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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1901)
Pea Plotter for Women I am so nervous, there Is not well inch in my whole body. I am to weak at my stomach, and hare indigestion horribly, and palpitation of the heart, and I am losing- flesh. This headache and backache nearly kills me, and yes terday I nearly had hysterics; there is a weight inthe lower part of my bowels bearing down all the time, ana pains in my groins and thighs ; I can - not sleep, walk or sit, and I believe I am diseased all over ; no one ever suffered as I do." ' This is a description of thousands of Cases which come to Mrs. Pinkham's laboratory for advice An inflamed and Mas. Johs William. ulcerated condition of the neck of the womb can produce 11 of these symp toms, and no woman should allow herself to reach such a perfection of i misery when there is absolutely no need of it. The subject of our por trait in this sketch, Mrs. Williams of Englishtown, N.J., has been entirely cured of such illness and misery by , . Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. . No other medicine has such a record! for absolute cures, and no other medi . cine is "just as good." Women who - want a cure should insist upon getting Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- - pound when they ask for it at a store. Disapposnted in the Alps. Fair Mountain Climber These"are the very same picturepostal cards we saw down in the village. There real ly was no need of our coming up here. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children daring the teething period. T y The Man's Way. . " When a man ' finds a woman for whom he thinks there's nothing good enough he asks her to take him. r A folding pocket camera, making 3 xZi pictures, for $11,25. No experi ence required to make perfect pictures. Film 60 cents. Send for full descrip tion. Kirk, Geary & Go., 330 Sutter St., S. F. v Striking Home. ' ; "If you have a ! prosperous debtor who wouldn't pay you a cent, - what wouldyou do to get even with him?" "I'd kidnap his cook. " - Your Guide and Guard Is the famous Oregon Blood Purifier, tested and true: Use it now. . - Very Amusing. Wife What's funny in that letter you are reading? flusband It's from Boston. He asks if I don't want to pay that $10 I owe him. ... : ,. TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAT 1 Take Laxative B'romo Quinine Tablets. 11 Ironists refund the money if it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's aignatare is on ech box. 23c. She Had Told the Truth. Sue You said yotir were going to marry an artist, and now . 3 on 're en gaged to a dentist. ; ;': ; . :. ski v -xr. Flo Well, isn't he ah artist? He draws from real life! - - . FITS raiaii!nUr Cnred. ; No fits or mrronsaeai " w after BntiiaVj nof Ir. Klin.'sGrfnt Kern Kestoror. ten. for FKEES.OO trial bottle mud treat. a. la.R.H KLiN,Lt..wl.ArchSt..Phildelphi.P, ..' -..'.I-.; The Impolite Man.,: JVr ! "My face is my fortune, sir,."- she ; said. '.WA' - . , -"That's very plain," said 'heZ ' The Beat Prescription for Malaria CWUaand Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic.' It is simply iron and quinine in : a tasteless form. Ko Cure, Ko Pay.. Price 50c. In Eden. "'-' " ' ' ' Eve Just think,' I'll be two -weeks old tomorrow! - Adam Well,' my dear, : you' don't look it. : ... I A For' infants and Children. Kind You Have Always Bought . Bears the . Signature of ' ;; : Discouraging. " :' . ; He It is iny aim' in life to do something that will make' my name eternally remembered; , . : She Is it? . - You are a ; pretty poor I shot, are you not? .- . - ; ; ' :, . - ' a - .- . . ' O - Tied ' S . When the muscles feel drawn and . 5 I .Jf . tied up and the flesh tender, that . Z X tension is 1 .: .., , o s Soreness s 0 . and 1 Stiffoess 1 t O. ' fromcold or over exercise. It . -. last but a short time after - ' O I St Jacobs Oil ! " O is applied. The cure i prompt and sure. ' - - 0 X. F. N. 0. yHKN wTitins; t advertlsera ptoM ' Up COOD I Sbort Storie$ f a According to Life, a Southern darkey, wishing the Inhabitants of the village to know that he and his venerable part ner bad decided to retire from active life, astonished them one morning by placing the following sign above tbe door of tbe establishment: "Dig am to infohm de public dat me an' Ike am goln' oat of bis'ness. Dem dat owes de firm may settle with me; dem dat de firm owes may settle with Ike. Dr. Boyd Carpenter, the Bishop of Ripon, England,, was called upon to lay the corner stone of a new vicarage at X Wakefield some months ago, and was Invited by the master of ceremonies (who handed him the trowel and the line and plummet) to "become an opera tive mason for a few moments." "I eannot," answered the bishop. ' "lay claim to the title of an operative ma son, but I am certainly a working Car penter." In his autobiography, "Up from "Slavery," Booker T. Washington tells an amusing anecdote of an old colored man, who, during tbe days of slavery. wanted to learn how to play on the guitar. : In his desire to take guitar les sons, he applied to one of his young masters to teach him; 'but the young man, not having much ralth in the abil ity of the slave to .master the guitar at his age, sought to discourage him by telling him: "Uncle Jake, I will give you guitar lessons; but, Jake, I will have to charge you threedollars for the first lesson, two dollars for the second lesson and one dollar for the third les son. But I will charge you only twenty flve cents for the last lesson." Uncle Jake answered: "All right, boss, I hires yon on dem terms. But, boss! I wants yer to be sure an' give me dat las' les son first Some time ago a well-known San Francisco attorney," who prides htmsell upon his handling of -Chinese" witnesses, was defending a railway damage case. Instead of following the usual ques tions as to name, residence. If the na ture of an oath were understood, etc., he began: "What your name?" "Kee Lung." "You live San Francisco?" "Yes." "You sabbie God?" "Mr. Attor ney, if you mean 'Do I understand the entity of our Creator?' I will simply say that Thursday evening next I shall address the State Ministerial Associa tion on the subject of the 'Divinity of Ohrist,Vand shall be p'.eased to have you attend." Needless to say, a general roar of laughter swept over the court room at this clever sally, and It was some minutes, much to the discomfiture of the- lawyer for the defense, before order was restored and the examination proceeded upon ordinary lines, , v While talking of the many notable people he has met during his pugilistic career, John L. Sullivan said the other day In New York: "Once when I was In Sydney, New South Wales, I had a suite of rooms directly over 7 Sarah Bernhardt . I never met the lady, and I didn't much care She was jabbering French all the time, and was rehearsing constantly In her room. I heard so much of It that I pretty near bad the j willies. One night I happened to follow Sarah into Her Majesty's Theater in Sydney.'and I had a good chance to size , her up. She was a feather-weight, all iTllFkt .1 . t -. on her face that I thought she'd made a mistake! She got a look at me, and, because I had been so much annoyed with her jabbering, I scowled at her gave her the look that used to scare the bubs who tried to stay four rounds with me. Well, sir, Sarah gave one long, mourful howl and fainted away. After that she didn't jabber any more, for she'd found out who was living up stairs.'" i i : :,-.-. -J,-:'-.. ' - ' -' V Quaint Customs In Shetland - The only part of the United Kingdom in which Hie old style of reckoning time is adhered to is the archipelago of Shet land, and there Sunday, Jan. 15, was New Year's Day. ;r : V- ; But Sunday .being with the natives a strict diesnon for business or for pleas ure, the next day witnessed the high jinks Incident to the occasion. These included processions of "guisers," or mummers, and the drinking of" various strange toasts, such as ."Helt to man and death to da grayfish," and the health of the twelve apostles. In Shetland the remnants of the old Norse language linger to. such a degree that the dialect Is almost a rp1w1 exen to Scotsmen. The last specimen of the great auk whose- ezsra nro ium, valued at something like 100 guineas apiece, was done to death there, but the little auk still retains a precarious foot ing on the lonely islet of Fouia. Anxious to Oblige. Pompous Publisher (to aspiring nov ice in literature) I have been reading your manuscript, mydear lady, and there is much in it, I think ahem! very good. But there are parts some what vague. Now you should always write so that the most ignorant can un derstand. Youthful Authoress (wishing to show herself most ready to accept advice) Oh, yes, I'm sure. But, tell me, which are the parts that have given you trou blel Punch. ' .- ; Ancient Quarries. The stone for the great wall of the dam across the Nile at Assuan is being obtained, from the quarries of which the Temples of Philae are believed to .have been built the unhappy Philae which, when the dam Is completed, will be t submerged, and partly disappear from sight for the first time In Its 3,000 years of existence. The granite blocks that are being quarried for this, the first great engineering achievement of the twentieth- century, bear the marks of wedges used thirty centuries ago: Inevitable Ignorance. Madge She Is singularly deficient in the subject of history. , t Marjorie What else could you ex pect, when she spends all her time reading the popular historic novels ? Judge. . : When there is no danger near, moral courage Is often the rankest kind of false pretense. - A Cultured CUi. y Mrs. Schoppen What's the prlc of this silk? The Salesgentleman The price is 98 eents, madam, which you must J -a t ;. j , auHiib is quue uecoiiete. . Mrs. Schoppen Decollete? " The Salesgentleman Yes, madam. Cut low. . Estimates for Artie Exniditon. Captain Bernier estimates the cost of hifl rtrnnrMorl tnf!n Anlu;A'. r- ...... . u.uvu Acui,iuu 1, $130,000. He has applied to the ,Ca- Tlflfi 1H n imviiramDtit. fn n ' .1 p,"-.---...-!..... . v. u iniiv aiiu has also opened subscriptions in the titiuijjai vuiiauiuu cities. Apt Illustration. Teacher Of course you understand the difference between liking and lov intf? Pupil Yes, missj I like my father ana motner, dui 1 lave apple pie. Exhibits at BnfTalo. There will he exhibits from ill over the world at the Buffaio Exposition, which will prove verv interesting to all who may at tend, but lio more so than the news' that the famous remedy. Hosteller's Stomach """', iii rure uygpepaia. Indigestion eiiiifttirmtii ,11 hi limiBiiaso i ...... u ............ .,u llci.VUtIBIiei9. Tfl all I. , t.n I.. I : . ... .. .......... . nuillQ tHIUlITlllUI atrial is recommended with the assurance mm, n neii nonesTiy usen a euro wilt be nnected. It also tones up the entire Bys- tClll. Cause for Thankflucu. - Tommy What yer so sore about? Jimmy Aw, it's pooty tough on a feller ter have ter wear his big brud der's pants. ''Go 'on ! Yer oughter be glad yer big brudder ain't a sister an' wore bloomers." - - This signature is on every box ot the genuine Laxative Brorr!0yuinine Tabieta th ramodr that enrea m cold fen mmm auaj " She Stops; Soulful Youth (at the Do you sine "For Ever and For F.ver?" Matter-of-Fact-Maiden No; I stop lor meals. . Alake your own photographs. ' It costs but little. Send for our hand somely illustrated catalog showing all styles of cameras. Kirk, Geary & Co., 330 Sutter, St., San Francisco, Ca. : Overheard in a Scotch Hotel- Traveler (seating himself at the oreaKiast tame) Well, waiter, what's for breakfast? .. Waiter (cheerfully) Calves' brains, sir, fried liver, deviled kidneys Traveler Oh, ; hang your com plaints! Give me the menu! -" : ,' A Play on Words. . Tess I see a notice in the paper of tne weauing ot Mrs. JN.ubride. ," Jess Yes, I know her very'well. "Do you? What was her maiden name?". "I suppose her maiden aim was to get married." 04T KNOW WHAT TOT AKJB TAKING When von take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. MAlnH tha fftmnl. Ia.t..). I . .. -? - . ... .0 miaiuij uriiiusaon every bottle showing that it la simply Iron and Qui- umv am mtoina win. no vure, jn 9 t ay . sue. Were Not Efficacious. Mamma Now say your prayers. Tommv No: I drm'r. It'liovo it Ann any good. , Mamma What? . Tommv No: I'm W' rlia. gusted I bin prayin' all this time to make little brother Jack a good boy, and he's just as bad and selfish as ever. . .l : .' His. Just Reward. "Never did have any luck," com nlained Si Fntrrnno !.... . c - m. . ui naj o left out iu the cold." - "" ; - Never mind, V replied Job Scuro- fiter, "vOU Won't he in nt world." , taxatlve Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a eold In one day. No cure. Mo Fay. Price 26 cents. Fewer Southern Tenant Fanners. The old fashioned "plantations" in the South have about passed into his tory. The averaere size of - farm lioa been greatly reduced and the number of farmers who owa the farms thm- culivate has wonderfully increased. An Astral Skeptic "What do VOU think of these timu ple who claim to remember their pre vious reincarnations 7 . I think they were once reese. and haven't got over it." ..- . ; lE81 II Doh'I Stop Tobicco Sudbenlt It injures nervous system to do so. BACO CtJBO is tbe onlv care that miiv and notifies you when to stop. Bold with s guarantee that three boxes will enre any case. Rinn.RI t n toi ana narmless. Itbaa phuu Mum cured willcureyou. nmmm u.u .uuuoaiiuo, 1. WlUVtllV TOO. ruggista or by mail prepaid, SI a box: S boxes S2.30.. Booklet free. Writ Eurua Chihicai. Co., 1 Crosse, Wis. WHY OET SOAKED. 'J WHEN 3 OII-t-D CLOTHING- habdutItobn! LOOK Nil MOrEtMKrlAIHC BtWiMOf IMlTATtOrii . . -CATAkOQUBS FRtB rf HffLT m' r rii WINS wire BY LONG . DISTANCE 'PHONE. A long-distance telephone played a part in the romance of Virginia Gilbert and Harry Wylie, who have been mar ried in Clayton, Mo. The young woman was undecided and Harry left for Tex as, but on the way called his former fiancee to the long-distance 'phone. "I'm going far away, Vlrgle, and yon will never see me again unless yon say yon will marry me in the morning." "Come back," said the glrL 'I do love you, 'and am glad you called me up." The romance began in Dallas, Texas, when Miss Gilbert was still In short dresses. Wylie fell in love with her and proposed. The wedding day was set, but was put off from time to time by Miss Gilbert on the plea that she was too young to marry. Once the invi tations were out, and again a postpone ment occurred. This time the engage ment was broken, and the young worn an came to St Louis. Wylie followed and begged her to keep her promise. Falling in this, he started back to Texas. ' . - TWO MEETINGS WITH GARFIELD, Clara Morris Relates an Incident that . Occurred at a Washington Dinner. In the Woman's Home Companion Clara Morris has a clever, article in which she describes two meetings with James A. Garfield. The first was In. a country lane near .Aurora, where she saw and talked with the future states man, who was then taking a load of wood to market Years afterward she met him In Washington, and remem bered him; but while feeling that he bad seen her before he could not recall wherC Of that second meeting she says: . .; . .. " '-- . - -: .' "Then -there came an evening- when. at a dinner given by Mrs. Piatt, Mound myself Bitting ' exactly opposite Mr. Garfield. The company was not a large one, but it boasted some famous names and at least one brilliant beauty. Con versation was brilliant and laughter was light. " Turning-my glance a mo ment f rorn, the Southern Senator at my side, I looked full into the fixed, wide blue eyes of Mr. Garfield. He was lean ing forward; one hand tightly clenched lay on the table. From his strained, far-away look I knew he was trying to recall our first meeting,, and as I gazed into his eyes the buzz of talk and laughter turned into a murmur of wind through tall, leafless trees. l saw a pale, winter sunshine falling across snow-patched fields. Leaning a little toward him, in a very low but distinct tone I said. 'Gee! Gee-haw!' A flash like blue lightning snapped into his eyes, and as" I added. 'Is Freeman at homer he gave a cry, almost a shont, exclaiming' with enthusiasm, 'I've found you! -I've found yon at last, and you're sitting on top of tbe fence In a red calico dress, with a book In your lap!' Then ln thejnjdst of the commo tion he bad raised he threw his arm about Mr. Piatt, crying, 'Ah, yon thought I was meet for an asylum, you know you did! But I've found her out at last, so you see I'm not half as crazy as you believed I was!' ' T "Questions rained upon him,' and much laughter followed his story of that far-away meeting on the country road; one grave old man questioned u& earnestly in the drawing-room as to what was in the minds of each at the time I spoke. : . "I was not much surprised to hear Mr. Garfield say that in his backward search for a clue to , the tormenting half -memory he had got as far as Cleveland, had failed to find me In that city, and at the moment I snoke was hopelessly trying Aurora and the coun try around there.? - . r The Bead Sea IieveL A marked rise in the level of the rtasrl Sea has been noted. The ruin, El Bahr, that stood like an island near the Ttivor Jordan, is now completely under water. a oroaa lagoon has formed on the north side of the ' Jordan delta. The water does hot sink In summer and It Is surmised that the whole bottom of the Dead Sea has been raised by vol canic action. . . -c; A Clean City. Sydney, Australia. Is said rn Tlo nno of the cleanest cities In the world. If not the cleanest. The streets oughly cleaned every night and any one throwing refuse or waste material of any sort on the streets is arrested and fined.. All the kitchens in the larger residences are on the top floor and all the clothes are dried on the roof. i; Different Spelling;. "So you're the sheriff now, Bill?" '.'That's what I am." "And you're Koine to take mo in i you? The best friend yon ever had? Well, I suppose this is where ship ceases." 'Either that or where frtendshln seizes." Yonkers Statesman. BaHh Man. "No, I don't like Mr. Thirdly," said Mrs. Kilduff, emphatically. "What's he done?" asked Mrs. Ten- spot. '-h' :;- .-- "Well, he asked all the ladies in the congregation to remove their hats. And It was Easter Sunday, mind you." - Tbe Absent Friend. "How well Mrs. Gillwazzle holds her age!" 'Isn't it wonderful? You would not think she was a day over 30 if she didn't try to act as If she were 20!" Indianapolis Press. . VEARYWOfilEN Throughout the Land Many Are Slaying Over the Needle and Wearing Thim . selves Out Pram the Maine Farmer, Augtuta. There are many women all over the land who are earning a living .by the use of the needle. Confinement in close rooms and the trying nature of their work often causes them to grow pale and wan and to experience' a feel ing of constant weariness. This goes on, sometimes, until nature rebels and health breaks down. There is one way and only one way to restore the irapared vitality, and that is to strengthen the worn out nerves and build up and nourish the impoverish ed blood. If the blood is kept healthy and rich and the nerves strong, new life and energy will soon be felt. This was the experience of Mrs. Addie R. Holt, a dressmaker, of No. 73 Bridgo street, Augusta, Me. - She says: "About five years ago I began to experience a worn out feeling. Some times I would lie in bed for a day or so, but my dressmaking work obliged me to keep up, even when I did not feel able to be about. I suffered from female troubles and last spring I had rheumatism in my left arm and also a pain in my left side in the region of my heart. "In August a friend recommended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple and I began taking them imme diately, recommenced to improve in about two weeks and in three months my weight increased from 121 to" 133 pounds. . Since taking the pills I have had no return of the pain in my arm nor near my heart. 0 "I am still taking Pink Pills for Pale People and I am gladly recom mending them to all who say that anything.ails them. " Signed, ADDIE R. HOLT. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of February, 1901, Fremont J. C. Little, . Seal " Notary Public. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are sold by all dealers, or will be sent postpaid on repeipt of price, 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 (they are never sold in bulk or by the hundred), by addressing Dr. Wil liams Medicine Co., Schenectady.N.Y. .V'V Neighborly. " Husband Isn't it about time Mrs. Borrore was returning our call? . Wife Yes, but if she does return it it will be more than she does with the other things she gets from us. WHAT MONTH WERE YOU BORN IN? It us know at once and on receipt of 35 cents you will receive a very hand somfe brooch pin with birth- stone set ting, all the rage NORTH PACIFIC MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT, Port land, Oregon. P. O. Box 145. JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, Foot of Morrison Street, Can" give you the best bargains in Buggies, Plows, Boilers and Engines, Windmills and Pumps and General Machinery. See us before buying. I riDal T HOME TO CVEETOrB9ILF LCAntl AND OTHERS WITHOUT MKU- 1C1NK. You can for we tell you how. Send Hddress for fiee information. 8pokane institute of Psychology, TMSprsgue Ave., Spokane, Wash SUMMER is best time to enre Catarrh, Bronchitis and Consumption. Our remedy is guaranteed, SL W. H. SMITH I CO., Buffalo, H. Y, . V. JDOZ VTA ALL DRUGGISTS. CURE NlVER TONIC 11 kswel treaHes. Bppendleltla, bil tonaneaa bad breatb, bad blovdTwlnd eb, blosted bowe)a,"Veul pain; aTter erntins, liver trouble, aallow complexion RnddiXKtneaa. W hen Tour bownla don't n,... larlr yen are eettlna; aick. Constipation bills more peovlo than all otlier dlaaasea togetner. It la a tarter for the ebronie ailments and lans; years r arrerlns tliat come afterwards. Ko natter what alia yon, start taklna; CASCARKT9 to-day, for yon will never cot welt and bo well all tbe time until you put your bowela rlxut. Take our advice; atari with OAtClBKlS to-day. under an afcaolute guar antee to cure or money refunded. " Machinery, Implements, Farm Supplies, Etc. Mitchell- Bicycles ., $25 - $30 - $35 - $40 OXFORD, DEFENDER 4110. DUNLOP TIRES Donlep Steel Elms. Fall Una of Sandra. 4 cents Wanted. Bend for Catalogue. , Lewis & Stayer Co., First ana Taylor Sta. PORTLAND, OR. buy the Mccormick mowers The beat hope of competition la to make machines "just as good aa McCormick." Fifty out of every hundred mowers sold aronnd the world bear the name McCormlck. Bla; Four. New foor. Little four. - Vertical Lift. . Call on toe agent or address A. H. BOYLAN, Portland, Oregon, : For Catalogue and prices. ADAMANT" IAND PLASTER. Use our Land Plaster afesiSSaaii6'r uio, MituiwB biiu ca.reri juiurcuauuu uii application. - Office and Factory: Foot of Fourteenth Street, Portland, Oregon.' Agents wanted everywhere. , NEW LIFE TO HoB?ugo?r Anchor Great Combination of Strength and Beauty. Thx Trs That Buree." " See Our Anchor Clamp Ton would be surprised it yon knew -' bow little it would cost you to fix up that old fence. Better send for some Anchor Clamps and Uprights, and , pair of our pinchers, and make your o'd wire fence look like a new one. . ' i . ANCHOR FENCE looks so nice and la so strong- that farmers sometimes : think that it must be high priced. It isn't, though. Cuvr Befobi Using. Cattle, Sheep and FARM, RAILROAD write for prices and catalogue. The Portland Anchor Frnp:-rvi Agenta Wanted in Every Town. 743 Chas. L. Mastick & CASH BUYERS ' OF HIDES. PELTS AND TALLOW. -' -: Consignments solicited. Pay highest market price." PROMPT RETURNS. " : Dealers in Leather and Findings'. i . i;p.-$td .1- - Refer to Wells. Fargo & Co. Bank, Portland, -Oregon. vs' that dreadful fiend . that threatens the ; life of rich and poor, can attack and ' kill only those whose bowels are not kept thoroughly cleaned out, purified and disinfected the year round. ; One' whose liver is dead, whose bowels ' and stomach are full of half decayed ' food, whose whole body, is unclean,' '. inside, is a quick and ready victim,;., of appendicitis. "; ' : ' - It you want to be safe , against the!" scourge, keep in good health all the time, KEEP CLEAN INSIDEI Use . the only tonic ; laxative, that will ; make your bowels strong and healthy, "X. and keep them pure and clean, -pro-v-tected against appendicitis" and" ALL' ! 1 EPIDEMIC DISEASES. It's CAS-' CARETS, that will keep and save you. Take them, regularly and you will find that all diseases are absolutely ' PREVENTED BY in vrj in hi GUARANTEED Intlaur Hedlctaie tm th wwrli areat atens, and an, best testtaaeatal. We have Wl,b ..d -vrtU .ell oiMAMrri aWlatelJaranteio r".J aooey refosM. ft. boy toaay, two &Oo boxes, at ve theaTa . . Six !S3 t2lSSZ k" "." ? retara the aansed Oe . . t. 1, - m.i i 7 ... .no urnniti irons ' yea anrehooed It. aad not r ... r V .T H--T.1. aV?SV aattr vku all. you-start to X"JJ?. U.11.1 aalealy rollow aad yon will Bless tan dav nflntstsrtathn,.orCACAKTB. Book fr,ll S ZmSE ADVANCE THRESHER CH Factory, Battle Creek, Michigan. ""ft Popular Traction EukIi ehuilt. ne uave just received a mu line 01 Aavenee Englnea slid Separators of different St vies and sizes, and invite oar friends toeallod Inspeet same or write us for descriptive catalogue and . circulars. ADVANCE THftBSHCR CO., . Ko. S14 Front St., Portland, Oregon. ' Or call upon our nearest agent. ' - ' MILWAUKEE MOWER.4 , CHAIN DRIVE- , LIGHT .DRAFT. EASY FOOT LIFT. -'. --i VICTOR STEEL RAKES I "With Steel Wheels,, made for tbe i "Wild and Woolly West." ' ' J. A. FREEMAN, General Agent, S99 E. Water St. ' POBTi.AIT; Ore , Comolete Stock rf -1 .A".-- . ; ' WALTER A. WOOD EXTRAS. , The perfection of Wall Plaster. Saves you time and money. ' Investigate.'"". and increase your crops. Testimo- OLD FENCES! Clamps and Uprights. The Old Fence. (The abchos Fence. Hog Tight, r kevkr sure alter ciosinlsSS AND LAWN FENCE. - Nicolal St., PORTLAND, Oregon. Co. 75 Front Street, Cor. Oak Portland, Oregon..- - NEVER ' , SOLD IN BULK, TO CURS, Vive years an " jsrss box of CajSCAJC- . - ' --...? ara was sola. How It la over six million boxes a year, areater tkaa any -j:N' . mention this paper.