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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1891)
MOKXING HKKALD: iliitAS APRIL 10, i8ui. For Sjute. A Xo. one sewim, maihineand a cook stove can be tomul at ihe res idence of James 1. Miller, on the corner of Second and baker streets. Hull, tlie sewim: machine and the Move are as gojd a new, and will be sold very low for t-u-li aa the money is needed by t le present owner. Good articles can be pro cured for a very lo price and worthy people assisted by the act. Take the Union Pacific railway for the, thirty-five hours iiuieker than any other transcon tinental line. Kleyant new dining cars, Pullman palace sleeper, free family sleeping cars run through lo Denver, Omaha, Council Blutla, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chi cago. C. i. Kawlinjrs, city ticket aeut, foot of hi n street. Tli? I iiion I "nc I he. Is the only line running two fa-it trains daily from 1'ortluud to Omaha, Sr. 1'aul, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Ixuis ami all (Hiints Fast and Sou'h. l'my your tickets ui C. Ii. Kawlings, foot of llroad albin t-treet, Albany. How n. rf olils Arc l: 1 1 In tlunluna. ti-.n. the .c.'iii:Cin. M mt Mt-lwwian. Wlien we tind a medicine we kno'.v to p sstms jtvnuitie merit' we i-.insid.-i it a du.y, and we take plca:ie in tcl'ing the public what :t is. Such a med.e'uu- we found C:iuinb-rUina Couirh Kenedy, l ist winter, when la grippe was prevailing. We are salislied that w.! warded oil' several attacks that were threatening by the use of this syrup, and we have since relieved, in a few hours, severe co:d i. a Id in tin; course of two or t iree days, entirely broken theiu up by its ue as have several of our friends vshoiu we have recom mend :t. It is all that it id repre sented to Im by iie manufactuter.s. If you a cough and want to Btop it, Chaiuielain8 Cough Remedy will do the work. For sale by I'oshay fc Mason I lie llet Yet. V.'. K. (Irahatn, t'm merchant tailor, lias just opened an elegant line of new p itlerns for gentle men's clothing. He has a very large line to "elei t irom. in suit ings, pantaloons, an I ail kinds of clothing. His new patterns aie not surpa-sed by anything in the city, and lie has marked his prices down to tiie very bottom, llalid ho ne sui's w ill i-e made t rder lor $J-' ')) and i5. 1 h e desiring a neat litri 'g uood suit at verv 1 v cost should . all an 1 s -e his stock. Amenta rake llie Lea.t. America no-v takes the lead as ti iron pro luetic cointry, mired with China, we collid d tne wash ing and ironing of tl,e ''""''I M.le!len"t ( are taking the lead i i thu KiuC-t V bu-in. ss of Alta:iy. as tnc;r cash Inures please every on1. I. ! ..esultx. 0 :r c ili -st . ;i. of imsiii' S is just everv nu is uw taki.ig advantage of. Oar goo Is are the purest and our p-ices the lowest. People who pay cash for their goo is will lii.d a t j their advan tage to buy of Muoder & Garrett's cash groceres. New and complete stock of Fivctacle and eve glasses just re ceived at F. M. French's. Every pair fitted by Johnston's Patent eye-uie'er, every pair fully war ranted to .'it. I.litlo iiaut anil Cowle' Bros, boys, misses and child reu s shoes ditfereiit styles all and widths mauk solid all iiiuoioii. Try a pair nothing better medium in price. Kvery pair warranted. S.tMCKt. F. or.Mi. I, u. lint "lu Mhoe. 1 make a specialty of handling la lies lin:; sh'jes. 1 carry some of the be.-t brands made in tine and Medium grades in widths from A t o KK. All warranted goods; no trash, and will repair any pair of thoes of anv kind sold that will rip or break". Samuel E. Young. House Lot For Sal. On Seventh etreet ietween Montgomery and Kailroad streets. For particulars inquire of C. Cassell. Cornet! Ctrnetil We make a specialty of ltuies and misses tine corsets and w i Fts. We have a drive in a F f nch sateen corset at 75 cents. Fxtra good Value. Samuel E. Yo-so. Fire Kiiullem Ii vou want a good and easy fue kindler, one Miat will kindle your lire easy every time. Call on or come and see me. A.J. 1'os. Julius (italvvohl keep at his Coldeti Unle 15a.aar store a lars-c assortment of fresh WaUa W nU L'arden seeds. Th.-y are th Lest and freshest seeds on the I'-i jt"; coast market, llist-t ue is Idle., with the finest and largest stock in his line in the Willamette Al ley. The public is invited to call and insjifct it. Another Car- Of those choice vets-tables lust received, celery, cauliflower, cab batje, parsnips, turnip;?, beets, onii n-s, ti's, golden dates, lemons, and "an' endless variety of i;ood things. All of the above nice and fresh at .Mueller it Garrett's We want the ladies to stop and look at our large variety of Oxford ties just received and the latest htvlesi at Klein Bros. The n ost beautiful wall paper in the city at J. A. Cumming'a drtii; store. liny gasoline stoves from Mat thews X Washburn. A IIISBtMs HISTtkt:. Husbands too often permit wives aim parents their cniloren, to sutrer from headache, di..iness, j neuralgia, sleeplessness, tits, ner vousness, when by the use of lr. j Miles' Restorative Nervine such j serious results coula easily bi; pre vented. lrugists everywhere say it gives universal s-itisfaction, and has an immense s ile. Wood worth A Co., of Fort Wayne, Ind., Snow Co.. of Syracuse, X. Y., J. C. Wolf, Hillsdale, Mich., and hundreds of others say "it is the greatest seller they ever knew. It contains no opiates. Trial bott'.es and line liook on Nervous Diseases, free at ttanard and Cu-dck's. sl'll 1 1.4IIOX UlM.I.KOI s Scarcely a tl.iy pMM- without the news of some hiru failure tlisliin over the wires -the usual result of fpi-ciil;itiiiii in stocks or onine o.u.illy Uunirc rolls venture, 'l lie same elect lie t'u rent carries to dear il' fr'n'iid tilt- Hail tiitinirs of death of loved om s tviooiti-n the result of spi i-uiatioii ill patent nostrums. Monic'.s KcwniIciI Keiui'ily is no siu'eiilation hut is -(ld J on pos.tive guarantee. Do not fail t to to your ilriiifgift and ask tor your mouey if n il catislied. He kliuun von il! go and luy aiiotlii-r bollh. r nale by ail Iruggi.-t-. TIIK K.l' ((FMI t t..S Stanard.V Cusi.-k dniggi;-ts. be lieve that the secret of success is IHTseverence. Therefote they per sist in keeping the linest line of perliimerieH, toilet aiticles, ci.s luetic , clrugs ami chemicals on the market. They espccialh in vite all per.-o:is who have palpita tion, short breath, weak or hungry saells, pain in side or s-h'iiil lei, oppression, nikihtmare, dry coii.'h, smother'.ng. dropsy or heart d.s ease to try lr. Mile-, uueipiuh-'l New Heart, Wi c too lite. It lias the largest sale of any similar remedy. Fine b-jok on 'esi iinotii.ds fne. Ir. Miles' Itestotative Nei vins is unsurpassed lor sleepiess-nes-1, headache, lits, etc., and it contains no opiates. II ! IIDOtU.ICs. Win, 'niom i-, Postuia-ter of Ida ville, I ml, untes "Kh-etiie Hitters tius (lone more fr me th ill all medi cines cotnliined for that feeling arising from Kidney and Liver trill hie." John Le-he. f.omer and stiickiiieii, of the ;-ainu pia-.e. sas: "Kiml Klectrie Bitters t.) Ie the hesl K'uln-y ami Liver inedieici'. made me feel like a new man." W. liardner. hardw are iiierehaiit, same tow n, says, Klectrie bitter isjust the tiiin-; for a man who is all run down and don't care if lie lives or dies ; he found new strength, g.iod appeMe and felt in-t liiiii he had a new lease on lite. Only ."SI cents a bottle, at Foshav ,V Mason's drug stoic. lii HAKk'.Ki i: m i 1 1:. Mrs Mii-h.i. 1 fir' ii:i, l'i:iin !'!. Ill, nuke- the sl.ti.- lit that sle- euiiiit colt, which -iMhcl in her Iilns; she uas l :i in inth t-y her I'.niiily pi ysici.iii. Imi ;n- w.ii -,-. He tolil her she w is n ;ii-rl.- victim orconisuiiipt'o!! ninl t!:it tei i.e !it ine eolilJ cute her. IL-i il.u Lri-t -11 -este.l )r. Kinir's N-vi U-.-ovcv tor I'onlllllptloll : -he 'i M ht :l ll-Itie :il,il to her ,li-:i. Ii! t'.o.i:.: h-i-v.-jf u.. tillell irolll llie tils! 'ns". .-h - con tinue. I its us- an! ill' cr t .Kin-.' Ii-ti hot, .-.-, t'oninl li. f-v I' s.,-0 il and well, now fi.x-s her o.v n hoii -cw.ii k ;nul is lis w ell us lie w Is. Vice hi.'l liOtlle of thih ureal D seoveiy at i' ,-h. v ,V M isoii's lri;if Store, l.irite bottle? Hiul10lp mum Mitti: .1 l it 1 1: ni t.?. Act on a new principle rejrulr. ting the liver, btoin u li and howel-i through the nerves. A new dii covery. Dr. Miles' l'lll-s speedil cure biliousnessi, had taste, torpi 1 liver, piles, constipationr L'n eipialed for men, women. children. Smallest, mildest, surest ! 50 doses for 2o cents. Samples ee, a; Stanard it Cusick. 1:1 ( kLKV titMi t Miu:. The best suHc in th; w.url for( n;. Bruiser.,, l lcer-, S.ii! liln mil. Fever sores. Tetter, Chapped Hutu!, L'hilblaiiis. Corns, aii'lskin Kruptinn:, and pus lively run s 1'ilrs, fir 1.0 pay rt-iillirrd. It is trilarantrcil to ?rivj Tjci-fcet satisfaction, or money r. -fuinle.l, l'rii -j l ecu's per box. K. r sale by Koslmy .t Mason Dliuntfe la ItiisincHH. From Jan. 1st, LS'.M, we wif change our business to a strictlj cash system, thereby enahlini; ui to buy for cash and get our dis count's, whereby we can, and will, give our customers the benefit. Our M. C. II. Mueller, while east, made arrangements to buy good direct from the manufacturers at the lowest ensh prices, and we will sell pure goods at the lowest cash figures, ilelievini; that the people will appreciate a store where they can goods at cash figures. We re main, Respectfully Yours, Mueller Sc Garrett. Hants and Slioea. Purchasers of Hoota and Shoes bear in mind that bitf advertise ments and offers of biir discounts I do nut always mean beat values, j You will have to pay some one a proh as no one can do business without expense. The quest:on is v. Iio ciitt fell you the best goods ' for the least money. 5A.:L 1:. 10CNO. in. Illf Hollar Kediietion on every pairof Lud lowa Fine Shoes. A good line of them at Samuel K. Young's. From now until April let you can buy a pair of $;.."0 Imperial Dorey kid shoes for A genuine hand" sewed $ l.'O tlexiahle sole shoe at $4 anil the best brand of Imperial kid, and all other winter goods at a like reduction, as; we lunar iiinkp. room for our lame spring stock, which is daily ar- A L'l.Ia? Pp.. a a:Vllllcica 1 riving at niciu uiy. 1 boot and shoe store. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Cat arrah remedy, price "0 cents. Nasal injector free, sold by Foshay it Mason. We are the people ! Who carry the most complete line of hard ware, stoves and ranges in the vallev, Matthews t Washburn. ALLEN BROTHERS, Wholesale and Retail dim CIGARS, TOlJACCOAtfDCIIQlUl-a FiiUITS -OF ALL WLAWJ 03 SMLI. QUANTITIES, FLVjnX liLOCK. : S prin f i el A. WHKELKR, (I'HIN iisiN';riKL!f .Uiany yard and office o:i Ilii'' streets, A. Win eh r, Albany Ma.iag I Living lumber not excelled in ip: or the prompt and satisfactory li'iii hare of the tradt: . PEED -:- GENERAL 1MS01 WANTKD SPKC1A I.I.Y- Hav. ;. : i: the Oregon I'aoi:;.: Iliilroi l e.e!. here; 1 sell in (pjftlititich to suit tin e Sound street 55? ??Loo 42 1 t VeC W ffl-75 Vlt.-r .TV'I n .':..:. Mk The City Liquor Store M. HAVMGAIiT, Jrotrict: "N. xt .loot to thu Oil.l Fellows' en:j Ic, Albany, Hl.iMi f-1 Keeps cr n?antly on han I the nnest iin:ore.l and .1 ,mstio witics, li..i rs, i-i.-ars an to'.a -o Only lint-claw liquor store in the city SPECIAL ATTWinH PAID tq ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY' Special Notice. f udh'S or gciitliMiien who con template buying gold watches will find it to their advantage to call at I-'. M. trench's jewelry store be fore purchasing, as there has been : lite a reduction in prices. The orner jewelry Etoiv. Ni-w SpriiiK liooil-H. I am now receiving my first in voices of spring novelties in wash g-mils, prints, gingham seersuckers, etc., alo just received a new line of all wool rummer plaids and beiges. S.wcr.L K. Yot no. Smoke ths celebrated Havana filled 5-cetit ij.'HP, inanufactuied at Julius ,lo.s li"s ciirar factory. If you wan! anything choice in the grocery line go to Mueller i'i Garrett's, the only place in the i!y where you can get everything con want. Some of tne latest styles of ele gant bed lounges can be seen at Fortmills-r fc li ving's, as they have j just received a large invoice. , Money la King. This is a true saying and is the reason that Mueller iV (! irrett are ! iloing sui h a rustling business. Their cash figures are taking the j lead and their stock is the best, j You do not have to pay for any i long credit by trading with theiu 1 as they do business on a Ftricti cash principle. ; tlllllUIAT ' run high iu this city over System ! IJuilder as every holy is using it lor : Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia ; Constipation, Impure blood and to; build up their system. Try it and tell your friends about it, as it must possess wonderful merit when all speak well of it. ; New goods of the latest patterns sold at Matthews and Wash burns is why they will sell over four lo ils of stoves and ranges this year, they 1 ave their first carload of Jewel Stoves and ranges now on the road to arrive Feb 1st. If you would like to see some thing truly beautiful, go to J. A. Cumuiing's drug store and see his elegant patterns in wall paper. A fine line of gents furnishings at Searls', all the latest styles. Ludlow's shoes all sizes and widths at Seiirl.-?' shoe store. KlNl'S- SEASOIT. AMIANY, OT cl SaAvm ill il I f-l.W ) PKOPIMKTOIi on j:( ;, H. ii. UUimKliJi no a?3e.13:03EE! An-i l e! spe.-ialti.-; for 'ici:- Enve t!i ii,.-; ,' s, !)te., are w.;r- $1 , i-an'ei!. d n shimpeil on hot 1.75 t-.-in. W. I.. I. !';- 0 LA" , i.i ii'kV'U, M;:-s. .:,i t.v SEs AIj'.ANY, OKF.GON. CITY DilUli STOIIE liTANARD k UJSU'X, Pr. ps., I'iKIIKKIt lll.oi K, - - Al.ltA.NV, In J. r- .n DRUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, FANCY an.l T.iht :irti.-i'S, Six. iii.-. Itrnshi-ti, I', rfiliii. ri. SVt I ll..c.Ks, j.,.t Ar- 4lSfrhysician's pi esi i i p(i o 11 s carefully compounded. MO.NKV Hi I.OAN In bra.- ,,r .i:i!..iinU, ironi s: hi.. ul In to fiie l,:irou All.:in , :un! I. inn i-nnnti r-:i' cit.-iti.. i-ill'.nnr a.l.ln si W. K. XI. 1'iicrsnn, r. nl cst:it.- hrckcr, oi-positc hus-i hunsi: I l.-iinl Tor Sale. :". to, to, so acres, easy terms, install : incut plan rhi-ap anil hih pri.-i'il. Also a j tew city lot all own.-il hy II. Itryant. ' STARKETTS j(Tarden Seeds. Tim I lest liecditse -: A I trays lkvliabU: KSTADLISI IED 1874. Special prices to market gardeners. Send for catalogue for 1S!'I. Address, Gko. Starrktt, Walla Walla, Wash. KOSK AND StSGI.K COMB IirownLeirhorn Roosters w i Kelt SALE AT fl.ilO EACH ! Also some fine Langshang, Tly-j moth Hock and Wyandottes, same! price. .Mrs. 1,. .1. llorcK, Tangent, Or. i 1 OYS-lleru'K cltan to make sonic ; 1 f .o. kct iimncy: T"-' Alhanv Klectrie Unlit Co. wishes to pir.-hi.ic a ijuaniity of clean u'liite or colnreil cotton, for win. j in'4 niairtiincry. Iiclivcr them at the conr pant ';t olll -c anil itetyour cash j Yierec.k will shave you or cut , vonr hair in the most approved stvle, J The Thomas Kay Woollen Mills j of Salem, have appointed G. AV. Simpson their agent in Albany. A I full line of men and boys clothing blankets and flannels and all arti ' cles inanufactuied by the mill will ; be kept in stock. These goods are i the best in the market and will give entire satisfaction. OH. MAMMA HE CARRIES A FULL STOCK OF NICE FURNITURE. REMEMBER T.lE PL4CE, - - - OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE W A. jNJ T JEJ3 -Ten tlioufland Men Women and Children to buy goods of- DEYOE & FlfOMAN rU!)SM mm s. ta, a . ;Z - - - - ti : . iV-BW,' A s-r--j 1 .. '1 Y, w.-- : ' "" irJS :i" 1 v 1 2 9 f';oi vou I DE.. ACKER'S ENCLISH REMEDY for Coughs, Colds ami Consumption is beyond question the greatest of ;all Modern Remedies? It will stop a Cough in one night. Jt will check i a Cold in a day. It will prevent Croup, relieve Asthma and cure Con sumption if taken in time. " You can't afford to bo without it." A2oC. bottle may save you 100 in Doctor's bills may save your life I Ask - .1 I . L C ." 1 - C , , J 11" 1, ' a- . a. ...a jyour uiuggisnor 11, or w i iteior ikmk LBANY IKU fanIf;lotllrc ptcim engines, grist nud paw mil. niachini ry, in n fruits aeil all kintln of heavy nud liilit wi.rk iu umi and brans cahtinR. Sj. ciiil atten tion paid to repairing all kinilo of mm hinnry, 1'atU-riia made on flmi t imtice, A COSTKL, l'iui,l.'nt. 1' l.IN't;KAN. Scc.-.tary, .IOIIN HOLM AX, Supt, II you want a monu ment go to K. W. Achison, who are handling nothing but the best grades. Have you seen thoge beautiful cement walls in the cemeteries, put up by V.. W. Achison, at half the coat of stone. From now until April 1st we will sell all of our rubber goods at cost for the cash only. Call early while the assortment is ttill large at Klein P.tos. EGGS FOR SALE. 1 will sell full blood Leghorn eggs, both single and rose comb, for i(l 50 per 1:5. also dotted Wyan dotts, Light llrahmas, Langshan ami Plymouth Rocks at the same pi ice. i'. J. Hot k, Tangent, Or. Notice or rnbllraf Ion. United States Liml O tlie) Oregon City, Or., Jan, I J, lSlM.f NO'ITCIS is hereby given that of eon p'.ianei: with tlie provisions in tlie act of congress uf June :!, 1S7S, entitled, 'Ai: act lor tin: sale ef tim ber laiels in the states of t'.ilifoiiiia, (ri''.il Wajliingtmi Ti r rilory," Hugh J. O' llayv.ard.s, county of Alaineila,?ii;ite of California, has this day tiled in thisofiice his sworn statement Xo, 2-129, for the of the S, K, j of section Xo, 3, in Township Xo, 13 south, range Xo. II east, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tiinberor stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said lands before the Register and Receiver of this olllee at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday the 7th day of May, lb'.'l. Ho names as witnesses: H. L, Mann, T, E. Xorris. W, J, Ramage, and C, 1'iowse, all of Haywards, California, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above descriheil lands are requested to lile their claims in this ofhoe on or before said 7th day of Mav, 1MH. J, T. AITEUSOX. Register, ,Iut Itccelveil. I have just received my spring stock of Kiazer jackets, Rufess accordian plaited capes and beaded capes in the latest styles, Ladies will do well to examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. (J. W. Simiso.v. fii,uIIave"'you seen those lovely lounges at lirink's? 'J licy are the prettiest in town, ami all his new furni ture is simply elegant. They all say so, and an in- sjiection will liiove it. IViees always the lowest. jfSyiinortcrs and Dealers in a!l kinds o guns! and ammunition liliing aekleof ev ery deseiipl;o:i, cutlery an-l hase hull goods, tents, hainm kH and esmp chairs. T)it largest Btoek Hoittl. of J'ortlund. (.'omeout anl all. No trouble to show irtods. Uuic enles arul small juotits in our motto. Also repair t-hop eotiiiet'ted w itli Ftore and b'ret-i-Uhb workmen to do all kinds of work. 15 tnidi i 1 55Si - 1M.T3. ft PI H Pi H g i WHY DO YOU COUGH?! I.'o you know that a little cough is a dangerous! tiling? Are ymt aware that it often fastens" cm ti:olii:i;js;iiid fartooot'tcii runs into Con. ! .. 1 . 1 , 7, ; .1:111 i nns in iieain .' I'eopie stiller-; . .. . . 1 -.r - . -i.iiima, ninmiiiii.s. i neumoniii ; oi:--iunption will all tell you that ; 1 tin 1 to ni 1 n m uulu ; til'tord to neglect it? Can vou! tridi- wiili sn M-nmis a matter? av.-ii-o t'.,:it Are you to AV. II. llllllk'l lt A- -(!.. 4t- Went ltroailMav, New Vorlf.! RAN" WA Icih rc::nc.l h 9 laun Iry to the iron lion the corn rot hi- oiiil anil I l, on titrei t. .(iiliilhlriilnr Sale. the matter of the entatc of Ill ( 'iiarlcR W. Klder, deceased, X( (TICK is hereby given that by vii tuc nt an order f sale duly made ami entered of ii-curd by the count) court for Linn county, Iregon on ti e ."ith, day nf January IS'.il the under-riipni-d as adiiiinlHtrator of tiie ei-tate nl Charles U . KliLr d.-ee;i-e I. d! on s viii. t.- w iav ' i. is:;. at tin- hour ot i. n o'clock. I'. "., on said day, at t!i" c lurt ivu.hi; . . r in the city :l Albany, L'en county, Oregnu, sell at public .luetimi to the highest bidder for i ash in hand, on day of sale all of the ribt title aud interest of tne said Charles W Klder deceased, in and to the following dis cribed real estate to-wit: Reginniiig at a jioint chains west from tht S. K. corner of tlie X, K. J of Section IS in Tp. 13 S. R. 3 west in Lin county Oregon, and running thenct X. SC.20 chains; thence east 40 00 chains; t hence south SO 20 chains thence west -.0.00 chains to the plaei of Ih-ttiiiiiint', tiie same being the "rt S "f Oriojnal I lunation Laud claim ..I I! M. Kl.ler an ! !uircf Catherine l.lti ids Mite, note Xo. 20 IS ai.d claim Xo. -jl eontailiing :.20.ii7 acre-s. Also bcgioniiig at a point 20. 50 chains west ai.d 2..S7 chains north of the X. K: corner of Sec tijn 17 in Tp l.'i, S. K. 3, W. in Linn county Oregon and running thence West 1. 1.1 chains; thence South 42.7? chains; thence West 32.00 chains?, thence North S0.20 chains to the north line of R W KIdcr's Donation Laud Claim: Thence F.ast to tht Ka?t bank of the Calapooia Creek, T hence in a southemly direction ot. the Kjst bank of said Calapooia Creek, to the place of beginning containing 2(10.07 acres and being a partjof the Fast half of the Donation Land Claim of R. M. Klder and wife or heirs-. Catherine Klder Note 2C4S claims X'o. 51 all situated in Linn county Oregon, with all appurtenances there unto belonging or appertaining. This the 2nd, day of April, 1 SOI . G W Davis Administrator A pair of fast black hose free with every pair of ladies ehoes, costing $3 or more, at Searls' shoe store. Just like finding monev to buy jour groceries from Mueller & Gar rett. Their cash prices talk, WORKS,! I I,HVSKIAS I T 11. DAVIS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND V h-jivm. l'r.u i'e found ai. ha e!f e ' room iu Sirahau'a bioek, First tr-et, A:tiairy ure-on- I CI C. KELLY, i'HYSICIA.V AND SVR U ircon Ahiaiiy, Oreifon, office n Pierce' new- block. Oltii e hmire, from 8 . u. to. r. u. J. KUSSlTKIt, VETERINARY Sl'R V. s.-on, (rrcduate of Ontario veterinary solleee and tiie i Ik.t of the Ontario vctoriii :tryniMlic:il B,-ictyf is prepared to freat tlie Jietu-Mg f ail tlociestkauU aniniala on -i iitifli: principles. ti:tice at Ana Marshall') liery stahlo Itesjilonce 4!h and t'llajooia -treeta, Albany, Oregon. ill, il VMliEIIt.IV, M. H., lloii.atnthk ; PhyVi-iaii, o'tii-e at Dr. Wnllucr'i old stand, ttroadalhiti itn-ct. ti lice hour, 7 to J a. .; 1 to 'S and ti to s r. u. nliG.A. WHIWEY, I'HY.SlClAX AND wirir -on. Graduate of lirllevue Hospi tal Mediatl I'ollecc, New Y'ork 'ity. Disease pfwiiiiK-ii a specialty, Ortice in Foster blot k ATTOHM1 ' KO. W. WHPiHT. ATTORNEY'-AT-LAW and .Notary Pub ic. Will practice in all the curls of this state. Ortlce, front room, ou r I'-aiik of Oregon, Albany, Oregon. . T. Ml HNKV. J. W UHAI-m BlU.N'iY & DRAPER, ATORNKVS at law, Oiciron City, Oregon. 1en ty .vt-arw cH-rien -e as n-tfisU-r of thiU. S. Lwid tntlco alOrcicon City ami In the laud practice rcconnui:n.ja ua in our epciatty husinena !(.. re the Laml Ofllce or the courti ami involving the practice in the gei eral Land Oltice. HC. WATaOV, attornev-at-law, Albany . OretMU. O.ilce iu btrahao block r N. HUN'tiAX ATTORNEY-AT LAW 1) . an.l notary public. O Bee iu the Strahan ilotk, rooms No. I anil 2. D. H. N. BLa. KBI HN. . . KKIOHT, BhACKIiL'R.N, H W RIGHT ArroiLNLV A1 Law, Albany Oregon. Ottn-e In Odd cllow'8 Temple. '111 practice In all court Jl the mate, and tcivv dj.ocial attention to all OuaiuutM. tVOLVKUTO.N' CHARLES E. ATTORNEY I ? at I -aw, Albany, Or. Oltlcc in room 15 tid 14 PoH erti Block, over L. L. 'iU-'.o't stores T K. WKATIIKRtOKn, ATTt RXEY AT i . law, Albany, Oregon. (lit in the Klin 11 111. tk. W ill practice n all tht oiurts of thctOate, and frive apecia. attention to ail business. TAMES P. MEAD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW t) and title evaiuincr, Albany, Or. Will nrautice in all the courts of the state. Ab stracts of title furnished on anort notice. ten ycArdcxnericnee. CATARRH ' UURES ttamstiam, Keuraipia, Cr NLAbAOHE, An ALL PAIN. n 0l:t.ri FnlttT aad Ki(MHs UCTHIC COUCH CTjR tvta C0L9. atur. esmwaftiop. C . Pr . ta atpwi, to , F-o r ; s V FOR 8AIK RY ALL DRCGGISTS. "So-ill! nmiitliK utro" I lam-liased a 'nix of Dr. J. P. GillV Catarrh Cure for my own hise. but tinditiK- my nephew. ('. A, McMahai. needing such .tie 1 i i inc. 1 let him have my box of medi cine, lie now Fends for three more lioxef, saying it is the best tliimr for catarrh ever tried by him and hit friends. I trot another box to use in my ease, and cheerfully recommend i! toothers, Oiirncd,. JOHN McMAHAX, Ex-County Commissioner Lane Co I ire if on. t?;irin-fie!d. Lane county, Oregon. Prof J. W, Johnson, president of the State aniveisity. says it cured him ol a eoiisrh after two other prescription but failed. Likewise two of his little trirls um'J it to cure their coughs. Mrs .Mark Hiiiley, wife of Prof. Hailey, sent it to Prof. Johnson, and recom mends it to all who sutler from colds and couulis. For couirli9 it nets like a clnii-m, and can hi inhaled into the .ilpfi or iiassarcs, where no other couth cures vau reach. WOMAN'S FRIEND ''o successful and delightful have been the c fleets of 'Moore's Ke vealed Remedy'' upon the delicate ailments of womankind, that this wonderful remedy has been called '"Woman's Friend." Moore's Revealed Remedy In a few doses shows woman kind its peculiar virtues for their ailments. Its effects are gentle, soothing and uniformly successful. Hundreds of testimonials from ladies all over the coast bear wit ness to its success. Sold by all druggists. Fine comb honey and salmon bellies at Mueller & Garret's, the leading grocers. mm H 3? MilCS Reliable Men Wasted a9 traveling salesmen for a tiist-:lass Ciar Company, ilust give gootl references. F. 0. B. CIGAR CO.. .Salem, N. C. HErtllT & IRVINE, ATTORN ET8-AT-Law. W ill practice in all theoourU of thr Mate. oitlc in Minna block, tir street. DELMOXICO KESTAUIHANT, FIXET IN tub enr,- MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Tables supplied with every thing thw market affords. Regular Einnr,a6t SKaitern and coast oystaiv. on hand. Sam Goitz, Prop. 20 m wi :m fuse ? If so call on I.BEAM He delivers his goods Ut aBT part of the city free of cbarg. Freeh vegetables erery day. XCXothiDg but the best kpt at I. BEAM'S, 2d s t . , cor. J ack eon and J effersoa . Hay, Oats and Chp (or 11 t nil times and in qiustitlai to Mlt. and uricin to suit the tiuias. frm .hlivery intni the city liaiiM. Finuei", bring urn Teur wbaak. j.t i,d liu. Hurhtxt mib prim otuu Cuetotii ctaoppine a (cial 'y. Plenty of chicktiu Ied. M0BEI8 tt BLODfiT, Cor. First Bkerts. Albany, Or. or iood dry fir wood at J-8.00 f r cord, also grub oak and ash wo4 at H"ti per cord. I lelivered iu tny part of tke itr. Orders left at the real estate ofise !i.f llulhurt A Wiiteman will r j ctive prompt attention. I'ETER Rh.KY. Ilinsolntini of l'artuerhli. V OTIi.'E it licreliT yin Uiat the (jart i. ntrrhip hcretofcr cxistinc Imtwaaa 9 CCox. W A Cox an.l c H llDUrf, ia Ui ,i!h me inill t.innens, at Alhanv. wnn. umler the Arm nam of Cox Broa k Ca, this day du)?.led by mutual aoaaaat, (ka taiilC M H jlr kaviuK purchaaad tfca aa tire rieht, title and interest of the aW ft Cox ami W A Cox tbara.n. C B Mttlt avmin eall tLc obligatioDS ot tha m Aim and all notes and hccmuou dua aaid flita ar pvahla to him. hated Aitiauv, Oreyoo. Uarab U, 1I1, u : vox. w a vox, v h uorait. Albany Nurseries. WE HAVE ON HAND AT OUR nursery on the Corrallta road, em half mile from town, as fine a lot of Fruit Trees of all kinds as can lie found anywhere on the coast. 1 f you contemplate planting trws, it will pay to see our stock and get our prices and catalogue fre. HYMAN A BROWXELL. REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OLCIUS Pf cirter, Prop. Only flrat-aataa bow n the city. Largo aampla room for aona mercial men. No Chinauao amployad In tfea kitchen, (ieneral state offir Camilla. 1G0A ACRES OF LAND- ill It hi mltt vation. and under fanca. for aala al lu irr acre, Withio li milea tram nUraml nuiti in and 20 milea from Albany. Apply at tli-.a iitfica. TAKE THE CAB FROM SCHMEEK'S STABLES RATSS: To any part of the city, 80 Bt For calling, first hoar $1.60, subsequent hour$ 1. SECRET SOCIETIES. McPherson Pint No. 6, A. a. K. Stated meeting at the Q, A. . Hall on tne aooond and Faorvk Friday evening cf each moarfc. Transient Comradeeate aordi y invited to meet with na j. r. wHrrnio. d. r, linn, Adlutaat. A. O. U, W.-4Safety Lodge No. IS; mmU erery Monday evening at the O. A. K. hall on Ferry street, between Seaond aad third. Albany, Oregon. Btranffera la the city and transient brethren cordially tnrited toattul.d. JOHN SGHMEER'S Livery. Feed .5 Sale stable Corner Second and BUmeorto St$ . ALBANY. - 0RS00M TJosaa kudu by the day or month. Oat A-Lnaire or Dunne on i win we ronl FRESH MILCH COW K0R SALE.-HAS A heifar oalf and U a govi taRah Xw, A ply to E. N, Oonrfh, mm Custom CMm Wood Sale