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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1900)
I now snss and brandy $ SAVED THE FRUIT, i JT seems most as big as a real river," said Bess, who was sitting on top of the heaped-up earth be side the big, new Irrigating ditch, hug ging her knees tailor fashion. "If the water only didn't roll so awful fast we could most ride a canoe in It, eh, Teddy?" Teddy was not at all handsome. His hair was red and his nose turned up, and he was much freckled. But there was a great deal of sympathy in his greenish eyes as he looked up at his sister. "You do miss Canada and the lake and boating and everything, don't ye, Bess?" he said. "I was such a little feller when the folks came west, an' I can't remember much about it. But, gee! it must uv been jolly fun swiru min' in a reel big lake. An' pa said he would take us all back when the fruit trees bore." "Yes," said Bess, staring thoughtful ly at the yellow, rolling water. "But it seems an awful long time to wait, somehow. Last year it was frost, and year before worms, and year before that the blight, and it does seem as tho' pa would lose most everything he ha'd before the ranch paid. And to think one good bearing would make us rich! Rich. Ted! Just think!" Teddy crawled up to the top of the bank of earth and looked far down the valley. He saw long rows of trees, hardly twice as tall as himself, and he was only a 10-year-old boy. But the slender little branches of the trees were covered thickly with little green buuehes. and these bunches meant thousands of bushels of luscious fruit. Bess could remember when she first saw the trees. They were then only SHE FOUND A SHALL "CAVE-IN." long lines of littie bare sticks in the sandy and dry-looking earth, and she could remember how her mother broke down and cried because she was home sick for the big shady trees and green grass and bushes at "home." Idaho did not seem like home. They lived there six years, and the sixth year was the "bearing year" for Western fruit ranches. But, as Bess said, the frost and the worms and the blight had kept the fruit back, and three years longer they had waited. And the father had grown to look old and anx ious and the little mother more and more wistful. And they now watched the green promise of fruit with anxious eyes. Would anything happen this -year? Or would the rich promise at last not disappoint them? "The new ditch helped mightily this year," said Bess. "The trees never bore 6o heavily. And all the fruit is perfect the prunes and peaches and cherries and everything. Oh, Teddy, I believe we will really see Canada next year!" She sprung to her feet and threw her arms around the neck of a little bron cho that had been nosing at the back of her head while she talked to Teddy. She kissed the horse's shaggy head and hugged him lovingly. Then she put her foot in the stirrup and swung her self lightly into the saddle. "Home, Teddy!" she cried. "Catch Soda!" Soda, another sturdy little broncho, capered gleefully around her mate, Braudy, a few moments, then permit ted Teddy to mount, and soon the live ly little hoofs were beating a quick rat- tat-tat down the white alkali path to ward the ranch home, far down the valley. The sun was bright and the sky cloudless, as it had been for all the long summer months. The clouds would sail towards the mountain tops,' but there they would stop and dissolve over the peris, where the snow gleam ed white almost till fall. And no rain fell in the valley. The alkali dust lav thick in the alfalfa, the rich grass that grew so strangely green out of the hard, dry earth, and the dust lay thick In the trees and on the prickly cacti and gray sagebrush that grew on the lonely foothills. "Father will irrigate to-morrow, I reckon." said Bess, as the bronchos loped along side by side. "The ground Is awfully dry and cracking badly." "1 dunno it's gettin' perty late," re plied Teddy. "I heard pa talkin' to the foreman, and they wuz sayin' that there wuz signs of frost. The fruit is ripenin' bully, but there may come a nipper, an' ef they irrigated it well, it would mean another year, that's all.' Bess looked soberly at the baked looking earth. ,It looked so thirsty, and the great ditch rolling along beside them seemed anxious to turn its rich torrent into the little ditches that ran like veins up and down between the trees. "Well, I suppose it would be risky," she said. "But, my! the trees do want a drink!" Supper was waiting for them, and their father called gayly to them as they galloped up to the door. "I met Jessie Wright at the store doing some trading for her mother, and she wants you to go down the valley to-morrow and spend the day with her," he said, as they sat down to sup per. Oh, may I go, mother?" cried Bess. Thev were ereat friends "Jess ana Bess," as they were called by tne rancn and village people and the fruit farm wound down the valley very close to the sheep ranch of Jessie's father. "Why, yes, you may," said Mrs. Har- s. Bessie's mother. "Did Jessie want her to stay all night, John?" Of course as usual," replied Mr. Harris. But 1 guess you can spare her that long, eh, mother?" No, I need you, dearie. But you can have a long day together and come home in the evening," said Mrs. Harris. So next morning Bess shouted a gay good-by as Brandy danced around the mounting block, and she whirled the long thongs of her quirt merrily around ggt of of to apply ne secpet of moreoveiv he explain the his flank, which Brandy promptly re- loDLgevity t0 themselves if It be discov- purpose and promises of the new gov sented by bringing his four little boors Neither are thev vegetarians, .rnment. which was most advisable. together, rising in the air and coming down on his sturdy little legs witn a far that nearlv sent Bess out of the saddle. "Oh, you'll buck, will you?" she cried, while the rest cheered Brandy. "Wait till you want some sugar." Brandy repented and stretched him self into a swinging, rocking-chair lope that carried him swiftly down th trail. The air was sharp and clear and tineled through Bessie's veins, while the cold turned her cheeks rosy. "Frost to-night, Brandy," she cried to the broncho, whose ears twitched hnrk at the sound of her voice. And the frost came. The girls had a long, merry day, and as the moon rose In a clear purple sky Bess turned Brandy's willing nose homeward. She turned up the collar of her heavy little coat and pulled on her buckskin gloves, for the cold was already growing sharp. And, calling cheerily to Brandy, she flew along the 'trail toward home. It was cold and clear and still, and she rode along a littie sleepily, while Brandy's hoofs made the only sound that broke the stillness. But soon another sound star tled her into wakefulness. She had reached the water gate on the big ditch, and through the stillness came a low tinkling and gurgling that sounded like fairy music. But the fairy music sent all the color out of the girl's cheeks, and with a frightened cry to Brandy she slipped out of the saddle and ran to the ditch Brandy meandered along after her with lazv curiosity and found her kneeling beside the gate with her arms plunged down into the cold water. And when she stood up her pretty bright face had grown still whiter". For she had found a small "cave-in" hear the gate, and the water was trickling through in a steady little stream that was steadily and quickly growing larger as the earth broke and crumbled and gave way around it. in a very short time that cave-in .would send a volume of water rushing and leaping along all the ditches through the ranch and by morning what? "Oh, the fruit, the fruit, Brandy!' Bess sobbed, wildly. "It will be killed and mother's heart will break!" She wrung her hands as she looked down the long road gleaming white and lonely in the moonlight. Too late for that. Before she could go a mile to ward help the ranch would be flooded and the ruin complete. Again she plunged her arm into the water. If she could only stop up that hole! She looked on all sides helplessly, and Brandy moved closer with a sympa thetic and Inquiring whinny. She looked at him despairingly, then sud denly sprung forward. In a moment she was tearing wildly at buckles and straps, and then, to Brandy's profound surprise, she dragged the heavy -pigskin saddle from his back and rushed with it to the ditch. There she went down on her knees and plunged the saddle beneath the water. She fumbled with It a minute or so, then listened breathlessly The water gurgled and tinkled un certainly, then slowly, very slowly, it grew fainter. And soon there was only a faint whisper and drip from one or two tiny waterfalls that slipped and slid down the bank. The weight of the water had sucked the saddle closely against the earth and the hole was stopped. So much. But the night was cold her arms already ached and pained cruelly, and she did not dare leave the saddle lest It slip. Would they search for her? Or would they think she had stayed all night with Jess? If she could only get word home Again she looked at Brandy. Then she called him to her, slipped the loop of her quirt from the pommel of the saddle, and, raising her arm out of the water, she turned Brandy toward home and then brought down the lashes with stinging force on his flank. "Home, Brandy!" she called. And Brandy, outraged and indignant, kick ed up his heels, bucked three times then tore down the trail toward home resolved to tell Soda that his young mistress had gone crazy. Fainter and fainter sounded the hoof-beats along the trail. And soon she could hear them no longer. Her arms ached cruelly, and sharp pains began to shoot through her body from the cold. Now and then she would take her arms out of the water and swing them and beat her hands together till they stung; but only for a moment, then the saddle had to be held In place. The time seemed horribly long, but at last far down the trail there sounded a low, thudding noise that quickly grew louder, and she sprung to her feet with a gasping little cheer as four horses galloped madly to the ditch gate, and all In a minute four men bad dragged her up from the water, torn off her wet jacket and asked twenty qustIons. Brandy had reached home riderless and was now galloping back with Teddy, white and frightened, clinging to his bare back. The fruit was saved, thanks to Bess and Brandy. The frost did very little damage that night, and at last the yield was rich and plentiful. And the following summer, In far-off Canada, Teddy and Bess splashed In the waves to their hearts' content, while "mother" looked on happily and Mr. Harris told old friends all about fruit ranching "out West." , - 'It was a close call," he would say, but Bess and Brandy saved the fruit j If the ditch had burst through that : night and flooded the roots it would have meant ruin." And Bess, fully recovered from the heavy cold that followed her little ad venture, was surprised to find herself ; a heroine. Chicago Record. LONG LIFE. Sought by ; Members of New York's Hundred-Year Club. I To discover the secret of long life about a hundred professional and scien tific men and women of New York-City have organized what they term the Hundred-Year Club. These people be lieve that under present conditions life should be prolonged for a century. They do not seek to keep man alive merely as an exhibit, but to make him a useful memDer or society up to we day of his death. They have not pledged themselves to Hita In a nnrrr a nna Ttrffh snV njLrtiCUlar Christian Scientists or Raistonites. mere was need that the doubt and dis They do not pretend to say they will content which prevailed among the live to be centenarians, but they hope more ignorant Cubans in the presence they may. Prominent among the members of the Hundred-Year Club are Mrs. Ella census enumerator among them awak Wheeler Wilcox, Theodore Sutro, Dr. ened in them a trust in the new govern Carleton Simons, Dr. H. W. Wiley, Di- ment, particularly since the enumera- rector of the United States pure food display at the Paris exposition; G. W. Smith, Albert Turner, Mrs. May Banks Stacey, John De Witt Warner, Dr. John R. Hayes, of the United States Pension Bureau, Washington, and Loi. E. P. Vollum, U. S. A., retired. Dr. Simons, chairman of the Commit- tee on Statistics, has secured the names of twelve citizens of New York City who are over 100. Incidentally, the club has learned that In Ireland there are 675 centenari- ans; in Germany, with Its vastly great- er population, but 75, while Servia has fully 600 over 100, 120 over 12o and three over 185. Dr. Simons is trying to discover whether these figures can be attributed to the difference in the diets of these people. China is the only nation, so far known to the club, that sets a premium on old age, granting speclal honors to persons who are 96 or over. Albert Turner, In discussing the men- tal phase of longevity, said: "One of the elements in long life is a conviction that it is our duty to live; that it is not right hi Itself, aside from other motives, for us to shuffle off this mortal coll until we have filled out a long term. It will, I think, be seen that the Importance of this instinctive love of life cannot be overestimated In its relation to health, disease and long life." SUPERSTITIOUS WOMEN. They Place a Great Deal of Confidence in Dreams. It doesn't seem possible that in this enlightened age superstition could be rife among the educated, but there are nevertheless a number of young wom en who converse fluently, If not elo quently, in three languages, and who read Spencer and Browning and Emer son, but who place a dream book with their Bible on the table beside the bed and consult it in the morning the first thing. With a credulity worth a darky mam my, 4f their sleep has been visited with unusual visions, they seize this volume as soon as their eyes are fairly opened and look for an explanation. If misfor tune Is foretold by It, the seeker after knowledge assumes a bravado she Is far from feeling. "I don't care," she says to herself, by way of bolstering up her courage, "I'm not superstitious anyway, and I don't believe in such arrant nonsense." But she's nervous Jnst the same, for a cou ple of days, until other troubles have driven this mythical one out of her mind. There's one young woman known to the writer who never dreams of a young child without shivering and shaking for days after, in fear of some dreadful thing happening to her. She has not consulted a dreambook on the subject, and so she doesn't know how infants and bad luck became connected in her mind, but, nevertheless, after she's had a visitant of this sort while sleeping, she says prayers of unusual length and then makes up her mind to be patient under afflictions sore. She's an intelligent woman, mind you, but she doesn't attempt to explain the terror that besets her at this par ticular dream. She doesn't call herself superstitious, of course no woman does, not even the one who won't walk under a ladder, but her friends do, and make light of her until she exposes some fetich of theirs, when the subject is carefully avoided afterward. Baltimore News. Potatoes as Penwipers. A certain New York hotel uses a bushel of potatoes a year for penwipers on the tables iff the writing-rooms. Ev ery morning a large potato Is put in a compartment of the pen box, and after 24 hours the potato Is removed and an other put in. Pens in pen holders are stuck Into the potato half a dozen at a time, giving it the appearance of a porcupine. It is claimed that a potatc penwiper is the best preservative against rust and mildew that can be secured for the pens. The women believe a man should fact every misfortune with cheerfulness, ex cept the death of his wife. Every one in love has a right to change his or her mind. CUBAN CENSUS REPORTED. Interesting Review Recently Pnb Usbed by United States Bnrean. It is doubtful whether so complete a census was ever taken in "Cuba as that which constituted the first official act of this government. The Ameri can Sag had no sooner been raised over Havana than preparation for the tajs lug of the census began. la the reor ganization of the government upon a practical working basis this was con sidered a most necessary beginning. The United States officers had but a perfunctory report of the conditions of Cuba and its people, whose needs were but Indirectly understood. No one Knew the numbers or social conditions of the people for whom the new gov- eminent was to be formed, and without these facts the intelligent conduct of the work could not be executed. One of the first acts which impressed the Cubans with the sincerity of this sountry's promises was the appoint ment of Cubans for this first work to be undertaken. It was a natural and eorrect supposition that the Cubans eould conduct the census taking with CENSUS ENUMERATORS OF HAVANA. better success than could foreigners. The Cuban census taker could explain frha nlTpnAu, rf hie -arr-trWr rrt rhp npnrlfl. of the United States army should be dispelled. The appearance of the tor had been chosen from among them selves. Begun In the early part of September, the actual work of the census taking vvas completed Dec. 31 and the enumer ators discharged with the close of the year. The supervisors, together with their records, were taken to Washing- ton, where they worked until the fol- lowing April, overseeing the compila tion of reports In the United States census bureau. When they were re- turned to their own country in the iate spring they were highly compil mented by the directors of census upon their eflicient and faithful service. The government report on the cen bus of Cuba for-1899 occupies a bulky volume which will prove most enter taining reading for anyone inter ested in the little Island of which It treats. There are reports from ev- ery one of the home industries, of the agricultural development and possibill- ties of the country and of course of the social, educational and moral stand- jng Qf the people. The chapter devoted to citizenship is interesting as giving a correct statement concerning the rela- tion Gf foreign to native population of the Island. The report reads "Of the population of Cuba, 89 per CUBA'S SSRRENDEB TREK. Historic point near San Juan Hill, where nego t iations with the Spanish were concluded. cent were born on the island and 8 per cent in Spam and only 3 per cent In other countries. Those born in Cuba of course Included not only na tive whites, but negroes and mixed bloods. The proportion was greatest In Santiago, where It reached 95 per cent, and was least in Havana, where only a little over three-fourths of the inhabitants were native born. Three fourths of the foreign born were of Spanish birth. The proportion of those born in Spain was naturally greatest in the city of Havana, where it reached nearly 20 per cent of all the inhabit ants, and was least in the province of Santiago. "In the matter of citizenship, 83 per cent claimed Cuban citizenship, only 1 per cent the protection of Spain, while 11 per cent were, at the time of the census, in suspense, not having declar ed their intentions. The purest Cuban citizenship was found In the province of Santiago, where 91.7 per cent of the inhabitants claimed to be citizens of Cuba. On the other-hand, in the city of Havana only 64.2 per cent were Cuban citizens. It is interesting to note that In the city of Havana only 5.3 per cent claimed citizenship other than Cuban or Spanish, while in the province of Havana 11.6 per cent were found In this class." MARRIAGE IN TURKEY. Pafescnards Thrown Aronnd the Rights of a Moslem Woman. Anions the Turks marriage Is a strictly civil act, the validity of which consists in being attested by at least two witnesses; and although an Imam, or priest, is usually present at the sign ing of the contract,, it is rather In his legal than In his religious capacity. The civil ceremony is very simple. The bridegroom and his witnesses repair to the home o ' the bride, in the selamlik, e or public apartments, of which nor male relatives discuss with them -the amount of the nekiah the dower payable by the husband or his executors to the wife, should she be divorced by or sur vive him This question settled, and the doeu- ment drawn up, the bridegroom thrice repeats his deuiie to marry the daugn-1 proceeds to the door of communication with the haremlik, behind unue ami uer lemme i" semoiea; ana aner uecutnu. , amount of nekiah aereed upon, this functionary asks the maiden if she ac cepts such a one for her husband. When the question and the affirmative , answer nave oeeu inrice reytmcu, w imam returns to the selamlik, where he attests tuti L-uuseui ui uie unw, .11 A -I 11. . 1. J) l. l.niln and tho parties are considered to be now legally married. The couple do not, however, meet un- ... , . ..' i the conclusion of the dughun ziafetti, : or week of wedding festivities and i ceremonies, which may not be held for, some months afterward, talnments, to which all friends and ac quaintances afe invited, and at which the poor of the neighborhood are also feasted, constitute the social sanction of the family alliance entered into in private. For should the girl's assent be suspected of having been obtained bv force or fraud, and the match is considered unsuitable, public disap proval would very properly be shown by refusal to take part in the wedding rejoicings. And even when all these formalities are at an end. and the bride has been conducted with much pomp to her new home if the spouse chosen for her by her parents or guardians Is not altogether a persona grata to herself, she may still refuse to accept him as her husband. For, according to an Oriental custom of great antiquity, a newly-wedded husband can assume no rights over his wife until she has spok en to him. The possession by a Moslem woman of such personal and proprietary rights is rendered necessary by the'facilltles for divorce accorded by law to a Mos lem man. For a husband has but to say to his wife in a moment of anger, "Cover thy face, thy nekiah is In thine A MOSLEM MATRON. hand!" when she ceases to be his wife and must leave his roof forthwith, tak ing with her bag and baggage. In prac tice, however, various obstacles to di vorce, religious, social and pecuniary, offer themselves. The husband seldom has, for Instance, the ready cash with which to pay the promised dower; considerable-Social odium attaches to such a proceeding; a man who without just and serious cause repudiates a wife does not easily obtain a second, and added to these considerations there is the religious censure contained in the words of the prophet, "The curse of Allah rests upon him who capriciousl repudiates his wife." If, however, tht wife, without adequate cause and con trary to the desire of her husband, so licits a divorce, she obtains It only by foregoing her nekiah. Verbs i'rom Proper Names. We say "to mesmerize," "to gal vanize, to guillotine, 'to macadam ize," "to gerrymander," "to mercer ize," a verb of recent invention. If the heroes of Homeric epochs were rea persons, we may add "to hector" and to pander." Pamphylla, a Greek lady who compiled a history of the world In thirty-five little books, has given her name to "pamphlet" and "to pamphle teer." "To pasquinade" is due to Pas- quino, a cobbler at Rome, in whose ugly face the Romans detected a resem blance to the statue of an ancient gladiator which was erected near the Piazza Navona, on whose pedestal it was the practice to post lampoons. "To sandwich" is derived indirectly from the Earl of Sandwich, who Invented a repast which enabled him to dispense with regular meals when at cards. London Notes and Queries. Relics of Irish Lake Dwellers. An interesting relic of the lake dwell ers of Ireland has just been added to the Science and Art Museum of Dub lin in the form of a crannog, or ele vated dwelling. It was discovered in a bog-filled lake near Enniskillen and measures over 100 feet in diameter. On removing the peat the piles of platform timbers were laid bare. The piling and cross-timbering were admirably done. untrimmed birch trees being chiefly used for crosslaying, while oak was used for the stouter piles. A large quantity of broken pottery was found in it, besides an iron ax of early form, a fragment of a comb and some bronze harp pegs. Co-operative Railways in Australia. Victoria, Australia, nas hunt seven local railways on the co-operative prin ciple. The railways were estimated for by contract at 547,908, but by work lng the co-operative principle they were completed for 251,211. Gigantic Poclcetbooks. The Swedes and Norgewians j;arry their loose cash in Immense pocket books; some of these have been in use for two or three generations, and con tain almost enough leather to make a pair of boots. . Canada's Increasing Exports. The exports of butter, cheese, eggs, bacon, hams, mutton, - pork, apples, oats, peas, wheat, flour and potatoes to Great Britain from Canada has more than doubled since 1896. Most colored people never feel hard ud unless there Is a minstrel show In town, and they are shy the price of ticket. A man is never old until he begins to look as if he had neglected to bathe and shave. NAD A ROUGH EXPERiENOB. (t Convinced the Judge tbat San Men Might Be Bent to an Asylum. M. H. Chetwynd, of Philadelphia, in commenting on a recent case where a .a n.o narann Tcraa ralaaaari hr tho pnnrts m i,lm a,w h hnn been ii- legaUy confilleci, told the following to "About twenty years ago a law- I yer of prominence got into a contro-1 h 7. h it h ' versr on tnls vefy P:nt witn an equally to point of years is Mrs. Nancy Holli whlcb the i inir. Tho lnwver main- Brfd of Ellenboro. N. C. who has reach- tamed that it was the easiest thing in m & person confllled la an asylum. The judge, while admit ting that it might be possible, held that it would be very difficult "and that wouId ,ncrea8e in pro portion to the position in society of the intended victim. 'A person's standing nhctonlA ,QW ' .wh tmi srt- L.,; ... x... ' . ' .-, ih . J , , 1 , . i get you locked up in an asylum if 1 f , ...aa , owpw, thp JT7," t f for the nonce was dropped. "It occurred on a railroad train, which, stopping a short time later at a station, the lawyer suggested to the judge that they stretch their legs on the platform. They had not got ten feet from the train when the lawyer suddenly hurled himself upon the judge and at the same time cried aloud for help. A half dozen bystanders rushed to the lawyer's aid, and before the judge realized what bad happened he was held by a dozen hands. 'All right; thank you,' said the lawyer to the men who had come to his aid. 'Tie his hands behind his back, for he's dangerous.' This was too much for the judge. 'I'm Judge So-and-So,' he began with digni ty, 'and this outrage ' Just then he felt a rope on his wrist and his self- possession deserted him and he fairly raved at the indignities that were being heaped upon him. He resorted to lan guage not usually heard from the bench or employed by the judiciary. But the more he said the less effect it seemed tc have on his captors. Finally he paused for breath and tht lawyer in a quiet voice said: 'Are yoi satisfied now that I was right In tht argument?' 'Satisfied! began the judge. hysterically, 'satisfied!' But he got no further. 'Yes, d n you I' was the man ner in which he lowered his colors. "A few words and judiciously distrib uted coins among his captors by the lawyer released the Judge and enabled him to get upon the train Just as the conductor called 'All aboard!' "In the town where they had stopped was the State lunatic asylum and tht advent of lunatics was a part of tht town's dally routine. Hence the alac rity with which the judge was seized But it was a pretty rough object les son, he compiaineu wnen ne naa recov ered sufficient equanimity to enter Into conversation with his companion. 'Per haps, but it proved what I said,' was the reply, 'and who knows but tha: some day it may prove of great value to you and enable you from that ex perience to prevent or else to right a great wrong.' The judge made no" re ply, but lost himself In thought." Hnd Mountain. The principal railroad of Costa Rica dow but 117 miles long, is just being sxtended to reach from San Jose to the Pacific coast. The general manager of the road, in speaking of the enterprise recently, said: There is one place on the road whicb has given the engineers a great deal oi trouble, and which has cost man. thousands of dollars every year since the road was built. This place is about forty-five miles from Port Limon, and is called Bluemud. For about 600 feet the track runs along a ledge on the side if a mountain, with the River Reventa Zon below. The mountain is composed f a bluish clay, which turns into mud luring the rainy season and keeps con stantly sliding down on the tracks. We have to keep a big gang of men at work day and night cleaning the road of this blue mud, and when the rains ire very heavy the traffic has to be sus pended. In July so much-of the mud slid down over the roadbed that we could not run trains there for three weeks. "To add to the difficulty there Is a lake back of the mountain, and the water from this lake percolates through the mountain and keeps it constantly wet. The lake was drained by the en gineers, but they discovered that it was fed by springs, and still the mountain was kept In a wet state and the mud kept sliding down over the tracks. "At last they obtained what Is known in the mining region of California as a hydraulic giant, and which throws a very powerful stream of water with great force. They rigged up this hy draulic giant, and when I left Costa Rica they were actually washing the mountain away with it into the river." Friday Superstition. A row of paupers' houses, very neatly designed, has just been erected at Ahnaracle, Mr. Rudd, of Ardnamur chan, having advanced a considerable sum for building purposes to the parish council on easy terms. Accommodation Is provided for ten persons. A few days ago H. MacPherson, inspector of poor, visited Aharacle in order to su perintend the removal of the ten select ed female paupers to the new cottages. They all occupied houses which were in a wretched stateof disrepair, yet each of them resolutely and peremptorily re fused to "flit." In vain did the inspec tor dilate on the increased comfort and conveniences to be injoyed to the new dwellings. The aged dames were In vlnclbly proof against all argument nor did threats of compulsion and sher iff's warrant have any terror for them. At length it was elicited that the dis inclination to remove was based simply on superstition, The day of the week happened to be Friday; and it appears that to change quarters on that particu lar day constitutes a gross and wanton violation of all the canons governing highland "flitting." On discovering that the perversity manifested by the old women was mainly attributable to "conscientious scruples," the Inspector ! at once agreed tc , humor them and the removals j a lowing day. when they wete accom plished without any opposition or de mur. Edinburgh Scotsirun. The real proof of the pudding is in the possession thereof. OLDEST MAN IN THE WORLD. Moan Kaby Hot Lived One Hnndred and Twentyeicht Years. In the possession of all his faculties, practically unimpaired, there lives, a man in tile noorhollse St I'laiufield. X. t whn has appn 128 winters come and go. "Uncle" Noah Kaby enjoys the distinction of being the oldest man In the United States. Not far behind him ed the age of 117. Mr. Raby is said to be the oldest man i America, if not in the world. He has been for thirty years an Inmaie of the New Jersey in stitution, and seems contented with bis lot. Noah Raby was born in Eatonton, Gates County, N. C, in 1773. His moth er was a native of North Carolina, but his father, Andrew Bass, was an In dian. Though the blood of an aborig ine is In his veins, Baby's skin is per fectly white. Plscataway's poor farm is situated U:iCLE NO Art RABV. about four miles from New Market, in the Stelton highway. When a cor respondent called at the farm "Uncle Noah," as he is familiarly called, was In his accustomed place in the sitting room, quietly dozing in a large high back rocker, where he always sleeps. He never goes to bed, fearing a rush of blood to his head might prove fatal. He is almost totally blind, but is in full possession of his other faculties and seems to enjoy life. "Uncle Noah" smokes almost Inces santly. On pleasant days in the sum mer months he gropes his way about the dooryard and mingles with the male inmates. His thin, gray, almost snow-white, hair and his bent figure denote his great age, though his mus cles are firm and he appears quite ac tive. He" has a remarkably clear intellect and his mind is retentive on nearly all subjects. The most noticeable thing about the old man is his slight frame. He Is quite thin, weighing less than 100 pounds. The population of the earth doubles itself in 260 years. Prof. Lloyd Morgan, in a recent ad dress, stated that he hi.d found that young chickens, taken straight from the Incubator, could swim very well, the power of swimming being perfectly in stinctive. As seen from the moon, the earth would appear four times greater in diameter and thirteen times wider in surface than the moon does to us. The illumination of the earth is fourteen times greater on the moon than that of the moon on the earth. The oldest public building in New York City is St. Paul's Chapel, at the corner of Broadway and Fulton street. It was built in 1766, ten years before the Declaration of Independence. For some years Gen. Washington was a reg ular attendant of the church, and his pew is still pointed out to visitors. The people of the Southern Ap palachian mountains number about two million, their descent being from the Scotch Irish, French Huguenots, Eng lish and Geman. They have been in these mountains since long before the revolution. They love their -homes and mingle but little with the outside world. A frequent cause of the oiliness on the outside of lamps is that the wick is kept too high when unlighted. It should be remembered that the wick draws the oil to the surface, and if it projects too far above the burner; it will soon accumulate oil there, which will find its way slowly over the out side. Saxon makers of needles drove En gland out of Brazil by wrapping their goods in pink paper instead of blacks Other Germans are catering to the fondness of Russians for red in their dress. France recently learned how distasteful green is to a Chinaman, but It cost a good deal of money to make the discovery. A Thoughtful Professor. "Johnny found a half-dollar to-day and bought a pound of chocolates. Wasn't he lucky?" asked the wife of the cranky, analytical professor. "Lucky?" answered the professor, slowly. "Let us see. He has now cre ated an appetite for chocolates. There is not one chance in a million that he will again find enough money to pur chase another pound. His former ap petite for gumdrops and cheap candies is now gone. He will turn from them with scorn, yet will not possess enough money to buy chocolates. Would you call him lucky? Always remember, madam, that we are happy with the simple things until we taste the rich and grand. Tell the cook, when you go down, to not serve any more, health foods to-day, as I am feeling unwell and need a change of diet." Indianap olis Sun. Two Creeds in One Church. In the city of Heidelberg, Germany, there Is a church called the Church of the Holy Ghost, which Is unique In its way, being the only church in the world In which the Protestant and Catholic services are held at the same time, a partition wall through the cen ter separating the two congregations. Doctors iu China. A Chinese doctor's fee 1b perhaps the smallest to the world, ranging from '-'d to 6d, but this can be accounted for by the fact that any one can practice as doctor or physician. , .