Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Forest Grove independent. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1873-1874 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1874)
« IMW Li KOKEST GROVE. 30 1^71. L o c a Mi-y TiM-:s. l N e w n 1 li-v. M r. ( ì i'tintl h ctu iT i • fur the ! U It'peiult'iit ( 'lmmpioi'is « ; : Hie lì oil ( r o»s, lu red un tho < n i-a d e to au annrei-i- x * i 1 *. , r ts t w eek. alive uudiein e at tin* ( ’ di cliu ieh lust Me •inlay :in«l .♦«„Tim* T h e im lebtcilnes of C oos s . San» Hugh s ' Agri v.Hurl : »s sohl to have been very intere.stiug. C oun ty is $ 8 ,7 7 0 78. hton-umll.lackMi.iih »hop huvoh« «.*n crewd- 1 > Ir- M c P o u g a l is a fluent am i pleas- y\\i<es for farm Infills in 1‘ olk «■<1 (or ;hc past two Meeks with farmers ill# speaker nm l is ¿good fit lid d in g j t_'ou n tv Si Ò0. audience. having imph m, r.ts utnl machines amt hav the attention o f a m ixed T h e Salem School D istr ic t.N o . J4, ing «>1.1 machines repaired. Steve lluris ul- In this lecture he took grou nd f o i l «'ountv TrensuVer H e said that the is out oi :lIKl uVt'r surplus >.i has btvn working night and «lav for sever tv otti an su lira «ge. in the treasui al «lays. The farmers make things lively cause of corruption in politics was liv e n C hinam en are r n ployed in | now While the larger towns on the riv« r ow ing to the tact t tint wom en w ere, excluded from participation in ]>«»1 i- ' the harvest tields o f Lane C o u n ty , j are dull and th ir streets deserted, the ham tics. Then liov. i l n o tin* gen tlem an \ ];lst resort. ' «1 iiPL I LoW U it I ' lets and villages in the interior are often account for cClTUption in the church I V ie of tin* finest and inert valuable blocks thronged with brown armed men and vehi and ll,o hum., , v l „ r , » • „ , « v A " ; ‘ ’ i l>! ell .-o u t ' f:.n ...*r ... t h . O i . t u " I t y „1 I'-,,',« . 0 r, cles crowd through tht- streets at early mt rn tl.eir •‘ m it--.-! I I - « .v s h , N « r l h .m Now \«.rk W I . . . R .... tin-' of ( >r the harvest tields and come in at evening -iv i- .1,1. t. the I .allot a..,I t h .v » i l l “ rR' " ' 1 iw l,',**l , ; lS ‘ ' ‘ X.-oHoiU .« v t o .l. .a; ■ »; ■ ; e from work. v o l . . » , « * ..Vila Of jiovi'.'iinioi.t i„u l N i«im Klim'J th o of ^ e egon. y<»u an* her.‘by cited mid required ; t >appear in the « ounty Court of the State ; I of Oregon, for the County of Washington, at I 1/ t *>urt Room thereof, nt Hillssboro 1 in the i . r ir * r m SALE! V Klt.t. r>B C ites — AND K ii . i . ki *. — R. / / T th* brated ••Horse Tarm r '1 undertook to t urn- a tiue large three veur old hors ■ for Mr. Gleason in this city The horse m is thrown down amt Alt Vai.j» perfornu 1 his usual manip’ dati. n. Th' howe imraedi- »K T h . n why ,l „ not , h . men m en o* of Utah l tali am and i W y yom o m in in g' g v vote ote down nml \ d ow n p o oly ly g a m y an d the liq u or o r trail- trail'- } w W T ho e Un nited ite d B reth r e th ren re n L have ave Been l>een liolelin* h oldin g- • religious r e lig io u s services se rv ice s near n ear Slier. S lier. ie’’ W o d o n t a b s o r b y o u r a ssertio n im m ed ia tely , M ack. A nd s u p p o s e th e y s h o u ld v o te th e e v ils dow n ¡dan . T h is d e n o m in a tio n has a very g o o d m-*ir h ersh ip in th a t s e c tio n o f th e c o u n t r y . ' 11 tely sicken«- Lain« died in a f«*w d.iys the -. - | " oiud t lnw k* i p tin ..i <■ • - . . . m i n dter Mr Sloan, a go >d lu.rse «Odor and , not would they ru.-h w itn p istol c o c k - trainer in tins place, opened the horse and * d and saber girt, and wade t II oug he says that sont irtemal part was ruptui- .b lo o d and s! augntei to a > Horn an 1 ho boats on tlie l pper W illam ette a tim / t , through ll!U,l JUV these days, the freigh t and p a sse n - g f r travel b e in g to ligh t too iuiv ru n - f*7^*.an;{tnJi ,,m . JllUrylll.v ol .,7 .. !£fv' ,‘i' , ,,d .... . i f ..... ■!.. ,,o. Wsrantad II ,i ,l .n „ s - i the to p o f this q u e stio n . Pnor. Coxis-X. State G. Inst \v, « k from his tour to the Sound «1 y ';| s . •id*». Ib* inte nd. 1 to go to Yaqui but 1•arned that tin ■ smalli »«>x was on t WAV :ifu i hing'il h 1 » desti!a iti on t ■ Salili* riv«»r in ih« « i'i ad** lllOUIItain». AYliih* Wasljlingtou T«* nu TV he i S. attic W k haVe stood over an inf. mal moie hill for a werk with a -pad«* but he w, n’t to «>ur gaze. Hiilaft.-r hill « f our Early , 1 nouth , lng , u • . ' , 1,. ♦ t: i ■ • : si Rose spuds have wilted hi neath his attacks and still he go*son eompt« ring and to con quer. We will give any grang« r two Ist-, to ' ■at -h that r.iseall V mole. I lu* l ï o a m «if D ip ô c t o r s «> i d lc - M in tiv ille (.'o lle g e , at th e ir m e e tin g To F akmcrs ant > thi Priu.ti . The . v.t, r - • hel 1 last w t'ck , tle c id c d to put tlp a îsingtinn of Eradl. v Mar- h ,v Co. ma!..- u ew b u ild in g as s o o n as jrvacticab le. I th ir appcannc. in our ,• luiaii.-. tliis m . , !;. ! lie l>,>ar.i have s*‘ t a b o u t liia k .lig Taisürm b. gan bnsim -s in Portlainl last n eeessa ry p ré p a ra tio n s. Tlu* b u ild - wint« r r.» wh.'h-al.- and r. t il m. reliants ilig is to b e b r ic k , a m i it is tilt* in te n - and l>y r daeing th. pri.-.* oí g., ,1-, .-»p .-¡ni- tioii to m ake ít olio wi >rthv o f th e to get a su •rivtion A. J. D. t.-Id a that U. >. law » prt oflieial in this ed rnarri. a worn« n from holding otho .which o| ,-i.'i> i- f.ds . Sh«- said that Hijude’s in- llttrn. e e.'-lipl«‘d With hers was all that -gave married ladies , *hc • in this State. V. ry • lisitiVe 1 .¡it'll' amook r- unid. "I ■ T he « xen-sion ] turn ,1 1 ist Naturd Era-lit v, M irdi A ( ’«». ly to ttie fainnug eoinmuiiity, [.«rsisti-ntly hit«-Rig. nth k . ping tlu u- busim ss W f.ire the nulilie the * I-, .lune «-f t’ ce I. • * ' ‘ -* * .cliit ..I in AU IR * 4 ul * * s 11 ,4*' | 1 ing p p-rs of th s't : • have gained a i r.-inaienti-.I trade w hich t le v lvt\ d- s 1 ». d 1)1• lai a* Bal lv « iirned. Tic v hav, » h ijli, 1 > feet « iah building three st 11<>5 t* * ; ih ptl. on front eg.- on First stri-« t ifu-en't brick an 1 Stalk Stri-, t. This 111 ; i v ait tilling fr**tn ir -u tire-pro. >f stnn tun tioor to roof with a g«- if assi 'itnciit i f . 1 .»0 •i.illv » - goods for til*- f.lfi ti l i> i-« *ui u* ty. \V« ha ted f,.r the farmi' l‘f t J in* ica. une r .11 the . -I Oiul attirili c* ♦'ll a which 1 . 'lie to til.s eilt, rpl W al.l- to com] etc w ¿•lì Y ». ml all the tchants firms ¡n u«! iVr do ¡11 n* » » •goods. R, in* mb« r M i»li\f- o , I and see- otid to lio edilcatiuiial edifico in State. pride of tlmt com m unity, the ,i /.• . . In th«- i irelut ( ..iut of ta Stah- f Oregon for tin- t ouuty of lashni 'mn b. A. Kothv ell, \ . James Kotl-'.vell, . To James Bothwcli tlie al.. \i; named de- : fendant , HEREAS « >N THE ¡MT-’ HA Y O l’ y V May A. il. ISTI, H -n.. W. W.'Upton. .. mlge of the alow named I’ onrt. made an order directing that ............... tl..- summons ¡ill this suit be had upon tl,.- above Heft, by publication ill tin Forest Grove lx- i isd o u h tl lie early Sprang drouth tho cause. .tints Port- ui« nt ' ■ y . ■:. ] c . . F. i! J. P«. M iran: »r. eteii n.vnings u This is a very di rvi i. u it h t v. - lit s . I V •! I H A. T. H. tho thi- cl, 1 1st tin ir ; I • e '.V >\\ th i' r. si>.r:t or til* Mr.. .T ottv , ]..,< -, young wild eat which 1 h - ruis d. H-- b n krpt a j ELEVA'TOF. 1 Ritt* n in the cage with it and tu y nr. j f »uucis ■ >. • fro•*.dlv a • kittens g.-n-r i’ lv fir«*. T !_•- [ 1 ■-.vil î-i a* h ,-.v> v- r 1 » a sulky fellow. W hks - Hnniwav lectured her- -h - told tlm people t! ,t »h.- ran ar- nnd th*- Portland ! e do* ns-getting subscrii.« rs. And y* t sh«- ¡ ^ s:«\ » h-r --S. nsitivc nature has eft* 11 « > n I hurt bv n on .” !!’ ,h*o rain 1s r.«*<(l‘'il v.-rv A «i ,,,. t » ¡ V n , just 1o « t« n mal» h lati • rpain crt»j»S Till t0 pr**v,vnt t^inb-r.s frOtti tlrvimî «P* mul gh 1 iti 1 are V » **..!|IR*r J H the drouth m l he 1 • Y F-TFT.r» a \ a »1 n of ! <v FIanruTy. who V »*>s tî «Ult two miVs fr >111 th.- drove. While r din ¿ on a loud of oa's fell . fl and 0 lie of hnrtinc him ti J 4- '.«. heels î T.n « ver hi» 1>r* i ri. lslv. • S* reral «.f th* vomi'.* 11 un am1 marri«-d men ti 0 h *ve buu^ht a crup et Het arti’t hie e lo- Vf lt«d cre<pt♦ t L,T'■und» ir1 th p c i>n^Tt*pttional pin ] * • f f* ]« »sur • —ami •lie. i go th- crixiu**t 1*.dis. - . AV. D. I yman re turn« <1 h »rn? this WFf k. T he :L _TY*. * si JfMfh him ou t of hi- school u]> in k ( , Ad Pol) and pnlk count V ? tY)«1 Sf. he dio« i. tur Ill'll to th.» «■ “ grati ful shiLllfS/* -------- *- A ^ ors c» man in our t< •W.l rtf t too much » « 110 i^htm n ' tl iwn «at r* >ri H i us the other day and it «onfuse«l his understanding »«.m«-what. I . ; .'»«» b «: Ido 1 r».’ (Tl : 70 * > 1(*R tl,.». gshel. r irm st:uul::nî brnn-ls, 1,1.1. } > Bviii.i i 01 4 0 ^ 1 4"> P < entai. ( ) , , ^ * ) js lit . .. Extra ‘ lirv 1 non. ! -J 11 at «loi. Y.7 "T« II- w; < ', 0 , « »'* r ! Th. A > * / 1 \ i'*II» idei 1 1»*.i t- -«1*1’» To 1 T> Ai >tr< .vu 1 li colI« IL » »11 ' -2-20I fil e V II'. ( nuicc tliy , l-*c f > !t>; salt com•rCTFl> WEFICT.Y. in , i« A young couple procuring 1 1 In r p n ii » l> Ill -e-* -♦ — S tkvk Hviinis i H ixtox - have g«.tth< eon- mony, and were made man and wife eye. They | tract fr-.m L. Corbett toearrythe mail from in the twinkling of an Forest Grove to St. Jo. ('ood for //arris put up at an out-of-the-way hotel, Hinton. and this morning — ■ ....... T* r. S ayi 01» returned from his exenmon to Tillamook bay last .Saturday having had a good rest and a “ splendid” i.ote. M r . O. J. L eabo is building a two-story Inching *.n his premises. When completed T w ill be a commodious nnd neat residence. — - ♦- — — — P rohissoi : R orb ’ s new dwelling is rapid ly going up under th«- management of Kane Smith <v Co. I’ ro > . L vm . in nnd Dr. J/arsh have filled th-- pi.ffut in the CV.ngregationnl - hurcb »me«- ik v. E. \\ alker witlulr. w. Tmcrops up in Scoggin and Patton’s Yollies«M nearly two weeks behind this part of the county. No more small p o i—all's quiet or Tualatin. “ the were quietly m - K m UY 105 Third Street, i ‘OP I L AND, ( )REG ON. n 13 FOREST 2 50 271. / •» . . . 1 25. . ó :,o H(n 1 !(« •>( tl 1 *( tl S(i/ V 1«; ]o 1 « ) M 10 «; I I I ,1 I f I» fcílíO VE DRUG AND ir. KCK fi . s a STORE Y i.o n . r n o :> u i E T o n . D L A L E R I N *5 ______________________ i SI eriff of vTaslun- ton C *.. Oregon e , , Hillsboro July 15th 1874. :: í p o r c s ' ® vov© P L A N IN G M IL L S 3 a s h & , D o o r F a c t o r y and to file dir»*cti*d and delivered cobiiimiid- , _ J f a __ » A. L. J( TINS* *N.Proprietor, ing Ille to satisfy the Slim of Si .1(11» S to- Manufacturer und Dealer m g< th* r w ith ¡titer« st,«-.>sts ati«laccruing <-ost» ; out of tin following described real estate t*> , pfBXUI'URE wit: 'I'll*- *:o«lth * ast quarter of th** Dona-! SASH. tion land claim *>f » has. and Lettitu J/cKnv DOORS AND BLINDS, in sections one and twelve. ( 1)A (1" 1 , T. 1. CEDAR. N. R. 3. \V Situated in Washington conn- | F ill and HARDWOOD ty Oregon. Th<*niori-, by virtue «>f said ; LUMBER, AC., At', writ, I, will, 011 Saturday the 15tli «lay of j August. 1x74, at the hour of mu* o’clock f.M., m - . T j #» at tl,«* Court //oils*- « in//iiishoro Wash- Planing. Tongue and Grooving. ington «a unty «)r«*gon, sell the above <lc- Turning. Scroll and H"-?:iwing scrib* d jH i iiii-;* s at ]>ublic miction to the Done to Order in a high* st biilder therefor, cash in hand, to satisfy said execution and aceilring costs. F i r s t C l a s s S t y l o . CHAS. T.TO ZIER a i . s o ShcrilT «*f Washington Co. Oregon. DOOR and WINDOW FRAMES. Hillsboro, ,/uly 22*id, 1x7-1. j TONGUE mul GROOVED FLOORING, jv23-t*v 1 PLAIN and RUSTIC CEILINGS MOULDINGS. E x e c u t o r ’s N o t ic e - BRACKETS, . ------ J BALUSTERS(Tumcdnml Scroll). rWlh»-undersigned liaxing been duly up- j also J i _ pointed and qualified in the County i stair Balusters and Newell Posts, Court of the State of Oregon fdr Washing- Constantly on hand and mad. to Order, ton ( ounty, Executor of the last will and Testament of .b.seph Rbye,- deeeas<*d. All THOSE \\il(> CONTEMPLATE ]>< rsor.s h.T'vine; ulaniis.Haumstsaid estate fttu . ■ . . i • • ,« ♦ 1 to ♦ prustnt , Z , 4 tlirni 41 * • , I , E. buiMiiijj nUliiH vifinitv ltMjm.stud t#» tec uimersion . • * at Hillsboro, Washington ( ’minty Oregon Superior-hmucements are offered ! "'iruV i'*X ,nMnhisJrom 1 ht date hereof. per everything m ces.arv to the Ereetiou* Hillsboro, July ith 1874. | Comph tion mul furnishing of any Tins. II. Tongue building call be had at A. X. Boyce. this Factory. july D-5\v UNIVERSITY T U A L A T 9 N iv‘23-4w 1 . .1 by th- ci.-rk of snid e.m t. ./iiiy nth i87i ■U" rm i til 1 S IN C .M It M A N l P A C T l ' K I N G C O S lI 'A ^ V , sum of SJlto,’*. and int* re »t thpm *n and eosts Our stock consists in part of ,, levied ( l]> thc folloxving ( f suit. I have 1 iU-oja-rt V <1* »cl. i,,-11 ill s*lid <lccli* to-wit • PAINTBRUSHES. VARNISH BRUSHES. 1 Tho pa: . f land situât«. d i: 1 1Uashington CLOTHES BRUSHES, NAIL BRUSHES» < 'ounty in * -ii 1 Stnt* and b«,iin«! ed as fol loV. -. t(>-v. it : B gir |)*r ..f M ?1( •int li chams TUOTH BRUSHES. STIÎÏPTNG BRUSHES, 'W f / t ? S ;f XV, st of the south«' ist corpt-r of file SOUtll- in x.i -1 ip::. ;■{*-i- * ■ * - 1 - tion 27 T. 1I.N -.o f R. F I N E C U T L E R Y , ;» 'V .. aml miming * 111 • 1 K’ :. nortli 30 33-100 20 |s- luO th* lie« east «hains, tlnnee ;n Y ell ¡ill». íU . N , Pt)RTLAM> OREGt CO AI l ì t* F A L L S I Z E S A N D V A R I E T I E S . i S«»utll 0 ; 100 «di:nin . t!it* ne•* west 2X 53 • s for t 1111 * 1 * *11 11 and [i (¡ 1 ,.) j, [ins. th« n •*”» » !<•0 chains to pra Meal Re. ó » Udaoit NF.ATSFOOT OIL, RAW OILS, '•f Y *n n g and ,|;. ,,'iu •* of 1X inn ilia,«-* 'litaiiiin«.; lfill acres; lai.Ml. - : ;-d 111 * II. Sell.l for ( 1 ' 1 ' ' mil the puree! of 1.¡ml »it; iatt.a il- 1 saidAY.ish- CASTOR O IL . i I. ARI) OIL, n::7 lv Hi FRAN A dAMES. iii*gt*ui 1•1 unty b* ing part <»f tlu ■ donation CHINA NUT OIL, ETC. SWEET OIL. BOILED land elaiin Urn Povt«‘r and wife,and botind- ■ .i b\ bi' at th-- south < ast c-rm rof S c h o o l H o o k s , s u it a b le fo r th e V r a d f iiif o f P u b li c S c h o o l. l.l'.O \ L A D V E R T '1 S F .M E N T S . I*«nation land «daini,and running tin tice on tin* line of s.*ii¡•I claim 20 -15- All articles warranted. Prescriptions compounded with care ami correctness. mins, thi-ncc north ifi• 12- 1(H) chtuns. A »»«‘»son's N o t ic e - n<»:i3 1 *.* east 20 15 1011 chain th -lie«* south 10«* chains to ih,* pia IT of beg¡lining, (’ E 1» HERE BY GIVE'. ining su iicrcv. [on lay. the 31 st ,1 y of A« ga ,,f. N *>\v. therefor«. in ]>nrs-ianc<* ntul by vir- IhjUiili/ati* *:i will ,‘itt« lot :it t ,,,. tile of said decree and the -aid order ofsule, ( ounty l i* l’ri for AA'.iish ,u on tin- 22*1 day of August, 1x75, at, the r the i tan 1. . *.«»11 and e«Tl* i'.tion i.f hiuir of lOo'clock A. the«'onrt ilmise ror» ii* valu:*. tion,. «leseviipti ju 1 door in »aid county <>t Washington, 1 will 'Ul of 1 lUils. lots or ot her ‘ ,r<>• ' « lie Vi ir l»71 am« nt rolls ft, r ti.«- v. ir 1 - 71. as l*v >'11 (he above described property nt puhlie ti-. • a. J. F. plL’.R« j . ’ ! am tioii to th<-high- st hiiM«-r, for « ash, to A S ¡J -aw «rovid« d. B‘ K’<< rrrn 1 lililr Slnsror MiiHiifactnriiu; Co , ................................................. ......................sold ¿ 1 9 ,7 « H bc ' s W4.D88 Wlo eler ,V Wilson Manuf g CV.......... .......................................... 52,010 Grever A- Kaker S. M. C o ,. Doniestic S. M- C o............................... raid 40,550 Weed S. M, Co. ............................... ............. « ltd 42,440 ......................................... wo*«* 33,«*f» Wilcox Je Gihbs S. M. Co. ................ .................................................. so'd " *lson S. M. Co................... . sold 18,030 i Amer. H. H. O. A S. M. Co................ ( • 11 \r^ i, i o \i ,• ............... ’ *..........................Äüd 18.807 bold Medul S. M. t o............................. ............................................... sold Eh7y:l « ' “in ÍÍ’. I - ' m °V - ............ ................................................ Hold U .907 t. « . p l it J '\i • ................................................. Hold T000 ¡'"ir ," ,t b ^ ^ h - S M C«. ............................................... sold LOW b-irtram A irautim Manuf g C 31Ô . . ..................................................sold ' ' ' 1,1 * ’ ...................... an order->f sale, ¡.»sued out of said t 'ourt m D R oG S . M EDICIN ES, P E R F U M E R Y .P A IN T S , OILS, GLASS, BOOKS &c.', said cause ,,n the 21«th day of June. 1 x7 j t tu ni«* directed, eonim.Hiding me to make sal.* , ----------- of tin- prop rty herein «leseribed to satisfy (1 L A S S C U T TO A N Y S I Z E. tiie sewra! sums and the interest tiler« on a a s]«< ifi. 1 ill saiil deelTe. to-wit: So7*HI, an.I ii !. lest thereon in ■ el l 1‘oin.aml the further the .'tat. of Or* gi'ti. f**r Wasliington comity ill favor of L. I . Gl’ov. 1 1 f. :d. School com- j linssiotn rs, at. 1 against S. H. Elliot attest- GROVE o (X Vsli S h e r i f f s S a le . from Chu kanins ¡uni oak. Oregon. BI N E W A D V K K T IS F .M K T S . Another Runaw;. y Mftch. Riins, Asses «,r.W;.»hi'e g.n M*.\>i, _*'.n. satisfy said decree and <"»ts and a. i-niing Hillfclwro. Jah 58tli, l»7i. cost . CHAS. T . TO ZIEB. IK) <; 00 or> .. r#i ) I«; . lx . 25»H" 3 11*0« YEAR IM1K STATISTICS FROM SWORN RETURNS OF THE SALES OP _ Sewing MacMhes in 1872, (reported in .187:1,) slioyr t W i t ? SingCr MamiiactlUng Com puuv sold last year over FO R lA -FiN E THOISANI» more machines than ANA otho Company, and over one-quaitcr of a!l machines sold during that year. Nine out of to of said Singer Machines were for FAMILY use—proving the great popularity of Ui Singer in the household. , . Annexed are thi sides of the makers: MACH»« PACIFIC Forest Grove Retail Market. •*! 'it 1 !■'!* ' ’ 1 i 1 in » <>rii -U ( ;»i. r‘ 1 *. ............ B ut unto imui LfcllK «*f tir* 1I# fu t fili t\\ • !l lui 1 1 Are cr eva» L’ t r. fit • h r* lo/. . J \ ml th* v who clioo tlli< h ■ î f y * B-.*t " -1 fi »ll red. -r> ! Ar ardirò ri î fast H« iv« n. 4 ']\i k< n. -) , 8 * fur li** s p »]IP— l» St tl - 1 • *_1 H N » f:ir 1« y«ulà • Di ’ VI« V 4 ■ -1 }U, } A\ ■ life's « ■ lest Ills Mo iiitains li ft *1 |f*, 1» ;•u t* a ht > Yt the bl U‘. i ht ir î • 1 IK ! \ Dri. i\t -_f. (retail) . Svn G u-r» Will be t1 .ne. whoso LTaf ion ^ will ( fV r* t til T* !h riu or»pli ali our i tortai fr* t 1 »W ,,. . S,. > US S-ill 1 ca. .b ; an ; ? t ' " ■ ; : < ven d hl« * * : 1 1. Iti: in lea, ( ip. • .1 . * 1 I tail : *» 1!.. : 11 1 1 ■ >r foret To 1 - .. ___ S.i ] r 1« *11, b. ,t -» ' bam ! Sag ir. 1 ! lit keg'*) It, Bell gjuus. Lare 1. p 4j. Muttoll. % 1 |K » 1H At th'* Metiiodl »t eh :rch. 1 ev. Air. If. If. I mi « r pro H h » on th** tir»l ami t1lini Sui 1 du vs 1 *• »I tac 1 numth. \ , . r» ff, At th • Baptist fhm ch. R. v. Mr. Clmndler F il sh; V» 15». . . Ini ¡ilei fourth Suu'ins i'Ì»l pre K’ ill s ou the It; -» 7h ni t uch mentii. last evening’s train, v S.i (>i i ( ‘. V »r>T of Orin Martin who lives near 'the the r«*quived license, calh-il upon a road b* tween th- Grove and Hillsbor«» f- 11 <*ff of a horse the other «lay and hurt him Justice of thePcace who had the un- dqiibted rigflit to jterform the cere self. / V ( M own chickens, o W ool H i; i s R r» Cr> has s< Id tlm T',* n Catching County, whose love-mnkin^ has farm to Waiter Moffett f->r ?10,■'/«*. Whcre- been frowneil upon by their respect- f U i I ab W I )-v lt.-n make h al»o«it j-’i.OOb. H - bought the ive ])nrrcnts,arrived it* the city l>y « atching place about two years ago. > f l« c HARDWARE, IRON, r,TELL. Portland 5 n il A \ Firm ¡it Si Gö,*'< ! 8* i 100 Ihs. in! F io r u - K\tr:i in «1«m a n d 1 r < : ■ * port lit *S 3 J .* ' 75Ô V bl»l. ]*. i 1 . , .,'1 .)./H i \.( » * 1 t M j 2 Si ; i ! ;« 1 {;,< t*»I > » SALES OF T H E L A S T 1x71, in a suit wherein V.', S. Ladd, C. F. Tilton and S- Mead, were jdaintifis, and Lloyd Kn.oke. George A. St. . 1. Georg... & Woodward, Louix Nicolai.JuniesR Upton. m l « invi li - R. I ptoii wer. deitinlaiits; and I l i c l s - o r v F i n n i c . NORTHUP A- THOMPSON, SAN' T B A N ( [S C O A IA U K li i\ I. i ____ Il'ihs. Spol.cs. T t 'B T L A M ) M A R K E T , r-port of her las mrself. We did ! itiiiui* I’iin'mnf/iT Yn of clic* nt.itc* of ( *' \<>11 Jir<‘ J m *rt*bv u<ititi.'d to ujipear all-1 niisw. r the eoiiq.laint -if PUT. her« ill I’ll- d. by the first day-if «!*• ' term of said Court next follow ing the expi ration of tip- publication of this ¡minions L C WALKER. SURVEYOR which said term will commence atlTiirToVo ; County and State aforesaid on Monday the • *t 1 1 day of October A. 1). IsTJ.umlif you L 2 s-h h ’ic 2 at I’ G.’ova, Oregon | fail sotounsMer tin- ].laintitl will apply to tln- I.. C Walker Sarvcvor has Field Note ' " urt for the relief therein «h-niau-led, to-w it: - Tier tl,.. bomb 1. i ! 111 of linlrillMl’ iV til ,\f . xntin iw+iiw, That tie matrimonv now ,f the la gli subdivision s i ill Vl \ ». between PUL and Deft, be dissolved. That tile <-are and custody of James O. Kotl.w, 11 and Nellie K. RotllWell.ellildl. il of . __ ; Piti’, and Heft. *•«* awarded to Pill'., und that <3T. S Ü R M L O K T - 1 Pill, have ju,lg, in. lit against 'lift, for tin Who], »ale and Retail D« ah r in poors. Sash. cu ,s :llul disbui- ■ n.- nls of this suit. and Iiliuds, alsj Genuau, French , IHOS. H. 10N G I 1 . and American ¡ , Atty. for I'll!. ci n t . us co m p a re 1 to 1 oi last yean. >! l.-arm d -*f Tifiamo, i this v. i « k. It will n ÌÌ Ax « xebauge gives th«* following W I N D O \V G L A S S 1 v __________ (liseotiraging view of the condition Crystal sheet. Enameled. Stained and Cut S h e r i f f s Sit It*. of the grain crops in AY. T . : Glass, Glazing done to ord-r at San Fran-, ___ In many [nuts of AYashington cisco price», and satisfaction guaranteed. : --m y vjr‘(uo ()f „ decree of foreclosure duly L'enitoiy the wheat crops especial ’ 1' 1, * 'lt’ ' * "itland, Ogn. j QSrendeVed in favor of the plaintiffs in thc I Circuit Conrt of the ¿»bite of Oregon foi the ly that sown in the spring w ill prove 1 1 p h _____________________ eoiititv of Marion, on the 24th day of Juin . almost a failure, live n the T a li . h »ali ilei di'V g ■ > • siimgand inqoit an«l what h«- » iw a hat 1 - . ****oil ll-S'.veVer. ___— t ,. Sm ith, Kane & l C o . lD m th e lm g g y , h a p p ily n ot seriou s- lv in iu rin g th em . 'T i r X “ I C '.....' A. .1 . A s . . « * » , W j ’;'. - 4 w z ,i 1 • r v shut the '-it. s of r.iercv on m ankind. j T ** ed which caused th»- horse s death, b • 1 11 , ,, , ,• , . . it ; r.m g t'x p eu ses. l a l l t l i a t sort of th in g ? H e s a v s n ‘ <*v|M'Usive hors, -training, we shou Jlltl ?*IlSS YV itn ers T WO X'( unig ladies. j that it is \\ ila j>e>*it:« s a»* it is with V.ue f.r;> to mu h f>-r that horse’s h it ll k eep and M iss ibainetli of K11 gei ie ( i ty. men \vh0 lion»«* ■keeping': A few .lay s ago tue point . f a n He Nv;\s house bv them selves have ‘ SUP1 »used to have l e n poisoned T kill « 1 1 a dirt 1 h* mi »«“, and so wit ll P« d it i’ s: one day !ast w• ek fro: a eat ing cam ly. discovered protruding frm a stivi , _ . , .. . irtiuul.u* nttt ntion mivi u 10 Jiuusi?-buiul on the thigh of a'child of jAV. sh l'uridin. blit pi it ¡1 wifi* in th«* ho 11»« * tun l she A t 1;:ist m* com i ts both were reco\--.* r- mg and frumiti wlio lives on Hairy creek. The n hur be- will cl « :Ui out the dirt.a ml so ill p o i- ing. 'l'ocfsf; of * r - ibi. i'.r bv tlu _ ing «-xcit. d put on h< r W liibv M ’.ss i'.ibbh' S h n vi u :ls I FOREST tiROYE OREGON, lin the needle uj> thrtMigt qimcut d ,.ii. M .-lh i u g i ’i hau a , [riviny t-> D allas last Saturdav lici : Tin . «■!! to cl« an nut lie w oitl l sou l his becam e i int an i --e « \tr.i *> d unirmnagabh* am i •r. 1 wif,* dow u to ,lig out the m ini: have been ill tie' child » t: .Mr. threw lit r and tw o little children S U R V E Y O B . M cD ou gal is evidcntlv scratching- on weeks. 1 V H»’ 1“ i i * 3 L » T * & f c fr. V i f c * X . M l* J* j of Section S. ction 23, 27. and the s. S. E. ’" ' , 4 of th«- th* \ . E. •>« s Sect. R. 1 ir. IU. Mashington It as - • -------------------------, '• °* «*ot. 2(5 -f. T. 1 S. H. < ounty Oregon. Hums», the Mill.A.i V r hil.ol.l Judge of i H T J D O l l t C I * c fc { die < 'ountv t ourt f the >tate of Or. 'on f..r the t ounty of Washington, wiVh the seal' of 1 | said Court atrixed, this' .Seventh day of July, __ __ ¡ a . D. 1ST'. * * Attest: W. I). Pitteni' r c lerk. julv 7 lv. ' --------------------- C a 1 • , s A C A D E W i Y '4 11 IIL T V: F Rev. S H. MARSH, D. I>., 1 ‘ « -.¡la ut. * 1111 ! Professor of Inllectual and Moral Philosophy. Rev. HORACE LYMAN, Professor of Rlieoric A. and M ., History. GEORGE II. COLLIER, A. M ., Professor A. of the Natural "elenoer. J. ANDERSON. A. N . Professor of Mathematics. Professor of tlu* Theory and Art of Teaching, and acting Principal of the Academy. J. IV. MARSH, A . M .: Professor cf Latin and Greek. * Mrs. P . X . SAYLOR, Prccrptvoss. aev. THOMAS CONDON, ILecturer on Geology. Miss 0 . A. HASKELL, Teacher of Music. Assistant in Academy. A Calendar : joying their honeymoon, when the i My machiner* is Stove Harris S h e r i fT s S a le N E W A N D F I U S T C !» \ S S ! wife’s jKih’r l<nn llin.-t made his appear-: gf c ! . rl iie year, jn a.l dt pai'iincnts of the Institution, is dih'Ieii iiilotiirce terms, heginnirS And the worn done will be of IIIMTONT T J y virtue **f a writ of Execution Decree j ance upon the scene, and being a , f»n the first AA'edncsilay of September. December and March, and will close at Coni onUorncr of Pine and B irch. man of choleric disposition he asked înéncein* nt. nt, on 01V the th«- first Wednesday ^ ■ f ;:i i , io n h ^ S m te ofh()re! SU PERIO R STYLE AN D F IN IS H »^n.-enu in J une. There will in- a Vacation of one week, durid ; tho Christmas holidays. no questions, hut procee<lcu to place l->od horses anil buggies ready at all gon for 'Washington County in fuVnr of Jo- C a l l a n d I 'x a m i n « * a mansard roof upon the y oung hus j VJThoi’is i epli Boyce and against Hulda Sherman and TCI ¡'I‘J «15 00 A XI) ?30 00 A YEAR. M. Sherman me directed ahd 'dr- j Before purenasiug elsewhere. band. The task proved a little too ^ GOOD SADDLE-HORSES AL- u32 tf liv* red. attest« .! pv the Clerk of said Court - 1 i> r , , mucli foV him, and a few vigorous 7 ways ready. r.n lii 9II(K iv ot n« -July Ti.l,- 1417« iill) J'atil *. on ,ne _otn il «lay 18.4, comniaiulmg • , . , * -x/on* /<•-». LitwUfr flatl , ,, . 1 f* 1 r 11 • ' .1 i ! rm! tfihCu n* pj 'crithii' fttr II blows from his son-in-law soon; ,, , , , . ,, », mo to make sulo of thf following uusenbod • ----- , , . . 1 . jforsf s binirdwi at reascnable rates, R*\il ig-tate to wit: commencing at a point i Address all or.l*-rs to b rou gh t him t o n sense ot Jus unirian- A- L. JOHNSON Forest Grove, lv action. Tho screams which the Hack conncets with the cars atC or- 27.5.» chains \v«-st, and 24.21 chains south of 1 the N. AV. c o n n *>f Sect.S7.T. 1. N. R. 2. j ” 1 wife uttered while the fight was go- 1 “ ',s t-> *(t A AV. thence south 11:< chains thence east i \JU irri r» i f ' D ST i i P W ITN' july Ifi :tf ing on attracted to their apartments 3 chains, thence south 23.1s.‘l chains,thence ! « « ** k -* ' * » ^ ■w iCk cx, J J 5 b ' west h.87 chains, thence north 15.00 chains. I /"> — the landlord nml the whole army of tlnnce west 23.38 chains, thence north 20.2'i ! attachées, and with many regre ts too chs., theijce yast 10 ehs. thence north 2.25 f belligerent old dad was conq.elh-d to 3E3C lXZ*X*£tla. H u r r a l l ! clis. then«'-tr' <*#st 13.25 chs. to place of begin- j ^ acknowledge his hasty and perhaps ing, nintaining 7l)lY acres more or less, sit New Styles and new piicesi I have now for sale the now styles and lat«*st improved Flor unted in A\ ushington County Oiegoq, to F J i l f S T G U ' I V E O liE (ii)N . * lie«- So wait,' mmhines at REDUCED PRICES, v ith extra induccmeuta to tho*e paying unwarrantable action, and then and ^ r’ ,rano°r>J*“ H satisfy il'c sum of ?22-18 21. Therefore bv ja w ' \ 1' 1 u i r n i - iv * , . ' CASH, and to p«*nioiis whodesirc, xve sell onthe installment plan- $10 down and, »nd$ 10 there :t treaty of peace was declared. J virtu ' of said execution and decree of fore- j J w l , j, , '» 1' lvK A -N1> s.»LALLR L« pt.r luonth until the Machine is paid for. On.* of our new styles feeds tlie work away; from The parties to this transaction nr«- RLJOK L I5 L J O K E i closure* f have levied upon said tract of laud, ‘ nI : the operator, so that wo have now both n sido and Hack feed machine. Every Machn warranted for ten years and no charge will I k * made for repairing or keeping Machine now friends, and will return home. Ov«*r the good news which in f.«et <-vrrv j mid on >|tt«irdav the "22nd day of August • * T T /V T 7? TST TT”* ic t c a T hk Grove tv,ys frequent the Old S ming Hole from rosy morn til! dewy . . ! tip-.» the »‘yja-es^Uttiu U»is a ftern t»«!!, II inmax k««ps tl»- g*r anger s’ st .* , ; ,- ‘ 1 » * » 5, ‘ tí.,1 i ,1" ' ” ' : tha< ' ' ■/ ' ! ' . 1 fc. ll lots of eoods. moia« .-s n \].. r.’ tiMii-i-ct: re. i : t! h. - r.i A / ' ENCE SE' body 1» anxious t.« hear. AVhy «»f «*ours.‘, ¡ 1874. at th«b«.nr of one’«, elook p. si. o f ’ ‘ «-onn> right to If disi •<*v«>,-unii lo< k for the * saiil »lav, in front of the Court House doari r> ¿ Tyryr V 2 K P * r r r ,i rtrir—reo o t 1 new More, Kell , . . and ecetfeeclu ap in Hillsbor« . ».’ountv and Atate aforesaid, I B R ID L E S, W H IF S & Lash g< io. 1 that are : • >ni tin re It is Vneyvth to i w7*1 sell th** above «le.scrilsed tract of land at Repniringproiuptlv .itt^nd* l i t i - i i . v bi«*lv tai!*; Til-* O^^f- w « rc l ’ ubîieaiftioii to the Li*'h*.-st biddu i*:> ii- or*!« r «lurin'; thitt time. Every. Florence Mncliine .4l in t Oregon kept in order fre charge. Call and ree them, or send f«.r circular with cut nnd and pnce list. MnuLi doH^red in anV part of the Btolo orjn Washington Tem loey. t| my owm wUk. J B LOOMIS. A?ent. !!!I Third St.. Fortland. Oregon. m v 28 tfffpr'*'» ■* g r . A i-, 2S .....