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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1888)
I ' 1 i 17 11 tl kvH 1 1 I. i.rt i I. I I III I I '- IP GENTS A- WEEK. ALBANY. OREGON SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 'a 1838 Julius Joseph Manufacturer of Choice Cigars j AND DEALER IN FlrNE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Cigars, Plug and Smoking Tobaccos, Meerrchaum and Briar Pipes, and; full line ot smokers' Articles. Also dealer in CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL IFRUITS. Next door to Burkhart A Kuenoy's Real Estate'Oftice, Albany The Red i 'TWEEDALE Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Pumps, i.-on pipe, rubbor hose and plumbing goods. Sole agents for the celebrated "Early Breakfast" cook stoves and.ranges, and "Faultless" parlor heating stoves. Albany, Oregon. WILL Dealers in all Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs. Pianos, ; A full Line of Sheet music, musical merchandise,amimmition, fish ing tackV, etc. Warranted razors, butcher and pocket knives. The best kinds of sewing machines NEEDLES, OIL and Extras for all 31 A CHIXES j LINN COUNTY ACEKTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Repairing of sewing machines, musical instruments, guns, etc., neatly done California, "the Land o 'CI l5J- -TA5rt t- ?Wtq COU GH $ m- a ai m him m m w ii -Jfi i ro f) ch it i sc&& rvE UHOS rrSoid .n CnmSk Scjor circular.?' KrMW3lpT9- HivU Vol; a ;oL,l in the head wnich doe secreio of mucus or matter in the nasal jassasres which either must be blown from the nose trflrop back Dehind the palate, or hawked or snuffed backard to the throat? Are loled nv nawiiiiig-, spittinir, wesut ana THE ON.LY- 1TAJTi '(Jd AH AN CATARRH ABlETINEfvenVnRnvni.r corroilinir iirci rnvp th. mmiLtir... ,..;tv.l.. As every breath drawn into the lungs must jass over and become polluted by the reliev tions in the nasa! passisie?, it must necessarily follow that poisoning of the whole secrc jrradually tckts place, while the morbiii matter is swallowed durinc: the sleep stem into the stomach, enfeebles digestion, and often' produces dvs-pepsia, and fiiialh;reatapse8 lty, nervousness and consumption. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. If yon have experienced any of the abovesvmptoms do not delav. but fry Caliporni Cat-R-Curk at once. We positively uarant etg a few applic itions relieve and a thoroueh" treatment to cure. S-x months treatment for SI. 00: sent by mail Saata Abie and at-K- ure. For Sale by mm M,000 GIVEN" AWAY! In proilts will besriven to cu&tomersetweerthis date'andJJanuaryl.'lSSO. sit the store of WM. SIMPsON . V'ho is selling an immense bankruptstock of;il merchandise at cost. Call and see ihc icoods on his 5, Id, 15, M '2 .uui tent counters. His store is" keadquarters for bi-: bargains. Children Cry for (Successor to E. W. Langdon' DEALER IN- Brags, Paints, Oils, Perfumery and toilet articles, also a fun line of books and stationery, periodicals, etc. J5gf" Prescriptions carefulh compounded IN ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, Albany Oregon Front. & HOPKINS. tare, Copperware? BROS the leading EUREKA The motto of California means "I avc found ii." Only in that land of unshir.e, where tthe orang emo .mi grape hloom and riptn a attain heir highest perfection in mid-winter, ire the herbs anil gum found that arc ?ed in that pleasant lernedv for al! hroal and lung troubles, Santa Abib he rule of coughs, asthma, and con-iumpti-n. t'oli:ij A Mason, of Al- anv Oregon, have been appointed uansuai psi'fo his valhle California rem- dy, and sell it under a guarantee at 1 bottehree for S2 r". FOR SALE BY ALBAKY OREGON . not ret better: Have you an excessive mnamea eves, irwiueni. Bureuese ui tuc uiruai,, 'ringing or roaring in me ears, mure ur M'.css impairment of the hearing, loss o smell, memory impaired, dullness cr dizziness of the head. dryness.or heat of nose? Have you iost ail sense of smell? Have you a hacking couch? Have you djspepfia? Is your breath foul? If so you havb the Catarrh. Some have al these symptoms, others only a part. The leading symptom of ordinary ca tarrh is increased secretion of mucus of yellcw or greenish colored matter. Foul breath is caused by the decora posing: secretions exuded from festering ulcers far back in the head; ometimes TEED the membrane covering the bones is eaten away and the bones themselves gradually decay. Such eases ar in deed objects of pity, as stench from n lJ Mbany. Oregon Pitcher's Castoria. Mscovenes i Tiic AlbanyBakery ! S Uuder the uev management of Parker Bros. -WHO KEEP A fuil line of choice family grocer es and provision Canned Pineapples, Choice TaMe Delicacies Ornamented cakes for Wcthi runs arid Parties. Salmon bellies, mackerel.and salt'fis-h of all kinds, j FRESH r BAKED BREAD JbCvcrv Dav. Best STan. Pies. Cakes. TEAS and COFFE andies INuts, Raisins. Ji CANNED i,uODS, ETC. a ne best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars 45?" At John Fox's old ?! and low Fl'nns iew brick. T. J. OVERMAN AHENT FOR THE AS'Has on hand a line of new and second andwheels. Send for Cital HAVING SOLD AN INTEREST IN in harness business to T. J. Overman, I am desirous of collecting all my outstanding notes and accounts. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle The business will be continued as usual at the same please. E. L THOMPSON. Albany, Feb. 22. LIVE uruiture Dealer IN A Live T&wfa. This is what' Albany is at present, and in order to keep pace with the lively times in this city, W. H. Wil lard has enlarged his store and stock ;o that he now has the most complete and desirable line of furniture in the vallev. His double salesrooms In Fro- man's block are tilled with an eleffant assortment of new furniture, consist in r of lounces in new naterns. fine srold picture frames, willow chairs, easy rocKers, marble tables, brackets, etc., etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true in every re spect. J University of Oregon ! "EUGENE CITY1 Next session hegins ou Monday, the 17th of September, 1SS8. t ree scholarships from every county in the state. Applv to your cuntv superintendent. Four c.u-ses: Classical. ik-ientitic,Literarv a..d a short English course in which ther is no Utin, Greek, French or German. Th i.tighsli is pre-iminent!v a r.uiness Course lor cala'.oguej or other information, address W". JOHNSON, President. TninvrnW mlllWUW Safeties. Mast mm I w odin TP rS)(0Mn Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvel of purity, strength and wliolesonieness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competi tion with multitude of low testshort weisjht alum or phosphate powders. Sold onlv in cans, Kotai, Bakin 'ow- der Co., 10rt Vall st; N. Y. 4TTOKVEVS. DR. N. r,L.ACKI5lR?f, ATTORNEY AT . Law, Albany, Oregon. - Otfice in Odd bellows Temple. ' Vill practice in all courts of the slate, and give special attention to all business. WOLVEKTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY at Law, Albany, ur. OthVc in rooms 15 and 14, Foster's lllock, over L. E. Wain's st or . T K. WEATHOKFORD. ATTORNEY 'AT I Jaw, Albany, ... ..... i Fellow's Temple. Will practice in alljthc courts o: inesiuie, anu give special aueniion lIIVSUIAS. W. UASTON, PHYSICIAN AM) l R , geon, Albany, Oreinr. Mil. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN AND St'Rr . gcon, Albar.y, Oregon. p C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND ol lJ J. geon Albany, Oregon, office over Gnui wolil's store. Otiice hours, from 6 A. M. to 4 p. M. REVERE HOr.SE, ALBANY, OR. CHAS. Pfeiffer, Prop. Only first-eclass house in the city. Larife sample rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General stage otfii-e for Corvallis. MRS M. E. McCOY. SI. D.HOMQ50P.V l H IC physiciitii. oilioe and residenco oorner of First and Baker streets, Albany, Or. Chronic diseases a specialty. Consultation free. Of Bee hours: 10 to 12 a. M and 2 to 5 P. M. Dii K koLIiEWAY, VETERINARY'Sl'll geon, Albany, Oregon. -Graduate of GerJ man and American colleges. M"AI.!M f.i: iV. V.OOIIU ARD, liOMKOPATIIif I'll Y sieiaiiti and .surgeons, obstetrics treat ment of chronic di.-eai-es of women and children a specialty. All calls promptly at tended to dav or night. Oliice in the Kline block. H EWERT, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKE , and jeweler, Aibany, Oregon, Magnolia Flour. I1HE BEST MAGNOLIA FLOUR DEI.IV J. ered to anv part of the eitv, for per sack. " JOHN A CRAWFORD. nlSodtf Laud Snrvejlns. PART1KS IiESIKINO SfRVKYlSG DNK CAN OH. tain accurate and prompt work by calling upon ex-county surveyoi b. T. T. Fisher. He has complete copies of field not es and town ship lats, and is prepared to do surveying in any part of Linn county. Postoffice address, Millers station, Linn couuty, Oregon. For Mnle. A JUMP SEAT BUGGY, SUITABLE FOR one or two horses. This buggy is as good as new. An exceptional oppoitunity for a bargain. For cash down or on time or for sheep. Call scon D. M. JONES, Aibany, Oregon. Portrait 4s Photographer "Studio corner of Second and Ferry PALACE MEAT MARKET James V FirE,Frop. Flrnt Street - - - Albany The best variety of choice beef,veal,nratton, pork sausage, etcii the city keptjconstanuy in hand. ' Cash paid for all kind oek."$J SUCCESSORS TO HENRY SUSENs Home and t arrlase Painters, Dec rators and Paper Mansers ' Piano varnishing a specialty. All work promptly ' attended to. Countrv work solicited. OF AIBANY. OREGON.' president, L. Flinn .J VICE-PRESIDENT S. E. Young, cashier. G,E.Chanjberlain, mDiveirT A GEKSRAL BANKING J. BUSI NESS Aecoanta kept subject to check. Sight Exstanpe and Telegraphic Transfer Bold or.sewi", ""ami, an Francisco and l ortland.Oregon. Collections made on favorable terms- S.E. You -' L. Fl-iss L. E. W' E- leRRB: l Geo. E. Chamberlain.-; Miicke Estrellas. THE FIRST NATIONAL GEJNERxVL JS'EWS. i More of the New York Emigra tion Fraud. KACE HOUSE A.M iilUKtt KILLED. Masked Men Hold Up the Redding Stage and lak the Kail and Express Ban- - - , ..v. dall's Coaditioa. The Herald's Special Dispatches. - New York, J uiy rWhen tli.e fon r comrtsssnf it; who are in veetii gatinr the emigration affairs of the country, assembled to-day, Paul Wolff, the Washington correspond ent of the Mew York taats Zeitnng took tbe witness stand and stated that some years ago be was informed that there were several societies in German', and espe cially in Bavaria, formed for the purposo ot sending discharged criminals to this country. The witness laid his information before Assistant Secretary of .State Porter and Hut gentleman wrote to the American consul at Munich on the subject, who replied in December, 1SS5, that there were no such societies. The witness then read extracts from the reports of one of these societies, showing that in 18S3 twenty-seven discharged convicts were sent to this country by the societies. The report said that the worse the men and the larger families they have the belter they are to send to America. The witness said the societies are not government affairs, but the royal counsellor Bauer is president and prince regent Luitpold is an honorary president of one society. In 18S(iHhe report is more cautious ly worded, but shows that out of 15,000 marks expended nearly half was used to assist emigrants to come to America. At this point Mayor Hewitt interrupted the proceedings to shake hands with the members ot the committee and urged upon them an invitation to spend Sunday night with him at his countrv seat. When he left the examination proceeded. A IIATKI KACE. A Horse Falls and kills His Kidrr and lliniseir. Saratoga, July 2S. In the fifth race to-day, a steeple chase, War rington, the lavorite, fell at the first hedge and jolles ove? Morris, his rider, - The man and horse lay unconscious for some moments, after which the horse rose and slowly dragged his unconscious rider a few feet by the reins which were wrapped around the man's hands. Morris Mas fatallv in jured. Hi-? back is believed to be broken. Beechmoore won bv halt a length ; Abraham, second; Kii- larney, tiiird ; no time. Later. Warrington's back was injured. Mr. Morris is dead. His former partner, Mr. llarwood, was killed at Sheepshead City last fall. RA.I.4LL rO.IDlTlVK. lie leaves MaithiuKion Miih Ills " Family for the Country. Washington, July 28. Randall and his family left Washington this morning for their country home at Wayne Station. Pennsyl vania, in hopes that the fresh country air will have the effect of increasing the patient's strength. Randall was taken to the station in a carriage, the blinds of which were closely drawn. He was ac companied by Dr. Mallan,who will attend him to his home, when Dr. Martin, who was unable to ac company the patient, will take charge of the case. BOLD STAB BOBBERY. Masked Men Hold Hp the Bedding Stase. Eeddlng. JulV 28. The Red ding and Big Valley stage was rob bed this morning by masked men, on the Ballskin Hill, twenty-five miles from Redding. ' The mail and express box were taken. No passengers were aboard. Dan I)e- forrest was driving the stage,wnicn was coming this waj The Ashland Tidings says : Mr. F. A. Watts, of Shedd, Linn county, who bought the Hammond fruit tract of Dr. Helm last week will close out all his property interests in Linn county and come to Ash land to reside, finding the climate here much more desirable for him thai that, of th Willamette. Ha has bought two fine lots facing the Boulevard in Hunsaker'8 addition, and will build a handsome dwell ing this season. Mr. Hunsaker is also making preparations to build a fine houBe for himself. According to a Pendleton paper the citizens of that town have discovered a new method of accomplishing a mountain trip. It says: "The fam ilies of I. Hansom, Joe Murphy, and I. King are camping out a mile above the bridge, these gentlemen going there every eveuing to spend the night, and returning in the morn ing. They report that the arrange ment is equal to anv mountain excur sion, and is much more ennvenient. S. G. Caudle, ex-county surveyor of Columbia county, and for many years a resident of St. Helens, left o:i Wednesday for the mineral springs of Arkansas, where he g es in hope that the waters may restore his fail ing health. ; THE PE0PL.'g PALACE Work on t be Creat Strnrtaie Kearlj l i - Completed. . .v' North 'American Review. - On the 14th of May, 18S7, the newly built central hall of the Peo ple's Palace; in East London, was opened by the Qneen ij the midsl; of an - immense ' concourse ' of people. The opening of the hall was. in fact, the opening of the People's Palace itself, because; with the aid of tem porary buildings and sheds, the scheme of the trustees was immediately com menced, and has been carried on com plete in nearly all its parts, though fettered as yet for want of room. The palace, as it stands at present, coiisists'only of' the temporar'y-'shtds and the central hall. Externally the hall is hideous ; but then it is the core of the whole palace, and its ex terior will be invisiole when the whole is buiit. This hall, which is capable of holding 6000 people at a pinch, is well proportioned and lotty ; at oue end stands an orgau and a platform for the use of the singers and performers at concerts ; a spa cious galleiy is buut on either side ; a statue of the queeu stacds over the entrance ; the sides are adorned with statues of queens and princesses of Great Britain and Ireland ; uuder the gallery are temporary bookshelves, for at present the hall is the library, and the body ot the room is provided with tables and seats for readers and hundreds of papers from all parts of the world. At the upper end under the platform is the table where the librarians two ladies sit to advise the readers, to receive and give out the books. The place is always well filled. On Sundays especially, when the librarian's work is done by vol unteers, it is crammed with orderly and quiet readers, who find here a place for rest and reading. The open ing of the place on Sunday, although fiercely resisted by local bigots, has proved an unmixed blessing and boon to the people. At the back of the hill the library is rapidly rising. It is an octagonal domed room, with book accommoda tion for 250,000 volumes. A present the library contains no more than 8000 volumes, but it is rapidly grow ing. The ante-rooms of the library will be given over entirely for the use of the girls who form the "lviy members." They will then have all to themselves, uuder the government of their own committee, their own music-room, tea-room, reading and writing-room and conversation-room. At the back of the library stands a long, two-storied building. This was formerly the doromitory of. thfe school and alms-bouses which ased tq occupy the site. Fortunately this blick was oot pulled down, anu it is now, pend ing the completion of the building, used for class-rooms. The other buildings are a long cor rugated iron structure used for the ex hibitions, an iron-building, which con tains a gymnasium perfectly fitted up with all the modern appliances, a billiard-room furnit-hed with half a dozen billiard and bagatelle tables in it, and a reireslniient-room. inere are also the secretarial offices, a small ladies' room" fitted up for the girls, and the Palace Joarnal office. When the whole building is com pleted these temporary buildings will disappear. The palace will contain in itself every! hing, namely : Social rooms, club-rooms, billiard-rooms, lecture-rooms, reading-rooms, apart from the Queen's hall ; class-rooms capable of accommodating an immense num ber of students : chemical and physi cal labratoiies, and all the machiniry of a great technical college and palace of debght. The Sort of a Woman to nave. Rosebuxg Review. Mrs. Sol Abraham went on a visit to Glendale last week. While there the cook for the mill bands (about 40 in all) was taken sick, and no one else being available to do the cooking, one of two things had to be dot e, either the mill had to be shut down, or Mrs. Abraham had to take charge of and manage the culinary department- This she was competent to, and, doffing her visiting attire, don ned a Bridgets dress with white apron rolled up her sleeyes, and as an Ore gonian would, say, "pitched in" and furnished their meat in due season, (bread, vegetables, coffee, etc., thrown in) and so the mill runs on full time. Wherei we ask, is the woman of Mrs. Abraham's wealth and social 'stand ing and at her age that would soil her . hande to prevent a loss in her husband's business, even, nsder such circustsnces. But Mrs. A. is equal to every emergency. She can grace the parlor, fill the president's chair or cook for a logging camp. She's the sort of a woman - to have. Solomon made a wise choice. An Ancient Volcano. Baker City Reveille. In the Pocahontas range oi mountains west of this city, there is a peak, which from appearances was seme day either a volcano or that its neculiar shape is due to volcanic raptions. Its top is the same fehape of Mount Hood, sever al times parties claim that smoke was seen issuing from it. A parcy is being ojganized to thoroughly examine and explore the mountain within the next week. Another Strike. Baker City Reveille: Some strangers, who have been prospecting for quartz in ths bald hills east of town, have struck a large body of free-milling go'd ore just across Powder river from the town of Haines. Samples of ers have been crushed in a moctor and prove very rich. An arastra will be erected at onee ; the work of taking out the gold will commence shortly. There is a large body of good ore east of the city which will yet be uncovered! ST. ASTHOII'S SEBK0HS.' ' - :. AX OLD A12FUF1K9.. . :vw - ' ". Sa-:nt, Anthony preached to ttarMttrtoBty-Iyl?! Saint Anthony's 8ermons;w.ere terfibTy.; lontr, ' So dreary, so weary, so learnedly deep' : -' . That all the Bi others were soon list asleep, ' , He sighed as he looked at them, placid and ' still, . - . ;- ' '-"r For he loved his own senoons, as - soma pe- '' pie will. v . : .-. - . . .;'-. '. . He stood on the brink and his serinoo began, 'r -But fish are so fonder of sermons than' man.-- - , .'' So he girt up his cassock, quoth he,-r"l most ' . s-c : v-vV : Tcsee if they'll listen to me down below." .. '..: That nhrht as the monk in refectory sat ': y - r -v, J They wondered and' asked what the saint i ' J ; could beat, - ' . ' .' .' f When a younger brother said as he bent o'er ; j his dish: : ' ' " "lie has gone to the river to preach to the- Vi . So down to the river they started in quest. And peered through the water with curious zest. Till they spied in the bed of the rivet below The saint and the fish sitting row upon row. And 'tis said everi Miice that historical night Not a fish in that stream can be tempted to bite; The reason's as plain as the waters are deep Saint Anthony's sermons have sent them to sleep. HOieROlii UK I FT. Happiness is only a relative, and some people find that it is a distant rel'itive indeed. If you don't want to be robbed of your good name don't haye it engrav ed on your umbrella. "Well,,' said an undertaker, "I am not much of a fighter, but when it comes to boxing I can easily lay out any man." Miss Ethel But surely, Clara, you wouldn't marry a man for his money? Miss Clara Certainly not, er that is unless he was an old man. A recently published book on eti quette says : "Endeavor to select your guests with a sense of fitness." That is, do not invite a fat man to a slim dinner. "When I look at the congregation," ssid a London preacher, "I say, 'where are the poor ?' When I count the of fering in the vestry, I say, 'where are the rich ?' " A St. Louis physician has cured woman of chronic nervousness by compelling her to spend four weeks in a boiler factory, where she couldn't hear herself talk. "Well. Edith, did Mr. Lambrequin make you an offer of his hand last evening?" "No, mamma; he's so shy, you know has never got any farther than offering me his arm, s far." The phonograph is the most polite machine in the world. It receives Ions speecne6 without a murmer, and t with uo aigu o being boredy aud crank can make it run. She I'd love to see my name in print just once. He Well, darling, marry me. She But then it would be in twice, you know. Ouce for the wedding and once for the divorce. The latest "victim of tobacco" is a sad case, indeed. He is 70 years old, has smoked for 60 years, and last week married a woman four years his senior. looacco tmoKinj anecteu his brain. Customer (in restaurant) I say, waiter, how about that broiled spring chicken ? 1 ordered it half an hour ago. Waiter Yes, sahj; be here in a minute. Dat spnus chicken died yery hard, sah. She Ralph, why did you send me a little red flag to-day ? Ralph (a re jected and dejected suitor) I beg you wul wear it as a signal ot c anger. You know, I would not like to see the other fellows suffer as I do now. If ever thers was a victim of mis placed confidence in this self-seeking world it is the man who imagines he is making the congregation believe he is wide awake while he is taking a little nap in church. The cooling effect of ice is actually dependent upon its melting, as in this process the heat which causes it to melt is absorbed from the surround ing bodies. A pound of ice. in melt ing, will absorb sufficient heat to cool a pound of water from 174 F. to the freezing point, or to cool 142 pounds of water one degree. The heating power of steam is due to the converse of this principal. A pound ef water converted into steam and passed into a radiator will,; upon condensing, give out enough heat to raise one pound of water, or about 4.2 pounds of air, from 32" to 1,004. Els teen Years Over the Century. There is living six miles north west of Flandreau county. Dakota, an Indian woman by name of Han nah Weston (Centanwinua). At present she is living with her sixty-five-vear grandson. She claims to have been six years old when the Revolutionary war broke out,, which would make her about 118 years of age. She tells that her father was a chief, and fought with the English at the time. She wears a silver medal, which is three inches in diameter,and nearly ne-fourth of an inch in thickness; on one side of the medal is a por trait ot King George III. The medal was presented to her father by the King's agents at the time, and she piiz 8 it very highly; money cannot buy it. She is totally blind, and has been for a number of years ia considerably emaciated, and th wrinkles upon her face are finger deep. Otherwise she enjoys good health,and is a heavy eater North west Magazine. Br. rorterfield, the Rnptnr Spec ialist. Closes his engagement in Albany on Mondav evening, July JOth. ... Until that "time those needing his services can find him at rooms 26 and "27, Russ House. . 1. - V - 4 . ..- -.