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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1891)
hi THE MORNING 1IEKALT); WEDNESDAY; AVIUh 'J, IMH. Uaiiy and W hhkiy TERMS oysUBSCKIPTM'N- DAILY Published eveiy morning except Monday.) divered by tarrier, per week............. O'-O y wail, per )(.... 6 UU f I WEEKLY, j( Published every Friday Morning.) n? copy, per annum, In advance.........?-."" y neu not iail in advance........ Till: M All. Mails it the Alhsnv postotfice close For all olives north Die Ev it.-rn ! 6; f 60 A. , The West Side f And the Nairow Oa nl R. RJ or fortiand and Sin, 11 a. m orvallis and Va.uina ......l'.':fiM p. m Ollioe South..... 7:30 P. M The postollice will be cl d each evening irom six to seven o'clock. KeirUtered matter for the ly morning train should lie mailed before 6 clock tlie rcvioug evening. OREGON PACIFIC TIME TAIU.K. Arrives Dupartt r as-nirer. flight 11.1:1pm 12.20pm . Ii.4"iui I.Yo a u The visionary schemes for traveling in tlie air continue to be promulgated and talked of but none of tliem seem to materialize wot tli a cent. One of the latest is t V of by the New York World, which says that I'.r. A. de I'mii-set is the projector of an airship wiich, lie says, he believes will successfully travel in the air at the height of four and one half miles, or just above the region where rain becomes snow. The ship is to be 7:!S ft:et in lenutli to be made of steel with an alloy of aluminium, and is pointed both at the front and rear. It is to be propelled by dynainous and explosive engine, located upon the hurricane deck and on the between-dei ks of ti e car underneath the ship. The c;;i U to be fully equipped wita all the appliances of latter day six-day ocean steamships. Accommoda tions are to be made for L'nO tirht ciass passengers, with their ba gae, and from fifty to thirty-tive tons of mail matter. The only danger to be feared at the height in which the ship will travel, l'r de lJausset nays, will be tornadoes. The lookout, he ad is, would le sine to see these, anil by the ex plosion of dynamite will be able t dissipate them. Tin: foreign immigration into this country continues to be out menace and the talk of the people. The l'rairie Farmer of Chicago thinks that it is about time lor the United States to enljrce our mine what strict on paper immigra tion laws. The scum, the crimi nals, the brigands and the pauper of all Europe have long, enough been vomited upon our shorts, to terrorize labor districts, till our jails and penitentiaries, and sub vert good government. As we write it is said a large number of Hungarian brigands are on the way, and also over Sicilians, who are leaving their home for their countries' good. Some day perhap-, when it is too late, these criminals and their criminal progeny may t make it exceedingly uncomfortable for us. We have talked of this tiling for years. Action is better late than never. Our consuls an-i other public oilicers abroad should be commanded to look strictly t the matter, and held to account for their action, and oilicers at our home ports should also be lit Id to the strictest accountability fur their action. 1 r is authentically stated that the collectcr at Burlington, Vt.. reports lar.'e numbers of immi grants into Canada as passing over the border into the United StJtes. I: is one of the curious hallucina tions of English statisticians that all emigrants from Oreat Britain to Canada really mean to make their home in the latter country, but observation shows that onr northern neighbor is merely a sieve throagh which the more en terprising of the home-seekers in t!ienew woi Mare sifted. Perhaps if Canada come into the Union her powers ot detention wiil be en larged and she will settle upas rapidly as she deserves t". The photograph of President Harrison, staiu'dnir beside a pile of ot American made tin in California, the product of that ttate, will probably not be ac cepted as a fact by tlie opponent. oi the McKinley bill, and the camera will Ihj acenstd of lyiriir. American tin is a tixed fact all the same, and the McKinley bill has caused it. Som i one has been figuring out that Stanley traveled miles on his lecture tour in this country and only -50J miles in Africa, thus covering more area here than he did there. There next sngestioii ; vil , . , . , , , .. , j probably will be to make Manley j governor of this country instead oi j q the African territory he is to rulejU over. I'ii'Ik-.I'Iv liicv di.-eover ! tlie lieeesaty d:u I ccps of Africii. here in ex- tiovi-'KNoic lln.i. of .'.v Y'rk, and the late Samuel .!. TiMen it appears saw tilings li'.lleri ni ly, al though they were both disting uished New York democratic, statesman. Mr. TiMen strongly recommended harbor defenses for I New York City while (loveinor Hill has vetoed ;he bill authorizing the United States to procuie land on Staten Island for that purpose, thus practically putting; a s'.op to the woik. t iovi:i:.Ni i!t Pi.NNo'k i. it gets raps on all fides for his utteran ;es upon the president's reception business. If the accideii' to I'n si ieiit Har rison's sister in Baltimore, shou d prove sevete enough to cause the recall of the presidential paity without visiting Oregon theie h one man thai Woii'd piobab'v not be sony and his name is iovei nor Sylve.ster Pennoyer. It would help liim on', of the in.ijd'.e. Tun supreme court of l.i insiar.a seems to be a part and parcel oi the Louisiana 1 tt-ry business. Under no othei b p t!.esi ; cm action lie ln ;!.ii;:i .1. .vivrviu it orders the go.enioi to protoirgate the lottery ameuduiuiit t itiie stal const itnti in in s he it his veto. The lottery d:es bard but it wiil lie a!! t!u saui.', a : should eveiy institution that takes soim-tiiing for nothing. Tin-: general commeiris upon the Hunt at Walla Walla, have been ii-lvei.-v ci U'Yi.-ni-. The action was t-itaiiy up. may lead i s- toe hi c it ions. ,t or ai. n-;; t ceiiit ii- '.VIT: cate IV.i'eS Ir.iiH (. ii indi- . rti'ii. The been di fi-al. IVViil'ili'.Iii-l h;l e set. ot; both la.e Mo.i reno .N ' II .11!' i :lr!.' .I I i e :il V. i .1 ',.i:.iai;i n- : i ;i, s .i.'ie'e line l. l i'l-i f... where !!i y at Kiein's. The lines! Osc, a i i.; -t a s. r! iiii'iit I Is iv I ."i ai V ; ot I.nlie- ): ir.i's in I .-iii- er brou-ht. ! i marl v shoe stole. New spiii n o i;.j''s and dress i. !iaek in ' i ' e ; I i'l i.I-'.-S .in e- ilors iiiet tv .:! Sam-,:..-! !i. Young's. lllodjett Ov Son b their stuck oi er i huddiii' I'.irii'.i i y ..i IWackbuni oi Pi: :;i, added a bakery oe ;u l .ire now pi-. p i. t-i In .lilO t M :'i-d i.d ha'e Il t! I'U.-t' liners i iii ii ;--h '. .re d, p;i s and eak. s ol all kin Is. That baekiii cou.h i .n be v. ipliekiy cnie.l by iiii...h's Cu.e. We uai.-ti te it. S..!d by Fijsh tv Mason. Iii. re nMIRTCH t!..l.n i;.iUUHHICl krr....n,t .... fi iit :ir v fi Jt r tn.ili ul, ,m .,:. IfwH ! U.l 1 l-f..oliir i.ii-uti i't ' in-; ii - .;ir ma-1. .,t ot riii' ' !; :; . 'if.. iKi't in in - i ii--r t ii m S i- .1 . t v. Ann . i .-J iwly l:il ri.-.,'-r I,,- Ill III'. i. I. --i.i. till.,-. ui ti;f :.:Ui i. -f t ;;,ti- iti t! r i--n;i.t;, . l.i mi '. l ri oi i i ii titT n.4 u 'a j ii .i-i'i .: .T.r k;.;n. v i';; ti.t t I I'.m' iiM-.i i r m.i !: lUt t- in,- r..r r. .:..-. 'I p ,i h-vi tn "il, i." ) i - r.' ' ii -i 1 fr-'iu ;it!"iiii:' in i:v u. r'.t :i ..II. i i - i. ut.. i ,v. II., I l:,:iri---. it (il .1 t hroM-l- .liii.. .t loit l-i Or..--.., t, .ii:f, !, , tr a l-, .o.'i l.. :it ti: : r . 1 1 i I ii.v.ii:! i,-,i. i, :,ri.i . -r .i. II I--.- h: I iii.- nr-.-nun l. .lixi. j : I.- ( - n v i . t-.i i. I .'Ii li. I. -I I I: in.- iroi. -: ; ii-.- Or. ill f.-h-.-:. .-i,iii' : in. ii.N. I v, i .1 i.ot tnii.j-. " on -..n ,i l ! T-1 t ill. 1.. f ..I ni l. . , ;. iiu "f l-.iiiii :l i-.iri iii i.i:. . i.-.-i s ( : I. I i -il fit... t Si v. Ki ii.i.. I',.,, lei,, w- 4 it t i ii... il i-.r itiu h. I. ;rn uti.i 1 1: - ... i lb r- . I i !.e p..:-: '. C.l: 'I. I.. . 1'. V l-.r 111 - :!: - ::f- r .v i- .. I., li. K : i;v , s i s I.. Tin: .ii- -t .-ur .ii I K. I-:. m ;a i.i - ;i imi:, r i in. r. -ii . -i l tli.- i- ii-!. l t i If I i i .ri .i i I it ii t-- M :- .i,' !-. A.I . e s iii --rii p--.i O'll l-i-. I- HU filPHR Y3' I'll. Ui VI liii i"irt.w !r hi .n , ' :i .1 i . ..-I.. til- .i-. iv I I,. -, pur .in,- - i : i t , ,.i .. , ...r:-l. ii' rr iii'-.i.l v .r. .1 -1- :n i.i -r :i i H' .. I f. V. - . :: t :n: i ol . 1 I' . i or ."- jilt-1 , .j - n :. :f . j'(h-. 'ot.:- St ui.iS. i i, I- '.i ll.-i.:.i If. ill IM-,' U .:...-n i: r I ; Cm: j . i r I' I-"-' I- I .t!T i.i-. :':. . , I t Kllt U M- I. Kt'V t.1 ..Ii-1 .-.if I." !'.! nil- r I. iit 1 I (. It.ll J- Ji ' 'o ii 'j i i i.n, Jv in ril J," Ki.l i.i "... J" i-t iii i.: i . :;o I mi i v v if. ! I, So!. I In- .l'-iu.-i-!. ..r -.- ; .i-i ..: vt ipt ol "l- I.-. Ot. II -l. i.; ... - ! -m:., I IM 'I ) O- !l I I !" -'I "I-I l. I' I '- . l-i .l-i. 1,: i.m-, m iii-iiio . -. -. ...i.;.. o, 111 .-. II, U ll.l -' . S V y.?i ,,. t n i CIPO I t U I f I U O PRING OUK i T(CK OF SIMMNO WA( ;NS JS THE LAUfJET DMoT COMPLETE ON THE PACIFIC COAST, ANI COMPBHES u.l. llli: l.KAUl.Mi ST LES OK Four-Spring Passenger and Moun tain Wagons, SPECIAL PARCEL DE LIVERY WAOONS, ONE - IHRSE LUSINESS WAOONS, ONE-lIoRSE IRON AXLE WAtiONS, ETC. It will pay all par.ies want liir Spring wagons of any description to call upon or correspond with us. We iiuarantee our vehicles the best, prices low est, ipulity coiidi-j.l. I Staver $: Walker ' j NEvV MARKET P.LOCK, - - - PORTLAND, OREi.OX. ! WE CARRY THE LAR JEST AND MOST COMPLETE SIO. !C o THE PACIFIC COAST oF SSachiacry and Vehicles SKMl lolt (Ai'AI.Oi; AV. a. DA. V.I s ALUANY, The men of this vicinitv need1 I not he jealous because their wives ! t .dk so constantly about Matihews i and Washburn. Its not their trood i looKs tlie la.lies are talking about, I it is the irood onahtesof t he eook I null neaiuii; sioves tney sen. every .... ii. ........ ..i ii i )i.e ,-ei ins to he oVIilited wiien i I thrv buv lioin M. and W. i inir si'ii'K in iMiiiiv nas arriveo, i .:!:! veuill eiee sni'i'i'il rilu In I ,.:.,..i i .;.,i i . ii ......v. ...... .a. ,11-.-,. .munci ."" j .iil'.ius Gradohl, luotirietor ol . ,-, i-m.. i .1 ! '.tie i n l leu Lule l.aaar. inlornis nr; iiiiii oe iii aou to ins a irea iv kirje husmess a eointileti; hue ol sin-!:' hardware hi: i faiuilv The sales oi his I ioldeii de teas and b; ikini; powder is steadily increasing. I le si HI k.-e uot'ic eleiraiit prizes with thes Wki.iI fur S;t!e. D.y lir wood delivered to any it i of lire ciiy at oil per ,rd' ' ' "i-.u in-- i-'-ii i.i re. Il (net at P. W. soil, k's hi, nbei 1. A FULL UNU OF BICYCLES AKD 1' OK JULIUS GRADWOHL'3 GOLDEN RULE DT! Mr The public is invited to inspect the im mense stock of Dry Goods n K W is .mi.'t a vit ii b th i l and prices. The Highest JIarket Price Paid for WAGONS. HALF-PLATFORM vr. SPRING WAGONS, SCROLL spuing W.UloNs' "HANKY WAIIONS," 'TAYLOR' OR TIIRKK- SPBING WAGONS. HALF-SPRINt; WAGONS, F.XPKF.SS WAOo.VS. DFI.I YEKY W.HioNS, of K AM) Svrcry CO. AGENTS OREGON. ALBANY Indii D , I Loiii I , oittsnt !!; isvo A Eiil! Ci -is of h .s.. :ll, Hi ii r r t : lilt r.rv, rei-.-r. : t. 'llr -i .if .11,'- i .' "rinai ru m : nillL'ti 10 IUf:t tllO I a:l -.Ulii (' tu lflil it. Intwirtit ..fif.-l ntuiiiai'slroinalirniJ. Tuition raiu 1.0 ' jiiS.5i ! V!.:.H I'rr Tsiv.t. ! lostru.ii.tal ii.Htr-i--i-.ri j,. ii i;.- v nii l. Mini liiiri tid'tra. i ...,,i ;.. , .,; .. . i n i"i i it; vn n (f., i ''" ni rwi-.i imj c-.or j.uu . .e. fr'.iii I 0 .r. ..ti. I I..!! inr:..ii'. ...I . -.Iw in-ji -i t. KI.IIKUT N. CON! IT, AII.-iri-. or L- li CR0W.DE ft BROS Vonttactois and Euildurs. Ulice on First street wi'li W:il l ice oi Cnsick, real estate atreiits . Ibany. Orejfi.n. Estimates "iven , II ail Kill. IS ol llllll.llll-'Holeai pen- ier work. All work- ietrnst... .... ,. ............ ,,, w 'II lie promjil ly executed. HOYS; AND GIRLS A ATATArTATrtliU i -i?v I 1 r e-.-.;r b i aril 1,-, is pr.vir-;! Star Bakery ..A H'U. STOCK or.. Stap.'o ( j roccnos ;cry. Gtairp. Tlie best -.:;!.y tf tea-, i-tfl.,s, ii.ihg DMU, I tt. PKKSII HARiSl) BI;EADYt:;iY DAY. At this o foillnl ;i t:Ol, VrtX'Cr:H, It. V llii'l IH rr.ti-'t visions, bUili Mi .1 : danbenix-s. Fine Pickles. Dried Secf Chip,ierf ; ortia Anchovy Mustard. Candies aid t.'uti, tasictn Buckxheai flour. Can neu Goods of All Kind: Bohemian daszivarc, Li;, Tin -a.. .is L-rt nil :.;a l,t '.Oirn i ri . ri: U a in I t!.i ! fin iit lie in ii-firi wiii ! ,'if t-i 1.. f-i-:oiiif ,-s. Iti aii-iiil-i ttifjilaci;. e. fit u;,i c.'iiKri.ii Khh! :ei.l I;. ol'..l.:'.i stH. (lo)l !(!'! MlH'i". -!;!;a!.'.:.S IN- STiVIS, Ti:CA3', FilfiN; lliilli M. ; ; t'i:.-rs a! oiiiUv. PiiiUib:; i ii e us a call. Li K. V. C. Nl-XiUil, 'Jrad.utr i-f 11.., (, ii, ..). .:i.,,(:f il.e . VU Medici Cf'.te-.v. T:i" Dr. i ia-3 Rj.etii li.VJi: study mi. I pr t -ii; e .n-il ii. . ;;alty ' c'ir-.liio ili ;.:.- r. i :aeeerK, .nor ;ii-',i . neiivi'im .i's,'i 'ut .u, ,, ..'::. i;t j' .m m' t: I .h; ;i!si. ti::il. il'ii.t v. : I. e!f ill the I .e. 'i(spit;.li. ( lav iiii'iii.. II - "..,OI l! i.-t.w, -n 1 irii.. ui i.-ft f r-it ' -;!. ;.-ri !1! 1 ;u . : r I'll.) ' i.: i i . '.-:lr fel !( i" :li: 1 ,'1 IV NeiM Hym-ii .' I IT' in I.. ,: .:' .il . ;,, t , , . r '" 5 '- mi,.),;!;, !.) ;.. ti em 'TT.-Wa 9 I AT BAZAAR STORE. 1 BO! Ur . x X -- t) i'l.ii.ty i Country ProdiJce i ! s-j.-u.-h -i i Yu ;;! : sjf: -" O. I I s r- v: iXf lis; tr 2J7il Drais, i--i''i'nMilC&lhfi AND TOILET ARTICLES) ,-S$iMMM lpll Books, iU-aa242ft2a Prescriptions Carefully Comoounded. Also carries the finest lines of Pianos & Organs .V Till: WILLAMETTE VALLEY. o ALL AX I) EXAMINE HIS STOCK. ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, ALBANY, OREGON'. crcrLicrs jostjiih:, Manufaclurerof Choice Cigars -AND m wmB m m hit i - I':UL' jim SiiK.l.iiitr Toluee-., Mi erschauni aiid Briar Pipes, ai full liii S'i..-ikeu.' Artii Ics. o- 'o Pileiilor's er-iiUy store, Albany, Oreeon, Tiie largest and best line of $3 shoes : ibr men in Albany. i N. B. All my dry.goods at cost. FIRST STREET, ALP.ANY, OREGON. is--i : riv i NV0rfi-3CrrS a ake "immons Liver Regulator One Dose ioo Dollar?. !. Ii.-O' S. L. U: I ' inisiiii'r one does im j "'" l.iv.-r l!--n!.vtnr worth $11(0. n:.-' l:-i-.-.l, h.k.1 ll.-a-laclie, coll!. I cat oth ! ii-.- wi:li i.-iti.-f. -iioii or atip'-tite ha the ! ..In- . r-. n -1 felt altotttther out of .irts. I re t -..irT-.1 n nine -M.i-.-, t'nl.imnl, ttitnin , an.l j r-.iTv r.- nt ly HTiirir.-Mtt-il, but .nly obtniued ! ;.-'i.. r irv t lit.-f. One .1t of S L R ili.l m .iif-r... m! tli in Jiiltw worth of an ir. tonne. lti'?ii'y, J C Marhn. ' I hsvo 'nvn a ti-aJirr for twentvvcan. anl i .'iii in' th.i ti'iic h.ivc haI lPifatetl attacks of j h' yin fiu, ir",lM'cl bytnrpid Liver, and j i'!h-o;i tntircly cu olhy .Simmons Livet j i'.-Ti:or I fouri t to te of w mild i ii ira lor in ilsa tion 8 not to interfere, ln i tiic -it w ith my dull i in the school room. ; p" tVe "imiiv 8ittj: t d and subject tohe ; vita', I oan nt ft o hit recommeDd Sim- niOQS L.vr Regulator. K. E. ( i!kkk OaniDbel lnville Kf . G.L. Blackmar, DtALLH IN Paints, Oils, Perfumery And a ul1 line of Stationery, Periodicals. l!'ALE!l IX- DEALER IN" Fine Shoes for Ladies. Fine Shoes for Gentlemen. Fine Shoes for Children. And the finest line of Gents FURNISHING GOODS in the city. Sole agency for the Ludlow Fine Shoe. FOUND AT LAST) TIIE WATERPROOF OIL BLACKING, liuirv t-i, patent leather, etc.. CANNOT BE EQUALED in iiumtH-rs of it.nxl finalities. The lot lowinjr arc a It-w of ill qualiliui: 1st. It is lasting and durable. 2d. It does not rub off on the hands or clothes. 3-1. It is perfectly waterproof. 4th. It softens the leather to its natural state. 5th. It gives the leather a new and glossy apiearance. (ith. It contains not one ingre dient that is injurious to either the leather or stitching, but is a pre server of ilieni. 7th. It can be used on the finest loots and shoes and not iirevent the use of the common boot-black ing, but will soften and keep them Iroin cracking. Xow, my friends, if such an oil as this would suit vou, l" to the drug store of Hulin k Pawson, where you can get it for 50 cents per hex. One box will oil more than one set of harness. Receipt for makirg the oil is sold only tor individual use. J. C. DEVIXE, Manufacturer and Agent, Albany, Oregon. .iir,.i,-....i...-....,w ii 'aav-w.a av .4W . m m m i mmmmmm aa aar u Health is Wealth ! Tr. E. C. Wnt'i nerve and brain treatment, a )ruar anteeil ttpeciflc for hyitcria. dizzinem tits, headache, ner vous prontration csummI by the use of alcohol or tobacco, inltciiinir of brain resulting in insanity and leading to mis ery, decay and loan of power in either Hi x Each box con tain one m .nth', treatment. One dol lar a box, or aix box ca for Ave dollars, sent by mail pre paid on receipt of price. Guarantees uftued only by J. A. Cumminkts, dnutKist sole atrciit, Albany, Oreifon. $500 REWlRD We will pay the above reward; for any cast of liver complali.t dyi)eiMia, sick headache, in. locution, conKtiti..n or cofrtivenem we cannot cure with West's liver pills, when tl direction are strictly complied with. The are put ely vegetable and never fail to giT satisfaction. Lari-e boxes, containing 3u pills, 25 cents. The genuine manufactured only by the John C. West company. Chicago Illinois. Sold by J. A--.Cummiugs, druggist Alhany, Oregon, -THE- laquma Route ! OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD E. HOGG, Receiver. ANT J81 .'S Steamship Line I) ,AND 22 Hours Less Time Thm by any other route: Accomodations unnuri88ed fcrrrn fr rt an aJety. Karcfl and freivhta lit Vuquiau the Oregon Deve oplnent ccdi ei j's ahlpa, much less that by any otlitr route ween all points in the ttiillau.i t'r- il anil San Francisco. SAILINO DATES. noa TaqciNA. Willamette Valley. .....Mar. 8th ... ICtli .... -Jjih n v Willamette Valley , , FROM i r&AA(UKX Wrallnn ar. 3rj Willamette Valley... itu Willamette Valley 30. Ih The company reserve the right to cLa ik teuuen i r luiunr uau-a. BalLt PASbRXOKB TRAINP, fcxeept hunnaya.) L Ya;dina7:00 mlLv Altonr 12-20 r" Corvallii 10:36 an" Corvaliis ru Ar Albany i a h Ar Vaijuiiia 4 ih r. . O. & C. jcniutct at Ailao and Coi Wm. SI 1I,.as, C, . Hon, Central llauatr, O. F 4 P. adrht Corvaliis, O on EAST SOUTH VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE. THE MOUNT SHASTA EOUTL California cnj-rtBi. train run cimiy of ru 7.-O0pm..Lv.....Iv,rtUiil....Ar.. m 10:24 p ru..Lv Albany l.v.. ;: uo I0:lo a m..Ar...... S. rnun.ieoo.Lv.. wi yta Loral . Train llally- V.. Min.'.ay fc0am..Lr.....P..rtland ....Ar 12:20pm. .Lv... Allwtij L. . S:40 p mAr. .... Rcwcouri: L . Lebauua Kmn :. 4:'i .m I: j-. am i:A' am 2.36 p Lv.. 2A"i p m Ar . 7:'Jani..Lv e.22a m..Ar . .Albany.... . . Ix-liai.un. . Altny...... LelMii!..n.... ..Ar. ..i.v .. Ar.. . l.v. S:. at Kill 4 :ii i m :-.- t in ALBANY LOCAL, IIAILT (Exoi-J.t SUII.IavJ S.tO r m..Lv I'urtlaiul Ar a m i.00...Ar. ..AIball)....l.v....iXM A U ULLMAK BUElr ET.SI.hhl LV.b. tourist slei :vi:;r. t ii:s, For accomniouatii.n of b-ti.:.j !.. t a enft-era attachwl to Fa press l iu:i.. 1rl Mtie iMviitoD. Between 1'oriland and Ck-ivailis Mall Train: Kally- Kit.; -. Kun.liy 7:3'am..L- ...I'ortUn.l ...Ar.f. 30 p. in J2:10pm..Ar C'cnaiiis.. l.K.6.'.p. m At Albany and Corvaliis connect with trains of Oregon Fat ificitailroad. Es press Train llally (Kxiipt Sut.ilay 4:40 pm..Lv... 7:25 p m.. Ar... .1'ortland .. Ar.. S:-J0am .Al.-AlinnviUe.Lv..6.4.'. jua THROUGH TICKFTS lo AH Point EAST AND SOUTH OTFor ti. kets and full itifnm.atir u re garding ratrs niajtv, etc., call ou ct n.i-ai:i's agent at Alliai.v. tL KOKIII.KK, E. P. KOtiKHS, -Mnagtr AKt. U. J- &1.A Notice f Stockholder Meeting, "VfOTICE ISHKKFI-.Y t;iKX 1 H T HIE XN annual i-t.MlioMt r mei.-iiiiL-of the Al bany Mining und Miliiiiv';inv of Albany will lie I.i-ld t the hIIm-'c of tlie M-t-rcturv id rooms -J." :iu,l -i. in the Stralisn-I'i-arce liiii'dii.- on Kirft street, Albir.y, (r, on tin; 2Tlli dnv. tbe Paine ticinir the lat .M.n-di.v i,f April, 1VI1, .it tin; lirmr ct (4) Vmir o'clock p. M., for the purpOM- of i t. mir seven airccmrs to mho for the ensuitif; year. 'Jatcd Albany, Or. Mareli M. 1-J1. L. II. MoNTAM E, Seeretni v. We carrv :i larpt; stuck if printer's stationery, well as sortetl, bought direct from the manufacturers at a low lieu re. and can give the licst of vrk in all kinds of printing for the least money. Try us. Paisi.kv Vr S.iii.i.v. ST-ln thic city or cn tlie trail-, a I ladle gold wat. li. on Ai-r.l i'lh. ihe 6oder will lie rewar.;.-.l l.v leavini: tlie Mine at the Academy rf Our Lady of I'etinial I-ip. "Ji. i;. Dk X. BLACK Hl'KX, ATTOKNEV AT . Law. Albanv Oregon; Otliee in -ild rellow's 1'emt.le. 'iil pra-tire in all courts oftbectate. and ve riwrial atreniir-.i to nil buKines, exivpt the county cuit cf I.ii:n county. THE MARKETS. ' ALRANT QCCTATIONS. WTieat 70j,' Oate Wc Flour 4.25peitbl Potatoes 40c Eggs Vie Butter liSoTie Lard 10(8 123c. Hams H15c. Shoulders 3a 8c. Bacon 10g 12c. Hods 30c " Hay-Timotliy, 16. oatand cLeat, ;PP es-flreen, f 1 per r-n. Fluxi-Dried, S(J?o. per lb. App es dried-bleached 9c tundr'ed Chickens 15 00 5.50 Beef 3:5c gross. Mutton-,;ia.50per head. Hoct 5c. dressec Yal tiasc.