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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1891)
TV1 ..-I THE M(ji?NIN HEKALDi THUKSDA1'. AVIUL HO, fbi)1. DAIUY AND WllEKIiY TERMS OK SL Ki-CUIPTJi'N DAILY ' , I nhllsl.ed "ev? ry morning except I elivered by carrier, per week....... (,-;; y mail, ir yea, e i WKKKLV. JtPubilsbed every Fri.Iav Morning.) necopy.per annum, in a.h f'.Of. , Wuen not Maid in advance... THE M ills. Mails it the Albany postottke close r or ail ottn-cti not th ii otKc'ca noitii i K.viter'1 .tut- a IC;30 A. M. , West Side f 1 :LoNair.iwUaisj R. R.; ) The K.i J ho And n L,..;..,! .....I It. . I orvallis and Yaquina l-!;:f. n 1 , , ottice south..... n 7:30 r. m I The p.totHce will be cl,.d each (rora six to seven o'clock. Kegutered matter for the lv hiorn'ei:. train should he mailed before i clock the revioUii evenim I v " ORKliOX PACIFIC TIME TAIILE. , Arrives Dcparu i rag lender. Fuu.-ht.. ... 11 r:pni Dim j n, ... i Tiikki: apparently l.s no caut-1 for ajroheiisioii on the suhji-ut oi a supply of the toothsvine onl loi lliu l.iiurj II,., I I.. . ( ...... , , , ' , . nsii aicr, auiiougn inert- lias ocen . and the amoiint of lih taken i. wiuiply wonderful. It U said that j Th: '.'.( r of tin- Tiiiivd the se:i around the shores of New-: - tat. s ii,;.:t, I invited foundland yield from sixty billion j tin; arti -t- . :' i!,u eonntiy to pie to one hundreil billion eo ltih ! pai.- n,-v. i! ; ,r ill? l ew every year; but this need not , silver e :,,. t!; hali ..,l!ar, alarm those who are f . nd i. i ' t'at e .i iCe.- .1. i:.,r a:. I .l;i!;e. It is Cod turkey" when it is reineiu ii-ii-.-l-l ti,,:- ti t v v. il! ie r.s bered that a single cod yield : -onp li.ii z a!:sl!e J !-;.s something: like .';,50(l,lMiO year, and that over s (0H,('(i.i e's have been found in ti.. r.e of a ; ",!--i--, ' -! " ' --tuteoi single eod. There ought to .t ;;rs;.t-ii are Mill w.n kintfover eodtish enough there fori be li.-het : ,a;1,-,,':iri"" - " :l ;t v '' bat men of all nations. i t,,'i:!'; I" 'si,v!s t- u Iris said that a Russian eie.'in I eer lias niveiited a stove in whiei only from one-third of one percent to three per cent of the heat es capes up wie ciuiniuy. wii'.ie ; ordinary stoves and jrrate.i trjin h" : to 10 per cent of the fuel eon.-i'.i.ieii ! is wasted. It is t stimated th t i ! these stoves could come into n eral use throughout Europe a!o::, the saving in fuel would annuaii. pay the taxes of the whole conti nent three timi-s over. P.-ol-ahh however the havers of the articl. ; hi a-k in will want a written piarantee th.i: ! : it will not smoke, the inmates o.i- ' , " of the house, as well as to r,-!.,in j'," .'r H', 1 k. the beat inside. !;l.:i-k ":u' t It is said that I he a v.: ;'..'..' nun: ' ner oi American patents i-s'i .! ; vearlv is alx.ttt il'l.tnu. r..t..t.-.:-...! : with the niimher issued in a:iv : other countrv this is veiv lai-e. I r.ngland, which comes nearest to j iisissues only about -1,00,) to . a year, and its system is very I much more lax than ours. Patent are issued without any conditio. s j as to novelty or met its, and not I two applications in a huudre ! ;;i I rejeeieu. in i rnsdia me ntnn'iei ; granted annually is less th.m a : hundred; in EeL'ium J ,.")!() t-. . -',WU. the invent: v.- I ' genius has become, il would seem, : almost a monopoly. , Tin- .i.,i,i ;u ... ....... .... . i v j'Wl b ,J lVIll J'l Olllll.l LI . j by parties in the cast, (specially by Elkins and Arkell, that Mr. 1 Plaine will soon issue anothe; j letter, declining to allow his n im , to be used in connection with the : candidacy for pre.M.leut. That ; may be the facts, but if the m t'tei j was left to the choice of the iieepk i at present there is not niuchd'Uil t . but Mr. Elaine would .stand far! ahead of every other man in the ' country. J w Tin: Cloonicle makes tiie f..!-' l.... ; i.:. .i i iv.ik uganisi i ne p:e-:- - dential paitv. Probably the i;,a- ' )''' v v' jonty will agree with it : T"e only i 1 !.. -. -a Iveise criticism thin far pas-ed i 1 ' '' ' ' ' on the presidential exc;,r.-ion has I been that the .arty does n ,t in ; cimie McKee. It is w.-h enough to speak of General Uan i sjn as the president, but thw jmj I'e of California wanted' to see the actual ruler of the White II,. I II-' T.--T V- t'-l House, and they feel tha the paity i-t incomplete without hi.n. The New York Sun is i,u starting out to out do all the oi!i, i newspapers in the country in the matter of a tall 1. lidding. It poses to put up a l.uildii g high, divided into :'A stori. s. upper portion to be made of . and run to an apex. The Su then look down on its i.eigi from its apex and scatter il' nated editorials from its eei ; the air above the slums of Got If the reports are correct '-South America, that the rehr a ' iu Chili is over, it will be a t faction to all who have !ei n ; ways cognizant of the condition of all'airs in that con of late, for the uccoiinlij biicheriesand massacres have sickening in the extreme. ;s n j under futi:I.Titi-..n in Italy. ; I;.' Ici'iMh. :i ' i J i 1 r ! present , e-.t. mates, ;;:!.! he l'7i! l.;l .mieti is i 'ab-jiit 17(1 s :i::d its ni'w. I . .:! t: II ,- m. t . 1, (t. ... . ' , ' ! I here V ill he 111 a. i , lin ks, an.! j the est . f construction is estimated j atah.,t r.m.CM. They tol 1 much better ;v.i their atto ltion I . ...,,,,,. 3 ,,f , t ;, ,,, ... 1... ! i:Kj);in after a scrim:. !.i-e with I ; this; count rv. I i Tin: race fur tin.- i-la.--1 f h'';.d i . , .! : , , I jl ,t 1,1 1 it'lllil::l,l..rtll!l- m cuts of the count ry has Ufa Contested I l'i i ;!:l.i. I phia ., ,, j - ,.- V, . ri i . a,'i N,S M lUv 1 ' lvI !",s mve N'oa Y.'fk l.ilni! a! out i- V '' 1 h m-M s i' i ivns!i - tun s . . ... . I Hie l;rie am; j:r.'i toe ;..u;ii I-!.;:., !! I-.; ; . i,v . ii !;.!,!.! I.y ?"S,m. 0.i:,i ). The j , ; j, I .II. I r. 1'Ui 1 S.-.i, I k v. l:;-i u:ue as ;!!.! Ant ir .- iiif!' i- nn- tarn;?!. 1, v. iiat. v- r inav ) the ,ot.i!iii..n ,i rv t-ntatioii in o'hor . rtiiiii!.'::! '.' a. i i a': .!. ovi-r a'l i i: l : i : i !isi- ; .n-: . i .n, A with n niiiT Jl A .Ol ft II f till' Siiurri' of hie- Mlpplic.-;. it i Wt I! that in: i. iv, iA , , .!. Auii.-uli.iu! ('..!!. 'e eo:ii- t .'Sllei I I.I. (. :i.Cve I :;li.'en! m'. !!. a i'i eid i a::tiptii'.y to i I.l.iir, an i ini!wuHi lv n M-e t.i i iv.' !iii:i :.s ,rn;-t r ! ;:;!;. Th. v i i.. oi, a-;e , , ... L ? !., i::' r. I . r :ie . a Hi-! il U , V, i e-e III. a! K.v:.-. X. w -.v L'-.o is a:,,! .I - n .r.. a l .tn;!.ei -. : ua; .-.i s !!.;.! I : '.: i d hv ... I !,,.", y dep: A-, . : i i , an i ' ! ! . ; l l''e.- t . '.'u-t :ue! s w in- h i :t" ' t,i all i -. ' 11,11 !-H'-l't"- !.-;! t-n i-s,. -v ' Uy ' u,t-- Ma-on. ... .fj u . t!. - ! m f.. tUAlt 'Lil .a.' m'-.r'4 Ji'aQ? A ' ' f'' M Vito" .1- .u v : , i- i . : a i t ..III. !i...!i 'I i.-i " ,: ' in On- . .. l'i:;,. I ,.t !, .a , n - ,'l i ir -e, 1 j - r .: k. !:,-, ,..., .i . 1 I 1. .1-, -i ,:e, :- t- i.ii. ii : -., :. 1 ! it ...e ! :i-.-i . I. I.i.i'r: I . i:- i','..'.'.V' 1'";,1; 1 i ' '' " i! " " 1 1 t .V, ':. . ' S II- I ;.. V..I-. I' l 1 l.;-t ...... I I ' i !. ..i. I t.-t.. ii i . ! ' Ii ti-. i i!-. in i. . :.;i k ; i- -r. .1 I 1. 1 - ...... i aii ii, ! ;i l., : ,, i i , - .ii.- r, .: i .i- .'in- -. V. ,1 - ii,-- ! :t M l" I-, i'l 1-1. -.-.1,1, I .1 : -n - ilii II; . n l :'...;. . . i ti: i ' l--Jui r.:.". 'V i;'' ,; i'. !. ( T, i. 'V' K) '' " " " ' ' :-s cm hi'.i It IS T:U. :.:i, . i I' '"I."..!- t'ilii I . il . o :i. a, ,i 1 ' r ti..- i a ! .it'- t.. I ' ' U ,f 3 j t0 i-i.. ;t ui-i .-u'. l--r in i.e. ;! ; ir. 'I i r. -' - in .... a.- j i , I" tie- .I. i'i'I! m "' .ir.i.m-i !-..:. :i'n! nor 1 l. Hi- .. i ,,f li; ir - v- tin i,..ii - i ! ! i ! I I I ! SPRING OCR STOCK O! I STOCK )!' Si'i:iN(i VAi()NS 1ST! IK LAUHiNT XI Mi 1ST v'o.Mri.KTK ON I II K l'.U'I TIC ( 'I AS 1", AM I'O.Ml'kisKS ai.i. ilit, l.lo.imM, SlJ.hS OF p,r C!,xv:?,! Unauan, an A 1? -OAAii A aa.iOiigUi aim -JllfliaJ- tain Wagons, l.l.i.l V..OW., li' "IV. I. I i VV AI .1 NS, oNi: IIOKSK IKoX AXI.1-: WAi.oX-, I'TC. It wi'I jiav all i'ir k--. want n;i; Sjiiiir u:;l'miih ni any (le-cni'tiini tv ra'l u;..ii or rom-M-otpl w ilii jril.'.r.inleo oiHj vehicles tl.e lu st, t NEW MA UK ET l'LOCK. WECVKUYTIH.; ,Ksr and most com pj l-TF ro, K THE PACIFIC COAST OF ytlcWT.zrv VMrtri M) i i: i-.u.u.', W". O. I A. V IS A I. CAN Y, - The inen of this vieini'v ne. be j?al'Hi heeause their w ivet- tin y buy iiun M. and W. Our st'.-ek of candv has anived. and we , hi ive special rale to churches and s .ciahles. .Mueil.-i .V,i iarretf. InKus ir.;d vob!. proprietor o! the ;.-!. 1-n l;..le llaaar, intoriie us ll;;:i lie will add 1. bis aliea lv huve l.ils'ness a i-i;:nilete line o! shell har.l vaio ,'.n ! f.-.miiy .Ci l'i. s. Tile .-:l!es ol hi- ( hjidel. li'lie ie.:s r.e.l i.ak.i'iT pinvil.-r i' .-teaddy In. r: ,i-::iu'. I ie e' :i! !o ep :ip t:.e i-'.v.i;:! pii.-s with Uh?m' Wo. .l f .r s-, D-V or W"oI i,i':n.-'.-. to am I ..i,.ii!. i- ,i . . .: i ,.. ',-1 i ti '.' i i . -I. t ,-t .. U. .p,,.., laa.l.ei '- ' i-.'i'ui- i eea; si- nieir wivck it . i . . . i i i i ,,.. . ... i i . t ..i I I ll i I II I -tttuly and i,raoti:;e a'V.I wake a 8.;.: t.Un. so constant. v aliotit Matthews I j I ! -1 1 I rv I tu tslnfil . ,uf. i . i ,. i v . "t. . .i i I , ' ;'t i 1 I !' !i!iil!lf .:ia!ty uf ehroino s, r n.n'e an. I astio! mi. Its not their "oo. I ;!i I ' i" !'i i I !;! 'I)IC .- i i , , ,. VUl.U'il.Uv lUill. Mll . oti-.cera, 8rroIulaeii!ar;i)!i.:iTK,ru:!;.r :ir;'t;ilkY'i;,ul,'l"tl' Sipsf'Y nntM ' VVL-,lH. witlnmt or the knife. .t is the g.M.d Miuthesol he.-,H,k UMrr, OHLGuF. 0 aN maUcM a ,.ialt , tivat. andlnatui-Movestheyell l.veiy ,s: ....t w ,th el.-uri-at' . Has VvM. e-i ore se. in- ... he d-h-IUed whel; . ,..., . ... . . t!. (;,....... I'V,".,,,.!, r... .. !. ...!.-,-. FULL Lmn OF BS CYCLES AUD TRICYCLE 1m)K HOY'S AND GIK'LS AT !?!! IISO fi Ti A. rHMll Jf - - gpjuiyG amodscemknT r iTlie public is mense X r tr Tr W w -K If.-i ar.d prices. Ihi i .!v' The Iliglifsl jlarkcl J'rit'c Paid for Country Produce. I1 HALF-PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS "IIANHY VA(iOS.; V 'A I.OK' OP. TIIUKK Sl'HINC W.UiONs' U.W.K-si'RiNt; v. Ai:os IM-SS v.i;oxs ' lK!.!'i :!f V WACOXS piivos lowest. ijilal.TV COIlsiilertil. Walker 1'OKTEAND, OKIKiOX. t 7T.,. T Ev-:ry Description. and im, i; i im. t CX). OREiiOX. ALBA M V A Kill; ('( -fS Of j-StJtt-tOlS. im.i noon..! ela . l.cuw-1 l ar , in-.-.l to in,, t th- n-.-ilh el a!! KraJ. , j s; .. i.-i! iudiu-ini-iits' i froii. ,.l.r..a.l. T.i-ti.ra riven ttimi j ."..".( I.i s;!.5 I'rr Irrm. ' In .Ir.iiiit nta! i;, .trM.-tiMi in i,.tk ' jiv.-r-. I,v Mis-Laur:. li.Itra. u.t.i it. pr,.ate f.-miliesat low int., an.. : Z7'''t-.?V??i",'l ." ' I', :,' jii i line. KKV. KMiKUT X. CMi!T, Oontractois and Builders. )!li. on l-irst street with Yal I ice A: n-iiek. roal i'.!:iti ? ...nia i' i- --...-i l-'tj v. reK... Kstimates given j eruoiK. All work intrusted to will lie promptly executed. mi r.pii mn i - - v lll-a WW ( . - .... invited to inspect the im stock of Dry - ?r In! ).-,?, a'i 1 hj is prep ire 1 X w K x Star Bab A FULL STUCK OF Staple Groceries n. :c.vv Tlichnit ii:ia!ity cf t.aJ, n 3i ;8, caii'li. c J nuU, t tc. FRESH BARED DUEAD EVERY DAY. AtthisuM rt'lUMc houst' also to t fouiul a coiuplvto uKMortuuiiit of fp ii I.uni; roccricd, to whirl in constantly Ix ii.t a!ii:J ill the sc:woii:iliIc liiKi of rociT.ctJ atui rf visioiiH, suuh ay Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order Candies and Nuts, j Eastern Buckwheat Flour, ; Cannea Goods of All Kinds Bohemian Glassware. Etc, These irob were all houjl.t w:n i r., - ere low and ti.e iienelit f tte margin :i iven to hid eiKouiesn. Keiiieml. the l-1 uv. I 4 it the old iiii tier on First ;im:1 I'.r Ms. Convail Mn. i IL1KJ DKAl.ICKS I.N xisT0VS - TISWARL HOUSE FUHHiSIIIMCS I ! I ! MamtfaeturerB of nalvain::t-d iroi :-orniee. i'l uiu unit; a HiK:ialiv. ; i ;j Ve ns a ea'l. Hlra'luatc of the llojal Ci i ! ;, Eii'J.-iinl, also of list lie;!"- ! vue Medical Colltire. fhe Dr. iias cpeiit a lifelin e, oi ! t: I.- - i.-. a tii '.iiii...i . i i.i,. U. C..!ii i:nii!)p!y .itteiid.-e a.SLila i. I ...i. ernetti.iv 1 ,, ... ..... . .,, ., . -- fTOlKw and r;il Ferry Wr'nl itutw.-en Third I ri.urtS , t -T- rVT" " I i , I , . - , . INj V ) iijiosi: W 1S!I I m; a ICS r i I. s I "r...,,tl...l-M mv,, t.. .,.... o, ! :t MtH. II. K. JJviiiUi's l .,-""Ti' I.D- M..-tti,. :ni'I !, i'iist Mr.v. Ti.o I;vi; t ..! n ! lulls..-- l..if.jr Ai.ii , J.irm :t.-fortiii nt Miiii.j'.ri r ! li't fr)tii tlit.-i s-i'i" i; Ti:..: I. i V-'lir fcM.ral..l yo.i wa! he ji N urhi i y . ... .oi fH s. iivni in a i.rowii.-it arv .(il!Vl in U,.-ir IlilrJorv l(, fiir. intending to jilaut should r;.lluj on them. n a t a a n rT."rfr m m mm w Goods x t tjitisiy ctistciners in .piabty Books, Also carries the ; i r . il IcrllTlOS OC O FPf Q- Yl S ' IX THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 0 j . AND FY a rr"rF" tttc crnnir LXAMLNE 1U STOCK. : H-.I.L) S TEMPLE, ALBjtXY, OKEiON. ' i Manufacturer of Choice Cigars AND fine lie m m m o- I'm!? tiJ iMiKikinc V.i-a !., M.'. r-clii.tira and Briar Pipes, ai f'.il 1 n- ii- f)...hiT-' Arti- les. XV or to Pilei'Vr'h eamiy More, Albany, Oreeon, A ?V.Vl yj' &?&&&3q& The largest and best line of $3 shoes for men in Albany. N. B. All my dry .goods at cost. FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. 1 . VsS ah tmmons 'Liver One Dose rro i Ta mo Dollar?. I?r. S, L. Ii: I consider ono l..c tm nnvn l.inr I!.-iilvnr worth )l(Ml. a.' 'Hi-.iiii;..!. in l lli-a laehe, coui-1 ent oth ilii' with atiafa:lion or ai.p.'tite- ha the n' i.-. aii.l f. It altoiii therein of ort. I re .sort-. I to HI. io V;im. Ca'onu-I, Quinin , and . v, ry r-.-iie-lv siiuviste-l, hat "nlv oblaiiic.1 tenir,rv relief. One dose of S L R did m n, re ir-i "i tlun SliHI worth of d.K-tors an luvp'y, J C Martin. I h ive !i-.'n a t. -wh.-r for twenty years, and hiriiiL' tht tiTi.e h.iie had lepeatedattarksof ii.-atl;it-he, ppMi-.M-ed by torpid Liver, and have been eiitiu lv eii cl by Simmons Livci .-."i!.ir. I fonti t to be of so mild iinra.-ter in its a tion s not to interfere, in the Uaxt itli my rluti fin the school room, iii I in me situ: . d and subject tothe, I cannot ? hi t reeommeud Sun mo:ii Li. r K.-iaiutor. K. E. Cuiai CaaiDtiel lullle K. Regulator G.L. Blackman, DEALER IN Droos, Paints, Oils, Perfumery AND TOILET ARTICLES) And a full line of Stationery, Periodicals. Prescriptions Carefully Conwounded. finest lines of DEALER INT- DKAI.EK IX Fine Shoes for Ladies. Fine Shoes for ( ientlemen. Fine Shoes for Children. And the finest line of (ients FURNISHING GOODS in the city. Sole agency for the Ludlow Fine Shoe. FOUND AT LAST! T 1 1 E W ATERPROOF OIL BLACKING, I'lijfv t p.itciit hifcthtr, etc.. CANNOT BE EQUALED in immUTM or l'ihhI iinalities. The tot iowiiii; bre a li-w of its ijualities: 1st. It is lasting and durable. . I'd. It does not rub ofT on the bands or clothes, u l. It is perfectly waterproof. -It li. It softens the leather to its natural state. ."it li liieu.fl. 1,1,., o I -'.s.. -a. a,, tv... n.v ivuvilVl mm UV.n I (.Hi. it contains not one inirre- I ' dient that in injurious toeitlier tlie I leather or stitching, but is a pre server ot .hem. 7th. It can he used on the finest i. ii iMMitsimil uliiu.M utnl nut r.rm'ont I the use of the eomnion boot-black- t , -ii . ... , , . i,.. ..... co.ivu auu RC.-j. uiciu I Now. mv friends, if such an oil I as this woilld suit VOU. go to the I drug store of Hu'lin Daweon, w here you can get it for oO cents per hex. One box will oil more ! than one set of harness. Receipt I lor inakw g the Oil is solu only lor I I i .-i.l 1... 1 m.ji .L C. DEYINE, Manufacturer and Agent, Albany, Oregon. Health is Wealth ! Ir E. C. West's fierve and brain tnatinoiit, a Kuar- r n,... .... - Y'"fc,,":ar I imis itroetration i-aUHO1 h the use of aloho tir toltacco, iftciitnkT of lira in n-HMltinir id insamt and Ituulin, to mis try. decay ai.d lost Ot power til either ax Each toz con tains one m ntfa i treatment. One dol lar a box, or fix bin es fur Ke dollars. sent by mail pre paid on receipt of price. Guarantees I twucilonly tty J. A. i.'utnniini. dnitfiritft sole ire i it, Albany, )reg-oii. $500 REYMD We will pay the above rewani; for any cast of liver complaii.t dvi.Hruaia, Kick headache, indiifewtion, i-onBtiition or eoHtivenetM we cannot cure with West's, liver pilU, when th direction arc Ktri.-tly complied with. The are pm cly vegetable and never fail to girt 8atiHf.K.tion. Larue lioxcs, containiuir .'(. pills, 2.i cents. The genuine manufactured only by the John C. W est company, Chicago Illinois. Sold by J. A.CummiUrs, dmgKist AUiany, Oregon, -THE- lap iiia Route OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD T. E. HOGG, Receiver. ANC Oregon Melopment Co.'s Steamship Lino 22alIILlMwi. .AND 22 Hours Less Tim Than by any other route: Accomodations unfcurpuased fr it an safety, fares and freights via Vnjun.a au the Oregon Deveopment couipanj's ships, much leas that bv any other route ween all points in the W'illliiu.etie al and San Francisco. Sailing dates. raOM TaQOKA. Willamette Valley.... W V Mar. Sth loth iotb WUlamette Valley W ration ar 3rd Willamette Valley Vjth Willamette Vallev 30, ,n The company reserve the right to cha ia teamers tr Sailinir dates. OAILT rAHMNOKB TRAIKS, kxcept biui.lays.) L Yaqalna 7:00 a a I Lv Alluuiy 12 20 r' Corvallu 10:36 a u " Corvalhs IM ra Ar Albany ; l:Jo a Ar Vaquma 4 is r. a O & C. Iia.ns jouiicet at All an and Cot W. M. Iloae, C. .nooci General Hanger. U. r a P. agi-iit Corvallis, O on EAST SOUTH VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC RQUTE. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE California express trains run daily suuiu I SOPTU . .-00 pm..Lv.. ...Portland Ar.. OA' am 10:2pm..LT.....Alliiy Lv.. :-."-. am W:1S nAr S. Kraneuico.Lv.. U-uti pm toral r. Train Dally- Ex. Sunday S0am..Lv Portland. A r j ,i . 12:20 p m .. Lv. . . Albanj L ' ' i -A., , m 6:40 p mAr.....Roei.iin; Lv.. :Juam Lelmuuii Bra neb. 2.J6p -Lv Alhai.y Ar.. :i m 2:3f. p m Ar .... Lebanon..... Lv . k:4o am 7:10 a m.. Lr Albany Ar.. 4 a pin 8.22 a m..Ar Lebanon Lv.. a .in ALBANV LOCAL, DAILY (Except Suil.lal) S.M r M. .Lv.... Portland Ar l ki . a.(W...Ar. .. Albany Lv imu PULLMAH BUFFETSLEEi LRb. TOURIST KLEEMXG CARS, For accommodation of Secuud Ciha l a sengers attached to Fxprcas 'iraiuj. Hem tIUe HI Onion. Between Poitland and Coivallis MhII Train (tally-Except Sunday 7:3(am..L- ...I'ortlan,l " .V.Ar.6.30 p. m 12lo pmAL. (Jonai.ia. . L. 12.Il.-ip. m At Albany and Corvallis couiicet with trams of Onyon Pacificltailroaii. Express Train Ilally (Exctpt Sunday 4:40 p m. . Lv Portland . . . Ar.. S.20 am I.-25 p n... Ar alciliiinvile.Lv..'iS.4jAm THROUGH TICKETS lo All Foiut EAST AND SOUTH .Kfru,,u" ",J " "itornatirn re- trHrtllllir T&li-M fiiRttd m A., r.. p. kockrs. aianaKer Awt. (.. F a P. A --.- ... S3. ...hiioi iters .iieei.ns. x.-... . a r c. ... . . . iiiai dlih.imiiui r nieellliiT in tt l,aty AllDlllg and M i ililur CollMlilll V 'f .Aii.any win lie Heal I IMe olt'ce of the sei-retarv id rooms V. ami lr, in SteuliBii-Pearec l.uiwiii.o- on Fit 61,rett. Albu.y, Or, on the 27th day, Atf "wi K'1"r1,l,.lt'1 1:,t '"'J.y f oVltH.k M,f)rtll(. (S(. mt seven directors to serve for the ensuing year. 'Jated Albai y. Or. March lit. l;ii. L. II. MoXTAXl E, Secretin v. We carry a larr, .t,K-k of printers stationery, well as sorted, bought dinvt from the manufacturers at a low lieu re. and can cive the best of work in all kinds of printinc for the least money. Try us. Paisley it Kmilky. l U-ST In this city or on the train. IJ lathe irold watch, on Anril Irili 'ih nrurr win ie rewanit1! Iv leavmir th- unm at me Academy l Oar Lady of IVrpotuai I k X. IILACKBIRN. ATTOKNFY AT iy- Law. Aloanv Orciron: entice in tuA el low's Tcmpie. Vili practice in all court oiinemie, ann jne mi atn-otion Mali nuwne, cxcvpl llie ounty ctUit of Liun THE MARKETS. aLBAKT OCOTaTIONS. Wheai-T0' Oats 50c Flour 4.25 peiltibl Potatoes 40c Eesrs Vic Butter AVa.-ife Lard 10(3 12Jc. Hams 14(21re. Shoulders (i($ 8c, Bacon 10 lac. Hons 20c " P Hay Timothy, 16i oatand cheai, App es flreen, tl per l u. riuais uncd, Hc per tb. App es dried-bleached yC eundried & c. Chickens f 5 00 05.50 oeei otg.c grots. Mutton 50per head. Hoira 5.Vc dres&eC Veal 66c.