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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1888)
IS CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY, OREGON W E 1 N ESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 29 1888 OL. 1II-NO. i;: .'VI ! 1 ?! California, fe Landlof Pi fPl iHfJS -Taste r- DMTHTc Co y Us-vZL II R V" T rsBt TfI YlEJ bA jl, i5wV n SeicTjor circuUrA r Unit 39. ABIErlNEMEDtco.OOTLLi.fAL HAVE YOU A COLD in the heJ wiii.-n da-.-s J not get better! Have you an excessive secretion of mucus or matter in the nasal pesstess which cither must be blown from the nose or drop baek behind the palate, or hawked or iuffed baek.vard to the throat? Are you trouble) by hawking, spitting, weak and theONLY fIL? AVI vnVMfl qt'ANTEED CURE TOR &Utti Tag ClCUcA - CATARBH 1ltJltllNhfCIMoV OROVILLE orrodin? sores reve the corruption within. As every every breath drawn into the lungs must pass ovir and tecorr.e poliutfd by the 1 in the nasal passiges, it must necess-ariiy tc-llcu that iitcr.;ig c! the vie. ually ta.kes place, while the n:orbi? ruattir that is sli.c . i; li.j. :1. ;s!(t tins gradu; inio me atomacii, emeeriC9 ingestion, anti cttenjj i cvtt!- i.; i n , nervousness ana consumption. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. If you have experienced any off the abovetyn'j.ct i!ili . rut' f rv fOliKFM' Cat-R-Cvrb at once. We positively uarant cega few applications irelievc and.a thoruuch treatment to one. S:x months treatment for .fl.OO: sei.t ly mail u(u . bif anl t'al-K-Cnrr. For Sale by mwk at mm The Red Front. "W", C- T WSEDALE. iardwareStoves, Ranges, rumps, iron pipe, rubbor hoe and plumbing: poods. Sole agents for the ol-brau-.d "Early Brfakfast" cook stotes nd4ranre, and "FanlUeee" parlor heating stoves. Albany. Oreeon. AT ML T Gr. W. SIjVEPSOIN . HaviDg purchased the stock of Clothing, Gents1 Fui'Eishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc., of C. B, Koland & Co. is now prepared t offer fette Bargains llavimr a complete assortment cf General l.lert is.irirtise, bought at a . . .- 7 Vci cfill .! itt ti:iic In Will 'if ITtf yi r. I 1 O .- , i ) ! .!.! vll to call ami get his prices feiore from - to iW per cent. The hihfst il'ice oi an Kini.fiuici ui-n.-i 0H EUliEKA I I TiJve fouii-1 ii,." :,h in ti I f 'sunshine, whore (the oralis: -"'.j.iml "rape bloom a:.d ripen la nsans I that laml of cmo rape bloom aiid ripen attain 'their highest perfection in mid-winter. ire the herns ami ;um found that are nscil in that i!ea-anl leinedv for all rhroat and lmij; troubles, Santa Ahik Jihe rule of conKhs.fafitliiria, ami con- 1 ijiianv .rejjon, nave ix-en appointed -efiiisiiBi p-'.t" hisvaible California rein- r,y. and. sen it a guarantee at si 4 bottehree for - 50. FOR SALE P.', Way 2- A.LBAXY ( REGOX infaicei' eye?, frequant soreness of the throat. rinsing or roaring in the ears, more or less impairment of the heanntr, l'so Lsmell, memory impaired, dullness or dizziness tt the head, dry ness or heat of iiiose? Have you lost all sense of smell? Have you a hacking couch? Have von dyspepsia? 1 6 jour breath foul? If so voc havi THi Catarrh. Some have al these symptoms, others only a prt. (The lezdinj; symptom of ordinary ca tarrh is increased secretion of mucus of - yellow or greenish colored matter. rom breath is caused by the deenrr. posing secret ions exuded from festeiin ulcersfar Daek in the head; ometimes the membrane covering the bones is eaten away and the bones themselves gradually decay. Such cases ar in deed object ofipity, as stench from CAL e reliev secre i stem c.1 f l i icbtatst-s Albany, Oregon G.L N, (Baccegsor to E. W. Laugdon Drugs, Paints, Oils, Perfamery a.ri(i toilet article--, also a full line of books :im fcistiojiery. periodicals, etc. Prew.riptioiis carefully compounded M IN 000 FELLOWS TEMPLE. Albany Oregor. Tinware, Copr ware. than Ever! buying: el.' where, as you van r maiket price ai 1 iVr -onnlry pro- .-. fan, Uil. BLACKMA COST TI The Albanv Bakery ! -Vuder the new management of- HO KEEP A foil line of chiictrfamib"" grocer s a?id provision. Cannea Pineapples,! Cioice TaWe Delicacies Ornamented cakes for Wednrnos and Parties. f&'.mon bellies, mackerel and salt fish,ofall kiniii'J FSESH BASED BREAD iivcrv Dav. est Srun. Pies. Cakes teas and copya CANNED WOODS, ETC. . a ne best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of aomestic and Imported Cigars) &PM John Fox's old stand j low Fl nn s new brick. T.J. OVERMAN AOKST FOR TPK n XHas on hand a line of new and second and wheels. Send for Catal HAVING SOLD AN INTEREST IN MY harness business to 1 . J. Overman, I am desirous of collecting all my outstanding notes and accounts. ' All persons knowing -.hcmselvtw indebted to me will please call and settle The business will be continued as usual at the same please. E. L THOMPSON. Albanv, Feb. 22. -BLIVE- ers -18 A- LlVG wfo. This is what Albany is at present, and in order to keep pace with the .ively times in this city, they have enlarged their store and'stoek so that they now have the nnst complete unci desirable line of furniture in the vailey. Their double salesrooms in Fro nian's block are tilled with an elegant rf.-sortini-nt of new furniture, consist ing of lounires in new patterns, tine rold picture frames, willow ;-hairs. easy rockers, marble tnblcs, br;K-kets. tc. etc. An examination of the stock will show tills, to be true in every re--pect. University of Oregon ! rrEi;EXR city- Next fesion begins on Monday, the 17th -f Scptem'iH-r, I'i'cc s.'li!arhips fr.' iu very ct-unty ;n the s:;iti.. i!v to your .;int -iicrinvnilcui. r'..iir ti.:;-r-fs: C!..i-i.-::!. .i.' rary a..i a short Eimlish ,.urc in -..i.icii :!..! no Latin. Creek. Kr c. h r ievr.i:.. K1 ir'i-b i- T c-eiiiineni i. .i K:i-!?ies er--ir..-F'.'i' i-utah'SUeS i.r thvr i f.Te.-iti..:i, .ir. W. JOlIN'sON. I'ri.,w..).t. nn it mi uimv iivi jiinlie Nuts, Raisins LEADING JIMS. P0D1N (S WiLLARD HirmtureBea Absolutely Pure. This powaer never vanes. A marvel of nuritv.streiiErth and wholesomeness. More economical thaa the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competi tion with multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders, Sold only in c ins. Royai, Bakin' - ow der Co , lOii Wall St.. N. Y. ATTOUXtVS. rv R. N. BLACKBURN. ATTORNEY AT L". Law. Albanv. Dresron. Office in Od brllow's Temple. A'ill practice in all courts jf the state, and give special attention to all business itoi.VVRTTIK PHARI.KSE. ArTORNF.Y W at Ijiw. Albanv. Or. Ofhce in rooms 1:1 and 14. Foster's Block, over h. E. Blain's etor . T K. WEATHORFORP, ATTORNEY AT l . law. Albanv. Oreiron. Office in Odd Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all the courts of thestate, and give special attention to all business misH IA. ri W. M ASTON, PHYSICIAN ANI SCI VT. ireon. Albany, Ore'on. M H. ELLIS, I'UYSlCIA.Vj AN1) SLR , -'eon, Albai.y, Oregon. C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND ol"R J. aeou Albany, Oregon, oifice Wer Gratl wohl's store Ofhce hours, from S a. m. to r. m. r-kFVFRF HOFSF.. ALBANY. OR. CHAS It Pfeiffer, Prop. Only f rst eclass house th .iv saninlc rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the Kitchen. Cencral staire omre ior jorvains, TlfRS M.E.McCOY,M. O.HCMCEOPAiHK ll tihvHiemn. office and residence turner r-'irt !.nil IfcikM-streets. Or. Chroni .iii.Mwi a soecislt". Cop'-'ion free. Of ... intnf'A. m and 2 to 5 P. m. . ,. wv.l.I'1-WaV, VETERINARY SCR I ) ircou. Albanv. Oregon. CJraUuate of Cer man ;m.i Anicricv.n colleges. I 'tl.lsrKK & HOOI'WAKP. HO.iK01'ATIUC P1IV il ii-i:ins ami urL'e'i!'. oostctrics treat merit of chronic diseases of women and .liildn n a socially. AH calls prcmptiv at t. !.!. il t.. dav r nibt inlice in the Flinu block. H EWERT, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKE , and jeweler, Albany, Orcirou.J Magnolia Hour. .Mit liFsl MAGNOLIA FLOUR D F.I.I V I ered to any part of the citv for SI. 10 per sack JOHN ulsodtf CRAWFORD. .nl hiirvejius. I)ARTIK8 I.KSIRISO SI'KVKTISG DOSE CAN OH. tain accurate and prompt work by callniL' upon ex-oouiitv surveyoi t, X. T. Fisher. He hascomplete copies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepared to do surveviiijr m :,tiv part if Linn county. Postottice address, .Mille rs Station, Linn couuty, Oregon. - ...)..Ml;ES 'iF LAND SITUATED." 12 t).) miles cast of Albany ,near the Ore-on Pacific railroad, 3(50 acres in cultivation, and contains sufficient water and timber for cen cral use. Would make four (jood farms Price, $12,000. with terms to suit purchaw r. For particulars apply to J. J. Dorris. PALACE MEAT MARKET James V. PiPE.Prop. tint Street i - - Alfcanj The best variety of choice beeLveal.mutton, pork sausage, etcin,the city kept .constantly in hand. 3T Cash paid for all kind ock.-l OF ALBANY. OREGON. pkesidekt, L. Fhnn. VICE-PRESIDENT S. E. YOUng, cashier. G.E.Chamberlain, nRNSACTS A GENERAL BACKING I CUSINESSs. Accounts kept subject to check. Sitht Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, Chicago San Francisio and Portlanrl.Oregon. Collections made on favorable terms. S.E. You J?: f1" L. E. Blain w- V llRR,!LL CiRO. E. CHAMBFBI.AIN.I II. .1. Mistook. Pres. S. Farrak, Vice Pre. B. S. Cook, Sec. C B. Moores, Treas. Oreaon Land Company. Oi -unied for the purpose o! buvirg and sellin-rreal estate. advertising the Willamette vulleylu leading newspapers of the United ."Mates, em plovin" eastern nsrenls to direct home -eeUei'to the Willamette valley, and home i.-ents brail the principal towns oi Marion. Polk, -i'b Benton. Cl.-u-kama- and VanihiH counties lo : iif in loeatnii" in miirratits. Cook . INTHORN. .Manager-. For narlieu;;!'; - call at the Albany (".Hire th the Tate buihhli-, one door west of Si.- n t ,V Sos. il,;"soN V: 1I s:f..vsox. Managers fell ' ;iroterlioi. is the ai-L l.u ii., Follow it by -f-.'.-r a a. ca'.cLl i-oliey of Uupi5rt oc Kciu-y. GENERAL NEWS. President Cleveland Goes on a Fishing Excursion. THE tHPEKUK UF HftRlHff, He Proposes to Inangarate a Bentral Ma;- acre The New Ytrk Eepublican CoEViHt'OK CcoTtues. The Hkkai.m Special Iis;ate!its.l V ashing! on. Aul'. "JS. 1 'resi dent Cleveland ha gone on a three days fishing tup in the vicinity oi Clinon Forge in the Blue Kidge mountdiiis. He has been confined closelv to official duties for many months, and does not expect to be able to. ye; anv recreation except rr as he clears off his desk in advance of congress and takes a dav or two at a time, as congress lingers and promises to stay until alter elec tion. . .NEW lUKk ULri BI.U AXS. A Slate Oavrntion Khigiag Spee.ek by (hairmaa Tracy. Saratoga, Aug. 28. The re publican state convention met this . i, 1 i:- aiternoon. uen. xeuiamm r. Tracy was elected temporary chair man and addressed the convention at considerable length. General Tracv said, "Xot even the period in 1S64, when the democrats in the national convention solemnly de clared in its plattorm that war for the union was ioohsh ana ae- maiided that it should be brought to a speedy end, has a more im portant political issue been pre sented to the American people than that presented by President Cleveland's fiee trade message and the Mills bill. The issue ot 1804 involved the existence of the nation. The issue of 188S involves the continued existence o' our manufacturing industries and our commercial prosperity. WAK TO THE kMI'E. The I mprrsr of llorncco Proposes lu Inaugurate a ieu-rul Massacre. London, Aug. 28. A dispitel from Tangier says : The emperor of Morocco has declared to wreak quick and tierce vengeance on the rebels who massacred rnnce Muicy and his 2C0 follow ers rec ent ly. The troops sent -against the insurgents have been given free license to butcher, ravage and burn. Neither children nor aged are spared. Women are being outraged and enslaved. The em peror has penetrated the disaffect ed districts, and it is reported that he is surrounding the besieged in surgents. The European powers are being urged to send ships to Morocco to prottct the Christians and .lews in coast towns. luollier Kailruail liisioii. Lima (Ohio), Aug. 28. A collis ion occurred on the Dayton &. Michigan road near here this fore noon, between a freight train and a special from Oftowa, with a mili tary company on, to Columbus. One or two cars were broken up, and two passengers, one engineer and a conductor received slight in juries. WrlUn Fever. Jacksonville, Aug. 28. The official yellow fever report for yes terday records ten new cases, nine recoveries and three deaths, O. H. Pollard, Albert Fischer and Burton Mays (colored). Total, 110 cases; 17 deaths and 62 under treatment. Street Hallway ItUaater. Pittsburg, Aug. 28. The motor and car on the south side electric railway run away this morning and was completely wrecked. Seven persons were seriously injured ; one probably fatally. A reLUTCAL riKKT KF.ADKK. law Cleveland's lf ter Are Always Writ tea. Kansas City Journal. "See the big man. He is Gro-ver Cleveland. Whv does he look so tir-ed?" "He has had to wait so long." "What does he wait for?" "He is wait-ing for Dan-iel to write his let-ter of ac-cept-ance for him." "Will Dan-iel write it?" " Yes ; when he caii think what to put in it." "Is it hard to write?" "Well, underthe cir-cum-stances it is very hard." "Can not the big man write?" "He can write some things, my child, but not this let-ter. He can write vetoes." "What will the big man do while Dan-iel writes?" "He will go out and fish, so he will not be in Dan-iel's way." "Learn from this, my child, not to get in the way, or you will be put to one side like tins big man. He is in the way. He will be put out of the way in less than a year. Folks do not want him in their way. He will piay with thing that hurt him." "What does lie play wiih?" "He plays with "lice wool' the tariff and old sol diers feelings. When he gets hurt with these things lie erics. So. folks tire of cim. and will ask him to get out of tneirw.iy. ile is hurt now: so, no wili g.j o.'fand fish while 1 an- ei w tile.-, il.'nk v.eil on thesre wii'ijj;-. aiv chiiu."-" DOCTORo I KiWMk. .K.K. rropKiliou II ! Medtcal Mea Wear a nai-k or ittMinctlaa. Sew York Times. An olive-colored button adorned the lapel of Dr. James E. Briggs's coat as he started out yesterday from his ofiice, 111 West Thirty- third 6reet, to visit patients. He had worn the button for three months to the wonderment of many of his patients, who could not imagine whether he was a Knight of Labor or belonged to some secret political organization. The olive button signified that he wast phvsician. He is a be liever in doctors wearing some dis tinctive style of dress or insignia. Some time ago the Philadelphia Medical World started a discussion upon the advisability of a doctors' uniform. A physician at Lynn, Mass., has received 10,000 letters from doctors in favor of the idea. It has not been much agitated in this city, though the question will probably come up in some of the medical societies this Fall. Dr. Briggs said last night that often there were accidents on boats and trains, and even in the street, when a few moments' time meant a great deal to the patient. A doctor might be near, and the olive button or hatband would designate him and he could be called to the injured man at once. In acouutry town, the doctor said, a - physician twenty miles away was sent for when there was another boarding for a part of the Summer not a quarter of a mile away, though no one knew he was a pnysiciau. On excursion and passenger boats the cry was often heard, "Is there a doctor on board?" A mark of designation would be noticed and the physician or surgeon found quickly. Clergymen were distin guished by their dress, why should not the physicians be ? The doctors who have discussed the matter in the Medical World favor olive as the color to fittingly represent'medical lore. A hatband or button or clothing of that color could be easily w orn and readily distinguished. Dr. Briggs does not knowr of another physician in the city who wears the olive but ton, but believes soon they will be almost as abundant as campaign buttons. MTENTIMC SCRAP. Whiting, dry or wet, will giye to glass a fine polish. Two houses are being erected in Parbersburg Pa., which will nave papir walls, paper partitions and pnp er roofs. . To arrest hiccough, Diesch 1 1 ects that both ears be eh-sed with the ringers, wirh pressure, while a few swallows oi liquid be taken. The longdistance telephone ser vice between New York and other cities connected is increasing sat ial":ictoiil . it is expected that New York and Buffalo will oe connected this fall. This will he the longest telephone in the country. Analysis of natural gas shows the proportion of each constituent in 160 parts of tbe gas to be as fol lows: Carbonic acid and carbonic oxide, 6 each: oxygen, Siolefiaut gas, 1 : ethylic hydride, 5; mar.'h gas, 67: hydrogen, 22; nitrogen. 3 Mr. Edison intends to utilize the pond ot water which now sepa rates his laboratory from his Dew phonograph taf'tory. He wili build a small ferryboat to be run by electricity, and it will be run back and forth from the laboratory to the factery eterj ha!f-hour To make a cherry-stain, mix to gether by stirring 1 quart of spirits of turpentine, 1 pint of japan, 1 pound of Venetian red ground in oil and 2 ounces of dry burnt amber. Apply with a brush, and wipe off with a cloth. Finish with one coat of shellac and two coats ot yarnish. Dr. Thome has called attention to the gradual dec'ioe of smallpox in England during the past fifty years. In the years from 1838 to 1842 the deaths from this disease amounted to 57,2 per 100,000 Hy ing, while in 1880-S4 ihe death rate had sank to 6. 5 per 100,000. It is believed that vaccination had not only bad a direct influence in causing this marvelous reduction in the number of victims to small pox, but had also had a tendency to make the children of vaccinated parents lest liable to the disease. Teachers Examination: Notice is hereby given that the regular public quarterly examina- uon oi u-aoiiers ior Linn county : ii T.. : in . i tiori will please be present at the beginning. L. M. Ccrl, County Superintendent. Ihe xliool to ;Eeopen. Studies will be resumed at the academy of our Ladies of Perpet ual Help Wednesday, August 20.; The sisters whitst thanking the i i. . .- n. ...... TOO: I peopli. Ol .-wi...i: i-'i pnsi favors soh'eit their patronagt (jK ensuing seho'astic year. lor Otk'.- an-.! end- neany gv eilU Scilei.bach Mon i.nm in Aioaiiy, at me General Mahone svs that now Court house commencing ; at .noon the National committee has at. on ednesday, Aug. 20, 1888. j tled th 4, te ween the t All teachers desiring -examina- ! - l, i, AT WrASHmGT0: The 'Awful Surplus' Shrunken to a Mere Nothing'. WBEKE THIS SPKt'TlKK HAS. COKE. Gjasip Abotit Janes G. Blaise Hew Pos wl Law O.mpaisa Oratory Th Kill Bill. Special Correspondence. W asiiikgton, Aug 27. A bomb shell exploded among the demo crats could not hae created more c nsternatioa -than the discover?, just made, tha there would be no Treasury surplus lor the present fiscal year. The democrats to whom tbe "awful surplus" ban been a contiual nightmare, are tbe hardest hit; they aie completely bewildered, and know not which way to turn for a new grievance. The reason why there is, or rather there will be no surplus tuts year, is very simple. Congress has, or wi;l have before it adjourns ap prised for the present nscalyear. an amount about equal to the esti- mated income of the Government tor the same periou. This state of affairs will tend to simplify the work of the Senate committee now engaged in perfecting a substitute for tne Mills bill. Representative Lyman, of Iowa, is determined to get a vate on tbe Dependent Pension bill in the House, or to block all business that requires a quorum. He says tie proposes to put the democratic members ou recoid on this pension business. A proposition has been made here for speaker Carlisle to chal lenge Mr. Biaine for twelve joint discussions of the tariff, in as many cities. Republicans are in hopes that the arrangement can be made to have the discussion. They would make thousands ot votes for Harrison and Morton and protec tion. Representative McKinlty left last aigat for Atlanta Georgia, where he gtes by invitation to deliver an address before the Chat auqua assembly on the tariff. It is believed that a majority of tbe voters ol" Georgia are believers in a protective tariff nevertheless, owing to their inability to sink their pre judice, they will vate fox Cleveland the free trader. The Senate has passed a bill amending the act o: June 18, re lating to postal crimes. The bill declaies unbailable all envelopes, postal cards, or newspapers upon which shall be written or printed any delineations, epithets terms or iaiinuajie or aa indecent iewii, oosceue libelous, scurrilous, defamatory or threatening charac ter, or calculated by the terms or manner or style of display and ob viously intended to- reflect injur iously upon the character or con duct of another. The penalty lor each such offeuse, upon couvictiou thereof, is a fine ol $5,000 or im prisonment at hard labor for not more than five years, or both at tbe discretion ot the court. The working of the act is very com prehensive, and cover every pos sible ca.-e aud condiiion. There is one country in the world of which this administration is not afraid. It is little Hayti. The man of-war Galena has beea ordered there with instructions to protect American interests. As this is the n stand only move that the present administration has taken for the protection of Ameri can interests, at home or abroad, it is a pleasure to chionicle it. The democrats in Congress are much disturbed over the excellent prospect that exists of the accept ance by tbe House ot the Senate substitute for the Mil. s bill. "At least twenty democratic representa tives, who voted tor the . Milia measure under compulsion, aro understood to be in iaror f ac cepting the Senate substitute, if it shall be a good measure, which it is certain to be; and if the sub stitute is accepted by the House, it will become a law, for Cleveland, dare not veto it. Senator Allison thinks that Con gress will not adjourn before the middle of October, if so eariy. It is generally believed here that the democratic representa tives are deliberately absenting themselves from the House, leav ing that body without a quorum about four fifths of tbe time, in or der to prevent anv action on the j Dependent Pension" bill, and some fh- mun rh r ntVairl nf singie doubt of Harrison and Mor ton carrying the state by a least twenty thousand majority. KailrwaU Laborers named. One hundred men wanted to engage in rock work, and as teamsters on the Oregon Pacific railroad. Apply to headquarters at the end of the track. A. Brink. (V full line of ladies' slhmr"-- at cost. Xo broken sizes t: day, at Mouteith 65 ScitcnbacL's. 1 I 7- i. .