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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1891)
1 MORNING 1IEKALD; THUStAy t SEPTEMBER 3. 1891. Celsl Are Broken fn la Mealaaa. From th Vj;aiCity, II jut M. lianiian. Vuen we find a medicine we know to p Mies g; mine merit' we consider it a djr.y, a id we U'e pleaaue in tilling tli-t public wii .t it i. Such rn-.iicint we iVind Caarnbrl.tiu'a C.ngh Remedy, last winter, when la grippe was pryilin. We are satii.'iid that it warded off several at t.vrk that war threaten in' by tiie use of your syrup, a:vl we have since reiuveu, in a lew Hours, severe eoids, add in the course of two or three days, entirely broken them up by its use as have several of i : i r ur friends whom we have recom- tend it. It is all that it is repre sented to be by he manufacturer. If you have a cough and want to atop it, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will do the work. For ale by Foshay & Mason. Take the Union I'acitic railway for tha East, thirtv-tive hours quicker than an v other transcon- . . .i i: i' I . . i - uoiawi mn. riii'jui new uiuiug eara, Pullman pi I ace sleepers, free family sleeping cars run tlirouu'li to Denver, O.uaha, Council Binds, Kansas City, M. Louis and Chi-, eago. c. u. uawungs, city iicnei cent, foot of ttroiUlbiii street. Llttl Ulaot and Cowrie' Bros, boys, minges and child-1 reu's shoes dilTereut styles nil ! siies and widths mads solid all: Tiitoucii. Try a pair n ithing j Wetter medium in price. Every : air warranted. j Sami kl E Yoin'g. j Coraatl 1'uraetst We make a -pecialty of Ivies; and misses tine corsets and w f ts. j We have a drive in a Frnch! sateen corset at 75 cents. xtra i good value. Samlkl E. Ya no. I The Union Pacific, j Is the only line running tw fast trains daily from Portland to Omaha, tit. Paul, Kamas City, j Chicago, St. Louis and all points I Hast and South. Hay your tickets I of C. U. Rawling, foot ol Broad-1 albiu street, Albany. j It you want a durvle monu-j saeut go to E. W. Achison, who are baudling nothing but the leji grades. I Catarrh cured, health sweet j breath secured, by Si. Hob's Cat-1 arrah remeily, price 50 cent. j Naaal injector Ire, s id !y Fos!i:iy ; 4t alasou. , ThatS'jur-teuipei-ed cross, dys- rptic individual, alio il 1 take lr. j II. McLean's Sarasiipanlla ! It will make him feel as weil a .d heart as the healthiest of us. lie, need 4 bracing up, vitalizing, that is all. at amber of I. Inn Coiimy l-'itriieri .4lliaa-:e. You are hereby no'iiifl that I j have contracted with ll.e well- known tirm of SteAai t A S...X. at Albany, toupj!y you w ith b. ders nioivers, rakes, tuie, ha-k., ing gies, wagons, p!o, eic, i.s well as all olhr arlicl s in tin line of general hardware. Marion enti ty meinberscaii purchase at the awnie place ffn the same terms. lirs. 11. Ikvkk. Financial Ag-.-nt. New and complete stock of epeclacle an 1 eve glas ed just re ceived at F. M. French's. Every Tiair Htted bv Johnston's Patent eye-meter, every pair fullv war- ranted to t. If you are hungrv to i Kroa. ami -'ft a I ili of th i kt r b -t bread in the city. If yo.i sutfer prici:. palm on saoving the eyes, or ca;.u- t bear Vright light, "id timl voir sight week and fail n', y 'i s! onid promptly use lr. 11. McLean's strengthening Eye Saive. -'") cents a box. F. M. Frenc'i keeps the largest and most complete stock of spec tacles and eyeglasses in M:e count. Fvery pair warranto 1 to w give perfect satisfaction. i . As a table and medicinal water,; fhanBe r Biiiea. the Coronado can't l beat lry; No?ire if ilt.reuv given that it and be convinced. I.ottled at Mllel.r & , iarrett have solJ to K the world renowned sanitarium, ; j Ullmm., tlleir entire business, Hotel Del C .ronado, Coronado, mercliandiHet ,wok California. accounts, tixtnres.e'c. Parties in New jewelry of latest patternsat ; ,iwi,ted to said firm will please call Will 4 Stark's. j and settle at once with E. J. Lan- """"" T Z TT 1 niuir. to w hom all accounts hre Tlia yua.tiou or th. Hour. j va,)le And one that is frepi -iit"y j "i outstanding indebtedness atked Mr. Wisdom, "what is it in ; v,-il. be settled by Mueller & Uar- vour Kjbertine that produces such .... .... i.f .i i a tlellgtltlUliy Cooling ami reirvou- j ing sensation and adds a most i delicate tint to the complexion ?" . to which we answer: It is a; eembinition of rare and harin!eis ingredients scientifically prepared, j! enters into the composition nfthU as tide ingredients which i have never before ben used in ! Dreoartious o! this kind, hence ; the effect is so striamgly diilerent j from that urjduced y all other toilet remedies. Tha Mwders ! need in the composition of Rolen ine are all of the very nuoothe-t n.l lint divison ills iKtsihle to produr", futher ino'C :i'!i a. id j lelmiuent Tai Notice, very ingredient must eland th" j ehool taxes are now delinquent, crucical test of ch-mi-al puntv, j j-lie . 4king out the delin insuring freedom from ail foreign H.nt it w,jci. will be in the ami ueieierious fuunam i.-. ( thus ,tl. nn uml mle.s I'tiiredieiits of the very finest division it is possible to" make all of absolute purity and combined with scientific precission, it U but natural that we should produ.- a mp no: article and one that has long been aptly termed the "Peerless Peauti lier." For sale by Foshay V Mason. You should see those balance rockers at Thomas Brink's. Cal and get one before they are all gone. Bargains in suni.Tier underwear at W. F. Reads. Have you seen that elegant piano at Klein Bros. Klein Broe. are giving a tine piano to their customers. j- Ladles Fine 3htes. ' I make a specialty of handling ! ladies tine shoes. 1 carry some of j the best brands inudo in tint) and : 'bt'dium grades in widths from A to l-'.K. All warranted Koods; EC i tr .aii, and will n-pair any pair ol tlid of any kind sold that wili ' rip or break. Samuel . Young j i;ni t:it:T run ln;li in tins city over System . f t il 1 1. 1.r n a uiui la iiuifin if f.i . i'atarr). of ... Sto.n-h. Dvsnensia Loiitftipation, Impure Dloou and to ! br.ild tip their system. Try it and tell your friends about it, as it I must posses wonderful merit i.,, . . u, ..... it u-.,ii n( it Special Notice. Ladies or gentlemen who con template buying gold watches will tind it to their advantage to call at F. M. French's jewelry store he fore ing, as there has been quite a reduction in pries. Tl.e ' Corner ieelry ttore i ; j ire Kinder, j If volI Wilut a K(lo,, allJ easy fire , ki,,,.,., on(, will kindle your ,iri. eilv everv till,e Call on or .1)me allJ ge , nie. A. J. Fox. due Hair Dollar Reduction on everv pairof T.ud- lows Fine Shoe, them at Samuel E. A iroodline of Young's. triuuii. The ablest physicians of the present age reeug-uze catarrh as a blood disease which aggravates the mucous surfaces. ..Iwre'a Re vealed Remedy purilics the blood, restores health to the affected membranes, stops offensive dis charges and correct the breath. For sale by all druggists. KISINKHS LOCALS. French keeps railroad time. Conn it llendrlcson. grocers. 1(1 per cent reduction on dress g Is at W. F. Ri-als. S!eeples- ni 'lits, made miserable by that teiiible coiig'i, Shiloh's Cure is t!ie remedy for you. For sjlo by Fo'.'hay A Mason. Sn.oke .hi ce!ebra!-d Havana :i!led 5-cent ignrs, luanufa.tured tt .lilliilH .lus ill's cigar f:i lorv. Kxpeits prjiioiiiiee Rleiri I'.ros. piano one of the linet toned in struments. Lawn spiinkleis, Matthews A VV:fhburn, garden hose, Matthews A Washburn, lawn mowers, Matth- , ens A Washburn, pumps, Matth ews A Washburn, bath tubs, ! Aiatthe.vs A Washburn, water ; closets, .Mai thews A Washburn. gasoline stoves, Matthews A Wash I tmrn, tlie best of everything .tlalthew A ashbiirn. Some of tiie teat styles of ele- satit bed lounges can be seen at i Fortmiller A lrving's, as they have just received a lar'e invoice. I Il'.iy gaoline stoves from Mat i thews A Washburn. New sprii g novelties in dress ; goods and dress silks, in colors and ; !lack in great variety at Samuel ; E. Young's. j Duy your gasoline stoves of i'llokins Bros. Shiloh's Cure and consumption ' cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures coneumptioii. For sale ' by Foshay A Mason. Fresh bread every day at Parker Bros. Every grower, druggist and sa loon man should keep Coronado mineral water on hand. It will be called iVr, as it is the best. John Jsom Jr., sole agent. Thomas P.rink has received a stock of baby carriages w hich he is ottering at prices as low as the lowest, and they are first-class goods. Take a look at the piano at Klein Ihos. shoe store. ritt. Mi A (Sakkett, i All any, May 25, lS'Jl. p, ,ia Kpuioved. J. LaPorte has removed from near shoe shop I.. Viereck's barber shop to the building adjoining Rrown's barber shop, opposite the Klips nouse, w here he is prepared to do work in a iirM-c.aso uuiiiuc.. m- in vites his customers to continue their patronage at his new ipiarters. hanMs ol me siieriu a.s soon as com pleted. Those who have not paid, had letter do so before costs of collection are added. Last no-tic-. KM kIX 4IIMI A S.tLtK. TLe test salve in t!i9 worM for t'utl, Bruges,, Fleers, Salt Kheillll, Kever sores, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Cliillilains. Corns, umlskiu Eruptions, ami pis. lively cures Piles, or i.o pay rcnuirccl. Il i.s guaranteed to givi verfect Siitisfnetioii, or uioney re fim Jeil, Price i" rents pi-r box. For sale !y Foslmy V: Mason - - . - Have you eeen those beautiful cement walls in the cenieter es, put up by E. W. Achison, at aH he cost of stone. A tine line of gold rings just opened at Will A Stark's. OTBICES oaWJaking Dsed in Millions of H6mes 40 Years the Standarc (taoii !A LOHSTiV tOXJTH", li .-. r"tl" Beautifully- and healthfully located new apparatus, full faculty, light expenses and large attem Normal, advanced normal, business, art and m lsie departments, Special attention given to physical culture, volunteer military or ganization. Those receiving diplomas are authorized to teach in any county in the state without further examinations. Tuition has been reduced in the normal and business departments from fit) to $25 per vear. and in sub normal from to 2i. A vear in school for ifloO expenses. Tuition in normal ami sub normal, $5 per term ; board at furnished room with lire and ligul ft per ween, noaiu am louumg m private houses $3.50 per week. First term opens September lS'll . students may enter at anv time. For catalogue address, P. L. Camp bell, A. B., President, or j. M. Powell. A. M., Vice President. FEED -:- 8TOEE Ass P GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET. WANTED SPECIALLY Hay, oats and j i.t.-itei f. tr mpply n'stome or the Oregon Pacific Railroad extension and my increating home tnl Yt re I sell in quantities to suit the j urclinsers. Store in Slra'nn Brick. Second street I. M. ROBERTSoN. (0 1 V UJL y; PiffTann n in its - bp i I o "immons Liver Regulator One Dose ioo . Dollar?. Dsar S. L, R: I eomifler one dote lm" mons l.iver Keaulator north 9100. a C0ni)tiiateil, hail llnvlache, coulil eat oth ine with satisfaction or appetite ha the blues, an.l felt altogether out of sorts. I re sorted to Blue Mass, Calomel. Quinin , ami every remedy suKirested, but only obtained temporarv relief. One dose of S L R did m more (rood than 9IM worth of doctors an doctorinK. Resp'y, J C Martih. I have lieen a teathcr for twenty Tears, and during that time have hail lepeated attacks of headache, produced by torpid Liver, and have been entirely cu od by Simmons Llvei Reirula'or. 1 foun. t to be of so mild i character in its a rtion not to interfere, Id he least with my duti tin the school room. To those similat i situi t d and subject t4ie same, 1 cannot J hii-t . recommend Sim mons Uver Regulator. E. . Casfi' CampljslUylUs Kj IT na 01.1EGON. Board of Regents : State Board of Education ex olficio, His Excellency, Svlveeter I'ennoyer g;- ernor: Hon. tl. . Mc Bride, secretary of state; Hon. F.. 15. JlcIMroy, sup- erinteiulent cf public in struction ; Benjamin Schol- lield, president ; J. l. Butler, secretary; execu live conimittee, Hon. J. J Dal v. Hon. P. W. Haley and' J. P.. V. Butler. Polk Jacob Yoorhees, Maricn J. C. White, Polk; Alfred l.acev. Clackamas; A Noltiier, Multnomah ; W. H. Holmes, Marion. The leading Normal School of the Northwest. No saloons. New buildings nice. business, $( 25 per term ol ten weeks, normal dining hall $1.50 per w eek, 'or ll'iinnmh lrtrtii 'if Tfiiitin; in BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND. PEN.VANSHIP. : SCHOOL IS THE BEST. FIRST NATION iLBAIK nillANSACTS 1 ULbi.KSb. 0KEL IIANKISO PRKSIDKNT L. KI.ISN. VICE PRKSIDKNT S. K YoCNU. ASIIIRK E. W. I.AMi )US. S. E. Youno, Fusn K. Sox. L, K ULA1M, E. K. W Lasodon Cashier. F. V A UT 1 ) K T A CHAIJLK LINK cv BELTING. The Best. The Gbeapest Beiluced Price List I Send Xori of ilrive brlt and otliiT iec:allii for Kleva tors. Conveyors ami Mw-hii't-ry fr haulin any matiri:il in bulk or iaekairi'. Link IIki.t M it hinkkv I'ti . l"hir:ii. Moi k cairinl hy J. M. AK'llll 'it A; l'.. Cltianl, Or. Health is Wealth ! Ir. K. C. West nerve ami brain trratir.cnt, a K'aar lllttictl H tv-ilic fof liyetc'rht, t'izzineat litt luuilaiht', ner vous proHtratittD caiistl hy theuttc of alihnl ur tobacco, tft(nini; of l-raii rcaultin in ini-aiiitj ami It 1 in; to nu try, tict ay und lot of ontr in either stx Kadi box con tain one in nttV treatment, One dol lar a x, or six h es for ive dollars, sent by mail pre pail on receipt of price, (luarantceF isHiieilonly by J. A. C'n mini ties (tnu.rK tlr UkTciit, Albany, i500 REWARD Wo will (Miy tiie alMive rewartl for any caw of liver complain. 1 aju'imia. KU k heailai he, in.liifcttion, eoi!Ktiatiin or entiveticss wc rainiot cure with West's liver pill, when tr tlireetion are utrietly cniHtl itl. The are pin ely etc' lalile ami never fail to (;i utinfiu-tinn. ijirue lioxes. eoi tainin 3t pilN. 25 eent, 'I lie irenuinii ininiltaclurct I only by the J"lin r. West etnifuii. riiu3ir, ! Il.if.nid Qi.l.l l.f .1 X t 'Ilia. tlril 'nM Albany, I'reifnn . JOHN S0Hh1SB'l LiveryFeed&Sale stab?, Corner Second and Kll-vtmh $Li ALBANY. OREGOls Ho as eh POAsnnD by (he ilay or month Ca riaesor buirvies on rcwan'.bie terms NEW FEEDSTORE! HAY, OATS AND CHOP FEED Always on hand. ANo Lime, Plaster & Cement. Couie to the corner for all kmits of Feed, d Water and Ferrj-sta f. V. Sl'IXK, Ail-any, Or. noin PlainfielD ! CONSOLIDATION -:- LOTS 1 The Cheapest and Best L5uv in thj Market. because the lots are 50x100 ; because they aie insMe property ; be cause they are all clear no Btumps, no roots, no rocks; because the land is elevated and has a line view of the city ; because thev are near three motor lines not in contemplation, but all now in ope'ratian ; be cause buy now, to-day, for the 10th day of next month they will ad vance $23 each ; because they are a snap. Ask those who have seen. Seeing is believing. Are you in it? It. F. APHI'.Y, Manager, Xo. (15, Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. CALL -AJLSTID SIEIEJ THE VERNON HAY PRESS CJnequaled for fast work and light draft. Manufactured at the foot of Baker Street, Albany, by PRICE & VERNON. OH. MAMMA nrii.o. six n1 HE CARRIES A FULL STOCK OF'NIGE H'lhMTUBE. ?.r;;.r;?-? tie rLWc, -- - o??riTE a?zi hous rn Fhe Albany wv A 4k FULL LINE OK IIXDERTAKIXG. -T I J K P.A.C I 1 s saving, m OF PAN Offers mi Absolute!. FOr. SMALL MONTH IA AMOUNTS?. jgr"Six dollars per month will loultling the amount invested in that Money loaned on real estate security at l per rent. I-or lull particu- ars apply to S. N. -i a t . Eie5f b o o . c V Z.ZS i s2fs - CO . d is9 S.S si e. a 2js a ts -r- 3 .o e k S t 2 f. am fjavj r. Cu 2 S fcsisai k tliiiiu' Ait- dJSjlsuniptioii '."JT-f ."'IM. I Clf KIMS U Si&tt&.arfAUULU": . '. !ME . . i . : . o , r V-.7JZ: '.'III yiil Jiii'il ! K.-n-it, :t : i:iu otii 'TJie.' trilU' ft :'. vi-n-i a matt'.-i'? Are you; TVi. ACKER'S EHCt-BSH REPsSRY ? , :'.-( 'i.iit;li.i. Colds and Oonsunipliosi Uljeyoud tjtu .-lion tiicKfe.'itestof ; jail Jlodern Remedies? ItwiUstopaCougliiuouo niht. It willchetkl : a Cold in a day. It vill prevent Croup, relieve Asthma and cure Con-. I sumption if taken in tima. M Yon can't nfTord to bo without it" A255.J I bottle may fsavoyou $100 in Doctor's billa marsaro rotir life I At k; yourdruggistforit,orTiteforbookto w'b!?. tfA BANK OF OREGON, ALliAN Y, ORKliON. D. T. Kerill, Pres. E- J. Lmninir, V. P-, J.W. Blain Cashier. Tranvu-twa yeiiTil lmnkinir Imtni'ss. Ktchmir lioiijjht anil oM on all the prin-i-ipal rititu of the I'niteil States, also, lirrat liritiiii. Kranre ami Gtrniany. O'llf ti.'in at all ar.'nmlilc points matlc on favorable trm. Intercut paM on time dopoaitb. REVERE HOUSE, AI.LAXY, 0R.-CH.tS I'icilTer, l'rup. Only first-eclaM houw n the city. I.a'fro aample rooms 'for cotn tnercial men. No Chinamen employed in tli kitchen, tkncral stave or Corvallis. "II.'ivo' yu seen those lovely lounges at lirink's? They are the prettiest in town, ami all his new furni ture is simply elegant." They all say so, art! an in-spec-thm vill prove it. I'riei's always the lowe&t. Furniture Co. i (J BT-A 1 "KS & mm FRANCISCO Safe Investment amount to $I00) in aeen years, time. STKELK & CO., Local Aireiits. 25 J r 3 Is 5 859 h hgsj'j WHYDOYOUCOUGH? Do yii knovtli:italittliTonf;liisadanp;erous! you aware that it often fastens! on i!i-luiiusaiid too often runs into Con- and i -in! ; in Hi athV People nulTer-: tlltll - 'IMII .11 .-Il f i I I .!, II. 'If" RED CROWiX MIU ison, I ANMNI. A CO., Props NKW PROCESS FL0L" (Siii-ior for Faiui'y and Baker's utv'. Best Storage Facilities- tJ'Ilii.'heBt caeh price aid for ALBANY - OREGON PHYSICIANS 1RS. M ASTON k DAVIS, PHYSICIANS 4 XJ Surgeons, Otfiee, Second and Brotdiibin S;reet. A.baoy, Or. C'alis prompt y attend ed in city and councy. 0. C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND JUR eeon Albany, Oreirou. oHtoe D Pierce' block Udlce hours, from 8 a. m. to r. h AJ. ROSSITER, VETERINARY 8UR . feoon, graduate of Ontario veterinary college and men ber of the Ontario veterin ary medical society, is prepared to treat the disease of all domesticated animals on scientific principles. Office at Ans MirehaH's livery stable Residence 4th and Calapooia street, Albany, Oregon. c I . HAUBERMX, M. D., Homcepathic l'bysican. office at Dr. Wallace's old Huuid, Uroadalbin ttreet. Office hours, " to ..; mi ana lutr. M. DRO. A. WHITNEY, PHYSICIAN AND surgeon. Graduate of Bellevue Hospi tal Medical College, New York City. Dueaee of women s specialty, Office in F oster block ATT9K.NET flEJ. E. C'UAMBKKLAl.N-AlTORNtY VT at-law will practice IP all the court of tiie state. Special attention given to mat ters in probate and to collections, office in Fliuu block. CEO. W.WKIUUr, ATroKNEY-AT-LA W T and Niit&ry Pubic, Will practice in all the courts ol this state. Office, trout roulu over lianK ot Oregon, Albany, Oregon. 1. R. H, BLUKBLRX. a. C. WATSOX. BLACKBURN, 4 WATSON. Attorneys at Law, Albany Oregon; Odice in Oua rcllow's Temple, business in our bands u ill receive prompt and careful attention. HEWITT & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS-AT Law. W ill practice in all the courts o tiie stale. Office in VI inn's block, Firs treet. , w. t. Bt-RNir. t. w. oiuru IlURNiY U DRAPER, ATTORNEYS JJ at law, Oregon City, Oregon. Iweu ty years experience a register of thi U. S. Land office at Oregon City and in Uie land practice recommends us in our specialty business before the Land Office or the court and invjlviiig the practice in the geueral Land Office. JN. DUNCAN ATTORNEY-AT LAW . and notary public, Ofce in the Sirahan bluck, rooms Ho. 1 and 2. W0LVERT0N CHARLES E. ATTORNEY at Law, Albany, Or. Office in rooms IS and 14 Foster's Block, over L. K. Blain t tore. JK. WEATHKRFORD, ATTtRNEY AT . law, Albany, Oregon. Oft in tte Fiiun Block. Will practice n all tl:e courts of thestate, and give specia. attenticn to all business TAMES P. MEAD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and title examiner, Albany, Or. Wii) practice in all the courts of the state. Ab stracts of title furnished on short notice. Teu years experience. DxGlLlUoU FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. "Some months apro' I purchased a Ipox of Dr. J. P. Sill's Catarrh Cure for my own use. but finding my nephew, C. A, McMahan. needing such incdi cine, I let bim have my box of medi cine. He now sends for three more boxes, saying it is the best thing for catarrh ever tried by him and his friends. 1 got another box to use in my case, and cheerfully recommend it toothers, (Sitned). JOHN McMAHAN, i'.r-Countr Commissioner Lane Co, uregon, Sprinefield. Lane countv. Ores-on Prof J, iV, Johnson, president of the oiaie university, says it cured him ol a cough after two other prescriptions had failed. Likewise two of his little i:irs useJ It tocure their coughs. Mrs Mark Bailey, wife of Prof. Bailey, sciii it 10 rroi. Johnson, and recom mends it to all who suffer from colds and coughs. For coughs it acts like acuarm, and can bs inhaled into the jipes or passaces. where no other cough cures can reach. A -e. FRIEND OF WOMAN The very remarkable and certain relief given womankind by "Mooie's Revealed Remedy," has won for it the name of Wo man's Friend It is uniformly 8iii-ci's-ful in relieving their deli cate ailments...-, Moore's Revealed Remedy Stands peerless as the natural rem edy peculiarly adapted to the wants of womankind. WHAT ONE WOMAN SATS, Seattle, Jan. io, 1S91. "I want you to publish my testimo nial for Moore's Kevealed Remedy, for it has been a grand thing for me, for it has cured me of headaches, from which I have suffered whenever I be cuinu chilled, for the lust tltteen years. I have sutlercd j crfect torture for twenty-four hour! at a time, some times retching for three hours with out any rest and unable to get help from any of the numberless remedies tried. ow 1 tin free I rem this eutl crini!. for at the tlr?t symptom of one tli.-ae att tcks I take a good dose ol .Moore's Kevealed, and that l the end of it. It has also cured me of conli piition. My husband suys ii, ha saved !.(- 'if., .inri lit wnnld rtit n-itli.iftr RATES: To any part ot the city, 50 cent For calling, first hour (1.50, each subsequent hourf 1. rVgOfS ttW WtirnD rel 1 fflEER S STABLES TAILOR HADE For-:-Snnimer-:-Wear, Cost no more made of apod material than ready mue ill-fitting garments. W. I?. GRAHAM, The Merchant Tailor, baa in stock the finest line of spring and summer init ings ever brought to Alb- ' ny, including diagonals, cheviots and plaids. He has also a beautiful line of pants goods in any stfle desired. Call and see if it is not ten. Reliable Men Wanted as traveling salesmen Jl a first-class Cigar Company. JACft give good references. F. O. B. CIGAR CO., Salem, X. CL mm DO TO? WAST TEEH FEES ? If so call on I. BEAM He delivers bis goods to any part of the city free of obaejga. Freeh vegetables every day. T"Xothing but the best kept at I. BEAM'S, 2d St., cor. Jackson and Jefferson. At my kiln one mile east of town, or delivered anywhere in the cite. V. C. CaS.-JlIA. SECRET SOCIETIES. HcPhersun Post No. 6, a. A. K. Stated meetings at the O, A. &. Hall on the second and Foarv Friday evenings cf each moor a. Transient Comrades are sosw y invited to meet with oa J. ft WHITING. D. F. iABLSB, Adfutant, a n it w crw r . , . t. every Monday evening at th O. A. 1 hail on Ferry street, between Meeoad ass) Third. Albany, Oregon. Strangers la city and transient brethren eoraaais siratet to attend. Pension, Postal, Land and Indian lepredation Claims. LAW OFFICES Or immi mm or cuius, Under the management of W- R. HEARST, L'd. & Prop. S. F. Daily Examiner, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Manager, 618 F. Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C. Will practice in the supreme court of the United States, the court of claims, the several courts of the District of Columbia, before committees of congress, and the executive departments. We obtain pensions and oaten ts. Indian depredation claims and all classes of land claims, mining, pi ex emption and homestead case pros ecuted before the general land of fice, department of the interior and the supreme court. Novelties in Ladles Footwemi, I have just received for the um- rner trade the latest noveltiea in ladies fine shoes. Cloth top, fancy tips; lace shoes with fancy tips, besides all the staple styles in hand and machine turns. These goods were made expressly for me and win ue lound nice enough for the most fastidious and cheap enough lor any one wanting a fine dress shoe. I also carry late novelties in Oxford ties ranging in price from to $4-00. fci. E. Young. Cram's I'nrlvalled Atlas. The new edition of thin unrivall ed work is now being delivered by i ne ageni, airs. a. m. lalt. The work is a most excellent one, and this edition is a great improve ment upon former ones, giving ill the latest date and much new natter that was not in the previous editions. It should be in every amily, and on every business nan's desk. Those who are not supplied can procure the atlas by addressing P. O. Box No. 60 Al bany Oregon. Croup, whooping cough mi bronchitis immediately relived by Shiloh's Cure. For sale by Feahay Sc Mason. Brick Sale