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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1888)
N .... , , 35 15 GETS A WEEK. ALBANY. OREGON SUNDAY MOROTIG. AUGUST 5. 188S VOL. U5 Julius Joseph Manufacturer of Choice Cisrais -AND DEALER, IX- MPORTED Plug unci Smoking Tobaccos Mfi'r full line of Smokers' Article. CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS. Next door to Burkfcart & Keenev's Real Estate'Oif.oe, Albany The Red TEEDALE & ard ware, Stoves, Ranges, Pumps, iron pipe, rubber hose and plumbing goods. Sole agents for the celebrated "Early Breakfast" cook stoves andranges, rad 'Taultiess" parlor heating stoves. Albany, Oregon. California, the Land of Discoveries 10 TASTt DEATKTO fAlf r ISC ?5 . J) I .S PAc xr c ,FTH PA AT r attoVjr i, r Send for cicular-.) $tr Unit 3 far C)m2-. HAVE- Vim..' A in the ntaJ fecrttion "f mtieus or matter in the nose or drop taek irehiml the pr.iate, von trou;ied tv hii'.'.'r'L,'. s:-ittin. '.v .J tote J1B Mass i fcywj rw abiymshb LTtE.AlEKfi ONLY tjUANTEED CURE TOT? I PI - X W CATARRH liPirnnrnrnLr LIU'LI I.'IL r'lLU-LQ 0R9VILLE CAL orroding sorts reve the corrimtion within." As every breath drawn into the lungs must pass over and become polluted by the reliev .inns in thf natf.l rsu-.OM it muct ruftMrllu fr.'.lr.u 1 fiifcrri :1 I rt tl whole secre g radually takes place, while the morbid matter tf t .s c; ret- ill Bleep stem into the stomach, enfeebles digestion, atd often jiedv.ffs djs-ptprif.. ire f rtl'j gr au-stee ity, nervousness and consumption. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. If you have experienced any of the abevesymptomsf do fnct oti:i , but'trv CALrpOBKi Cat-R-Ccrk at once. We positively uarant etg a few applications relieve an(.ci ttorirtgh treatment to nire. S;x months treatment for $1.00; sent by mail 8&ota Abie and Cai-U-Cnre. For sale by mm 4 MASON. BAMEDPT SALE! -Of General BARGAINS 14,000 GIVEN In profits will beiven to cutomers;between;this dateandjJTar.iiary'.l, at the store of "Vlio isfcllint; an immense hankruplstock of general merchandise at cost , Call and ree the jroods on his 5, 1U, 15, '.'() S and cent counters. His store is jbeadqtiarter for tnr tmriruins. jgHighest market price in cash or goods paid for country pro- duce. Children Cry for AN 0 KEY WEST schr.tim :nd . Also. dealer rsnar in Pipes, and (I I y. Li. -1 ' VhAXJ (Successor to E. W. Langdon' -DE ALBS IN- Bmos, Paints, Oils, Perfumery and toilet articles., also a full line of books and stationery, periodicals, etc. jgiT Prescriptions careful!; compounded IN ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, Albany Oregon Front. HOPKINS. Tinware, Copperware, I-A EUTJEKA of Califojnia T means "I .'" in that hind of re Ithe orang cmo rape nloom and ripen a attain i heir holiest pert'eeti"ii in mk'-wiutcr, the herbs and irmii fci'.iu! thai are used in that piea.-ant lemedv tor all threat and 'tin!.' troubles, Saxia Ar;k Ithe rule of coughs.iasthma, and con sumption. tOKliy Mason, of Al bany Oregon, 'nave reen ay pointed ansu.irjisl'fo hisvalhle California reni- dv. uKi sen it under;a guarantee at si iohree for J.1, do:. FOR SALE BY TV- REGON mux pay If 111 nrm ii MckMJli. i wi.i-.-n i.cts t Ot pet bttti r'r Es'-e yon an excessive r.t!al t'S's.trts which tit her cust le blown frr-m the or Lr.w ktti or .-nulled backward to the throat': Are afe and inflame-: eye.-, frequent sonnessof the throat, r'ngmi.' or roan.':'' in the. ears, more, or ;lfcss impairment ot the hearing, l"sso Ismell, memory impaird, duiiness i r dizziness f if the head, dryness or heat of Have you a hackinjr cough? Have you d;s;ep-ia'.' Is your breath foul? Ik so vot: mave thr ( ATABRii. Some have al ithese symptoms, others onlv a part. iThe leading symptom of ordinary ca tarrh is increased secretion of mucus of (yellow or greenish colored matter. - Foul breath is caused by the dc-corr posing secretions exuded from festering ulcers far Dack in the head; ometimes the membrane covering the bones is eaten away and the bones themselves gradually decay. Such cases ar in deedJobjects offjqty, as stench from VI lbany. Oregon Herdnaclise - Pitcher's fcastoria. J1 AWAY 'The Ato Bakery ! rtf)Mli f MM Dl Uo. Ml WHO KEEP K A full line f-rov'tion of choice Cannea rmeapples, Choice TaWe Delicacies Ornamented cakes for Wedanttts and Parties. Salmon bellies, kinds. mackerel anil salt fis-h of all FRESH BAKED BREAD JbCvcrv X)av est S. Pies. Lit! km TEAS and COFFE indies Nuts, Raisins i Jil CANXErgviuODS, ETC -ine best 'Soap in the market- Roi Savon, Le A fine assortment cf domestic and Imported Cigars f'"At ..'chn Fox's old stand. 1-rick. low Fl tin s T. J. OVERMAN AG KM FOR THE LEADING BICYCLES. 4S"IIas on hand a line of new and second and wheels. Send for t otal HAVING SOLD AN INTEREST IN MY harness business to 1 . J. Overman, I am desirous of collecting all my outstanding notes and accounts. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle The business will be continued as usual at the same please. E. L THOMPSON. Albany, Feb. 22. WOOL! I WILLARD LIVE- IN A Live Twi. This is what Albany is at present. and in order to keep pace with the .ivel7 turns in tins city, they nave enianrea ineir store ana stock so that they now have the most complete and desirable line of furniture in the valley. Their double salesrooms in Fro nian's Mock are tilled with an elesrant assortment of new furniture, consist. injr of lounires in new patterns, line srold picture frames, willow chairs easy rockers, marble tables, brackets. etc., etc. An examination of the stock win snow mis to ue true in every re spect. TIniYersity of Oregon ! "EUGENE CITY Next session be Septcmiitr, ISsS. Kins on Monday , the i; th of rrec sc!;vi arMnps troni every emintv in the s-ate. App.v to your county superintendent. Four eoi.-ses: Classical. Scientific, Literarv ri, d a xhort Knsrlts'-i course in which there is no l.'i'ni. Gnc-k. French or German. The -;i is pre-emun nt:y a liu-itiess Course. :it ilifucs or other iiib-rination, address W. JOHNSON, President. r family" grocer es ami JjO jX j Villi v ffi. Safeties. uruitureDealers Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvel of purity ,strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competi tion with multitude of low test,-short weight alum ot phosphate powders. Sold only in cuts. Royal Bakin 'ow der Co., 1W Wall St.. N. Y. ATTORNEYS. DK. N. BLACKBURN, ATTORNEY AT . Law, Albany, Oregon. - Office in Odd bellow's Temple. A'ill practice in all courts of the state, and give special attention to all business. w( OLVERTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY at Law, Albanv, Or. OmVe in rooms 13 and 14,t Foster's Block, over L. E. Blain'6 stor . T K. WEATHOKFOIiP, ATTORNEY 'AT J . law, Albany, Oregon. Office in "Odd Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all. the courts of thestate, and give special attention to all business riiYsiciAs. G1 W. if ASTON, T, peon, Albany, PHYSICIAN Oregon. AND fcUR M.'ge, ELLIS, PHYSICIAN AND SL'Rr eon, Albai.y, Oregon. ri C. KELLY PHYSICIAN AND fcl'R- J. aeon All any, Oregon, ofliee over Grad Oliiee hours, from is a. m. to 4 wold's store. r. m. REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR. CHAS. Bfeiffer, Prop. Only first .-eelasa bottle in the city. Large sample rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General stage office for Corvallis. MRS M.E. McCOY, M. D.!IOMEOPA 1 HIC physician, office residence corner "f First and liakcr streets, Albany, Or. Chronic I'ii.-.ises ,i pe.:in:ty. ':r 3D"..itio;i free. Of He - Vinurs: !(I'hV!a. f .1111 '2 to 5 ?. M. I) , i. i, ;,l iKWAV, VETERINARY'SUR. L'eon, Albanv, t'regm. - Graduate of tltrf man and Amcrii-i:n coll ges. M'AI.ISTKK .V IVOOl'WAlD, ! sicians and MirgiMis, lO.MKOI'ATIIlC 1IIT- ot'Stetries treat- merit ot n:roi:ic: chiliireii a specialty tended to dav or ni b!"c!. (li ees ot women :.! All calls prcmptix at htj Office in the Flinn HEWER I'. PRACTICAL WATCH.MAKE . and jeweler, Aibaiy, Oregon, Masnolia Flour. T' ercd to any part, of the citv, for SI. 10 per sack. J OHj; A CRAWFORD. nlSodtf L;:nl Snrv'y in. I Parties hksirixg slrvkvixo honk can on. tain accurate and prompt work by callitnr upon ex-county surveyor T. T. Fisher. lie has complete copies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepared to do survevmji in any part of Linn countr. Postoffice address, Millers station, Linn rouuty. Oregon. Portrait Photographer IStudio corner of Second and Ferry PALACE MEAT MARKET James V. PiPE.Prop. First Street .... Albany The best variety of choice beef.veal.mutton, pork sausage, etcinjthe city kepttconstantly n hand.) ' Cash paid for all kind ock."SJ OF ALBANY, OREGON. president, Lr. Flinn. VICE-PRESIDENT S. E. YOUng, cashier. G.E.Chamberlain, mRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING X BUSINESS. Accounts kept Bubject to check. Sifjhc Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer sola on New York, Ghieairo, San Francisco and Portland, Oregon. Collections made on favorable terms. S. E. You L. Fuss L. E. ttl.AIV W. E. TURRELL Geo. E. Cuambrrlain. Smoke Estrellas. SUCCESSORS TO HENRY SUSENSJ House and Carriage Painters, -Dec rat or s and Paper llansei Piano varnishing a specialty. All work promptly attended to. C'ountrv work solicited. WANTED. We w'f!l pay 40 cents per roll for lioicee shippin:: butter. Thompson eV: Waters. Fresh butter at Kenton's. Geo.Vassa o&Co GENERAL NEWS. A New Means of Telenraplnng to be Patented HKE.tT ClIMIS NAN EA. Iadian Raid Kore Floods Suiciding Judge William and the Sultan East ern Hews Items. The Herald's Special Dispatches. Washington, Aug. 4. Prof1 Elisba Gray lias obtained the letters patent for an instrument called tel-autograph, of signt'd ior transmitting messages by wire by sending in his own handwriting, doing away with skilled operators. This invention is based on the dis covery of a new principle in con trolling the electric current, where by a pulsatory current is produced. AIL previous attempts to transmit handwriting have been based on the use of a variable current. NOTEDSft'IKtTSMAK DEAD. .John' Robljtsoii.SthefYeteran? Show taH, Dies at Claciunatn Cincinnati, Aug. 4. John Rob inson, the veteran showman, died this morning, aged 80 years. He has spent almost his whole life in the management of circuses. He has been superceded by his sons for a few years past, who have amassed large fortunes. The Imdian Scare. Washington, Aug:. 4. The fol lowing telearram was received at the war department this morning from General Howard in reference to the firing at the sub-agency near San Carlos, Arizona : "ban trait cisco The following lias just been received from General Miles at Fort Thomas: Everything is re r-orted ouiet at the porter's. The firing was anions the Indians and not intended to disturb any one at tne suiD-.igeney. More Bodies Recovered. New York, Aug. 4. Three more bodies have been found in the burned tenement district one wo man and two men. Ihe remains were unrecognizable. Shortly af ter noon another leaa houv was discovered in the building, that of a man, but it was uurecognizable Among the bodies recognized at the morgue to-day was that of Jen ny Marks, a tailoress. ;:rrett Seriously lit. New York, Aujr. 4. A Roch- field special savs that Robert Gar rett, ex-president of the Raltimon ik Ohio road, has suffered a re lapse of his old nervous trouble and has gone to his residence nea Baltimore. It is believed that a long term of complete rest will be be necessary to fully restore him. The Sultan t ongialiilaie William. Constantinople, Aug. 4. Mun rie Pacha, Turkish envoy to ier lin. has i resented the sultan's con gratulations to emperor William on nis accession to the throne, lie took to the emperor an autograph letter and a gold case set with bril liants and containing a smoking set. Daraase frni Floods. St. Petersburg , Aug. 4. The . . . . i , J, i . river v istuia nas overnoweu us banks and it inundated the coun try around Minsk. Many Iubibitnmts Hrwned; Prague, Aug. 4. The river Molthan continues to rise. The villages on its banks are sub merged and many inhabitants have been drowned. A Judge Smleldes. Worcester, (Miss.), Aug. 4. Hon. Adam Thayer, judge of probate for this countv, and a well known politician, committed sui cide to-day by cutting his throat with a razor. Temporary insanity is supposed to be the cause. A Serious tlooW. London, Aug. 4. The St, James Gazette's correspondent at Berlin says that in political circles the alliance between France and Italy is regarded to be of the most seri ous character. WeekiiBaktatement. New Y'ork, Aug. 4 Reserre decrease, $385,810. The banks now hold $20,950,375 in excess of the 25.per cent. rule. Queer tireunds for a Divorce. The ban Francisco Alta says: An old bachelor in Oakland, be ing well conditioned, wedded. After a week he and his wife agreed to a divorce. They bad not quarieled, but in his single days he had kept bachelor's hall, and still insists upon doing all the housework, because he likes his own way best. As the lady under stood that part of the work to be in her contract, she is determined to dissoive a partnership which oromises her a life of inactivity. We believe that no divorce was ever asked on such grounds be fore. On Iter Weridins Tour. Hueband. I want rooms for nivs'df and wife. "Hotel Clerk -Suite? Hustmnd Ot course she i? perfectly lovely. The sweetest 'rirl in America. litl. 1-OS.TAL ..EKYIt'E. Us (outinual .rovili in All i'arts of the Country. Wnsiiinyton Star. It is estimated at the Postoffice Department that the deficiency in the revenues ot the postal service of tbe fiscal year iust closed will be about 4,000,000. Last year the deficiency was something over $5,300,000. Owing to the cheap rates of postage, especially for newspapers, the bulk oi mail mat ter has increased at such a rate that the cost of the service ha immensely. yrowa ihe force of employes,espeiiauy in t-lar:-erHxi zapud., hatjuls the quantity of matter that daily comes pouring in . In some nstances the newspapers are not sent to the postoffice at all, but are weighed, and stamped at the omce of publication by some one au thorized to do the work, and the bags are sent directly to the rail road depots. If this were not done it is stated that some of tbe large postoffices would be over whelmed, and that it would be im possible to handle all the matter with any dispatch or accuracy. It is thought by the Postoffice officials that the statistics for the year just ended will show a large increase in the number of letters mailed. At present Eng land is the greatest letter-writing nation in the world. The annual ratio of increase in this class 1 mail matter is much greater in this country than in England, and, if the present rate continue.), in a tew years the United States wili stand at the head as writing more letters per capita than any other nation The bulk cf mail matter, or the number of pieces handled by the liniteo. States Postal Service, is now greater than any other country, but tins is mainly due to the ex tensive circulation ot the news papers. ! The Boston Boy at School. One boy was asked to define i common and proper noun. H wrote : "William is a proper noun and Billy is a common noun ." Another was told to write what he had learned in physiology. lie did thus: "The body is composed of three parts the head, the trunk acd the abdomen. The head contains the brains, if you have any. The abdomen contains the vowels a, e,i, o and u, ami sometimes w and y." The trunk contains the heart and lungs.'' What in the world the last bright bov wa- 'thinking of his eacher mav have been able to puz zle out, 'rat pivbal ly no one else however was can. The actual. answer, The rich man cannot enter the kingdom of Heaven, but he can have a thundering good time at the seashore. Lincoln Journal. Helping the Right !ilo. To help the right side is not only coiumend:il)le in a general p) it of view, hut is judicious ;ind prudent when tiiat help is enMstvd in behalf of the right side, of tbe bodv, just over the lower ribs in the i egiou of the liver. The most efiicient help is af forded by Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, an antt-billious medicine of incompar able efficacy. Inaction of the liver is accompanied by constipation, sick headache, furred tongue, nausea, occasional vertigo, an unpleasant hreath, yellowness of the skin and ball of the eye. The author of these, symptoms, liver comolaint, routed by the Bitters is accompanied by them in its flight. Fever and ague, 'which al ways involves tne liver, dysnepsia, rhenmutisnr debility and kidney troubles are all maladies to the early relief and final care of which this standard medicine is adapted. Don't use it by fits and starts, but system atically, that its eflee may result in a perfect restoration of health. Bridal rnderwear Rented Out. New York Sun. A matrimonial discovery on the East Side is that of a store kept by a woman who as "a feature of her business in ladies' underwear rents out the linen portion of bridal out fits. Site enables a girl of moder ate resources to go on a tour or to spend the honeymoon in town happ5r in the wearing of those portions of a trousseau as elegant as might content a Fifth-avenue belle. Fine textures, elaborate embroidery and all the whimsical frills known to lingerie are at her command on rental. At an outlay of $5 or $6 she can buy a month's use of these beautiful and soul satisfving garments. The pro prietor said that she was doing very well in that line. She had in stock a dozen outfits as cheap as $2 to as dear as $10 per month, and most of the time thev were bireu out. She altered them to fit her customers and freshened them by new embellishments as fast as they showed wear. The Ciiuse. Gszzam. Hello. ClunsoyoU are fao-ged out. What's the matter? Chmso Oh, nothingl A week's rest will set me up. Just back trom my vaction. Mclaughlin. Piaelieal Tailoring' Summer and full suits, and pants in -v.y style a speciality. Cleaning and re::i'r' .g promptly Attended to. .''.iin sired, Albany, Oregon. WHAT SHALL THE TARIFF BE. Cutting the tax from the sheep's white wool Cutting- the tax from the iilken snoo., Cm t. the tax from tiie cotton hose, Cutt:ng tne tax from Ensiish clothes; What shall tin tariff be'r Oh, what shall the tariff be: Lopping it off from the farmer's flax, Lopping it oft from the eutlei's ax, Loppint, it off from the weaver's web, Lwppintr it off from the skinner's thread; "Whatshail tlie tariti lie? Oh, what shall the tariff be? Paying: England for boots and shoes, Paying England f r all that we use, Starving our labor and shutting, our mills, Killing ourcominere with free trade bills; What shall tiie tariff bet Oh, what shall the u.rilf be? Host on Traveler. BT THB SEA. prririraamasiJp dashing, Aions the snore thry re splashing With ceaseless rhythmic crashing, And they tav, "Let us sprav." The holr forks are raising Their tents for pious praising: For sinners they'll be chasing, And they say, "Let us pray." Dowu by the briny waters The hustling hotei snorters Are fixing summer quarters And tney say, "Let ug prey." HinoKO I s DKU T, The best way to kill a falsehood is to iet it lie. Some discerning scientist has discovered that an editor seldom refuses to puff a good cigar. A young horse always goes fast er after being broken. It's the same with a ten-dollar hili. In a commercial sense dollars make pounds, but in the prize-rina: pounds make dollars. Some people object to laying up treasures in heaven for fear that they will never be in position to prove property. Ladies' dresses can now be made of paper, but one must feei cheap in paper covers. It is better to be bound in muslin. At a summer resort: Bella O, dear. What are v. e to do to-day without, a man on the grounds? Caiiic Let's get a boat and row around the buoy. Ed Do you love me, Lena Lena I think so. I dream of you every night. Ed What is your dream Lena? Lena I see you in Tiffany "s: looking at diamond rings. Mr. Talmage is of opinion that woman should be a ik wed to whis tle if she wuuic'o to.' Good : but suppose she be disposed to wet that whistle. Tnerc's the rub. Old lady (stopping open street car) Ye don't allow no smocking on this car, do je? Conductor Certainly, madam: take one. of the jack scats. Step lively, please. Iu the Sunday-school: Teacher What did Pharaoh do? Smail boy (.mpetuously) I know. It busted pa all to sticks last night. I heard him tell Mr. Jones 0. A new song is called "My Mother's Hand." We suspect it is a sequel to "Mamma's Slipper,"' and when introduced anions- the children "there is music in the heir." "Well, young man," said a sporting-goods dealer, "what can we do for you?" "Have you anr books on baseball"" "Yes" "Gi' me the'Rise and Fall of the Roman Umpire." The man who make an invest ment for the uurpose of getting something for nothing generally succeeds in gettiug something. In addition to getting leit he usually gets a little experience. "Interested in gerealogy?" he asked the St. Lonis young lady at the garden party, "I was," she said. "How far back did you go?" "Oh, until I found pa's uncle had lien hanged for horse stealing. A Mississippi woman fell into a millponu, and when she was res cued a ten-pound catfish was en tangled in her wire bustle. Her husoand wanted to set her again, but she would not consent. If Germany, Russia, France or any other power wants a war, why don't they walk up to tbe captain's office and plank down their money ? This growling around like a lot of tomcats is tiresome to outsiders. Woman(to tramp) You are a young man to be a piofessional tramp. Tramp Yes, madam ; but I was a bright child, I began drinking beer before I was 7 The girls of Indianapolis are generally kissiag Benjamin Harri son, and old General W. T. Sher man is ever in the Union Club, singing; "Backward, turn back ward, O Time in your flight,Make me a candidate, just for to-night." New Orleans Picayune. Cold Prize Shirt. The best white-shirt in the market at W. F. Head's; and don't forget that he proposes to give away a fine gold wctch with them. Call and investi gate if you ried a good shirt. Well Boring. F.. B. Davidson has sent for a ma chine for boring wells, and in a lew days will be ready to here wells any wbre in the eity,irom two to fourteeu inches in diameter, any depth. Detroit Free Press four months for 25 cents. Subscriptions for all ! the leading newspapers and maga zines reeeiyei by F. L. Kenton. 1 .H .. . m.m 1 v. f I. V - f'Y , : 5p' -ill m