maoe pure Dy saives, wasnes ana plasters. The proper treatment is to purify and build np the blood, remove the cause, when the sore or ulcer heals. Mr- J. '?JaM. f .-l B fl I-.." a i . "S?- K? tiny ulcer came, Just under tha left eye. It beg-aa spreading', and grew worse rapidly, destroying- the flesh as It went. Aa Cancer la hereditary in my family X became thoroughly alarmed, consulting- the beat phy sicians and taking many blood medicines, none of which did ne any good, when one of our leading drug-gists advised me to try B. S. 8., and by the time X had taken tha second bottle the Cancer began to show signa of healing, the discharge grew gradually lesa and finally ceased altogether, the sore dried up and nothing remains but a slight soar. X feel that I owe my life to S. B. S." wait until the blood is so polluted and the system so thoroughly saturated with the poison that no medicine, however efficacious, can check the progress of the disease. If there is a taint in your blood get it out at once, don't wait for some external evi dence of it, the appearance of a tumor or ulcer. We have prepared a special book -on Cancer which we will mail free. Our physicians are ready to help you by their advice and such direction as your case requires. Write ns fully and freely aa (Phargc for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. " The Tramp's View Resting Robert See here, Tom. this paper eays we have no leisure class in this countrv that even our millionahes are hard working men. Tired Thomas That man didn't know what he was writing about. We are the leisure class. His Parcel. ' Mrs. Lots Hasn't that man next door got a mortgage on his placet Mr. Lots Yes, indeed, he has. "Why does he refer to the property as a parcel? " "Because it's tied up, I suppose. The Pan-American Exposition Will be the greatest this countrv has ever ! mi -l i-: : 1 1 . . u Been, uie entire nimjiiiiicry nui wiuu hi power furnished from Niagara Falls. ' Al though the power required is enormous we belive this cataract is equal to the task.tne same as Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is equal to the task of supplying the body wim motive power wiirn it ib iuh uuwii. There is no medicine in the world so Rood for dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, flatulency and nervousness, l ry it. It Wat Up to Him. Maisise If I should fall out of this wagon, what would you do? Dick I'd catch you in my arms. Maisie Get ready. AWFULAGONY The Story of a Stricken Woman Whom Doctors Were Not Able to Help Jfcw the Newt, ConnertriUe, Indiana. The story of Mrs. Nellie M. Hed- den, of No. 621 Summit avenue, Con- nersville, lnd., contains an important lesson for many American women who suffer in silence rather than face the ordeal that the usual treatment of their troubles entail. It is a story that rings with honest gratitude and does not tell half the misery that the narrator endured. Other women who are suffering as Mrs. Hedden did will know how to understand and appre ciate much that cannot be told in a newspaper, article.- Mrs. Hedden 's experience is best given in her own words. She says:' "For nearly a year I endured terri ble agony caused by a general break ing down of the nervous system, - fe male weakness and suppression of the periods. I suffered greatly with bear ing down pains and was very weak and short of breath. My circulation was very bad, causing numbness of limbs, dizziness and headache all the time. My heart would sometimes feel as if there was a heavy weight on it. I had never been healthy and strong, so you can readily see that I was in no condition to withstand such a combination of ailments. , "I grew worse very rapidly and all the doctors I tried failed to check my decline. A "friend" of iny- husband told him how much good Dr. Wil Hams' Pink Pills had done his wife so I commenced taking them and can now state tnat they are tbe only re lief I ever had. The first box helped me so much that I was thoroughly convinced of the emcacy of the rem edy. I continued the treatment for several weeks, using six boxes in all. In conclusion 1 will say that it any one, who is suftenng the same as I was, will take Dr. Williams', Pink Pills as directed they will be reward ed." - ' Signed, ELLIE M. HEDDEN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of November, 1900. Fin ley H. Gray, Seal . " Notary Public. Dr. Willams' Pink Pills for Pale People are sold at all druggists or will be sent direct from Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N, Y. Prica 50 cents per box; six boxes, $Z.DU. ; Uses of the Day. "The proposition to abolish ladies' day at the club was voted down." "Yes?" "Yes; it develops that there is hardly a member who does not, : in point of fact, enjoy meeting his w? e occasonally." This signature is oa every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Uuinine Tablet. the ramedy that cures a cold Id on day A Strange Flower. - v - One of the strangest botanical eurr osities in the world is the ''Wonder Wonder' ' flower iound in , the Malay peninsula, it is simply a blossom without - leaves, vine, or stem, and grows as a parasite on- decayed wood. inis extraordinary flower is some thing like a yard in diameter, and has a globular cup in the raiddle with a capacity of five or six quarts. muiuie me to oia age is tne tune when out, a sore or ulcer often dei for generations, cannot be eliminated nor into the blood; destroys tne virus, stops Vie tor- mation of Cancerous cells and cleanses the system of impurities. What we say of S. S. S. as a cure for Cancer is supported by the testi mony of those who have tested it and been re stored to health. -Bepin in time dtm ADVANCE IN FARMING PROGRESS NOTED IN THIS OF INDUSTRY. BRANCH Net Additions) to Farm Resource Be tween 1890 and 190O Waa Greater than Valme of All Faroe Iaveatmenta Fifty Years Ago. Farming Is so vast an Interest that Its current condition cannot be express ed In figures. It Is not capitalized In stocks and bonds, and its values are not quotable from day to day. But any Intelligent farmer can make a compari son of' tbe general state of his indus try with what It was six or eight years ago, and will then realize tbe immense gain that has occurred. In fact, tbe activity among the railways and the rapid growth of foreign exports largely rest on farm production. It is stated by the chief statistician of; the agricultural section of the twelfth census that tbe net additions to farm resources in the ten years be tween 1890 and 1900 exceed the value of all farm investments in 1850. As the writer referred to puts the case: The Increased wealth of our farmers. as the result of their last ten years' la bor, equals tbe farm wealth of the na tion reported as the outcome of their toil and economies from the settlement at Jamestown to the middle of the nine teenth century." Advances on the stock exchange fade into a small' affair be side a colossal increment like that. In the United States to-day there are at least 5,700,000 farms, or about one to every thirteen inhabitants. - In 1850 the number was 1,149,073. In ten years the number has increased 1,150,000, and In the same time farm -wealth has ex panded by not less than $6,500,000,000. In the'twelve adjacent States of Illi nois, Missouri, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, North Da kota, South Dakota, Nebraska and Kan sas the number of farms has increased since 1890 from 1,923,822" to 2,220,000. These States added ?2,500,000,000 to their farm wealth between 1880 and 1890, and a still larger sum In the last ten years. 1 .v " The government is dot unmindful of the vast import of agriculture. Con gress has endowed agricultural col leges in every State and Territory. These Institutions represent a value of $53,000,000, and their Income is $6, 000,000. Their students last year num bered 31,658. The annual national ap propriation for experiment stations Is $789,000. - '" When American farmers note what Is going on In intensive farming. Irri gation, cattle-raising, improvements and preservation of products, manage ment of soils, betterment of facilities to reach markets and new uses for waste products, they will see that their Industry is truly the most expansive as well as the greatest. Though the pop ulation of the country should continue to double, inside of forty years, there can be no doubt that the farmers of this country, the most scientific and effect ive in the world, will meet all demands and be the main reliance for foreign nations when . their own production runs short. Chicago Bonds and. Mort gages.,- - ' - . '. . IMPOSSIBLE AT THE PRICE, Artiatic Idea Concerning; the Value of . a Picture. - A certain parvenu of great wealth has hanging in his drawing room large and hideous daub in oils which some dealer in Paris induced him to buy. He is very fond of taking a call er by the arm, leading him before the canvas and saying: 'Great picture that. By Maccaroni di Vermicelli, you know. Paid 2,000 for it In Paris and got a great bar gain. P " (naming-an eminent art ist) "says It is worth 10,000." A few days since this gentleman was lunching at the Artists Club when the cat came out of the bag. Some one said: . - ---": 'P- , old Centpercent says that you have appraised that frightful night mare of his at 10,000. . It It right?" The artist answered smilingly. "I will tell you how that happened. He asked me to dinner one day, and after, we left the table took me to see the picture and told the usual story, Then," turning abruptly, he asked " 'How much is that painting worth T " 'Why," Mr. Centpercent, said I, really would not like to place a value upon it.' r "WelL I'll put It differently,' said he, 'How much would yon charge for such a picture r : , - ; -, - ", 'I don't mind saying,',! answered, Hhat I would not paint such a, picture for 10,000.' I had to be civil, ' yon know." Tit-Bits. ; : 'V',, A Baffled Xtgress. An officer of the: Bengal Lancers, who was seized by a tigress, owed his ecape to a curious accident The ti gress seized him by the breast of his coat and shook him till he became un conscious. On recovering he heard strange noise at a little distance, as if somebody was sneezing violently. was the tigress herself. He . slowly turned round and gave a furtive glance in that direction. - " - - , - He could hardly believe .his eyes. There was the tigress slinking off with her tall very much between her legs and sneezing most violently and mak ing the most piteous grimaces.' , The truth dawned upon him like a fiasn of lightning. In the operation of shaking him his snuffbox had flown open from his waistcoat pocket, and the tigress had received the contents thereof full in her face. Cornhill Magazine. Consumption of Tobacco. . . The Austria ns consume more tobacco than any other nationality or race on the" globe," civilized or savage. ; , Re cent investigation by eminent statisti cians gives the number of pounds eon snmed annually by each 100 inhabitants of the different European countries as follows: Spain, 100 pounds; Italy, 128 Great Britain, 138; Russia, 182; Den mark, 224; Norway. 229, and Austria, 273. .- : ' - - :'. Cost of Railway Transportation. Tin France it costs $1.44 to carry ton of freight 100 miles; in Germany, $1.28; In Switzerland, $2.80; in Holland, $1.60; in Belgium, $1.36; in Italy, $3.20; In Austria, $2, while In the- United States the coit is only 81 cents. ' Miss Anderson, City Attorney. -Palmyra, Mo., probably has the only woman city attorney in the United States. She is Miss Ander son, 23 years old, and, in addition to her practice as a lawyer, is a political speaker. She got her first impetus to study law by reading Blackstone while she was convalescing from an attack of typhoid fever. '- - , Appreciative. '"You seem quite hilarious this morning." ' "I am. . I had a terrible attack of neuralgia that kept me awake all night, last night." ' "Joking, eh? Why should you be so happy on account " '-Because I haven't - got it now. mat s why." . " ' Sharp Against Sharp. Just about the time when the peo ple of New Jersey have exterminated the mosquitoes in response to the ad vice of the scientific sharp some other scientific sharps will rise up and tell them that the mosquitoes are among man's best friends and they will be compelled to import the creatures and start hatcheries. .". Jackson's House for Hospital. The Mary Cutis Lee chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy, in Lex ington, Va., is desirous of purchas ing the old home of Gen. Stonewall Jackson in that town fpr a hospital, and if it succeeds will name it the Jackson Memorial hospital. The res idence is now owned by Gen. Jack son's widow. ' A Play Upon Words. "Isn't it kind of brother Harry?.1 said Mrs. De Style, "he has promised to buy me one of those fashionable poodles for a pet. " .' - -. "Madame, " replied Mr. De Style, who despised these jioodles, I give you fair warning. '-. If -your brother leaves' a : pet in this house I bhall -leave this house in a pet." ; The A.'B. a of Photography'.' by Fayette J. Clute is one of the best text books for amateurs ever published. Price 25 cents by mail. Camera Craft Pub. Co. , 330 Sutter St. , San Francisco. Ilig Ancestors. .. Father Mulcaughey (calling) Oi suppose these pictures in yez parlor are av yer ancestors? Pat O Callahan (acquiescing) lis; some avthim are moi aunt's sisters, but mohst av thim are moi wife's re lations. - . TO CUIUS A. COLD IN ONE DAt TXte Laxative Bromo Qninine Tablets. All Irnegists refund the money if it fails to core. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. The. Iceman. ... 'Certainly nobody can den that giving a smaller piece of ice than is just at times the fault of some ice men." - "Unquestionably." " "And doesn't it make the fault greater " when they lay it at other people s doors? ' Mothers will find Mrs. Wiiinlnw'a Rnoth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their : ,i . .1.! j . Thought He Was Gett'ng Personal. ' "I hear you 1 and Walshineham have fallen, out, " said Hawley. , Yes, " replied Hicks. lie asked me to design a crest for him, and . suggested a pig rampant upon a wax ed floor as consistent with his name, and he lost his temper. " - - Stamps Hav a Boom. - The great rise in value of late was that sheet of 100 two cent Pan-Amer ican stamps, in which the accidental inversion of the picture in the center increased the market value of each stamp from two cents to $20. ' ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine ' Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Fac-Slmile Wrapper Below. Tear a snail amd aa easy to take as sugaxw FOR HEADACHE. FOB DIZZINESS. FOR BIUODSRESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR COKSTIPATIOR. FOR SALLOW SKIR. FOR THECOMPLEXIOI ejaedxaa mtatmntuuMmt. CURE SICK HEADACHE. JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, C ' Footot Morrison Street. " ' Can give yon 'the best bargains in Bnggies, Flows, Boilers and Engines, Windmills and Pumps and General Machinery. See us before buying nllf m is best time to enre Catarrh, HIElilLtJ Bronchitis and Consumption. oUi.h.iLiI "is.!,n3?ed L W.H. SMITH CO., Buffalo, H. Y. Springtime Resolutions TAKK THS tfceley Curd Sure relief Ion liquor, opium and tobacco habitf. Send for particulars to leelsy Instate, Hoved to 420 Williams . Ave.. X.M o.ue. - - x. f. x. o. a. s-ioi. IITHSN writinc t advertisers pleas I menu 3D cms papas. Barter's I IVER Mce I tl owml Mas. Frajtk Castib . SKerriU Street, Ammkurj, Haas. This lotto f should oarry Faith andQonvlotlon to thofiemrta of alt Sick Woman "I suffered with inflammation and tailing of the womb and other dis agreeable female weaknesses. I had bad spells every two weeks that would last from eight to ten days and would have to go to bed. I also had head ache and backache most of the time and such- bearing down pains I could hardly walk across the room at times. I doctored nearly all the time for about two years and seemed to grow worse all the time until last September I was obliged to take my bed, and the doctors thought an operation was the only thing that would help me, but this I refused to have done. "' 'Then a friend advised me to try the Pinkham medicine, which I did. and ' after using the first bottle I began to improve. L took in all five bottles of Lydia E.; Pinkham's Blood Purifier, four boxes of Lydia E. Pinkham's Dry Form Compound, three boxes of Liver Pills and used three packages of Sana tive Wash, and I am as well now as I ever was. '-. I am more -than thankful every day for my cure." Mas. Frank Caster, 3 Merrill St., Amesbnry, Mass. &5000 wW b paid M t him tmmtlmom i sin f not Tydla E. Pinkham Madloln Oft. America Beating Germany. The lead pencil industry in Germany is at present suffering from American competition. It is alleged that our success in this branch of industry is mostly due to the perfection of the machinery. . TOU KNOW WHAT YOU ABB TAKING When von take Grove's Taatelesa Chill Tonic, oevsuM luc iuiui lua lit plainly pnuna on eve; 2 bottle snowing tnat It is simply iron f nine in a tasteless form. Mo Cure, Ns Pay. 50c. Interurban Badinage. , "Your town," said the Chicagoan, "is called the City of Straits, I be lieve." "Yes,-" replied the Petroiter, "and yours, I suppose, might be known as the City of Crooks. '-' EST F OH T! I BOWELS If ycra h&Tent a rejnilar, healthy movement of thfl bowels every day, you're sick, or will be. Keep your bowel open, and be well. Force, In the shape of violent physte or pill poison, is daneerous. The Mnootnest, easiest, most perfect way of keeping tne DC wils clear and clean is to take Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. " 0c Write ror free sample, and booklet on nealtn. Address tterilms If Cp7, OlUsis, aeatwsl, gw Isrk. MSa KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN - Womam Like, She Is a Linguist Queen Wilhelmina is an excellent lingust, for, besidies her knowledge of Malay, she ; speaks French, German and English as fluently as her native Dutch, and she knows something be sides of Italian and Russian. Epworth League Rates. A cool, delightful trip can be made to . San Francisco and return by steamer tor only $20 by taking advant age of the O. K. & N. offer. That rate includes meals and berth. Dur ing July ana August tne ocean is smooth and the trip is very beneficial to health,,, as it gives perfect rest under tjie most pleasant conditions. Agents of the 0.' R. '& N. "anywhere will tell all about how - to' make, the trip, or write A. L. Craig, general passenger, agent, .Portland. , - .., . A Bonanza. "Here's a .distinguished scientist who saya that, after, all, there's no thing in germs." .Nothing in germs! : - Nonsense! Why look how much the doctors have made out of them." t?lTt Permanentlr Cured. Ho fits i Si I V after nrslHsr's 'Unrrr. KliaVsGrtat Nerra Bestorvr. Send for FREE $4.00 trial bottle and treat. ae. DS.R.H Kusa. Lid.. Wl ArchSt., Philadelphia, Pa. Welsh Language. . The poll taken of Cardiff, Wales, on the question of whether children in the board schools should be taught the Welsh language has resulted in a majority of 67 votes agamstiit. WEATHERWI5E, AND OTHERWISE! wtfT DON'T TOU WCA& OIL.E.D - CLOTHING- cute m Tiusfff AND KEEP POT? BEWARE Or IM1TATKW1 LOOK FOR MOVE TRADE MARH -.- CATALOGUE) fRE Showing Pull Line, of Garments andHaU !kA. .TOWER CO., BOSTON. HA5. :i ALL FLSt FAILS. 11. t Cough Sjrrnp. Tastes Good. Vm f 1 . In time. Sold by droirTlsts. r I VffTV CANDY '. ff J CATHARTIC -THADB hash aiowriao a IGATARRH OF HEAD KIDKEti THROA" BLADDER! LUNGS FEMALE sro:iiK ORGANS A Moral Lecture. Miss Upperten They say there is a great deal of misery among the poor. - Miss Gotrox Well, it's their own fault. 'There's Keggy Van Pelt, for instance, with only $10,000 a year, trying to keep a yacht and a stable of horses no wonder he's miserable! Life's rlorid Grind. "It's so tiresome," sighed the girl in the fur jacket. "No sooner do- you get back irom your winter trip to. the South than you have to begin to make up your' mind where you are going to.spend the summer. Some times I think life is hardly worth living. " - ;' Know Little About the Sky, . It is a strange thing how little peo ple know about the sky. It is a part ! of creation in which -nature has done more for the sake of pleasing man more for the sole and evident purpose of talking to him and teaching him than in any of her works, and it is just the part in which we least at 'nd her. Kuskin. n Dressed to Slay. : "My I" exclaimed the young man, who had called to take her out in his cutter. "Fur cap and jacket ! You're dressed to kill." .. "Not exactly," she replied. Merely to sleigh. " . Ml J PEN. JOB WHEELER i - Sayt of Peruna: " 1 Jola 1 Senators Sullivan, Roach and McEnery In their good 3 opinion oi 'Peruna aa an eU t J fectlve catarrh remedy." . m FARM MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. FREE TO FARMERS Our 1901 Vehicle Book Our 1901 Implement Catalogue JUST ISSUED. Send yoar name and P. O. address and we Will mall one or oth,; as' desired, free of all-' eharge., ? - . f - . Mitchell, Lewis's Staver Co., .r? First and Taylor Sta. - Portland, os. "ADAMANT" LAND PLASTER Agents wanted in every town. NOTHINQ SO GOOD FOR CHICKENS ASTHe ' PRUSSIAN POULTRY FOOD ; It makes Hens Lay and Keeps them Laying. '.t cures Roup, Cholera and All at.. 1 t I . J ml 4C.J CIV u seases. n siren srin ens vounr cmcki. Ht Totraar chickens commenced dTlntr, ehaued ap&ckfttre of your PRU88IAM from dying &nd I hmre constantly kept it on hand erer elnoe. I can recommend It av. 4 list whevt l- tiMMisu. m n.tinir Txmltrr. C R. HIQOIN. Latah. Wash. mmm !. VOI.EN, Coast Agent,, trout THE AULTMAN Builders of THRESHERS, CLOVER HULLERS, HORSE POWERS, TRACTION AND FARM ENGINES AND BOILERS, SAW MILLS, ETC . EDWARD HUGHES, General Agent. CaU'ogoe Mailed Free, v 182-186 Madison St., Portland, Oregon. Write for a Catalogue, atating what you want to buy. Addrmma BENECIA AGRICULTURAL WORKS, . BENECIA, CALIFORNIA. GEiSLER PATENTS COMPANY. Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON. The Wrong Way. "Do you wish now," inquired the prison visitor, "that you had followed the straight and narrow path?" "Dafs de one Idid foller," replied Jimmy Dores. If I'd only dodged inter dat crooked alley, dey.'d never a' fketchedme." Good Tjme on the Ocean. -For a perfect rest from business, nothing equals the steamer trip from Portland to San Francisco and return this month and next, when the ocean is smooth and the days are pleasant on deck. Every five days a splendid steamer of'the O. K. & if. line leaves Portland. -The accommodations are excellent". Any agent of the company will give details, or address A. L. Craig, general passenger agent, Port land. New Jersey's Densest Population. Paterson has the most populous city ward in the state of New Jersey. It is the Third ward, with 23,780 peo ple. Newark has the -next largest, with 23,359. Elizabeth has a ward with only 6,578 population. Btats or Ohio, Crrr or tolido, Lucas Cototy. I Frank J. Chbnet makes oath that he is the senior parter of the firm of F. J. Chenet & Co., doins1usineaa In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that aaid firm will pay the sum ol ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Core. FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed-in my presence, this th day of December, A. D. 1886. ial I .A.W.GLEASON, ul notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces ot the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, a Bold by druggists, 6c. - HaU's Family Fills are the best. . - Just Like Him. Fogg Bass tells ' me that there is nothing like equestrian'exercise. He says he is positively delighted with it. Fenderson rl'm I . Just like Bass. It's all talk. ' I see him. almost every day but horse back'riding, so he can't possibly have any time for this eques trian exercise he raves about. . Peanut King Employs (00 Men, I F. V. Mills as a "peannt king" has j had an interesting career. H began lite -as a peanut vender on a train. When only 12 years old he had con tracts with several railroads running out of Chicago for the exclusive right to sell peanuts on the trains. Long Service as Time Keeper. William Barrow, timekeepr at Gil low's cabinet works, Lancaster, Eng land, has been in the employ of the firm for 66 years. Although 80 years of age, he is still active, being invari ably the first on the premises in the morning and the last to leave at night. His father held th'e keys be fore him. Stability of Wooden Churches. Some of the wooden churches of Norway are fully 700 years old, and are still in an excellent state of pres ervation. Their timbers have suc cessfully resisted the frosty and al most Arctic winters because they have been repeatedly coated with tar. The Fee Was Tempting. A young couple in southwest Georgia called on a colored minister and offered him a string of fish to marry them. Said the minister: "I mighty positive dat both er you is too young ter marry, but den you looks, a heap older den what ydu is ; en furder mo', dey is one t'ing I wants partickler fer dinner dis day, it is fish. So jine ban's!" LEAD With one Lever Raising and Lowering Device. LatchlBss Reel Concave Drive Wheel Light Draft CATALOGUE FREE. , . r A. FREEMAN, Gen'l Agt. aQ Em Watar St., Portland, Or. Complete Stock of Water A. Wood Extras. Tbe Perfection of Wall Plaster, is a sure preventative against damp walls. By using it yon can increase the yield of both Grain and Grass. THE ADAMANT CO., Foot of Uth Street, Portland, Oregon, ana auxa mvmwrvw, rr.aminv. and after losing four aocen I POULTRY FOOD, wnfc tes topped them par and Taylor titm., fort land, urefon. TAYLOR MACHINERY CO. High Grade Walking Plow, Mention this Paper. Bang Ptmwm, "- " .- Dowaglao Grain Drill, Mountain Hack, Road Carta, Hay Awssaa, Food Cottar, Sumnr Fallow Wmodora, afo., to. ' Secures patents for inventions In the United States and foreign countries. Also negotiates mar kets an't defends patent inven tions. No better terms or. -facilities than we offer obtainable any where. Payment of our fees may be deferred till patent la allowed. Write for pamphlet.