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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1901)
J ,m mm mmi FRIOAT, JANUABY 4,1901. Givernor Geer Wednesday made known the personnel of th new Text Book Commission. No other official aol of the state's chief executive has been given suoh wide-spread attention, and conoernlng none other has sis much advice soaght and un sought, wise and otherwise, in terested and uninterested been tendered. Confidence in the , wisdom and integrity f Gov ernor Geer has given the Ga zette assurance that his selec tion would be a good one even if a suggestion from us were lacking. The diversity of opinion man. fested by the press of the state as to whom should constitute the board toaded rather to confuse than to solve so vexed a 'question. While we hays with held advice, we are prepares to accept the. result of the govern or's choice with as much satis faction as those persons who have unselfishly given their tim( V to harrassing Mr. Geer with val- Inable notions as to the compo sition of the board. There is one very noticeable feature about this controversy over the ship subsidy bill. Sup porters of the measure, both in print and in congress, are far better versed on the his tory of American shipping from the foundation of the government to the present day and the suS ject in general, than are those who oppose it. Those who urge its passage meet every objection with facts and figures, indisputa ble, which surprise and confound opponents whose .only argument seems to be that ship-building will be revived in this country just because it will be revived, No measure - yet suggested has been so meritorious as the bill now pending. It is the product of three years' labor of the most capable men in the entire coun try, it was inspired by the best sentiment and the wisest expert ence of those best qualified to judge Its merits. T6e Salem Statesman has issued a most creditable illns trated annual. It eontaias much valuable information concerning the resources of Oregon, witfe particular attention to the ad vantages of Liarioa county. Its lllastrations include half tones of the state . officials and publi buildings as wall as those of prominent cittzens of the capital city. - - New Text-Book Commission . Governor Geer has made known his appointments to constitute the , laxt-feook commission. l ney are H. VV. Scott, of Portland; P. L, t CamDell. of Monmouth; Stephen A Iowell. of Pendleton; W. M. Ladd of Portland, and W. M. Col via;, of .lacksonville. In aniiounciag the appointments the governor said: "I have given a great deal of thought to this ques tion, and have selecttd five men well known to the po?le o Ore gon, whose characters are already well established, and all of whom, I believe, ars college graduates. I hate selected men who will give character to the cotmiasion, in stead of depending on the ommis b'iob to give character to the men. No man stands higher in the teach ing profession than one of thata; another is an ex-county school uperintendenl, and the others are also men of culture who are well qualified for the work before them." 'This board of five commissioners takes, the place of the state board of education and all the county superintendents In selecting text books for use in the public schools of the state. Ihe law under which the appointment is made " was en acted in 1899. It provided that in January, 1901, and eveiy four yeari thereafter, the governor shall appoint five text-book commis Bionsrs, who shall hold their offices "until their successors are elected and qualified." In February, 1901, and very slx'years thereafter, the state superintendent is required to Issue a circular, aftd send it to the leading book publishers of the United States, giving notice that a selection of text-books is about lo be made, and giving pertinent in formation on (he subject, with the name and address oi each text Look commissioner. The commissit t shall m5et at the Stato- Capitol 61 the b ia Moniey m July, .1901, find ti 3 ond ftii itfay in July every six ; . rs therca "t, and-eon- tinuein s....ion not nmre than 15 lays, i:i thH time selecting by ma jority v-ite om proposals submit ted in wr, ng by publishers the books lo re ufc! in the public schools of i ie s'...te for a period of six years. This commission shall ! report its selections and the terms and price" ! the state board of lucation (governor, secretary of state and - -ia superintendent of schools), - nh shall enter into contract v 1 the publishers, ex acting bot, etc., as specified in the law. J .ch commissioner enali receive $1C for the meeting and 10 cents per mile traveled. ' The old method was for the state board and the counly school super intendents lo select the text-books for the public schools. Obituary. - Henry Elliott was born De cember 9, 1833, in Mr. Vernon, Knox county, Ohio, and died December 21, 1900, in Menroe, Oregon. His pilgrimage on earth was 67 years and 12 days, almost three score and ten. We would not, however, measure his lfe by years, for it was hob im portant with Henry Elliott how leng he livd, but how he spent his life. . Mr. Elliott was married to Miss Elizabeth Kindel in Moao- quet, Indiaaa, in 1849. There were five children from this uniou, three of whom are now living, Mrs. E. Grimm and Mrs. W. H. Kay, of Monroe, Oregon, and Dayton Elliott, of Crook county, Oregon. Much could be said in favor of Henry Elliott, but it is not necessary, for his life has beeu before this people for many years. Thay know him. He has proven himself to be a Chris tian husband, father and gentle man. He was always found on the right side in his moral sense of truth and justoce. His motto was, "Injure-no man, but do all men good, if you can." His life was not of the flashy effer vescent kind , but was of that sort which finds its best expres sion -in a quiet. Unassuming Christian life. May God multi ply in this earth such lives! : He did net cover a multitude of sins by some few generous acts. . His dispOsitio: as a whol j was kind and bene ileat, and his heart had but Hi le of the dross which so ften hides ahd mars a true vein of gold. . May his ashes rest in peace; may his soul be happy with its Co , and may his life, and triumphant death be an in centive an- an encouragement to his wife- a lives and -Hnsban will miss. children, ; his rela- nds. . .... father, friend, we 5 on: but, while our hearts are i ad and lonely, we will have the blessed hope that we shall meet again. X The Week of Prayer. The several churches and their pastors, have unitad to observe the Week of Prayer this year. The meetings are to be held in the different churcheM according to the following schedule.- " Sunday, January 6. Regular services. .. M&nday, January 7. United Evangelical church. All minis ters participating in a social platform service. Tuesday January 8. Baptist church. Rev. G. S. O. Hum bert to preach. ' Wednesday, January 9.-Chris-tian church. Rev. Mark Noble to preach. Thursday, January 10. M. E. chnreh. Rev. L. M. Boftzer to preach. V : ;.' Friday, January n.- Ceflgre gational ehurch. Rev. F. L,. Moore to preach. Saturday, January 12. M. E. Church, South. Rev. P. 3. Knight to preach. It is earnestly hoped that all church-going people of Corvallis will rally and make this week of union effort profitable , and- a source of much strength to the churches. All are naost cor dially invited to every service. If you are looking for bargains in " Stock, Grain and fruit farms I have them . : Come and -je me or write for my list. - HESEY AMB1VBRH ' ., . . Keal l-tate Agent, . ' ' Phil lath, Beutoa C - inty, Oregon. 30x59. . - - Lowest pr.ces in stand lamps, banquet lamps, hanging lamps and night lamps; get our prices, we will suit you. . v Zierolf. if ittl lakes the Hair grow. Clear the .Complexion. Softens and whitens the Hands. Preserves and beautifies the skin of In fants and Children. ar Absolutely pure, dallcatclrmadlestad. aarprlaliicTT effective, ConcuEA Soap U not only th molt afneaciooa ef ttln pnriflert and beantifieta, but ths porwt and ftweat aatol toilet, bath, and baby aoapa. Sold ererrwhs-s. BritUh depoti KmitT.lHlO, tana. S.1UC. Co sr.. Sola frope Beaton, U.S. A. The Light of the World or Our Savior in Art. Cost nearly $.100,000 to produce. Con tains nearly 1G0 full-page engravings o! ; our Esvior and IliB Molhor by the world's gieatest painters. True copies of the greatest Masterpieces in the art galleries of Enrope. Eveiy picture is as beauti ful as a sunriee over the hilltops. Con tains description of the paintings, biog raphy of the painters, the names and lo cations of the galleries in Europe where tbe eriginal8 may be seen. Also contains a Child's Department, including a Child's Story of the Christ and His Mptber, beautifully written, to fit each picture. Tlila wonderful book matchless ia its purity and beauty, appeals to erery mother's heart, and in every Christian home where there are children the book sells itselt. Christian men and women are making money rapidly takisg orders. A Christian man or woman can is this community soon make $1,000 taking or ders for Christmas presents. Mrs. Waile, oar agent in Massachusetts, has sold over ?3,000 worth of the books in a very short time. Mrs. Sackatt, our agent in New York, has sold over $1,500 w,orth of books In a very short time. The book is printed on velvet-finished paper, beauti fully bound in Cardinal Red and geld, and adorned, with Golden Hoses and Lilies. It is, without doubt, the most beautiful book f this century. Write for terms quickly and get the manage of that territory. You . can work on salary or commission, and when you prove yonr success we will promote you to the position of Manager and Corres pondent, at a permanent salary, to devote your time to attending to agents and the correspondence. Wanted also a State Manager to. have charge of office in Lead ing City of the State and manage all the business of the State. Send for terms Addres'. ' THE BRITISH-AMERICAN CO Corcoran. Building, Opposite TJ. S. Treasury, Washington, D. C. Prunes at, Retail. JTine lot of first-class prancs at retail at the following prices: Italians, Cc per pound; Silver prunes, 8Jc; Petite prunes, 30. For rale by D. C. Rose. Southern Califemla. Notable amoig the pleasures afforded by the Shasta Route is the winter trip to Southern California and 'Arizona. Ee rie wed acquaintance with this section will ever develop fresh points of interest and added industries, in its prolific vege tation and among its numberless resorts of mountain; shore, valley and plain. The two daily Shasta trains from Port land to California have been recently equipped witn tne most approved pat tern of standard . and tourist sieepini ca'rs, bat the low rates of fare will still continue in effect. - Illustrated guides to the winter resorts of (Jalitornia and Arizona may be had on application to G. H . Markham, G. P. A., . Portland, Oregon Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Oresen Cltv. Ores on. Not. 1st. 1900. Notice is liorphy (riven that incompliance with tho provision of the act of Congrcas ef June S, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Berada, and Wash ington .Territory,' as extended to all the Public Land States or act of Anjrnst 4, 1892. - CLATTON- T BLACKMAt-T. V Of Salem, conntr of M alien, state of Oregon, has this day filed in- this offce his swam statement Ho. 6315, for the pnrchaA of the SW of Section Ko. 14, in Township Ho. 13 S range No. 7 West, and vill offer proof to show that the land sought is mora valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pnraoses, and to establish his claim to said land before the register and receiver of this office at Oregon City, 'Oregon, on TueBday, the 29th day January, 1901. Be names as witnesses: Derillo M. Wilson, Rabert A. TV on, and E. V. Spencer, all of Salem, liarien Count Oregon, and Bea.V. Spencer of Alsea, Eenton Coun .y, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the aboTe deseribed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before, said 29tb day of January, 1991. - CHA8. B. MOOKES, Register Notice for PnbUcatioa. Unitkd States Land Office, . Oregon City, Oregon, Dea 10, 19C0. Notice'is hereby giTfin that in compliance with the provisions of an act ot Consrress June 3, 1878, en titled "An act for the gale ef timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, - , . . - CHARGES I. TICK, -' Of Fall City, noucty of Polfc State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 5333. for the purchase of the N. J . W. 1-4, N. N. G. 1-4 of Section No. 34, in Township Ko. 12 9, Range No. 7 W.; and will offer proof to 6how that the land sought is irore valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and - to estatv lish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this onice at Oregon City, Oretjon, on Friday, the 8th day of March, 1001. He names as witnesses: Michael ' Flynn, Freeman Robinson, Peter Miller and Alvin Kobineon, all of , Falls City, Oregon. . Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this pffice on or-befcre taid 8th day of March 1901. C3A8, E, M03BE8, .. ...... ... ".. - Keisler, . It is well to remember that you can cover Benton County thoroughly by placing your advertisement in the They get Proper Display, Proper Position and Proper come to think over it, you can easily under stand why so many prom advertisers place r. .? i:i this paper. That's the Secret. Kotlce for PjiWIcation. . i . U! S. Labb Omen Oniocs Cm, Orbgoit, Hot. 19, 1000. Notice is hereby given that hi compliance with tha provisions of the ace of Congress oi June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act fur the sale of .timber landa in tho States of California, Oregon, Nevr jj., ard Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, XS92, - BRiDGET FLYNN, " Of Fall Citv, county of Toik, State of Oregon, has this dav filed in this office her sworn statement Ko. 6324, for the purchase of lot 3, a. i, N. W. and N. K. i, S. W. yA of ScctisnNo. 2 in"Towrship No. 13 3 Llaui;e No 7 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, afnd to establish her el-vim to said land before the Kegistei and Re ceiver of t':is office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, .be 14th day of February. 1001. She names as witnt. ses: r reeffian vv. Kotunson, Lettlc M. Uobinson, Michael Flynn and Albert N. Kobin son, all of Fall City, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming i ..versely the above described lauds are requested to 'e their claims in this office on or before said 14th av of Feb., 1901. CHAa. B. MOOBES. ..' Register. Referee's Sale. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance to a de cree and order of sale heretofore made and entered by the circuit court of the .state of Oregon, for the county of Benton, on the 9th day of Kovember A. D. 1900, in a suit in equity for a partition of real property wherein J. H. Gibson and Edith Gibson were plaintiffs, and MayM. Gibson and Homer Gib son, a minor, were defendants, in which suit it was ordered,1 adjudged and decreed that the follow ing descrilted real property, to-wit: Lots one. two, three, four, five. six. seven, eight, nine and ten in Block No. one, and Lots one. two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve in Block No. '6, all the above described premises situate in the Town of Wells, Benton county, state of Oregon, Also the south half of the following de scribed premises; Beginning ?.50 chains north of the quarter section corner in the center of section 17, township 10 south range 4 west of the Will. Mer., thence north 16,29 chains, tbence west 18.57 chains, thence south 2 degrees west 1G.29 chains, thence east 18 97 chains to theT)laceof beginning, contain ing in the whole tract 30.50 acres, in Benton county, state of Oregon. Also, all of the following de scribed premises to-wit: A part of claim No 65 Not No 1763 described ss follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of Joseph Chamberlain's Donation Land Claim in township 10 south rauge 4 wes' of the Will. Mer., thence north 38.25 chains toalag rock, thence east 37.77 chains to stake SO feet west of the center of the rail .r.d track, thence south 2 degrees west 26.50 chains, thonce west 16.23 chains, thence south 12.C0 chains, thence west 21.54 chains to the place of beginning, con taining 124.99 acres, situate in Polk county, Oregon. Also, the following described .premises, to-wit: Beginning 3443 chains east of the northwest cor ner of section 6, township 19 south range 4 west of the Will. Mer., thence east 8.57 chains, ihence south 13.00 chains, thence west 7 degrees south 8.02 chains to a stake 50 feet east of tbe center of the railroad track, thence north 2 ;degrees east 14.00 chains to the place of beginning, containing 11.45 acres,-situate in Polk county, Oreg- n, be sold by me, the undersigned, a referee appointed by saifl court, ia the manner prescribed by law for the sale of real property under execution; I, Punderson Avery, a referee appointed by said circuit court, in the alwve entitled suit to sell said real property, will on Monday, the 7th day of January, 1901, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. in. of said day, at the front door of the county com house in Coryallis, Benton county, Oregon, sell at public suction to the high est bidder for cash in hand, all of tbe real yroperty above described and all the right, title and interest of the above named plaintiffs and defendants there in. Saidsale to be made subject to the confirmation of said court. - - . Dated December 6, 3900. PUNDERSON AVERY, Referee. Kottce of final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as administrator of ihe estate of Susan CNb&on, de ceased, has Bled his Gnal account in said estate in the county oourt of the state of Oregon, for Benton county, and Monday, the 7th day of January, 1901, at the hour cf 2 p. u. of said day, at the eounty court room in the court house in Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon, is the time and place set for hear ing objections, if any, to said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated this 6th day of December, 1000. It. K. GIBSON, Adm'r of the Estate Susan Gibson. Dec'd. "Notice of Guardian's Estate. Sale of Real Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale and license from th county court of Clact amas county, state of Oregon, made and issued at the December term thereof, to-wit: on the 3rd day of Dec, 1900, licensing me to sell certain real estate. I will on Saturday, the 26th day of January, iwji, at the hour of o le o'c ck p. m. of said day, at the court houst f tof.rin the city of Gorvaliis, in ttcnton s-tunt.v firpimii. at tmblie auction to the hierh-- est bidder, for cash in hand, tbe followin-r described real property, to wit: Lot No. 8 Block No. 7 in Dixon's Addition to the city of O ? 'allis, in Benton ceunty, state of Oregon, said re property here inbefore described being the propei . y of Leo F. Cook, Thomas O. Cook and Hazel Cook." minors who are under ftie guardianship of the undersigned. ; Dated December 21. 1900. WINNIE COOK, - Guardian of Said Minors. Ateca honey at Zierolfe. Treatment. V Ex tttrix Police to CredUors. Notice is hereby giventhat the undersigned has b'en duly comfu jed and appointed sole executrix of the last will and testament of L. G. Kline, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Benton cov lty fo- probate. All persons having claim? aga r;t r id estate are required to present the name, duly verified, to meat mv residenco in Conal lis, O.-eon, or at the law office if K. Holgate in Corvallis, Oregon, within six months from the date of, the first, publication of this notice. Dated at CwTuUis, Or. this 2nd day of Nov., 1900. Paulina Kline, ' Executrix. Admiatstrator's ??etIoe. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned fca been appointed administrator of the estates of Han som A. Belknap and Mahala Belknap, deceased, and all crciitors of stid estates are required to present their claims as per law required, with proper vouch ers, to said undersigned at his residence near Mon roe, Benton county, within six months from this date. Corvallis, Or., October 3J, 1D00- W. C. TJflksap, A dm. Estates of Ransom A. Belknap And Mabala Col knap, deceased. Administrators Notico. . Notice is hereby given that tbe nnderslgred has ben appointed administrator of the estat-a cf Arthur Johnson, deceased, and all cv-ai tors of Said estate are required to present the ciaims duly verified as by law required,' with the , roper vouch ers, to said undersigned at hii residence near Wells, Benton county, or to Yates, Yates & Gibson at their offices, Corvallis, Oregon, within six months from this date. -Corvallis, Or., October 13, 1900. JOHN D HARRIS, v . ' Admt fatato A: Jiut Johnson, DeoM Notice tor PnbltoaflGiL Cxtted 9ijltu Lafd Cmca, " Oroffos City, Oreaoa, Nov. 19, 1900.' Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Jnne 3rd, 1878, entitled "An act for the tale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada,, and Wash ington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, LETHE M. ROBINSON, Of Fall City, connty of Polk, State of Oregoa, hat this day filed in this office her sworn statement No, 5323, for the purchase of -the N. E. quarter of Sec tion 14 in Township No. 13 S , Range No. 7 West, and will offer proof to how that the land eougbt is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the 14th day of February, 1901. the names of-witnesses: Michael Flynn, Freeman W. Robinson, Bridget Flynn and Albert N. Uobinson, all of Fajl City. Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands ar - requested to 6 le their claims in this office cn or before said 14th day of February, 1901. 4 ? - . CHAS. B. MOORES, -' . Register. , ' Estray. - A email bay pony, with w hite stripe on face, and left hind fdot white; ruaue and tail cropped, lias been afc my place for 8orne time. . Owner may have same by dlaiming properly and paying for this notice. M. O. Hart. Corvallis, Or., Dec. 7, 1900. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, - December 15, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in tupport of his claim, and that said proof will he made before the County Clerk of Bfnton County, at Corvaliis, Oregon, on F&bruury 4th, 1001, viz: IRVING F. GLEASOH, , Fatbe Parson C. Gicason, deceased . H. E. No. 11 ior theNEl Section 20, T 13 S, R 6W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, Viz.: T A Lemaster and W H Parish, of Ina vale, TTenlamin F. Ireland and Geo V Armstrong, of Fern, Oregon. ; CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. vJU"" man or wocsaa to look $ after our growing business, in this and adjoining Counties; te act as Mannger and Correspondent, work can be dene at home. Enclose self addressed, stamped envelope for parturnlars td rt. A- Sharrrisn, ' General Manneer, Corcoran Build- - ( ing, opposite United States Treas- : ury, Washington, D.0. . j 11 aVaVAaSiaVAAsViSsVAj Get your Job Work done here SOUTH and E 1ST "a . Southern Pacific Curspjuiv. THE SHASTA ROUTE Traio3 lea 1 Corvallis for P Hand and way stations at 1:20 p. m. Lv Portland 8:30 a m. S:30p.m " 10:50 p m Ly Albanv 12:30 p m Ar Ashland 12:33 a in Ar Sacramento -5.00 p in Ar San Francisco- 7 Ai p m 11:30 a in 4 :35 a ra 9.30 a 11 Ar Ogden ---6:45 p tn Ar Driver- 9:00 am 11 :io a m 9 :00 a m Ar Kansas City -7 :S5a m Ar Chicago 7 :65 n in 7 :i5 a m 9 :50a m Ar Los Angeles -1 :20 pm Ar El Pane C:0 p m Ar Fort Worth 6 &0 a m Ar City of Mexico 0 :65 a m Ar Honston 4 :00 a m " Ar T$69 Orleans.. 6 :25 a m Ar Washington -.6:42 a m Ar New York 12:43 p to 7:00 m 6 :00 p tn 0:30 am 0:66 am 4:00 m C:42m 12:43 p a PULLMAN AND TOUBIST CABS on both trains-. Chair cau fiaeramento te Ogden and El Paso, and Tourist cars to (Jhiengo, St Louis. INew urleans and Washington. Connecting at San- Francisco with sev eral steamship lines lor Honolulu, Japan China, Philippines, Central and South America. Sen P. E. FAEMER, agent a Corvallis station, or address C. n. M A KKHAM, G, P. A. , Portland, Or, E. H. TAYLOR DENTIST. Dt-ntistry of every description done in Ziroi muss iiiauiier, suu tausiaci,iun giiar- anceea. CROWK BRIDGE W0HK & SPECf<Y Office over Zierolf 's grocery store, oppos1 Ihe post office, Corvallis, Oregon. B. A. GATHEY, M. D. Pkysieicai Surgeon Kooms 14 in Bank BaiMing. Office Hours X i '3B,LmB-' ) Z to 4p.m. Residence: Conser College and 8h Sti-. Telephone at office and residence. Corva'lie, - - - . Oiegon. L.G. ALT MAN, M. D. Office Coieer 3rd and Monu Hours 9 I 12: 2 to 5; 7 to 8 : -t(8 Sun- day 9 to 10. Besidkxce Corner 3rd and Har streets, Corvallis, Oregon. . O. H. NEWTH Physician S? Surge v,v I-.3IL0MATH, OEGOU. NCTA : :'. T. n.ES. Coveyakcitg JOS. H. WILSON. ATTORNET-AT-tAW. Prattice in all State and Federal Court. 08Gc iniFirbtJ National Bunk Baildinir. Bryson Woodson ATTORNEYS AT WLA Corvallis, Oregon. Office In Fostoffice Bnildins. - DR. JAS. A. HARPER DENTIN ' Office In Wbltehorn Blork Ccrvalli, Oregon lEFIiTPTiepLlP "Of CorvaUis, Oregon. Does a general and conservative banklr business. "THE; RES0RF, TRQS. WKITHORK, Prop. W. 13. MoBiaj-cr aed TI(3 Cro Wkir kys, Fine Wines, IJqcgrt an! Qgare. For Re at. "Will rent 200 acres of laud treat o Monroe and take pnit payment of rent in work and improvements on the place. Address M. S. Woodcock, .;. . Adminis; ator, Corvallis, Oregon. r- . - NOTICE. - V Persons deelricg to locate on limber claims tributary to the O. & E. E. E. would do well to call on or correspond with the ondersiyned. There is a num ber of first-class timber claims to be fkefl tip nndcr tbe timber or homestead acts. W. L. OI ARK, Gctes,-Marion Co.. Or. Loctor. f5r BAILBOAS THE DIRECT RCUTE TO Mofifenaj TTtaii, Coleradp and an Eastern feints Gives choice of two favorite routes, via tlie- Tjuioh Pacific Fast Mail Litre, ot the Rio Scenie Lines. Look at thfj Time . . 1 days to Salt Lake Sj4 days to Denver 34 days to ( "cago 4i days to 1 ew York Frit Rtclilinj Cks.!r Cars, trphelsterarl Ttnrist Sajpicf; Cart, and rtulan PaJac tteoperts oponittA m all' tndaa. Por farther InfftrnattuB. smaHfa EtX P. EGLI3I, Ageitt, Comtlh, Or. C 6. TES.B.Y, W. . COMAR, Trav, lass. Ajft Gea'l Aeant IS4 Third Si:, TocOafffl, 0. Corvallis k Eastern Railroad. TIME CARD. 2 For Yaquina: ' Train leaves Albany 12:45 p.m. . " Corvallis 1:50 p. m. " arrives Yaqu na 6:45 p. m. 1 Retmning: Leaves Yaquina. . 6:10 a.m. Leaves Corvallis. . 11:30 a. m. Arrives Albany ... 12:15 p. in. 3 For Detroit: Leaves Albany 7:C0 a. m. Arrives Detiolt .... lt:20 4. tn. 4 Returning: . Leaves Detroit 12:10 p. tn.. Arrives Albany.... 5:45p.m. One and two connect at Albany and Corvallis with Southern Pacific trains, giving direct Bervice to and from Newport and adjacent beache. Trains for the mountains arrive at noon, giving ample time to reach i amping grounds on thft Brpitevliush and Santiam river the ssinedHy. Epwin Stone, II. L. Waldkn', Mannger. T. F, it P. A.' U H. ChonisE, Agent, Corvallis. Dkpaet TIME SCHEDULES. Sftt Lke, Dsnver, Ft Worth, Omaha Kansas City, St. Lbnie, Oh i e a g e and East. Atlantic Express 9 p. ill. Fast Mail 7i00 p.m. Walla Walla. I Minneapolis, St. rani, DElmh, Mil waofceo, ChicugG, and nt. Spokane Fiver 8:00 p.m. Spokane Flyer 8;40 a. oi. Ocean St? All eailini, dates suhjetrt to i hange. For Sb f ranciswi, Sail Dee. 8, 8, lS, 18, IS, 28, & fevry 5 dat s. 8 p in. 4 p. m. Daily Ex. tsiun. 8. p. tn. Satorrlay, 1 p m. Columbia Rivsr To Asttiri & way lundinj. facesvsvt feoTKray 4lS0 m. 6 a. m. E. Son. Owgon Oily, Wpy-landiliS. T s. IM . Thursdjiv and S amraa; S itSS McBslay W Hro day 4 Frl&y, 4:S0k.m. Mentiay, W edne day ad Friday. - hiil nivtrs. OrpgBn City, Dsr l $ Way-lndr&. 6 ft m. Tcesif, T barsd'y and Sain r.l'y Wil!a e8 T er. Portland to lis & Wav- d'. Leave fcip&jiA 8-3Z&. in. Snr a Eiver. Riparia to Lenia'n. Leftv Lfsbtrn MR. TBAYEK, Local At :i. Jersoys for Sale. For Sale One cf the fineBi Jersey bnllt,' full blood, born last July, EOlid color, gsntle and kind, trill regiEler in the A. J. C. C. ' Ore very fine fiill-blood Jersey bnll solid color, prominently murk oo, genue ann kma, born Jnno 18, 1S99. His molhr teld Ci fi!r cent, butter fat. Will raster in (he P. C. 0. 0. Two nice foil-blood Jersey hclf- " erp, eolid color, well mniked, nhont 15 rnr-nths old, gestle and fcnd, registered In the A. J. C. C. Par lies wanting fine rrg'&tered Jfirey stock will miss a rsre chance if they fail to invrt:gate iVs opportunity to get fine Jerseys. ; M.S. Woodcock, Corvaliis, Ore. usic Lessons. ' Leeecns yivep on (he piano and organ in a manner that. trains the ear,' mind and hands and saves years of needless drudgery. - ' M. A. GooDNoroii. Sttfcjite fcr t,j's pjcr.