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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1900)
THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE. FRIDAY. AUGUST 17, 1900. Ladies' Silk Waists Good material. Good workman ship. New Styles. $7 to $10 each. Underskirts Mercenized cotton. Looks like silk. Wears as well as silk. Pop ular colors. $1.50 to $2.25 each Taffeline For fine skirt Miliums and for shirt waits. Twelve 6hade. 50 cents per yard. S, E Young & Son Albany, Oregon. LOCAL NEWS. There is some inquiry already for hop pickers. For hop-picking gloves go to No lan it Callahan. Senator J. D. Daly returned Wednesday from a trip to Portland. J. H. Roherts and H. L. Walden came over from Albany Tuesday evening. The Fulton-Holgate-Lester party are home from a delightful outing in Alsea. Prof. Skelton and Fulton are now in the Bohemia mining district in the interest of the O A C school of mines. Mrs. Ella M. Humbert will occu py the pulpit in the Christian church next Sunday morning and evening. Two carloads of Hour from the Benton Mills went over to Yaquina last week and were taken by steam er to California points. If all the weddings reported at this office occur aa scheduled this fall, house-furnishers are going to do a land-office business. A. Wilhelm & Sons, of Monroe, have chartered the little river steamer McMinnville. She will be used this winter to make several tiips up the Long Tom. The West Side freight was very late Wedneday evening in reaching Corvallis. So late, in fact, that some uneasiness was felt. The boys arrived in time with an un usually large train. Mrs. Ralston Cox and daughter, Esther, spent several days with friends in this city while on their way home to Portland. They have been visiting for the past two mouths with Mrs. Cox's parents on Beaver creek. John H. Pattee, disciplinarian at the Chetnawa Indian School, died Monday as the result of a surgical operation. Mr. Pattee will be re membered here as the giant center rush ot the Chemawa football team in its games with O A C. There are Bome light-fingered in dividuals in this vicinity who will be "nipped" if they don't mend their ways. Several depredations are reported where goods of various character have been appropriated, the authorities are quite vigilant. A gei.tleman who has been through Kings Valley within the past few days states that the wheat crop in that section is very short. From what is learned of conditions there the valley will not average more than eight or ten bushels of wheat per acre, if it does that. At a meeting of the Albany city council Tuesday evening the street commissioner of that city was in structed to fix the big steel bridge across the Willamette. Council man Whitney suggested that the legislatuie be Jasked to make the bridge a toll bridge, at its next ses sion, and that a mass meeting of citizens be called to consider the same. A young gentleman by the name of Tompkins was in Corvallis Wed nesday for the purpose of making an inspection of the college build ings and facilities of the O A C. His home is in Oregon City and he made the trip here on his wheel. He was highly pleased with the college and ite surroundings and will attend school here this fall. The show windows of F. L. Mil ler, the clothier, have attracted much attention this week. The window dressers, to whose artistic temperaments this display is due, are Tom Monteith and 'Gene Simp son. The many fine views dis played of scenes in Japan wefc col lected by Mr. Simpson while he araa in the land of the "Mikado" a nnnnl of vears aeo. They are real ly very fine and add much to the attractiveness ol tne cuspiay. Art Keadv. who recently depart aA (mm this nitv in ouest of a situation, was recently heard from in Olvmpia. He secured a posi tion in the office of the Record Pub lishing Company the day after his arrival in that city. In a letter to to relatives in Corvallis, Art afoioa that, he has married since "iui-j leaving this city and has settled down. If he makes as good a hus band as he is a printer, and we think he will, his wife will have a model. Congratulations are extended. Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Mason re- turnel, Tuesday, from the coast. Nolan & Callahan's Rcv.uant Sale closes Friday, August 31st. Mrs. A. Wing and daughter of Lewisville, are visiting Mrs. T. J. Den man. There will be service in the Mt. View school house on Sunday after noon at half past two. Mrs. W. P. Lafferty and son went to the coast Wednesday for a so journ of some duration. Mr. Frank Prickett, of the Moun tain home Lumber Co., was in Cor vallis on business Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Chipman and fam ily went to the Alsea mountains Tuesday to enjoy a season of camp life. Mrs. F. L. Miller and Max, left Wednesday for Portland, where they will visit relatives for a few weeks. Mrs. Lucy Franciscoleft Wednes day for her home in Fayette, Iowa. She will be absent for several months. Raymond Henkle is in Browns ville, where he has been for a week or more, combining business and pleasure. Jack Arnold was a passenger to the coast Wednesday. He calcula ted to remain there as long as he enjoyed himself. George Horning shipped a car load of cattle to Portland, Tuesday, and on the same date George W. Smith shipped a carload of hogs. James J. Booth arrived in Seattle from Nome last week. He wrote hie wife that he would remain in the sound country and see what would turn up. Miss Grace Scolt, who has been a compositor for the past two years on lhe Dalles Daily Chronicle, is spending her vacation with her relatives in this city. Miss Florence Haskins, who was recently called to this city to attend the funeral other mother, returned to her home in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, Wednesday. Much grading and other work has been done on the new walk to the college. Tiling is laid along each side of the promenade so that there will be no water accumulation along it. Asa Alexander and family ar rived home from the coast the first of the week. Asa savs that it is estimated that there are between 2,000 and 2,500 people now camped at Nye creek. The annual teachers' institute of Benton county will be held in Cor vallis on September, 3, 4 and 5. Prof. D. A. Grout and County Supt. R. F. Robinson have been eugaged as instructors. As a result of the last teachers' examination, the following certifi cates were issued; Mabel Abbe, first grade; Corlie Starr, second grade; J-iyce Hershner and Carrie Kiger, third grade. Next Sunday the C. & E. will run another of theii popular excur sions to the bay. The train will leave Corvallis at 7:30 and the usual Sunday rate will be main tained. These popular excursions have enjoyed a very liberal patron age of late. Rev. Peter Burnett arrived in Corvallis Tuesday evening en route to his home in Independence. He has been engaged for the past two weeks in the work of the Christian church in Lane county. The reverend gentleman has rela tives in this city and enjoyed a a visit with them while here. Rev. L. M. Boozer will preach in the United Evangelical church Sun day morning and evening. Sub ject of the morning sermon wil be, 'Christian bervice; evening, "lhe Mission of Fire." Solo in the even ing by Miss Olive Thompson. Sun day school at 10 a. m. and En deavor at 7 p. m. All welcome. Wheat will undoubtedly go up considerably in Iprice ere long. A few days a number of farmers in the vicinity of Stayton pooled 8,000 bushels and offered it to the highest bidder. The wheat was purchased by the Stayton Flouring Mills Co., and 5b centB per bushel was paid, inis is an aavaiice or -l mi r T P about eight cents over the prices generally offered in the valley. Dr. James Withycombe, vice- director of the Oregon Experiment Station, will in a few weeks go to Washington to confer with the United States Department of Agri culture upon matters connected with the work of the experiment station. On his way back he will visit the experiment stations in Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and other states. Oregon Agriculturist. The July number of the Oregon Native Son contains an extended write-up of the Oregon Agricul tural College, which it says "is the greatest industrial institution on the Pacific slo ie." The article de scribes Corvallis as "pre-eminently a college town, noted for social clubs, literary societies, and active churches which vie with each other in friendly interest and hospitality toward the young people. More and more as the college progresses patrons go thither that they may be with their children and at the same time enjoy the refining in fluences of a college community." Ill the Fire Limits. Some matters of considerable I iHipurtance came ueiore me cicyiof thg committee on lateral council at its reeular monthly r-f ei.if mA meeting last Monday night. - As stated in the Gazette some time ago the various fire organizations disbanded and re organized under a single head to be known as the Corvallis Fire Department. A committee consisting of Messrs. Walter Keady, E. R. Bryson and H. W. Hall was appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws, which was to be submitted to the coun cil for its endorsement. This body sanctioned the action of the different companies in reor ganizing and accepted in its en tirety the excellent work of the committee on constitution and by-laws. Officers were elected last week to serve until the an nual election next month. E. E. Wilson presented a bill of $400 for legal services and $20 for expenses incurred in repre senting the city in its action with the Corvallis Water Co. This was referred to the finance committe. The matter of constructing an alley through the Shaw-Spang-ler block was referred to the city attorney. An ordinance was introduced to prohibit the use of fire-Grack-ers, bombs, torpedoes, and kin dred explosives within the city limits. The mayor was given power to grant permission to use the explosives on fete or other days. The measure did not re ceive the necessary two-thirds vote for suspension of the rules and was laid over until some fu ture meeting. An ordinance was introduced granting B. F. Irvine permission to construct a certain building within the. fire limits of the city of Corvallis, and upon vote of the council was referred to the city attorney. A speech in favor of the ordinance was made by Mr. Irvine in which he stated that there was less danger from fire with his engine in a wooden building on the ground floor than there formerly was with it in the second story of the brick. The facts in the case seem to be that a wooden building, exceed ing six feet square by ten feet high permitted by ordinance No. 23 to be constructed in the fire limits, was recently built by Mr. Irvine for use as a press room. After its erection and occupancy, the chief of the fire department notified Mr. Irvine in writing to either remove or alter it so as to comply with the requirements of the ordinance. Mr. Irvine then asked permission of the council to permit the building to remain as at present, with the result as above stated. Ordinance No. 33 provides: "Anyone who vio lates section one of this ordi nance shall 011 conviction there of, be fined in a sum not less than ten nor more than one hun dred dollars." So it behooves builders to be cautious in erect ing buildings inside of the fire limits. Mistakes Identity. Somebody is minus a pet coon. Last Wednesday night Al Kemp heard a great stir among hie chick ens, and believing thieves were rob bing his hen roost, he quickly dressed and made for the intruder. But no thief could be found, al though the chickens kept up a frightened sqnaking. Mr. Kemp heard rustling in a box and believ ing the miscreant might be a cat, shouted "Scat!" But this had no effect, and he reached into the box and felt the fur of an animal. Quickly seizing it, he dragged it out biting and scratching. It looked like a skunk, and Mr. Kemp dropped it so hard that he broke every bone in its body. A light was sent for and investigation dis closed that, instead of a skunk, a coon with a collar around its neck lay cold in death on the hen house floor. That's why we say some body is minus a pet coon. Additional Local Mrs. Rube Kiger returned home Saturday from a visit to Salem. R. H. Huston and family re turned from the coast yesterday. Mrs. Anna Beach returned home Wednesday from a visit at Spring field, Or. Mrs. Louisa Fuller is lying seri ously ill at her home in this city. Her life i9 despaired of. Win. Currin and Geo. Bigham left Wednesday for a few days hunting trip in the vicinity of Marys Peak. Mrs. Bert Apgar and her sister, Mrs. Tetherow, with whom she has been visiting in Polk county for the past month, arrived in Corvallis, Wednesday. After spending a few days with friends in this city Mrs. Tetherow will return to her home in Polk county, while Mrs. Apgar will go to Eugene. Lateral Sewers. In accordance with the orders i .-I r v r i .nil. l lull lii.iai ri x sewers different surveys for sewers. j The plans and specifications are J now in the hands of the city at jtorney, W. E. Yates. One survey begins at the i creamery and runs south through the Hartless and Davisson and other blocks and connects with the Van Buren street sewer. Another survey begins at the W. A. Wells corner and runs south to said sewer. There is still another survey made for a lateral to connect with the Van Buren street sewer and this sur vey commences at the property ot W. J. Wilbanks. There are three surveys mapped for laterals to connect with the Jefferson street sewer. One commences at the residence of Prof. Berchtold and runs north through the Presbyterian and Cathoiic church property to above-mentioned sewer. An other will pass through the Avery and Hays properties in its course to Jefferson street sewer. There is also a survey made of a lateral to begin at the J. E. Farmer corner and run north to Jefferson sewer. There is considerable discus sion regarding the construction of these sewers and there is per haps some misunderstanding re garding the means that will be employed to meet the expense of constructing them. The general impression is that each property owner will have to steind the ex pense of placing the sewer across his lot or lots, as the case may be. Those who have the matter in hand contemplate appointing a committee of appraisers to look into the matter, and determine the needs of the various proper ties and the benefits resulting from the establishment of laterals with a view to assessing property owners on this basis. At a special meeting Monday evening this question will be given fur ther consideration. Not Uncommon. J. D. Howell, who has a fine peach orchard up on the island about five miles above this city, came to town a few days ago and desired Prof. Cordley to go up and inspect his orchard, as he was bothered with some sort of pest. The professor took the time and went to the orchard and gave the crop a thorough examination. The peaches are of the Early Crawford variety and there is a fine crop of them. Prof. Cordley found that there were two sources of trouble. "Brown Rot" was one, and the other was "Prune Twig Miner." The former is a fungus growth, while the latter is an insect that bores into the fruit. It devel oped that the condition of the fruit crop was not nearly so bad as it might be, and with a little care in packing for shipment the infected fruit can be culled and the product will take first class rank in the market. Prof. Cord ley says that Brown Rot and Prune Twig Miner are not un common and have been in the valley for some time. The lat ter works on both peaches and prunes. Been Here Some Time. Wm. Overmyer, who owns a fine farm near Tangent, brought some stalks of wheat to this office yesterday, says the Albay Her ald, which shows the cause of this year's shortage in crop. In every stalk there was a small bug or worm in each joint. The bug was usually in the second joint, and had sapped the very life from otherwise healthy look- j ing stalks Mr. Overmeyer has farmed in Linn county for several years, and considered the weather con ditions this year favorable for a good crop, and can lay the fail ure to no other cause than the appearance of this insect. He said that in previous years he had noticed some wheat stalks that looked like those of this year, and thinks the insect has been here all the time, but at tributes this year's shortage to an increase of the bugs. He thinks it is the worm which later develops into the Hessian fly. A quantity of wheat stalks were left at the Farmers' Ware house to be sent to the O A C experiment station. Attention, Comrades. There will be a meeting of Ells-! worth Post G. A. R. at the Wood- men hall Saturday evening, August 19. A full attendance is desired, William Lane, Commmander. Died of Paralysis. Peter Schlosser, an old aud respected resident of Albany and a pioneer of 1864, died at ' his home in that city Monday after noon. Peter Schlosser was born in Hubrigen, Nassau, Germany, June 28, 1864. He came to America in 1859, locating in Illinois. During the Pike's Peak excitement Mr. Schlosser came West and in 1864 arrived in Oregon. He was married December 23, 1866, at Corvallis, Oregon, to Anna, Rademacher, who survives him. To this union were born five children, who, with one exception, survive him. Allie Schlosser died in June, 1891. The surviving children are Mrs. Geo. E. Fish, Mrs. M. D. Phillips, Mrs. Kola Neis and Flarry Schlosser. Mrs. Philip Phile, of this city, at tended the funeral which was held from the family residence in Albany, Wednesday afternoon. Lake in France. Professor E. R. Lake is now in France, upon the work of investi gation ot prune problems to which he was appointed by the United States Department of Agriculture, says the Oregon Argiculturist. He cannot, of course, say anything as to his work in that line, but in a note just received from him, at Paris, he says: "Thia morning, July 2G, at 5 o'clock, I attended the market place and witnessed the sale of home-grown peaches and grapes, and here is an example of how they sold: 18 peaches of good color, 2 inches in diameter sold for 77 francs, or about $15. No peaches sold for less than 30 cents apiece. Grapes in large clusters, weighing probably three or four pounds, sold for 12 to 15 francs, or about 80 cents per pound." Seed Oysters. The Newport News is authority for the statement that the biologist, Professor Washburn, is again at work on the eastern oysters intro duced into Yaquina bay. A large concrete pond has been made, into which a pumping apparatus forces water from the bay at low tide, at a time when the water is in the best condition for eastern oyster spawn. Oyster embryos are placed in this pond and the biologist hopes to secure a catch of young oysters, or seed oyster, therein. The United States government is paying the expense of the summer's work. County Court. On account of other matters, a report of the business of the county court, which convened last week, has heretofore been crowded out. The following: business was transacted: C D Abbott, for certain rea sons, petitioned for exemption from taxation on his feed stable. The matter was continued. The bill ot James Dunn, for grading done on state road in district No. 4, was continued until next term. The contest over- the James Norton road was continued un til next term, by the consent of all parties. Contract for repair ing Frantz bridge, in Kings Valley, and building one a couple of miles above this one, was awarded to H M Stone. The aggregate cost to be $60. Bill of Franklin Bros, for $7. 50, was continued. Bill of J T May berry for elec tion claim, rejected. The committee in charge of county exhibit at state fair, hav ing petitioned the court for dona tion of $150, were granted $100, with the understanding that in case premiums were received the amount should go to the county. The matter of the Mulkey Dickson road was postponed un til one. p m. September pend ing the action of Philomath city council. Bond of County Superintend ent Deninan was approved. The amount is $1,000 and O V Hurt, B W Johnson and James Den man are sureties. Petitions of citizens for the purchase of a gravel loader was continued. Petitions for aid on Alsea road to Monroe, the Wjatt road, and road over Oliver mountain, con tinued. Contract for building three small bridges near Summit was awarded S H Peterson at $60. H. M. Stone was allowed more time for completion of the draw-bridge near Monroe. Ladies who visit Nolan & Calla han's don't forget looking over their Remnant Counter; some choice plums. j Farmers, bring your produce to ; j H Simpson. He will take it in j exchange for anything in his line I and sell you goods at lowest cash I prices. I x. b 1 CLOTHING fSffi GUARANTEED 8 jWE SELL iMmiMSLABEL ' , irmiiMM iiiii man in 111 WE MUST HAVE ROOM.,.,,. ror our large Clothing, consisting of the latest style Overcoats and Suits. S, L KLINE, Corvallis, Or, you wouldn't leave your happy home for any one, if your table was supplied with that line of delicacies on display in our grocery window. note the prices: snider' s tomato catsup, twenty cents; two pounds choicest seeded rai sins, ready for use, twenty-five cents; 'extra dessert" sliced pine apples, per can, twenty-live cents; package "five minute" breakfast mush, ten cents; "advance" brand canned salmon, fifteen cents; "stag" brand oysters, ten cents, ladies, winter is just around the corner, so don't fail to see those fancy1 shirt waist patterns in, french flannel in our south window. E L MILLER, Corvallis Oregon, r. lw rami wre. J C. A. Barnhart, Manager. S Paints, Oils and Varnishes !) WALL papers 4 RAMBLER Bicycles, Ma?estic Lamps, The Corvallis Commission Store Keeps constantly on hand the celebrated CORVALLIS AND MONROE FLOURS A package of Arm & Hammer Soda is given free with every sack of the latter Hay, Oats, Grain. Bran, Shorts, Potatoes Fish, Eggs, Poultry, Etc. JOHN LENGER, Manager Job Printing at this 20 1 Per Cent Discount on all Boys' and Men's CLOTHING Boys' and Men's SUITS in all thecorrect styles i and weaves. Our Prices are always lowest and with the 20 per cent discount yon get a bar gain that will be hard. to duplicate again. i-'aii order oi lioys' ana lvien si AND IDEAL Mossberg Chime Bells, Etc. office