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About Forest Grove independent. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1873-1874 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1874)
/ ✓ w m *<É^- É b jg » V O L . 11. FÜ LLST w THE INDEPENDENT. -F T , 13. . . . . L U E TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: , O n« year.......................... *• Six mouths,...................................... J ;Thri*f mouths,.................................. * Rinyle copies,................................... N ports arc reaching lioro o f :t hood in 1P0 acres, and though built nearly thirty years ago, was considered , safe. A largo number o f farms, gar- dens, and m illsnlong its course,were ' inundated by the llood. T lie heav RATES OF ADVERTISING: TIME 1 HQ. ‘2 Mi. \ eol ’ il" >1 I'’1' 1 WEEK. 1 5Ü 2 W) :» 50 6 oo I'* ' M» 2 WEEKS. 2 00 2 50 4 50 H ;>»» 1 • •"* 1 MONTH. 2 50 3 oo 5 00 12 00 2 ' ] 00 r. Miw 4 50 o 00 J 00 20 00 50 DO ¡;MOs] < it) 10 IH> lt> 00 30 00 50 no I year . 10 00 15 CIO 30 00 50 0 > 00 00 iest loss is at Chester. Dr. Hemans Lucius estimates his damage nt$10,- T h e farms of Messrs. Newton Cowles are badlv damam-d. Bismark was driving in tlie country toward Saline Springs at noon to day, he was fired at by avoungm an. FOREST GROVE, - • - * PREGON. Th e ball grazed his wrist. The f OFFICE At his Residui wound is insignificant. Th e wvuld- Johnson's Planing Mills. be assassin was properly arrested. H e has not been identified. G eo . H . P riiH A M , II. \\ TnoMrsi Jilglrtrt Att'.mty. Durham & Thompson A T T O U N E Y S -A T L A jr No. 109 First Street. ORF.GOV PO R TLAND , - A t 1:30 P . M ., Bismark drove through ami ■¡bowed pu> >11C K is- B erlin , July Id .— The subject: It is a w ell known tact that the number o f arrests for violation 0f OR EGON. *T" , „ 100 deg. in last week. B A L L At STOTT, ATTO U N EYS. A T - L A V No. 6 Deknm’s Block, PO R T LA N D , CREGON. n35:ly FRANK L. STOTT, Altorney-al-Law, N o 18 law in its bearings is somewhat simi become a drunkard. Place food or lar to our Sunday L iq u o r Ordinance, drink before a man without dictating only more sweeping, covering the to him just how much ho shall eat A fire oc buildings destroyed are mostly dwel- fs with s¡mie store and fact one • loss is estimated at 9 1,.>0(1,000. S an F rancisco , Julv 1”».— In the B Peeclicr-Tilton f— G investigation, Mrs. Tilton, in her testimony before the I Committee, gives evidence contra dictory o f 1 ilton s version.* H er ap pearance before the Committee was ! effected by the personal friends of Beecher. I t is postively stated tlmt Mr. Beecher is making ‘ overtures to or drink, and he w ill satisfy bis THE TERRiTCniES. S. Hughes, M As all our readers interested in criminal laws and penal ordinances in in all cities ore Police Courts are establi ic d , an average of •10 per t i s ehargablo to drunkenness di- cent, i r e d ly , not incuding im aiding « rimes and to this e la s i legislation should bo but we suspect the most potent at directed. ,Tho question is asked: traction rests with them, os with tho every case, but in tho aggregate it is ITow, then, will you prevent or les most of us, in the work that pays tfrt believed to be nearly correct.” sen drnnkenne-ss among this class o f best. There is a curious discrepancy “ Tho fo llo w in g w ill show the people? In considering this ques in the amount of remuneration given number o f each class o f places where tion wo must first ascertain what to actors and that earned by attf ! li<luor is s i n tho city, together portion o f our people form the class other brain-works. A stdr, prirrlded with tho number of drunks traced* to of chronic drunkards; and, secondly he is of first order Of brightness, each class: where do these people principally earns thousands per woefk for repre No. of I I otols........7C> No. of Drunks 57 resort to and obtain the means fo r senting one part in a play for which No. of Groceries. 1,127 No. of Drunks 1,425 No.of bar Rooms 1,121 No. of Drunks 0,152 intoxication? B y again referrin g to the author, who conceived charflWt- No.of Jug Rooms. .327 No. of Drunks 5,511 the police statistics o f this and other ers, plot situation and wit, receives a T o,954 T o ta l......... 11,145 cities, wc find that those people oc small copyw right. Yet tho play cupied in the low er walks of life,such “ Thus showing that 70 hotels w right is the best paid o f literary made but 57 drunks during the year, as laborers, sailors, teamsters and workere; the same matter furnished while groceries average 1, bar-rooms servants, furnish oui station houses to a leading magazine, even by tho abo.ii 0, and jug-room s 11 drunken with the greater part o f their busi forem ost o f our literary men, would tained from the victims themselves, and may not have been reliable in la *'t the follow in g deductions pre rests nearly double tlie number ob unambiguous, the penalty such as sent themselves to the mind. In tained their liquors froju jug-room s w ill deprivo the seller who violates Brooklyn, with a population o f 14‘d,- — i. e., bought on pre ■•»j*-- > to bo in any measuro any of its provisions 000 inhabitants greater than Boston, carried away and drunk elsewhere— which it should authorize the P olico not yield one-half the tum» t * pecuniary rc- , I t wotud be useless to ontet into detail; the fact remains that therfc *is not in America a single literary man who has acquired a largo fortuue his pen— though there havo been many who had wealth from private sources— while, during the last year, three foreign artists have sent bactf to Europe or invested here canings amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars more than they could have made in Europe in half a dozen sea sons. Now we do not suggest that the artists of this class are overpaid: I f it is worth three or four dollars to a man to hoar VMargaret” in Taust, or to see an exceptional pretty “ Ros alind,” then “ Margaret” and “ Rosa lind,” have fairly canned their re ward; but, if this kiita bi* talent i« thus rated in the market, that of ouf historians and poets is shamefully underpaid. Even the lower order of histrionic ability command higher prices than the first in liteiature; Hawtbbm e’s family, if they had de- pendod on the sale of his books fot ac of any other place where liquor was authorities to establish, from engag support, would have starved; whild ing in tlie traffic. The amount the children of a circus clown live in count o f drunkenness and a total of obtainable. charged for license should bo such a palace. Tim I X YMUI.r. IN FAMILIES. • I ”>,102 arrests less for all causes, as to entirely abate such places as ; sr> Louis a n d B r o o k ly n show less "What is the lesson taught? That The explanation of all this lies1 in men who were prevented from ob now disgrace our city and breeds so the fact that our people want amuse j D R U N K E N N LS TU A N BOSTON. i St. Louis, with a population of62,- taining t heir customary dram — per much crime, and prevent persons ment and recreation, and are willing7 0(58 inhabitants greater than B P s to n , haps taking a drink in a saloon and who,upon gaining the means o f pur to pay for them without much regard Í chasing a gallon of the forty-rod to.the relative talent, work, or de* | shows 3,925 arrests.Jess charged to j then departing— bought tlicir liquors intoxication, and 8,594 arrests less j by the gallon, and bv d oin g so not whisky, from opening a place for sc» ts of those who offer them:»« Such had tho opportunity given tlie traffic in poisons and theft and being the case, we are not surprised in tli 3 aggregate. alone bad Brooklyn lias neither license nor them o f drinking in largo quantities, rol »bories. The revenue thus received that women who feel surd they can 1,1 r»0 arrests less were made on St. Louis lias a inducing them to become drunkards license law — being tlio onlv large * themselves, but o f introducing it in- Mi - Theresa Lightncr, a native,of to their fam ilies,breeding a desire for Olym pia, recently took the highest city in the Union that has advanced drink in the w ife, mother and c h il prize in one of San Francisco's best so far- and Boston has a strict pro- high sci n>ls. fur superior sch ola r-! lilbition law, the penalty for tlie vio- dren, and consequent intoxication ship. 1 lie prize con : ted of u gold ^ ]ation of which consists of fine and where before the vilo stuff had never medal and a $100 library. been seen or tasted. immprisonment in the workhouse. The World says: “ Idah o getss‘50,- This fact in a great measure ex Thus it w ill be seen that tho c ity 001) o f tho money appropriated by plains why enlightened prohibition Congress for purposes by fur the less population having tho i ^ c Uolic.*vc tLe oDjoct is to absorb strictest lawr m aking it apparently Boston has so much more drunken most ofuth® Rum 1,1 tbc ?,0rk c { sur' impossible to obtain liquor, furuish- ness than liberal St. Louis, where prohibitory laws. would, iu point of economy, be al succeed as well upon the stage a 3 most sufficient in itself to pay the with tlie pen should choose the pro I expenses o f tho P olice Department, fession wherein their merit w ill b e and a saving o f the Lax to a very most fully recognized, and we wish groat extent for this purpose be se them hearty god-speed, not only for cured to the ¡city at large. their own eckes, but for the effect I.till IIAL LEGISI.AAION their course will havo in destroying N o t until tho entire liquor traffic the prejiulico still lingering in tho shall be placed under strict P o lice minds of many rational, well-inform surveillances can much hope bo en ed people against actors and u,« ii tertained for a cure o f tho evils o f lives. The adoption by any pure/ intemperance. This is not a more good woman .well known in the com the License L aw prevails. restrain Tilton from his determined o f »‘r o v i i . V ^ t " 7 t w U 7 S I CS^ b? ^ tb° ^ eatest °[ surmise or experiment, for the mat HOW IT WORKS IN CLEVELAND. course. Tilton show no signs o f j about as m uch to make Snako riv# r ! cnmil,!l s> au^ w ia^ Is l)ar^icubir^ S till more clearly to demonstrate ter has been tested, and to the liber noticeablo the greatest number of navigable as to d ig a new river yielding. V CJ A letter fr< m Salt Lake C ity says: arrests for drunkenness, w bile St. the truth o f these deductions, wo al and practical authorities o f St. THOMAS H. TONGUE. Bo- n ' , Ju ly 15.— The demand The yield of bullion from some of I Lou is, with a license law and where need not go beyond the corporate Lou is belongs tho credit o f proving Attorney -at-LftW, for nearly all kinds o f w ool is steady 11ir mines is now mo< ;l oxtraordii nary, larv. liquor can most easily bo obtained, lim its of our own city for illustra llic test a grand success. Parties in although some manufacturers arc F V or instance, the ‘ Oils' is 1 I1 ] )« HilLsloro, Washington County, Ore gon. rite«! proportionately shows the least tions. Short ly after the Sunday L iq all stages o f society, who are really disposed to hold back and bear the ai; P reducing o\ r r . 1,000 worthi per uor Ordinance took effect, as a m at and sincerely interested in the w el crime au 1 least drunkennes market in anticipation o f easier pri d¡ ' V above all ex P« •l ,es. Th e ‘ F la g 1 - 1 (' ter of curiosity how the ordinance fare o f tlicir fellow men aud the com 55 I ’ product pr<)b; iblv 81,500 per CLEVELAND ADDS ITS TESTIMONY. E. D. SHATTUnt. n* KII.I.IN. ces. L a rg e receipts tend to give an «h \y above exj >ense■Á j and m m v ot li Surprise is often expressed by our would affect (he manufacture and munity at largo, cannot help conced- M i .ill n ek k K i l l i n , impression to buyers that a low er Cl'S ì¡•Linuvvay iiq. in i: o bun lreds d ai ly. -ere institu-1 ing that the practical application o f citizcns that notwithstanding the j sale o f beer, inquiries wc range o f prices may prevail, but W\ N. 5Vhi s ! tc . E says that 1 lìti - A TTO R N E Y S A N D C O IN S E U Hi stringent Sunday L iq u o r Ordinance, to ascertain this fact. Our bottlin g 1 the license system is the true remedy 1 stocks have only begun to nccumti- ima crops arc V(TV ip romising, and passed July 8th, 1 <ST55 by your H o n institutions were visited,and all con- for tho evils resulting from tho AT LAW. ■ late, as supplies now arriving cost tilings goin g on prosperously gener orable B ody and now iu force, the curved in the assertion that their abuses o f tho liquor traffic. T o the Dckum’s Building, First Street, i com paratively high rates in the inte- ally. Tho people u;> tlioro do not increased. “ F o r you 1 im practicable theorist and visionary feel the hard times like we do in this arrests o f persons charged with trade had PO R TLAND , OREGON. ' rior. Receivers arc only w illin g to section o f country. There they pro drunkenness on that day, should be must know ,” was the remark, “ that . alone remains the field for opposi- B U S IN E S S C A R D S , & L O D G E S . : sell when a fair pruli: is realized. duce their own livin g c xcept cloth increased rather than diminished, thc people who cannot g e t tlicir usu-1 tiou to wholesome, ** 'so and liberal - - ■■ -■ j Com bings and delaine fleeces are ing and groceries,and they go to the and tho reason for such increase is al lager in the places which they legislation in this behalf. i sought after and all available lots Dalles onco a year and lay in a year’s I t is to be hoped that our present supply,go home and take their ease. attributed to various causes, such as were accustomed to visit, would not readily taken at current rates. M ost Constitutional Convention w ill sub Th e general impression seems to the non-enforcement o f the ordi be deprived of it , and so ordered NOTARY PUBLIC AND COLLECTOR.. ■f the largo m ills have a supply fo r bo that the winter season in Alaska nance by the p'-uco, lack o f v ig i tlicir dozens ot bottles or kegs to be mit, us a part of its deliberations, a E G A L P A P E R S D R AW N. ACK- the present but many o f them ean- comprises nearly the whole year,an ’ lance of the authorities, etc., which, taken to tlicir hom es.” I f this fact provision authorizing our law-makers MA nowlcilgemtnts taken. Mill atona not keep out o f tho market for any that when snow muí ice give wav upon investigation w ill bo shown to was lim ited only to beer, it m ight to give us a license law, and that *ntr * 1 1 , 1 . len gth c t time. F o reig n adrices are heavy fo gs take their place. T h is is bo fallacious and and without any not be a matter for such serious con such provisions w ill speedily be fo l still q u 'tc favorable, and there is no not entirely correct as to any part of the country, and it is altogether foundation whatever. On tho con sideration, as it is not beer that lowed by such a law as iu future op | margin lo r shipments to this side, J o l m C o o p e r , w rong as to large portions of it. The trary in numerous cases the officers, makes the drunkards other than its e ratio n s will .reflect credit upon the i Sales o f Ohio and Pennsylvania Heec- damp and fo g g y weather is experi in tlicir zealousness, li »vo even ex influence in breeding a tasto for wisdom of its makers. D L A T I S T A A 1) J E II E I j L /. I ; cs L r> 2C" 55c; 7 M ichigan and flWis- enced chiefly on tho islands and A j ceeded tlicir duties and privileges in stronger drinks; but it applies as C a l l f o r a N e w P a r t y in M is so u r i . ^ consin, 52;combing delaine llee- shore lino, from Sitka westward to 4 p ) L H ITS THE PATR O NA G E OF TH E A ttn, but on Renai Peninsula, on a this behalf and it lias become neces well to whisky and the stronger — St. Louis, Juno 28.— T h e Dcmo- 12\(c 17; un fc* y r-ovi*. Wnrk. wovrunti >1. Oilic© ©or | ces, 50(5'(50c; washed, portion of the great Peninsula o f sary to caution and instruct many in drinks, from the use o f which nearly crnl will to-morrow publish a double- 1 y washed K entucky and California, Walnut :tn«l Tint? Sti fftr Aliaska, and on the mainland gen er their duties under the law, to cave a l f the greater crimes spring. leaded editorial taking strong ground spring, 20 (n 10. ai lv, there is a fair proportion of T1IE INFERENCE. them from action of citizens on ac in favor o f ti genuino P e o p le ’s M ove .1 ' FOREST GROVE LODGE, No. 136,’ clear, sunny days. S antandi . k , Ju ly.— Th e Command count o f trespass. The inference from the above facts ment. Lo defeat what it calls “ B ou r I . O . O . T ., ant at B ilbao has asked for reinforce S ligh tly sarcastic wa tho clergy- is plain and indisputable. In terfere bon Dem ocracy” in this State at tho THE “ z r o PCCMs” TELL THE STORY. Gubernatorial election next fa ll, and eets at n addressed a ments,which wero sent hence to-day. man who paused and H A L L EVERY SA I The enigma call bo solved alone with a man’s appetite . and he w ill . unlay i m ii. calls on the Republican State Cen •h a lte r tho Th e blockade o f B ilb o a b y by land is ania:i com ing into eh by again referring to i t. List• - a which scruple at no means to secute that o f tra l Committee, which meets next Z S <»f lin* i >nl r q i , . . . . ,, * , . . sermon had begun, with remain " d ’lv inviti;»! to nil com plete and stringently maintained . ¡ ( ; ] ;lq j me you ir, come in;always ¡ in connection with the fo re g o iii" r< which you deprivo him. D eprive a month, to recconnnend such a m ove by the Callista. : t i i o : î u ere late who can’t marks and figures may cast sufficient man of food, and when the oppor m en t, instead o f nom inating a .>/ r o L im o o K l o d g i : ( nnc early;” and decidedly self-pos- ligh t upon the subject to enlighten tunity presents lie' w 'll become a s tra ig h t Republican State ticket. NO. îiü , M adrid , July 15. —Gen. Marione z cssed was the man thus addressed those laboring in the fog. F o r this glutton. Take away a man’s accus A. F . »V A. M. . .. . • , » reports that B ilbao is in no innnedi i . Mexican editors don’t care about j m t iio presence ot an astonished con FORESTGROVE, o i i l ’.d)\- ate danger. Tho Carlista iano oi- i ,»|*c:jr¡d.ion as lie resp o n d ei: “ Thank purpose we w ill again refer to the re tomed beverage, and when it be an extended circulation. T h e few er Satiinlay lu fi.r»- tin- Full M, sel serilx rs they have the fewer times d< red that one •publican »’a. ’» nitxitli. Uri tlin u in von : won! i van faVi with , lie ports o f Chief of P olice o f the pro- comes possible for bint to secure ■: x: i'ii t| o i, i hil ¡tii'ii <*itv o f ! ‘i> !< ;i, wlmjv the drink, he w ill Ink7* it to excess and (le v arc shot :it. /I'lroit hr*’< l ‘r >,.*i tim ii- ll t; HILLS BO flO, OR EOO H. Office in new Court House. THE STAGE AS A PROFESSION. ap j O BALE« n 1874. did and unprejudiced person who persons to each place, in their re ness. I t is found, by further inves Mar ion county. during the vear tigation, that these people resort to spective classes o f trade. endin'X Julv 1st, paid over . 5.000 for has the interest of the community at SEVENTEEN THOUSAND DRUNKS IN BOSTON. j frequent the lowest slums and the su pport o f her paupers,89.738 43 1 heart. “ In tracing the 17,000 intoxica-1 g ro g sh o p s in the cities, and thrcc- f< >r car e o f her eri minais, and is $40,- l'.aooKLYN AND 1ÍOSTON COMPARE 1 . .)«!«> ill in d e l t . fourths of all the arrests fo r drunken In various cities every conceivable ted persons who were in the custody Fiv( * handle« 1 hc..d o f cattle form o f legislation has been resorted o f the police duriug the year to the ness can bo traced diroctly as origi nating in this class of places. passe«]1 through!»; iker City last week, j to, and in order to form any posi different class o f places where they from ( irand Rom lo Valley,bound for A STRICT LICENSE LAW TUE ONLY REMEDY. tive opinion on this subject it is nec obtained their liquor, the follow in g Nevada. I f these crim e-engendering holes essary to see what the p olice statis- average is believed to be a fair esti Judge Bois ha ; sold his Hock of of corruption are abated or brought ; ties under these various experiments mate: F o r each hotel, 1; for each bundled and fifty sheep to J. grocery, 1A; for each bar-room, 8A; under direct control of tho Police H . M ver and D. J. Holmes. P rice show— whether the evil has received -i » Departm ent, much good will result, paid, . 7*2 each. its greatest check and been placed and fo r each jug-room , 17. N ow here wo find the fact plainly I aiul hope maJ* hc entertained for the Th c dimensioi ; of {lie warehouse under its greatest controll by the now being built t • ■ AllnlllV depot general restrictive license, or p ro stated that in the city o f Boston, in 1 8Pe'?,1y decrease o f drunkenness and by H . C. N ew by a : C o ., are 200x100. hibitory laws. These three princi- one year, 17,000 persons were arrest consequent crime. I t is not alone It w ill contain sixty sections for the i r ri ,, • the moralist, the prohibitionist, or . , , pal forms of law in tins operation ed for drunkenness, or an Average of storage o f grain m sacks onlv—and , . , ,, „ philanthropist that desires to see ■>r)(j (jyij are plainly exemplified in the three about bO per cent, o f all arrests,n ot-1 posse .ses a capacity for nislic great cities o f Brooklyn, St. Louis withstanding the fact that the traffic tllis much wished fo r end secured, ^ ie hotter classes of keepers of , 1 and Boston. The follow in g figures was controlled by a strict prohibito- h u W illam ette i. gel i I ry law so far as retailin g was con- l ’ 1 -accs where liquors are sold have rather low and the steamboating sea arc taken from the P olice R ep ort of corned—and the authorities in p o w - ' h illy as deep an interest in this mat son w ill soon bo at an end for this said cities for the year 1872: year, i l i e ( ¡rover and Success are Population. Arrests. Drunks. er. persons who gain and hold their 1 ter,and how can this end be reached? . .3 M,(iaO 22.S00 tn eon lv boats that arc now runnin *- Brooklyn | offices by reason of their close svm- ! *^i,nl'ly by the passage o f a strict St. Louis .. .312,90S 19-31S llf m nasa m in i¡>tf*r who play 11,225 patliv with the objects of that law. j license liquor law, the provisions o f I >rt; .toll . ..250,000 27,902 illiard ,. W e find m oreover that of these ar which shall be clear, distinct and B y referring to the above state Th e number o f school children in ( lat*op county is The final or- curred at Oshkosh this evening. It ALFRED K IN N E Y , M D.. der o f the State Board o f School originated on Main street near the Commissioners allowed Clatsop s TJ H G E ^ TNT. Beckwith H orse, •*.• proceeded >27(5 00 coin, and >«!(* (!"> currency. FFICE IN , DEKUM S B U ILD IN G , uorihw.ird <-n Main strei-t l’o r a half 1 lie rate per,scholar is.(¡<5 Id 72eoin, N. \V. corner o( First and Washing and .1(5 (50-100 currency. ton Streets, PortLind, Oregon. n37 ly mile, and westward tc the lake. The A. B A L L . J U L Y 23, dramatic gossip knows, one or two petite and continue temperate. women who havo been well known i “ D uring the year 1871 measures These propositions apply to the gen in tho literary world'purpose during and Intemperance. ------ ! were taken to ascertain what sort o f erality o f mankind. There is, how the next season to gotapon the stage» I n view o f the agitation now g o in g j Prices the persons sent to Court for ever ,..a certain class o f men and w o N o doubt they ore influenced in part | on in Oregon on the subject o*f! drunkenness obtained their liquor. men who appear born with tho love by the inward eorivic Lion %bat' their o f liquor, a part of their natmey aPd true work lies beiu-id ihe footlights* .Tem perance, wc copy tho follow in g ! This infonu«tio n could only bo ob j < 'u.etoo July 10 T lie bodies o f i two men and children wero taken j from the last Annual R eport o f ti e 1 from the ruins o f a b u ildin g on N o. P o lice Commissioners of Cleveland, ' 1(5 South Clark street last evening. Ohio, which gives interesting o as They were victims of Tuesday cvc- w ell as u »eful on the wonld-bc Oregon Penitentiary now cor assassin of Bismark lias lx ai identi- , tains 11(! pri îsoners. lied as a Magdebur cooper named i 1 The mail Tictwcon Astoria and For- Cullman. H e is a member o f the est ( i ro ve ov erlain rnvcf and de- Catholic Journeym an’s S >ciety, and parte with regularity,hut is reported has lately been seen conversing with to be a.terrible hard route to travel. a Catholic preist. There is intense The carrier had to “ fo .t it” for about excitement inBi ilin o v c r tlie attempt, 2"> miles, leaving lii.-i horse behind him, on the first trip last week. to take Bismarck's life. M ilwaukee , July 11. c. THU R SD AY — —— — Lafj .vi it, talks o f iu corpoiM ing at j misdemeanors, perpetrated by p er the nc \t session i >f the legislature. rons under the i nil nonce o f liquor. Th e 15irownsvilii W o >len C o m p an y Th e question how can this evil has pi livn:l i '.I, ¡-i.> far, about 75,(»00 be abated or re. trie ted? is one which pound s o f wool, at prices ranging I is worthy the attention o f cvo.iy can from i iti to .>*) OCRits. of I’hyririun and Surircou, O FFICE—At th»* Drug Store. RESIDENCE -Corn« rSeeoml Blocks' nth of the Drug Store. m22:Iy Judge Morse is a a UP mercury g< >t to Lu cies and. | the ’*:ide at the j Dall« F.verv bridge between M iddlelicld and Huntington is w holly or partial ly destroyed. The roadbed is also washed out in many places,and trav- OFFICE Near Lo gan Johnson’s Planing -i i • ,* i »il Mills. n lvtw een this place and A lban y J J will be suspended for several days. P R O F E S S IO N A L C A R D S . K issknokn ..Tulv I d . — W h ile Prince - - - - OREGON OREGON, ——— — — — Yor.X, July li».—T lic question Court o f Appeal:;. E dge T o o l Co. is entirely destroyed, j cations intended for insertion in T he I ndependent must be authenticated by the name anil address of the writer— not necessarily for publication, but asa guaranty of good faith. FOREST GROVE. C O U N TY, jhwiwiiw — IME LIQUOR TRAFFIC. Rol: i. (ìibbeu s i.; number fourteen ried o ff a large amount o f eir.crv. I o f the “ life-timer; s” now confined in The water power o f the Ilanaham 1 the ].t : nit*, .itiarv. is experienced in the destruction Physician and Surgeon. ew 1 000, the water having swept through I one story o f his em ery m ills and ear- j AGENT AT PO RTLAND , O/.’EC.ON —L. roads and bridges. T o replace the S amcels . AGENT AT SAN FRANCISCO—L. F .F i > ii - bridges it w ill cost about $10,000, e r , rooms *20 »V 21,Mcrchant’aEichange besides several thousand dollars to California street. AGENTS AT NEW YORK C IT Y -S . M. repair roads. The Boston and A l P ettknoill A C o ., 37 Park Row, cor. Beckman st.—G ko . P. R owe it. i Co., bany railroad is very badly damaged 41 Park Row. TO CORRESPONDENTS.— All cnmnin"i- for a distance o f nearly twenty miles. W . II. S A Y L O R , M . 1)., r w tw im w »lin g’s fire. L ocal N on e es .20 cents per line for the and several mu dii WC VO first iusertion, and lOi ints# liu«‘ for » ¡»eh subsequent insertion. N » notice less tb.m o ff from their foundations or Hooded. «50 cents. Th e high water continued in Chester A liberal reduction willl-o made on regu nearly two hours. Thehonviost loss lar advertisers. W I L S O N H O W L B Y* M. I>. W A S H IN G T O N Hampshire county, caused by the step-father o f M rs T ilto n , and has breaking o f a reservoir at ZMid«lle J been her husband's iutim aio friend tiold. Tho reservoir covered nearly I for many years. , Editor and Proprietor. GROVE, ■■ i i ■ ■ « . a<ri»i) j ! o f the legal separation o f Air. ami ; Annual Report of the Board of Police : i M rs.Tilton is now in tho hands o f N . Commissioners of Cleveland.Ohio, entire week instead o f one day only. Si-r.iv, field , Mass., July id .— R e -; B. Morse*, form erly »Judge o f the o i the L *’.: gi Traffic, Licensing ^ 0 quote: Oregoi C mi » Bilbao. TELEG R A PH IC! ruBLLSIIKD AT Forest Grove » munity, of the stage os her profess ion, dooH more to elevate tho drama in the eyes of tho world than a thousand books written in its behalf. — Nnc York Tribune. PAYING F O R i B R ID i THE ROMANTIC MARRIAGE OF THE CIRCAS SIAN BEAUTY LEADS TO A LAW SUIT. rJ > a readers of this journal can not but l>e familiar with the romantie circumstances surrounding the court ship and subsequent marriage ef Mr.- Bruce, with the beautiful Circassian girl.Zululu Agra. It will be remem bered that the anxious lover engagedJ an embassador to ascertain the whereabouts of his fair inamorata. H e selected for this delicate mission Mr. George Ford, who was door- koeper at Burnell’s Museum during the existence of that institution.? Mr. Bruce, it is alleged promised to pay all the expenses incurred by Ford in search for the huty, and gave him $100 to start on. M r.F ord on his return from his successful mission, put in a bill for $170, but the expeciai t bridegroom refused to pay the little balance of $70. Since that time Ford, it is s^iclj has fre quently endeavored to collect the amount but without success. F ri day, Alderman McMasters investiga ted tho matter, as tho embassador ’ had entered a suit against Bruoe for i $70. The defendant, it is alleged,,* did not deny F ord ’s statement and j the Alderman consequently entered- 1 judgm ent against Bruce for th<\ amount claimed . j. ■